More than a speed reading course. More than speed reading

The easiest way to compare speed reading is with eating food. Just as we consume proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, we consume written information. By reading quickly, we shorten our “lunch time”, but in some cases this does not make sense.

Besides calories and nutritional value, there are many other pleasures in food. We are not trying to quickly swallow a restaurant dish prepared by a chef, decorated according to all the rules on a served table. Speed ​​reading fiction looks just as strange, unless, of course, you are a philology student who needs to pump a long list of literature into yourself over the course of a semester.

Needed for business and educational purposes. When we say “reading” in this article, we mean reading educational or business literature, professional texts and news. The average reading speed of an ordinary person is about 800 characters per minute, taking into account the memorization coefficient. How much can it be increased?

Business speed reading also varies:

  • Analytical- the most difficult thing. It is necessary to master and understand new paradigms, principles, approaches. A structure for assimilation has not yet been formed for this information; we do not know how to use it and how to classify it. This is the slowest read because you need to seriously think about this information. My speed is 3,100 characters per minute.
  • Introductory- simple and clear reading. We already have a system of knowledge on this subject in our heads; we simply add new facts, concepts and points of view. This also includes all news and stories. Quick reading. One and a half to two times faster than analytical. My speed is 4,800 characters per minute.
  • Search- the fastest reading. Searching for necessary information in a large array of text. Suitable for restoring knowledge in the head. Speed ​​reading, 4–5 times faster than analytical reading. My speed is 14,000 characters per minute.

The advantages seem obvious. The given speed is taking into account the memorization coefficient. After each test, questions are asked to check what information remains in your head.

With these objective benefits of speed reading, I find “evidence” that . Unfortunately, these statements are propagated by people who either do not know how to speed read, or who tried to master it but were unable to. Classic story: “I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn it.”

What to do to fall in love with speed reading

Imagine a preschooler who smartly asserts that reading by syllables is a much more conscious approach than reading by words. It allows you to thoughtfully perceive every word and listen to its sound. Funny? This is what a person looks like who proves that slow word reading is better than speed reading.

Of course, speed reading won't work if you learn to just absorb the text. To read quickly, the ability to quickly load text into the brain is not enough. Speed ​​reading is a set of skills for processing written information. What else do you need to know to make speed reading a useful and favorite tool for you?

Ask questions

A basic skill without which there is no use reading at all. You need to prepare for reading. If we read without asking questions, then there is nothing to grab hold of; it passes us by. Questions are hooks that we place in the path of information. Our task is to catch the meanings. Thanks to questions, we immerse ourselves in reading consciously, focusing not on the process, but on the goal.

Ask yourself: “What do I want to find in this book? What actions am I going to take after reading it? What do I want to learn to do differently? What am I missing?

Train your memory

The amount of information that remains in the head does not depend on reading speed. Therefore, it sounds strange to say that after speed reading, little information remains in your head. Let me ask, how much did we remember from the last one, read at normal speed? Will we be able to retell its content or main points? In order for information to fit into your head, you need to develop your memory.

There are hundreds of exercises that help us retain new knowledge in our heads. There are mechanics that record new words, images, data.

Practice even if you don’t intend to master speed reading: a strong memory will always help in life. Make it a habit to practice the “30 Seconds” exercise: learn to formulate the key ideas of any information exchange in 30 seconds.

This way, your attention will always be focused on remembering important meanings and linking them to the existing knowledge system.

Concentrate on the text

Our mental capacity currently have a limit. We can only hold a limited number of thoughts in our heads. Typically, reading slows down and memorization decreases because we are constantly distracted by extraneous thoughts. If we learn to control external stimuli and concentrate on the text, then much more information will remain in our heads.

Attention wanders when we are either bored or anxious. To concentrate, you need to get out of this state.

Other exercises for concentrating can be easily found in literature and on the Internet.

Think in parallel

We all have a rudimentary two-track mindset. We may be talking on the phone and wondering where to turn at an intersection. We can make plans for tomorrow and cook lunch. But we do not develop this ability, but we can use it to its fullest: simultaneously read and think about the text at high speed. If you read quickly, but don’t have time to think about it, then, of course, you lose the meaning of what you wrote.

