Logomag. Logorhythmics for children: exercises for practicing at home and in kindergarten Logorhythmics for 3 years old exercises

Today, many children have problems with speech development or movement. Therefore, it is necessary to give classes in speech therapy rhythms. Thanks to them, kids will learn to move actively, speak, and their gross and fine motor skills will develop faster.

The concept of speech therapy rhythms

Every child needs to develop speech and motor skills. Therefore, psychologists and teachers recommend conducting specialized classes and exercises. Logorhythmics is best suited for children.

It will help correct speech disorders, form words correctly, listen to music and understand its rhythm and intonation.

Logorhythmics for kids is a set of exercises that includes certain sounds, words, music, rhythm and movements. With the help of the entertainment complex, children will learn to talk faster, they will better develop not only fine motor skills, but also large ones.

Speech therapy rhythm will teach:

  • When walking, navigate in space.
  • Do useful exercises for breathing, voice, articulation.
  • Focus on the rhythm of the music.
  • Listen to the intonation and repeat after the teacher.

Children often have poor articulation. Therefore, teachers advise studying in this direction as often as possible.

Logorhythmics according to the method of Ekaterina Zheleznova

Many children do not like to study and do boring rote exercises. Zheleznova’s logorhythmics will interest kids. They will be happy to sing and dance. Initially, these classes were aimed at the child’s hearing. Subsequently, it was noticed that children repeat all sounds with pleasure and begin to speak better. Therefore, Ekaterina Zheleznova’s technique was improved.

There are a lot of short songs for kids. All of them are aimed at the development of crumbs. Children can be trained according to Zheleznova’s method from eight months. In each song, words and sounds are sung clearly, understandably, and intelligibly. Therefore, it will be easy for kids to repeat first the words and then the actions.

Logorhythmics Zheleznova provides classes not only with one child, but also with a group of children. They can be carried out in speech therapy groups, medical centers, clinics. The more children participate in the activities, the more interesting it will be.

Logorhythmics: exercises

Each lesson is aimed at the development of children. The child improves speech and learns to navigate in space. Logorhythmics for kids is a comprehensive activity that includes music, movement and rhythm. Before practicing this method, you need to study the types of exercises:

  1. Intonation and correction pronunciation.
  2. Phonetic (auditory) perception.
  3. Articulation exercise.
  4. Songs without musical accompaniment.
  5. Games on a musical instrument.
  6. Adjustment of muscle tone.
  7. Exercises that form a landmark in space.

Consistency rules are followed in all classes. First, words or rhymes are studied. Then the activity gradually becomes more difficult. After the children have mastered the material well, it is necessary to consolidate it. To do this, you should pay attention to logarithmics every day, starting from 10 minutes. Every day the time increases slightly.

Logorhythmic games

There are many entertaining and educational techniques for children. We found out that there is another one - logarithmics for kids. This method must be practiced exclusively in game form.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several small games for the little ones:

1. The wind is blowing very, very strongly(we wave our palms towards ourselves).

The tree swayed(we raised our hands up and waved them, helping with our whole body).

The wind blows less and less(we slowly lower our hands).

The tree grows more and more(raise your arms and stretch on your toes).

2. Knock, knock(they knocked on the table with their fist).

Who's there?(claps hands).

Can I visit you?(you open the doors for fun).

Come in, we welcome guests(Clapping hands three times).

3. We drove and drove(pretend to be riding a horse).

We came to visit you(knock on the door as if it were something).

We are tired(sat down on a chair).

Now we'll rest and go for a walk again(they marched merrily).

First learn all these poems and many others without musical accompaniment. Only when children know them well, try playing instruments. Remember, first you need to interest the baby, and only then teach. After all, if you force him, he will flatly refuse to study.

Logorhythmics classes are very important for every child. It's fun and interesting. It is necessary to start with a more energetic song, then the baby will quickly want to play a new game with you.

Hello, dear readers!

Musical development must be present in a child’s life. First of all, children really like this and in the process music games You can develop fantasy, imagination, a sense of rhythm and tact, hearing and intelligence, and stimulate.

Through dance movements, children strengthen their muscle corset and coordination of movements, and simple songs will help the child develop speech and acquire the first vocal and communication skills.

Zheleznov’s method of early child development, let’s take a closer look.

About the authors

Sergei Stanislavovich and Ekaterina Sergeevna Zheleznov (father and daughter) developed their own method early development kids.

Sergei Stanislavovich Zheleznov is an experienced teacher (pianist and composer) of children's music schools in Moscow, organized an early stage studio development “Music with Mom”.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Zheleznova is a follower of her father, graduated from a music pedagogical college and a Graduate School of Advanced Studies, and is now a teacher and methodologist - the head of her father’s original school.

