Classes in the senior group of the Primroses kindergarten. Lesson notes: Plants in spring

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 4 of the combined type of the city of Boksitogorsk"

Abstract of GCD

in the older group

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"


Developed and carried out:

senior teacher

Ponomareva L.A.


Goal: To arouse interest in the awakening nature of spring.

1. Introduce spring changes, give an idea about primroses.

2. Continue introducing children to unconventional technology images - plasticineography, learn to create an expressive image by conveying volume and color.

3. Strengthen children’s skills in working with plasticine - rolling, flattening, smearing the material used on the base, smoothing finished surfaces.

4. Strengthen children’s skills in working with salt - apply glue, sprinkle with salt, let it soak, shake off the salt onto a tray.

5. Develop fine motor skills hands

Equipment and materials: removable media with presentation, thick cardboard, set of plasticine, stack, modeling board, hand napkins, illustration of a snowdrop and diagram, glue, salt, trays.

Preliminary work: learning chants and poems about spring, asking and solving riddles about spring and spring phenomena, drawing spring and primroses, watching presentations, reading fiction.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful spring day it is today, nature is waking up from sleep, the mood is cheerful. How many guests have come to us today, let's say hello to them.

Invented by someone simply and wisely,

When meeting, greet “Good morning!”

"Good morning!" - To the sun and birds,

"Good morning!" - smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting!

AND Good morning will last until the evening!

Guys, we received a video letter, let's see who it is from?

Children: Let's go.

Slide 1. Educator: From whom the letter came we will find out by guessing the riddle

Slide 2.

I come with goodness

I breathe warmth

Red in the light of the sun,

And my name is... (spring).

Slide 3. Spring. Audio recording:

Vesna: Hello guys. I’m glad that you recognized me, how nice it is to meet beautiful, kind and smart kids.

Spring: But I would like to know, do you know what the three spring months are called? Name them. (pause)

Children: March, April, May.

Spring: And do you know the signs of spring?

Spring: Name the signs of spring. (pause)

Children: The sun is shining more often and brighter, the snow is melting, streams are running, the first thawed patches appear on the ground, drops are ringing, the sky has become blue, white clouds are floating across it.

Vesna: Guys, you are great, observant, and have already noticed the signs of my arrival. And therefore I invite you to go to the spring forest. And watch the awakening of nature.

Close your eyes together

Get ready for the path

And repeat after me

Doo-doo-doo - I'm walking along the path,

Ta-ta-ta - that's what beauty is,

Su-su-su - we found ourselves in the forest.

Slide 4. Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is here. What fresh air, let's breathe it in.

Breathing exercises.

Educator: Pay attention to the sounds of the forest, to changes in nature: Slide 5. the sun is shining brightly, the sky is blue, Slide 6. snow is melting, Slide 7. streams run Slide 8. merry drops are ringing, Slide 9. Ice melts and cracks on rivers and lakes. This phenomenon is called ice drift, Slide 10. the buds swell Slide 11. The first thawed patches appear.

Children: speak and answer questions.

Slide 12. Educator: To get to the spring meadow, we need to solve riddles. Ready?


Flowers look like snowflakes

Like snowflakes, white and light,

Like snowflakes, graceful, beautiful,

The breeze blows under your control.

Slide 13.(Anemone)

Slide 14. At the snow-covered hummocks,

under a white snow cap,

We found a little blue flower,

Half frozen, barely alive.

Slide 15. (Hepwood)

Slide 16. Yellow, white, blue;

They grow empty on the ground.

Spring has tricks:

Bloomed... Slide 17.(crocuses).

Slide 18. Golden petals

Fragile stem.

Bloomed by the river

Sunny flower.

Just a cloud came

The petals shrank.

On green stems -

Round lumps.

Slide 19.(Coltsfoot)

Slide 20. The very first, the thinnest

There is a flower with a gentle name,

Like a ringing drop of hello,

It's called.....

Slide 21.(Snowdrop)

Slide 22. Educator: Guys, let's remember what flowers grew in the spring meadow ( 1,2,3,4,5 ), how can you call them in one word?

