Conversations in the morning in the middle group card index. Card index of morning conversations for children of the middle group card index (middle group) on the topic


Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” " 1 Week.

"All about kindergarten"

Target: Continue to introduce children to the kindergarten, groups, and premises in the kindergarten building. Cultivate love for the farm, respect for its employees and their work. To form the concept “I am a child of a childcare center,” “schoolchildren is my home.”

"Our favorite teacher"

Target: To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of a teacher, his caring attitude towards children and work. Show that the products of the teacher’s work reflect his feelings, personal qualities, and interests.

"Me and my friends"

Target: Teach children to identify positive signs friendship, characteristics of friends.

"Friends' Hobbies"

Target: Expand children’s knowledge about different types of activities and hobbies.

“Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better kindergarten”

Target: Clarify children’s knowledge about childcare. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in rural areas.

Topic: “Family is us! My city is also my family!” 2 - 3 week.

« My family »

Target: Introduce the concept of “family”. Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

« Family is me!”

Target: Consolidate knowledge of your first name, last name, age, and parents’ names. Form a positive self-esteem, self-image (help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good).

« What is a street »

Target: Form basic ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalks, roadways. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the village is located; the house in which the children live; explain how important it is to know your address.

« What distinguishes a city from a village »

Target: To form basic ideas about the differences between a city and a village. Instill love for your native land. Foster a sense of pride in your city.

« My city »

Target: Continue to reinforce the name of your hometown and introduce its sights.

« Child and adults »

Goal: Deepen understanding of people: understand the differences between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothing, shoes, and occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions.

« What do you know about yourself? »

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of certain organs (ears - to hear, eyes - to see, etc.). Awareness of some of your skills (ability to draw, etc.)

« Family »

Target: Strengthen knowledge about family members and immediate relatives. Understand that everyone in the family cares about each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

« Good words heal, but bad words cripple »

Target: To form in children the need for a friendly attitude towards others, to cultivate in children a kind attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for permission.

Target: Cultivating a feeling of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother; develop a desire to care for those closest to you

Topic: “There are many good and necessary professions!” Week 4.

"Our hardworking janitor"

Target: Introduce children to the work activities of a janitor, show the importance of work; cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and help adults.

"Teacher's Assistant"

Target: Draw children’s attention to the most typical labor operations and the result of the work of an assistant teacher. Cultivate respect for his work.

"Visiting a laundry worker"

Target: Develop the ability to understand the social significance of the laundress’s work, her caring attitude towards children. Emphasize that the result is achieved through a conscientious attitude to work. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards the laundress.

"Wonderful doctor"

Target: To form an understanding of the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards them.

"Visiting music director»

Target: To introduce the business and personal qualities of a music director. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards him.


Topic: “World of Art” 1 week.

» Child and book »

Target: Cultivate a love for the book, a desire to meet it again. Sympathize and empathize with the characters of the work. Experience the pleasure of encountering poetry.


Target: To cultivate emotional and aesthetic feelings. Form figurative ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Develop artistic perception works of art. Leading children to an understanding of the unity of content (what the work is about) and certain means of expression (like images) in different types of art.

"Child and Music"

Target: Develop children's musical horizons by introducing them to musical works (folk, classical and modern) Develop an understanding of elementary genres of music.

"We dance and sing"

Target: To develop skills in all types of musical activities, to lead children to independently use learned musical works. Develop children's song and dance creativity.

Getting to know the professions of an artist, painter, composer"

Target: Introducing children to the perception of art, developing interest in it. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between genres and types of art: poetry, prose, riddles (literature), songs, dances, music, paintings (reproduction), sculpture (image), building and structure (architecture).

Topic: "Autumn" Harvesting. 2 - 3 - 4 weeks.

Gold autumn.

Autumn in the forest (trees, animals, birds.)

“What has autumn brought us?”

Target: Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​the benefits of natural vitamins.

"Sky in Autumn"

Target: Be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. Introduce children to the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”.

"Water and Sediment"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Talk about the features of autumn rain.

"Autumn is a good witch"

Target: Develop creative imagination; introduce to beauty, art, creativity.

"At the flower bed"

Target: Getting to know autumn flowers. Show the structure of the plant. Reinforce the concept of tall, low (flower), long, short (stem).

"Leaf Fall"

Target: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and living phenomena inanimate nature. News seasonal observations.

"Flora world in autumn"

Target: Expand your understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities.

"Birds in Autumn"

Target: Acquaintance with seasonal changes in the life of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external signs. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

Target: Expand children's understanding of the wind. Teach rules of conduct in windy weather.

“The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Forming an idea of ​​forest plants: mushrooms and berries. Expand your understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals.

"Getting to know ornamental birds"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​decorative birds. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds. Develop a desire to observe and care for living objects.

"Talk about Pets"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in winter time of the year. Forming a desire to take care of pets.

"Conversation about wild animals in the forest"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the life of wild animals in autumn. Develop an interest in the natural environment. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

"Conversation about migratory birds"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

"Gloomy Autumn"

Target: Introduce children to the most typical features late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, floating.


Topic: "My Motherland" 1 - 2 weeks

"My home, my city"

Target: Consolidate knowledge about home address, street. Get to know your hometown.

"My native land"

Target: To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for your native land.

"Transport of my city"

Target: Expand your understanding of types of transport and their purpose. Develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

"Watch out for the car"

Target: Expand your understanding of the rules of behavior in the city, basic rules traffic.

"How to Avoid Trouble"

Target: Introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the foundations of the safety of your own life.


Target: Form an idea of ​​public holidays.


Goal: To introduce some outstanding people who glorified Russia.

“I love Russian birch”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about the Russian beauty - birch. Introduce children to beautiful poems about birch. Expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

"Acquaintance with the Russian folk doll"

Target: Introduce Russian folk crafts and traditions. Arouse interest in Russian folk art and handicrafts.

"My motherland"

Target: Introduce children to the image of the national flag, the state emblem of the Russian Federation, and the national anthem. Form an idea of ​​their origin.

Topic: “I will grow up healthy” 3 - 4 weeks

"Journey to the Country of Nosaria"

Target: Introduce the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose: its location, structure, safety and care rules. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

“Morning of joyful meetings with Doctor Aibolit.”

Target: Develop cultural and hygienic skills. Developing practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

"I will grow up healthy."

Target: Introduce the concepts of “Proper Nutrition”. Introduce a healthy lifestyle.

“If you want to be healthy, toughen up”

Target: Introduce the concepts of “hardening”. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

"Our favorite doctor."

Target: Expand your understanding of the medical profession (pediatrician, dentist, ophthalmologist)

“Why does a person have two eyes?”

Target: To form an idea about a person, about the functions and capabilities of parts of the human body, about ways to care for them.

“Why do my teeth hurt?”

Target: Form cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills. Expand your understanding of the dental profession.

“Frequency is the key to health”

Target: Foster a love of frequency in children.

"Emergency phone numbers"

Target: Expand children's knowledge about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, and the ambulance service.

Target: Provide basic information about medications and diseases, disease prevention, and the benefits of vitamins.

“I will grow up healthy!”

Target: Reinforce the concepts proper nutrition", "daily regime". Introduce a healthy lifestyle.

"Microbes in human life"

Target: To form children’s ideas about the dangers and benefits of microorganisms on human health. Teach the basics of a healthy lifestyle.


Topic: "Winter-winter" "Winter in nature" 1 - 2 weeks

"Hooray! Winter!"

Target: Expand children's understanding of winter phenomena in nature. Give basic concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

"First snow"

Target: Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature.

"Winter sport"

Target: Introduce winter sports.

"Winter Injuries"

Target: To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.

“Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”

Target: Expand children’s understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice.

"How wild animals prepare for winter"

Target: Introduce children to preparing wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

"Wintering Birds"

Target: Reinforce the concept of “wintering” birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food of wintering birds. Develop a desire to take care of wintering birds.

"Talk about Pets"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Create a desire to care for pets.

"Winter phenomena in nature"

Target: Expand ideas about winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, hoarfrost, frost).

"Zimushka - winter"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

Topic: "New Year at the Gate" 3 - 4 weeks

“The New Year will bring joy to children”

Target: Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday and give gifts. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

  1. 2 . “New Year is at the gates!”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about New Year traditions. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, unexpectedness.

  1. 3 . "Journey to New Year's Eve"

Target: Tell the children that the countdown of each year begins on January 1. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

  1. 4 . "We are friends of nature"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature. Teach caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other. To clarify children's knowledge about spruce as a symbol of the New Year in Russia.

5 .“Who feels good in winter”

Target: Engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and classes.

"Patterns on glass"

Goal: Develop Creative skills, imagination.

"How do people go to visit"

Target: Reinforce rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of New Year celebrations.

"Forest Tale"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants. To develop the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale in a drawing.

“How the New Year is celebrated in other countries”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about various ways of congratulations. Introduce the customs of New Year celebrations in other countries.

“Soon, soon, New Year!”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. Introduce the symbols of different years, the Chinese calendar.


Topic: "Winter - crystal" 1 - 2 weeks

“How do you know winter?”

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about typical winter phenomena. To develop aesthetic taste and the ability to admire nature.

"Who's the boss in the forest"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​a forester - a person who takes care of the forest and animals.

"Zimushka - crystal"

Target: Expand your understanding of winter. Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature.

« Winter Games»

Target: Introduce winter sports, winter fun, and entertainment.

"Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Goal: Expand ideas about places where it is always winter, about animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.

“Watch out for the ice!”

Target: Form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

"A Flock of Bullfinches"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of birds. Learn to highlight characteristics bullfinch.

"Flora world in winter"

Target: Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

"Phenomena of inanimate nature"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature.

“How we take care of animals and birds in winter”

Target: Expand your understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Create a desire to take care of them.

Topic: “Visiting a fairy tale” Week 4

"Hello fairy tale"

Goal: To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to develop the ability to empathize with the characters.

"Our theater"

Target: Introduce children to the world of theater. Involve creativity and play in situations.

"Signs of Fairy Tales"

Target: Expand your understanding of the characteristic features of the fairy tale genre.

“Which fairy-tale character do I resemble?”

Target: To cultivate the ability to identify oneself with a favorite hero.

"On a visit to the book"

Target: Cultivate a love of books, develop literary speech. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.


Topic: “Transport” Land, water, air. 1 - 2 week

"Ground transport"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of ground transport and their purpose.

"Water transport"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of water transport and its purpose.

"Air Transport"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of air transport and its purpose.

"Pedestrian School"

Goal: Expand understanding of basic traffic rules.

"Machines are assistants"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of special transport and their purpose.

“All professions are important”

Target: Expand your understanding of transport-related professions.

"Rules of conduct in public transport"

Target: To develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

"Road signs"

Target: Introduce children to basic traffic signs.

“Why does a person need a car?”

Target: Improve children's knowledge about the need for machines in human life.

"The Path from Horse to Car"

Target: Talk about the development of the car.

Topic: “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.” 3 week"Our Army"

Target: To expand knowledge about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

Target: Continue to introduce “military” professions.

"Military equipment"

Target: Continue to introduce military equipment.

"Future Defenders"

Target: Foster patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, brave, to become defenders of the Motherland.

"How our grandfathers fought"

Target: Expand our understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and defended from enemies during the war.

Topic: "International Women's Day." 4 week

“Mom is the most precious person in the world”

Target: Cultivate feelings of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.

“What does my mother do?”

Target: Cultivate interest in various professions by focusing on Special attention mother's profession and place of work.

"International Women's Day"

"Grandmothers and grandchildren"

Target: Reinforce the idea of ​​family. Develop a conscious attitude towards showing love, respect, sympathy for a loved one, grandmother.

“How to please teachers”

Target: Cultivate respect for educators, develop the need to please others with good deeds.


Topic: "International Women's Day." 1 Week

« Congratulations to our mothers on the spring holiday »

“Why do they give flowers?”

Target: Foster the idea that flowers are a sign of love and attention.

"Mom's Favorite Flowers"

Target: Expand knowledge about flowers, cultivate love and sensitivity to mother.

"My mom loves..."

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about their mothers’ hobbies.

“Why I love my mother and grandmother”

Target: Develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones.

Subject: " Folk culture and traditions." 2-3 week

“What are the Russian people like?”

Target: Expand your understanding of the customs of the Russian people.

“How to celebrate Maslenitsa”

Target: Introduce the holiday of Maslenitsa. Expand knowledge about folk traditions.

"Folk toy"

Target: Expand your understanding of folk toy. To develop the ability to express aesthetic feelings. Expand the understanding of the diversity of folk art.

"Russian folk holidays"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people.

"Russian folk tales"

Target: Teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, develop creative imagination.

"Proverbs and sayings"

Target: Introduction to proverbs and sayings. Introduce to Russian folk art.

"Children's folklore"

Target: Introduce chants and song appeals to the forces of nature.

"Counting books"

Target: Introduce, remember the rhymes.


Target: Introduce diversity lullabies. Remember lullabies with children.

“Sentences are peace”

Target: Introduce a variety of sentences - peace orders. Learn several peace sentences with your children.

Topic: “Spring is coming! Spring is coming! » Spring in nature. Animals and birds in spring. 4 week

"Spring is coming! Spring is dear!

Target: Expand your idea of ​​spring. Develop the ability to install spatial connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

"Why did the snowman melt"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the properties of snow and ice. Learn to establish basic cause-and-effect relationships.

"Journey of a Brook"

Target: To clarify children’s understanding of the different states of water and natural water sources.

"How we welcome spring"

Target: Expand knowledge about seasonal types of work.

"On a visit to the mistress of the meadow"

Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature.


Topic: “Spring is coming! Spring is coming! » Spring in nature. Animals and birds in spring. 1 Week

"Signs of Spring"

Target: Summarize knowledge about spring changes in nature, in the life of birds and animals.

"The Birds Have Arrived"

Target: Expand knowledge about migratory birds.

"Spring on the reservoirs"

Target: Reinforce the rules of behavior in the spring on reservoirs, warn about possible dangers.

"Enter the Forest with a Friend"

Target: To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.

"International Earth Day"

Target: Expand children's understanding of environmental holidays.

Topic: “Being friends with books” Week 2

"Child and Book"

Target: Cultivate a love for the book, a desire to meet it again. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.

"We're friends with books"

Target: Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary.

“The book is a source of knowledge”

Target: to create interest and need for reading (perception of books).

"Hello fairy tale!"

Target: To develop skills in dramatization and theatrical activities.

"You and I are best friends with a book"

Target: Maintain and strengthen interest in fiction. Create a need for daily reading.

Topic: “What is made of what and for what” Furniture, Dishes, Clothes Week 3

"In the world of glass"

Target: Help identify the properties of glass. Cultivate a caring attitude towards things.

"In the world of plastic"

Target: Introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects.

"Journey into the Past of Clothes"

Target: Expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing.

"Journey into the Chair's Past"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items.

"In the World of Wood"

Target: Identify the properties and qualities of wood. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way it is used.

Subject: " Magic power theater" 4 week

« The magical power of theater »

Target: Develop children's artistic abilities. Introduce children to the world of theater.

"Theatrical professions"

Target: To give children an idea of ​​professions related to the theater.

"Jester Puppet Theater"

Target: Expand knowledge about your hometown, cultivate interest in the theater.

"What do we know about the theater"

Target: Expand children's knowledge about various types theater

"Theater Game"

Target: Continue to develop interest in theatrical play. Encourage children to take on roles.

Topic: “Blossoming spring” 1 - 2 weeks

"Our flowerbed"

Target: Expand children’s knowledge about planting plants and the need to care for them.

"Fruit trees in spring"

Target: Clarify and expand ideas about fruit trees. Develop a positive attitude towards nature.

"The Sun in the Life of Plants"

Target: To form the concept that plants need the sun to live. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

"Trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants"

Target: Expand ideas about changes in the plant world in spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

"Wild and cultivated plants"

Target: Clarify and expand ideas about wild and cultivated plants. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

"Forest Hazards"

Target: Expand children's understanding of poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by appearance.

"Blossoming Spring"

Target: Arouse interest in the world of plants. Reinforce ideas about the habitat of plants.

"The World of Houseplants"

Target: Expand children’s understanding of indoor plants: their benefits and structure. Learn to distinguish by appearance.


Target: Expand children's understanding of vegetable crops. Talk about a person’s work in growing vegetables and fruits.

"When the lilac blooms"

Target: Foster a love of nature. Create a desire to admire the beauty of spring.

Topic: “Insects” Week 3

“The butterflies and beetles woke up”

Target: Learn to distinguish insects by appearance and name them. Create a desire to watch insects.

"On a visit to the mistress of the meadow"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of insects. Reinforce knowledge about the structure of insects.

"Dangerous insects"

Target: Expand children's understanding of dangerous insects. Learn to distinguish them by appearance.

"Our little friends"

Target: Expand children’s understanding of insects, their characteristics, and habitats. Form the foundations of ecological culture.

"Insects of other countries"

Target: Introduce diversity to?


