Interview with children - a real story of childhood from the first person! Interview in kindergarten Questions for children about interview school.

Blitz interview questions

Dear mothers, we need collective wisdom to improve the questionnaire :)

I think many have heard about an interview with a child, Mikhalkov also recorded his daughter, asking her the same questions every year, and then analyzed what and how had changed in the child’s worldview, and the child himself would then be very interested in how and how he lived.

It is recommended to conduct the interview on your birthday, i.e. once a year, but this is not very important, it can be done on any other day and even within several days, which is what I plan to do, because... there are many questions. I want to film them in blocks in different settings on video, then I will stitch the video together into one whole.

So, based on the answers to these questions, the child, and we, the parents, many years later will have to understand how it was then, why it was so, etc. What the child’s life looked like, how he spent his time, what kind of people surrounded him, etc.

As best as I could, I compiled a detailed questionnaire, even breaking it into blocks, but I am SURE that you can suggest many more interesting things :)

So the questions:


What season do you like? Why?

What weather do you like to walk in? Why?

What do you like to do outside (where and how to walk or play)?

What trees or plants do you like?


What dish do you like to eat most? And who cooks it deliciously?

What dishes would you like to learn how to cook?

Do you help mom and dad cook? How do you help?

What fruits or vegetables do you like to eat?


What's your favorite color? Why? What feeling do you get when you look at him? And when do you put it on yourself?

What song do you like? Why?

What's your favorite cartoon? Why? What do you like about this cartoon?

What book do you like to read most? Why? What do you like about this book? Can you show me the book?

Which animal do you like best? Why? What do you like about it? Would you like to become one yourself? What would you do if you became him?

What is your favorite holiday? Why?

What gift do you want for your birthday?


What do you like to play? With whom?

What's your favorite toy or game? Why? How do you like to play with her? Will you show me the toy?

What do you like to do at home? Why?

What can you already do? What do you want to learn?


You have friends? Who? What do you like to play with them?

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

Who would you like to be like? Why?

What are you most afraid of? Why?

What is happiness? When was the last time you were happy?

What is love? Who do you love?

What is most valuable to you in life? Why?

What three wishes would you grant if you were a sorceress? And if I met you in

wizard, what would you ask him?

What don't you like about your life? What would you like to change about her?


the file didn’t load, so I’m writing here...also a hodgepodge))))

What do you like to look at (observe)? for people, birds, animals, weather?

Do you monitor weather changes (home weather station)? What's your mood when snowing, rain, shine? Why? What is the weather today?

Do you like feeding birds and squirrels?

Do you like walking in the forest? Why? whether you like to collect, make or play with natural materials? how exactly

where do you want to go and what to see?

Describe your yard, house, room...what do they look like now? Do you like them?

What is your favorite room and why?

What do you like to do before bed to help you sleep well?

What's your favorite outfit? When do you like to wear it? what clothes do you want to wear?

What do you like more, telling or listening to stories? which one interesting story did you find out recently?

Do you like to visit? to whom?

Do you love mom and dad?

Who do you care about? How do you take care of your mom, dad, brother/sister, pets?

How do you like to spend time with your mom? with Dad?

What roles do you like to play (daughter - an obedient girl, mother - loves to take care, busybody - au pair, entertainer - games, inventor - stories, lively - sports)?

What do you do best? what are you proud of?

Who do you take your example from? Why? And for whom are you an example? what exactly?

Who do you want to play and chat with? Why?

Why are you ashamed?

What have you been praised for recently?

What did you not have time to learn before your birthday? Why

Do you practice sports? Like?

What good habits do you have? daily exercise, brushing teeth, pretty haircut, put things in their place, smile, say hello, say thank you and please, wash your shoes, do one important thing a day)

Do you prefer to play with friends or alone? Why?

Which games do you prefer, quiet or active?

Why? Do you like to compete? With whom and in what?

Can you make people laugh? Who made you laugh recently?

  • Annual interview with a child or how to capture childhood

    Dear mothers, we need a collective mind to improve the questionnaire :) I think many have heard about an interview with a child, Mikhalkov also recorded his daughter, asking her the same questions every year, and then analyzed what...