Children: Primroses. ( 6 )

Educator: What great fellows we are. We named all the signs and solved the riddles, and now the time has come to start dancing. During the round dance, quickly get up and sing along to the song.

Physical exercise “Round dance” ( audio recording)

Slide 23. Spring: Oh guys, you made me so happy, I liked your round dance so much that I want to show you one amazing clearing where my favorite flowers grow. Snowdrops. Guys, it’s time for us to part ways, you to kindergarten, and me to spring affairs.

Close your eyes together

Get ready for the path

And repeat after me

Doo-doo-doo - I'm walking along the path,

Ta-ta-ta - that's what beauty is,

Doo-doo-doo - we found ourselves in the garden.

Slide 24. Educator: Guys, while we were singing and dancing in kindergarten, we already found ourselves. OH trouble, trouble, trouble.

We visited the forest,

But the bouquet was not collected.

These are the first flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

I'll go to the clearing

And I’ll pick snowdrops,

I’ll bring them to the group for you,

Such beauty.

Children: Flowers cannot be picked, they are listed in the Red Book, they will wither without their bulb, nature cannot be destroyed.

Educator: What should we do, what should we do, how can we preserve the memories of snowdrops.

Children: Take a photo, draw, sculpt, make an applique….

Educator: Look, Spring left us some clues, what are they?

Children: Photo and diagram.

Educator: Why do you think this particular flower was called “snowdrop”?

Children: Because it grows from under the snow.

Review the prepared material and diagram.

The teacher explains how to do the work.

1. Stems. At the beginning of the work, roll three thin long sausages from green plasticine and secure them to the base, outlining the future composition (the stems can be positioned straight, they can be of different heights, with an inclined upper part).

2. Leaves. Snowdrop leaves are of two types: large, elongated, located at the base of the stems, and small - at the top of the stem.

Large leaves. Roll out a long, thick green sausage, divide it into three parts in a stack, flatten each one in turn with your fingers, sharpen on both sides, then place the leaves at the bottom of the stems, flatten, and secure to the base.

Small leaves. They are carried out on the same principle as large leaves, only smaller in size. Place the finished leaves at the top of the stems and lightly press them to the base, without flattening them too much.

3. Flowers. First, roll a pea from green plasticine and flatten it at the end of the upper part of the stem; you will get a part of the plant called a sepal, which connects the flower and the stem.

Next, start making snowdrop petals: roll up a white (blue) sausage, divide the stack into three equal parts, each pointing at the ends, like leaves. Arrange a flower from the finished petals as follows: connect two petals with the tips at the sepals, and tilt the upper tips to the right and left, place the third petal between the first two in the center and lightly press it to the base, without flattening it too much.

Now let’s apply glue and sprinkle generously with salt, and while the work dries, let our fingers rest:

Warm-up for fingers “Flower”:

Increased delicate flower in the meadow,

(Arms in a vertical position, palms pressed together,

round your fingers.)

On a spring morning I opened the petals.

(Spread your fingers to the sides)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

(Rhythmic movement of fingers together and apart.)

Together they grow roots underground.

(Place your palms with the backs of your hands on the table, spread your fingers)

Finished works are posted on the board.

Children: “Snowdrops”, Ladonshchikov

The sun has warmed the Christmas tree,

Pines and deadwood.

They entered the clearing boldly

The first snowdrops.

Straightened up, blossomed

These days are spring

Children of the tender earth -

To everyone's surprise.

They stand on a thawed patch,

They sway in the wind,

Like stars they burn,

They smile at the forest.

Lesson summary

Educator: Look what wonderful snowdrops we got. Now snowdrops will delight us all year round. Where did we go today and what did we see? Did you like it?

Summary of a lesson on ecology in the senior group.

Theme: "Primroses"

Target : Clarify and expand ideas about the first flowers of spring; teach to admire growing flowers, see and perceive their beauty, take care of the beautiful creations of nature; strive to evoke a feeling of gratitude to nature for giving us wonderful flowers; bring up aesthetic taste, respect for nature.

