What is the retirement age in Russia. Retirement age in Russia Raising the retirement age from January 1

Every year, the budget deficit of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation increases, billions of rubles are annually allocated from the Federal budget to cover it. In order to reduce the costs of the state budget, the Government of the Russian Federation resorts to different methods solutions to this problem. For example, the financial and economic blocs of the Government insist on the need to increase the retirement age for all citizens of the Russian Federation, while the social bloc strongly opposes this initiative. This issue has not yet been finally resolved, but for now the Government of the Russian Federation resorts to other methods of cost reduction - this is an indefinite cessation of indexation of pensions for working pensioners, "freezing" of pension savings, increasing retirement age for civil servants.

Law on raising the retirement age for civil servants

Many experts are confident that raising the retirement age for civil servants is a preparatory stage for an appropriate measure for all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The federal law on raising the retirement age for civil servants No. 143 dated May 23, 2016 amended the Federal Law No. 3 dated May 8, 1994 and entered into force on January 1, 2017.

This draft law on raising the retirement age for civil servants was adopted by the State Duma on May 11, 2016 and was approved by the Federation Council on May 18, 2016. There is no separate presidential decree on raising the retirement age, to be guided by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 No. 1574 as amended on January 26, 2017 "On the Register of Positions of the Federal State Civil Service" to determine whether you are a civil servant or not.

The Law on Extending the Retirement Age for Civil Servants introduces new conditions and procedures for providing pensions to those citizens who hold public and municipal service positions in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

It should be noted that the draft law on increasing the retirement age for civil servants provides for the right of subjects and municipal self-government bodies to independently set the amount pension payments and additional payments to pensions, determine the requirements for the duration of work, etc. for citizens who conduct state and municipal service. At the same time, all relevant costs for these initiatives are fully assigned to the municipal budgets.

Retirement age of civil servants in Russia since 2017

Prior to the adoption of the Federal Law on raising the retirement age for civil servants, it was 55 years for women and 60 years for men. These are generally established age norms in the Russian Federation for the onset of old-age pension grounds. Since 2017, the requirements for the retirement age of civil servants in Russia have increased and amounted to 65 and 63 years for men and women, respectively.

According to state statistics, these changes have affected more than 1 million citizens holding positions in state, regional and municipal authorities, as well as deputies and senators. As well as more than 70 thousand officials who were supposed to retire in the near future.

It is worth noting that the increase in the retirement age for civil servants will take place gradually, increasing annually by six months during the transition period, until it reaches its maximum. It will be reached by 2026 for male civil servants, and by 2032 for female civil servants.

Year of the pension

Retirement age

60 years 6 months

55 years 6 months

61 years 6 months

56 years 6 months

62 years 6 months

57 years 6 months

63 years 6 months

58 years 6 months

64 years 6 months

59 years 6 months

60 years 6 months

61 years 6 months

62 years 6 months

2031 and beyond

Which civil servants are subject to an increase in the retirement age

After the law on raising the retirement age for civil servants came into force, the question arose of who exactly belongs to this category?

This Federal Law and the changes introduced by it affected officials at all levels:

  • persons holding a public position in the Russian Federation and its subjects;
  • persons who replace municipal positions on a permanent basis;
  • persons who hold public office. civil and municipal service.

These include: employees of the Federal Tax Service, employment services, statistics department, federal department. treasury, judicial authorities, executive authorities - bailiffs, Roslesnadzor, etc.

Employees of budgetary organizations (teachers, doctors, kindergarten teachers, teachers of state universities and employees of research institutes), as well as ordinary employees of various authorities (cleaners, programmers, etc.) do not belong to this category and are not subject to an increase in the retirement age of civil servants .

Extending the retirement age for civil servants

Since 2017, not only the retirement age has increased for civil servants, but also a number of other age requirements that are taken into account when assigning pensions to this category of citizens.

So, along with the retirement age, the maximum possible period for conducting public service has increased. Now it is 65 years, but can be increased to 70 years by mutual agreement of the employee and the employer, after the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract.

