Notes for classes on speech development. "Journey to the Land of Correct Speech"

GCD in middle group"A Lesson in Politeness"

Program content:

· Develop goodwill, politeness, and respect for others.

· Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions.

· Develop coherent, intonation expressive speech.

Vocabulary work.

Rude, greedy, polite, hardworking, sloppy.

Preliminary work.

Board and printed game “What is good, what is bad.” Looking at pictures depicting positive and negative actions of children. Outdoor game "Help a friend."

Equipment and material.

Pinocchio toy, pictures with negative and positive actions, a flower (torn) with words of politeness.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Conversation "Pinocchio".

Children go to the group and sit on chairs. Opposite the children, Pinocchio is sitting on a chair (turned away).

Educator: - Guys, look who it is?

Children: - Pinocchio.

Educator: - How did he end up here? Didn't say hello? Turned away from us. Guys, tell me what Pinocchio needed to do before joining the group?

Children: - Say hello.

Didactic game "Greetings".

The teacher asks the children to name greeting options, depending on what time of day and who we are greeting: good morning, good afternoon, hello, hello.

Educator: - What should you say after greeting?

Children: - Ask permission to join the group.

Educator: - And Pinocchio has one more mistake?

Children: - Ask permission to sit down.

Educator: - Children, I think Pinocchio understood everything. Let's invite Pinocchio to our lesson and teach him polite, kind words.

Main part.

Guessing riddles.

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor

He tells him: “...”


And his neighbor is big-eared

Answers: “Hedgehog,...”


To the Octopus Flounder

On Monday I swam

And on Tuesday goodbye

She told her: “...”


Clumsy dog ​​Kostya

The mouse stepped on its tail.

They would quarrel

But he said "..."


Wagtail from the shore

Dropped a worm

And fish for a treat

She gurgled: “...”

(Thank you!)

Sang wonderfully among the branches

And to him throughout the oak grove

The sparrows shouted: "..."


Fat cow Lula

She was eating hay and sneezed.

So as not to sneeze again,

We will tell her: “...”

(Be healthy!)

Fox Matryona says:

“Give me the cheese, crow!

The cheese is big, and you are small!

I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”

You, Lisa, don't complain,

And say: "..."


Hippopotamus and Elephant, believe me,

They won't fit through the door together.

The one who is more polite now

He will say: “Only...”

(After you!)

Mukha Zhu, although she didn’t want to,

Flew into a fast train.

She wants bugs Flo and Fti

They will say: "..."

(Bon Voyage!)

Tsar Gundei gave Ivan

Five nails for salvation

And Ivanushka to the Tsar

Speaks: "…"

(Thank you!).

Didactic ball game “Polite words”

The teacher throws a ball to the children and the children take turns saying polite words.

After the game, the children go to the tables with pictures. Looking at pictures with different actions of children. We analyze positive and negative actions. A group of children is divided into two teams.

Didactic game “What is good and what is bad.”

One group of children chooses pictures with good deeds, the other with bad ones. And they put them on different tables, where there are red (good deeds) and blue (bad deeds) mugs.

Poem "Polite words"

You need to know how twice is two,

All magic words.

Perhaps up to a hundred times a day

Saying “please.”

Dad broke a precious vase.

Grandmother and mother were immediately upset.

But dad was found, looking into their eyes,

And quietly and timidly he said this:

Please don't look at me like that

Please forgive me if possible.

You will be known as well-mannered and sweet

If you say “thank you very much” to everyone.

Don't forget that goodbye

We need to say “goodbye” to everyone!

Game "On the contrary"

Guys, I had a magic flower, but the trouble is, it crumbled. Please help me collect all the petals. Children, I will say negative words, and you must choose positive words. If we choose all the words correctly, then we will get a magical flower.

Weak – strong

Sick – healthy

Evil - good

Bad - good

Lazy - hardworking

Sloppy – neat

Stupid - smart

Sad - cheerful

The teacher turns the flower over to create a diagram.

Bottom line

Educator: - Guys, do you think Pinocchio has learned polite words?

Children: - Yes, I learned.

Educator: - Yes, indeed, he is a good student. Let's give him our magic politeness flower so that he never forgets them.

Topic: "Helping forest dwellers"

Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals; practice onomatopoeia; develop children’s ability to name wild animals and their babies; develop the ability to solve riddles; cultivate an interest in forest life.

GCD move

Children enter the group room

Educator: Guys, let's greet our guests.

Children welcome guests.

They stand in a circle.

Educator: Let's gather children in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, when I came to kindergarten, they gave me a letter.

