What is Thermage in cosmetology. What is Facial Thermage? How to do facial thermage at home? Is Thermage treatment effective on other parts of the body?

Non-invasive rejuvenating techniques are the most popular modern procedures for restoring skin turgor and restoring its beauty and youthful appearance. Reviews from cosmetologists claim that facial thermage is the simplest and safe way, how to restore the oval and eliminate facial wrinkles.

What it is

Thermage is a non-surgical facelift using effects on the epidermis high temperatures, the before and after photos clearly show not only an excellent lifting effect, but also a general improvement in the skin. The procedure is unique in its principle of action, because in addition to pronounced turgor restoration processes, it can improve nutrition and blood supply to the integument.

Advantages of Thermage:

  1. This non-surgical lift has an immediate effect. In more than 30% of patients, results are noticeable immediately after the session. In other cases, the effect becomes most visible after 6 months of Thermage;
  2. Using electrical lifting, collagen and elastane fibers are activated. They become more elastic and dense;
  3. Short rehabilitation period. You can return to your normal rhythm of life almost immediately after the procedure;
  4. Correction procedure skin can be performed up to any age (up to 70 years).

However, Thermage cannot replace traditional surgical tightening techniques; it is used only as an auxiliary or preventive method. Let's say he can slightly correct the oval of the face, but tighten sagging cheeks or completely eliminate deep wrinkles he can't do it.

According to the principle of operation, the technology is very similar to laser lifting, but thermage has certain differences from biorevitalization. Firstly, it cannot replace deep lifting, secondly, it cannot be used for vitiligo (unlike laser tightening), thirdly, after Thermage there is no scrub effect.

Indications for facial Thermage:

  1. Flabbiness and the appearance of the first signs of aging;
  2. Availability acne, comedones, acne and other signs of skin problems;
  3. Lack of shine and brightness of the color of the epidermis;
  4. Wrinkles around the eyes and nasolabial folds;
  5. Drooping eyelids, eyebrows, changes in facial contours;
  6. Asymmetry of individual parts of the face, which appears as a result of aging of the body. Drooping of one eyelid or cheek is most common;
  7. Presence of scars.

This plastic surgery is considered quite safe, but any electrical or laser effects on the body have contraindications. In particular, the procedure is not recommended for blood diseases, the presence of individual contraindications, as well as during chronic skin diseases in the active stage. A session is extremely harmful during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Photo – Thermage device

Thermage, Elos and ultrasonic liposuction are strictly contraindicated if there is a pacemaker in the body - electrical impulses can cause a malfunction of this device.

How is the procedure performed?

A special thermage device is used to conduct the session. Depending on the area of ​​treatment, a specialist selects a nozzle of the required size. There are 5 nozzles in total, which differ in type and diameter. The smallest ones are used to treat the area around the eyes (lower and upper eyelids), while the largest ones are used for the forehead.

How does fractional thermage work?

  1. The patient is introduced to the doctor's office and undergoes certain tests. Based on the results, the cosmetologist determines the client’s skin type - this is one of the most important stages of the procedure;
  2. Afterwards, all cosmetics are removed from the face and the epidermis is additionally treated with an alcohol-containing lotion (depending on the skin type, it can be replaced with more gentle products of a similar type of action);
  3. Next, contour markings are applied to the areas. It allows you to accurately correct the desired problem areas. It is applied to the face using paper with a washable marker - as during plastic surgery of the body;
  4. After the preparatory stages, the laser turns on and heats up to the desired level. Depending on the problems, the depth of penetration may vary. During exposure, the patient feels periodic cold and hot impulses that alternate with each other. It is during their occurrence that collagen fibers thicken and enhanced nutrition of the epidermis is activated, and, consequently, skin rejuvenation;
  5. The procedure can take from half an hour to several hours, depending on the specific area.

Photo - Before and after the procedure

Despite the safety of the session, some negative consequences may be observed after facial Thermage. Doctors note that the likelihood of their occurrence is extremely low - in 5 patients out of 100. The most common is swelling of the treated areas. If after surgery it is noticed elevated temperature body and redness of the treated areas - then you need:

  1. Apply Panthenol to the epidermis, which will soothe the skin;
  2. Seek help from the doctor who performed the procedure;
  3. Temporarily limit water and salty foods - they retain moisture in the body, contributing to the appearance of swelling.