The idea of ​​recording such a film came to me last year. My daughter was 1 year old at that time and she was not suitable as a model for the film. The plan was realized this year while on vacation in Anapa. I had a conversation with my niece. Here's what the sketch turned out like.

How to interview a child

The main thing you need is the child’s consent and desire to answer questions. If the child is reluctant to cooperate, it may be these tricks will help(apply depending on the age of the child):

  • ask questions not from yourself, but on behalf of your favorite toy
  • play television. It's like your kid is a show star and you're interviewing him.
  • First show a video interview with other kids. “I want it too” might work
  • catch the right mood for the child. This is easy to do, because almost every mobile phone has a video camera
  • if the child categorically does not want to play your “game” - put off the idea for a couple of months

What equipment is needed

Use a video camera, camera or mobile phone. I I prefer a mobile phone for filming children– he is always with you and you can easily catch the right moment. My video with Evelina was recorded on an iPhone 6.

Video editing of a film can be done both on a computer and on a modern mobile phone.

Where to film the interview

Choose picturesque nature, quiet squares and parks. A quiet, cozy cafe also looks great. Your task is to follow the light and sound. No blinding sun or twilight. Make a test recording first and listen to see if the child’s voice is audible. Ideally, use a microphone if available.

Questions for children to interview

Interesting questions can be thought of at different topics. Look what I offer.

Classic interview questions:

  • Favorite activities at school (kindergarten)
  • Favorite activities outside of school (kindergarten)
  • What do you want to become (this is perhaps the most exciting question)
  • What are you dreaming about
  • Favorite cartoons, books, films, games

Philosophical questions

Questions with reflections on various topics, in addition to creating a story, will help your child develop their speech. You can arrange such interviews more often and you will notice how it becomes easier and easier for your child to express his thoughts.

  • What do you think friendship is?
  • …What is love?
  • ...why do you need to go to school?
  • ...what is the most needed profession in the world?
  • ...why do you need to listen to adults?

Cool idea - Record the interview every year and ask the child the same questions. It is convenient to coincide such a conversation with a birthday. In the future, you will be able to compile the answers over several years into one film. It’s so cool to watch how children’s thoughts change and develop every year.

How to decorate a film

In addition to answering questions film the child’s active activities – running, playing, pampering, creative activities . Your child may want to recite a poem or show off newly learned dance moves. Take pictures of drawings, crafts, and a school diary. Use existing photo and video archives. But don’t get too carried away – the optimal length of the film is 3–5 minutes.

How to edit a film

Upload the footage to your computer. Make captions with questions so that your voice is not distracting. Let the film will focus on your child's world.Choose suitable music.Open the video editor andstart the creative process.

Friends, if you don’t have time to edit the video - you can order the film from me personally. Making interesting films is my passion. All details on this page -

Natalya Mrinskaya
Scenario for the graduation party “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”

(calm music sounds, the leading teachers of the preschool group enter, and begin their words against the background of music.)

1 Presenter: For some reason the hall became silent,

There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes.

Let the audience remember now their:

Flirty and mischievous

A little daring and stubborn

The most playful of children,

Unique, dear,

And everyone is loved in their own way, and equally dear.

Meet them! Meet them!

2 ved. -"Attention! You are invited to the hall graduates of 2011.

(children enter in pairs, the leader calls them, children to the music "Polonaise" walk around the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern)

1 Ved. - The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered.

Today we see off our dear children!

1 child - And mothers look with excitement

For yesterday's preschoolers.

And dad’s gaze warms,

And my brother winks.

Even grandma stealthily

She brought a handkerchief to her eyes.

From now on her dear grandson will be a schoolboy!

2 reb. - We ourselves are out of excitement

Forgot all the poems.

We were just preschool children,

And now – students!

3 reb. - “Preschool child, preschool child!”-

I can hear it almost from the cradle,

Only from tomorrow

Don't call me that:

4 children -I'll get up early, early tomorrow-

And in the morning "schoolboy" I will!

Our beloved, our beautiful,

Our wonderful kindergarten!

5 reb. -You are on your way happy today

You see off preschool children.

Goodbye to our fairy tales,

Our merry round dance,

Our games, songs, dances!

Goodbye! School is waiting!

6 children - Kindergarten our beloved,

You will be remembered forever!