Who do you think it's from? Do you want to know?

Children: Yes.

Educator takes the letter out of the envelope and reads:

"Hello, guys! Masha is writing to you. Guys, an evil wizard has bewitched the forest dwellers. Help me disenchant them! Masha"

Educator: What happened to the forest inhabitants?

Children: They were bewitched by a wizard

Educator: Can we help Masha disenchant them?

How can we help them?

What do I need to do?

Children: Disenchant.

Educator: I suggest you go to the forest.

How can you get to the forest?

Children: By car, by train, etc.

Educator: I suggest going to the forest by plane.

Let's start the engines, let's fly!

On the board there is a picture "Forest"

Educator: So we arrived in the forest ( Picture of a forest)

Who lives in the forest?

Children: Wild animals.

Educator: Why did we come to the forest?

Children: Help forest dwellers

Children sit on chairs - "stumps"

There is an envelope with task 1 on the table: To disenchant the animals, we first need to solve the riddles.

(Pictures "Wild Animals")

1) I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (SQUIRREL)

2) Cunning cheat, Red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful! And her name is... (FOX)

3) Instead of a fur coat, only needles. Wolves are not afraid of him either.

A sharp ball, no legs visible, His name, of course... (HEDGEHOG)

4) He sleeps in a den in winter, quietly snores,

And he will wake up, well, roar, What is his name?... (BEAR)

5) Ball of fluff, Long ear,
Jumps deftly, loves carrots. (HARE)

6) He makes friends only with the fox, This animal is angry, angry.

He clicks and clicks with his teeth, A very scary gray one... (WOLF)

Educator: Well done boys! All the riddles have been solved! Guys, what can you call these animals in one word?

Children: Wild animals

Educator: That's right, guys. Why are they called wild?

Children: Because they live in the forest and look for food for themselves, and build their own housing.

Educator: We were unable to disenchant the animals.

Look, there's more here exercise 2 there is - collect the picture.

On the tables, marked with red and blue chips, there are “Cut-out pictures “Wild Animals”

Children are given blue and red chips. According to the color of the chips, children take places at the tables, 2 children work in pairs; collect pictures of animals.

After the children have collected the pictures, a game is played "Which one, which one?" And exercise "Forest sounds":

Educator: The fox barks: “Yelp, yap.” How does a fox yap?


Educator: The wolf howls: "Ooooh." How does a wolf howl?


Educator: The bear woke up and began to roar: “Uh-uh.” How does a bear roar?


Educator: The hedgehog snorts: “Pfft.” How does a hedgehog snort?


Educator: Well done boys! We completed the task! Guys, let's relax a little and play.

PHYSICAL "The little white bunny is sitting"

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears ( Children raise their hands to their heads and move them like ears)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Like this, like this

I need to warm my paws ( Children stand up at the last words and begin to rub and clap their hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump ( At the last words, the children begin to jump on the spot.)

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny jumped... and galloped away.

Children sit down on chairs.

Educator: Following task 3- you need to name the mother and baby. (Pictures "Wild animals and their babies") Game "Mom and baby"

Educator: Mother bear has a cub

Children: little bear

Educator: mother squirrel has a baby

Children: little squirrel

Educator: mother fox has a cub

Children: little fox

Educator: Mother hedgehog has a baby

Children: hedgehog

Educator: mother wolf has a cub

Children: wolf cub

Educator: mother hare has a baby

Children: bunny

Educator: Well done, guys! All the babies have been named!

After the game, the picture “Animals” appears on the board

Educator: Guys, look, the wild animals have become cheerful and joyful.


Educator: Have we disenchanted them?

Children: Yes

Educator: We were able to help Masha disenchant the animals?

Children: Yes

Educator: How did you help?

Children's answers

Educator: Masha thank you for your help, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. We started the engines and took off.

Guys, I thank you too for your help!

Summary of GCD for speech development

(pages are from the Pilot version of the program

“From birth to school” Mosaic - Synthesis, M. 2014)

Topic: “Favorite toy” V younger group.

GCD duration 10 – 15 minutes (13 minutes)

Integration of educational areas : "Speech development », “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative”, “Artistic and aesthetic”, “ Physical development»

Target: component development oral speech children: communication, vocabulary formation, education of children’s sound speech


Continue introducingchildren with objects from their immediate environment (toys). (Posn.p.78)

To develop in children the ability to follow basic rules, coordinate movements, and navigate in space (Phys. p. 133)

Form a friendly attitude towards each other (Sots.-kom.p. 48)

Material and equipment: demonstration material (toys: bear, fox)

Progress of the lesson:

    Surprise moment (motivation)

- Guys! Now, I’ll tell you a riddle, listen carefully!