Very good selection material. All the most useful. Thank you!


thank you very much for your work, it helped a lot


Card index of morning conversations 4 middle group for the 2017/2018 school year Educators: S. M. Trofimova Card No. 1 Topic Conversation Purpose “Day of Knowledge” 1. Holiday “September 1” 2. “We are future schoolchildren” 3. “All about kindergarten” 4. “Hobbies of friends » 5. “A good word heals, but a bad word cripples” 6. “Visiting a book” Goal: Expand children’s ideas about school. Develop the ability to maintain a conversation. Develop the ability to listen carefully and interestedly to riddles. Develop the ability to participate in dramatizations. Foster friendships between children. Cultivate the habit of playing and studying together. To develop in children an interest and love for music and musical responsiveness to it. Goal: to form attitudes towards responsible implementation of rules of behavior. Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the kindergarten, groups, and premises in the kindergarten building. Cultivate love for the farm, respect for its employees and their work. To form the concept “I am a child of a childcare center,” “schoolchildren is my home.” Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about different types of activities and hobbies. Goal: To develop in children the need for a friendly attitude towards others, to cultivate in children a kind attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for forgiveness. Goal: To cultivate a love of books and develop literary speech. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books. Card No. 2 Topic Conversation Goal “My city” 1. “My home, my city” 2. “Transport of my city” 3. “What distinguishes a city from a village” 4. “My city” 5. “What is a street” Goal: Consolidate knowledge about home address, street. Get to know your hometown. Goal: Expand understanding of types of transport and their purpose. Develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport. Goal: To form basic ideas about the differences between a city and a village. Instill love for your native land. Foster a sense of pride in your city. Goal: Continue to reinforce the name of your hometown and introduce it to its sights. Goal: To form basic ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalks, roadways. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the village is located; the house in which the children live; explain how important it is to know your address. Card No. 3 Topic Conversation Goal “Autumn” 1. “What has autumn brought us?” 2. “The sky in autumn” 3. “Water and precipitation” 4. “Autumn is a good witch” 5. “Leaf fall” 6. “Wind” 7. “Gloomy autumn” Purpose: To expand children’s understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​the benefits of natural vitamins. Goal: To be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. Introduce children to the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”. Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Talk about the features of autumn rain. Goal: Develop creative imagination; introduce to beauty, art, creativity. Goal: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. Conduct seasonal observations. Goal: Expand children's understanding of the wind. Teach rules of conduct in windy weather. Goal: To introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, floating. Card No. 4 Topic Conversation Purpose “Autumn gifts. Vegetables fruits. Berries, mushrooms" 1. "There are mushrooms from the bear in the forest, I take berries" 2. "Mushrooms and berries are gifts of the forest" 3. "Why can't you eat raw mushrooms?" 4. “Gifts of Autumn.” 5. “Fruits and vegetables are useful for adults and children” 6. “Harvesting vegetables in the garden” 7. “Mushrooms” 8. “Onion tree” 9. “Once upon a time there were vegetables” 10. “Forest. Berries - mushrooms" Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Forming an idea of ​​forest plants: mushrooms and berries. Expand your understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals. Goal: to introduce the variety of mushrooms and berries. Goal: to consolidate a healthy lifestyle, the ability to distinguish healthy foods and the dangerous consumption of raw mushrooms. Goal: developing ideas about healthy food. Clarify children's knowledge about vegetables, recognize and name vegetables. Goal: Continue to enrich the understanding of vegetables and fruits. To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits as food products and their benefits. Purpose: to show the characteristics of the growth of some vegetables. Goal: Expand children's understanding of mushrooms; activate the dictionary: names of mushrooms, cap, stem, edible-inedible, mushroom picker; Goal: To consolidate knowledge about vegetable plants. Goal: To practice writing a descriptive story about vegetables according to the proposed plan, diagram: What is this? Where does it grow? What shape, color? What does the vegetable feel like? What does it taste like? Why do people need it? What can we cook? Goal: Systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about mushrooms and wild berries and their main characteristics. Card No. 5 Topic Conversation Goal “Trees and shrubs” 1. “At the flower bed” 2. “Flora world in autumn” 3. “A plant is a living creature” 4. “Miracles around us” 5. “Trees around us” Goal: Getting to know each other with autumn flowers. Show the structure of the plant. Reinforce the concept of tall, low (flower), long, short (stem). Goal: Expand the understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities. Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​plants as living beings that have roots to breathe, hold on, and eat; trunk to deliver nutrients from the ground to other organs; that plant seeds are also living beings; For their growth and development, plants need soil, moisture, light, and warmth. Goal: continue to teach how to classify the plants and fauna of the forest; to train children in determining the type of tree by the appearance of the leaves. Purpose: to teach them to distinguish and name trees and fruits; expand knowledge about trees: structural features, growth, possibility of use by humans Card No. 6 Topic Conversation Goal “Clothing” 1. “Journey into the past of clothing” 2. “Shoes” 3. “What is the name of what we wear?” 4. “Seasonal clothing” 5. “Size and shape” Purpose: To expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing. Goal: To deepen children’s understanding of the concept of “Shoes”. Goal: To form children’s idea of ​​how clothes appeared, to cultivate curiosity in children; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher and carry out actions exactly at the teacher’s signal. Goal: To form the idea in children that clothing is appropriate for the time of year. Goal: To form in children the idea that clothes have different sizes and shapes Card No. 7 Topic Conversation Goal “Migratory birds” 1. “Birds in autumn” 2. “Acquaintance with ornamental birds” 3. “Conversation about migratory birds” 4. “Feed birds in winter" 5. "Bird's dining room" Purpose: To get acquainted with seasonal changes in the life of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds. Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​ornamental birds. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds. Develop a desire to observe and care for living objects. Goal: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds. Goal: To arouse interest in the world around us; form realistic ideas about nature; consolidate basic knowledge about what birds feed in winter; expand knowledge about the features appearance . Goal: Formation of ideas about wintering birds, their way of life, the role of humans in the life of birds, the design of bird feeders, and different types of food. Card No. 8 Topic Conversation Goal “National Unity Day” 1. “What are the Russian people like?” 2. “Russian folk holidays” 3. “Holidays” 4. “Our country Russia” 5. “Bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land” Goal: Expand your understanding of the customs of the Russian people. Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people. Purpose: To form an idea of ​​public holidays. Goal: To form in the imagination of children the image of the Motherland, the idea of ​​Russia as a native country, and to cultivate patriotic feelings. Objectives: To give children an understanding of the tradition of protecting the Russian land using the example of Alexander Nevsky, of the courage and valor of the defenders of the Fatherland. Card No. 9 Topic Conversation Purpose “Poultry, pets” 1. “Conversation about domestic animals” 2. “Cat with kittens” 3. “Cockerel and his family” 4. “The chicken went out for a walk” 5. “Duck with ducklings” 6. “Dog with puppies” 7. “Pets and their babies” 8. “Poultry yard” 9. “My pet” 10. “Home yard” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Create a desire to care for pets. Goal: To form an idea of ​​a cat as a domestic animal, the structure of its body, behavior, methods of movement Goal: To expand children’s understanding of poultry: hen, rooster, chickens; continue to learn to distinguish between them. Goal: Continue to introduce poultry - a chicken, with parts of its body (head, comb, wings, legs) Goal: Continue to introduce poultry - a duck, with parts of its body (head, wings, paws) Goal: To form an idea of ​​​​a dog , as about a domestic animal, the structure of its body, behavior, methods of movement Purpose: To introduce children to domestic animals and their cubs. Goal: Continue to introduce children to poultry and their young; form a generalizing concept of “poultry”. Goal: Enriching and deepening children’s understanding of pets living in the apartment, how to care for and communicate with them. Goal: To enrich children's understanding of domestic animals and birds and their young. Card No. 10 Topic Conversation Goal “Wild Animals” 1. “Conversation about wild animals in the forest” 2. “Miracles around us” 3. “Hedgehogs in the forest” 4. “Travel with the Red Book” 5. “Forest animals in winter” Goal : Give children an idea of ​​the life of wild animals in autumn. Develop an interest in the natural environment. Foster a caring attitude towards animals. Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants, to continue to teach how to classify the plants and fauna of the forest; Goal: To develop interest in the surrounding nature. To foster a caring attitude towards animals Goal: To introduce children to rare and endangered species of animals listed in the Red Book. Develop a caring and respectful attitude towards animals. Objectives: To clarify and expand children’s understanding of the appearance and lifestyle of forest animals in winter (hare, squirrel, fox, wolf); how they adapted to harsh conditions (what they eat, how they escape the cold, from their enemies). Card No. 11 Topic Conversation Goal “Kindergarten” 1. “We are friends with books” 2. “How to please teachers” 3. “All about kindergarten” 4. “Our favorite teacher” 5. “Me and friends” 6. “Kindergarten” our garden is so good - you won’t find a better garden.” Goal: To maintain and strengthen interest in fiction, expand vocabulary. Goal: To cultivate respect for educators, to develop the need to please others with good deeds. Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the kindergarten, groups, and premises in the kindergarten building. Cultivate love for the farm, respect for its employees and their work. To form the concept “I am a child of a childcare center,” “schoolchildren is my home.” Goal: To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of a teacher, his caring attitude towards children and work. Show that the products of the teacher’s work reflect his feelings, personal qualities, and interests. Goal: To teach children to highlight the positive signs of friendship and the characteristics of friends. Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about childcare. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in rural areas. Card No. 12 Topic Conversation Goal “Winter” 1. “Hurray! Winter!" 2. “First snow” 3. “Why did the Snow Maiden melt?” 4. “How wild animals prepare for winter” 5. “Winter phenomena in nature” 6. “Zimushka - winter” 7. “How to recognize winter?” 8. “Winter - crystal” 9. “Flora world in winter” Purpose: To expand children’s understanding of winter phenomena in nature. Give basic concepts about the relationship between man and nature. Goal: To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature. Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice. Goal: To introduce children to preparing wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature. Goal: Expand ideas about winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, hoarfrost, frost). Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature. Purpose: To generalize children’s knowledge about typical winter phenomena. To develop aesthetic taste and the ability to admire nature. Goal: Expand your understanding of winter. To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature Goal: To learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance. Card No. 13 Topic Conversation Goal “Wintering birds” 1. “Wintering birds” 2. “A flock of bullfinches” 3. “How we take care of animals and birds in winter” 4. “Bird life in winter” 5. “Feathered friends” Goal: Consolidate the concept of “wintering” birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food of wintering birds. Develop a desire to take care of wintering birds. Goal: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of birds. Learn to identify the characteristic features of the bullfinch. Goal: Expand understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Create a desire to take care of them. Goal: Learn to recognize birds: sparrow, crow, bullfinch, tit; expand children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter, about their habits and nutrition; to cultivate compassion and empathy in children towards “our smaller brothers” Goal: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about birds, the structure of a bird’s body, to consolidate children’s knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, their way of life, to provide information about the sound signals of birds; develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary; Card No. 14 Topic Conversation Purpose “New Year holidays” 1. “The New Year will bring joy to the children” 2. “The New Year is at the gates!” 3. “Who feels good in winter” 4. “Patterns on glass” 5. “Soon, soon, New Year!” Goal: Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday and give gifts. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about New Year traditions. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, unexpectedness. Goal: To engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities. Goal: Develop creativity and imagination. Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. Introduce the symbols of different years, the Chinese calendar. Card No. 15 Topic Conversation Goal “Christmas, winter fun” 1. “Winter sports” 2. “Traveling on New Year’s Eve” 3. “We are friends of nature” 4. “How people go to visit” 5. “Winter games” Goal : Introduce winter sports. Purpose: To inform children that the countdown of each year begins on January 1. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature. Teach caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other. To clarify children's knowledge about spruce as a symbol of the New Year in Russia. Goal: Reinforce the rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of New Year celebrations. Purpose: To introduce winter sports, winter fun, and entertainment. Card No. 16 Topic Conversation Goal “House, furniture” 1. “In the world of glass” 2. “In the world of plastic” 3. “Journey into the past of chairs” 4. “In the world of wood” 5. “Journey into the past of clothes” Goal: Help identify the properties of glass. Cultivate a caring attitude towards things. Purpose: To introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects. Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items. Goal: Identify the properties and qualities of wood. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way it is used. Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing. Card No. 17 Topic Conversation Goal “Health, people” 1. “Travel to the country of Nosaria” 2. “Morning of joyful meetings with Doctor Aibolit.” 3. “I will grow up healthy.” 4. “If you want to be healthy, toughen up” 5. “Our favorite doctor.” 6. “Why does a person have two eyes?” 7. “Why do teeth hurt?” 8. “Frequency is the key to health” Purpose: To introduce the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose: its location, structure, safety and care rules. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle. Goal: To develop cultural and hygienic skills. Developing practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. Purpose: To introduce the concepts of “Proper nutrition”. Introduce a healthy lifestyle. Purpose: To introduce the concepts of “Hardening”. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle. Goal: To expand the understanding of the medical profession (pediatrician, dentist, ophthalmologist) Goal: To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba person, about the functions and capabilities of parts of the human body, about ways to care for them. Goal: To develop cultural and hygienic skills, self-care skills. Expand your understanding of the dental profession. Goal: To foster a love of frequency in children. Card No. 18 Topic Conversation Purpose “People’s professions” 1. “Theater professions” 2. “What does my mother do” 3. “All professions are important” 4. “Child and adults” 5. “Our hardworking janitor” 6. “Away at the laundress worker" 7. "Wonderful doctor" 8. "Visiting the music director" Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​professions related to the theater Purpose: To foster interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother. Goal: Expand ideas about transport-related professions. Goal: Deepen understanding of people: understand the differences between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothing, shoes, and occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions Purpose: To introduce children to the work activities of a janitor, to show the importance of work; cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and help adults. Goal: To develop the ability to understand the social significance of the laundress’s work, her caring attitude towards children. Emphasize that the result is achieved through a conscientious attitude to work. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards the laundress. Goal: To form an understanding of the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards them. Purpose: To introduce the business and personal qualities of a music director. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards him. Card No. 19 Topic Conversation Goal “Transport” 1. “Ground transport” 2. “Water transport” 3. “Air transport” 4. “Pedestrian school” 5. “Cars are assistants” 6. “Why does a person need a car” 7. “ The path from horse to car" Goal: Expand understanding of the types of ground transport and its purpose. Goal: Expand understanding of the types of water transport and its purpose. Goal: Expand understanding of types of air transport and its purpose. Goal: Expand understanding of basic traffic rules. Goal: Expand your understanding of the types of special transport and their purpose. Goal: To improve children's knowledge about the need for machines in human life. Goal: Talk about the development of the car. Card No. 20 Topic Conversation Purpose “Maslenitsa” 1. “How to celebrate Maslenitsa” 2. “Russian folk holidays” 3. “Russian folk tales” 4. “Proverbs and sayings” 5. “Children’s folklore” Purpose: To introduce the holiday of Maslenitsa. Expand knowledge about folk traditions. Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people. Goal: To teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, to develop creative imagination. Goal: Getting to know proverbs and sayings. Introduce to Russian folk art. Purpose: To introduce chants and song appeals to the forces of nature. Card No. 21 Topic Conversation Goal “Defender of the Fatherland Day” 1. “Our army” 2. “Defenders of the Fatherland” 3. “Military equipment” 4. “Future defenders” 5. “How our grandfathers fought” Goal: To expand knowledge about difficult, but an honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security. Goal: Continue to introduce “military” professions. Goal: Continue to introduce military equipment. Goal: To foster patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, brave, to become defenders of the Motherland. Goal: To expand the understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and protected from enemies during the war years. Card No. 22 Topic Conversation Purpose “Mom’s holiday. Me, my family" 1. "Congratulations to our mothers on the spring holiday" 2. "Why do they give flowers" 3. "Mom's favorite flowers" 4. "My mother loves..." 5. "Why I love my mother and grandmother" 6 .“My family” 7. “Family is me!” 8. “Family” Goal: Read poems about mother, grandmother and sister. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards those closest to you. Goal: To foster the idea that flowers are a sign of love and attention. Goal: Expand knowledge about flowers, cultivate love and sensitivity towards mother. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about their mothers' hobbies. Goal: To develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones. Goal: Introduce the concept of “family”. Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members. Goal: To consolidate knowledge of your first name, last name and age, and the name of your parents. Form a positive self-esteem, self-image (help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good). Goal: To consolidate knowledge about family members and immediate relatives. Understand that everyone in the family cares about each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps cleanliness

Target: Continue to introduce children to the kindergarten, groups, and premises in the buildingc. Cultivate love for the farm, respect for its employees and their work. To form the concept “I am a child of a childcare center,” “schoolchildren is my home.”

    "Our favorite teacher"

Target: To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of a teacher, his caring attitude towards children and work. Show that the products of the teacher’s work reflect his feelings, personal qualities, and interests.

    "Me and my friends"

Target: Teach children to identify positive signs friendship, characteristics of friends.

    "Friends' Hobbies"

Target : Expand children’s knowledge about different types of activities and hobbies.

    “Our kindergarten is so good – you won’t find a better kindergarten”

Target : Clarify children’s knowledge about childcare. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in rural areas.


    « My family»

Target: Introduce the concept of “family”. Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

    « Family is me!”

Target: Consolidate knowledge of your first name, last name, age, and parents’ names. Form a positive self-esteem, self-image (help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good).

    « What is a street»

Target: Form basic ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalks, roadways. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the village is located; the house in which the children live; explain how important it is to know your address.

    « What distinguishes a city from a village»

Target: To form basic ideas about the differences between a city and a village. Instill love for your native land. Foster a sense of pride in your city.

    « My city»

Target: Continue to reinforce the name of your hometown and introduce its sights.


    « Child and adults»

Goal: Deepen understanding of people: understand the differences between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothing, shoes, and occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions.

    « What do you know about yourself?»

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of certain organs (ears - to hear, eyes - to see, etc.). Awareness of some of your skills (ability to draw, etc.)

    « Family»

Target: Strengthen knowledge about family members and immediate relatives. Understand that everyone in the family cares about each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

    « Good words heal, but bad words cripple»

Target: To form in children the need for a friendly attitude towards others, to cultivate in children a kind attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for permission.

Target: Cultivating a feeling of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother; develop a desire to care for those closest to you


    "Our hardworking janitor"

Target: Introduce children to the work activities of a janitor, show the importance of work; cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and help adults.

    "Teacher's Assistant"

Target : Draw children’s attention to the most typical labor operations and the result of the work of an assistant teacher. Cultivate respect for his work.

    "Visiting a laundry worker"

Target : Develop the ability to understand the social significance of the laundress’s work, her caring attitude towards children. Emphasize that the result is achieved through a conscientious attitude to work. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards the laundress.

    "Wonderful doctor"

Target: To form an understanding of the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards them.

