Homemade ombre. French accent on hairstyle: ombre for feminine natures

Ombre in two colors at home. With a photo, following the instructions we provide step by step, you can easily do this. But first, we suggest you familiarize yourself with what kind of coloring method this is and how it differs from others.

The essence and advantages of technology

This hair coloring is the most trendy today. It allows you to achieve results in which dark color smoothly flows into light or vice versa. In this case, the difference between them can be 5–6 tones. Color contrast may vary. Despite the fact that the hair is dyed in contrasting colors, it looks natural. That is why ombre is equally suitable for both girls and mature women. In this case, the initial color and length of the curls can be any.

In addition, the use of this technique allows you to:

  • Change your hairstyle without harming your hair roots;
  • Use coloring no more than once every 3 months;
  • Add drama to a haircut of any length;
  • Visually lengthen the face of those with wide cheekbones;
  • Do not completely paint over your natural hair color and still look well-groomed;
  • Save time on hairstyles and styling. Hair dyed this way looks great without them.

This method is ideal for those girls who want to grow long hair and do not want to give up coloring. Dye is known to thin hair, disrupt its structure, and slow down growth. Ombre will help you resort to the dyeing technique much less frequently, and you can also avoid applying dye along the entire length of your hair, preserving the health of your hair as much as possible and accelerating its growth.

What you need to know before painting

The disadvantage of ombre in two colors is the difficulty of doing it at home. Many people find it difficult to independently select and apply perfectly matching shades of dye. Poorly applied paint can create the effect of sloppy roots and ruin the look. To prevent this from happening, just remember a few basic rules:

  • When performing ombre in classic style, the crown remains darker, and the ends are made lighter. The border of tones, when the curls are long, should be located in the area of ​​the cheekbones or chin, if short - at the level top line ears. This ombre is ideal for those with long hair. middle length. It is better to use natural shades of paint for the base: chestnut, light brown, wheat, honey, chocolate, coffee. The color of the bleached ends should also be as close as possible to the natural shade. Under no circumstances should they be completely scorched;
  • Doing ombre in reverse, when the ends are much darker than the roots, better for girls, whose hair color is naturally light. Otherwise, when the hair grows, the hairstyle will look ridiculous;
  • Choosing a fiery ombre, when the base is dyed in chocolate, chestnut and coffee shades, and the rest of the hair is first lightened and then tinted in red, terracotta and copper-red shades, should be chosen by girls with long or medium-length hair;
  • Before dyeing, you should get a haircut. It is desirable that it be with light thinning of the ends.

Important! Ombre is not recommended for those whose hair is dry and thinning. They run the risk of getting a hairstyle that, combined with burnt curls, will look ridiculous. In these cases, it is advised to first treat your hair: cut off the split ends, take a course of vitamins, use special shampoos and masks to moisturize and restore.

Preparatory activities

Before you start transforming your hair using the ombre technique at home, you need to prepare everything you need for this procedure:

  • Paint;
  • Gloves;
  • A convenient ceramic or plastic bowl for diluting the dye;
  • Brush for applying paint;
  • Fine-tooth comb;
  • Four elastic bands or non-metallic hair clips;
  • Foil;
  • A cape or towel.

When everything is ready, you should carefully study the instructions for the chosen paint. Particular attention should be paid to the amount of time during which it is recommended to keep the dye on the hair. This will help you get the desired shade of your strands and not “burn” them. You also need to prepare your hair for coloring. To do this, they should be washed and dried.

Step-by-step classic ombre

It is believed that this technique is best suited for DIY coloring. Once you master it, you can easily master all other types of ombre.

So let's get started:

  1. Mix the ingredients selected lightening (3-4 tones) paint in a prepared bowl, according to the instructions;
  2. Comb your hair and decide where to make the transition to a lighter shade;
  3. Put on gloves and cape;
  4. Divide your hair into 4 parts: 2 on the left side - front and back and 2 on the right (by the same principle). Secure them with clips or rubber bands;
  5. Start hair coloring, which were left on the left. To do this, divide them into small strands and apply paint with a brush or comb. This should be done starting from the middle of the hair, moving towards the ends. Distribute the coloring composition evenly over the strands, making short strokes and enveloping the hair with it. Remember! By applying paint vertically, you will get a smooth transition, horizontally - a clearer and more noticeable one;
  6. Wrap each dyed curl in foil;
  7. Do the same manipulations with the strands on the right: dye from the same place, wrap in foil;
  8. Wait 25–30 minutes, open the foil and apply paint to the area just above the dyed hair (3–5 cm);
  9. Close the foil and wait 7–10 minutes;
  10. Wash off the coloring composition using shampoo and dry your hair slightly;
  11. Cover the ends of the strands with the remaining paint, wait 5-7 minutes, then wash your hair. Apply a balm-fixer for a few minutes, if the dye contains one, then rinse it off and dry your hair;
  12. Rate amazing result.