If Thermage is performed at home or in a non-professional setting, there is also a risk of facial skin burns. Because of this, we do not recommend doing such procedures on your own, otherwise it will be very difficult to get rid of complications.

After the procedure, prolonged exposure to the sun or sauna is not recommended, and you should also limit the use of cosmetics for two weeks. Please note that despite the fact that Thermage has good compatibility with various facial masks, you should be very careful, because in the first month after the session the epidermis is very sensitive to various influences. The use of alcohol-containing lotions and harsh soaps is prohibited.

Video: Thermage on the face

Of course, to save money, you can buy a device for doing thermal lifting yourself, for example, Pelleve. But in this case, no one guarantees good result and the absence of side effects and complications.

Contents §1. What is Thermage?
1.1 - What is Thermage cosmetic procedure?

1.2 - How effective is this procedure? When are the first results visible?

    1.3 - How much does the Thermage procedure cost?

    1.4 - How will I feel during the procedure?

    1.5 - History of the Thermage procedure 1.6 - How will I look immediately after the procedure? How long will it take to recover?

    §2. How safe is the Thermage procedure?

Using this procedure, you can also tighten the skin on your cheeks, remove nasolabial folds, and tighten your eyebrows (and thereby make your eyes look more open).

But as for all other parts of the body, some cosmetologists would not recommend Thermage, since there it practically does not produce results. We dare to assume that you have already seen enough photographs on the Internet showing patients before and after the procedure (for example, after Thermage of the abdomen or buttocks), and the results there are very, very stunning. But we do not recommend trusting these photographs so boldly, since the information is not verified, and professionals know how to take a sensational photograph and convince potential patients of the effectiveness of Thermage!

What is Thermage Cosmetic Treatment?

The Thermage procedure is based on the use of radiofrequency radiation. The lifting effect is achieved through compression and compaction of collagen fibers. Radiofrequency radiation, entering the depths of the skin, begins to affect collagen. Heated collagen fibers become firmer and more elastic, and the body begins to produce its own collagen. At the end of the procedure, the face looks fresher and more youthful, wrinkles and folds disappear, and the skin on the chin and cheeks is tightened.

How effective is this procedure? When are the first results visible?

In 2007, a study was conducted in which 5,700 people took part - patients of several specialized clinics. So, 87% of patients had an immediate effect, positive dynamics over the 6 months following the procedure were noted in 92% of patients, 94% of patients were satisfied with the results of the procedure. Clinical studies have shown that an increase in collagen levels was noted in absolutely all patients, even if no visible changes occurred. If in some cases thermage failed to tighten the skin, the procedure was still able to slow down its aging.

Yes, in many patients changes are visible immediately after the procedure, but the final result can still be seen only after 1-6 months (and the peak in 80-90% of cases occurs in the sixth month).

Why does it sometimes happen that Thermage does not produce results?

This simply cannot happen. Yes, there are cases when external improvement is not visible, but there is scientific data that confirms the fact that after the Thermage procedure, the body always (!) begins to produce collagen. And many patients this procedure have too high expectations, and only a qualified specialist can assess the real situation and predict the result of the procedure.

And with the help of Thermage, you can correct only minor problems, but if time is lost, then Thermage still cannot cope with serious age-related changes in the skin.

Scientific data also shows that in 90% of cases the final result can be seen only 6 months after the procedure. Many patients see results literally immediately after completing Thermage. As for those 10% of patients who did not see any external changes, they still should not despair and talk about the procedure, since radiofrequency radiation still did its job: collagen began to be produced, which means that subsequent skin aging slowed down (at least for one to two years). Stopping skin aging is, you see, also a result.

How long does the effect last after a Thermage procedure?

Two years, but laboratory studies show that changes in the deeper layers of the skin take place a little longer. The results of this procedure (as well as all other cosmetic procedures) are not eternal, since aging is still inevitable, plus external factors interfere (for example, solar ultraviolet radiation).

Is Thermage treatment effective on other parts of the body?

Many experienced specialists believe only in facial Thermage (including the area under the chin) and eyelid Thermage. Sometimes neck Thermage gives good results. As for the back of the hands, cosmetologists recommend complex therapy (Thermage + injections of Juvederm or Restylane).