We will send you from school from excellent students...

All. Hello!

(To the music, an adult correspondent runs in, hung with cameras, video cameras with a microphone and a newspaper in his hand.)

Correspondent. - Are you really late? How so! While I was reporting in the government about a meeting on overcoming the economic crisis, I missed high school graduation holiday in your kindergarten!

Leading: Don’t worry, dear correspondent, our holiday is just beginning.

Look at our graduates! To happy parents! (The correspondent clicks the camera in different directions.)

Correspondent - Well, everything is in order!

I am a cheerful correspondent,

I want to take you to school!

I'll connect my microphone,

I'll interview you! Questions will be answered Graduates.

(interview questions: 1. What do you want to become?

2. What do you wish for your teachers?

3. Would you like to work in a kindergarten as an adult?

4. What do you wish for your friends?

5 What good will you do when you grow up?

6. Would you like your children to go to this kindergarten?

7. What do you think you will remember in 10 years from the life of kindergarten?

8. What would you like to say goodbye)

7 children - With gentle sadness "Goodbye!"

Let's tell the group we are dear.

We never parted with her,

Only on the weekend!

8 children -There were builders here

Doctors and tailors.

In our bedroom hundreds of times

We rested during a quiet time.

9 children - We set the table for dinner,

Studying etiquette

And they drew in albums

House, trees and sunrise!

10 reb. -And more than once during leisure hours,

Sitting quietly on the carpet,

We visited with the book

In a good fairyland.

11 children - In September other children

A new one will come to the group,

Well, we'll close the doors:

Great things await us!

Correspondent: I continue the interview. What do you like to do?-

12 children - Dance!

Correspondent - Can you even show it?

13 children -We can also show

And we're moving great!

We learned to dance

And it's so wonderful!

(children get up in pairs while singing a song "Goodbye, kindergarten" dancing a waltz.)

Waltz. (sit down.)

Correspondent: Thank you for the most interesting interview (shakes hands) Now just a moment! A photo for memory! Smile! I'm filming! I'll quickly print a photo and give you a surprise! Have fun! I'll stop by again! (runs away)

(An adult Fairy and small fairies, senior group, enter the hall to the music of the minuet, go around the hall, stand in a semicircle while the Fairy walks comments: “Please pay attention, don’t turn your head, keep your back, keep your step steady! Real fairies, even small ones, only walk like this.)

Fairy- (when we stood in a semicircle)- I'll lose my nerves! Don't sigh! Don't spin!

No! No! No! This is no good!

Look better how my best, beloved ones dance graduates!

Girls dance (circle)

Fairy - Divine! Wonderful!

And now, I ask you to stand in pairs

And show me my favorite dance, the polka!

Polka (children from the pre-school group stand in pairs with children from the senior group)

Fairy - Wonderful, lovely!

Now sing the song.

Song (performed by all children)

Fairy (to the fairies from the century.)-Well, we remember everything. (rep.)

Will you try just as hard and study diligently? (rep.)

I came to you for the last time,

I brought a magic flower.

If its petal is torn off

AND magic words say…

And the words are very simple, here such: “Fly, fly petal,

Through the West, to the East, through the North, through the South

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be, in my opinion, they were leading...”

Magic music begins and the wish comes true...

Today, tear off the petals and fulfill the wishes of the guests and fulfill your own.

(The fairy and fairies leave to the music.)

Ved. -How unusual flower! Only I can’t remember its name and the words are somehow familiar... Where did I hear them, guys? (resp. children and parents) Do you think this is him, this one? seven-flowered flower ? Let's check. (count petals) Exactly him! This means you can make a wish and it will come true. I'm worried, even to be honest, I'm a little scared. Let's suggest that the manager tear off the first sheet, she probably has desires and she is not afraid of anything, even GORONO. (the head takes off the piece of paper. He pronounces the words and says that he wants to hear a song about kindergarten)

Song “It’s good in our garden”.

Ved. - Well, that’s great! And now I want to offer to tear off a leaf to our muses. to the leader N.V. (Tears off a piece of paper. He pronounces the words and says that he wants the children from the circle to teach all the children and guests in the hall to dance cheerful dance which is called "Tira-tam")

Dance "Tira-tam".