Initially, this program was a preparatory course for children aged 4-6 years to enter music schools, where they learned notes, first songs and played musical instruments.

Later, the technique began to expand its position and it was decided to deepen it. In the mid-90s, there was practically no musical material to engage children under 3 years old.

Then the Zheleznovs began to independently write small songs that kids could understand, songs with movements, and refine Russian nursery rhymes. This is how new collections were born.

The program is designed for different ages. It can also be used for very small toddlers from six months of age, when they can dance in their mother’s arms. Of course, here they are only listeners.

And at the age of about a year they can already dance. Then, older ones can perform songs with movements, first with adults, then on their own.

Composition of the method

The program is divided by age and recorded on audio and video discs and teaching aids.

This methodology includes the following collections:

  • songs with movements (download) - here are short marches, round dances, the first active games (blind man's buff, tag). The baby learns new movements and roles.
  • finger games. Little fairy tales when moving your hands and fingers.
  • fairy tales are imitations. We discover the first theatrical skills in the baby.
  • funny logorhythmics
  • moving lessons
  • aerobics for kids (download), play gymnastics - an adult shows play gymnastic movements, and the child repeats. We strengthen our muscle corset and coordination every day and have fun.
  • noisy fairy tales. Little tales for imitation and imitation of sounds. The baby learns to listen and reproduce what he hears. Fine motor skills, memory and imagination are involved.
  • play massage (download)
  • dramatized songs, small fairy tales using toys and simple gestures
  • lullabies are an adaptation of Russian folk lullabies with the addition of sounds of nature or animals.

Advantages of the technique

Of course, the Zheleznovs’ technique has a beneficial effect on diversified development kids. This is mental and social and emotional.

The main difference and advantage is that the music taken here as a basis is an excellent way to present material in a simple and interesting form, even for the little ones.

Disadvantages of the technique

This technique does not have any particular disadvantages, there are only individual differences in tastes. For example, my Danilka doesn’t like all the songs (and neither do I), he doesn’t understand everything and doesn’t want to repeat these movements.

Various problems speech development found in many modern children. In order for the child to avoid discomfort in later life, parents are recommended to improve and develop his speech from a very early age. For this purpose, teachers and doctors use logorhythmics for children - an integrated method for the development of speech, hearing and coordination skills.

Logorhythmics is a method of working with children in a playful way in correctional pedagogy, in which motor, verbal and musical elements are comprehensively used. It allows you to improve according to the age norm:

  1. Auditory and visual analyzers;
  2. General coordination of movements, as well as fine motor skills;
  3. The process of breathing and using the apparatus for articulation;
  4. Mental activity of children (attentiveness develops, memorization and analytical thinking improve);
  5. Ability to relax and control body muscles.

What kids can't do without logorhythmics?

  1. People who stutter;
  2. Having problems with speech rate;
  3. Having problems with spatial orientation and mastering motor skills;
  4. Suffering from dysarthria, or diagnosed with mental retardation;

Logorhythmics tools include:

  • Poetry;
  • Games;
  • Exercises.

Thanks to exciting lessons, children with the help of speech therapists have the opportunity to learn better the world. This is especially true for children 2-3 years old.

Vegetables and fruits

With the help of logorhythmics, children, when they go to speech therapy garden or come to a club class, they can easily learn what vegetables grow in the garden and what benefits they bring to people. For example, here is the following rhyme (it is recommended to prepare cabbage salad with your baby in advance):

Together we chopped and chopped the cabbage!

(Arms bent at the elbows, palms folded like a spatula - the child moves each hand in front of him down and up in turn)

Together we salted the cabbage, salted it!

(Arms bent at the elbows, the child gathers his fingers with a pinch and moves them as if he were salting something)

Together we grated the cabbage gloriously!

(Arms bent at the elbows, the child clenches his fists and rubs one against the other)

Together we squeezed the cabbage gloriously!

(Arms bent at the elbows, the child clenches his fists and, alternating right and left hands, straightens his fingers and clenches them into a fist again)

We are so smart - we cooked cabbage!

How many beautiful flowers grow in the garden between the trees! A song will help you recognize and remember them:

These scarlet flowers

(The child bends his arms at the elbows, lifts them above his head, puts his palms together, showing a “bucket”)

Everyone opened their petals

(Children spread their fingers to the sides)

The breeze flies easily -

The petals are swaying.

(Kids move their fingers quickly)

These scarlet flowers

Suddenly the petals closed.

(Palms are again connected in the form of a “bucket”)

They began to pump buds,

(The hands are brought together, the children swing them left and right)

And they fell asleep and didn’t want to wake up.