For the first two weeks after this coloring, it is advised not to use a curling iron or straightener, so as not to expose bleached hair to additional stress. This is not as difficult to do as it seems, because ombre looks great even with a “messy head.” It is also recommended to apply to curls after each wash. nourishing masks, which will moisturize the ends, giving them the necessary elasticity.

How to dye ombre hair quickly (video)

Knowing how to ombre in two colors without leaving home, with the photos provided and following all the instructions step by step, you will special effort you can become the owner fashionable hairstyle, which will please you much longer than simple coloring.

Ombre coloring is a method of gradient hair coloring in which the ends of the hair are made lighter than the top. To achieve this effect, you need to lighten the bottom part of your hair. If you want to avoid a brassy or orange tone, you can dye your hair after bleaching. This extra step is optional, but it helps smooth out the transition from one color to another. After reading our article, you will learn how to do ombre coloring.


Part 1

Preliminary steps

    Choose a color. First of all, you should choose a color that goes well with natural color your hair. Usually choose a lighter shade of chestnut, shade of red or blonde.

    • There are two types of ombre: classic and reverse. With the classic one you get dark roots and light ends, with the reverse - on the contrary, light roots and dark ends.
    • Use a color that differs from your natural color by no more than two shades.
    • The smaller the difference in shade, the more natural your ombre will look, as if your hair has been sun-bleached.
    • If possible, use soft or natural paints which will cause less damage to your hair.
  1. Decide where the color transition will occur. Deciding where your natural color meets your paint is just as important as choosing a shade. The closer to the ends of the hair the transition is, the more win-win the option. If the colors blend into each other too high, you risk getting the effect of regrown roots instead of a beautiful ombre.

    • Ombre is best done on long hair so as not to look like you have grown roots. The longer the hair, the lower the transition can be made to make the contrast more expressive.
    • As a rule, a transition at the level of the jawline looks good.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly. Make sure your hair is not tangled. This will make it easier to apply the bleach and allow you to color your hair evenly.

    Put it on old T-shirt or peignoir. While dyeing, you may accidentally drip bleach or dye onto your clothing. Protect her by wearing a hair dressing gown. If you don't have one, wear an old T-shirt that you don't mind.

    Wear gloves. They usually come with paint, but if they don't, you can use regular rubber, vinyl, or latex gloves. Remember that it is very important to use gloves when coloring or bleaching your hair.

    • Working without gloves, you can lighten or dye not only your hair, but also the skin of your hands. In addition, the lightener irritates the skin, causing a burning sensation.

    Part 2

    Hair lightening
    1. Prepare your clarifier. Unless you're doing a reverse ombre, you'll need to bleach your hair. You can also use light hair dye, which will cause less damage to your hair, but the dye will lighten your hair less, and the resulting effect will be much more modest.

      • Depending on the concentration, clarifiers are labeled as 10, 20, 30 or 40 vol. (volume). For an ombre effect, you don't need a brightener as strong as 30 or 40 vol.
      • The easiest and cheapest way to lighten your hair at home is to use a mixture of equal parts 20% hydrogen peroxide and brightener in powder form. Mix 60 grams of 20% hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of bleach powder to create a smooth, creamy mass.
      • Mix the clarifier in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.
    2. Divide your hair into sections. First, divide your hair in the middle into two equal parts. Then divide each of them into as many strands as is convenient for you - at least in half, so that all the hair is divided into four parts.

      • If you have long and/or thick hair, it may be worth dividing it into more sections.
      • Secure with a hairpin or tie each strand, separating it from the rest. If you use bobby pins or clips, use non-metallic ones as metal may react with the chemicals you use on your hair.
      • Comb your hair around the area where you want to start the ombre. Backcombing will help soften the transition to the lightened part, making it less harsh.
    3. Select a tool to apply the highlighter. If you're using a store-bought color or highlight kit, it often comes with a special small brush. Otherwise, it is best to use a brush applicator to color your hair (these are available at cosmetics or hair supply stores).

