If your parents don't like the guy. Parents don't like my boyfriend: useful tips


Talk to your chosen one. Do not try to resolve the conflict on your own without consulting with. This may lead to unintended consequences that you will regret in the future. When starting a conversation, do not make yourself look like a victim, do not use rude language and do not blame the man himself. In the end, your communication problems are not with him, but with his parents. Try to figure out together how you can solve the difficulties that have arisen.

Meet with your parents and have an honest conversation. The best option there will be neutral territory for the meeting. On it you will be on equal terms, and neither side will feel more confident or, conversely, weaker. You can schedule a meeting by inviting your chosen one to it. It is also possible that your man will not be with you, but he must be informed of your intentions.

Don't start the conversation with accusations. Make it your goal to reach an agreement that is acceptable to everyone. Try to immediately identify common interests. Demonstrate to your parents that you, like them, want only the best for their son, convince them that you also want to take care of him.

Find out the reason for the hostile attitude towards you after a common platform for conversation has been outlined. However, voice your concerns first. You can emphasize that the further development of relationships with them is extremely important to you, so you believe that a friendly atmosphere should also exist when communicating with parents.

Listen to your parents, try to understand what exactly doesn’t suit them. However, this does not mean that you should immediately change to meet their demands. You don't have to agree with everything they say just to be polite. In the end, you have to live with your chosen one, and not with them. At the same time, if there are any nuances that will not be difficult for you to get rid of, communicate your intention to eliminate them.

Come to a common agreement. The result of your conversation should be a solution to the current problem. It may consist in revising some aspects of your communication, refusing something, limiting the time of communication, etc. The greater the agreement between both parties, the easier it will be for you to communicate in the future.

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Parents don't always like who their children fall in love with. Unfortunately, in such cases, the pressure from the father and mother is sometimes too strong, and love ends in a bitter separation. However, if a mother dislikes her potential son-in-law, her daughter has a chance to prove that he does not deserve such treatment.


Ask your mother what exactly didn’t suit her about your boyfriend. Don't let her interrupt the conversation too quickly, bring the conversation to an end. This especially applies to cases when the mother first says that she doesn’t like the man, and when asked why exactly, she replies that it doesn’t matter and leaves. Listen carefully, calmly, do not make trouble or interrupt. Try to understand your mother, because this will make it easier for you to change her opinion.

Tell your mother about the merits of your young man, about his successes, plans for the future. Often, parents, caring about the happiness of their daughter, first of all worry about whether their spouse will be able to protect her, become a support in life, support the family, etc. If your mother accuses your chosen one of weakness, stupidity, laziness, immaturity, etc., tell her about his awards and achievements, without mentioning those moments when he really behaved inappropriately.

If your mom doesn't like it appearance your lover, try to draw her attention to the positive traits of his character, his intelligence, hard work, love for you. Explain that if he does not wear a formal suit or tie, this does not characterize him as an antisocial person with low intelligence.

Try to teach your lover to communicate with your mother. Different families may have different traditions, and what is normal for a young person may seem terrible for your parents. If it is not customary in your family to go to visit empty-handed, let the man bring his potential mother-in-law a bouquet of her favorite flowers or a box of chocolates. Teach him to behave correctly with your mother so that she has no complaints.

Never quarrel or even argue with your parents in front of your parents. Moreover, you cannot talk about your conflicts. On the contrary, you should give the impression of a gentle loving couple, which, however, does not go beyond the bounds of decency. The young man should be affectionate and helpful with you. If your mother sees how much he cares about you, her attitude may change for the better.

Tip 3: What to do if one of your relatives is against your boyfriend?

You have a boyfriend whom you are madly in love with, but the problem is that one of your relatives cannot accept the fact that you are dating.

Surely you have more than once encountered similar problems with your friends and, of course, solving other people’s problems or at least advising something is much easier than solving your own problem. When we are in love, we see nothing around us and cannot understand why our relatives are sometimes against our soulmate. But I believe that every person can be understood. Even a person with the most difficult character. We are all humans. The first thing to do in this situation is to try to reason. Sit calmly and think about what might not suit your relative in your boyfriend’s behavior or communication. If there are no obvious reasons, then the fact is that your family simply cares about you and loves you very much, that they do not want to let you go from under their care, they are afraid that you will take the wrong step or do something stupid. Most often this is what happens. But, unfortunately, it also happens that there is simply not enough communication to get to know better what kind of person your boyfriend really is. After all, no one knows your boyfriend better than you, dear girls. It is you who are there when he is sad or, on the contrary, experiencing a joyful feeling, worried, worried, nervous or angry. Only a girl can determine how her boyfriend feels at a certain moment, how he will behave, what he will say. In a word, your relatives lack communication with each other. And maybe then they will understand who they trust with their daughter or... It also happens that your relative did not like the behavior of the young man. And then you should delicately explain to your boyfriend that your family doesn’t like the behavior, but not you. You just need to do this in such a way that he does not react to it as something negative on your part. Whatever the relationship between your relatives and the guy, it’s still up to you to live with him, not him. You don’t have to listen to your relatives, but sometimes you can listen. Relatives will not wish anything bad. Love your soul mates. A loved one is a person with whom you live and with whom you can trust all your secrets and secrets, with whom you should be one. Don't break up with the person you love because of relatives. Love is hard to find, much less real love. Appreciate what you have.