(The little ones place their palms together on their cheeks to show that they are sleeping)

Gymnastics exercise complexes for children 2-3 years old. Children's gymnastics


The fauna is no less diverse. How many animals, birds and insects can be found in the forest - logarithmics for kids will help you get to know them.

The first ones we meet on the way are dancer beetles:

Two beetles in the clearing

(Children dance, hands on belts)

They danced hopaka:

Right foot stomp, stomp!

(Stomp with right foot)

Left foot stomp, stomp!

(Stamp with left foot)

Hands up, up, up!

(Stand on tiptoes, stretch up)

Who will rise the highest?

You can't do without a story about a bear:

The bear wanders through the forest, clumsily,

And in the den in winter he sucks his paw.

(Children walk on the outside of their feet, waddling from one foot to the other)

In the summer he collects pine cones, and when he’s lucky -

He composes ditties and then sings them.

(Squats, kids collect pine cones)

One bump hit the bear right on the forehead -

He got terribly angry, and with his paws - stomp!

(stomping feet)

Logorhythmics lessons will help children aged 2-3 years learn about the hare:

A little gray hare is sitting,

(Children squat like bunnies)

Ears are white in winter -

He moves them quickly and quickly.

Only this way, only this way!

(Show ears with palms and move them)

The bunny stayed too long for something,

He was cold, but he got warm,

He patted his paws - once, twice -

Well done, he is our hero.


(Children applaud)

To keep your feet from freezing,

He jumped along the path.

Smart bunny!

Jump, jump, jump!

(They jump up while standing on the new clothes)

Logorhythmics according to the method of Ekaterina Zheleznova

Logorhythmics for preschoolers will be especially effective if you use Ekaterina Zheleznova’s methodology when conducting classes.

Musical logorhythmics is aimed at developing children's sound perception, clear speech skills, improving motor coordination and improving mental properties. The final results can be judged in six months to a year.


Logorhythmic elements are actively used in the following games:

  1. "Wind and Trees"
  • A strong, strong wind blew (children wave their palms in front of them);
  • The trees were shaken and bent to the ground (arms above their heads, children swing them above their heads, and at the same time bend to the right and left);
  • The wind is tired and falls asleep (hands fall down);
  • And the trees are so big! (Children raise their hands up again and stand on their toes.)
  1. "Postman"
  • A sound is heard: knocking and knocking! (They hit the tables with their fists);
  • Who is doing “Knock-knock” there? (Applause);
  • “It's the postman! I’ll give you the mail” (They make a movement as if they are opening a door);
  • “Come and visit, you are very welcome!” (Repeat three claps).


The physical development of a child at 2-3 years old is an important part educational process, therefore, gymnastics with elements of logorhythmics is used by the teacher at every meeting with children.

There are various exercises: (logorhythmics according to the Zheleznova system):

  1. "Walk in the Woods"

We walked along the path - once, twice, and three times.

(Children march one after another)

The path leads us among leaves and grass,

We boldly step forward, raising our heads.

(Children walk single file)

We saw the stones

They began to jump over them.

(Jump and move forward)

There is a stream in front of us, let's get to it quickly.

Let's spread our arms to the sides and boldly cross the river.

(Straight arms spread to the sides, walking on tiptoes)

I see the autumn forest around me, my friend and I are running through it!

(Children run, form a circle)

  1. "Chicks in the Nest" (Finger Game)

The bird flaps its wings and flies into the nest.

(Cover the fingers of the left hand with the right palm and move them)

He will tell the chicks the news where he collects food for them.

(Same for the right hand)

  1. “Little frogs” (massage movements)

You can do these logorhythmic exercises at home with the help of your parents.

Our little frogs woke up in the morning -

They smiled, stood up, and stretched.

They arched their backs and sighed a little.

They clapped their hands and stamped their heels.

We tapped our hands on our arms a little,

Then they touched my chest and smiled again.

Pop and pop, noise and din, now we knock on the sides.

Our feet clapped our hands again.

Now the palms stroke the back, arms, legs.

The frogs jump once and twice, saying “Kva-kva-kva!”

  1. "Walking in the Rain"

Techniques of modern logorhythmics are used in outdoor games (integrated technology).

Plays first theme song, children walk around the hall.

The second theme song plays and the children do an impromptu dance.

When the third musical theme plays, the teacher loudly says “It’s starting to rain!” and reveals big umbrella over your head. All the kids should have time to hide under it.

Exercises and rules on how to exercise with a child

Not all children are suited to work in a team. How can parents work with their child so that Ekaterina Zheleznova’s logorhythmics benefits him?