      • As an alternative, you can use any small, soft brush that you don't mind throwing away after use.
    4. Start lightening your hair. Apply lightener from the ends to the intended transition area. There is no need to rush or capture too large areas. Apply the bleach carefully, covering all strands evenly.


      Bianca Cox is a hairdresser, licensed esthetician, owner of The Hair Throne and co-owner of Bianchi Salon. The pride of her salons is modernity, individuality, art and professionalism. Bianca's hair work at The Hair Throne can be seen on Instagram @hairthrone and on her personal Instagram @biancajcox.

      Hairdresser and licensed cosmetologist

      Add depth by leaving darker hair among the highlights. Very often when doing ombre, people tend to only finish the ends, which creates a sharp line. Instead of applying the bleach in a continuous stripe, try adding depth by leaving a few hairs in each strand unbleached. This will create a softer transition and a more natural look.

      Let the brightener work. Depending on how much you want to lighten your hair, this can take anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes. To check the resulting shade, remove the bleach from a small section of hair 10-20 minutes after application. If you are happy with the resulting color, wash off all the brightener. If you want to get a lighter shade, leave the bleach on your hair and recheck the color in the same way after 5-10 minutes.

      Rinse off the bleach. While wearing gloves, rinse off the bleach with warm water. After this, wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoo. Make sure you wash off all the bleach otherwise your hair will continue to discolor. Don't use conditioner for now.

    Part 3

    Hair coloring

      Make sure your hair is dry. Use a towel to dry your hair before coloring it. You can even wait an hour or two until your hair is almost dry.

      Section your hair into sections again. To make painting easier, tie the ends of the strands with rubber bands or secure them with bobby pins. Section your hair into at least 2-3 sections or as many as you feel comfortable with.

      • Again, use non-metallic bobby pins or clips to avoid reacting with the paint.
    1. Wear gloves. Gloves usually come with paint, but if they don't, you can use regular rubber, vinyl, or latex gloves. Remember that when dyeing or bleaching your hair, it is very important to use gloves, otherwise you may stain or damage the skin of your hands with the bleach.

Hair coloring techniques that can preserve the quality of curls and their natural shade became popular back in 2012, and are still used by stylists around the world. Ombre is one of the types of coloring that allows you to achieve natural shades. Translated from French, ombre means “shadow”. Using this technique, the master darkens the roots of the hair or leaves its original color, and lightens the hair closer to the ends, giving it the effect of burnt curls. Hair dyed with hair looks attractive and does not require constant touch-up.

Professional ombre hair coloring (step by step instructions)

The coloring process is quite simple and requires only a few skills as a colorist. When applying paint, it is important to achieve a smooth transition from dark to light. The master in the salon is able to perform an ombre procedure in an hour. In order to perform professional coloring, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence.

  • Hair should not be completely clean before dyeing; it is better not to wash your hair for two days before the procedure. The natural protective layer on the skin will create a barrier and prevent chemicals from penetrating the hair follicles.
  • For the ombre hair coloring technique, you will need a dye of the required dark shade and lightening powder.
  • The dark dye is applied to the roots of the hair and extended through most of the curls; there is no need to paint over the ends.
  • Depending on the type of hair dye, you need to wait 25-35 minutes and wash off the dye from your hair. To wash your hair, it is best to use a deep cleaning shampoo; it will free the scalp from chemical compounds and thoroughly wash away any remaining dye.
  • After the top of the head has been painted, it is necessary to dilute the lightening powder according to the scheme indicated on the package. You need to apply the composition in rows from the ends to the middle of the length, drawing “checkmarks” at the place where the transition will be. In order to get a smooth transition, you need to carefully draw it. “Ticks” allow you to get rid of a straight line and give the coloring a natural look. To better understand how to apply powder using the ombre technique, watch the video master class.
  • Depending on the structure and type of hair, the powder should be kept on the curls for 10 to 20 minutes, after which, rinse with warm water. The lightening composition must be washed off with deep cleaning shampoo, this will get rid of powder particles that can destroy the hair structure for a long time.
  • If desired, the resulting result can be tinted, this will help make the transition even smoother.

Dyeing ombre hair at home (step by step instructions)

Ombre hair will look good even if you dye it at home. To do this, you need to follow a certain scheme.

  • Coloring is done on slightly dirty scalp.
  • It is necessary to choose a suitable paint that will be several tones lighter than the natural shade. For those who don't have gray hair, gentle ammonia-free dyes are suitable.
  • Hair should be thoroughly combed and divided into several strands.
  • Each strand must be dyed from the ends to the level at which you want to achieve the transition. As a rule, up to the middle of the length. Exist different kinds and hair coloring technique diagrams . At home, it is best not to resort to lightening with powder and use a gentle dye.
  • Each strand should be wrapped in foil and left for 25-30 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.
  • Dry your hair with a hairdryer and style as desired.