Over time, you will upgrade your second channel of thinking, and when reading one book you will be able to read and think at the same time.

Go back to what you read

What to do if the information is too complex to comprehend on the go? We usually stop and think about incomprehensible text. Such stops slow down reading in general, because you need to accelerate from zero every time. At the same time, we are all familiar with the principle of Tetris, when continuous actions become faster and faster. How not to lose either speed or information?

For me, it's reading with a pencil. There is no need to stumble over every interesting thought and then pick up speed again. Suffice it to note interesting places, requiring comprehension, in the fields and return to them after the “speed approach”.

Sift the text of the book through your questions. When you come across answers that you need to think about, just mark them, you don't have to think about them right away. If you re-read them later, you will spend much less time.

Use the information you receive

This is a continuation of the previous rule. The vast majority of readers do not return to the material they read and do not use it in life. They read a lot, but do little. Speed ​​reading will not help such people until they change their behavior pattern.

Few of us turn information into results. It doesn’t matter how quickly a book, article or news was read. We suffer from information obesity: we receive information and do not use it, do not transform it into knowledge and action. It looks like a person who eats sweets and starchy foods, receives huge doses of energy, and sits on the couch. But there are people with high metabolism: even if they eat a chocolate bar at night, nothing will be deposited anywhere.

How to increase information metabolism? It is necessary to put into practice the chain of information transformation. Reading should make sense.

  • Information that has not become knowledge has no meaning. Questions turn information into knowledge, we started with this rule.
  • Knowledge that has not become action has no meaning. Knowledge turns a goal into action. What do we want to change with the help of information, what to achieve?
  • An action that does not produce a useful result is meaningless. Will and discipline transform action into results. Create your own habits.
  • A result that does not bring satisfaction is meaningless. Values ​​turn results into satisfaction. Does the result correspond to our internal values?

If there is a need for specific information, purpose and value, then speed reading is a necessary and useful skill. If you are ready to process and absorb a large number of meanings, then you will need the ability to read quickly.

To read quickly, you need to be able to:

  1. To ask questions.
  2. Remember.
  3. Concentrate.
  4. Think in parallel.
  5. Return to what you read.
  6. Use the information.

There are a large number of articles written on the Internet that say that speed reading is a hoax. Many people want to learn to read faster and some of them, deceived, abandon this idea. After our article, you will have no doubts about this skill.

What types of speed reading are divided into?

Speed ​​reading is not appropriate everywhere, and I will explain with simple examples. If you compare it with eating, then reading faster means eating time is reduced, which is not entirely healthy, right?

Reading fiction should not be “incomplete”; for example, you don’t need to taste it in a hurry, but slowly, carefully and enjoying the process, unless you study at the Faculty of Philology, where you need to read a mountain of books.

The skill of speed reading will be useful for business and educational purposes. In this article, the verb “reading” is used in relation to business literature, news texts, educational material. The normal reading speed for a person (average result) is 800 characters per minute, of course, taking into account the high percentage of memorization.

The normal speed of reading fiction with developed speed reading is 700-1000 words per minute. You can achieve this speed in 1-2 months. Books are read faster, and the meaning is often understood even better. With this skill, you can read in 10-15 minutes what would take an hour to read without speed reading.

Scenes and stories are experienced faster, more vividly and with deeper immersion. With practice, the words are no longer noticed and the book is transmitted to the brain like a film, where everything is presented as the reader likes it. While you are reading a book at a speed of 700-1000 words per minute, time in the real world seems to slow down.

Speed ​​reading for business purposes is divided into 3 types:

    Analytical- the most difficult of those presented. This type has its own principles and approaches. The assimilation structure for such information is not ready, so it will not be possible to use and classify it. Reading is the slowest of all because the information will need to be processed. The typical speed for this type is 3000 characters per minute.