  • A child of two or three years old remembers poems and movements through repetition. Initially, he imitates an adult, repeating after him;
  • Classes should be conducted twice every seven days in the late afternoon (for stuttering - three to four times every seven days);
  • The baby should be in a comfortable environment (use your favorite toys so that the lesson is like a fun game for him);
  • Every exercise needs repetition;
  • Music is selected individually;
  • Modify poems and games to suit the needs of a particular child;
  • If logorhythmics is used for small children 2-3 years old, then it is forbidden to get angry with the little ones if something doesn’t work out for them.

Logorhythmics – effective remedy to normalize speech and general development of children preschool age, which will be useful for any baby. You may prefer to study in a group or conduct independent studies at home and the results will not be long in coming.

Gymnastics with Fox for children 2-3 years old

For the harmonious development of a child from birth to school, many factors are important: routine, nutrition, physical activity, games and activities that develop thinking, memory, attention, speech, emotions, coordination, Creative skills, self-care skills, reading, counting, writing...
The task of any parent is to help the child develop harmoniously and comprehensively. Logorhythmics will come to the rescue for children who have reached 2-3 years of age, which will later develop into complicated classes for 4-6 year old preschoolers. Such training is conducted in a playful way, so it is interesting for children and helps improve key skills.

Brief introduction to the term

Logorhythmics is a special technique aimed at solving a whole range of problems associated with a child’s speech, coordination and hearing skills. Regular classes will help cope with the most common problems and save the child from many difficulties in later life.

Logorhythmics for children is a playful method of working with children that uses musical, motor and verbal elements. Of course, similar correctional classes carried out by specialists in kindergarten, but parents should not shift all responsibility to speech therapists - it is important to study at home to consolidate the result. Moreover, the game form is interesting for kids.

Logorhythmics classes are games or exercises to imitate an adult, accompanied by specially selected music.

That is, the child listens to the teacher or parent, sees what he is doing, and repeats after him what is said and done. Young children respond best to rhyming speech, but this is not necessary: ​​any funny, interesting stories.
The main purpose of logorhythmics for children is the correction or development of speech skills. With its help you can save your baby from such speech problems such as stuttering, poor pronunciation, being too slow or too fast speech. Moreover, any speech therapy game develops several processes at once.

Role and meanings

Logorhythmics includes three main elements:

  • word (sound);
  • rhythm;
  • movement.

Therefore, classes will help develop a large number of skills at once. It has been proven that fine motor skills and speech are inextricably linked, so a lag in one will invariably lead to a lag in the other. That's why the best option workout - complex lesson. And logorhythmics helps to achieve this effect.

Through logorhythmic exercises, you can help your child improve the following important skills:

  • dexterity increases, gross and fine motor skills improve;
  • the child acquires the skill of correct exhalation when speaking;
  • facial expressions, intonation and rate of speech improve;
  • the mobility of the articulatory organs develops, due to which diction improves;
  • kids who are too active and mobile calm down somewhat, those who are too slow - on the contrary, they become more nimble and cheerful;
  • children's posture improves;
  • creativity, the ability to imitate, and portray different emotions are revealed;
  • children become stronger and more resilient.

From the above it is clear that logarithmic games are especially indicated in the following cases:

  • at the age of 2.5 to 4 years, when active speech formation occurs;
  • with general speech underdevelopment;
  • with stuttering, as well as with a predisposition to it;
  • children with weakened immune systems who are often sick;
  • for problems with sound pronunciation, as well as for children with speech that is too fast, too slow or intermittent, or with poor intonation;
  • children lagging behind in the development of motor skills and coordination.

Regular classes develop musical ear and memory. The exercises are aimed at achieving compliance in the baby age characteristics. Of course, we should not forget that every child is an individual. What one person mastered without problems at age two will become available to another only by age 3.5. But there are certain basic skills, without which there can be no talk of normal development of a preschooler.

In addition, the lesson develops attentiveness, ability to analytical thinking and memory.

Features and Tools

This technique includes the following aspects.

  • Different types of walking, marching, jumping, squats. They form in children the coordination of movements of arms and legs, teach them to navigate in space, to understand where right and left are, what it means in front, behind, above, below. Usually classes begin with such exercises.
  • Breathing and articulation exercises that develop strength, expressiveness, voice pitch, as well as the muscles of the articulatory organs.
  • Games for speech correction (for example, for the development of phonemic awareness). Helps eliminate existing perception and pronunciation disorders. The child will have to repeat complex sounds, find and recognize them in words.
  • Singing. Improves intonation, helps cope with stuttering, rapid speaking, and simply gives the child pleasure.
  • Counting exercises. Allow the baby to remember the ordinal counting of objects.
  • Finger gymnastics. This provides direct stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech development.
  • Exercises to develop motor skills: general and fine. Promote the development of speech and thinking processes.
  • Games for attention, memory development. Develop skills of quickly switching between actions.
  • Exercises aimed at normalizing muscle tone of the speech apparatus. Required for children with speech defects, in particular stuttering.
  • Dancing. They teach a sense of rhythm, improve the baby’s plasticity and posture, and provide an outlet for energy in children who are too restless.
  • Exercises to develop facial expressions. Indispensable for children with speech impairments. Often their facial muscles are inactive. Inexpressive facial expressions make your pronunciation inexpressive, so correction is required.
  • Relaxation. Such exercises usually complete logorhythmics classes. They are needed, first of all, for children with hyperactivity and similar disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, when accumulated energy is difficult to splash out.