    "Visiting the music director"

Target: To introduce the business and personal qualities of a music director. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards him.


    « Child and book» Target : Cultivate a love for the book, a desire to meet it again. Sympathize and empathize with the characters of the work. Experience the pleasure of encountering poetry.


Target : To cultivate emotional and aesthetic feelings. Form figurative ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Develop artistic perception of works of art. Leading children to an understanding of the unity of content (what the work is about) and certain means of expression (like images) in different types of art.

    "Child and Music"

Target: Develop children's musical horizons by introducing them to musical works (folk, classical and modern) Develop an understanding of elementary genres of music.

    "We dance and sing"

Target : To develop skills in all types of musical activities, to lead children to independently use learned musical works. Develop children's song and dance creativity.

Getting to know the professions of an artist, painter, composer"

Target: Introducing children to the perception of art, developing interest in it. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between genres and types of art: poetry, prose, riddles (literature), songs, dances, music, paintings (reproduction), sculpture (image), building and structure (architecture).

    “What has autumn brought us?”

Target : Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​the benefits of natural vitamins.


    "Sky in Autumn"

Target: Be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. Introduce children to the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”.

    "Water and Sediment"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Talk about the features of autumn rain.

    "Autumn is a good witch"

Target : Develop creative imagination; introduce to beauty, art, creativity.

    "At the flower bed"

Target: Getting to know autumn flowers. Show the structure of the plant. Reinforce the concept of tall, low (flower), long, short (stem).

    "Leaf Fall"

Target: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. Conduct seasonal observations.


    "Flora world in autumn"

Target: Expand your understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities.

    "Birds in Autumn"

Target: Acquaintance with seasonal changes in the life of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.


Target: Expand children's understanding of the wind. Teach rules of conduct in windy weather.

    “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Forming an idea of ​​forest plants: mushrooms and berries. Expand your understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals.

Target: Give children an idea of ​​decorative birds. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds. Develop a desire to observe and care for living objects.


    "Talk about Pets"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Forming a desire to take care of pets.


    "Conversation about migratory birds"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

    "Gloomy Autumn"

Target: Introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, floating.

    "My home, my city"

Target : Consolidate knowledge about home address, street. Get to know your hometown.


    "My native land"

Target: To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for your native land.

    "Transport of my city"


    "Watch out for the car"


    "How to Avoid Trouble"

Target: Introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the foundations of the safety of your own life.


Target: Form an idea of ​​public holidays.



Goal: To introduce some outstanding people who glorified Russia.

    “I love Russian birch”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about the Russian beauty - birch. Introduce children to beautiful poems about birch. Expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

    "Acquaintance with the Russian folk doll"

Target: Introduce Russian folk crafts and traditions. Arouse interest in Russian folk art and handicrafts.

    "My motherland"

Target: Introduce children to the image of the national flag, the state emblem of the Russian Federation, and the national anthem. Form an idea of ​​their origin.

    "Journey to the Country of Nosaria"

Target: Introduce the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose: its location, structure, safety and care rules. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.


    “Morning of joyful meetings with Doctor Aibolit.”

Target : Develop cultural and hygienic skills. Developing practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

    "I will grow up healthy."

Target: Introduce the concepts of “Proper Nutrition”. Introduce a healthy lifestyle.

    “If you want to be healthy, toughen up”

Target: Introduce the concepts of “hardening”. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

    "Our favorite doctor."

Target: Expand your understanding of the medical profession (pediatrician, dentist, ophthalmologist)

    “Why does a person have two eyes?”

Target : To form an idea about a person, about the functions and capabilities of parts of the human body, about ways to care for them.


    “Why do my teeth hurt?”

Target: Form cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills. Expand your understanding of the dental profession.

    “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Target: To instill in children a love of cleanliness.

    "Emergency phone numbers"

Target: Expand children's knowledge about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, and the ambulance service.


    “I will grow up healthy!”

Target: Reinforce the concepts of “proper nutrition” and “daily routine”. Introduce a healthy lifestyle.


    "Microbes in human life"

Target: To form children’s ideas about the dangers and benefits of microorganisms on human health. Teach the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

    "Hooray! Winter!"

Target: Expand children's understanding of winter phenomena in nature. Give basic concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

    "First snow"

Target: Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature.

    "Winter sport"

Target: Introduce winter sports.

    "Winter Injuries"

Target : To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.


    “Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”

Target : Expand children’s understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice.

    "How wild animals prepare for winter"

Target: Introduce children to preparing wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

    "Wintering Birds"

Target: Reinforce the concept of “wintering” birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food of wintering birds. Develop a desire to take care of wintering birds.

    "Talk about Pets"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Create a desire to care for pets.

    "Winter phenomena in nature"

Target : Expand ideas about winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, hoarfrost, frost).


    "Zimushka - winter"

Target : To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

    “The New Year will bring joy to children”

Target : Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday and give gifts. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

    “New Year is at the gates!”

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge about New Year traditions. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, unexpectedness.

    . "Journey to New Year's Eve"

Target: Tell the children that the countdown of each year begins on January 1. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

    . "We are friends of nature"

Target : To consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature. Teach caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other. To clarify children's knowledge about spruce as a symbol of the New Year in Russia.


    .“Who feels good in winter”

Target : Engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

    "Patterns on glass"

Goal: Develop creativity and imagination.

    "How do people go to visit"

Target : Reinforce rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of New Year celebrations.

    "Forest Tale"

Target : To consolidate children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants. To develop the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale in a drawing.

    “How the New Year is celebrated in other countries”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about various ways of congratulations. Introduce the customs of New Year celebrations in other countries.


    “Soon, soon, New Year!”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. Introduce the symbols of different years, the Chinese calendar.

    “How do you know winter?”

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about typical winter phenomena. To develop aesthetic taste and the ability to admire nature.

    "Who's the boss in the forest"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​a forester - a person who takes care of the forest and animals.

    "Zimushka - crystal"

Target: Expand your understanding of winter. Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature.

    "Winter Games"

Target: Introduce winter sports, winter fun, and entertainment.


    "Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Goal: Expand ideas about places where it is always winter, about animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.

    “Watch out for the ice!”

Target : Form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

    "A Flock of Bullfinches"

Target : Expand children's understanding of the diversity of birds. Learn to identify the characteristic features of the bullfinch.

    "Flora world in winter"

Target: Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

    "Phenomena of inanimate nature"

Target : Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature.


    “How we take care of animals and birds in winter”

Target: Expand your understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Create a desire to take care of them.

    "Hello fairy tale"

Goal: To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to develop the ability to empathize with the characters.

    "Our theater"

Target: Introduce children to the world of theater. Involve creativity and play in situations.

    "Signs of Fairy Tales"

Target: Expand your understanding of the characteristic features of the fairy tale genre.

    “Which fairy-tale character do I resemble?”

Target : To cultivate the ability to identify oneself with a favorite hero.


    "On a visit to the book"

Target: Cultivate a love of books, develop literary speech. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

    "Ground transport"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of ground transport and their purpose.

    "Water transport"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of water transport and its purpose.

    "Air Transport"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of air transport and its purpose.

    "Pedestrian School"

Goal: Expand understanding of basic traffic rules.


    "Machines are assistants"

Target: Expand your understanding of the types of special transport and their purpose.

    “All professions are important”

Target: Expand your understanding of transport-related professions.

Target : To develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

    "Road signs"

Target: Introduce children to basic traffic signs.

    “Why does a person need a car?”

Target: Improve children's knowledge about the need for machines in human life.


    "The Path from Horse to Car"

Target : Talk about the development of the car.

    "Our Army"

Target: To expand knowledge about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

    "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Target : Continue to introduce “military” professions.

    "Military equipment"

Target: Continue to introduce military equipment.

    "Future Defenders"

Target: Foster patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, brave, to become defenders of the Motherland.


    "How our grandfathers fought"

Target: Expand our understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and defended from enemies during the war.

    “Mom is the most precious person in the world”

Target: Cultivate feelings of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.

    “What does my mother do?”

Target : Cultivate interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

    "International Women's Day"

Target : Expand knowledge about the history of the holiday on March 8.

    "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

Target : Reinforce the idea of ​​family. Develop a conscious attitude towards showing love, respect, sympathy for a loved one, grandmother.



    « Congratulations to our mothers on the spring holiday»

Target : Read poems about mother, grandmother and sister. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards those closest to you.

    “Why do they give flowers?”

Target : Foster the idea that flowers are a sign love and attention.

    "Mom's Favorite Flowers"

Target : Expand knowledge about flowers, cultivate love and sensitivity to mother.

    "My mom loves..."

Target : To consolidate children’s knowledge about their mothers’ hobbies.


    “Why I love my mother and grandmother”

Target : Develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones.

    “What are they like - the Russian people”


    “How to celebrate Maslenitsa”

Target: Introduce the holiday of Maslenitsa. Expand knowledge about folk traditions.

    "Folk toy"


    "Russian folk holidays"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people.


    "Russian folk tales"

Target : Teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, develop creative imagination.

    "Proverbs and sayings"

Target : Introduction to proverbs and sayings. Introduce to Russian folk art.

    "Children's folklore"


    "Counting books"

Target : Introduce, remember the rhymes.


Target: Introduce a variety of lullabies. Remember lullabies with children.


    “Sentences are peace”

Target: Introduce a variety of sentences - peace orders. Learn several peace sentences with your children.

    "Spring is coming! Spring is dear!

Target: Expand your idea of ​​spring. Develop the ability to establish spatial connections between living and inanimate phenomena.

    "Why did the snowman melt"

Target : Expand children's understanding of the properties of snow and ice. Learn to establish basic cause-and-effect relationships.

    "Journey of a Brook"

Target : To clarify children’s understanding of the different states of water and natural water sources.

    "How we welcome spring"

Target : Expand knowledge about seasonal types of work.


    "On a visit to the mistress of the meadow"

Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature.

    "Signs of Spring"

Target : Summarize knowledge about spring changes in nature, in the life of birds and animals.

    "The Birds Have Arrived"

Target : Expand knowledge about migratory birds.

    "Spring on the reservoirs"

Target: Reinforce the rules of behavior in the spring on reservoirs, warn about possible dangers.

    "Enter the Forest with a Friend"

Target: To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.

    "International Earth Day"

Target: Expand children's understanding of environmental holidays.

    "Child and Book"

Target: Cultivate a love for the book, a desire to meet it again. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.


    "We're friends with books"

Target : Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary.

    “The book is a source of knowledge”


    "Hello fairy tale!"

Target: To develop skills in dramatization and theatrical activities.

Target : Maintain and strengthen interest in fiction. Create a need for daily reading.

    "In the world of glass"



    "In the world of plastic"

Target : Introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects.

Target : Expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing.

    "Journey into the Chair's Past"

Target : To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items.

    "In the World of Wood"

Target: Identify the properties and qualities of wood. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way it is used.

    « The magical power of theater»

Target : Develop children's artistic abilities. Introduce children to the world of theater.


    "Theatrical professions"

Target : To give children an idea of ​​professions related to the theater.

    "Jester Puppet Theater"

Target : Expand knowledge about your hometown, cultivate interest in the theater.

    "What do we know about the theater"

Target : Expand children's knowledge about various types of theater.

    "Theater Game"

Target : Continue to develop interest in theatrical play. Encourage children to take on roles.

    "Our flowerbed"

Target : Expand children’s knowledge about planting plants and the need to care for them.


    "Fruit trees in spring"

Target : Clarify and expand ideas about fruit trees. Develop a positive attitude towards nature.

    "The Sun in the Life of Plants"

Target : To form the concept that plants need the sun to live. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

Target : Expand ideas about changes in the plant world in spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

    "Wild and cultivated plants"

Target : Clarify and expand ideas about wild and cultivated plants. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

    "Forest Hazards"

Target : Expand children's understanding of poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by appearance.


    "Blossoming Spring"

Target: Arouse interest in the world of plants. Reinforce ideas about the habitat of plants.

    "The World of Houseplants"

Target : Expand children’s understanding of indoor plants: their benefits and structure. Learn to distinguish by appearance.


Target : Expand children's understanding of vegetable crops. Talk about a person’s work in growing vegetables and fruits.

    "When the lilac blooms"

Target : Foster a love of nature. Create a desire to admire the beauty of spring.

    “The butterflies and beetles woke up”

Target: Learn to distinguish insects by appearance and name them. Create a desire to watch insects.


    "On a visit to the mistress of the meadow"

Target : Expand children's understanding of the diversity of insects. Reinforce knowledge about the structure of insects.

    "Dangerous insects"

Target: Expand children's understanding of dangerous insects. Learn to distinguish them by appearance.

    "Our little friends"

Target : Expand children’s understanding of insects, their characteristics, and habitats. Form the foundations of ecological culture.

    "Insects of other countries"

Target : Introduce the diversity of insects from other continents.

    « Summer is coming»

Target : Expand children’s understanding of summer and seasonal changes in nature.



Target : To form basic ideas about garden and vegetable plants. To form ideas about seasonal work in the garden and vegetable garden. Instill a love of work.


Target : Arouse interest in plant life. Expand your understanding of the variety of colors.

    "The sun - friend or foe"

Target : Expand your understanding of the benefits and harms of the sun (heat and sunstroke). Form the foundations of your own life.


Target : To form a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of summer nature.

    “Why do they say “hello”?

Goal: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Introduce greeting methods. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using “kind words” in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.


    "My good deeds"

Target : deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person. Improve communication skills

    "What is kindness"

Target : To form children’s idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds.

    "Hurry to do good"

Target: Continue familiarization with the polar concepts of “good” and “evil.” Form a conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior.

    “If you are kind...”

Target: To develop in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show empathy and perform kind deeds.

    "Polite words"

Target : Teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules of using greetings.


    "Accidentally and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings- regret, sympathy; develop gaming communication skills without hurting your partner’s interests.

    "Learning to forgive your friends"

Target: develop children’s ability not to be offended by each other; develop the ability to distinguish between an accidental mistake and an intentional one and react accordingly; lead children to understand the words “peace-loving”, “touchy”.

    "Why do there be fights?"

Target : to develop children’s communication skills; develop an understanding of the meaning of norms and rules of behavior among peers; cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.

    "Dreamers and Liars"

Target : develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop a desire for truthfulness and tact.

    " Let's make it up"

Target: develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, and find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be responsive and sensitive.


    "A good friend is a friend in need"

Target : to form the idea that a true friend knows how to empathize and help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

    "How to behave during a conversation"

Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

    "Kind angry"

Target : Teach to give a moral assessment to the actions of heroes, cultivate a desire to be kind and humane.


Target : To form ideas about the moral concept of “truthfulness”, teach to give a moral assessment of the hero’s action, help to understand that a lie does not decorate a person.

    "What a friend should be"

Target : Form ideas about positive character traits and moral actions, deepen ideas about friendship


    "Be neat and orderly"

Target : Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help you understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.

    "Truth is not true"

Target: Explain to children that they should not deceive others, that they should always tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are highly valued in a person, that they are praised for telling the truth.


Target: continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to children that those who tease not only offend others, but also cause harm to themselves.

    "Games without quarrels"

Target: Explain to children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at losing, do not tease the loser.


Target : Teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate skills of cultural behavior, and follow the rules of etiquette.



Target : Teach children to treat things with care and precision, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance and become unusable. Teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.

    "Mutual Aid"

Target : Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him.

    "Striving to Help"

Target : Develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to help, showing empathy.

    "Generosity and Greed"

Target: Explain the meaning of the concepts “greed” and “generosity”. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.

    “Why you need to be able to give in”

Target : teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions.


    "Steps of Kindness"

Target : based on the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​justice, courage, modesty and kindness.

    "It's better to be kind"

Target : Give children an idea of ​​an indifferent, indifferent person and his actions. Teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of an emotional state.

    “What does my mother do?”

Target: Cultivate interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

    “How to please teachers”

Target : Cultivate respect for educators, develop the need to please others with good deeds.

    “What are they like - the Russian people”

Target: Expand your understanding of the customs of the Russian people.


    "Folk toy"

Target: Expand the understanding of folk toys. To develop the ability to express aesthetic feelings. Expand the understanding of the diversity of folk art.

    "Proverbs and sayings"

Target: Introduction to proverbs and sayings. Introduce to Russian folk art.

    "Children's folklore"

Target : Introduce chants and song appeals to the forces of nature.

    "Counting books"

Target: Introduce, remember the rhymes.

    "Enter the forest as a friend"

Target : Develop a positive attitude towards nature, educate environmentalists.


    "Child and Book"

Target : Cultivate a love for the book, a desire to meet it again. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.

    "We're friends with books"

Target: Maintain and strengthen interest in fiction, expand vocabulary

    “The book is a source of knowledge”

Target : to create interest and need for reading (perception of books).

    "Hello fairy tale!"

Target : To develop skills in dramatization and theatrical activities.

    "You and I are best friends with a book"

Target : Maintain and strengthen interest in fiction. Create a need for daily reading


    "In the world of glass"

Target : Help identify the properties of glass. Cultivate a caring attitude towards things.

    "In the world of plastic"

Target : Introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects

    "In the World of Wood"

Target: Identify the properties and qualities of wood. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way it is used

    "Journey into the Past of Clothes"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the history of clothing.

    "Forest Hazards"

Target : Expand children's understanding of poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by appearance



Target: Cultivate emotional and aesthetic feelings. Form figurative ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

    "Getting to know ornamental birds"

Target : Give children an idea of ​​ornamental birds. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds. Develop a desire to observe and care for living objects

    "Talk about Pets"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Forming a desire to take care of pets.

    "Conversation about wild animals in the forest"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the life of wild animals in autumn. Develop an interest in the natural environment. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

    "Transport of my city"

Target: Expand your understanding of types of transport and their purpose. Develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.


    "Watch out for the car"

Target : Expand your understanding of the rules of behavior in the city, basic traffic rules.