    Introductory- easier reading. The structure of knowledge is already ready in our brain, and all we have to do is supplement it with fresh concepts and facts. This reading includes news texts and various stories. Unlike the previous one, the speed of this type of reading is about 1.5 times faster. The typical speed for this type is 4800 characters per minute.

    Search- the fastest reading. The purpose of reading is to find certain information in the text. A great way to refresh your own knowledge. Unlike the first type, it has a speed that is approximately 4 times higher. The typical speed for this type is 14,000 characters per minute.

Based on the information presented, everyone will determine the type of reading they need. And again there will be people who will argue that speed reading is complete nonsense, but they themselves either do not master it or could not master it. For example: “I haven’t read Gorky’s works because he is a bad author.”

How to love speed reading

A person who claims that slow reading is much better than speed reading, because it is better, more efficient and more memorable, can be compared to a five-year-old child who will say the same thing about reading syllables.

Speed ​​reading is of no benefit if there is no understanding of the text or if it is present, but at a low level. Really, what's the point then? The goal of speed reading is to develop a person’s maximum reading speed, with a high percentage of reading comprehension. That’s why what was said in the previous paragraph about slow reading is stupid.

Questions to Help Reading Comprehension

How to understand? An important skill that will be useful for reading and development in this direction - correctly questions asked. They will serve as supporting points, places you can cling to.

What do I want to learn while reading? What do I want to do after reading it? What can I learn? How will this benefit me?

Memory training

Reading speed does not affect the quality of memorization. As written above, the goal of speed reading is to develop a person’s maximum reading speed, with a high percentage of reading comprehension. But if you are asked a question about the content of the last business book you read, how much material will you remember from it?

Exercise your memory, develop it, even if you don’t want to master the skill of speed reading. A strong memory is always useful, no matter what a person does.

Use a good exercise: formulate the main idea of ​​​​the information received in half a minute. Make this method a habit.

Sign up for the Super Memory course in 30 days to learn how to quickly remember texts you read, information you hear, images you see, faces, etc.


As a rule, a person who owns a large amount of information slows down reading and worsens memorization. This happens due to constantly interfering extraneous thoughts. Therefore, the skill of concentration will become useful, because with its help, unnecessary, distracting thoughts will be suppressed. And thus the volume for new knowledge will increase.

Attention becomes distracted due to negative feelings such as anxiety and boredom. Overcome these feelings to improve your concentration.

The Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days includes exercises to develop concentration and internal dialogue. The very approach to developing speed reading in this course is aimed at strengthening concentration, and key ways to speed up speed reading will help you concentrate even easier.

Find application of the information received

Most people absorb information from various sources: books, news, scientific articles and many others, but do not use it or implement it for their own benefit. In comparison, we can bring a person who eats everything in a row; such a person will suffer from obesity in the future if he does not find a use for the energy he receives.

Therefore, the received “energy” or information potential must be realized. How to do it?

    If information does not become knowledge, it is useless, but it becomes knowledge when questions are asked correctly.

    If the acquired knowledge does not become action, it is useless, and knowledge gives rise to a goal.

    If an action does not bear fruit, it is meaningless. It all depends on you and your self-discipline.

You need certain information to put it into action to get results. This is where the skill of speed reading will help, with the help of which you can learn the necessary information many times faster, and if you forget, quickly restore it.

Sign up for the Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days to increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in the first month of training. After 3 months of training, your reading speed will increase by 6-9 times.

One of the most important human needs is the need for new knowledge and self-improvement. That's why people teach foreign languages, go in for sports, master musical instruments. The development of every skill is based on obtaining information. The speed of learning something new depends on how quickly a person reads.

Speed ​​reading is an incredibly useful skill that doesn't require any special talent to master. If you have the desire, perseverance and a little time, you can easily master speed reading at home.

Why read quickly

Who will benefit from developing speed reading? The answer to this question is extremely simple. Anyone who strives to learn new things will find this skill useful. By learning how to speed read and spending a few months mastering this technique in practice, you can later save a huge amount of time.

In turn, slow reading is not always justified. Most people do not finish reading books precisely because they take a lot of time. Also, by reading slowly, there is a high chance of losing interest in the plot and again abandoning the book without finishing it.