At the initial stage of classes, the child can simply repeat the movements of the adult, then individual words or the endings of phrases. And when he can remember the entire text, let him repeat it from beginning to end.

At the same time, a logorhythmics lesson may not look like such. For example, you can use movements and facial expressions to play out almost any fairy tales or nursery rhymes that a mother reads to her child.
  • While walking, you can imitate the sounds or movements of the natural world (birds, animals, weather phenomena).
  • In the bathroom you can easily play in a storm, play brave captains, pretend to be swimming fish, act out a story or fairy tale on a sea or river theme.
  • While doing gymnastics, you can turn on appropriate music and perform exercises that imitate some other action (a frog jumping, a cat stretching, branches swaying in the wind).

There are many opportunities to involve your child in logorhythmic activities; the imagination of adults can suggest other options.

When organizing such activities at home, adjust them depending on your child’s needs: you can focus on practicing sounds or recognizing them in speech, as well as on attention, hearing development, and coordination, if this is more required for your baby.

Tools that can be used for logorhythmics include:

  • games;
  • exercises;
  • songs;
  • rhymes.

The training itself is carried out in a fun and playful way for children, so they not only spend time usefully for themselves, but also have fun. In order for the child to be interested, dolls and toys should be included in logorhythmics classes. To develop hand skills, you will need wooden spoons or sticks; cubes, pyramid rings or similar items. And an adult can arm himself with mitten dolls, which will give the activity a special mood.

If your child doesn’t succeed in something yet, don’t scold him. This will not only discourage the desire to study, but will also instill in the child a feeling of inferiority. Try to break a complex task into simpler ones or leave it alone for now. After some time, the child, encouraged by your praise, will be able to complete it correctly.

Rules for conducting logorhythmic classes

The main thing is to be guided by the problems that a particular child has, so that the main emphasis in classes is on exercises to correct them - you just need to find the right ones.

Each activity is a fun game that will bring your child a lot of positive emotions. These games are based on imitation: when playing them, the child repeats what the adult does, and the adult imitates something (or someone).

When conducting classes, it is important to follow simple recommendations.

  • Children with stuttering should be trained at least 4 times a week, with the main emphasis on exercises to develop the speech apparatus, normalize its tone, and practice the tempo of speech. Other children should not have classes more than 2 times a week.
  • In order to notice results, you will have to wait at least six months (in severe cases, a year) - subject to regular training and a positive attitude during it.
  • In order for the game to arouse the child’s interest and the feeling of the game, you can use his favorite melodies, pictures, toys, books, clothes, as well as everything that can please and amuse him.
  • Each exercise must be repeated many times (at first at a slow pace, and as the child masters it, at a faster pace) until the child copes with it perfectly.
  • Music requires special attention. It must correspond to the text and motor parts of the exercises: for slow, calm ones, minor motives are needed, for moving, lively ones, more dynamic ones are needed. The music should reflect the emotions experienced, the mood and everything that is played in the game. Music, movement and speech must create an indivisible unity.
  • You shouldn’t be upset, much less show your child your disappointment with the result of your work. He can withdraw into himself and flatly refuse to play under such “motivation.”

Classes for children 2-3 years old

So, after 2 years, children begin to actively develop speech. Therefore, the main goal of logorhythmic games is to stimulate speech activity, thought processes, and the formation of coherent speech. Although outdoor games and dancing can also be included in them.
An excellent way to develop the articulatory apparatus of two- and three-year-old children is onomatopoeia. This can be an imitation of different sounds, feasible at this age: animals, birds, clicking, sounds of impacts, natural phenomena (wind, rain, thunder), knocking, sounds of transport. After mastering the simplest imitations, you can add more complex and detailed ones.

Never replace words with their symbols in such games (“bibika” instead of “car”, “kiss-kiss” instead of “cat”). Children should always hear around them only literate, correct speech, so as not to learn simplified options and then relearn.

Let's get acquainted with several options for conducting logorhythmic training with the smallest children.