The minimum length of service for the civil service has also increased, the achievement of which entitles an official to a seniority pension and the appointment of a monthly supplement to the pension, up to 20 years (previously it was 15 years). It, as well as the requirements for the retirement age, will increase gradually and will reach a maximum by 2026.

All civil servants are entitled to a superannuation pension paid to the old-age (disability) insurance pension, as well as early retirement, if the seniority of the official is not less than the period indicated in the table, in the year the pension is granted.

It is worth noting that all these changes do not apply to those citizens who have already received the right to a service pension before 01/01/2017.

Retirement age for civil servants in 2017

In addition to the above changes, in 2017 the requirements for the minimum term of office of members of the Federal Assembly and State Duma deputies increased from 1 year to 5 years. For deputies - this period is the time of service during one convocation of the Duma. Fulfillment of this requirement entitles members and deputies to additional payment to the insurance pension in the amount of 55%. To receive an increased amount of payment (75%), it is necessary to fulfill these powers from 3 to 10 years.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants is one of the measures to reduce the costs of the PFR. Already in 2017, this will save the off-budget fund 600 million rubles, which will be used to fulfill other obligations of the PFR to current pensioners.

What changes have been made to the pension legislation?

The changes were introduced by the Federal Law of May 23, 2016 N 143-FZ, they will affect state and municipal employees, including those who have the right to early appointment of a pension in accordance with Art. 30 - 33 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On insurance pensions". The procedure for calculating additional payments to pensions for members of the Federation Council and the State Duma has also changed. The essence of these changes is as follows:

officials and civil servants will gradually increase to 65 years (men) and 63 years (women) the retirement age, in connection with the onset of which the right to assign and pay an old-age insurance pension arises, fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and its increase;

the age of early retirement for state and municipal employees (on the basis of Articles 30-33 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ) will be gradually increased by 5 years for men, and by 8 years for women);

the minimum length of service in the civil service, which gives the right to appoint civil servants a pension for long service, will be 20 years;

the minimum term of office of a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma, required to receive a monthly supplement to a pension, will increase.

In 2017, the retirement age will be 55 years and 6 months for women, 60 years and 6 months for men, and by 2032 - 63 years for women and 65 for men. Thus, for women, the retirement age will increase by 96 months, and for men - by 60 months (see Appendix 5 to the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions"). Similarly, the age at which these categories of persons acquire the right to early retirement will increase (on the basis of Articles 30-33 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ).

The gradual increase in the length of service of the state civil service and municipal service, necessary for a seniority pension, is provided for by changes in Art. 7 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ "On the state pension provision in RF". By 2026, gradually increasing by 6 months from 2017, such experience will have to be 20 years.

Guarantees have been established for maintaining already acquired rights to a seniority pension without taking into account changes:

for persons who have acquired the right to a seniority pension in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 1.1 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ and dismissed from the federal state civil service until January 1, 2017;

for persons holding positions of the federal state civil service as of January 1, 2017 and having on that day the relevant length of service for granting a seniority pension for at least 20 years;

for persons holding positions of the federal state civil service as of January 1, 2017, who have at least 15 years of the specified experience on that day and acquired the right to an old-age (disability) insurance pension before January 1, 2017 in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 of the year N 400-FZ "On insurance pensions".

The same approach is established for persons who have served (passing) the public service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the municipal service.

The minimum term for exercising the powers of a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma, which is required to receive a monthly supplement to a pension in the amount of 55% of the monthly monetary remuneration, is being increased. If earlier this period was 1-3 years, now it has been increased to 5-10 years. An additional payment of 75% will be paid upon exercising powers for 10 years or more (before changes are made - more than 3 years) (Article 29 of the Federal Law of May 8, 1994 N 3-FZ). Article 7 of the Federal Law of May 23, 2016 N 143-FZ provides for cases of retaining the right to establish a monthly supplement to a pension

Sosnovskoe veche

Who has the retirement age increased since 2017?