For some specialists, reading relevant literature is part of their job duties, giving them the opportunity to grow, develop and become an expert in their field. For these people, mastering speed reading techniques is a professional necessity.

What is speed reading

Let's define what speed reading is and at what speed you need to read.

The standard speed of perception is 150-250 words per minute. In this case, 1-3 minutes are spent on a page of printed text. Speed ​​reading involves mastering the skill of reading from 500 to 3000 words in the same time. True, in this case the term “read” is not entirely appropriate. Speed ​​reading in essence is analyzing the text and choosing the main thing. That is, some part of the information is simply ignored. The goal is to learn to focus on those sentences and phrases that carry the maximum meaning, and to skip “water” that does not affect the understanding of the essence.

The secret of great people

Surprisingly, the technique of speed reading appeared in the Middle Ages and was familiar to many famous people.

For example, Joseph Stalin was the owner of a huge library. Reading was a daily activity for him. He read five hundred pages of text at a time, and he liked to highlight the main ideas with pencils.

The American president was proud of his speed reading skills. It was not a problem for him to read a whole book at once.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin read very quickly. In addition, we know about his Biography, he could reproduce it almost word for word by heart with all significant dates.

Karl Marx, Napoleon Bonaparte, John Kennedy, and Adolf Hitler also used speed reading techniques. Maybe it was thanks to this that they achieved success in their business.

When will speed reading be useful?

If we talk about speed reading, then we need to take into account one more point. This method is used mainly for reading scientific and technical literature, reports, Internet articles, news reports in newspapers, that is, material that brings new knowledge.

Poems and fiction are intended for completely different purposes. In fiction, we are not looking for answers to the questions posed, but simply enjoying the process of reading. All the value literary texts lies in their impact on a person’s emotions, feelings and the use of his imagination. Reading such literature quickly is possible, but absolutely pointless.

Is it possible to master speed reading at home?

Nowadays, there are many specialized courses that “for little money” promise to teach anyone to read at a speed of up to 3000 words per minute. Training sessions last from a month to three. But is it worth spending time and money on attending such courses if you can develop speed reading at home without any investment? Such independent learning even has its advantages:

  • Free choice of time for classes makes it possible to conduct training at those hours when it will be most convenient and fruitful.
  • Methods for teaching speed reading and descriptions of exercises are publicly available information that can be found in special manuals sold in any bookstore.
  • No distractions.
  • The ability to control the training time by choosing the duration of classes.

Some may be interested in the opinions of people who took courses to master speed reading. Reviews about their effectiveness are not always positive. Often, additional independent practice is required upon completion to achieve noticeable results. But the skill of speed reading itself is spoken of only with praise. Not one of those who mastered this ability regretted the time and effort spent.

Learning to read quickly. What is needed for that?

To master speed reading at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of this skill.

The first rule is not to “jump” while reading. You need to look through the text from beginning to end, without stopping and re-reading incomprehensible fragments. You will see, when you read to the end of a paragraph or page, everything that was unclear will become clear without re-reading.

The second rule is to highlight several key words in each sentence. It is not necessary to read the entire sentence or paragraph from beginning to end; it is important to catch and remember only the key words.

The third rule is not to be distracted. Speed ​​reading will not yield any results if you do not concentrate on what you are reading. The reader must be completely immersed in the process, because it is important not only to read, but also to record in memory useful information.

Why do we read slowly?

Anyone who is wondering how to develop speed reading will find it useful to know what prevents us from reading quickly.

1. Reading indiscriminately. When reading, we pay attention to everything. To get acquainted with the main idea, we spend the same amount of time as reading lyrical digressions that do not carry any semantic load and do not contain useful information. As already mentioned, to save time, the speed reading technique involves determining main idea and ignoring “water” in the text.

2. Repetition of what you read. Each of us has bad habit from childhood - returning your gaze to a sentence you have just read. When a child is developing a vocabulary, such repetitions are useful. But as adults, we just do it out of habit.