Musical logorhythmics

To make classes more interesting for kids, you can use Ekaterina Zheleznova’s video, thanks to which parents will learn how to develop their children’s sense of musical rhythm and improve speech skills. Each exercise contains exclamations for repetition that will help the child learn to sing and speak, as well as a specific set of movements aimed at developing fine and gross motor skills.

Let's give examples of exercises.

  • "Our hands." The adult sings a song, the baby, following the parent, begins to rub one palm against the other, as if trying to wash them. Then the arms are raised up, the fingers spread to the sides and the hands make rotational movements. Next, the arms are lowered and the hands are rotated again. And finally, they remove their hands behind their backs.
  • "Locomotive". Children 2-3 years old can perform this exercise with the help of their parents, who will “guide” the movements of their arms bent at the elbows, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive. To make it more interesting for your child, you can include a toy train in the activity. Be sure to sing a song and repeat the words “chukh-chukh-chukh”.
  • Exercises with cubes. The song is very simple: “The doll is walking with a cube, bringing the red cube to us. I dropped the cube, oops (the adult drops the cube). Now bring another one." The child’s task is to throw the dice at the moment when the corresponding words of the song are heard.

At first, the parent can help the child, tell him when exactly it is necessary to throw the dice.

  • "Horse". For this exercise, you need to prepare wooden spoons with which the kids will knock against each other, imitating the clatter of a horse's hooves. Parents, holding the child's hands, help him if necessary.
  • "Legs." Kids, with the help of their parents, make jumps and squats, singing a song about legs.

There are many similar exercises, so you can periodically update the training program, but you should not do this too often, otherwise the kids will not be able to remember the songs and exercises themselves.


Children aged 2-3 years love animals and are actively interested in them, so you can use this to develop speech and coordinate movements.

There are many options for tasks that are understandable and accessible to the little ones.

  • – the baby tries to repeat “meow”, and also twirls a toy cat in his hands, developing his hand.
  • "Mu"- imitation of a cow. The child’s task is not only to make a sound, but also to repeat the movements of the animal.
  • "Donkey"- the children sing along with the exclamation “ee-a” and imitate the movements of the donkey: stomping their feet, waving their arms like a tail.

Kids find it interesting to imitate the movements of animals, while they develop their speech and motor skills.

Used to develop fine motor skills finger gymnastics, finger painting on semolina, sand, flour.

Classes for 3-4 years

At this age, preschoolers improve their motor skills, children learn to communicate, and develop speech skills. This is what needs to be supported first. Logorhythmic exercises can be made a little more complicated by including poems that the child will repeat after an adult.

The main tasks for this age are:

  • walking with various forms complications - in place, like a bear (clubfoot), like a fox (on tiptoe), on the heels, on the outside and inside of the foot;
  • articulation and breathing exercises;
  • singing;
  • exercises to develop mindfulness;
  • speech exercises without musical accompaniment.

Each of them performs several functions at once and helps develop a number of skills.

  • Movements can be practiced, for example, using an exercise such as “Earth-Water-Air”. When hearing the word “earth,” the child actively stomps his feet (maybe to the beat of a selected melody); when hearing the word “water,” he imitates swimming. And having heard “air”, he must show the flight of the bird.
  • To develop diction, it is useful to imitate playing musical instruments (this is more difficult than just the howling of the wind or dripping rain): trumpet, balalaika, rattles, tambourine, drum. You can take children's instruments to more accurately “remove imitation.”
  • Speech breathing is trained with the help of such fun games like blowing cotton wool from the palm, “volleyball” with a feather using breathing, letting soap bubbles. Fun child to blow on paper boat in the bathroom, create a “storm” in a glass of water using a cocktail straw.

Features of the training

When deciding to engage in logorhythmics with a 3-4 year old child, it is important for parents to consider the following points.

  • Since the baby repeats all the movements after the parent, the adult must be sure that he is showing them correctly, so each exercise should be done in front of a mirror or rehearsed.
  • There is no need to force your child to memorize words or movements. Regular repetition - and they will be remembered by themselves.
  • Training frequency: twice a week. However, if the baby is developmentally delayed, stutters or slurs most sounds, the number of training sessions increases by one or two.

In the first stages, you may need the help of a parent, so you need to support the baby’s hands, help him complete the task, and guide him. Patience is required from moms and dads, since many things may not work out the first time. You cannot scold a child, otherwise he will develop a persistent aversion to training and skills useful for later life will remain unformed.

Positive influence

After a couple of months of regular classes, you can notice positive changes in your preschooler:

  • his movements will become more varied, smooth and accurate;
  • speech is clearer and more expressive, the pronunciation of many sounds will be better;
  • The child will gain dexterity and improve gross and fine motor skills.

Therefore, parents should not underestimate the importance of such activities, especially during the period of speech development.