    "How to Avoid Trouble"

Target : Introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the foundations of your own life safety

    “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Target : To instill in children a love of cleanliness

    "Emergency phone numbers"

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, and the ambulance service

    “How to stay healthy?”

Target : Provide basic information about medications and diseases, disease prevention, and the benefits of vitamins.


    "Pedestrian School"

Goal: Expand understanding of basic traffic rules

    “All professions are important”

Goal: Expand ideas about professions

    "Rules of conduct in public transport"

Goal: To develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

    "The Sun in the Life of Plants"

Goal: To form the concept that plants need the sun to live. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

    "Trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants"

Goal: Expand ideas about changes in the plant world in spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

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Conversation “Rules for those on duty” Purpose: to remind children how to set the table, teach them to act consistently and accurately, and discuss the importance of the work being performed. Continue to develop the work skills required while on duty.

Conversation “How did I spend my summer?” Goal: invite children to talk about their summer vacation using family photographs, and teach them to answer the teacher’s questions. To develop coherent speech in children, to form coherent speech in children, to form communication skills.

Ethical conversation “Polite request” Goal: to help children understand the meaning of polite words when communicating with someone with a request. Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence.

Conversation, analysis of situations “Etiquette in kindergarten” Goal: to continue to develop culturally hygienic skills in children. To introduce the concept of “etiquette”, to form ideas about the rules of etiquette that must be observed in kindergarten, to learn to compare one’s actions with the requirements of etiquette. Consider different situations and explain how to act in them.

Life Safety Conversation “On the way to kindergarten” Goal: to form children’s ideas about a safe route from home to kindergarten. Develop observation, attention, coherent speech, memory, develop the ability to remember the sequence of events, convey information and impressions in words.

Ethical conversation “The Fairy Teaches Politeness” Goal: together with the children, remember the rules of polite communication. Give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children, images fiction and other types of art.

Conversation on the topic “A vegetable store is...?” Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about a vegetable store, to activate in speech: the names of vegetables and fruits, verbs denoting the actions of sellers and buyers; quality adjectives.

Conversation on the topic “Minsk is the capital of Belarus.” Goal: to update and supplement knowledge about the capital of our Motherland - Minsk. Create a desire to learn more about this city and its history.

Conversation “Families big and small” Goal: to give children the idea that, regardless of the number of relatives, the family is a home for the child, where he is loved and cared for. Show children how grandparents take care of their family. It is important that children understand that older people need to be helped, that they need to be taken care of.

Conversation “Together it’s crowded, but apart it’s boring.” Goal: tell children how to avoid a quarrel, how to make peace, teach them to see the moral side of a given situation, teach them to evaluate their actions and the actions of other people.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “I am a pedestrian.” Goal: continue to familiarize children with the rules of behavior on the street, invite the children to tell them how pedestrians should act in various situations.

Conversation “Our country is Russia. The nature of our country." Goal: to update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about the nature of our country and its diversity. Encourage children to want to know more about it.

Conversation on the topic “What grows is alive!” Goal: invite children to talk about why they need to treat plants with care and how to protect them. To form ideas about the diversity of nature and the interconnection of its objects. Enrich your vocabulary with figurative words and expressions.

Conversation “We are traveling in public transport” Goal: to form the basis of safe behavior, consider various situations with children, discuss the rules of behavior in public places and in transport. Offer to tell why it is important to be polite and show respect to adults and peers.

Conversation “Food is tasty and healthy - What grows in the garden” Goal: to teach children to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, to arrange events in a certain sequence, to lead to an understanding of how to eat properly.

Ethical conversation “Cultural Man”. Goal: invite children to talk about what a cultured person should be, to generalize, supplement and concretize their ideas. Teach children to analyze and draw conclusions using examples of various situations.

Conversation “What I think about myself and others.” Goal: to develop in children the ability to analyze their actions and actions, to correlate them with social norms of behavior. Develop coherent speech, learn to freely construct sentences of different grammatical structures.

Conversation “My favorite animal.” Goal: to activate relevant concepts in children’s speech, develop the ability to compose a coherent story, and participate in dialogue.

Ethical conversation “Ethical and unethical actions.” Goal: consider various situations with children, discuss which people did the right thing and who broke the rules. Teach children to compare their desires and actions with ethical and moral standards and accepted rules of behavior.

Conversation “The city in which I live.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the sights of their favorite city; learn to recognize protected places in photographs and name them. Develop coherent speech, imagination, the ability to select adjectives, coordinate words in sentences.

Conversation about the rights of the child “First name, patronymic and last name.” Goal: to tell children why it is important to know their rights and responsibilities, that a person receives a first, patronymic and last name at birth by agreement of the parents.

Conversation about table manners. Purpose: To invite children to remember the most important rules behavior at the table, depict them using symbols (eat slowly, chew food thoroughly; remember that all troubles occur due to haste or overindulgence; you cannot talk or laugh while eating; you need to clean up after yourself, etc. .). Teach children to follow rules when eating.

Conversation “Who built the kindergarten.” Goal: To give children an idea of ​​the importance of the work of builders, to tell them about different construction specialties, and to cultivate respect for their profession.

Conversation “Bread is the head of everything” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about bread and the work of people who grow bread. Enrich your vocabulary of nouns and adjectives. Intensify the use of figurative expressions in speech (“Work hard”, “What goes around comes around”). Reinforce knowledge of rituals associated with the harvest

Conversation “How plants prepare for winter” Purpose: to form primary ideas about the signs of autumn, the cyclical nature of changes, to learn to observe and summarize the results of observations: by changes in weather, the appearance of plants, to establish the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

Conversation “Counting chickens in the fall” Purpose: to explain to children the meaning of an idiomatic expression. Develop the cognitive sphere of children, develop the ability to generalize knowledge, highlight similarities and differences.

Conversation “Transport” Purpose: to teach children to correctly name types of transport and machine parts. Practice forming prefixed verbs and adjectives from nouns. Encourage the use of comparisons and definitions in speech.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Let's save the house from fire” Goal: to introduce children to fire safety rules, tell them how they can make drawings at home with their parents - “reminders” of what is necessary when leaving to turn off the gas, electrical appliances, and lights.

Conversation “Weather and Health” Purpose: to summarize and supplement children’s ideas about the characteristics of autumn weather, about the health hazards it poses. Learn to dress appropriately for the weather and follow basic safety rules.

Ethical conversation “Stupid people quarrel, but smart people come to an agreement” Purpose: to help children understand that quarrels can lead to trouble. How to avoid a quarrel and what methods children know for reconciliation. Teach to observe moral standards of behavior.

Conversation “If the family is together, the soul is in place” Goal: to form a value-based attitude towards the family as the moral basis of education. Systematize and deepen children’s knowledge about the family and family relationships. To form in children a feeling of love and respect for the closest and dearest people - family members, pride in their family, spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to their home and family. Deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior and norms of relationships in the family, family traditions.

Conversation on the topic: “How did I spend my day off?” Goal: to develop the ability to compose stories from experience, conveying well-known events; with the help of the teacher, build a story in accordance with the requirements for the structure of the plot narrative (exposition - a description of the characters, time and place of action; plot - the cause of the event, the development of the event, the denouement).

Conversation with children on the topic “The best”. Goal: invite children to talk about why they love their mother, what she is like, to help them understand that their mother needs care, help, they need to take care of her, and try not to upset her.

Conversation “How people arranged their home before.” Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the life of our ancestors, their way of life. Arouse children's interest in history, the cultural heritage of their people, and develop their imagination.

Conversation on the topic “Customs and activities of our ancestors.” Goal: expand and systematize children’s ideas about the customs of our ancestors and traditions native land. Help to understand the meaning of various traditions of the past. To foster a sense of pride in the rich heritage of our ancestors.

Conversation on life safety “When you are left alone at home.” Goal: discuss with the children what rules need to be followed if the child is left alone at home. Ask for an explanation of what rules the little goats, the characters from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” violated. Tell us what to do in a similar situation in real life.

Conversation “Who is called modest” Purpose: to bring to the attention of children various situations, to discuss which of the participants behaves modestly and who behaves defiantly. Learn to evaluate behavior and its consequences.

Conversation “Friendship Lesson” Purpose: to discuss with children what children know about friendship and friends. What does it mean to be friends? Develop the ability to reasonably evaluate your own actions and the actions of your friends. To update and clarify children’s ideas about friendship and the forms of relationships in a team. Invite them to recall various situations and classify the actions of their participants as friendly or unfriendly.

Conversation “How our family takes care of health” Purpose: invite children to talk about family traditions associated with a healthy lifestyle, how they take care of their health, and about their close family members. Promote the formation of a conscious attitude towards health.

Conversation “Colorful mood”. Goal: to develop in children the ability to pay attention to their actions, experiences, attitudes towards others, to teach the simplest techniques for self-regulation of behavior and mood.

Conversation about matches. Goal: To tell children about what matches are needed for, how they work, and what they are used for. Discuss the dangers of trying to use them yourself.

Conversation “How animals prepare for winter” Purpose: to form ideas about seasonal changes in the lives of animals and the variety of options for their preparation for winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards wintering birds, the desire to feed them; give the first ideas about the adaptation of animals to changes in nature.

Conversation “Don't be greedy” Goal: to continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards greed. Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence. Give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children.

Conversation “Beautiful places of our city.” Goal: to strengthen children’s ideas about the iconic places of their hometown, to teach them to recognize them from photographs. Develop interest in your hometown.

Life Safety Conversation “Don’t play with fire!” Goal: explain to children the dangers of playing with fire, tell them about the rules of behavior in case of a fire.

Conversation “Good habits”. Goal: to form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, to consolidate ideas about what is healthy and what is harmful to health. To form the foundations of health-preserving competencies: mastery of basic methods of physical self-improvement, emotional self-regulation and self-control, the ability to apply personal hygiene practices, and take care of one’s own health and safety.

Conversation “I am among people.” Goal: To develop sociocultural competencies in children: possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles ( son daughter, brother-sister, grandson-granddaughter, friend-girlfriend); the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere in an effective way
we organize free time. Determine your place and role in the world around you, in the family, in the team.

Conversation “In the Thirtieth Kingdom” Purpose: to offer children excerpts from familiar fairy tales, to teach them to evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters using the TRIZ “Good - Bad” technique, to teach them to see their ambiguity. Learn to express sympathy, empathy for fairy tale characters, and empathy in speech.

Conversation on the topic “The street where you live.” Goal: to arouse in children a desire to learn about the history of the streets on which they live, to develop information competencies (learn to work with various sources of information, search and select the necessary information).

Conversation on the topic “Coat of arms of the native city.” Goal: To tell children about the functional meaning of the coat of arms, give an idea of ​​its history, and talk about what is depicted on the city’s coat of arms.

Life Safety Conversation “What can happen if you get your feet wet on the street.” Goal: to tell children about preventive measures to help prevent various colds during late autumn. Learn to choose clothes and shoes according to the weather, follow safety rules on the street.

Conversation “In the world of polite words.” Goal: to bring to the attention of children various situations, to discuss which polite words are appropriate and necessary in each specific case, what is the meaning and purpose of polite words.

Conversation “What good things can you do for friends.” Goal: To introduce children to various situations, to enrich the experience of showing friendly disposition. Stimulate the desire to do something good for friends.

Conversation "My friend, girlfriend." Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech, to develop the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Cultivate friendly feelings.

Conversation “Kindergarten is a second home.” Goal: invite children to compare kindergarten and home, say what is common and what is different. Talk about the work of many people who are trying to make the kindergarten cozy and the children’s stay in it comfortable. To educate children to respect everything that surrounds them in the garden.

OBJ Conversation “What do teeth like?” Goal: to teach children to take care of their dental health, to discuss what is useful and what is harmful to their teeth. Learn to care for your teeth correctly.

Conversation "Globe". Goal: to expand children’s ideas about our Motherland, about its place on planet Earth. Introduce the concepts of the North and South Pole, Arctic and Antarctic. Develop curiosity.

Ethical conversation “My advantages and disadvantages.” Goal: to introduce children to the concepts of “dignity” and “disadvantage”, to tell them that if they wish, they can overcome any shortcomings in themselves. Make a table with the children in which you need to write down what each child wants to achieve or learn. Opposite each desire, put a “-.” sign, which may soon turn into a “+”.

Conversation "Kapitoshka". Goal: to update children’s ideas about the water cycle in nature, to talk about how this process occurs in winter. Develop coherent speech.

Conversation “My best friend is my mother” Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech, to develop the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Master initial ideas of a social nature based on the formation of family affiliation.

Conversation “How I meet my mother” Goal: to activate affectionate words and expressions in children’s speech, to invite them to remember how the characters of various cartoons and fairy tales addressed each other. Discuss how a person’s mood changes when using kind words.

Ethical conversation “The Bunny Who Helped Everyone” Goal: to introduce children to the concept of mutual assistance using the fairy tale by E. Bekhlerov “ Cabbage leaf» explain to children that helping others can bring joy to those who provide it. Explain that real help is selfless.

Ethical conversation “Be able to see those who need help” Purpose: explain to children that all people need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him.

Ethical conversation “Good deeds” Purpose: to reveal the meaning of the word “benevolence”, talk about the need for a friendly attitude towards people around you, explain to children that a good deed brings joy to the one who does it

Conversation “How did you spend your weekend?” Goal: to teach children to accurately name the place where they were, to develop the ability to talk about what they saw using precise spatial notations, to activate ideas and vocabulary.

Conversation “Winter” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the seasons (especially winter) and related natural phenomena and changes in the lives of people and animals.

Life Safety Conversation “Meeting a stranger on the street” Purpose: to instill in children caution towards strangers, to consider behavior options in various situations, to formulate general rules. Develop caution and prudence in children, teach them to see potential dangers, and avoid problematic situations.

Ethical conversation “The truth is always learned” Goal: to help children understand that any lie is always revealed, that a person who lies feels guilty not only for his act, but also for telling a lie. To help master concepts such as “truth”, “honesty”, and their opposites: “untruth”, “dishonesty”, “lies”, “deception”.

Ethical conversation “Lazy Fedorka always has excuses” Goal: remember with children the rules that exist in every family: be attentive to each other, help relatives, take care of them, fulfill the requests of elders. Explain the essence of the proverb. Talk about the importance of work in a person’s life, its usefulness and significance.

Life Safety Conversation “How to avoid getting sick in winter” Goal: to update children’s ideas about the rules of safe behavior and health preservation in the winter. Form a conscious attitude towards health, teach how to take care of it, and form healthy habits.

Conversation "Our Planet". Goal: To introduce children to the names of various ecosystems, to clarify the concepts: steppe, ocean, sea, lake, to teach them to name various natural objects correctly.

Life Safety Conversation on the topic “Safety when using electrical appliances.” Goal: to tell children about the complexity of the structure and rules for using electrical appliances, to explain why children should not turn on some electrical appliances (stove, iron, microwave oven, etc.) on their own, and why they need to seek help from adults.

Conversation on the topic “If you are kind.” Goal: to form in children ideas about justice (in a group all children are equal, they must be able to distribute toys and roles in games kindly, follow the rules of the game, not shift their responsibility to a friend), teach them to act in various situations. Enrich positive communication experiences.

Conversation on the topic: “Boys and girls.” Goal: invite children to divide into two teams - boys and girls. Each team needs to answer similar questions: “What do you like to play?”, “What foods do you like?”, “Which cartoon and fairy tale characters are your favorite?” Discuss with children what are the similarities and differences in the preferences of boys and girls, what other gender differences are known to children.

Life Safety Conversation “Safe outfit for the Christmas tree” Purpose: to introduce the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Develop a positive attitude towards family and public holidays. Introduce children to safe garlands, enrich their understanding of the dangers of pyrotechnics. Form ideas about safe ways of behavior of people.

Conversation “Can you make friends?” Goal: to form in children communication skills: learn in various ways interaction with other people, conduct a dialogue, master methods of joint activities in a group, methods of action in communication situations, develop the ability to seek and find compromises. Enrich positive communication experiences.

Conversation on the topic “My family.” Goal: to deepen children’s understanding of family relationships (brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandson, granddaughter). To form sociocultural competencies: possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles; the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere, to determine one’s place and role in the surrounding world, in the family, in the team. Introduce children to cultural norms and traditions.

Conversation on the topic “My name.” Goal: To acquaint children with the history of the origin of people’s names, to tell how people’s names sound in different languages, how our ancestors treated a person’s name. Explain the concepts of “patronymic” and “last name”. Expand vocabulary, introduce word formation techniques.

Conversation “Let's get to know each other!” Goal: to teach children the rules of speech behavior during acquaintances: to update and supplement children’s ideas, to teach them to use various models behavior and corresponding speech structures, enrich the experience of communication, develop coherent speech.

Conversation with children on the topic “What could happen if...” Purpose: to teach children to predict the consequences of events, build reasoning about the development of events, based on knowledge and personal experience. (What happens if you don’t brush your teeth every day, if you get your feet wet on the street?)

Conversation “Streets of our city.” Goal: Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “street”, “alley”, “square”, “square”, and the streets of their hometown. To form children’s idea of ​​themselves as residents of a certain city (village, hamlet, town). Cultivate love for your hometown, the desire to see it beautiful and clean.

Conversation on the topic “New Year’s Moscow.” Goal: to tell children that the main Christmas tree of the country is in the capital of our Motherland, to tell about New Year's events traditionally held in Moscow. Update and complement children’s ideas about New Year's traditions, which are observed in the family of each of the children.

Conversation - analysis of “Home Alone” situations Purpose: invite children to consider story pictures, compose short stories based on them, explain the essence and reasons for what is happening. Discuss relevant situations with children. Learn to identify the source of danger, determine the category of a dangerous situation, choose a program of action based on previously mastered behavioral patterns.

Conversation “Holiday in my family” Purpose: invite children to talk about the traditions and customs of celebrating the holiday in their family. Deepen children's understanding of family relationships, introduce them to cultural norms and traditions, and develop sociocultural competencies.