3. Reading to yourself. When reading aloud, we can do it faster or slower depending on the pace of reading and diction. When we read to ourselves, our brain seems to be conducting a monologue, “speaking out” the information we are becoming familiar with. The speed of text perception cannot be higher than the speed of this internal monologue. Therefore, if you decide to master the speed reading method, the first thing you need to do is “silence the internal speaker” and learn to perceive information without saying it to yourself.

4. Field of view. A narrow field of view can significantly slow down the reading process. If a person has well-developed peripheral vision, he uses it when perceiving text, which is reflected in reading speed. For those who want to master speed reading on their own, exercises to expand the field of vision are mandatory.

5. Inattention can be a problem at any speed. The inability to concentrate on the reading process is the main reason that information is not remembered, no matter how fast you read. The speed reading technique involves the parallel development of the ability to abstract from external stimuli and focus on the text.

Exercises to increase reading speed

Where to start mastering speed reading? Exercise is the key to success. Regular completion of simple practical tasks contributes to the development of the qualities necessary for quickly assimilation of information.

Eliminating inner speech

It was previously mentioned that internal articulation is one of the main reasons for low articulation. There are methods to combat it:

  • Count to yourself from ten to one. Try to understand a text without losing count.
  • Do the same thing, but instead of counting, hum a song you know by heart.
  • Tap any rhythm while reading.

The principle of this exercise is to “engage your inner speaker” and learn to perceive the text without its participation.

Developing peripheral vision

If peripheral vision is developed at the proper level, a person can not waste time moving his eyes along one line from left to right, but cover it with his gaze immediately. This method of reading is called vertical. Moreover, having developed peripheral vision, you can read entire paragraphs or blocks of text at a glance.

At this stage, they will come to help. The sheet depicts a square, the length of the sides is 20 cm. It is divided into five horizontal lines and five vertical ones. Thus, we get 25 cells, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 25 in random order. The finished square is placed at eye level (distance 25-30 cm).

The exercise itself consists of concentrating only on the middle square, using peripheral vision, to find the location of all the numbers from 1 to 25, and then in reverse order.

Another exercise that helps achieve the same goal is called the Triangle. You need to select the text and print it so that each line is wider than the previous one. For example, the first line has one word, the second - two, the third - three, and so on. As a result, we get a triangle consisting of text. When reading it, move your gaze only from top to bottom. To see the beginning and end of long lines, use your peripheral vision.

Similar exercises can be performed in everyday life, without devoting special time to exercise. For example, while sitting at work, concentrate your gaze on some object and try to see what is happening around you. This will simultaneously be an exercise to relieve eye strain and effective method effortlessly develop lateral vision.

Learning to guess

Speed ​​reading involves selective perception of text. In order for you to ultimately receive holistic, useful information, you need to learn logic and guesswork.

To perform the exercises in this block, you need an assistant. You immediately need to select an unfamiliar text and print it. The assistant darkens some parts of the text with a black marker, and while you read it, you try to grasp the meaning. First, you can choose simple texts to read. But over time, in order to train the skill, it is better to opt for unfamiliar topics and completely new terminology. The amount of hidden text should also gradually increase.

You can take a book and cover part of the text with a vertical strip 5 cm wide, and then read the rest. Make the strip wider over time.

It is worth devoting one hour to this practice 3-4 times a week, and within a month speed reading will begin to develop. The exercises are within the power of everyone, although at the very beginning they may seem difficult.

At what age can children be taught speed reading?

A child's vocabulary is significantly smaller than that of an adult. When reading, he thinks, comprehends the material he has read, and spends much more time doing this. Even by ear fast speech children perceive it much worse. Therefore, it is possible to teach children speed reading only after they learn to fully independently comprehend the text they read. This occurs around the age of 14-15 years.

As you can see, developing speed reading at home is not such a difficult task. Not only superheroes are able to read at a speed of more than 500 words per minute, but also ordinary people. Try and learn this and see from your own example the value of such a skill.