Features of ombre coloring depending on hair length

Ombre looks impressive on both long and short haircuts. Hair of medium length and shorter is easier to dye at home, while those with long curls, it is best to turn to professionals.
Short hair can be dyed without dividing the total mass into strands, but long hair cannot be transformed in this way; they must be evenly divided before dyeing.

Hair coloring using ombre technology allows fashionistas to change their image in a short time. Girls have the opportunity to look stylish and at the same time natural, since their natural hair color is partially preserved. Ombre visually elongates the face, allows you to use any shades from pastel to extravagant, and gives your hair extra volume. Hair dyed using this technology greatly simplifies the life of its owner, since getting ready for work or school takes place in a short time, without requiring complex styling.

Preparing for the coloring procedure

  1. All shades of the rainbow are at your disposal. However, in order for the ombre to look natural, it is recommended to choose a dye that differs from the natural hair color by 2-3 tones, no more.
  2. Before starting the procedure, change into old clothes or use a waterproof apron. The rule applies not only to ombre dyeing, but also to other types.
  3. Purchase one or two pairs of rubber or plastic gloves in advance if they do not come with the paint. The components included in the preparations have a merciless effect on the skin of the hands. Be careful.
  4. Two weeks before the procedure, take care of your hair at speed. Rinse your strands daily with herbal infusion, make masks and use all kinds of nourishing serums.
  5. Buy shampoos, conditioners and others cosmetical tools for hair on a natural basis. Avoid products containing sulfates and parabens.
  6. If you already have colored hair, avoid using color preserving products for a while. These include sprays, serums, shampoos, balms and masks. Such cosmetics retain the dye in the hair shaft, so the ombre result can be unpredictable.
  7. Go to the hairdresser and get rid of all the split ends. Otherwise, the coloring will look sloppy and unsightly.

Ombre hair coloring process

Prepare necessary tools: kitchen sponge or brush for application, glass container for diluting the composition, plastic or rubber gloves, wooden or plastic fine-tooth comb, hairdresser's clips, baking paper or foil, paint or lightener, towel, silicone rubber bands for African braids, olive, corn or Burr oil.