Material: Audio cassette “Sounds of Nature”, cards with images of flowers, Gnome doll.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, I promised you a new journey. Ready? Today we will go to the spring forest and meadow, and the Gnome will help us with this. Here he is (the teacher puts the doll on his hand and speaks on his behalf)

Hello guys! Guess what I brought you? (Game “Yes - No”)

Is this man-made? ( No)

Is it natural? (Yes)

This animal? (No)

Is this a plant? (Yes)

Is it high? (No)

Is this low? (Yes)

This indoor plant? ( No)

This is a forest plant(Yes)

Is it beautiful? (Yes)

This is flowers? (Yes)

Educator. Guys, today, on this joyful spring day, we will talk about flowers. Not just about flowers, but about primroses.

How do you understand this word? (Children's answers)

That's right, these are the flowers that bloom first in the forest and meadow in the spring. First spring flowers! How we rejoice at them! Each flower excites us with its modesty, beauty, and delights us with its purity and delicate aroma. (Look at the illustrations.)

What were the first flowers the Dwarf saw in the forest? (Snowdrops, corydalis, lily of the valley, violet, scilla.)

Snowdrop. Its blue flowers, like stars, are scattered across the snow. First, second, and here is the whole family. They are tender, fragrant, the first scouts of spring. The very first, the bravest. It seems that it is them, tiny ones, not afraid of the cold, that winter gets scared of and leaves.


Snowdrop peeked out

In the twilight of the forest -

Little scout

Sent in the spring;

Let it still be above the forest

The snows rule,

Let the sleepy meadows lie under the snow;

Let on the sleeping river

The ice is motionless -

Once a scout came,

And spring will come.

(E. Serova)

In winter, the branches of the trees are bare, there is no shade in the forest, and all the sun goes to the snowdrops.

At the height of the snowdrop bloom, any clear night can result in frost. And in the morning pale frost will fall on the young grasses, and the small puddles will be covered thin ice, but blooming snowdrops are not afraid of such frost. They will only droop slightly, and the blue of the petals seems to become even thicker from the night cold.

Physical exercise.

The recording “Snowdrop” is playing. Children imagine themselves as snowdrops, boldly break through the thin ice, reach for the sun and light, are surprised at the awakened forest, greet all the inhabitants and rejoice in spring.

Did you enjoy being snowdrops? How did you feel?

A little later, corydalis bloom in the forest. In some places there are so many of them that even snowdrops don’t have enough space. They all look alike. Only occasionally among the lilac corydalis are bright red ones. Here it is, nature is a sorceress! Decorated the forest with a flower carpet.

Generous spring steps with its warm feet and gives various gifts. The forest has a carpet of snowdrops and corydalis, the meadow has a motley carpet of meadow flowers.

What flowers did the Dwarf see on the meadow carpet? (Mother and stepmother, meadow buttercup, meadow geranium, dandelion, etc.)

There’s a slight smell of spring, and in the thawed patches, heaps of pale stems—tadpoles—appear, huddling together like frightened kids. Maybe to keep them warmer? But they are dressed well in floral fashion: from head to toe, covered in fluffy leaf scales.

In each family, the mother and stepmother have four, or even six little brothers. This flower is amazing! In the morning it opens with the sun, and in the evening it hides its beauty and closes. One side of the sheet - the mother - is warm, the other - the stepmother - is cold.

What flowers bloom makes the carpet in the meadow seem golden? ( From dandelions.)

What does a dandelion look like? (On the sun, on a golden ball, on a star, on a brooch, etc.)

Herons nest in the reeds,

The sleepy river sleeps,

The sun splashed the drops

To the river banks.

The droplets became flowers,

Lighted up everything around!

In a new yellow sundress

Dandelion meadow.

Dandelion loves the sun so much that it does not take its enthusiastic gaze away from it. The sun rises in the east - the dandelion looks to the east, rises to the zenith - the dandelion raises its head upward, approaches sunset - the dandelion does not take its eyes off the sunset.

(S. Krasikov)

Dandelion is one of the best honey plants; not only bees and bumblebees, but also butterflies love to visit it. Dandelion honey is thick and aromatic.

In the morning in a sunny meadow without a clock you will know the time - dandelions open at 5-6 o'clock in the morning, and by 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon the yellow lights are already extinguished.

(D. Zuev)

And here is the meadow buttercup. Its petals are covered as if with satin. A fragile, delicate flower with delicate stamens covered with velvet.