He sleeps in a den in winter,

Little by little he snores,

And he wakes up, well, roar,

What is his name?... (Bear)

Well done, you guessed right! And Mishka came to visit us today (the teacher takes out the bear cub) so that we could examine him and get to know him better!

II . Main part

2. Writing a descriptive story (showing a toy, looking at it)

Educator. Look at this little bear, tell me what kind of eyes he has (black, shiny)

What kind of ears does a bear cub have? (round, small)

What kind of paws does he have? (thick, shaggy)

Tell us what kind of bear cub this is, touch it, what does it feel like? (big, furry, soft)

What can he do? (growl)

Who knows what our bear likes to eat? (honey, raspberries or berries)

Our Teddy Bear is black. What can it be called? (Blackie)

This is the little bear that came to us from the forest! (The teacher composes a story with the children) He is big and furry. He has shiny eyes, round ears, thick paws. Little bear has a sweet tooth! Loves honey and delicious raspberries! Blackie can growl.

- What great fellows you are! Now let’s relax a little and play with our fingers!

3. Finger gymnastics (slide No. 7)

Target: development fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Good animals are friends

Little bunnies are friends

Beavers are friends in the lake

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky,

Dear hedgehogs are friends,

Even the bear cubs are friends

This is how it played out

They ran through the forest!

connect identical fingers

rhythmic touching of the little fingers of both hands

rhythmically touching the ring fingers of both hands

rhythmically touching the middle fingers of both hands

rhythmic touching of the index fingers of both hands

rhythmic touching of the thumbs of both hands

lower your hands, shake your hands

The teacher shows a toy fox

Kids, do you know that his friend came with the bear cub! (Shows.) This is a fox. Where does the little fox live? (In the woods)

What are his eyes like?

What ears? (small, sharp)

What kind of tail does a fox have? (Long, fluffy)

What little fox? (Children: small, fluffy, red, soft)

What can a little fox do?

What can we call our little red fox? (Ryzhik)

Who wants to tell the little fox how beautiful and good he is?

The teacher and the child compose a story by analogy with the first. He asks: “Who else wants to tell?” In case of difficulty, the teacher prompts the child to start the phrase. (This. He. He. Ryzhik can do, etc.)

Educator : Well done! The little fox liked your stories about him!

Now let’s rest a little and stand in a circle with you.

5. Physical education “Three Bears” (slide No. 9)

(children stand in a circle, teacher explains the movements)

Three bears were walking home

Dad was big, big

Mom is a little shorter

And my son is just a little baby

He was very small

Walked with rattles

children walk in circles

hands up

hands at chest level

sat down

squat swing take rattles and “ringing” them while running on the rug

(Physical training is carried out 2 times)

6. Game “Compare different animals”

The teacher suggests looking at the bear and the fox.

The bear is big, clubfooted, and the little fox is small, dexterous, with thin legs.

A bear cub has a small tail, but a fox cub has a fluffy, big tail!

7. Reflection

Praise the most active children.

Children, what did you remember, what did you like, what did you learn new?

The result of the work

So, by showing toys, objects, and organizing actions with them, situations are created in which preschoolers show speech activity and purposefully master language material, speech skills and abilities.

Expected Result : Children learned to compose descriptive story by toy.

List of sources and literature used


    GEF primary general education approved by order No. 373 of October 6, 2009 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 No. 15785)


    Arushanova A. G. Speech and verbal communication of children: Formation grammatical structure speech. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005. – 92 p.

    Gerbova V.V. Lesson notes on speech development in primary school mixed age group. - M.: Vlados, 2002. – 134 p.

    Gerbova V.V. Speech development: Educational and visual aid for children 2-4 years old. - M.: Vlados, 2003. – 112 p.

    Maksakov A.I. Education of sound culture of speech in preschool children. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005. – 184 p.

    Elkonin D. B. Development of speech in preschool age. – M.: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1958. – 116 p.