  1. Remove elastic bands, barrettes and other devices from your hair. Use a massage brush to comb each strand, starting from the ends and smoothly moving towards the roots. Now you need to determine the place where the ombre will begin. Professionals recommend not to go too high, as it will appear that you do not have an ombre, but rather overgrown roots. The optimal transition length varies from the beginning of the chin to the shoulder line.
  2. The procedure is carried out in a thoroughly ventilated area. Open the windows and keep children and pets out of the room. Prepare the product that will be used for coloring. You can choose ordinary paint, it is more gentle, and besides, manufacturers produce preparations specifically for the ombre technique. If the choice fell on bleach, dilute 18% hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities with a purchased brightening agent in the form of a gel or powder. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass. This product dries out the hair very much, but copes with the task in one procedure.
  3. Using a comb, divide your hair into 2 partings on the left and right sides. Move from the hairline at the forehead to the back of the head. After this, make 3 ponytails using tight elastic bands. Comb your ponytails again and loosen one of them. Divide your hair into 10 thin strands, secure each strand individually with African elastic bands. If you have thick and long hair, divide the mop not into 10, but into 12-14 sections. Now take one of ten thin strands, fix a small elastic band at ear level and begin backcombing the strands, moving from the ends to the place of fixation. The maneuver must be performed in order for the transition from natural color it looked harmonious with colored hair and did not form a clear line. Do the same with all 9 curls, then loosen the second ponytail, separate it, fix it and comb it again. Repeat the manipulations with the third tail, after which you can begin applying the lightening complex.
  4. Stir the composition in the bowl again to lift the settled pigments. Scoop a little paint onto the brush, it should be slightly damp, wipe off the excess on the edges of the container. With barely noticeable movements, move the brush along the ends of the strands, gradually rise up to the place of the comb, but do not apply paint to it yet. There is no need to use a lot of clarifier at once in the first approach; do everything smoothly in several steps. Now comb the dyed strands with a comb and proceed to the next application.
  5. Dip the brush into the composition, picking up 2 times more bleach than the first time, cover the strands again, but so that they are not wet, but wet. Carefully color each hair, rotate the curl in your hand, and move your fingers to notice the unpainted areas. Also move from the ends to the roots. When you reach the point of the backcomb, wipe the brush on the edge of the bowl and lightly move along the border of the transition. Do not press so as not to go too deep. Take some time to comb your hair Special attention, the final result depends on it. Go through all the other curls, dye them in 2 stages, do not spend more than 30 minutes on one step.
  6. You have distributed 2 layers of paint evenly, so you can move on to the third touch. Put a lot of lightener on the brush, carefully paint 4 cm of the ends of each curl on all three tails. After this, dip the brush into the paint and squeeze it a little on the edge of the bowl. Move again from the tips up, reaching the transition zone, you should have a minimum amount of clarifier left on your brush. Carefully work through the comb again with short strokes, and do the same with the rest of the curls. After this, you need to wrap the strands in baking paper or foil, but first make sure that you do not overdo it with dye in the backcomb area. Then go through the strands with your hands along the entire length to find poorly colored areas. Correct what is needed.
  7. Unfold the foil and, using a ruler, tear it into long pieces about 8 cm wide. Make blanks based on your hair length. Now wrap each treated strand with a piece of foil, wrap it in such a way as to capture 5 cm of the native color. When everything is ready, note the time, it is important not to overdo the composition. For intense lightening, you need to keep the paint on for half an hour or a little more. If you do not want to bleach your hair too much, wait 20-25 minutes. For those who want to achieve lightening by just 1 tone, 10 minutes will be enough. To check how much the curls have lightened, you need to unroll one piece of the strand, remove a little dye in an inconspicuous area with gloved hands, and then evaluate the result. If you have any doubts, unroll one or two more curls and do the same. When you are satisfied with the result, do not delay the wash.
  8. It's time to wash off the composition. Take 2 tight elastic bands and wrap them around the gloves around the wrists, since the procedure is prohibited from being performed with bare hands. Using nail scissors, cut the African elastic bands that held the hair in the transition area. Lower your head over the bathtub or sink and rinse each curl with warm water, otherwise the bleach will not wash out and the procedure will continue in the background. Direct the stream of water from top to bottom, try not to touch the dyed strands to undyed hair, so as not to lighten additional areas. Now use shampoo, wash your hair not 2-3 times as usual, but 4-5 times. Once you are sure that all the dye has been removed, wring out the strands and apply a thick layer of balm, wait 10 minutes. Rinse well, wrap your head in a light towel, do not rub your hair, allow the moisture to be absorbed into the fabric. After 20 minutes, spread all the bleached strands with olive, burdock or corn oil, put on a shower cap, wait another 40 minutes. Wash your hair again with shampoo and conditioner and style. The procedure is over, you are the happy owner of ombre colored hair!

  1. After lightening, temporarily stop using straightening irons, curling irons, and hot rollers. Your hair is already too damaged, give it a chance to recover.
  2. Make nourishing homemade masks four times a week, buy a spray for colored and brittle hair.
  3. If you are not confident in your own abilities, do not do an ombre from the chin or shoulders, limit yourself to the ends for the first time. If things don't work out, you can easily cut them off.
  4. The owners too short hair It is recommended to seek the help of a friend. In cases where this is not possible, use a second large mirror, with which you can see the back of your head.

Have you decided to change your look and do an ombre? Great choice! Prepare all the necessary tools, put on gloves and go ahead. During the procedure, ensure uniform coloring of the strands along the entire length. Remember to blur the transition border to achieve a natural look.

Video: how to make ombre colored hair

Hair coloring using the ombre technique is incredibly popular today: following celebrities, thousands of women around the world want to achieve a stylish shade of curls. Stylists and hairdressers immediately began to master new technology, and beauty salons offer the service of ombre hair dyeing, however, at a fairly high cost, which is why many refuse the idea of ​​doing fashionable coloring. But, fortunately, create new image You can do it yourself if you know how to dye ombre hair at home.

A few words about ombre: what is it?

Complex ombre hair coloring (also often mistakenly called amber or amber) was first discussed back in 2010. It was then that beauty experts noticed how advantageous the curls of Californian surfers looked: in the hot sun, the strands naturally fade, and when the hair grows a little, the roots become visible, and a smooth color transition from dark to light is obtained.

Stylists quickly developed a technique that allows them to achieve the same effect using coloring compounds that lighten the ends of the hair, and gave it the name “ombre” (from the French l΄ombre - “darkening”).