Unfortunately, the opinion of a girl and her parents about a worthy life partner does not always coincide. If your mom and dad don't accept your boyfriend, settle the issue or be decisive and make your choice.

Talk to your parents

In any case, it is worth clarifying the situation. Calmly find out from your parents why they are opposed to your relationship with your boyfriend. Try to understand their position. Perhaps there is justice and logic in it. There are situations when it is worth listening to the parents’ opinion on this issue. After all, they have a wealth of life experience.

In some situations, parents' claims are not justified. Perhaps this happened due to a lack of information or a misinterpretation of some facts. Dispel mom and dad's doubts by telling the truth about your chosen one. Behave properly. There is no need to create a scandal, you will only make things worse.

If your parents do not trust your choice and consider you too young, naive and inexperienced, with your capricious behavior you will only further convince them that you are right.

On the contrary, show that you are a reasonable girl who, when choosing her boyfriend, weighed all the pros and cons and who managed to get to know the young man well before entrusting him with her heart.

Discuss everything with your boyfriend

Sometimes it’s better to let your boyfriend in on the situation. Don't hide from him that your parents don't like him. If a guy and his attitude towards you is based on sincere feeling, the rejection of the future son-in-law by his mothers-in-law and father-in-law should not stop him.

Try to find a solution to the problem together. Maybe you should arrange a meeting between your boyfriend and your parents to give them a chance to get to know each other better. Discuss with your boyfriend in advance how he should behave and what to talk about. This doesn't mean that you need to pretend to be someone else just to earn your parents' favor. It is important to reveal the necessary character traits when meeting someone.

Fight for love

If your conversations and attempts to reconcile mom and dad with your choice have not been successful, and at the same time you are confident in your young man and your mutual feelings, fight for your happiness.

It is up to you to live with the man you have chosen. Your parents know him worse than you do. In addition, they cannot decide for you what to do. In matters of the heart, the first thing you need to do is listen to yourself, and not to your relatives or friends.

Even if your advisors want the best for you, they may be wrong in their judgment.

If you explain everything to your parents and go to live with your loved one, after some time they will probably forgive you and understand you. Your successful relationship will be the best proof that they were wrong.


Many girls whose boyfriend their parents didn’t like try to do something to rectify the situation. After all, people in love understand that mom and dad, who are negative, can interfere with the relationship. Except

Why don't your parents like your boyfriend?

Before deciding what to do in this situation, the daughter needs to try to understand her parents and determine the reasons for such hostility. Ignoring the opinion of parents and not paying attention to their words is not the best solution and will definitely not solve the problem that has arisen. Sometimes mom and dad can be biased towards young people because of the age difference: hostility modern fashion, youth behavior, musical preferences and conversation style. All these points can be easily overcome after a frank and honest conversation.

But if the parents don’t like the young man because they don’t see in him serious intentions or the ability to take responsibility for himself and his actions. In any case, you can’t do without a calm conversation. When communicating with her parents, a girl should remember that they are older and wiser in all matters. It is worth listening to their opinion and advice, because it is sometimes difficult for lovers to see obvious factors that are clearly and openly visible from the outside.

If mom doesn’t like a guy because she’s only seen him twice and only briefly, her daughter should frankly tell him what he’s really like and why she’s attracted to him. Maybe it’s worth introducing your young man closer to his parents and giving them another opportunity to get to know each other. In this case, you can give the guy some advice on behavior at home, but adjust his behavior to the requirements of his father or mother. Let him be himself, because that’s why the girl fell in love with him. Parents need to feel this.

When trying to understand why the young man was not to the taste of his parents, you need to try to control yourself, listen carefully to all the arguments and try to understand them. Each point of claim must have some basis. Getting angry and trying to convince your mother with the only argument that he is good is unlikely to work. It is better to give examples from the life of a young man and their relationship, where the quality that the mother is talking about was manifested. If parents insist that he is irresponsible or frivolous, you should try to tell him in what cases these qualities were manifested.