What flowers did the gnome see in the garden? (Tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, lilies of the valley, primroses, lilacs, peonies, etc.)

Didactic game“Flowers in a vase” (Children are given cards or headbands with images of various flowers. The teacher commands: Primroses, vase; Garden flowers in a vase; Wild flowers in a vase.)

Gift of spring

I walked through the forests, I walked through the meadows

Spring in a colorful sundress,

In a golden wreath, with a flower in his hand.

There are satin ribbons in the braids -

White and red

Blue, light blue,

Yellow, gold.

Whom did spring meet, greeted everyone,

I talked to everyone

And she gave a ribbon:

Spruce forest

She gave me a new ribbon.

Under the old dead wood

Snowdrops bloomed -

Turned blue like lakes

The thickets of the forest brightened.

Near small puddles -

Marigold stars,

They shone, they bloomed,

Bumblebees flew towards them.

Yes, that's the problem!

Stayed with Vesna

One ribbon.

They asked for a tape

green bushes,

And they opened up on them

Marvelous flowers:

The grapes are heavy

Terry, lilac;

In every front garden

The lilac has blossomed -

Unrecognizable in the spring

Our village!

Unfortunately, the life of primroses is short-lived. Often people pick the first flowers without thinking that they will die very soon.

Through the needles of dark pine needles

The light was shining cheerfully.

I was walking along a forest path

And suddenly I found a bouquet.

Bouquet of forest violets

He was lying on a mossy stump.

And I felt sorry for them,

And I felt sad.

The flowers have already faded,

The petals have drooped.

Why were they ripped off?

Broken stems?

It seemed to me that I heard

Violets faintly moan.

It became quieter and quieter

But he hurt my heart.

Guys, why were the violets moaning? If they could talk, what would they tell us? What can we promise them?

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers,

All the clearings will be empty

There will be no beauty.

The Red Book says: “Do not destroy, do not tear, do not trample.” These words sound like a command to people: “Save, let it grow, and you will become richer not only in forests and meadows, but also in soul.”

The teacher invites the children to lay out flowers using nitcography on the carpet.

Ecology lesson notes on the topic “Visiting the Primroses”

Target : give children an idea of ​​primroses, teach them to identify them by description, find connections between flowering plants and insects, enrich their vocabulary (coltsfoot, lily of the valley, poisonous, protected, frost, primroses, sprout, raven's eye, forget-me-not, nectar)

Material and equipment: Colored paper for origami, a sheet of Whatman paper with a picture of a train, illustrations of flowers: primroses, lilies of the valley, coltsfoot, forget-me-nots. Recording of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers".

Progress of the lesson.

1. On a piece of Whatman paper, draw a railroad along which stops should be placed, and along this road “drive” the train, which is inserted into the slots at the stops. Prepare colored paper for application (origami), gramophone record.

Riddle about spring:

The streams rang,

The rooks have arrived.

To your home - hive - bee

She brought the first honey.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

Conversation with children:

What changes happen in spring? Why?

How to call in one word herbaceous plants that bloom in spring? (primroses)

Traveling by rail.

The teacher opens the first closed picture along the drawn railway on whatman paper. This is the first stop “Fairytale”. The teacher reads (tells) the fairy tale “How flowers appeared on earth.”

Ivan Tsarevich was returning from Baba Yaga, he reached a large, wide river, but there was no bridge. He waved his handkerchief three times to the right - a marvelous rainbow hung over the river, and he moved along it to the other side. Waved twice left side– the rainbow became a small, small bridge. Baba Yaga rushed after Ivan Tsarevich along this bridge, got to the middle, and he just broke off. The rainbow crumbled on both sides into small fragments like flowers. Some flowers were kind - from the footprints of Ivan Tsarevich, while others were poisonous - where Baba Yaga had walked.

The second stop is “Primrose”. The teacher talks about the sequence of plant development: seed - sprout - flower, lays out the corresponding cards.

Primroses are perennial plants, i.e. those that grow and bloom for many years. They remain under the snow in winter, and with the onset of warmth they awaken, and stems and leaves grow from their roots.

The third stop is “Coltsfoot”.