More than speed reading
Most quick way reading is "NOT reading". Sergey Mikhailov

Hello, dear reader, my name is Sergey Mikhailov. Currently I live in the resort town of the Krasnodar Territory Goryachiy Klyuch. I am engaged in the development of Internet projects and the creation of electronic products dedicated to self-improvement.

I admit, at school they considered me a slowdown:

    In the second grade they wanted to keep me for the second year because I had chronic poor academic performance.

    After finishing seventh grade, teachers recommended that I look for a vocational school rather than continue studying in grades 9-10.

    Since then I have been interested in speed reading and methods intellectual development. And for 20 years now I have been finding and testing on myself various methods of intellectual self-improvement, including speed reading.

I argue that each of us has the skill of speed reading.

You just need to awaken this skill in yourself. I repeat that each of us has the skill of quickly perceiving information.

As proof of my idea, quickly read the following text:
keSrets of the fast goldfinch
This will give you the information you need quickly in Inkge. Here are some of the sources

    Use the table of contents kingi zhomet be udtsasya arszu yanti unzhnuyu galva

    Zalgyani in knoets inkgi zhomet be there there is a solvar and paradise explains the foamy solva

    CoffinWriting with lies on the turn of the Algve or Dvevenia OM maybe this book is associated with the wrong topic

I bet you get the point in the gobbledygook written above. I just rearranged some letters and removed punctuation marks. Here at this link you can find more texts with mixed letters.

Many people involved in speed reading perceive such texts as tricks - they say there is nothing strange, you can read the text and that’s okay. I see that a completely different conclusion can be drawn: our brain is constantly looking for meaning in the reality around us.

The brain finds meaning in literally everything.

He tries to find meaning even where there is none. For example, in this photograph, in the play of shadows, the human brain discovered the Martian sphinx and the remains of previous civilizations.

A very simple conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said.

In order to increase your reading speed significantly, you need to program your subconscious to search for the necessary information and set a clear goal.

Other ways “here and now” to increase your reading speed can be found by ordering my video course " More than speed reading" .

The course is accompanied by an e-book dedicated to speed reading and activating thinking. Attached are video trainings that contain only those exercises that I have tried on myself and can recommend to others.

This course is the result of ten years of work. Previously, I published paper books dedicated to speed reading in the publishing houses Peter and Phoenix. He published e-books dedicated to speed reading. This course is the culmination of my research and practical work.

Sergey Mikhailov

Typically, speed reading courses pay a lot of attention to mechanical exercises - expanding the angle of vision, suppressing articulation. I decided to add my own developments to the course, some of which concern psychological sublimation before reading.

I claim that every adult has the skill of speed reading. You just need to awaken the necessary skill in yourself. Pay attention to the training located at this.

keSrets of the fast goldfinch

There is a lot of information available in Inkge Here are some of the sources

    Use the table of contents kingi zhomet be udtsasya arszu yanti unzhnuyu galva

    Zalgyani in knoets inkgi zhomet be there there is a solvar and paradise explains the foamy solva

    CoffinWriting with lies on the turn of the Algve or Dvevenia OM maybe this book is associated with the wrong topic

I bet you get the point in the gobbledygook written above. I just rearranged some letters and removed punctuation marks.

Many of those involved in speed reading perceive such texts as tricks - they say that there is nothing strange, you can read the text and that’s okay. I see that a completely different conclusion can be drawn - our brain is constantly looking for meaning in the reality around us. The brain finds meaning in literally everything. He tries to find meaning even where there is none. For example, in these games of shadows, the human brain discovered Martian sphinxes and the remnants of previous civilizations.

A very simple conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said. In order to increase your reading speed significantly, you need to program your subconscious to search for the necessary information and set a clear goal.

Other ways to increase your reading speed here and now can be gleaned from the video course " More than speed reading "The course is accompanied by a book dedicated to speed reading and activating thinking, computer training, and an audio book. The course contains video training that demonstrates the exercises that I have tried on myself and can recommend to others.

If you know what to look for,

then the search speed increases tenfold!