Ved. - Great! Amazing! And I see that our sports teacher Lyudmila Nikolaevna can’t wait to tear off the next petal.. (Tears off a piece of paper. She pronounces the words and says that she wants the children to play with her fun game(at her choice - I have words for the children of exes graduates current brothers and sisters graduates. You can take them and they will play at L.N.’s request.

1. Today in this hall, like many years ago,

Smiles began to shine, the kindergarten was excited.

2. You were kids, now you're grown up

And classes, desks and school bells are waiting for you.

3. And we were like that: elegant, beautiful

The same little ones, just as happy.

4. We came to congratulate you. We would like to wish you

So that everyone in their school only gets five grades.

5. So that you may be friends for a long time, do not forget your garden

And they came to visit the teachers more often.

6. We are very happy for you, we wish prosper,

Now we suggest you play a little.

(These are the words)

Ved. - Great! Children, do you have any wishes? (children's answer) Of course, we won’t be able to do all of them. only one flower. Whose wish should we fulfill? Let's choose a counting rhyme! (they count and choose a child prepared in advance, who tears off a petal. He pronounces the words and says that he wants a living dragon to appear in the hall. Drakosha enters to the music and walks around the hall).

Ved. - Oh, yes, this is our dragon, and I was already scared, I thought that this high school graduation will be the last one in my life! Hello dragon! (shakes the dragon's paw) We are glad to see you at our holiday, you probably want to listen to your favorite song (nods head)

Song "Dragon". (You can then walk around the hall like a snake, holding the dragon’s tail; the dragon leaves, waving goodbye to the children.)

Ved. - Oh, what’s wrong with our parents? Somehow they became suspiciously quiet! Aren't you bored? And I know that they probably also have desires that they want to fulfill. (parents' response) The parent who will tear off the piece of paper can also be selected using a counting rhyme; he tears off the piece of paper and reads the wish on its back)

Parent - We saw like a dragon,

They shook very much.

Let the cheerful song sound

And it will make us all laugh!

The song is wonderful.

Ved. - And now I propose to tear off the petal of our psychologist O.S. She will probably come up with something unusual. (Tears off the piece of paper. He pronounces the words and says that he wants the correspondent to appear in the hall again) (The Correspondent runs into the hall again to the music.)

Correspondent: I'm not late? Are you still here? An amazing thing, I was already sitting at a meeting of the City Duma and suddenly remembered that I needed to interview my parents. Don't worry, I will help you. After my question, you will take the note and read what is written on it.

Soon your child will start studying, school life is coming for you.

It will bring you new worries and troubles, it will force you to rebuild your whole life.

And we will now tell fortunes in front of everyone what will happen in the families, today we will find out...

(Interview questions for parents: 1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take a first-grader to school?

(On notes: mom, dad, child, cat Murzik, neighbor, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.)

Correspondent: Well, you could say that the responsibilities have been distributed.

I, a cheerful correspondent, managed to take you to school.

I’ll turn off my microphone and do an interview at school! Ciao! (Leaves.)

Psychologist - And now the last blitz test,

We give a quick answer,

We only answer yes or no.

I ask you to answer me,

What will we take to school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase - Yes, yes, yes

We also need slingshots - No, no, no

Album to draw - Yes, yes, yes

Matches - set the school on fire - No, no, no

Notebooks to write - Yes, yes, yes

Let's take outfits for the dolls, - No, no, no

Felt pens and paints are necessary - Yes, yes, yes

Call your mom's cell phone - Yes, yes, yes

Plasticine for sculpting - Yes, yes, yes

Let's take the kitten to school - No, no, no

We put the gun in the briefcase - No, no, no

Pills for treatment - No, no, no

The textbook will definitely come in handy? Yes Yes Yes!

The Psychologist Test was passed excellently, everyone received the maximum score.

Ved. - Well, it seems like you’ve said all your wishes, but there’s still one more piece of paper left. Who else could make a wish (I think ours graduates will guess that it should be a teacher)

(N. A tears off a petal. He pronounces the words and says that he wants the children to congratulate the kindergarten staff)

(the children come out, stand in a checkerboard pattern as at the beginning and read farewell poems. There are eleven of them, the parents have already distributed them to the children, they want it to be a surprise.)