Conversation “Santa Claus is coming to us” Purpose: to teach children the rules of speech behavior when communicating with Grandfather Frost, to update children’s communication skills, to teach them to use various behavioral models and corresponding speech structures. Enrich communication experience, develop coherent speech.

Conversation “Who to be” Goal: to continue to introduce children to various professions. Systematize and consolidate children’s ideas about people of different professions, their business and professional qualities, and the significance of their work for society.

Conversation “If you need to put things away, you don’t have to look for them” Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of caring for things; remind you to save your time. Bring to the consciousness of children the idea that the attitude towards people is manifested through the attitude towards things and work.

Conversation “We are going to visit” Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the rules of conduct when visiting, invite them to consider various situations, and discuss what to do. Enrich positive communication experiences, expand ideas about behavior patterns in certain situations.

Life Safety Conversation - analysis of the situation “If a stranger calls on the phone” Purpose: to tell children about the need to be careful when communicating with strangers, to introduce them to the appropriate rules of personal safety. Teach children to act in various situations taking into account these rules, enrich children’s communicative experience.

Conversation “Winter Morning” Purpose: to teach children to answer questions based on the results of observation, to activate in speech concepts related to natural phenomena, natural objects, and human actions. Develop observation skills and coherent speech.

Conversation “Weather in January” Purpose: to invite children to characterize the weather and answer the questions: “Is there always frost on a sunny day?” or “Is it always cloudy when snowing? Discuss with children how to check the correctness of their assumptions. Develop observation skills, learn to convey what you see in speech, and enrich your vocabulary.

Conversation “How do forest animals winter?” Goal: to continue to introduce children to wild animals, to enrich their understanding of the peculiarities of their life activities in winter. Talk about how they insulate their homes for winter, how they get food in the cold season and prepare for hibernation.

Conversation with children on the topic “Our friendly family” Goal: invite children to talk about their families, family relationships, and favorite holidays. Cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

Ethical conversation “My attitude towards other people.” Goal: to teach children to choose the right line of behavior towards people in various situations, to show with examples that the same model of behavior will be ideal in one case, and unacceptable in another.

Conversation “Our heart is like a fist!” Goal: To acquaint children with the purpose and work of the heart, with basic rules that allow them to strengthen and protect the heart.

Conversation “You can’t say all the tongue twisters.” Goal: to continue to introduce children to types of oral folk art: proverbs, tongue twisters and sayings; pay attention to the ability of the Russian people to notice and accurately, vividly express in words what they noticed. Cultivate interest in the creativity of the Russian people.

Ethical conversation “How to handle a book” Purpose: invite children to tell what can happen to a book if it is handled carelessly, based on the experience of working in a book repair workshop. Organize a drawing competition on the topic “Illustrations for your favorite fairy tales.”

Conversation “We know everything, we can do everything.” Goal: to teach children to formulate rules of behavior in certain situations, to analyze their own actions for their compliance with accepted rules, to explain their thoughts and conclusions.

Conversation “What good deed have I done?” Goal: to review with the children various situations that took place in the life of the group, invite the children to name the good deeds they have committed. Teach children to find a place good deeds, be proud of them.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Traffic signals”. Goal: Discuss with children what the traffic light is for, why you need to cross the road only when the traffic light is green. Invite the children to consider various situations and answer the question “What could happen if in this situation you don’t listen to the traffic light?”

Conversation “Why are rules needed?” Purpose: to bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss the rules that must be followed. Offer to imagine what will happen if everyone does not act according to the rules, but as he wants. Help to draw a conclusion about why rules are needed.

Conversation “Magic words”. Goal: Invite children to choose polite - “magic” words necessary in various situations. Enrich your vocabulary, strive to be polite.

Conversation “My dream”. Goal: to develop children's creative imagination, fantasy, logical thinking, and coherent speech.

Ethical conversation “Might is not right.” Goal: invite children to consider various situations from the life of the group, from children’s favorite cartoons and fairy tales. Teach to highlight actions committed from a position of strength, without taking into account the interests of the other side, to show the negative consequences of these actions.

Conversation "Accidentally and intentionally." Goal: To tell children about the motives behind various actions. Show with examples how, out of good intentions, actions are sometimes committed that seem bad to others, and vice versa. Learn to see not only the action, but also what caused it.

Conversation “Animals near us” Purpose: to draw children’s attention to the fact that living creatures live next to them that require attention and care, to give an idea that each animal is adapted to certain living conditions and food. Foster a caring, respectful attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for it

Conversation “Weather conditions in February” Goal: to acquaint children with the peculiarities of weather conditions in February, with natural phenomena characteristic of this month (blizzards, ice, the formation of icicles, massive snow “caps” on roofs). Introduce dangerous situations that may arise in the data weather conditions, teach to identify the source of danger and avoid it.

Conversation “Caution, ice” Purpose: to introduce children to the basic rules of moving on a slippery surface, to develop the skills of a careful and prudent attitude towards their health. Form ideas about potentially dangerous situations for a person, teach them to avoid them.

Conversation “Oral hygiene products” Goal: to continue to introduce children to oral hygiene products, talk about the purpose of such products as dental floss, tongue brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth rinse. Form a conscious attitude towards health, the desire to properly care for your teeth.

Conversation “The benefits and harms of chewing gum” Purpose: to introduce children to the beneficial and harmful properties of chewing gum, talk about life situations in which chewing gum under the supervision of adults is beneficial. Strengthen knowledge about hygiene products.

Life Safety Conversation “Stranger” Purpose: to teach children to act correctly in various situations, to independently find solutions, and to accurately express their thoughts. Learn to apply previously learned rules of safe behavior and follow the rules of behavior when communicating with a stranger.

Life Safety Conversation “Behind a Closed Door” Purpose: during the discussion, lead children to formulate rules of behavior if they are alone at home (under no circumstances should you open the door to strangers, you cannot leave the door open...). Develop safe behavior skills in various situations.

Conversation “Polite request” Purpose: to introduce children to the speech structures of a request addressed to various people (an older stranger, an older close person, a peer). Learn to choose appropriate options for expressing requests in various situations.

Conversation “Forests of Belarus”. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the types of forests (deciduous: birch grove, oak grove; coniferous: pine forest, spruce forest; mixed forests). Learn to name a forest by its predominant plant species, introduce the inhabitants of various forests.

Life Safety Conversation “The danger of talking at the table.” Goal: to introduce children to the purpose, structure and operation of the digestive system, to tell why a person eats. Teach children to take care of their health, follow the rules of etiquette and safety at the table.

Conversation on the topic “Russian nesting doll” Goal: to intensify children’s interest in the life of their ancestors, products of folk arts and crafts, and Russian folklore. Introduce oral and folk art dedicated to the Russian nesting doll.

Conversation “The World of Adults” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the variety of roles of adults in society, to teach them to “try on” different roles, to identify the personal qualities that are necessary for their fulfillment.

Conversation “Let’s make peace” Goal: To develop in children the ability to understand other people, to teach them to see motives, and not to be offended over trifles. Encourage peacefulness and responsiveness.

Conversation “Winter - winter - winter!” Goal: to show children, using examples of the works of Russian poets, praising winter, the beauty and greatness of the Russian winter. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Conversation about the culture of behavior “Behavior in public transport.”

Tasks. Tell children how to behave in public transport, consider various situations, compare the compliance of participants’ behavior with the rules; teach to choose models of good behavior.

Conversation about the culture of behavior “Behavior in public transport” Purpose: To tell children how to behave in public transport, consider various situations, compare the compliance of participants’ behavior with the rules; teach to choose models of good behavior.

Conversation “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Purpose: to update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about how animals adapt to unfavorable living conditions in winter. Offer to examine the cat, analyze its behavior in winter and other periods of the year, and draw appropriate conclusions.

Conversation “About compliance” Purpose: to consider various situations with children. Discuss what qualities their participants display (mutual respect, kindness, mutual assistance, compassion, pity, empathy). Help children understand why it is important to be able to give in.

Conversation “The house you live in” Purpose: To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in the entrance, in the house, in the yard. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to maintain order where the children live.

Conversation " Wide Maslenitsa» Goal: to continue to acquaint children with Russian traditions of hospitality, the Maslenitsa holiday, and its characteristic rituals. Arouse interest in the history of the Russian people.

Conversation “Birthday Gift” Purpose: to teach children to focus when choosing a gift on the interests of the person to whom it is addressed, to discuss how you can find out about the interests of a friend.

Conversation " Good words» Goal: to teach children to use kind “magic” words in speech, to consider various situations in which they are needed. Discuss how the attitude towards a person using these words changes.

Conversation “A healthy mind in a healthy body” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the components of a healthy lifestyle; proper nutrition, movement, hardening.

Conversation “Beautiful, but dangerous” Purpose: to supplement children’s knowledge about the formation of icicles, to clarify what natural factors contribute to their occurrence. Explain what safety signs are installed in places where icicles may collapse.

Conversation “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter, about the life of animals in winter, about folk signs. Intensify the use of adjectives, figurative words and expressions in children’s speech. Cultivate a caring attitude in children.

Conversation “Spring” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring. Practice using words denoting signs, actions of objects and phenomena. Develop children's imaginative thinking and imagination. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

Ethical conversation “Conversation with a younger person” Goal: to develop in children the skills of cultural behavior when communicating with children, to teach them to understand the age characteristics of younger children, to properly build relationships with them, to play the role of elders, and to take responsibility.

Conversation “Russia is our Motherland” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about nature, about Russian national costume, about Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes. To instill in children a love for their Motherland, to arouse admiration for the beauty of Russian nature and the creativity of the Russian people.

Conversation on ethics and culture of behavior on the topic “Bread” Goal: to update and supplement children’s ideas about how bread is grown and about the work of grain growers. To instill in children respect for the bread and labor of these people.

Conversation “My City” Goal: to update and supplement children’s knowledge about the history of their hometown, important events and famous fellow countrymen. Foster a sense of pride in your city and responsibility for its future.

Conversation “How I help my mother” Goal: discuss with children why it is important to help elders, teach them to talk about their responsibilities. Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary. Foster respect for the work of adults and encourage independence.

Conversation “Our Mothers” Purpose: to discuss with children who their mothers are by profession, to form ideas about the social roles performed by each person. Learn to write a short story - a riddle about a profession. Develop imagination and verbal imagination.

Conversation “Maslenitsa” Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​one of the most fun national holidays, about how we carried out Maslenitsa week. Introduce the rituals, the symbolism of the holiday, talk about the purpose of songs, chants, and sayings. Cultivate interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Conversation “Family competition” Goal: invite children to invite their family members to participate in a competition for the best pancake recipe and the most interesting “Pancake week story.” Discuss what is needed to participate in the competition. To instill in children an interest in family traditions, to promote the formation of productive child-parent relationships.

Conversation “Seed - seedling - tomato” goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how to grow a plant from seeds, to clarify ideas about vegetable crops and their seeds (tomatoes and cucumbers). Introduce the techniques of planting seeds, tell how to grow seedlings.

Conversation “Poetry Day” Goal: tell children that World Poetry Day is celebrated in March, invite them to remember and tell poems that each of the children likes. Continue to explain, based on the works you have read, the genre features of the poems. Read passages with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets, learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

Ethical conversation “Help a friend everywhere, don’t leave him anywhere” Goal: continue to develop figurative speech. Develop creative imagination. Foster a sense of friendship and mutual assistance.

Conversation on the topic “An old woman - an old woman” Purpose: to teach children to compare what corners of the city looked like, various objects in the past and today, to learn to use historical names in speech, to activate and complement children’s ideas about the life of our ancestors.

Conversation on the topic “Library” Goal: to tell children how books are created and by whom, to continue to introduce them to the work of the library. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, to activate the vocabulary.

Conversation “Bread is the head of everything” Goal: to continue to introduce children to various professions, talk about the profession of grain grower and its significance. Develop interest in various professions, cultivate respect for working people, and respect for bread.

Conversation “Who is this braggart?” Goal: to teach children to distinguish between boasting and jokes, exaggeration, and to see the negative in boasting. Offer to consider various situations, see how others perceive boasting, how they treat braggarts.

Conversation “Water Sorceress” Purpose: Invite children to talk about the importance of water in our lives, summarize, specify and supplement the children’s answers. Tell where and in what form water exists.

Conversation “Our Capital” Goal: to update, clarify and supplement children’s knowledge about Moscow. Learn to talk about familiar historical places, monuments and other attractions.

Conversation “My rights” Goal: to update and supplement children’s previously acquired knowledge about children’s rights. Form ideas in the relationship between desires, needs and human rights.

Conversation “Day of Smiles” Goal: to tell children about the holiday celebrated on April 1, about the role of humor and good mood in people’s lives. Discuss why a person’s mood changes and how to improve it. Develop a sense of humor and communication skills.

Introduction to art: conversation “Bogorodskaya Toy” Purpose: To generalize children’s knowledge about clay toys - Dymkovo and Filimonovsky; introduce the history of Bogorodsk crafts; deepen knowledge about folk art.

OBZh Conversation “Home address” Purpose: to find out whether all children remember their home address; discuss why it is important to know your address and in what situations it may be useful. Tell us how to avoid unpleasant situations, what to do if you are lost.

Conversation “Force is not right” Purpose: To invite children to consider various situations in which the heroes act from a position of strength, evaluate their actions, suggest what other people feel in these situations, what they think about those who resolve issues by force. Teach a sensitive, friendly attitude towards comrades, encourage moral actions.

Conversation “Journey to the land of road signs” Purpose: to teach children to use their knowledge in the game about the rules of traffic and pedestrians on city streets, about road signs, to systematize children’s ideas on this topic. Develop attention visual perception, develop the ability to compare.

Ethical conversation “My attitude towards other people” Purpose: to consider various situations with children, teach them to choose the right line of behavior, and tactfully express their thoughts and feelings.

Conversation “Who will praise me?” Goal: to teach children to see a reflection of a person’s internal state in their external appearance, and to focus on it when building interactions. Learn to use polite words according to the situation.

Conversation “Can you make friends?” Goal: to introduce children to sayings about friendship and friends, who encourage us to be tolerant of people, to show leniency towards the minor shortcomings of our friends, but not to recognize as friends people who do bad things.

Conversation “How the love of loved ones helps children grow” Goal: to help children understand the meaning of love for the life of a family, each of its members; teach to distinguish such qualities as love, respect, friendship.

Conversation “I am brave” Goal: invite children to talk about what worries each of the children, to show that there is a way out of any situation. Consider various problem situations with your children, find ways out of them, and help them master appropriate speech structures. To form in children a sense of security and self-confidence.

Conversation about animals. Goal: talk with children about animals, talk about their habits, attitude towards humans, the role of humans in their lives. Cultivate a sense of compassion for homeless animals, teach them to show kindness towards them.

Conversation “How we breathe” Purpose: to introduce children to the structure of the respiratory system, the work of the lungs, and tell them what role the nose plays in breathing. Teach children to take care of the health of the respiratory system.

Conversation “The Art of the Native Land” Purpose: to introduce children to paintings by contemporary artists; learn to name familiar places, monuments, city streets. To form an interest in inventive art, to teach to perceive the content of works.

Life Safety Conversation “Learning to follow the rules of the road” Purpose: Discuss with children why a traffic light, a pedestrian crossing sign is needed, offer to explain why it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, cross the road in the designated places.

Conversation “Who is an architect?” Goal: To introduce children to the profession of an architect, talk about the significance of his activities, and about the tools of labor. Cultivate interest and respect for this profession.

Conversation “My favorite dishes” Goal: to help children write a story about their food preferences, talk about their favorite dishes. Learn to use concepts related to the time of day in speech, to distinguish between dishes traditionally served for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Conversation “I’m going to the theater” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in public places, to consider various situations that may arise in the theater, to choose optimal models of behavior together with the children. To stimulate in children the desire to behave culturally. Help to master appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “The Bravest” Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the life of the first cosmonaut on the planet, to form the desire to be like the hero, to cultivate dedication and perseverance in achieving goals. Invite children to talk about what qualities in the character of astronauts they like and what they want to become.

Life Safety Conversation “Safety near water bodies” Goal: to introduce children to such phenomena as ice drift, river floods, to teach them to see the beauty of natural phenomena and their destructive power. Develop the ability to avoid dangerous situations. To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior near bodies of water.

Conversation “Take care of plants” Goal: to tell children about rare plants, about the reasons that led to the appearance of endangered species. Cultivate a caring attitude, teach to see the consequences of irresponsible actions.

Life Safety Conversation “On the Road” Goal: to form children’s ideas about situations that are dangerous to humans and how to behave in them. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between your own safety and knowledge and application of traffic rules. Contribute to the improvement of dialogical speech, stimulate participation in the conversation.

Conversation “Learning to show kindness” Purpose: to consider various situations with children, discuss how you can show your affection towards a person in each of them. To contribute to the enrichment of communication experience and the development of various behavior patterns by children. Encourage the desire to be friendly towards people; learn to correctly express your emotional state in behavior.

Conversation “Who made the book?” Goal: to form in children an interest in the work of people involved in the production of the book, ideas about their work. Encourage people to treat books with care.

Life Safety Conversation “I’m on the Street” Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in public places, invite them to consider various situations, discuss how to act in each of them, and help children learn appropriate behavior patterns.

Conversation “River of our region” Purpose: to invite children to talk about rivers they know, to look at photo and video materials dedicated to the rivers of their native land. Describe the rivers, tell what their significance is in the life and economic activities of people.

Conversation “How to deal with stubbornness in yourself?” Purpose: to discuss with children the differences between a firm position on an issue, the ability to defend one’s opinion, and stubbornness. Talk about why stubbornness is a bad character trait. To develop children’s skills of self-regulation and behavior control.

Conversation “Victory Day” Purpose: to tell children about the Great Patriotic War, about the cost of victory over fascism. To cultivate respect and a sense of gratitude for everyone who defended the Motherland.