The reader's focus (angle of view) changes depending on how familiar the text is to him. The more familiar the text is and the task being performed is clear, the wider the focus of attention - and the more lettered information it can perceive at a time. The more unfamiliar the task, the narrower the focus of vision.

If you know what to look for, the search speed increases tenfold!

If the reader has at least an approximate idea of ​​what he is looking for, then the speed of reading technical text increases significantly, because the subconscious mind is tuned to search and help the conscious mind. Confirm this with the following flash training

Preset and text perception

The same object can be perceived as either significant or neutral, depending on the preset.

    For example, we see shaggy dog…. wolfhound... good-natured... but with a white grin...

    Or this: You are watching a romantic film about two lovers traveling on board a large ship... the Titanic.

    Or this: to show that everything that happens in this life is for the better, the director shows a clerk who, on September 11, 2001, was late for work in an office located... in one of the twin towers

Do you feel how the nature of perception changes significantly depending on the preset and the amount of information received? Try to understand how the picture changes from major to minor tones. This works especially well when reading jokes or looking at funny captions for “imaginary stories.”

Having understood how the transition to the “I’m on a roll” state occurs, you can then arbitrarily call it on.

Write down the words on scraps of paper. Think of a specific word. Shuffle the papers. Try to find the right word in a few scanning eye movements. Once you find the right word, determine how you found it! Remember this state. Now, while reading with a tapped rhythm, consciously evoke the state in which you were at the moment you found the right word.

Reading is a process of perception. By changing perception, a person changes his approach to information. Getting ideas is also a process of perception. Perception of the surrounding world and its possibilities.

Other computer programs on speed reading:

  • Exercise to expand the angle of vision - rotating numbers
  • Training to master the skill of Speed ​​Reading - Find the word in the text

Answers to questions for buyers of my books and courses

Thanks to everyone who bought my books. Thanks to those who wrote me letters with questions. Thanks to those who liked my work. Unexpectedly, I learned that my texts have a therapeutic effect and help with the blues.

Today I will answer poisonous questions from subscribers. So:

What's behind the marketing titles of my books?

Of course, each book comes with its own enticing titles. If the book is called "Simple Trance Technique", then there will be an unintended resonance. It is much better to call it “Get your thoughts in order,” because this is precisely the goal pursued by trance techniques.

Why am I writing for sale?

Friends, for a long time I could not take up the keyboard and sell what I wrote. I had no inner confidence in what I was writing. After I realized that I was repeating the same thing to several acquaintances, I realized that I was saying it honestly and that I could describe it on paper.

I make a living in completely different ways - I create Internet projects. Self-improvement and self-observation are my hobbies.

Having spent a week on reflection and self-analysis, I believe that I get a product of much higher quality than free and unsystematized texts.

Is it weak to give it away for free?

No, not weak. Read unsystematized information in newsletters and my blog. The difference is small - the information is not systematized in freely distributed materials.

The best way to answer the question of whether it’s bad for free is to write it yourself and give it away for free. Usually, the applicant immediately begins to say that he will not write without money.

Are you making a lot of fucking money?

I didn't make much money from books. As a rule, much more time is spent preparing a book than the income generated. For example, I wrote a book on 1C programming for almost two months without getting up, weighing and double-checking. The fee was 1/4 - 1/2 of monthly income.

So what's the point?

The meaning is therapeutic - when I write, I reflect and reflect my experience in order to put an end to it and turn the page of life. If someone likes my work, well, that’s very good.

How do I determine the price?

From the background and how easy it was to write the book. If the text is written easily and quickly, then the price is low.

How do I determine topics for books?

As soon as I realize that I have repeated some thought twenty times to different people, then I begin to understand that this thing interests others too.

What is the difference between self-publishing and working with publishing houses?

The fact is that when working with publishing houses, I worked with literary editors. They transformed my texts. Thanks to them. With self-publishing, the results come out much faster.

What I have already published.

2 paper books on speed reading. 2 paper books on 1C, which I have been studying for 10 years. One brochure on local routes (self-published). Postcards with local species. He also organized photo exhibitions. He wrote and sold his programs, CD.