Speech therapy fairy tale. A cycle of fairy tales on articulatory motor skills Children's speech therapy stories

Differentiation" href="/text/category/differentciya/" rel="bookmark">sound differentiation).

Fairy tales for teaching literacy (in sounds and letters).

Slide 9. 2. Logo tales aimed at developing the polysensory ability of a child with speech impairment (“fairy tale” plus “objective activity”) (,):

Finger (development fine motor skills, graphic skills).

Slide 10. 3. Logo-fairy tales-trainings, rich in certain phonemes, word forms, lexical and grammatical categories (author’s tales of speech therapist teachers)

Lexico-grammatical (enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of knowledge of grammatical categories).

Slide 11. 4.Logo tales with simulated content ().

Fairy tales that promote the formation of coherent speech.


I also include additional fairy tale material in my work.

For better memorization and pronunciation of words, the speech therapist uses various techniques and aids to help a non-speaking child act more and speak less: toys that fit on the child’s fingers, Kinder Surprise toys); various desktop printed aids, volumetric screens, mini-layouts, gloves with fairy tale characters pasted on, fairy tales on the carpet, masks, cards with graphic symbols, various types theaters, such as: with puppets on sticks, mitten, cardboard;

Slide 13. An excellent way to develop movements is to play “Theater of Fingers and Tongue.” Articulatory gymnastics accompanied by speech motor rhythmic movements to pronounced sounds (“Morning of the Cat Music”).

Slide 14. Fairy tale on fingers

Folk finger games (magpie-white-sided, goat, etc.) provide very good training for finger movements. Finger tales are included in fairy tale lessons. For example, after reading the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”, you can play like this. “The chicken went out for a walk...” (Appendix)

A child learns about the world through movements and emotions, and speech-motor exercises with elements of psycho-gymnastics will help him overcome pathological problems. For the fairy tale “Three Bears” exercise “Morning”, Appendix, exercise for the fairy tale “Teremok” for development gross motor skills and developing the ability to relax muscles in contrast to tension, Appendix

Slide 15.16,17,18. Articulation tales(development of breathing, articulatory motor skills). It is quite difficult for a 2-4 year old child to perform “tongue gymnastics” with full dedication; they quickly get bored. But if all this difficult and uninteresting work is presented in the form of small speech therapy fairy tales that develop the correct articulatory structure of sounds, then everything changes: their eyes sparkle, and the children follow the story with interest and want to help the main character of the plot. “The Tale of the Cheerful Tongue”, “The Green-Belly Frog (multimedia presentation accompanied by illustrative slides for children) “Tales of the Tongue”, Stories of the Cheerful Tongue. From work experience, I can say that children liked this form of presenting articulation exercises and gave positive results.

Slide 19.

Logo tales can be used not only by speech therapists, but also by educators. It is useful to include speech therapy games in those recommended by the “Program of Education and Training in kindergarten"edited, fairy tales: "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Three Bears", "Teremok" "Zayushkina's Hut".

If we achieve noticeable results in working on breathing, auditory or visual attention, and in children’s ability to feel and understand others, then this will inevitably have a beneficial effect on speech.

Phonetic (voiced) tales Didactic tasks : development of reaction speed, sense of tempo and rhythm, articulatory motor skills.
Methodology. The teacher reads the text, the children accompany the story with sounding gestures, onomatopoeia, and finish the phrases. To voice fragments of fairy tales and poems, you can also use musical instruments, choosing them in accordance with the content of the work and the nature of the game character.
Phonetic warm-up for the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”, Appendix; to the fairy tale "Three Bears"; Appendix, an example of voicing the fairy tale “About the Naughty Goat”, Appendix.

Slide number 20

The logos tale necessarily contains special exercises for breathing training, development of general speech skills. For example, the logo tale “ Fun trip"(exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials), Appendix

To develop voice power. Game: “The bunny will hear our au - he will quickly find himself in the cold forest” (based on the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”). Goal: learn to raise and lower the strength of your voice. The goal that is voiced for children: the bunny is upset and lost in the winter forest, help him

Exercises for developing speech breathing

-finishing individual words in a phrase;

“Ok, ok, ok, I have... (bun).

Ka, ka, ka, no longer... (kolobok).

Ok, ok, ok, the fox ate... (bun).”

-pronouncing individual phrases of fairy-tale characters; “Say the phrases” (based on the fairy tale: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”).

The goal that is voiced for children: let’s plant a turnip, say the words:

“Let the turnip be big and strong”, “let the turnip be tasty and sweet”;

The chicken went out for a walk and pecked some peas: “Ko-ko-ko!” Ko-ko-ko! It’s easy to peck the grains!”

-Breathing-articulation training"Talky Brook"

Didactic tasks: development of articulatory motor skills.

Methodology. Children join hands, walk one after another and recite the song of the stream: “On the pebbles - ding-ding-ding, on the snags - glug-glug-glug, on the sedge - sh-sh-sh-sh.”


Slide 21.

Working with a fairy tale contributes to the development of the prosodic side of speech (voice timbre, its strength, tempo, intonation, expressiveness), forms ideas about the basic principles of constructing a coherent message (appeal-incentive, appeal-question, appeal-message). The use of logostories as a means of correction and development of the communicative function of speech increases the speech activity and communicative orientation of the speech of children with disabilities.