But we do not recommend correcting your arms, hips, or stomach using this procedure. You will spend a lot of effort and money, but you will not get results. Every year more and more new equipment appears, so let’s hope that soon we will have a good device at our disposal, with the help of which Thermage on the body will bring specific benefits.

How much does thermage procedure cost?

Each country, and each clinic, offers its own prices, but we can say that thermage for the entire face will cost you somewhere between 70,000-115,000 rubles. If you want to correct any other part of the body, the procedure, of course, will cost you a little more.

How will I feel during the procedure?

You will not feel much pain, but you need to be prepared for unpleasant sensations, since you may not like the alternation of hot and cold streams. If you feel discomfort, tell your doctor immediately, and he will slightly reduce the power of the device. Some centers offer some kind of local anesthetic cream.

Depending on the area of ​​the working surface, the procedure can last 1-2 hours.

Here's how the procedure itself will work: First, you will remove makeup from your face. Then a small rubber plate will be placed on your stomach (it acts as a grounding conductor), and the doctor will begin his work. He will process each area several times. Once you have one side treated, you can look in the mirror to see the difference between the treated and untreated areas.

History of thermage procedure

This technology was first used in the United States of America at the beginning of the 21st century, but it must be said that progress does not stand still, new devices are constantly being developed and old ones are being improved, and new techniques are being invented.

As soon as Thermage appeared, they immediately began to talk about it in absolutely all media. Journalists praised this procedure as best they could. But it still cannot be said that the results were somehow supernatural, and the procedure itself was very painful. But the worst thing was that the dermatologists were extremely inexperienced in this matter, so sometimes they set the devices to maximum power, which caused severe trauma to the patients’ skin.

Then the second generation of thermage machines appeared. The procedures were still painful, but their effectiveness increased significantly (as larger attachments were used).

And only with the advent of the third generation of devices (which we, in fact, still use to this day) did the Thermage procedure reach a new level. The nozzles have become even larger, and the devices have more functions; now the skin is cooled during the procedure itself (due to which the patient practically does not feel any pain).

Cosmetologists who have worked with all three generations of devices can say that now it is more comfortable to work, the results are always visible, and there are practically no complaints from patients. Also, one cannot help but rejoice in the fact that literally immediately after the procedure, patients can go to work and return to work. to the usual way life.

How will I look immediately after the procedure? How long will it take to recover?

Literally immediately after completing the procedure, you will be able to return to normal life. There is simply nothing to recover from! You can even apply makeup. Some patients experience mild redness, but this usually goes away within just a few hours. Discomfort and slight swelling are also possible, but this also goes away on its own in two to three days.

How many sessions will I need?

If you are between 30 and 50, then one session will probably be enough for you. If you are over 50, then tune in to two sessions (6 months apart). Subsequently, the procedures will need to be repeated every two years (or a little more often).

How soon can I have a repeat procedure?

There are no studies yet on this issue, but it is usually recommended to wait at least three months.

Will maintenance procedures be needed?

Necessarily. Once every two years, but if you are over 50, then it is advisable to reduce the interval between maintenance procedures.

Can Thermage be combined with filler injections?

Yes, you can, but you still need to do it not at the same time. So, the formation of bumps is inevitable if you undergo Thermage literally immediately after Sculptra injections.

  • Restylane and Juvederm: do injections first, and only after a month undergo Thermage. Hyaluronic cosmetic fillers: what and how.
  • Sculptra: Thermage procedure is possible only 6 months after the injections. Cosmetic filler Sculptra.
  • Permanent fillers such as silicone and Artecoll: For patients who have permanent fillers under the skin, the Thermage procedure is contraindicated (at least the areas in which these fillers are located cannot be treated).

Do I need to prepare in any way for this procedure? And is there a need for a special regime after it?

No. Unlike plastic surgery, after Thermage your face looks completely natural. People return to their normal lifestyle on the day of the procedure. There is also no need to interrupt the intake of any medications. Some patients experience slight redness, but this goes away spontaneously within the first few hours without bruising or swelling.

§2. How safe is the Thermage procedure?

Radiofrequency radiation has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. Currently, it is widely used in aesthetic cosmetology. Research shows that radiofrequency radiation almost never causes side effects (and if they do appear, they go away very quickly), and they only occur when the doctor turns on high power on the device.