Conversation “What is heroism?” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the best qualities of a person, talk about heroism, and evoke a desire to imitate heroes. To instill in children an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards soldiers.

Conversation “We are part of nature” Goal: to develop children’s natural history and health-preserving competencies: to expand the experience of orientation and environmental activities in the natural environment (in the forest, in the field, on reservoirs, etc.).

Conversation “The Great Patriotic War” Goal: to continue to acquaint children with historical events, to cultivate respect for the people who defended their Motherland.

Ethical conversation “Behavior at the table” Goal: continue to familiarize children with the rules of etiquette, behavior patterns and speech structures of polite expression of invitation, gratitude, apology. To promote the development of patterns of behavior at the table, enriching the communicative experience of children.

Conversation “My phone rang” Purpose: to teach children to observe speech etiquette when talking on the phone; help them master behavioral patterns in various situations and appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “I Empathize” Goal: to teach children to be attentive to each other, to understand the mood and emotional state of their comrades, to express empathy, sympathy, and to provide all possible assistance.

Conversation “The word “Hello”” Purpose: to consider various situations with children, discuss which words of greeting are appropriate in each of them. Help to master various behavioral patterns and speech structures used when meeting people of different ages, loved ones, acquaintances and strangers. Enrich children's vocabulary and communication experience.

Life Safety Conversation “Safety in the forest” Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of conduct in the forest, discuss them, and explain the meaning. Invite the children to tell what will happen if this or that rule is broken.

Conversation “Matches are not a toy” Purpose: discuss with children why you should never take matches or try to light them. Consider several problematic situations caused by the use of matches by children. Talk about what to do in case of a fire.

Conversation “Teeth and caring for them” Purpose: to tell children about how teeth “work”, why it is very important to chew food thoroughly. Invite children to tell how to take care of their teeth, summarize and supplement the children’s answers, talk about problems that may arise if the rules of caring for teeth and the oral cavity are violated.

Conversation “Our names” Purpose: To tell children about the meaning of various names. Offer to tell how loved ones affectionately call children at home, teach them to address each other by name, discuss how you can show your affection for a person in a conversation. Encourage the desire to show friendliness towards people, teach them to express their emotional state in behavior.

Conversation “History of the fire service in Russia” Purpose: to introduce children to the history of the fire service, to cultivate interest and respect for the profession of firefighter. Continue to form ideas about the role of work in people’s lives.

Life Safety Conversation “You and Fire” Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the causes of fire, to teach them to avoid fire-hazardous situations. Develop a conscious attitude towards personal safety, instill responsibility for the safety of others.

Conversation - analysis of the situation “At the holiday” Goal: to continue to familiarize children with the rules and models of safe behavior in public places. Learn to observe personal safety rules and cultural norms of behavior in various situations, to exercise caution and prudence in potentially dangerous places.

Conversation “Morning Greeting” Purpose: to remind children of the need to greet adults, peers, younger preschoolers, talk about the etiquette rules associated with greetings. Practice behavior patterns in various situations, learn to use appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “Who helps animals?” Goal: to continue to introduce children to different professions: veterinarian, clinics where they provide care to animals. Invite children to make up stories from personal experience about how veterinarians treat animals.

Life Safety Conversation “You and Water” Goal: to update and systematize children’s ideas about the rules of behavior near and in water, to introduce them to potentially dangerous situations, ways to avoid and overcome them. Promote the understanding of safe behavior.

Baburina Elena Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: GBDOU kindergarten No. 82
Locality: Saint Petersburg
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Card index of conversations on the topic " Cognitive development"for younger preschool age
Publication date: 11.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education

No. 1 Conversation “Good Doctor Aibolit.”

Goals: Promoting children's health. Replenishment of knowledge

children about ways to improve their health. Development

coordination, strength and dexterity of movements. Consolidation and

addition of knowledge about the medical profession and personal hygiene.

Progress of the conversation: Doctor Aibolit: I’ll come to Sasha,

I'll come to Vova,

Hello children!

Who is sick with you?

How are you living? How's your tummy?

Doesn't your head hurt?...

Greets and gets to know children;

Takes everyone's temperature with a large cardboard

thermometer (asks the children what it is, what it’s for)


Talks about hygiene before meals, about breakfast.

Reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor


Aibolit says that he received a letter and reads it:

"Come, doctor,

To Africa soon

And save me, doctor,

Our babies!

"What's happened? Really

Are your children sick?

"Yes Yes Yes! They have a sore throat

Scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come quickly

Good Doctor Aibolit!”

"Okay, okay, I'll run,

I will help your children.

But where do you live?

On a mountain or in a swamp.

Aibolit invites children to help cure the animals.

The doctor shows instruments: phonendoscopes,

thermometers, spatulas.

Children name (or get acquainted with names)

tools. Then perform the appropriate

actions, discussing them. During children's activities

Aibolit reminds that the patient also needs

speak kind words.

A game: Aibolit takes out a bottle of vitamins and opens it

him, but he is empty. Invites children to make vitamins from

napkins. By rolling.

Children give the animals vitamins. Dr. Aibolit

solemnly announces that the animals have recovered.

Aibolit: So as not to get sick, little animals,

Do exercises in the morning!

The doctor says goodbye and leaves.

No. 2 Conversation “Winter fun”


winter, about winter phenomena in living and inanimate nature,

about winter activities.

Progress of the conversation: Guys, today we will talk about

winter fun, but first let's remember. What is our

Is it the time of year? What's the weather like in winter? (Answers

children).Children stand in front of the chairs. Educator

invites children to play a didactic game

"Sweet Nothing". The one who sits down on the chair

will give me a varnish word. (The game is played: snow-

snowball, slide, etc.).

Educator: Winter is a wonderful time of year, isn’t it?

We don't want to leave our walk home because

the street is interesting. What interesting things can you do on

outside in winter? (children's answers: you can ski and

skating, building forts out of snow, making a snowman,

throw snowballs). The teacher demonstrates the series

plot paintings on the topic: “Winter entertainment”.

1. Who is shown in this picture? What are they doing?

2. What do the guys feed the birds?

3. What birds flew to the feeder (tit, sparrow)

4. What are the other guys doing?

5. Who goes sledding? Where do they ride?

6. Who skis? Where do they ride?

7. What are the other guys doing?

8. What is the children’s mood during a walk?

9. How do you think the guys’ walk will end?

10. What kind of snow is it (soft, wet, cold.)

Outdoor game: “Bom, bom, bom.”

Movements are performed according to the text.

Bom, bom, bom the clock is knocking.

Frost twirled his mustache

He combed his beard and walked around the city

100 toys behind each child's back, one each

The snowball creaks and creaks

What a big bag of beads and firecrackers with different


Vos: I'll show you how to write a story using pictures.



try it

draw up

yourself. One winter day the children went out to











boys Nikita and Maxim were skiing on the track.

The rest of the guys were making a snowman. Sveta attached


It’s a pity that in winter you can’t go for a long walk and you have to go in

back to the group.

Vos: Now you guys try to tell me your

No. 3 Conversation “My Family”

Target: learn to answer questions; form

ideas about the composition of the family, to cultivate love and

respect for your family members.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator: Guys, what do you think a family is?

Children: Family is mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother,

Educator: Yes, indeed, the closest, the most

beloved and loving, dearest people - mom, dad,

grandparents, brothers, sisters - your family. How

It's good that you all have a family! You are the most

the happiest children in the world, because in your families

they love each other, they all live happily and amicably together.

The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship,

respect, love for each other.

The family can be small - for example, mother and

child, but if they love each other, it's real

family. It's good if the family is big. Family is adults

and children who live together love each other and

Physical education minute.

Who lives in our apartment?

One two three four. (Clap our hands.)

Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)

One two three four five. (Jumping on the spot.)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)

Murka the cat, two kittens, (Tilting the body to the right -

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (Turns of the body

right left.)

That's my whole family. (Clap our hands.)

take care of each other.

No. 4 Conversation “Transport”

Target: Strengthen children's understanding of transport

means. In outdoor games, teach to walk in a column along

alone, slow down and speed up, do not push others.

Progress of the conversation: There are toys on the teacher's table: a train,

plane, car. The teacher asks:

Guys, what is on my table? Children's answers

(plane, car, train).

How can you call it in one word? Children's answers.

This is transport. What is transport needed for?

Children's answers (drive, fly, travel).

Transport helps people move around and

travel. Do you love to travel?

Today we will try to travel on all of these

types of transport. Let's get on the train and go.

Outdoor game "Train".

Vos.: “You will be the carriages, and I will be the locomotive!” Children

stand one after another. The locomotive blows its whistle. Locomotive

must move slowly so that the trailers do not

lagged behind.

Stop! The railway is over, there are no more rails,

continue on to something else.

Guess the riddle:

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it

What is this? -... (airplane)

Outdoor game "Airplanes"" Children become one

sides of the room. Vos. says: “Get ready for flight!

Start the engines! After the teacher’s signal “Let’s fly!”

spread their arms to the sides and fly - scatter in different

sides. At the teacher’s signal “Landing!” They

heading to their places.

Guys, our journey ends, it's time for us to go

kindergarten! Guess the riddle (V Stepanov):

Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far

Carries goods and people.

Of course you are familiar with her. (car).

If a car carries cargo, it is ... (cargo). And if

does the car carry people? Children's answers (passenger car).

Outdoor game "Taxi". Children get inside

large hoop, hold it in lowered hands: one - at

one side of the rim, the other on the opposite side, each behind

friend. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is

passenger. Children move around the room. Through

They switch roles for a while.

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. What,

Guys, did traveling help us? Children's answers

Floats boldly in the sky,

(plane, car, train). In one word it can be called


No. 5 Conversation “How wild animals prepare for


Target: forming an idea of ​​preparation

animals for winter, their adaptation to seasonal

changes. To consolidate the general concept “Wild

animals”, learn to guess descriptive riddles about

wild animals.

Move conversations:

Guys, we will talk about how “wild animals

are preparing for the winter" Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you

try to solve them.



Lives in the middle of nowhere

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread

Clubfoot and

He sleeps in a den

Loves pine cones

loves honey

Come on, who is it?

will he call? (Bear)

Long ears

Fast paws,

gray, but not

Who is this? (Hare)

Vos.: Guys, let’s call all these animals one



wild. Guys, what time of year is it now? Children (winter)

The animals of the forest have the hardest time. Guys, do you know

the animals are getting ready


winter? Answers

Vos.: They exchange their summer wool for a thicker one,

warm. (Show pictures of squirrels and

hare). And some animals will sleep peacefully all winter

in their houses. Who is this? Bear and hedgehog.

(Show pictures of a bear and a hedgehog)

A game: Guys, now, let's rest a little.

Let's do animal exercises. Look at me and repeat

right behind me.

Animal exercise.

Once - squat,

Two - jump

This is a rabbit exercise.

And fox cubs love to stretch for a long time,

Be sure to yawn

Well, wag your tail,

And the wolf cubs arch their backs

And jump lightly

Well, the bear is clubfooted

With his paws spread wide,

Either one or both together,

He has been marking time for a long time.

Educator: - Guys, what new did you learn in class?

What animals came to our classes? Where are they

(change wool, prepare holes, dens, winter supplies)

No. 6 Conversation about fire safety rules

Target: learn









fire department


Progress of the lesson:-Guys



g r u p p e?

(Car) .



(Fire department).

By what signs did you guess that it was a fire department?



l e s t n i c e ) .

That's right, the fire truck is always red so it can be

could be seen from afar. Red color is the color of alarm, color

fire department


Why fast? (We need to put out the fire quickly, save

When a car drives along the road, it is not only visible, but also


s i re n u.

z v u h i t


Guys, what do you think is in the back of the fire truck?


o fire extinguisher


Yes, there are many fires caused by careless handling.

fire. Fire is very dangerous. It burns slowly at first

then the flames become higher, stronger,

flare up, rage.

To avoid trouble, you need to know the rules well. Now

Together we will repeat the rules for children.

You can’t take matches... (Take them).

Gas cannot be ignited...(Light).

The iron cannot be...(turned on).

Fingers must not be inserted into the socket...(Insert).

Guys, try to remember these rules and always


Fire truck from the word "fire". And people who

Firefighters are called firemen when they put out a fire.

What kind of firefighters should be? (Brave, strong,

dexterous, courageous, etc.).

Game "Cat's house caught fire."

Material: cat house (made from cubes or chairs),

bucket, watering can, flashlight, spatula, piece of red cloth,


Progress of the game: Children walk in a circle and sing a song:

Tili - boom! Tili - boom! A chicken is running with a bucket,

And a dog with a lantern. Gray bunny with leaf.

Cat's house caught fire!

An adult rings a bell loudly, children run there,

where they are, a bucket, a watering can, etc., take the toys and “extinguish them

fire" (fire is depicted using red matter,

thrown over the house)

No. 7 Conversation “Safe Road”

Goals: Reinforce the rules of the road with children.

Know the colors of traffic lights. Develop attention and orientation

on the ground. Teach children to follow traffic rules


Progress of the conversation:

One day Luntik came down to our earth. He got on

the road. It’s standing, and cars are driving around. He sees his uncle standing and

with a stick.

said hello

asked: “Who are you and where did I end up?” Uncle answers him - I

police officer,


Are you located


It’s impossible because there are a lot of cars driving here. And they can

knock you down. I help car drivers and pedestrians

navigate the road. I have helpers:

A wand, it's called a wand. I use it to indicate


need to stand.

There is a special crossing for pedestrians. It is called

traffic light.

green. Pedestrians know when to turn red

stand, on yellow - get ready, and on green you can

cross the street.



a specially designated safe place for them.

Special signs will help you navigate (show

pedestrian crossing sign, traffic light, children).

And these are all called traffic rules. Their

must be observed.

Luntik was glad that they helped him and told him everything.






will tell

to my friends!

Game: "Safe crossing of the road"

1. What kind of cars drive on the road? (Cars and trucks)

2. What is the name of the place where cars drive? (Road) .



are people walking? (Sidewalk) .

4. What is the name of the person who drives the car?

(Driver, chauffeur).

5. What is the name of a person walking along a zebra crossing? (A pedestrian) .

6. What colors does the traffic light have?

7. At what color of traffic light can you cross the road?

(green) .

8. Where is it allowed to cross the road? (Along the zebra).

9. Who helps regulate traffic at the intersection?

(Traffic controller).

10. What are the rules called that help pedestrians?





Vos.: You must remember the rules of the road.

And then they can be useful to you!

Conversation “Favorite toy”

Target: Understand


“They dropped the bear on the floor...” Teaching children to feel sorry for their beloved

and a pear,

"Heal with me."


emotional response to a favorite poem. Learn

children should handle toys with care.

Progress of the conversation:

There is a bear toy lying on the floor; the bear is missing one leg.

Vos: - Who is this?

Children(answers): - Bear.

Vos: - Why is he so sad?

Children ( answers): - He doesn’t have a paw.

The teacher reads a poem with the children.

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won't leave him -

Because he's good.

Vos: - How can we help our bear so that he becomes

Children(answers): - Sew on his paw, bandage him, take him to

The teacher puts on a doctor's cap and sews

bear's paw.

Vos: - Now the bear is having fun, look at his two

paws. Guys, tell me how to handle

toys so they don't break?

Children(answers): - Do not throw, do not throw, put on a shelf.

Vos: - Guys, do you want the bear to stay with us?

group? Let's find a corner in our group where

he will live.

Children: - Yes!

Guys, let's ask the bear if he liked it

us in the group?

Ask the children what toys live in our group.

Remind us that we love all toys and contact

We will have to be careful with them.

No. 9 Conversation “Spring”.

Target: consolidation and generalization of knowledge about spring.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator: Children, what time of year is it now?

Educator: Would you like to listen to a poem about spring?


I open my buds into green leaves

I water the trees, it’s full of movement

My name is spring!



Let's repeat


poem) .

Educator: Guys, what signs of spring do you know?





birds arrive.

A game. Guys, let's do finger gymnastics.

Drip, drip, drip

The drops are ringing.

It's April.


let's remember



April, April, the yard is ringing, drops.

Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.

The ants will come out soon after the winter cold.

No. 10 Conversation “Dads – You are our Defenders”

border guard

Target: Cultivate in children a good attitude towards their own

dad, evoke a feeling of pride and joy for

noble deeds of a loved one; develop speech,

Progress of the conversation: Guys, we will soon celebrate the holiday

"Defender of the Fatherland Day". This holiday is real

men, our defenders.

Who do you think the defenders are? (children's answers)

These are your dads, grandfathers, who at one time

courageously defended our Motherland and served in the army.-

Listen to a poem about the Army

Our beloved Army

Birthday in February

Glory to her, invincible,

Glory to peace on Earth!

Guys, look at the poster, who do you see in these

photos? (fathers, grandfathers)

Dima, show me a photo of your dad, what’s his name?

(ask 3-4 children).

Guys, your dads different names, but they not only

different names and surnames, they have different appearances. And dressed

they're in different clothes, which is called "military

shape.” Look, it’s different from each other:

Dima's dad's naval uniform - he served in the navy. And

our Motherland.

What games do dads play with you? (Football, read

books, playing with cars.)

What else is fun to do with dad? (Walk in

park, ride in a car, go to the circus, etc.)

Guys, what good dads you have, they love you very much.

And you also have grandfathers. When they were young

also served in the army. Someone's grandfather was a tank driver, and

I was a pilot, he flew on an airplane (show photo).

Now let's play a game "Pilots". Tell,

where do planes fly? (High in the sky.) You will

airplane pilots.

A game: Spread your “wings”, start the “engine”: “f - f - f”,

The plane is flying,

The plane hums:

“Oooh – ooh – ooh!”

I'm flying to Moscow!

Commander - pilot

The plane goes: “Ooh – ooh – ooh – ooh!”

I'm flying to Moscow! (Naydenov)

Our grandfathers and fathers were strong and brave, they

defended our Motherland. When you grow up, you will too

strong defenders of their family and their homeland.