The teacher gives a description of the coltsfoot without mentioning the name of the plant, then opens the picture at the third stop, continuing the story.

The coltsfoot grows on open places, this is the first plant that feeds bees and bumblebees with its nectar (sweet juice). This plant first produces flowers, and after they bloom, leaves. One side of the leaf is soft, warm, pubescent, affectionate, like a mother, the other is smooth, cold, like a stepmother, hence the name of the flower.

The fourth stop is “Lily of the Valley”. The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “White peas on a green leg.”

Description of the lily of the valley by the teacher: Its small white flowers look like fragrant bells, two large leaves clasp the stems. After flowering, orange-red berries are formed. They are poisonous.

Why is there a red circle next to the image of the lily of the valley? (Protected, medicinal plant, poisonous)

The fifth stop is “Musical”. Children listen to Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" and dance to the music.

Sixth stop – “Forget-me-not”. The teacher opens an image of a forget-me-not on whatman paper and talks about it: “Forget-me-not grows in forest meadows, near forest swamps, it blooms very beautifully with small blue flowers, the leaves and stem are rough, this protects the plant from spring frosts. The whole meadow appears blue when the forget-me-not blooms.”

The seventh stop, again with a red circle, is “Raven's Eye”.

He looks at you very evilly

From the grass "crow's eye".

Look, even the view

These berries are poisonous.

The teacher opens the illustration and tells about the plant: “It grows in the forests on a stem - one flower, after it flowers, a black berry-fruit is formed, reminiscent of a raven's eye. The plant got its name for its resemblance to it. The whole plant and especially the fruit are poisonous.”

The eighth stop is “Butterflies”. Mystery:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved, he started,

He soared up and flew away.

Why do we see butterflies on flowers?

Ninth stop – “Take care of the flowers.” There is a sign at the platform: an image of a bouquet of flowers crossed out with a red line.

Why is the bouquet crossed out with a red line? The teacher reads a poem:

If you pick a flower

If everyone: Iya, and you,

If we pick flowers,

They will be empty

And trees and flowers

And there will be no beauty.

The tenth stop is “Game”. The teacher invites the children to divide into two teams: flowers and guessers. The “flowers” ​​come up with names for themselves and tell them to the teacher, and the guessers solve them, then the teams change. The game begins with the greeting: “Hello, flowers!” - "Hello children! - the “flowers” ​​answer them. “Guess our names.” Children list the names of colors. The named flowers run away to the side.

Eleventh stop – “Flower Meadow”. Collective origami: folding flowers and butterflies from paper and gluing them onto a previously prepared background.

Summary of GCD in preparatory group on the topic “Primroses”.

Author: Tatyana Vladimirovna Shmidt, teacher. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type “Yagodka” p. Alexandrovskoe” Tomsk region.
To consolidate the idea of ​​primroses, teach them to identify them by appearance.
Introduce the snowdrop - Galandus, consolidate the idea of ​​it appearance, through sculpting.
Show awakening nature, connection with favorable conditions (longer days, warmth, abundance of moisture).
Develop the ability to notice beauty, enjoy it, protect it.
Spring costume, three-dimensional images of flowers: primrose, coltsfoot, lungwort, anemone, galandus.
D/game “What first, what then”, for each child, 3 cards with the image of coltsfoot (in flowering sequence).
D/game “Flower of Wishes”, a flower depicting violations of the rules of conduct in the forest and the conditions for flower growth, at the ends of the petals, pictures correcting violations.
Plasticine, boards, rags, cardboard (by number of children).
Preliminary work.
Reading the stories of A. Onegov “Anemone”, “Medunitsa”, “Coltsfoot”. Reading excerpts from the book “Secrets of Beauty” by V.S. Molozhavenko.
Memorizing poems.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Spring comes and asks a riddle.
If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields.
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep
If the wind gets warmer,
So, she came to us... spring.
2. You guys help
Spruce up my outfit
So that the snow melts,
We woke up from under the snow
Primroses from sleep.
What are primroses? (Children's answers).
Primroses are also called early bloomers and snowdrops.
Explain these names (Children's answers).
What causes the first flowers to appear? (Children's answers).
Snowdrop flowers come to us straight from the kingdom of blizzards and snow.
And the most interesting thing is that different places have their own snowdrops.
Let's together list those snowdrops that grow in the Tomsk region.
3. Finger play.
After the snowy void Extend your arms to the sides, palms down.
Flowers are blooming. Brush one hand up, fingers open.
How long have you not seen Same thing, with the other hand.
This fragile beauty! Blow on both hands, palms up.
There are primrose flowers here, Alternately bend the fingers on one hand, then on the other.
Coltsfoot sheets
And the corydalis, with a crest,
Anemone, with the breeze,
Lungwort, with sweet juice,
Bathing suit with a stream.
There is a lily of the valley and a blueberry here,
Forget-me-not and clean.
We love all snowdrops
We will preserve beauty.
4. What kind of snowdrop is popularly called the golden spring? (Primrose.)
Why was he given such a nickname? (It looks like a bunch of keys.)