Are there any contraindications for the Thermage procedure?

This procedure is contraindicated for people with electrical implants (such as pacemakers and defibrillators); people with a skin disease (if the area on which the procedure is to be performed is affected); pregnant women.

Are there any possible side effects?

Despite the fact that Thermage is a safe procedure, negative consequences are still possible.

Redness. But it is usually not strong, and goes away within one to two hours after the end of the procedure.

Bubbles. They are easy to treat and go away quickly, leaving no scars.

Swelling. It occurs most often on the face, but this phenomenon is temporary, since everything disappears after 2-5 days.

Pits. They usually go away within a few days, but can last a lifetime. This by-effect manifests itself in 0.14% of cases.

Tingling. They happen extremely rarely and go away within one week.

Bruises are practically not visible.

§3. Question-answer (You ask - we answer)

I have an important event planned in two months. When is the best time for me to have Thermage treatment?

The effect of Thermage can be seen immediately after the procedure, but the full result can be observed only after six months. Try to get to a dermatologist as soon as possible so that at least a little of the effect can appear before your event.

I lead a socially active lifestyle, so I don’t have the opportunity to “go into the shadows” for at least a few days. Is Thermage Treatment Right for Me?

Yes. This procedure seems to have been created specifically for people like you. Literally immediately after the procedure, you will be able to appear in society, and no one will see a bruise or bump on your face. There may be some swelling, but I assure you, only you will know about it!

I want to be beautiful, but I don’t have the slightest desire to go under a scalpel. Will I be able to lose at least a few years with Thermage?

Many other patients over 60 also do not agree to surgery (or have some medical contraindications for this), but all problems can be solved. You will need about two to three sessions with an interval of 6 months. You can get a full face lift without surgery if you add Sculptra injections to the Thermage procedure. And the result is wonderful, and there is no risk.

Can I use Thermage to improve my neck?

Practice shows that correcting the skin of the neck (namely the neck, not the lower part of the chin) is very problematic. It is not known why this happens, but it may be because the skin on the neck is much thinner than on the face. Perhaps a more delicate device is needed to work with the neck. But there are cases when Thermage can still solve such a problem.

I underwent the Thermage procedure, but the results are still not visible. Why?

There could be several reasons:

    The power of the device was too low.

    Your doctor was not qualified enough, since the result of this procedure largely depends on the experience and skill of the person performing it. Each area should be processed five to six times.

    Perhaps you are one of those 10% on whose face changes after Thermage never begin to occur.

  • Thermage - a deep lifting method without damaging the skin surface
  • The result of the Thermage procedure lasts up to five years and delays the aging process of the skin
  • The Thermage procedure enhances collagen synthesis, heals and rejuvenates the skin from the inside, causing it to fit tightly to the muscles again
  • Facial features do not change, there is no “overtightening” effect

Description of the procedure

The Thermage procedure is performed using a ThermaCool device that generates radiofrequency energy. A special attachment creates an electric field in the tissue being treated. Charged particles in an electric field change direction 6 million times per second. Tissue resistance to the movement of charged particles leads to an increase in the temperature of the deep layers of the skin. At the same time, the ThermaCool device nozzle provides contact cooling of the epidermis by spraying a coolant onto the working surface of the nozzle before, during and after applying a radiofrequency pulse to the skin. An increase in temperature in the deep layers of the skin leads to compaction of collagen fibers, which ensures tissue strengthening and skin lifting. The Thermage procedure affects collagen fibers, causing them to shrink back to their original state. Within six months after the Thermage procedure, increased formation of new collagen and elastin occurs.

The Thermage procedure can in many cases be an alternative to plastic surgery. The effect of the Thermage procedure can be assessed immediately after it is carried out, however, the process of rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin will increase over the course of 6 months, turning back time. The Thermage procedure has proven to be highly effective not only for tightening the skin in the facial area, but also for body lifting procedures.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure


  • Excess skin
  • Fuzzy facial contour
  • Wrinkles in the face, neck, décolleté
  • Excess skin in the area upper eyelids
  • Stretch marks
  • Cellulite
  • Thinning skin in the hand area


  • Pacemaker
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Herpes in the rash stage

Facial thermage is one of the new, but already quite popular cosmetic procedures, allowing you to achieve a noticeable external improvement in the condition of your facial skin in just one session. This procedure is a hardware procedure and is carried out exclusively in a well-equipped beauty salon under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

In the article we will look at the features of this procedure, find out all its pros and cons, find out who is suitable for facial Thermage and who should not have it. In addition, we will find out the cost of this unique procedure and get acquainted with reviews of women who have had facial thermage done. Here's how laser stretch mark removal occurs and how effective this procedure is.