Song "A trickle."

Dance with balls. (or waltz)

(Word to the manager, parents, distribution of gifts)

Methodology “Interview with a child”

IN As one of the diagnostic methods, I used an interview with a child ( Zakharov A. I. How to overcome fears in children. M., 1986.), during which I found out the detailsintrafamily relationships and the role of the child in the family.

The research is carried out in the form individual conversation with each child, during which he is asked the following questions:

1. Who do you live with at home?

Usually a child puts in 1st place the person who is most significant to him, to whom he feels a sense of attachment. On last place the child names the person who is least significant to him.

2. If you played an imaginary game “Family”, who would you play in it: mom, dad or yourself?

Older preschoolers usually choose the role of And males of the same sex, revealing an age-related need for role identification With him. If a child chooses a parent of the other sex, then this emphasizes the disposition in the relationship with parents of the same sex.

3. Who do you think is the main parent in the family or is there no main parent in the family?

4. When you grow up, will you start doing the same thing that your dad (mom for girls) does at work, or something different?

Preference for the same profession is usually a sign of high parental authority V presentation of children.

5. If you grew up and became a mother (father) yourself, if you had a girl (boy), would you treat and raise her (him) the same way as your parents treat you, or differently?

Typically, children strive, without changing the parental role, to maintain a good relationship. The leading motive in this case is the fear of loss of love, the threat of which exists among h regularly busy and principled parents.

6. If there was no one at home, who would you wait for first (mom, dad; dad, mom?).

If the mother does not come first in the answer, then this indicates emotional problems in relation to e nikah with her.

7. If something bad happened to you, someone offended you, would you always tell your mom about it, would you share it with her, or not always?

8. If something bad happened to you, someone offended you, would you always tell dad about it, would you share it with him, or not always?

Less frankness indicates not so much n the conflict is due to the lack of a trusting relationship with the parent.

9. Tell me, are you afraid or not that your mother will punish you?

10. Tell me, are you afraid or not that dad will punish you?

Processing and analysis of results:

Through the first 5 questions, the competence and prestige of parents in the perception of children is diagnosed, the remaining questions are aimed at identifying the characteristics of emotional relationships with parents.

When processing and analyzing survey results, you should also consider the following:

The age of most pronounced identification with a parent of the same sex is 5-7 years for boys, 3-8 years for girls;

The success of identification depends on the competence and prestige of the parent of the same sex in the representation of the children, as well as on the presence in the family of a member of the ancestral family identical to their sex (grandmothers for girls, grandfathers for boys);

Identification with a parent of the same sex is associated with an emotionally warm relationship with a parent of the other sex;

The decrease in identification with a parent of the same sex is due to the formation of the “I-concept”, i.e. the development of self-awareness, the indicator of which is the choice of oneself;

Identification with a parent of the same sex in girls differs from similar identification in boys in the following ways:

a) a large age period for the identification of girls;

b) greater intensity of the identification process, i.e. girls more often choose the role of mother than boys choose the role of father;

c) the greater significance for girls’ identification of emotionally warm relationships with their mothers than these relationships with their fathers in boys;

d) the greater dependence of girls’ identification on the nature of the relationship between parents, when conflict with the father negatively affects girls’ identification with their mother;

e) a smaller influence of a sister on girls’ identification with their mother than a brother’s on boys’ identification with their father.

Answer form

Study of children's identification with parents

Date of the conversation_________________________________________________

Preschool educational institution No. ____________________ Group______________________________

First name, last name of the child __________________ age ________gender_________

1. If you played the game “family”, who would you portray, who would you become in it - mom, dad or yourself?__________________________________________

2.Who do you live with at home? (Who do you have at home?)_______________________

3.Who do you think is the main parent in the family or is there no main parent in the family?__


4. When you grow up, will you start doing the same thing that your dad (mom for girls) does at work, or something else?_____________________________________________


5. When you become an adult and you have a boy (a girl - according to the gender of the test subject), you will also raise him (play, study with him), as your father is raising you now (mother - for girls), or not so, according to -to another?