What else is it called? (Primrose, firstborn, ram, cow's tears, lambs, God's streams, goldenrod and just keys.)
5. Guess the riddle: “He is both a stepmother and a mother, what is this flower’s name?” (Coltsfoot.)

Why is this flower called that?
What plant does coltsfoot look like? (Dandelion.)
How is it different from dandelion? (Leaf shape, stem and flowering.)
Does the flowering coltsfoot have leaves? (No.)
6. Didactic game “What’s first, what’s next.”
Arrange the cards in order, showing the coltsfoot flowering sequence.

Explain why you arranged the cards in this order. Children's answers.
7. Which snowdrop is called very sweet?
Child: “The lungwort is blooming -
She is the queen of flowers!
Next to her is a primrose
Dressed in a golden tailcoat.”

Explain the name of the flower.
What color are her flowers? Why does the lungwort change the color of its flowers?
How does the lungwort protect itself from the spring cold?
8. Look at this flower. (Show.)

What is it called? (Anemone.)
Why was the anemone called that? (Because its flowers on thin stems sway even from a very weak wind.)
Is it possible to tell by the anemone whether it is clear or cloudy outside? How? (When the flowers are open, it’s clear; when they’re closed, it’s cloudy.)
9. Physical exercise.
On the lawn in the morning we started a game.
I am a snowdrop, you are a bindweed,
Join our circle.
One two three four -
Spread the circle wider
And now we are streams,
Let's run a race.
We hurry straight to the lake,
The lake will become big.
Stand in a circle again -
Let's play in the sun.
We are cheerful rays.
We are frisky and hot.
10. And with the sun another flower appears, everyone calls it that - snowdrop (galanthus). (Show.)

The poet M. Serov wrote very well about this flower:
“In the clearing piebald
A flower rises.
He has it from the snow
Turn-down collar.
All at once,
Lightly against the wind.
I stood on a thin leg,
With a bell in hand."
11. Almost all snowdrops are listed in the Red Book and so that there are more of these flowers, at least in our imaginary clearing, let's depict our snowdrop - Galanthus - in modeling.
Pay attention to the structure of the stem and leaf, compare the size of the flower and leaf.

(The teacher monitors the children’s posture and helps if necessary.)
12. Look what a wonderful clearing we have made,

and with your help I got dressed up.

I hope that you will take care of the primroses and not do like one girl...
Child:“Flower in the meadow
I broke it while running
I tore it off. What for
I can't explain.
In glass
It stood for a day and withered.
And how much would he
Did you stand in the meadow?”
Now we will find out how to behave in the forest by playing the game “Flower of Desires,” but not yours, but the flower’s desires. Desires are encrypted in pictures, and pictures of objects will tell you how to fulfill them. (Children take turns fulfilling their wishes.)

Well done guys and remember, everything depends on you. The more careful you are with flowers, the thinner the Red Book will become.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 44 Ladushki combined type"

Directly organized educational

activities on cognitive and speech development in

senior group.

Theme "Primroses"

Integration educational areas:

cognitive development, physical development,

artistic and aesthetic development

Prepared by: teacher

Ksenofontova L.A.


Target: Consolidating knowledge about spring flowers and reinforcing basic mathematical representations; develop aesthetic taste, cultivate a love of nature.