Facial Thermage - what is it, description of the procedure

Facial thermage was invented in the USA and introduced into cosmetology “production” in 2002. Around this time, the procedure began to be used in European salons, and a little later - in Russia.

The procedure is hardware-based, non-surgical, and is based on the effect of special radiofrequency radiation on skin tissue. As a result of exposure, the body temperature at the treatment site becomes higher and the skin warms up. Thanks to heating, the skin tissue is strengthened and collagen synthesis is activated. As you know, it is collagen in the skin that is responsible for its elasticity and firmness.

The procedure leads to remarkable effect lifting, tightening the skin on the entire face or in individual areas (the forehead and chin area are usually treated). Note that a stable and long-lasting, very pronounced effect is achieved in in this case after a single procedure. And achieved positive result fixed for five years.

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The video explains how and why thermage is performed:

The advantages of this technique are the following:

  • activation of natural collagen production;
  • the upper layers of the skin are not damaged, that is, there is no recovery period as such;
  • no need for surgical intervention, gentle effect;
  • in just one procedure, beauty and youth are restored to the face;
  • long lasting and lasting results.

The method can be used as effective method stop age-related changes, and also as a means of preventing these most unpleasant age-related skin changes. Cosmetologists claim that if you regularly carry out the thermage procedure for problem areas, this will make it possible to do without plastic surgery altogether, even at a fairly old age. However, this method will not cope with already clearly expressed and deep signs of aging. You might also be interested in information about how this happens.

Carrying out the procedure with a cosmetologist

Facial skin thermage is performed using five attachments that come with the equipment. Nozzles vary in size and appearance. So, to treat the delicate and delicate area around the eyes, use the smallest nozzle, and for the forehead and cheeks, use a large one.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist is obliged to tell the client about all the contraindications for this procedure and warn about the possible consequences.

In addition, at the preliminary stage, a preliminary assessment of the skin condition is required. The choice of attachments and the “plan” according to which skin treatment will be carried out depend on this assessment. Next, we will go through all the stages of thermage step by step. You can also advise doing biorevitalization of the skin, but how such a procedure is carried out and what results can be achieved is indicated

The video shows how the procedure is carried out:


Before the procedure, the epidermis is thoroughly cleaned. Makeup is removed from the face, dust and dirt are removed. At the end of the cleansing procedure, the entire surface of the face is wiped with a special tonic.


This stage involves applying several stroke lines to the face with a special pencil. These lines show the areas that need to be treated and the direction of movement of the device.

Anesthesia and protection

Pain relief is usually performed only if Thermage involves a delicate and sensitive area around the eyes. In this case, special drops with an analgesic are injected into the eyes. And to protect the eyes from radio frequency radiation, a black screen is inserted under the upper eyelid.

Those areas of the skin that will be treated are lubricated with a special gel to improve the glide of the nozzle.

Equipment setup

The cosmetologist connects the device, selects the necessary attachments, and sets the required depth of radiation penetration and temperature. Note that the maximum depth to which a radiofrequency beam can penetrate during thermage is 4.3 mm, and the minimum is 0.5 mm.


When the rays hit the skin, the latter begins to warm up. Interestingly, the face remains cool to the touch, as the special cooling system provided by the device is activated. But sometimes mild discomfort can be caused by frequent alternation of high and low temperatures.

Facial treatment by zones

The device to which the attachments are attached is called a manipulator: the cosmetologist uses it in the direction of the massage lines. It is important not to stay in one place for a long time with the nozzle. Sometimes a specialist decides to carry out treatment again in the same area if he sees that the desired result has not been achieved. After general facial treatment problem areas are being processed. As a rule, special attention is paid to the general contour of the face, eyelids (they often droop), and the skin around the mouth. The next stage is tightening the skin along the so-called tension vectors. This stage is considered the main one, since it is it that leads to noticeable rejuvenation of the epidermis. But you can see what peeling for the scalp looks like and how it is done, as well as who is suitable for this procedure

During thermage, old and stretched collagen fibers are damaged, resulting in the activation of new ones. Therefore, the result of the procedure in the form of firm and elastic skin appears after the first session, although not immediately.