Ruslan Mikhailov

If now, rarely anyone lives to retirement age, many in the future will not see pensions at all. I'm 40, and with this life, from youth on 3 or more jobs, or more than the norm of a working day? , without weekends and holidays, I already feel sick and old. They are sitting in armchairs, 8 hours, having 2 days off, extended holidays, can talk about my retirement age?????

in the difficult postwar period, they did not reach this point. It would be better if they took control of the employment of the population and the specification of deductions and charges in the Pension Fund. We are not slaves, slaves are dumb.

Changes in the social sphere of material payments are of great concern to all citizens Russian Federation due to changes in the economic situation of the country. Attracted general attention last news and innovations in the pension sector, which are already being discussed at the government level more than a year. But right now, such conversations have become most relevant.

Will there be an increase in the retirement age in 2017?

On this moment in Russia, the retirement age limits are defined as follows: men retire at 60, and women at 55. Moreover, the length of service that affects the size of the pension should be taken into account, it is determined for each profession individually, but on average it is 15 years.

However, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation are talking about increasing these figures - up to 65 years for both men and women. The fact that the retirement age will be raised is a fact, the only question is when? Analysts say that timing of retirement will grow no earlier than 2018, because This year the presidential elections will take place. So for those pensioners who planned to retire at, you don’t have to worry yet.

As the head of the Ministry of Economic Development A. Ulyukaev pointed out, such a decision was caused by the budget deficit in Russia, as well as the unstable economic situation that has developed both in foreign policy and in domestic. Thus, raising the retirement age, as Ulyukaev emphasizes, is a forced measure to keep the economic situation in the country at an acceptable level.

The only category of persons who will increase the retirement age from January 1, 2017 - to officials and civil servants(municipal, state, as well as civil servants of the Russian Federation), for women up to 63 years old, for men up to 65 years old.

Latest news about retirement age since 2017

At the end of last year, Deputy Prime Minister O. Golodets stated that there were no plans to raise the retirement age in 2017. Changes in the pension sector should be expected starting from 2018. The position of this remark was also supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who noted that the government does not intend to prematurely increase the length of service and the retirement age of citizens. But this measure will be put into effect after 2017 due to the need to restore the economic situation in the country.

Why raise the retirement age for Russians

At present, the economic situation has developed in such a way that there are more than 100 pensioners for every 120 working citizens. Due to the crisis state of affairs in the country, the pension fund is not able to pay the necessary to the non-working population without harming the Russian economy.

If everything is left as it is, the country may enter a state of serious budget deficit, which, of course, is highly undesirable.

What will be the retirement age in Russia from 2017-2018

According to world statistics, the retirement age in Russia is currently quite low, for example, in the United States, the entire working population retires only at 65, both men and women. But at the same time, in the United States, the life expectancy of citizens differs markedly from the indicators in Russia.

Thus, the increase in the retirement age will take place up to 65 years, but in stages: every year the retirement age will increase first by 6 months, and then by 12, until it reaches the agreed value.

The presidential elections are behind us, the change of government is ahead. Apparently, the updated composition of the Cabinet of Ministers will start with a retirement age, which officials have been planning to raise for several years. We figured out what awaits potential pensioners in Russia and how they solve the problem of retirement age in other countries.
Judging by the statements of former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, to whom some tipped the post of prime minister, the unpopular measure will nevertheless be implemented. The Center for Strategic Research headed by him has already prepared a strategy for the development of the Russian economy. And it clearly spelled out the increase in the retirement age. For women, it is planned to raise the bar to 63 years, for men - to 65.

Work to the grave

Russia has been talking about raising the retirement age for many years. But this issue has been actively discussed since 2014. The ensuing crisis clearly demonstrated that the maintenance of an army of pensioners growing due to demographic reasons cannot be afforded by the state. Old people have become a kind of economic ballast for the budget. High oil prices, which in the early 2000s kept the entire Russian economy, rolled down. As a result, the budget began to experience a sharp shortage of funds. I even had to put my hand into the funded part of the pension set aside by working citizens for future old age. At that time, officials swore an oath to return the money to the population as soon as GDP entered the growth trajectory. However, this has not been done so far.

However, this was not enough to fulfill the impressive social obligations of the budget, primarily to the elderly. That is why Russian officials decided to go the other way - to oblige citizens to work longer. The financial and economic bloc of the government literally bombarded the top leadership of the country with arguments to raise the retirement age.