Internet resources

Open gcd by speech development in the first junior preschool educational institution group"Let's help the cat"

Program content:
1. Teach children to recognize and name a pet.
2. Develop the ability to highlight characteristics fluffy tail, soft fur, keen eyes, etc.
3. Develop the ability to imitate the actions of animals and imitate their sounds.
4. Develop attention and memory.
5. Cultivate goodwill and responsiveness, interest in Russian folklore.
To promote the development of the ability, on one’s own initiative or at the suggestion of an adult, to talk about appearance cats. Stimulate initiative requests in joint actions and games. Encourage children to act according to the words of the text.
Form in children elementary representations about the cat, its appearance, its behavioral characteristics and habits.
1. cat toy
2. basket
3. pictures of kittens (A4 format)
Methodical techniques:
1. surprise moment,
2. artistic word,
3. looking at a cat toy,
4. questions for children,
5. physical education minute,
6.looking at pictures.
Previous work:
1.reading the nursery rhyme “Like our cat”
2.d/i “Pets”
3.observing a cat on a walk.
Vocabulary work:
1. soft
2. fluffy
3. keen eyes
Before class, the teacher places a basket with a cat in the locker room.
Educator: Guys, guests came to us today to see how you can play. Let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello!
Educator: Now let's say hello to each other.

Let's stand side by side in a circle,
Let's say "Hello" to each other.
We are not too lazy to say hello:
Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!"
If everyone smiles -
Good morning begins!

An audio recording of a kitten meowing sounds.
Educator: Can't you hear anything? What is this strange sound? Where is he from? Maybe under the table? Or in a toy box? It seems to me that this strange sound is behind the door.
Who meowed at the door
Open quickly
Very cold sometimes
The cat asks to go home

The teacher brings in the basket and begins to examine the contents of the basket with the children.
Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us? Let's say hello to the cat.
Children say hello
Educator: Guys, our guest is very cold, because it’s cold outside. Let's help the kitty warm up.

Finger gymnastics
Let's play a little
Let's clap our hands.
We warm our fingers
We squeeze them, we expand them.

You guys are so kind, well done. Come on over to the mat, let's meet the cat. The cat told me in my ear that her name is Murka. Sofia, what is the cat’s name (children’s individual answers).
Educator: Guys, look how beautiful Murka is. She has soft fur and a fluffy tail. Pet her. Where are the cat’s ears, and where are yours? Where are Murka’s eyes? The cat has sharp eyes, she can see with them even at night. Look how small the cat's paws are, with claws in them. The cat scratches with its claws and catches mice.
Like our cat
The fur coat is very good!
Like a cat's mustache
Amazingly beautiful
Bold eyes, white teeth!

(rhyme from the book)

Educator: Guys, let's play with Murka!

Physical education minute
The cat has eyes, (Children blink their eyes)
The cat has ears, (Children show ears)
The cat has paws - (Children show hands)
Soft pillows.
Cat, cat, don’t be angry, (Grandfathers shake their fingers)
Don't scratch the kids - fight! (They stomp their feet).

Educator: Oh, guys, Murka is feeling sad. I think she's hungry. What do you think a cat likes to eat?
Children: Milk.
Educator: Make a saucer out of your palms.
Pussy came to the kids
She asked for milk.
She asked for milk
“Meow,” she said
Meow meow meow.

Educator: Guys, tell me how Murka asked for milk (Meow-meow) Arseny, how did Murka ask for milk?
Kitty ate
Kitty ate
Sang a song:
"Pur - pur - pur"

Educator: Varya, tell me what song the kitty sang (the teacher interviews several children). Guys, let's sing a song together.
Educator: Guys, you warmed Murka, fed her and played with her. Murka is very tired and wants to sleep. Let's put her in the basket and pet her.
Moore - mur - mur -
The cat purrs, -
Pet her a little!
From warmth and affection
She will close her eyes!

Educator: Well done, Murka fell asleep.
Educator: While our cat is sleeping, let's see what kittens like to do. Kittens lap up milk, wash themselves, play, sleep.
Educator: You are so great, I think Murka really liked you. Did you like her? Do you want to leave her in our group? Let Murka stay with us. And because you are so kind and affectionate, I will treat you to cookies.

integrated gcd

Topic: “Funny toys”

(based on Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education)

Developed by:

Sukhikh Natalya Sergeevna

Subject:"Funny toys"

Age group: junior group

Form of joint activity: integrated gcd

Form of organization: group, individual

Integration of areas:"Speech development", " Musical development", "Cognitive development"

Educational and methodological kit:

  1. Work program of a general developmental group for children from 1.6 to 3 years old, 2016-2017 academic year,
  2. General education program preschool education“From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva; Moscow, Mosaic-Sintez, 2013.