After the procedure, the markings are removed and a special mask with a calming effect is applied to the face. Often, women after a Thermage session see slight redness of the facial skin - this is considered normal, and this effect goes away on its own after a while.


Thermage procedure is usually performed after the patient reaches 35 years of age. In some cases, it is possible to carry out it after 30 years - but this issue is resolved strictly individually; it is not accepted among the masses. Thermage is not indicated for younger people, since collagen synthesis occurs quite actively and independently until the age of 30-35.

This procedure is ideal in the following cases:

  • with drooping upper eyelid;
  • if you have crow's feet;
  • for swelling of the area around the eyes, bags;
  • to get rid of a double chin;
  • elimination of nasolabial problems;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • getting rid of unhealthy complexion;
  • eliminating sagging skin, wrinkles;

The procedure is suitable for those women who would like to see the result of a circular surgical facelift, but do not want to go under the knife, choosing a more gentle method.

But what laser biorevitalization of facial skin looks like and how it is carried out can be seen in this


The Thermage procedure is not suitable for everyone without exception - the method also has its own contraindications, which we will discuss in detail below. So, you can’t do facial Thermage in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy, lactation;
  • when wearing a pacemaker or other electrical equipment for medical purposes;
  • after a fresh tan;
  • when undergoing drug therapy;
  • with existing threads (gold, silver, etc.) in the skin in the treatment areas;
  • for pathologies associated with blood clotting;
  • with weak immunity;
  • for oncology, diabetes, infectious diseases.

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This procedure is quite expensive. The final cost is determined individually and depends on the total processing area and the complexity of the original “material”.

Of course, each salon has its own pricing policy, so here we have indicated average prices. So, the cost of facial thermage:

  • eyelids - 70,000-75,000 rubles;
  • cheeks and middle part of the face - 90,000-100,000 rubles;
  • neck area - 100,000 rubles.

Note that Thermage can also be performed on the skin of the chest and buttocks: it will tighten and make these areas more elastic. The cost of treating the buttocks, on average, is 180,000-200,000 rubles, the chest area - 200,000-250,000 rubles.

It is important to apply for thermage only to well-equipped specialized clinics. Make sure that the cosmetologist performing thermage has undergone appropriate training, and that the clinic itself has a license, all documents and permits.

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Recently, more and more women are beginning to prefer minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation instead of plastic surgery. Facial Thermage stands out as a separate item among all kinds of hardware and injection methods.

This procedure appeared relatively recently, and although it is quite expensive, it has gained unprecedented popularity due to its long-lasting effect, the absence of pain during the procedure and the short rehabilitation period.

Brief description: facial thermage

History of the emergence and development of thermage

The roots of the care procedure go back to the distant twentieth century. R. Tseynek, a doctor from the Czech Republic, practiced the use of high-frequency currents in the treatment of a huge number of diseases: pathologies internal organs, inflammation, diseases of the circulatory system and other pain of various origins.

The effect of getting rid of pain was achieved by artificial stimulation of natural metabolic processes in the body.

The current cosmetic procedure called Thermage was developed in 2002 in the USA. The research team at Solta Medical Ink developed a technology called ThermaCool and managed to patent a device for the procedure called ThermaCool NXT. Today this procedure is used in more than 70 countries around the world.

Description and principle of operation

Facial Thermage
is a hardware procedure of a cosmetic nature, which is based on the use of radio frequency waves. The tissues are heated to a temperature of 65 degrees Celsius, due to which the activation of lymph flow, blood circulation and restoration of collagen fibers begins at a certain depth. The dense frame that is formed as a result of regeneration makes the skin more elastic and prevents tissue sagging. Due to the high temperature, fat cells are destroyed.

The procedure has a pronounced lifting effect without surgical intervention, which lasts for several years.

Thermage of the face and body is carried out with the extraordinary ThermaCool NXT device, which emits radio frequency energy with the following characteristics:

  • Current strength – up to 1.7 A.
  • Frequency – 6 MHz.
  • Power – maximum up to 250 W.