№11 Conversation “Maslenitsa”

Goals: Introduce children to the traditions of the Russian people:

Vos: What are pancakes like? (To the sunshine!)

Vos: That's right, they're round like the sun. And also guys,

Give an idea about the Maslenitsa holiday (seeing off

winter, games, welcoming spring, baking pancakes). Create

festive atmosphere, arouse children's desire

participate in games.

Progress of the conversation:- Hello guys, sit down next to each other, yes

Let's talk okay. (children sit on chairs).

Tell me guys what holiday we have today

kindergarten? Who knows?

Vos: Yes, today is Maslenitsa, this is not a simple holiday -



are considering

thematic pictures).

Guys! What games do children play outside in winter?

Children: Sledding, skiing, skating downhill.

Vos: In Rus' it was customary to ride down the mountain at Maslenitsa,

dance round dances, play games and bake pancakes. Which of the

Have you already made pancakes at home?

Children: I have (everyone answers)

Vos: Do you like pancakes?

everyone went to visit each other.

Vos: I’ll sit with you on the bench and sit for a while. I'll make a wish

I’ll give you a riddle, I’ll see who’s smarter.

Game (riddles) Tail with a hook, nose with a snout

Educator: Well done! How does a pig talk (children)

show how the pig speaks).

Sharp paws, and scratchy paws?





Does the cat like to eat?

Educator: Who gets up early and doesn’t let the kids sleep?

Educator: Good guys! How does our cockerel crow? (children




Did they talk to you today?

Happy and



No. 12 Conversation “Let’s decorate the Easter egg.”

Target: Introduce children to the history of Easter and





in their homes, bake Easter cakes, pies, paint eggs.

To keep people in a happy mood,

Easter, bells were heard everywhere, let's

Bring up


to Russian



Progress of the conversation:

The teacher brings into the group a toy - Ryaba chicken and

basket with wooden eggs.

Guys, look who came to visit us? (hen

Chicken Ryaba brought you gifts, let's see

What's in her basket? (wooden eggs)

Do you want to know why the chicken brought you these?

present? (want)

Sit on the chairs and listen carefully.

Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily,

Spring has come to visit us.

Spring has come, the snow is melting in the spring, cheerful streams are flowing,

buds are blooming on the trees, everything around is coming to life, people

rejoice in spring and celebrate a holiday called

Easter celebrates the victory of good over evil. People

begin to prepare for it in advance: they put things in order

Let's hear how the Easter bells sound? (audio recording

"Ringing bells")

Round dances were held at Easter, people believed that movement along

the sun, helped nature wake up.

And the most important symbol of Easter is the egg, because it

represents the beginning of a new life, the chicken laid an egg, and

a chicken will then emerge from it.

On Easter people visit each other and exchange

colored eggs, so that in people's lives there will always be

there was good and no evil.

At Easter they play games with colored eggs. That's

the chicken brought us eggs. Let's make the chicken happy

A game: The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the boys, yellow chickens

“Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, Don’t go far.

Row with your paws, look for grains."

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm.

We drank a full trough of water.

I congratulate you on the upcoming Easter holiday and may

Love for friends and loved ones lives in your souls.

No. 13 Conversation “My Motherland”

Hands to the sides, at the seams

There's enough snow for you and us.

Target: to form


cultivate a feeling of love for your native country.

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, tell me which country. we are living? name - Russia.

let's repeat


"Russia"! There are many wonderful countries on earth, they live everywhere

people, but Russia is an extraordinary country because it

our homeland.

Homeland means dear.

Homeland is mom and dad, grandparents, kindergarten,

house, street where we live, school, trees and flowers. Homeland -

this is everything that surrounds us. Each person has one homeland.

It needs to be loved, protected from nature, and protected from enemies.

You are still small, but you can already do a lot,

so that the Motherland becomes even more beautiful. For example: do not litter on

love your loved ones, be friends with the kids in kindergarten,

don't quarrel. Fizminutka

We are not afraid of powder,

We catch snow, clap our hands.

We are walking through the snowdrifts,

Through steep snowdrifts.

Raise your leg higher

Make way for others.

Performing movements on the text.

Look at him, (show picture) Look at the flag

and tell me what color the stripes are on the Russian flag.

The white stripe reminds us of white birches, of Russian

winter, about daisies, about white clouds.

The blue stripe is similar to the blue sky, blue rivers and seas.

Red color in Rus' was considered the most beautiful. This is the color

blooming flowers, warmth and joy.

are located

Now take the envelopes and collect the Russian

Game "Collect the flag".

No. 14 Conversation “Let’s get to know each other.”

Target: teach children to use words in speech that

I really love acorns!”

The stranger will answer

help with getting to know each other. Develop in children

basic ideas about etiquette.

Progress of the conversation: Guys, we have a guest today.

Parsley: Hello guys.


Parsley: Let's get acquainted.

I funny toy, and my name is Parsley! How about you

Game: "Dating"(Throwing the ball: “My name is

Parsley, what about you? Nice to meet you!")

Parsley: Now we know each other.

V-l: Well done Parsley! You know how to do it right

meet. You must first say your name and

offer to meet. And end the acquaintance

words: “Nice to meet you”

Listen to a poem about how the animals met in

Met a wild boar in the forest

An unfamiliar fox.

Says to the beauty:

“Allow me to introduce myself!”

I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink!

"Nice to meet you!"

Do you think the boar got to know the fox correctly?

Why do you think so?

Parsley: guys, now you also know how to meet people.

What should you do first? And then? Right. You

well-mannered children. I really liked it, but it's time

saying goodbye. Goodbye!

No. 15 “Conversation about books”

Goals: consolidating children's knowledge about books; clarification

children's knowledge about the purpose of books; develop skills

compare and find similarities and differences.

The teacher tells the children what they write about in books

(fairy tales, about nature, poems, stories); how is a fairy tale different?

from the story; how do poems differ from fairy tales? Who writes

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, guess riddle

Not a tree, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a field, but sown,

Not a person, but a story. (book)

Today we will talk about books. Look at

each of you has a book in your hands. How do you know what it is

book? Let's compare it to sheets of paper. By the book

there is a cover, there are drawings called

There are illustrations, there are pages, there is a size.

Where can you find books (store, library).

I invite you to go to the place where books live.

Finger gymnastics.

Point your finger Children clench their right hand into a fist.

Hare, Extend the middle and index fingers.

A book, two open palms folded side by side.

The mouse and palms are applied to the top of the head.

Nut. They clench their fist.

Index finger Extend the index finger up

finger, bend and straighten it several times.

fairy tales; who are the poems?

Physical exercise.

How are you? Like this! Show both thumbs up

hands pointing upward.

How are you going? Like this! March.

How are you running? Like this! Run in place.

Do you sleep at night? Like this! Join your palms and place them on

their head (cheek).

How do you take it? Like this! Press your palm towards you.

Will you give it? Like this! Place your palm forward.

How are you being naughty? Like this! Puff out your cheeks and fist softly

hit them.

How are you threatening? That's it! Shake your finger at each other.

At all times, people valued and cherished books. Parents

passed on books to their children.

No. 16 Conversation “Birds in winter”

Target: Cultivate in children a caring attitude towards

wintering birds.

Educator: What color are rowan berries?

Children: Red.

Educator: What shape are they?

Children: Round

Progress of the conversation:

When I went to work today, there was a little girl sitting on the ground

bird. She didn't have the strength to fly. She was hungry. I'm her

I brought her to kindergarten and fed her. Here she is. Let's go with her

Let's say hello!

Children: Hello, birdie!

Vos: Oh, do you know what birds eat in winter? (Bread,


What else can we feed the birds? (Children's answers)

There is also a special tree whose berries hang up to

late winter and the birds peck at them. We saw him on

walk. Listen to a poem about this tree.

I see a slender rowan tree in the yard,

Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.

Lots of red berries

Ripe and beautiful.

What is the poem about? (Shows a bunch of rowan berries)

Children: About rowan.

Educator: That's right, look how beautiful they are

berries hang on a branch, one next to the other, there are a lot of berries

collected in a brush or bunch.

Birds feed on them in winter.

Educator: What size are they?

Children: Little ones.

Educator: That's right, guys. On a rowan branch

many, many small round red berries, one near

another. How do the birds peck them? Let's turn into

One, two, three turn around

Quickly turn into birds.

Game "Birds"

Birds flew across the sky

(Children wave their hands and run in a circle)

And sat down on a branch

(Stop and squat down)

A handful of berries were pecked

(Hands show how birds peck)

Well, now you know what birds eat in winter. AND

you can feed them yourself by adding food to


No. 17 Conversation “Thank you mom”

Target: give children an idea of ​​the importance of a mother for


bring up


friendly attitude towards mother, love and respect for

say the word “mom” gently, tenderly.






Progress of the conversation: Children, today we have a magic chest, and in

in this chest there is a Katya doll, but she is also magical, worth


will speak.

Children: Ma-ma

Educator: Let's say this wonderful word

(Children chorus ma-ma)

let's talk

beloved and dear mothers.

Vos: Most


the first word a person utters, and it sounds

in all languages ​​equally tenderly. Mom has the kindest and

gentle hands. She takes care of all family members. U

Moms have the most sensitive and kind hearts.

Children, let's close our eyes for a minute and imagine

to your most beloved mothers, smile and hug and

Mom's love warms you.

Now open your eyes and give each other a piece of

warmth and joy that you felt, smile (children


Vos: Children, Katya wants to meet your mothers.

Game "Mom's Name"

Katya brought a ball for the game. You must say the name

your mother and pass it on to someone else. Description of mommy.

Well, you and I remembered what our mothers are like, their

names, what they mean to us in life. Let's talk about it

always remember.

No. 18 Conversation “Cats and dogs are our neighbors”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge that cats and dogs are

our neighbors, pets who live nearby.

Teach children to understand the condition and behavior of animals,

get irritated. If you don't like dogs, you shouldn't have one.

Dogs are smart, they heal themselves, they look for medicinal herbs.

Ahead of you




know how to handle them.

Progress of the conversation: Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess:

1). The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped,

He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water. (cat)

2). You stroke it and it caresses you, you tease it and it bites you. (dog)

3). All shaggy, very mustachioed, sleeps during the day and tells stories

He speaks, but at night he wanders and goes hunting. (cat)

4). He is friends with the owner, guards the house,

He lives under the porch, and his tail is like a ring. (dog)

Vos: The riddles were about domestic animals - dogs

and cats. Dogs and cats live next to each other in dreams, they are ours

neighbours. The owners take care of them: feed, water, clean

their home.

Dogs love their owners. Dogs guard the border, help




guard the house. If the dog lives in a house or apartment, with


run. Raising dogs is a complex and difficult business.

A puppy is taught everything when he is still small, up to a year old. Puppy

They teach cleanliness, accustom them to a muzzle and a leash.

You must handle the dog calmly, patiently, you cannot

her to scream and

owner. Dogs are brave, intelligent, devoted to their

Of all the domestic animals, only cats are free in



hunting. They have been friends with people for a long time, but do not lose their

independence. The cat is both trusting and cunning,



relative of the lion, tiger, leopard and behaves the same way as

They. The cat has soft paws, but 18 claws are hidden in them,

which the cat can release and put back. If

the cat scratched you, the wounds do not heal for a long time, because




the slightest rustle. The cat sees well both during the day and

at night. Adult cats need to be fed twice a day.

Cats are very clean.

Before getting a cat or dog, you need to seriously

think about whether you can be loving about it

living creature, to care for it, to spend your

time. Often, owners throw cats and dogs outside.

A person should not abandon his friends, leave them without

food and shelter.

No. 19 Conversation “Insects”

Goals: Pin



develop knowledge about how insects protect themselves from

Children explain to Pinocchio with the help of models that they



number of dots (butterflies have one red spot,

points). Vos. How

enemies. Develop the ability to compare, highlight common and




Bring up


Progress of the conversation: Buratino comes to the group and shows two



envelope takes out lemon butterflies and offers them to the children:

“I’ll give you bows now, they’re very beautiful and that’s all.”

yellow color". Children look at and talk about what

Pinocchio is wrong: these are lemon butterflies.

Pinocchio takes out ladybugs from another envelope and

says they are buttons. The children explain that these are bugs -

Then the children remember and tell Pinocchio how they

We watched butterflies and beetles on our walk.

Pinocchio. I think they are so different. Only similar

because they are small, and nothing else.

Vos. Let's explain to Pinocchio what else beetles are similar to

ladybugs and lemongrass butterflies.





mustache Pinocchio. So, butterflies and beetles are completely

the same?

Do you think butterflies and ladybugs have enemies?

Pinocchio. No, they are so small.

Children explain to Pinocchio that the enemies of insects are

Educator. How do they escape from birds?

Pinocchio. They immediately run away.

Children, with the help of a teacher, tell Pinocchio how

have adapted

cow beetles

enemies: insects cannot escape from birds. Butterflies are bright




hidden from the eye of the observer.

And ladybugs taste very bitter. They're so bright

Red with black dots, as if warning

birds: don't eat us, we are bitter. That's why the birds are careful

peck them. And if a person takes ladybug in your hands,



is running out

legs and antennae.

At the end of the conversation, children can fly like butterflies: they

flutter, soar in the air, sit on a flower

No. 20 Conversation “About people’s work in autumn”

What kind of work do people do in the park, square, on the street?

in summer? (At this time in cities with the help of special

Target: systematize knowledge about people’s work in the fall:

harvesting, preparing food for the winter, insulation





in the summer, draw conclusions about the direction and meaning of work.

conversations: Educator



what kind of work did people have to do in the gardens: people

in the summer they take care of crops and plantings, fight against





They fertilize and water the plants and loosen the soil.

In summer, cherries, plums, early apples, and various




grain plants. Therefore, cleaning begins in the summer

What do people do in the gardens and fields in the fall? What do they do with

soil after harvest? In autumn people continue

harvest bread, vegetables and fruits. After cleaning

The harvest fields are plowed. In winter, plowed soil quickly

freezes, and harmful weed seeds die in it

insects and their larvae hidden in the soil for the winter.

cars are swept and watered, the streets are watered daily

and green spaces on streets and squares).

What kind of work is done in the fall? Why do they do this?





insect pests.

What preparations do people make in the fall? Lay on





You can not only prepare it at home, but also buy it in the store.

And they are brought to the store from the vegetable store.

Conversation “About autumn”

Target: form a generalized idea of ​​autumn,



nature (precipitation, air temperature, soil condition,

water), about the state of plants in autumn and its causes, about

features of animal life.



time of year when everything in nature changes: the day becomes

in short, the sun warms less, it becomes colder with each

During the day, it often rains, the sky is cloudy and gloomy. By the end


falls out




conversations: Educator

A.S. Pushkin

E. Trutneva

let's talk

we'll tell you


nature's calendar.

What was the weather like in September? in October? In November? How

did it change (according to nature’s calendar)? What happened to

trees and shrubs in three months? How I changed

cover of the earth? Why? How does this relate to change?

Now let’s discuss the state of the animal world in the fall.



2. Has the composition of birds in the area, in the forest, changed? Where

have starlings, swallows, etc. disappeared? Why did they fly to

warmer climes? (it’s cold, there’s nothing to eat).

3. What changes occur in the life of forest animals?

4. What kind of work do people do in the fall?

die from the cold. Migratory birds fly south

wintering - move closer to human habitation, because



getting ready

stock up


getting ready


they plow the soil, prepare firewood, and insulate the home.

Physical education minute.

Two sisters, two hands

Left and right (showing hands alternately)

Weeds tearing up in the garden

And they wash each other. (imitation of movements)

Two sisters, two hands

Left and right (show alternately)

Sea and river water

They row while swimming (perform swimming movements).

No. 22 Conversation “About vegetables”

Target: form generalized ideas about vegetables




Clarify ideas about the variety of vegetables.

conversations: The teacher brings a tray with

taste? This means that vegetables also differ in taste.

Mystery:“I see a girl who used to live in a dungeon.

She orange color. It can be peeled and grated.

It’s tasty and healthy.”

Teacher (with a dish of raw and boiled vegetables)

invites the child who raised his hand to close his eyes and

vegetables. He asks what is on the tray and how is it all


vegetables? The teacher clarifies: that’s right, guys, man

plants seedlings or vegetable seeds in the ground, takes care of

them, waters, weeds, loosens the earth and only in

late summer - autumn harvests vegetables. Vegetables -

these are the fruits of the plant, part of it. Tell me guys, is everything

Do vegetables grow on the surface of the earth? There are vegetables and fruits

which are found in the ground and are called root crops.

(Children call vegetables root vegetables). There are a lot of vegetables. All

they are different. Let's find the differences between you and me

vegetables (Children look at the vegetables and make a conclusion

about the difference between vegetables in shape, color, size, what is the

touch the surface). Why do people grow vegetables?

(To be eaten). Are all vegetables the same?

taste a piece of vegetable. Asks not about

Is this vegetable a mystery? The child answers. If the riddle is not

about this vegetable, the child must name what he ate.

There lives a grandfather dressed in a hundred clothes.

On top there is a light rustling cover.

Who found the answer? (onion)

Yellow, not the sun, round, not the moon.

They boil it, steam it, eat it raw, and tell fairy tales about it.


Invite the children to write riddles about vegetables themselves.

No. 23 Conversation “About the forest”

Target: give children the idea that the forest is a community

plants and animals that live together and need each other

conversations: Educator


an old man - a forest boy who wants to hear what the guys

forest. Who was in the forest? What did you see there? What


live? Lesovichok

listens and praises children. Then he says that the most important

He reads poems and riddles and asks to find answers to them. IN

Animals, birds, insects live in the forest. They find here

home for themselves: they dig holes, build nests. The forest feeds them. Animals

and birds eat various parts of plants:


wonderful natural wealth.

The inhabitants of the forest are trees, there are many of them, they are tall. Exhibits

subject pictures depicting different trees,


birch, oak, rowan, maple, spruce, pine. Asks a riddle:

“Sits - turns green, lies - turns yellow, falls - turns black”




light forests; in the pine forest there are only pine trees, it’s nice there

smells like resin. In a mixed forest, under the trees they grow

shrubs – elderberry, hazel, raspberry. Also on earth



depicting shrubs, displays dummies of mushrooms.