Develop children's coherent speech based on monologue and intellectual abilities through solving riddles, the ability to answer a question with a complete answer, developing the ability to describe an object, orientation on a plane.

Shape grammatical structure speech.

Stimulate the thinking and speech activity of children.


Formation of the ability to work in a team.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Spring flowers”.

Preliminary work: work on developing elementary mathematical concepts, conversations, memorizing poems, asking riddles, looking at illustrations, composing descriptive stories, art work on the theme of spring flowers.

Equipment: recording “Awakening of Nature”, projector, screen, flowers for group decoration, flowers in a vase for counting, easel, card with three stripes, pencil cases with geometric shapes, a square of colored paper 10/10 cm for origami (for each child), 1/2 sheet of colored paper, glue pencil, oilcloth, napkin.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys! Look how many guests we have today. Let's welcome them.

The music “Awakening of Nature” plays. "Creek".

Q. –What time of year does it remind you of?

D. -It's spring. Birds sing, streams gurgle.

A child reads B. Asanaliev’s poem “Colors of Spring.”

Again there is no rest for the streams -

Day and night they murmur in the bushes.

The golden sun walks in clear, clear skies.

Rays pour on the forest and meadow

And for all the flowers around:

Pink, blue,

Blue, red,

As one - beautiful,

Although very different.

Q. Every day, in spring, everything changes. The earth is becoming more and more beautiful. And our group turned into a flowering meadow, with chairs and stumps on it. Let's sit down on them.

In spring, many miracles happen in nature and we will now see this.

Riddles about flowers.

On a thawed patch in the forest

I was the first to welcome spring.

I'm not afraid of frost

I'll be the first to break out of the ground. (snowdrop)

Slide No. 1. 2. The poem “Spring Scout.”

White lanterns on a green leg

I met in the spring

On a forest path. (lily of the valley)

Slide No. 3.4. A story about a lily of the valley.

Golden petals, fragile stem

A sunny flower bloomed by the river

As soon as a cloud rolled in, the petals shrank

There are round lumps on the green petals. (coltsfoot)

Slide No. 5.6.

I remember this year

They bloomed in the garden

Dressed up like actresses

In white dresses……(daffodils)

Slide No. 7.8.

Wonderful flower

Like a bright light

Magnificent, important, like a khan

Delicate, velvety…..(tulip)

Slide No. 9.10.11.

V. Thank you! good stories.

Game “Without what does a flower not exist?”

Tell me: which of the listed flowers are medicinal?

D. Lily of the Valley, mother and stepmother.

Q. Correct, but you need to remember that the same plant can be poisonous for humans, but a medicine for animals and vice versa.

What flowers are included in the Red Book?

And now I suggest moving to another clearing, but first rest a little.

Physical minute.

We'll go for a walk

We will walk together

You run, you run

Run on your toes.

We'll walk on our heels

We'll start stomping loudly.

You walk, you walk

Raise your legs higher.

The sun rises early (hands up - stretched)

A flower is blooming (arms to the sides)

The sun is shining from above (hands up)

Flowers are blooming (arms to the sides)

The breeze breathed on them (swaying hands)

Rocked them very, very hard (bending to the sides)

Come into the clearing, sit down. Look how beautiful the flowers are here. How many there are! Let's count them.

Counting from 1 to 10.

V. Guys! While you and I were counting, a bee flew to us and asked us to help her find her flower.

I suggest laying out a geometric pattern.

Task for orientation on a plane: above, below, left, right, between.

What did they post?

D. Geometric pattern.

What does the pattern look like?

D. On a flower.

B. Let's rest a little.

Finger gymnastics.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals are blooming.

The breeze breathes a little - the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers

Petals close

They quietly fall asleep - shaking their heads.

Q. You and I know that flowers decorate our land and it is better not to pick them, but to admire them. Let's grow our own flower bed.

Take a sheet of colored paper and fold it into a tulip. The diagram is on your table. (For those who find it difficult)

Children fold a tulip (origami) to create a flower.

Q. What beautiful flowers we got. Let's give them to our guests who came to our kindergarten. And we ourselves will take care of nature and admire its beauty.

Guys! Our lesson is over. Thank you. Well done everyone!