The exercises are quite numerous; here are a few examples.

Examples of exercises

It is best to start training with breathing exercises. Children aged 3-4 years cope well with the following exercises:

  • blow into the palm of your hand, on which lies an imaginary snowflake;
  • blow the paper off the tip of your nose;
  • blow on an imaginary dandelion.

There are many similar exercises presented in various card indexes.

The following tasks will help improve your overall coordination of movements.

  • Imitation of playing musical instruments. The child, following the adult, reproduces both the movement itself and the resulting sound.
  • "Earth, air, water." The parent says the word “earth”. The baby’s task is to repeat it and stomp his feet - he walks on the ground. Next, the adult says “air”, the child repeats the word and raises his hands up - rises into the air. Now the word “water” sounds, the child, repeating it, waves his arms, imitating the movements of a swimmer. The exercise should be performed several times, you can start with 5-6 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The baby should quickly remember the movements.
  • The adult pronounces a word familiar to the child (for example, from the theme of vegetables) syllable by syllable: o-gu-rets. The child repeats and claps on each syllable: o (clap his hands) – gu (clap his hands) – retz (clap his hands). Then other vegetables are “swallowed” in the same way: cabbage, carrots, peppers. To make it interesting for your child, you can show him the products in question.
  • Exercise “Heel and Toe”: children place their hands on their belts (it is important for parents to help them with this). Now one leg moves forward, is placed on the toe, comes back, then repeats with the other leg. The next step is to place both feet on the heel in turn. Then the parent asks the child to turn around his axis and make a few claps.
  • You should definitely include walking in place in your training, this will help improve coordination of movements in general.

If an exercise is not given to a child or does not work out, then it can be temporarily removed from the training structure and returned no earlier than in a couple of months.

Very good development exercise gross motor skills"Geese." It is done like this: an adult reads the text and shows the movements. The child’s task is to reproduce these actions:

The gray geese were flying (the kids, waving their arms like wings, stand on their toes and run).

They sat quietly on the lawn (the children are crouching).

Walk around (stand up, walk on tiptoes in a circle).

They pecked (standing, tilting their head down).

Then they quickly ran (the kids run and sit on a pre-prepared chair).

“Geese” can be performed both in group classes and at home with one child. If the parent is artistic and uses toys, the child will not get bored, but will do the exercise with pleasure.

You should not expect quick results, especially if classes are conducted with children who are lagging behind. There are often cases when a positive effect can be detected only after a year of regular exercise. To prevent your child from losing interest, it is important not to forget to prepare musical accompaniment for each training session (this could be funny children's songs).

After 4 years, children already speak quite well and can repeat almost everything that adults show them. Therefore, it is useful to play out plot scenes and recite the texts of each game with your child (this trains speech and memory, teaches you to build complex sentences).

5-6 years: continued work

When the child is 5-6 years old, logorhythmics classes move to a new level. The catalog of logorhythmic activities for children of this age should include active, outdoor games and exercises that require great physical effort. Walking now occurs with changes in directions and complex changes; It is useful to combine it with other activities (walking and singing or counting).
Now logarithmics performs the following tasks:

  • help replenish the stock of known words;
  • improve fine motor skills;
  • stimulate the development of creative abilities;
  • improve speech and allow you to correct errors in the pronunciation of individual sounds;
  • help to form correct posture.

At this age, children are actively preparing for school, so the exercises become more complex.

To prepare for writing, it is important to include in your classes exercises to develop fine motor skills, as well as self-massage (stroking, rubbing palms and fingers).

For example, you can play on the poem by F. Tyutchev:

It’s not for nothing that winter is angry (the child frowns and threatens with his index finger),

Its time has passed (rubs his palms contentedly),

Spring is knocking on the window (you need to tap your index finger on the other palm)

And he drives him out of the yard (the child actively waves his arms, gestures and facial expressions, driving away the winter).

It is also important now to develop a sense of rhythm, correct intonation, fluency of speech, teach the child emotionality in speech, and continue to work on breathing. To do this, it is useful to play children's musical instruments, sing sounds, syllables, tap the rhythm of poems with your feet, fingers or palms, and depict various emotions and feelings.

When preparing for school, it is also necessary to develop attention and concentration. To do this, you can, for example, confuse the child in games where he must repeat the movements of an adult (who periodically names one action and does another).


A 5-6 year old preschooler already has an idea about vegetables, so he can cope with the following exercises without any problems.

  • “We chopped the cabbage!” - says the adult, shows the child the movement: bend your arms at the elbows, move them up and down alternately, as if chopping cabbage. The kid repeats.
  • “We salted the cabbage!” – movement: bring your fingers into a handful and imitate the movement of pickling, moving your fingers.
  • “We grated the cabbage!” – bend your elbows, press your fists one against the other and rub them together.
  • “We squeezed the cabbage!” – bending his arms at the elbows, the baby, following the adult, begins to alternately clench and unclench his fists.
  • “We did a great job!” - Let's clap for ourselves.