No. 24 Conversation “The Complaint Book of Nature.”

Target: Direct the consciousness, feelings and actions of children towards

performing positive, humane actions.

conversations: Guys,

are there tears? When does this happen?

But nature is also alive. When she is offended and in pain, she

also cries.

Look at the picture and answer: Why is the squirrel crying?

Why is it so bad for starlings? Why are there daisies in front of our eyes?

tears? Why is the fly agaric sad?




predators who attack cowards?

Who sleeps in winter?

Who lives where? What happens if the animals change?

Mushroom complaint

pull out



you'll forget

Game “What if?..”

The teacher begins the sentence, and the children finish it.

If the trembling bunny under the bush could talk, he


will come, I managed to say... If only a fish from a dirty river

could speak, she would say...

Fly agaric complaint

Yes, I am poisonous to people, but animals need me. And I

very beautiful. Admire me, please!

Starlings' complaint

We wanted to please everyone so much, we were the first to come to you.

And no one is waiting for us. Cold! There is nothing to eat. Is this


No. 25 “Conversation “About Winter”.

Target: Concretize and deepen your understanding of winter:







g i v o t n y x.




I. Surikova: White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air Like a veil

And it was quiet on the ground. Everything covered him.

Falls, lies down. Dark forest with a hat

And in the morning snow

Covered up weird

clouds from which snow falls. IN very coldy It's snowing




stick together




frost. In windy weather there is drifting snow, snowstorms, and blizzards.

Rivers and lakes are covered with ice. Fish live under the ice


leaves, only spruce and pine have green needles.


Insects don't fly, they sleep hidden in cracks

bark of trees and shrubs, under leaves, into the ground. Few

birds, most of them live near human habitation.



hungry time of year. Migratory birds have flown to warmer


exchanged their fur coats for winter ones. Squirrel feeds on reserves

nuts, acorns, mushrooms. Fox is mostly at this time

The field turned white

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

What time of year is the poet talking about in this poem?

Winter is the mistress of three months. Which ones? How has it changed?

nature in winter? What's the weather like? How do plants winter?

Why haven't we seen any insects? What birds did you see?

What has changed in the life of birds in winter, in their behavior? How

Do domestic and wild animals spend the winter? How people care

in winter about birds and animals? Why?

In winter there are short days and long nights, the sun is standing

low and little warmth, the sky is often gray with clouds

hunts mice. The bear and badger, having accumulated fat, sleep in




people take care of them: they insulate their winter huts, give them food.



snow removal

cars on the streets. But the kids love winter! What is she

like? Children



sleds, skis, snowballs, downhill skiing, snow buildings.

No. 26 Conversation “About caring for indoor


Target: summarize ideas about caring for indoors

plants. Reinforce knowledge of basic needs





signs of unmet needs.

Progress of the conversation: Children, today we will continue to study

care for indoor plants. Let's remember

what should be done for this? What have you learned recently?

(to loosen the ground). Why do you need to loosen the soil? (to

water drained well, and so that it was easier for the roots to grow in

with chopsticks?

not deep,


How do you know when a plant needs to be watered? (the ground is dry

Plants are fed with this solution once a week.

after watering it, so that the solution is better absorbed into



fertilizers Some cups contain half the solution, and

in some - to the brim. Once you are at the plants

wipe it down



Wash plants with small leaves in a basin using a watering can,

take the cups of fertilizer from me. If the plant

the large one is full, and the small one is half a glass.

The teacher distributes the children’s work and controls them

activities, helps with advice, celebrates those who are successful

copes with the matter.

What did you learn today?

Why are they fertilized?



which has been in the watering cans since yesterday). How to wash




Place plants with soft leaves in a basin, cover the soil

oilcloth so as not to wash it out, and water from a large

p u l v e r i z a t o r a) .

Why do we care for plants? (so that they are



c v e l i).

Children, you need to not only care for plants, but also



special fertilizers, they must first be diluted in water

What kind of soil should the fertilizer be applied to?

Vos: and now I want to tell you a riddle. Educator

describes the plant (is there a trunk, branches, what are they like: directly

stand, hang, curl, thin or thick). Describes

leaves, their shape, surface, color (dark, light

green, motley, etc.). Are there flowers, how many are there?

peduncle, how they are colored. Children guess the plants.


make up

plants and guess them - the game “Guess


No. 27 Conversation “Nature Calendar”.

Target: teach children to observe the weather and work with

nature's calendar.

Progress of the conversation: What is a nature calendar for?

How many of you like to work with nature's calendar?




enter the data into the calendar (together with adults).

Using a weather vane, determine the direction and strength of the wind.

Show this in sketches.

Rake the snow up to the trees.

Plant tulip bulbs in a pot. When in

They will sprout in the dark, put them in the light, near the window. IN

In March the tulips will begin to bloom.

The Woodpecker sat on a spruce and cried. Burning tears fall on the snow,

are freezing.

The Squirrel saw from the nest - the Woodpecker was crying. Jump, jump,

galloped up to Woodpecker.

Why are you, Woodpecker, crying?

There’s nothing to eat, Squirrel-

I put it down

branch. The Woodpecker sat down near the pine cone and began to thrash with its beak.

And Squirrel sits near the hollow and rejoices. And baby squirrels in

The hollows rejoice. And the sun rejoices.



Conduct observations of bird behavior. Do

sketches of birds in flight.

Examine a snowflake through a magnifying glass,

icicle, frosty pattern on the window. Sketch yours

observations. After

acquaintance with the story by V. Sukhomlinsky “Like a Squirrel

Saved the Woodpecker” to compose your own story.

In the middle of winter it got warmer, it started to rain, and then again

frost struck. The trees were covered with ice, icy

cones on the Christmas trees. Woodpecker has nothing to eat: no matter how much he knocks on

ice won't reach the bark. No matter how much the beak hits

bump, the grains do not come out.

No. 28 Conversation “The life of wild animals in spring.”

Goals: Introduce




Bring up


Progress of the conversation:

Pinocchio. Guys, I visited the forest in the spring (Exhibited

picture.) I thought that in the spring in the forest everything is the same as

in winter, nothing changes. But for some reason the snow was melting all around,

Streams flowed, young grass grew out of the ground.

I'm walking through the forest, I look - on the bushes there are pieces of someone's

wool I just don’t understand what’s the matter. Vos. Guys, come on

Let's help our Pinocchio find out who leaves it

scraps of their fur on the bushes.

Children. All

animals molt in the spring and change their warm winter coats

to a lighter one. The bunny changes his beautiful white


azure”, K. Yuon’s “End of Winter”.



story to him according to the proverb: “In February, winter and spring

meet for the first time."

Continue comparisons about winter and winter phenomena:

Little ones


The Christmas tree is like the Snow Maiden: standing in a white hat and white

fur coat... Pine is like an old lady: tied with a white scarf



The February blizzard is like white rain...

quietly to one hole, and there was someone big with a long

muzzle, with a fluffy tail and next to five more of these

little ones



brought a mouse to eat. What kind of animals these were, I don’t know


Vos. Children,

was it? (Fox

fox cubs). (Review




Pinocchio. And I hid and saw that from the den

someone big, brown and club-footed came out. Where

did he show up? I didn't see him in winter. This one appeared behind him


I know.(This

bear). (children

r a s m a t r i v a u t

kar t i n k u)

changes to red.

Vos. Who knows why it is uncomfortable for a hare to run around in a white fur coat?


Pinocchio. A



sh e r s t i?




Pinocchio. But these gray scraps of wool - who are they?

left in the forest?

Children. The wolf, he also sheds in the spring.

Pinocchio. I walked through the forest. I thought I wouldn't see anyone

Vos. A mother bear only gives birth to one, rarely -

little ones


feeds them milk. In spring, bears eat fresh young

t r a v k u,

u l i t o k,


M u r a v e n i k a.

Pinocchio. A


his short legs, with spines on his back, and behind him


Vos. In the spring, hedgehogs also have hedgehogs. The hedgehog was sleeping

under the stump. Children, how many of you remember what changes

p r o i s h d i t

z e r u s h a m

w e s n o y?

Vos. Pinocchio, now do you understand everything?

No. 29 Conversation “Meet the birds.”

Target: Formation of elementary ideas about

spring Cultivating a caring attitude towards birds

Progress of the conversation:

Guess the riddle.

Between the branches there is a new house,

There is no door in that house

Only a round window

Not even a cat can get through. (birdhouse)

Starlings have arrived. Who else has flown from warm countries to

us? What are bird houses for? Who can

build? Where is the best place to place a birdhouse? Which

do birds eat food? What should you not do near birdhouses?

(Make noise, come close, take the chicks.)

Which bird sings best?

Resolving a problem situation

Reading the poem “Magpies” by E. Bulgakova.

Magpies were quarreling near the sedge.

The magpies chirped - they saw the eaglet,

They saw the eaglet and immediately fell silent...

All the magpies became silent -

It turns out that the birds quarrel too. What didn't the magpies share?

Why did the birds fall silent?

How to help magpies, how to save them from an eaglet?

Exercise “Two Birds”

Who has no legs and no pipe

Who is this? (Nightingale.)

What places do nightingales choose for their

nests? (Birch groves.)

Exercise “What would you do if you saw...”.

A chick that fell out of the nest?

A boy destroying a bird's nest? ...a boy with

slingshot in hand?

A bird that landed on your windowsill?

No. 30 Conversation “About spring”.

Target: clarify and systematize knowledge about characteristic

signs of spring Invoke aesthetic experiences from

spring awakening of nature. Move

conversations: The teacher reads a poem:

Drops are ringing in the yard,

Streams run through the fields,

There are puddles on the roads,

The ants will come out soon

After the winter cold...

What time of year is the poem talking about? How are you

Did you guess what it says about spring? What have they become?

days in spring? How does the sun shine? Why did the snow and ice melt?


Two birds met: one lives in a cage, and the other

free. What do you think the birds might be talking about?

living in different conditions: one in captivity, and the other in

forest? One lives on everything ready, but in a cage, and the other

you have to get your own food, escape from enemies,

but she is free. A game

"Good bad"

Are many birdhouses good or bad?

Are many children in birdhouses good or bad? A lot of

food in birdhouses - good or bad?

The teacher clarifies and summarizes the children’s answers. in spring

the sun shines brightly and sends a lot of heat to the earth. Days

become longer and the nights become shorter. From the spring warmth


in streams

Melt water ran out in stormy streams. She watered the soil

and, together with the spring warmth, awakened the plants from a long

thawed patches



flowers: coltsfoot, snowdrop, lily of the valley. Bloomed

flowers on willow, alder, hazel, then the buds burst on

other trees and bushes, and they became covered with green

leaves. The grass has turned green. Fruit trees bloom in May

trees. Bird cherry and lilac are blooming. Life has changed too

animals. Insects appeared: flies, bees, butterflies. U

Squirrels, hares, foxes and other animals had their cubs.

cold. Which one is the warmest? Which changes

happened to plants in spring? Why did it start in the spring?

grow grass? Why did the trees and shrubs turn green?

Which flowers bloomed first? Where did you see them? Which




have you arrived?

returned to us? How has the life of wild animals changed since

the onset of spring? What do people do in the fields in the spring and

vegetable gardens? Why does everything grow well in spring?

All the animals have replaced their warm, fluffy winter fur with

rarer, and some have changed its color. The hare

the squirrel's fur became grey, the squirrel's fur became red, etc. From warm countries

the birds returned and immediately began construction and repairs

nest They laid eggs in the nests. And some sparrows

in the spring among people: they dig up the ground, sow seeds in flower beds

flowers, seedlings are planted, vegetable seeds are sown in the beds.

Spring is a time of year that is generous with joy. Admire the beauty




No. 31 Conversation “Flowers”

Target: Expanding children's understanding of colors.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of the conversation: Why did the girl take the net? What is she

going to do?

If you met this girl, what would you advise her: to rip off

all the flowers, catch all the butterflies or just

take a photo of this beauty?

Reading and discussion of the story “Butterfly”

Kolya and Vitya were playing and suddenly noticed how she sat down on a branch

big blue butterfly.

Let's catch her, - Vitya suggested, - let's show everyone,

how beautiful she is.

“You can’t catch butterflies,” said Kolya. Why is the boy like this

In our summer cottage, the first to bloom are red and



lilies of the valley, purple irises, pink, red, white and

burgundy peonies. Then the pink and lilac ones bloom



calendula, majora, balsams, matthiola, asters and many

various other colors. Some are fading, others are blooming.

Beautiful! It's beautiful all summer!

stand out

They bloom in June and bloom until frost. Roses have different shapes

different color and different names. The smell of roses is delicate,

thin, pleasant. I agree with those people who

They say that the rose is the queen of flowers.

Exercise "Guess"

Memorizing two riddles about flowers

There is a flower of courage in the white world:

It is given to the bravest men.

He is a symbol of the triumph of his native Fatherland,

On a thin stalk and in a lush cap,

It comes in different colors, take a look:

A beautiful... (carnation) grows in the garden.

The story of N. Grigorieva “Queen of Flowers”

What do flowers in a vase say - garden and field? About what


wildflowers with bees?

Elena Markina
Card index of conversations in the middle group


"Beauty Autumn"

Target: Introduce children to objects in their immediate environment and natural phenomena. To consolidate children’s knowledge of the signs of autumn, teach them to write short story on a given topic, continue to learn to express their impressions of what they saw.


"Leaf Fall"

Target: teach children to see the beauty of autumn and take care of the surrounding nature, cultivate in children a culture of behavior when going on vacation to the forest. To promote the formation of a personal attitude towards maintaining cleanliness in the forest.


"Sun in Autumn"

Target: Tell the children that in October the sun rises later than in the summer months and sets earlier, the days have become shorter, the sun is less warm. Teach children to support conversation, knows how to listen to adults and each other, expresses his point of view, expresses positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration).


“What did I see on the way to kindergarten?”

Target: Develop a dialogical form of speech in children, teach them to answer in accordance with the question. Develop curiosity and observation.


"My favorite toy"

Target: Teach children to talk about their favorite toy by description, describe its external characteristics, tell what they can play with it.


"I and my family"

Target: Expand children’s ideas about their family. Form initial ideas about family relationships (son, daughter, mom, dad, etc.). Strengthen children’s knowledge of their first name, last name and age; parents' names. Introduce children to their parents' professions. Cultivate respect for the work of loved ones


"How I help at home"

Target: invite children to talk about relationships in their families, about their responsibilities at home, why it is important to help adults (parents will have more free time to play with children, by helping, children learn to be independent. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones, the formation of respectful, caring attitude towards elderly relatives.


“Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, my dear”

Target: discuss with children the meaning of proverbs “There is no such thing as someone else’s grief”, “There is no one else’s misfortune in the world”, consider various situations, find out how you can help them in word and deed. Continue to work on developing friendly relationships between children groups.


"Miracle - Politeness"

Target: Explain who a truly polite person is - this is someone who not only knows the “magic” words, but also always does something nice for other people. Practice using polite words and instill politeness in children. Show how to politely make a request to your friend and others. Teach children to follow the rules of speech behavior. Develop a kind, respectful attitude towards each other.


"In the world of polite words"

Target: to instill in children the skills of cultural behavior, to cultivate the desire to use polite words when communicating with each other.


“A bad peace is better than any quarrel”

Target: Discuss with children the meaning of this saying, teach to give in to each other, and seek compromises. Consider various situations with the goal of resolving them peacefully.


"We are visiting"

Target: Form rules of conduct when visiting. Develop politeness skills and introduce greeting options. Explain who a truly polite person is - this is someone who not only knows the “magic” words, but also always does something nice for other people.

Practice using polite words and instill politeness in children.

Show how to politely make a request to your friend and others. Teach children to follow the rules of speech behavior. Develop a kind, respectful attitude towards each other.


"What we are."

Target: cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults; expand the idea of ​​friendship; develop emotional responsiveness.


"Do not interrupt"

Target: teach children to be nice interlocutors(listen carefully, do not interrupt talking people, formulate questions correctly).


"My friends".

Target: Form the concept of “friend”, “friendship”. Foster friendly relationships between children and encourage them to do good deeds; teach cooperation, empathy, care and attention to each other.


"What is a street"

Target: Form basic ideas about the street; draw children's attention to houses, buildings for various purposes, sidewalks, roadways. To consolidate knowledge about the name of the street on which the kindergarten is located, to encourage children who name the street on which they live. Explain how important it is for every child to know their address.


"I'm walking down the street"

Target: find out what rules of behavior children know on the street, discuss the meaning and importance of these and other rules, invite children to imagine what will happen if people constantly violate the rules of behavior on the street.


"Traffic Laws"

Target: repeat the rules for crossing the street with children, teach children to stop at the edge of the sidewalk, cross the street along pedestrian crossing, distinguish and explain the meaning of traffic lights.


"We're going, we're going..."

Target: to consolidate concepts related to public transport, to introduce the rules of behavior in transport, to cultivate politeness, to form a friendly attitude towards people.


"Truth makes a man"

Target: Discuss with children why you should always tell the truth, look at the examples of children’s favorite characters what lies lead to, develop the ability to express your opinion on how to act in various situations.


"They are friends in our group of girls and boys".

Target: continue to work on developing in children an understanding of the concept of “true friendship”, promote the formation of friendly relationships in group, focus children’s attention on cases of mutual assistance, mutual assistance in group.


“We want to be healthy!”

Goals: enrich knowledge about hardening, expand the understanding of the body’s capabilities, develop thinking, cultivate a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, gradually harden your body.


"Name the sport"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​different sports.

Teach children to distinguish and name summer and winter views sports; correlate sports equipment with a specific sport, and be able to justify your answer. Develop logical thinking; enrich speech with sports terminology; develop a positive attitude towards all sports.