One of the main arguments of the supporters of the “age” reform is the outdated norms for taking a well-deserved rest. The fact is that they were installed in 1932 and have not changed since then. Meanwhile, thanks to the achievements of medicine, people have since begun to live and maintain active working capacity, on average, much longer.

They explain the need to raise the bar by the fact that over the past 35 years the number of pensioners in Russia has grown from 24 million to 43 million people, that is, almost twice. At the same time, the number of the working population increased by only 5% over the same period. As a result, Russia will face a record decline in the working-age population of 4 million people from 2017 to 2030.

As noted by Deputy Director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the RANEPA Vladimir Nazarov, a very large post-war generation is now retiring in Russia, and a small generation of the 1990s is entering the labor market. “And all this is still superimposed on an increase in life expectancy. As a result, the ratio of pensioners and people from whose wages insurance premiums are taken is quite sad, ”the expert emphasizes.

Indeed, now we have 1.3 people per pensioner, from whose wages insurance premiums are paid in full. By the early 2030s, this ratio will become 1:1 altogether. And the system that exists now can more or less stably exist only with a ratio of 1:2. Two people have to work and pay contributions - and this will provide a more or less decent pension for one old man.

As predicted by the Ministry of Economic Development, if the retirement age is not raised by 2036, then every working Russian will be financially responsible for himself, for his family, and additionally for one more pensioner. And in the future the situation will become completely critical - one employee will have to support more than one pensioner.

Against this background, the budget deficit of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), which is already estimated at trillions (in rubles), will only grow. As a result, in order to patch up the “hole”, it will be necessary to increase the amount of funds that are sent from the federal budget to the FIU. “If citizens work longer, then employers' deductions for their employees will increase. Accordingly, the need for funds from the federal budget for the payment of pensions will be reduced for several years,” notes Alexander Grigorenko, asset manager at IC Global Capital.

According to expert estimates, the savings will reach about 300 billion rubles a year. Moreover, it will not be possible to save more, since there are no longer enough new workers to replace those who are retiring.

Alignment with Albania?

While in Russia they are only planning to raise the retirement age, in developed countries they thought about this issue several years ago. Abroad, even then they realized that it was impossible to delay this, and they began to gradually raise the bar.

As a result, today the retirement age of our citizens is one of the lowest among the countries of the CIS and Europe. In addition to Russia, in the post-Soviet space, the least work is done in Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The rest of the ex-republics of the USSR changed these parameters. Even Belarus from 2017 begins to gradually raise the retirement age to 63 for men and 58 for women.

As for Europe, here the increase in the retirement age is a passed stage. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the retirement age in Europe has been raised gradually and with a significant increase minimum seniority. The changes took place against the backdrop of millions of strikes across the European Union and served as another source of crisis in the eurozone. At the same time, the funds saved on state pensions(private ones can be issued even before going on a well-deserved rest), most often they were redistributed to migrants and social unemployment benefits. In addition, private pension funds on average, there are no more than 15 years.

Now the system of Western pensions is beginning to fall apart - and it is not yet possible to stop this process. “The crisis of 2008 and 2014 led to a shortage of fixed assets, which is already beginning to affect the capabilities of Western pension systems, and the demographic decline does not allow to improve the situation,” Alexander Grigorenko explains. According to the expert, "financial "props" in the form of a funded component work there as an auxiliary one, since they divert resources from payments, but help mitigate the consequences of a budget deficit." Therefore, now the main emphasis in the West is on increasing the birth rate, reducing mortality and increasing the number of jobs.

Meanwhile, after all, a well-deserved rest awaits the inhabitants of Albania. Here men retire at 69.5 and women at 64.5. Citizens of Denmark and Germany must also work longer than everyone else. Here, a single barrier is set for everyone: both men and women retire at 67 years old.