The device has five attachments various sizes, which are intended for different areas of the face and body. The strength of the radio waves can be adjusted by a specialist based on the patient's skin condition. The depth of impact is quite good - as much as 4.3 millimeters. The current heats the cells to 65 degrees Celsius, due to which stimulation occurs. In order to protect the skin from burns, it is periodically cooled during the procedure.

Due to the high frequency of vibrations, the procedure is almost painless, and clients only feel the effects of cold and heat on the skin.

Thermage is designed to transform the entire body or specific areas, and can also be used on problem areas of the body.

Thermage effectiveness

Thermage results next:

As can be seen from the excellent results, the procedure has no analogues and, unlike others, has high level efficiency, so it is not cheap at all.

Let’s say the price for Thermage treatment of the face or its area starts from two thousand dollars. All this is due to the fact that the device itself is very expensive, and the specialists performing the procedure are trained in the technique in California, at the center for the development of the device itself. Preparation for Russian masters to pass in the capital, Moscow.

Pros and cons of the procedure

This technology has several advantages before other cosmetic procedures:

TO shortcomings Let's only mention the high cost, which not everyone can afford.

Who is the procedure suitable for?

In addition, Thermage is used to restore elasticity to the skin in the décolleté area and combat cellulite.

Restrictions and contraindications

Before you decide to have a facial thermage procedure, you should familiarize yourself with all the contraindications:

Due to the increased sensitivity of certain areas of the skin, women are not recommended to undergo Thermage during menstruation.

Execution technique

Facial thermage is a rather complex hardware technique with many contraindications. At the initial consultation, the cosmetologist will examine the face, assess the condition of the skin and familiarize the client with a list of contraindications.

Before the procedure, you must undergo a medical examination:

  • Take a blood test.
  • Consult a dermatologist and other specialists (if you suspect certain diseases).

After you receive a conclusion from your therapist that you are healthy, you will be given a date for the procedure. No special preparation is needed, you just need to avoid alcohol and medications that thin the blood a few days before the procedure.

Facial thermage is carried out in several stages:

On average, each facial Thermage session takes 1-2 hours, during which clients feel alternating heating and cooling of the skin, while the surface of the skin itself always feels cool to the touch.

After the procedure, the effect will be barely noticeable, but after a couple of months it will become more obvious to everyone, and will last from two to seven years.

Rehabilitation after Thermage treatment of the face or body lasts no more than 2 days. During these days, you should avoid ultraviolet exposure, high temperatures and saunas. After two days, you can freely return to your usual flow of life without restrictions.

Complications occur very rarely, in five out of a hundred people, but most often they are simple swelling, which will go away on their own in a couple of minutes.

Very rarely this may be severe redness of the skin and increased body temperature. If something like this happens, you should contact the salon where the procedure was performed.

Usually, in order to eliminate such consequences, you need to treat your face with Panthenol and try to drink less water, as well as limit the use of salt in your diet during the rehabilitation period.

If you ignore contraindications or the procedure is performed without the necessary preparation, burns and subcutaneous seals may occur.

Radiofrequency waves have been used in cosmetology for a long time. Types of rejuvenation using non-surgical methods are presented as: In some salons they pass it off as facial thermage, and most agree to the procedure because the cost is low.

No one argues that the above procedure is bad, it also gives rejuvenation, but still there is a difference between them:

  • Temperature effect. During lifting, tissues are heated only to 40 degrees, and with thermage to 65, so the effect of the latter procedure is still much better.
  • Duration. It takes no more than 30 minutes, and facial Thermage can take up to two hours.
  • Soreness and sensations. During Thermage, the patient may experience slight discomfort and temperature changes. You don't feel anything during the lifting.

But the main difference is that to get a good and lasting result with the thermage procedure, you only need one session and the effect will last for 7 years, but for lifting you need 6-8 sessions and repeating the procedure after a few months.

Therefore, in order to avoid being deceived, check with the administrator and the cosmetologist himself what procedure you are going to pay for.

To attract clients and “easy money”, some salons may offer new thermage methods, but with less heating and session duration. True, several sessions are required.

These procedures can be anything - but not Thermage. If in doubt, ask to see the device they are going to use to perform thermage on you. A real, “branded” device will have the inscription ThermaCool NXT.