To make it easier for your child, you can first show him in the kitchen how to work with shredding cabbage.

Instead of cabbage, you can bake pancakes: recite a funny poem, making movements with your hands and clapping to the beat.

The dough was kneaded well, wow! Whoops! (the baby’s task is to unclench and clench his fists) The frying pans are hot, wow! Whoosh! (now conferring circular movements with two hands: palms move in a circle 2-3 times in each direction) Di-di, la-da, okay, let's bake pancakes (“bake pancakes” like this: clap your hands, holding them parallel to the floor, changing the “top” each time "hand) Clap-slap, clap-slap, clap-slap, clap-slap! Lada - okay, okay, hot pancakes! (palms are placed in front of the face, you need to “draw” an imaginary semicircle with them to the left and right, and blow on them).


These exercises for preschoolers will not only help improve coordination, fine motor skills and speech skills, but will also help memorize the names of representatives of the animal world and the characteristics of their behavior.

The kids, following the adults, repeat simple poems about beetles, a bunny, a bear and make the necessary movements.

“How do beetles dance?”

Stomp-stomp with the right foot (children stomp one foot twice).

Top-top with the left leg (the same thing - the other).

Up, up our paws (children raise their hands up).

Who is tallest? (stand on tiptoes, try to stretch as high as possible without losing balance).

Kids, following the adults, repeat the words of the rhyme and perform the following movements:

The little bunny sits (children crouch),

Moves their ears (babies put their hands to their heads and make a movement that imitates the movement of long ears).

The little white tail is shaking,

He chatters his teeth.

I sat too long and got cold (children rub their hands over their arms, as if trying to warm up),

We need to warm up:

Let's clap our paws (kids clap their hands),

Let's stomp our feet (stomp on the spot).

That's good!

You can also use the well-known rhyme about a bear, “The clumsy bear walks through the forest.” Then the kids will have to do several exercises:

  • imitate the gait of a bear;
  • bend over as if to pick up a bump;
  • grab an imaginary lump with your palm and place it in your pocket.

Gradually, the children will learn rhymes and recite them without the help of a parent.

All sounds in the poem must be pronounced clearly so that the child has a positive example. Therefore, parents should practice.

The duration of the lesson is about 30 minutes twice a week. If there are problems, in agreement with the speech therapist, the number of training sessions can be increased.

New tasks

You can gradually complicate the tasks: read a poem of simple content to the children (for example, “Elephant” or “Little Goat” by Agnia Barto) and invite them to come up with movements that are appropriate in meaning. If difficulties arise, the parent can give advice and point them in the right direction.

Logorhythmics classes should become a useful habit, because, in addition to their obvious usefulness, they can give a child genuine pleasure, help him have fun and usefully spend his time. Parents should remember that there is no single training program that will suit everyone - the lesson is structured individually, depending on the child’s level of development. Logorhythmic exercises give positive result only after a long period, but the achieved effect may surprise even the most skeptical parents.

Natalia Shutova
“Logoritmics for children 2–3 years old”

Numerous studies psychologists and linguists show that the rate of speech development at the beginning of a child’s life is much higher than in all subsequent periods of life. So, by approximately 12 months, vocabulary baby averages 8 - 10 words, and at 3 years it expands to 1000 words! In the third year of life, speech development becomes a leading trend. The child not only expands his vocabulary, but also learns to construct sentences.

Between the ages of 2 and 3 years there is a significant leap in speech development. Children who have not received early age corresponding speech development are noticeably delayed in general development. That is why it is recommended to conduct classes with them on logorhythmics.

What's happened logorhythmics?

This is a cocktail of movements, speech and music.

Purpose logorhythmics is overcoming speech disorders through development motor sphere child combined with words and music. Speech therapy Rhythm is useful not only for children with speech impairments, but also for children who are just beginning to speak, that is, toddlers. In such classes they gain their first experience of communicating with peers and adults.


1. Create an atmosphere of celebration and joy in the classroom. Form a positive emotional mood in children.

2. Develop musical abilities. Teach children simple dances and playing children's musical instruments.

3. Learn finger and outdoor games. Introduce children to the elements of self-massage. Develop fine and gross motor skills.

4. Learn songs and poems with children, accompanied by movements and motor exercises.

5. Develop attention and visual memory, coordination of movements.

6. Develop a sense of rhythm as you go. various types activities: musical, physical education class, speech development, as well as during outdoor games, sedentary games, round dances, and didactic games.

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