Kudrin's main mistake

According to experts, the Russian authorities should have thought about raising the retirement age a few years ago, which, in fact, Aleksey Kudrin is now lamenting about. Speaking in February at an investment forum in Sochi, he expressed regret that, being the Minister of Finance, he did not dare to take an unpopular measure. But he, as they say, does not lose hope. According to him, raising the retirement age is “the most difficult and resource-intensive issue that needs to be addressed.”

Apparently, it is no coincidence that in his current capacity as head of the CSR, Kudrin presented the priorities of Russia's future development strategy, among which the emphasis is on a gradual increase in the retirement age so that in 2034 it will reach 63 years for women and 65 years for men. Now, as you know, our ladies go on a well-deserved rest at 55, and the representatives of the stronger sex - at 60 years old.

“This will enable everyone, even in adulthood, to realize themselves in the profession and receive a higher income in old age. I worked five years longer - I received a pension a third higher, ”the CSR strategy says.

According to the document, the average old-age pension should be twice as high by 2024 living wage, and "pensions will increase by no less than a third in real terms."

Experts are skeptical about the forecasts of the ex-minister and his team. The stumbling block they call the ratio of workers and retirement years. For Russian women, it is almost one to one. Moreover, there is no such ratio in any country in the world. On average, the fair sex work for about 30 years, and spend about 24 years in retirement.

The situation with Russian men is more complicated. Their average life expectancy is low - only 60% of the stronger sex survive until retirement. And those who have overcome the pension barrier spend 13-14 years on a well-deserved rest, despite the fact that they work on average almost 33 years of their lives. “Citizens, before going on an honestly earned vacation, will have to work 3-5 years longer, wearing out their health. It turns out that the problem of finding money for men over 65 years old and for women over 63 years old will be solved due to the huge number of people who are entitled to a pension, ”explains Petr Pushkarev, chief analyst at TeleTrade Group of Companies.

The expert notes that if we follow the approach of the CSR, then it is possible to raise the retirement age to 90 years. Those who live up to this bar can receive a million rubles a year - at the expense of those who do not live to see it. “But the goal of the state’s social policy is to financially support all older people who are no longer able to work intensively, and not to push back the retirement dates as much as possible and not pay anyone anything before that,” Pushkarev explains.

As the expert notes, it is possible to do without raising the age limit. For example, to increase the income of the PFR by raising the tax base of enterprises. “To do this, it is enough to let any new business grow as much as possible. In particular, do not impose a fiscal burden on startups for 2-3 years until they become profitable. In addition, it is necessary to set priority areas in each region, giving benefits and even equity subsidies to all LLCs, individual entrepreneurs, any forms of enterprises that agree to work in these priority areas, ”Pushkarev suggests.

In addition, it is necessary to reduce taxes on the wage fund, which the company pays before earning money, and tax more profit after the fact. “You shouldn’t share an already existing pie. It is better to let bake more new ones and help them multiply. As a result, tax revenues will increase, and they, in turn, can be redistributed in favor of the PFR,” Pushkarev is sure.

By the way, at present, the regulatory authorities have big questions about the effectiveness of managing the collected pension money: they could grow at the expense of more profitable financial investments. Therefore, experts advise Russians not to wait for mercy from the government, but to independently invest in various savings programs, maintain investment accounts, invest in the education and future of their children, which will provide them with a decent old age.

meanwhile another one important aspect raising the retirement age: in Russia it is very difficult to find a job after 50, and in many industries even after 40, despite the fact that people of pre-retirement age are full of strength and energy. Looking at the resume, personnel officers and employers automatically dismiss age candidates.

With an increase in the pension bar, it will turn out that part of the Russians will find themselves in a situation of “no pension, no job,” or those older citizens who lose their former jobs will have to work for much less money.

So if there is an opportunity not only to teach children-grandchildren, but also to learn on their own, mastering new skills and competencies ( Special attention look at specializations related to the Internet and education), you should start now.

HELP "MK": Retirement age in different countries

Austria: women - 60, men - 65

Armenia: women and men - 63

Belgium: women and men - 65

Germany: women and men - 67

Georgia: women - 60, men - 65

Ukraine: women - 55, men - 60

Russia: women - 55, men - 60

Japan: women and men - 70

Irina Badmaeva