If a mother simply thinks that her daughter is still small and cannot consider certain qualities of her boyfriend, it is worth talking to her, showing maximum seriousness and objectivity. The mother needs to see that her daughter has grown up and is able to make her own decisions. And even if she makes a mistake somewhere, it will simply become a life lesson that all people go through sooner or later.

What to do in this situation

In general, than more information Parents will find out initially, the calmer they will be and will have already prepared for the first meeting. This does not mean that you need to constantly pile on a young man and claim that he is perfect. Even an inexperienced girl can understand that this does not happen. But by talking about the traits for which she fell in love with him, the daughter will be able to win her parents over to his side. In this case, both mom and dad will like the young man in absentia.

Attitude towards you

The most important thing that usually interests all parents is how a guy treats their daughter.
His achievements in school or work will not matter if he does not accompany the girl to the entrance in the evening or does not pay for her ice cream in a cafe. When a young man first comes to visit a girl in the presence of her parents, mom and dad will be interested, first of all, in how he treats her, what they talk about, what jokes they laugh at and whether they understand each other. An important factor will also be the guy’s attitude towards them. When meeting someone, it is customary to bring a small present to your parents, at least flowers for your mother.


A special group of parents is represented by adults who do not like the appearance of modern youth. Especially if the young man belongs to any subculture and dresses unconventionally. In this case, you need to be patient and explain that clothing is in no way a reflection of character or way of thinking. Even a guy in wide jeans and dreadlocks on his head can be serious and positive.


An important point influencing the parents’ opinion about the guy will be how he will behave in their presence. If a young man is serious and treats a girl well, he will try to show himself only with the best side. He understands that his beloved’s family is part of her life. If a guy behaves impudently and ill-mannered, arguing that everyone around him should like him for who he is, this speaks of his narcissism, and not of his love for the girl. In this case, it is better for her to think about who she is dating.


The situation can have a very negative impact on the opinion of parents if a guy and a girl begin to sort things out in front of them. Quarrels and scandals do not decorate anyone at all, and if parents see that this is happening to their daughter, it is unlikely that it will ever be possible to restore their reputation and good attitude. Also, you should not tell your mother about the quarrels that happened with your boyfriend in private. Parents will always be on their child's side. And if a girl forgets the insult, then mom and dad are unlikely to.

Parents' Expectations

Often parents' dissatisfaction grows gradually. They may like the guy right away, but after some time it turns out that their opinion has changed. This may be due to the fact that the parents had expectations towards their daughter's boyfriend. And if these expectations are not met, they are disappointed. The simplest example is when mom and dad saw their daughter’s harmonious relationship with her boyfriend and began to slowly prepare for the wedding. And if, after one or two years of relationship, conversations about marriage have not begun between the young people, the parents begin to think that the guy is not serious, treats their daughter irresponsibly, and does not want to start a family.

In this situation, it is important that parents know what expectations their daughter has towards her boyfriend. Maybe she herself doesn’t want to get married yet, although he has already invited her more than once. When mother and daughter have the same ideas about a young man, it is much easier to avoid hostility.

A good plus for parents’ good attitude towards their daughter’s boyfriend can be his help around the house or in the country. For example, dad decided to paint the fence or mom decided to wash the curtains over the weekend. If a young person at least offers his help, this can tilt the parents' attitude toward the positive. Although they will most likely refuse help, they will remember his willingness to do something for his beloved’s family.

Either way, when parents don't like their daughter's boyfriend, it can be a serious problem that can't be easily resolved. And if no methods and conversations help, the girl will have to decide what is more important to her - her parents or her boyfriend. Mom and dad are people who have given half of their lives for the well-being of their child and continue to do everything to make their daughter happy. And there is more than one guy in the world, maybe you should listen to the advice of your elders and find a suitable soul mate for yourself.

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On April 16, the series “The Last of the Magikians” starts on CTC Love. Main character- the head of the Magikyan family, Karen, who, together with his wife, is raising three daughters and trying to come to terms with their different characters, desires and, most importantly, boyfriends. And of course, he doesn’t like these guys, and he doesn’t hide it from anyone.

If you have encountered a similar situation - when your dad doesn’t like your boyfriend - then be sure to watch the series “The Last of the Magikians”, it will help you perceive this situation not so tragically and give you some advice. And yes, read the article below.

Tell me about the advantages of your boyfriend

For a father, his daughter is the most ideal creature on earth, and in his eyes, any guy will not be good enough for her. In such a situation, you need to explain to your dad what exactly you love about your boyfriend, how he conquered you. Then give it to your boyfriend different ideas, for example, painting the fence at your dacha, helping your father get a part for a car, etc.