6. If there was no one at home for a long time, which parent would you like to see first? (How would you like who would enter the room first?)_______________________________________________________________

7. If one of the guys offended you, would you tell dad (mom for girls) about it or not?________________________________________________


8. If one of the guys offended you, would you tell mom (dad for girls) about it or wouldn’t you?_________________________________


9.Are you afraid that dad will punish you (mom for girls) or are you not afraid?_______________________________________________________________

10.Are you afraid that your mother (father - for girls) will punish you or not?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Today he will share with us his experience of video filming interviews in kindergarten a real wizard - children's photographer and videographer from Krasnodar Igor Khlopunov.“What is its magic?” you ask. Today Igor creates high-quality videos about the life of children in kindergarten. But after many years, these films will become a wonderful door through which you can look into the past - THE UNIQUE WORLD OF CHILDHOOD! With what pleasure the already matured, and maybe even aged, heroes of these films can not only look at their little selves, but also listen to their thoughts on various topics! The value of this story will increase every year, because parents usually do not see what happens in kindergarten, and children will quickly forget. Next, I give the floor to Igor Khlopunov:

Usually the child's interview is filmed Last year his time in kindergarten and is included in the film about graduation group. As a rule, these are 2 discs: “One day in the life of a group” and a graduation party. Showing the life of a child in kindergarten and his graduation is, of course, necessary, but talking with the child is an equally interesting and important moment. This is not about a “slide show” of children’s short answers to a few common questions, but about a full-fledged interview. Moreover, I believe that this is the most important thing in the film.

In my opinion, REAL children's interview– this is a 15-30 minute conversation with a child, and sometimes more. Why such a spread in time? Because no two children are the same. I try to ensure that every child answers all the questions, but here they are:



Do you like it in kindergarten?

Favorite hobby at kindergarten?

Who are your friends in kindergarten?

What's your favorite toy?

What holiday do you like best?

When you grow up, what do you want to become?

What do you want to wish to the kindergarten, teachers, friends?

What would you wish for if you had Magic wand?

Wishes to parents.

It may seem that such a number of questions is not enough for a 30-minute interview. But that's just the basis, from which I start. For example, after the child answers questions about his favorite activity, favorite toy, or future profession, I will definitely ask: “Why?” And so on almost all points.

In addition to the basic questions which I indicated above, parents learn from the interview: what the child likes to eat, what toys and games he prefers to play in a group, and which ones on the street. After asking about friends, I always ask: who loves whom, who is whose fiancé and bride and why. For an adult this may seem funny, but children, smiling, nevertheless talk about it seriously. As a rule, their love is if a boy gives a girl toys, treats her with candy, does not fight, etc. Children also tell me about first kisses (on the cheek), but there is also first (“true”) love. Children often call themselves the bride and groom. Next, I find out: how many children they want in the future, whether they have brothers and sisters, and I make sure to add: “those who live with you.” Without this clause, they will definitely name all cousins, second cousins, and so on, plus they will list uncles, aunts, grandparents. Therefore, a reservation is required. Although it doesn’t always save you from your pedigree))

Children also tell me about what they do at home and how they help their parents. Someone wipes the dust, washes the dishes, plays with their little brother, and someone helps dad watch TV. They also tell me about their pets, favorite cartoons, games, sing songs, tell counting rhymes, and share their successes. They meow, bark, squeak, croak, etc., depicting different animals. I always end the interview with a wish for parents.

I think it’s now clear why my interview is taking so long.

From filming experience, the most difficult question for children - No. 8: “What do you want to wish to the kindergarten, teachers, friends?” They often confuse a wish with a gift. In this case, you can simply tell the children what you want to hear from them, ask the teacher to work on this point in the group, or do it yourself before filming. But only this question. Answers to others - there is no need to prepare in advance and it is even harmful!

The ideal age for an interview is 6-7 years.

How does the process of filming an interview work?

About a week before the shoot, I call the teacher and agree on a date. An important point is to take a printed list of children from the teachers. Teachers usually warn parents through an announcement in the group about when the video shooting will take place. 100% attendance on this day is not important because... It’s still not possible to photograph all the children. The day before filming, I make sure to make a follow-up call. In kindergartens there are various inspections, commissions, quarantines, etc., which the teacher cannot know about in advance.