  • visual - toys, musical instruments
  • literary - poems, poetic dramatizations
  • musical - song “Hello, palms”, round dance “We went to the meadow”
  • equipment - musical records, children's musical instruments, toys

Target: develop children's coherent speech


1. Training tasks:

  • Develop the ability to form verbs from the names of toys
  • Encourage children to learn and read poetry

2. Developmental tasks:

· develop memory

· continue to learn to sing in chorus without straining your voice

  • express your emotions joyfully and with pleasure
  • perform dance moves according to the text

3. Educational tasks:

· promote the expression of positive emotions

· cultivate friendly relationships between peers in the process of collective solving cognitive problems

· cultivate a caring attitude towards toys

Tasks taking into account individual characteristics pupils:

· Invite the youngest pupils to learn poetry - Arine,Sachet

· Pay attention to sound pronunciation Darina

· Give an individual task to the hyperactive person Fedor

· Assign control Ire And Katya compliance with the rules of playing musical instruments

Planned result:

Curious, active

  • speech activity.

Emotionally - responsive

  • sense of rhythm and melody of poetic text, music
  • manifestation of an emotional attitude to literary and musical works.

Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers

  • ability to interact with peers during the game
  • ability to listen carefully and actively discuss, ask and answer questions within the limits of one’s knowledge and experience
  • the ability to share your impressions with the teacher and children

Able to solve intellectual and personal problems

  • the ability to recognize familiar toys, characterize them, know musical instruments, sing songs in chorus, dance a round dance
  • the ability to independently draw conclusions;

Mastered the universal premises educational activities

  • the ability to act with concentration for 9 - 11 minutes;

Progress of activities:

Activity stage

Activities of a teacher


Planned result

Stage 1 (3 minutes)

Organizing time:

  • circle of joy;
  • situational conversation;

Hello guys, I'm glad to see you all today.

Hello, dear guests!

Emotional mood joint activities: children perform a valeological poem with a healing massage " Good morning, smile quickly"

The teacher offers to take each other’s hands and feel the warmth while singing the song “Hello, palms”

Greets children, sets a positive emotional mood

Suggests and adjusts children's choices

Greet each other and guests

Choosing a convenient place to study.

They reason, show interest and research activity.

  1. Children are ready to communicate
  2. Show interest in upcoming activities

Stage 2 (6 minutes)

A surprise moment: they bring in a box of toys.

Working on the topic:

listening to a conversation, reading poetry, learning a new piece

Talking about toys, listening to the children’s answers, reading poems “The Bunny was Abandoned by the Mistress”, “Our Tanya is Crying Loudly”, singing a lullaby with dolls.

Learning a new poem by A. Barto “I love my horse”

Stimulates children's interest in the problem, showing their interest

They listen to a new work, memorize it by heart, read poetry with expression, sing a lullaby without musical accompaniment

1.Ability to draw a conclusion and justify it

2. Gain new knowledge

3.Learn to work in a team

Physical education minute

Outdoor game “It’s cold for the bunny to sit”

Gives a boost of physical activity

Counting to 10, children's need for movement is ensured

1.Memory training

2. Correlation of movements with text

Riddles, playing musical instruments.

Learn to form verbs from the names of toys.

Joint performance of Russian folk melody.

Round dance “We went to the meadow”

The teacher reads the poem “This Bunny is not an easy one”, invites you to guess riddles, play musical instruments and toys.

The teacher develops the ability to form verbs from the names of toys

To the accompaniment of a Russian folk melody, everyone together performs a free piece on musical instruments and toys.

Children dance and sing the round dance song “We went to the meadow”

Gives a boost of children's activity in identifying different tools and toys, guessing riddles, forming verbs from the names of toys.

Praises children for their successes and encourages even minor successes.

Dancing and singing with children

Individual work children on their ability to form verbs.

Learn to feel rhythm and beat in playing musical instruments

Learn to correlate dance moves with text

  1. Ability to work individually and be proactive.
  2. Develop an ear for music.
  3. Fulfill the need for communication
  4. The ability to express your emotions in song and dance

Stage 3 (2 minutes)

  • The result of activities on the speech development of children.

The teacher asks the children about what toys they came to visit, how they should be treated, and now they are tired and want to rest.

And it’s time for us to return to the group too.

Involves children in summing up and reflection (self-analysis); ensures openness of discussion; offers a place where children can perform in front of a parent community.

Share impressions; express their own feelings about the work done; plan independent (joint) activities; express an emotional response.

  1. The ability to evaluate the results of one’s activities.
  2. Ability to express feelings;
  3. Ability to draw conclusions;
  4. Ability to plan independent (joint) activities.

As a result of the lesson: concert for parents dedicated to

  • Mother's Day