Don't deprive your parents of attention

Often fathers cannot explain why they do not like their daughters' boyfriends. Absolutely everything irritates them, and they cannot justify their point of view. This speaks of banal parental jealousy. And it is caused by the fact that with the appearance of a man in your life, you began to devote less time to your parents. A way out of this situation may be duty calls, traditional Sunday dinners, or joint trips to the theater or cinema.

Common interests

Ask your boyfriend to find common topics to talk to your father. Tell him what dad is interested in so that he is prepared and can start a conversation on a topic that will unite them.

Men's Day

Let your boyfriend take the initiative and invite your dad to a sports bar where they can watch a football game together. Either fishing or going to a car show. It all depends on what your dad is interested in.

Of course, we are not in the 18th century! We do not require parental blessing for marriage, and all human rights documents guarantee freedom of privacy. Date whoever you want, and marry whoever you want - mom and dad really don’t have the right to tell you.

But... what to do if your parents don’t like your groom, and you’ve always dreamed of friendly family dinners on Sundays, of all your loved ones and relatives getting along and living in peace and friendship?..!

Why might parents not like a guy?

Always, even the most ideal parents overcome some possessive feelings in themselves when their child grows up and falls in love, starts dating someone, then builds his own family...

The most wonderful son-in-law is a bit of a “thief.” It always seems to a mother that her daughter was best at home, in her parents’ family, that no one will ever be able to love her as much as her mother, no one will take better care of her...

The whole point is that parental love unconditional, but marital - not. That is, in the eyes of parents, all alternatives are, in general, worse.

And it is much more difficult for any man to please his future father-in-law and mother-in-law than for any other people.

The bride's parents expect from the future son-in-law that he will constantly give something to their daughter, give her gifts (not only materially, but also emotionally), while wanting minimally from her in return. Previously, all this was generally obvious - a son-in-law was valued the more, the more rams he agreed to give for the bride.

Now, of course, you can do without rams, but... It is difficult for a mother and father to accept a situation when a daughter builds a relationship with a person and does not expect “rams” from him. Or - when she herself gives a similar number of “rams” in return. Here, let him be any kind of person, but the parents of his girlfriend or wife will not like him.

In general, parents think that their daughter is ideal - men need to rejoice at the very fact of owning her. But it doesn’t happen like that, and it shouldn’t happen - even the most wonderful girl, for the sake of harmony in her relationship with a man, should try to charm him, keep him close to her, please him with something, do something for him...

Of course, parents don’t like a guy who hasn’t yet decided whether to get married or not! What if we are not talking about a wedding at all? Or if he wants some changes from the girl, work on himself, or simply delicious soup?..

What should the groom do to please the bride's parents?

Again, we are modern people. A man does not have to perform ritual dances with a tambourine in order to obtain consent for a relationship with a girl from her parents.

But it often happens that the guy himself strives to achieve harmonious (or at least neutral) relationships with future new relatives.

What advice can you give to a guy who doesn’t like his girlfriend’s parents?

  • Care more and more ostentatiously for their daughter. Bring the biggest “brooms” on the eve of the day when her mother is due to pay a visit. Visit the bride, if she lives with her parents - only with flowers! You can also add candy or cake. Remember that their daughter is a princess! With all the peas, glass slippers and other fabulous rubbish. Start from this.
  • With the future mother-in-law - more small talk, joint “family” tea parties, small offerings like “oh, I walked and saw the cakes - I immediately remembered that they were your favorite!”, etc. I understand your heavy sigh, but if the groom wants to please the bride’s parents, then... In general, mothers like it when a guy, while caring for his daughter, “looks after” his mother a little bit.
  • With the future father-in-law - maximum demonstration of brutality. You can talk about work, cars, repairs (something else where you can hint at your hard work, “golden hands” and ability to work and earn a salary). It’s good to unite common views on sports (football) and politics - but the main thing here is not to make a mistake, because God forbid, you will turn out to be ideological opponents! You can just go out for a beer together - this usually brings men together.

What should a girl do if she realizes that her parents don’t like a guy?

Do not panic and do not arrange excesses for your loved one on the topic “Ahh, my mother is right - you are lazy!..”, etc.

Focus only on your heart and common sense. You are already an adult, and you don’t need to set the goal “so that your mother will allow you to date Vasya” - because you can do this anyway!

The optimal thing is to simply “meet” your parents and your man less often. You can even slightly retouch reality and, knowing your parents, tell them only what they would like about their future son-in-law.

It’s good if there is someone else who can speak well of your boyfriend to your parents (for example, your girlfriend, brother or sister, some mutual acquaintances, if any).

In general, the problem “my parents don’t like my fiancé” is not so catastrophic - after all, it’s your choice, and no one has the right to tell you how successful it is!
Author – Dasha Blinova, website www.site – Beautiful and Successful

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