The best place for filming interviews There will be a separate room, for example, a psychologist’s office or an additional office. education. But here it is very important to have a good relationship with the management of the kindergarten. If you can’t find such a room, then a bedroom will do, although you’ll have to choose the most favorable place based on the light and background.

I rent two children at a time - this is the best option. I seat them on chairs at the table, like students at school. It is very important to make sure that the chairs do not creak, otherwise you will hear it on the recording. In front of the table, I put the camera on a tripod and connect two buttonholes: one on the table - for the children, the other on the camera - for me. I don’t put microphones on children, otherwise there will be interference in the recording, because children do not sit still, like TV announcers, and they also love to twirl wires in their hands, and children’s clothes do not always allow for a good placement of the buttonhole.

Because There is usually little space, so I shoot at focal lengths of 20 mm (crop 2). Aperture 2.8-3.5. Focus in manual mode. A high bitrate is not required for such filming. I shoot in HD or FullHD mode with a bitrate of 17Mbit/s.

Very important when shooting remember which questions the children have already answered, because Often the sequence of the previously mentioned questions is broken. As a last resort, you can ask the children whether they answered this or that question, and then cut out this moment during editing. At the end of the interview, I take portraits, which I then use to design custom covers.

I conduct filming from 8-9 o’clock until quiet time, so it takes 2 days for a group of 25-30 children.

Let me note a few important points that I pay attention to when filming interviews with children:

I rarely stop a child, even if he has already answered the question and explained why. Exceptions are when children are very interested in answering one question or both need to be given the opportunity to speak equally.

The interview should be conducted by a person unfamiliar or unfamiliar to your child, but with experience in such filming.

Parents may immediately ask:“How is it that an unfamiliar cameraman will come and immediately start filming the interview. Children can simply withdraw..."

Firstly, it is not necessary to film an interview right away on the first day; you can start with classes, games, walks, i.e. make an extension for children.

Third, to a loved one(mom, dad) will not be able to talk so fully with their child, because they already know almost everything about him. If you don't believe me, you can try it. I have cases during interviews when a child tells something in secret from his parents.

This brings up the following important point:

I NEVER specifically ask children about their parents.– Who do they work for? What are they saying? and so on. Sometimes a child, answering the question “What do you want to become?”, says: “I want to work like mom or like dad.” Then I will clarify who exactly, but I won’t ask specifically. Moreover. Even if the child says something unpleasant for the parents, I will definitely cut out this moment in the editing.

Yes, some of you, or even many (at least this is how things are on video forums) will say:“This is too long for an interview”, “Who will watch this?”, “No one is interested in watching other people’s children”, “No one will pay for this”, etc. I answer: “Yes, this is additional time, as I wrote above: 2 days for a group of 25-30 children.” Parents with children will watch, but the most “relish” from this video will be in 20, 30, 40... years, when today’s graduates already have their own children or grandchildren. Regarding other people's children, I absolutely disagree. Firstly, there is a menu on the disk to quickly find your child, even if it is a file - also nothing complicated. Secondly, every year one of the parents calls and asks: “Why aren’t all the children on the disk? We wanted to see everyone." Although I warn parents at the meeting that their child and other children will be on the disk, but not all.

These are purely technical limitations. A DVD can contain up to two hours of interview video. Important!!! Where there is a lot of movement, for example, “One day in the life of a group”, it is better not to record more than 1 hour. Therefore, I divide 5-6 hours of video interviews with children of the entire group into 3 discs.

To the account “they won’t pay” - a counter question? Have you tried it? It is not to offer, but to show the finished result. Since last year (due to the fall of the ruble), parents began to save on graduation video. To reduce the cost, I began to offer separately graduation, “One Day in the Life” and interviews, i.e. The package was divided into three parts. Not a single group refused an interview; there were refusals from “One Day”.

I would also like to add that in children’s video filming, as in children’s photography, the methods of establishing psychological contact with the child, described in Igor’s articles, are very helpful.

For example, here are a couple of ready-made interviews, without abbreviations. For those who feel like they are very long, just imagine yourself in the place of the children and honestly answer the question “Would you like to remember what you thought and dreamed about when you were just as little?”

Dear parents! You have a unique opportunity to capture on video the most interesting moment in an interview with your child – the formation of a child’s thoughts, charming in its spontaneity. You will NEVER have this opportunity again!!!