The classic ombre coloring, which involves a smooth highlighting of the lower part of the strands, began to be called Californian, and a little later various varieties of this style appeared - reverse, multitonal, sharp, flame-tongue and ponytail ombre, colored, Scandinavian and many others.

The most important advantage of the ombre technique is that this hair coloring is suitable for absolutely any representative of the fair sex, if done correctly - blonde, brunette, and even the owner of fiery red curls. Changes from light to dark and vice versa look great on both long and short haircuts, decorate both curly and straight hair, make the hairstyle more expressive and visually increase volume, while keeping the image alive and natural.

It is noteworthy that the ombre effect on hair lasts quite a long time and does not require constant correction, unlike other types of coloring. This means that you can enjoy your stylish hairstyle for a long time, and your curls will not be exposed to frequent chemical dyes.

Homemade ombre dyeing: choosing the right color combination

To do ombre dyeing with your own hands, you must first decide what the color transition will be: the successful result of the home procedure largely depends on this. When choosing a dye shade, rely on your natural hair color.

If you want to do ombre dyeing on dark hair at home, you are incredibly lucky: almost any color combination will suit brunettes - both the classic transition from dark roots to lighter ends, and bold coloring with bright shades. Amber, wheat, honey, and caramel colors. Those who want to make an ombre on black hair at home should pay attention to bright coloring compounds - for example, fiery red, burgundy or red.

Brave girls who are not afraid of experiments can dye their tips purple, blue and even fuchsia.

But to brighten it up a lot dark hair at home it is not recommended: firstly, you can seriously damage the strands, and secondly, the result of such coloring can be unpredictable - the color you get will be completely different from what was expected.

Doing ombre on Brown hair, you can also use caramel shades - they highlight the strands. Light ends will also look natural with a smooth transition from the roots. Complex ombre coloring blonde hair also gives room for imagination. For example, the reverse combination looks very good - the roots are light, and the tips are dark - coffee, chestnut, chocolate. For those who are not averse to experimenting, you can make the strands bright crimson or lilac. Finally, you can opt for a classic ombre and simply lighten the ends more, creating a soft shimmer of shades. You can do the same with red curls, and if you want something extraordinary, you should dye the lower part of your hair black.

Doing fashionable coloring yourself: step-by-step instructions

So, we have finally come to the main question: how to do ombre at home? Contrary to popular belief, doing ombre dyeing at home yourself is not that difficult; it will only require a little time, some skill and a little preliminary preparation.

First of all, you need to take care to bring the ends of your hair into proper shape. This means that split ends and too dry ends must be cut, otherwise when dyeing you can damage them even more, and besides, such strands will look ugly after dyeing is completed.

Having carefully thought through your future image and purchased a coloring composition, you can begin the procedure by choosing the most suitable ombre hair coloring technique for you at home.

You will need gloves, a container in which you can dilute the paint (not made of metal), a brush for application, film (to protect clothes from paint), small hair ties and a flat comb.

Those who want to achieve a smooth transition of shades use the following technique:

  1. Comb the strands and divide them into 4 parts, securing them with elastic bands - 2 tails should be at the face, and 2 at the back of the head. The elastic bands should be located 1 cm above the future dyeing line, which is usually located at chin level. At your request, the transition of shades can be made a little higher or a little lower, but remember that ombre primarily implies naturalness, so you shouldn’t exaggerate the color line too much.
  2. Mentally divide the length of the hair under the elastic into 4 equal parts. Place the strand on a piece of foil and fast movements Apply the pre-prepared coloring composition with a brush to the very bottom of the strand, then wrap it in foil and leave for 15 minutes. Do the same with the rest of the curls.
  3. Unfold the dyed section of the strand and continue dyeing on the next section, cover the hair again with protective material and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Repeat the same on 3 parts of the strands and leave again for 10 minutes.
  5. Paint the last area in the same way, reducing the paint exposure time to 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the foil, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and nourishing composition and let it dry without using a hair dryer.

If you do ombre dyeing at home using this technique, you will get a smooth transition with your strands rich colors. If you only want to slightly change the shade of your curls, do not use foil - in this case, the effect of the dye will not be as intense.

At least in the first weeks after the procedure, do not subject colored hair to thermal and chemical styling - this can adversely affect the health of the hair.

As a rule, you can independently create a fashionable ombre effect on your locks thanks to step by step instructions is not difficult even for those girls who have never tried to dye their hair on their own before. Don't be afraid to experiment and be irresistible!