Slide 22. References

1.Arushanova, and speech communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers/– M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 1999. – 272 p.

2., O.M. Kislyakova Speech therapy rhythmics. Methods of working with preschool children suffering from OHP. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2002.

3. Gavrilushkina, on the development of communicative behavior of preschool children in a kindergarten // Child in kindergarten. – 2003. – No. 1.

4. Gribova, O. E. On the problem of analyzing communication in children with speech pathology// Defectology. – 1995. – No. 6. – P. 7

5. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, on fairy tale therapy / -Evstigneeva. – SPb.: RECH, 2001. – 310 p.

6.Ivanovskaya, fairy tales for speech development: Fairy tales in nature-based education / , . – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. – 64

7.Notes complex classes based on fairy tales with children 2-3 years old. - St. Petersburg: Parity, 2006.

8.E. Karelian. Let's help Buratino speak: From the experience of a speech therapist // Preschool education, 1999 No. 6 – p. 14-17

9.Naboykina’s games with a “special” child. – St. Petersburg: , 2006.

10. Practice of fairy tale therapy / Ed. .- SPb.: , 2004.

11. http://www. *****/art. html#butterfly


The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her the boys -

Yellow chickens.

"Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row your paws,

Look for grains.

Step with two fingers - index and middle - of each hand. Pinching movements with all fingers of each hand.

Run with all fingers of both hands.

They clap their hands.

They shake the finger of their dominant hand.

Rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, the thumbs fixing the palms at the edge of the table.

Children collect grains alternately with two fingers of each hand or both hands at the same time: thumb - index, thumb - middle, etc.


Develop proper breathing.

Teach basic self-massage techniques.

Expand articulatory capabilities.

Develop a positive emotional background.

Optimize overall body tone, remove pathological tension.

The cubs are sleeping sweetly

Children lean against the backs of chairs or lower their heads on their hands folded on the table and close their eyes.

And they snort relaxed.

Breathe calmly and deeply.

The sun looked out the window, Everyone closed their eyes a little.

They close their eyes tightly.

Baby bears, stop sleeping,

They open their eyes wide.

It's high time you got up.

They get up from their seats.

The cubs all woke up, stretched and smiled.

With tension they pull their hands up, lower them, and stretch their lips into a smile.

Bears love cleanliness. Everyone goes to wash.

They walk in place.

Faucet, open

Simulates the movement of a hand when opening a tap.

Nose, wash your face

Make stroking rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands along the nose from top to bottom on both sides,.

Wash both eyes at once

Perform circular massaging movements over the eyelids.

Forehead and cheeks

Smooth the forehead from the center to the temples.

They rub their cheeks.

Wash yourself, neck,

Rub your neck, turning your head left and right.

Hands, wash yourself thoroughly.

They rub their hands.

We will begin to clean our teeth like a brush with a tongue.

Open the mouth, stroke the upper, then lower teeth in horizontal and vertical directions.

The cubs sniffed:

Take a full slow breath in through the nose, hold the air for 2 seconds, and exhale slowly through the mouth.

Something smells strange.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Delicious. It's honey! Mom is waiting for us for breakfast.

They sit on the chairs.

The cubs were lapping up honey,

Perform lactating movements with the tongue, keeping the mouth open.

Then they licked their lips.

They lick their lips back and forth, keeping their mouth open.

They lick sweet honey from the palate with their tongue back and forth,

They stroke the palate with their tongue.

The tongue is not lowered; it is pressed firmly upward.

The mouth is kept open.

Sucking the tongue to the roof of the mouth.

You need to drink hot tea, but let it cool first.

Use your hand to depict a cup.

You little bears

don't be lazy, blow first,

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, stretch your lips with a tube, direct the air stream to the “cup” in your hand.

Then have a drink

They imitate “drinking” from a “cup”.

And then smile.

They stretch their lips into a smile.

Breakfast is eaten, the cubs are playing pranks like turkey poults.

Execute fast movements tongue back and forth.

They teased each other and started studying.

They sit calmly at the tables.


There is a tower in a field (hands above your head are the “roof”)
He is not low, not high, not tall (squat - “low”, stand up - “tall”)
There is a lock hanging on the door, and a lock (they clasp their fingers into the “lock”
Who would help open that lock?
On the left is a bunny, on the right is a bear. (nods head left and right)
Pull back the bolt! (hands are pulled to the sides, but fingers are in the “lock”)
On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf (nod their head left and right)
Press the lock! (fingers squeeze harder)
Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf
They open the little house, the little house! (“they open the lock”, spread their arms to the sides)


Corydalis(based on a German song)

Corydalis by the barn -

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my chickens?

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my guys?

KO - KO - KO!

We are here, we are close, mom!


Someone dug a hole here


We all fell into a hole!


But they didn’t disappear at all!




A bear was sitting under a tree,

And he kept looking at the sky.

And a song - “mumble”

Quietly he sang:

BU - BU - BU - BU - BU - BOOM,


BO - BO - BO - BO - BO - BOM,

BA - BA - BA - BA - BA - BAM.


Fairy tale "About a naughty goat"

A goat lives with his grandmother - sharp horns and quick legs. Runs around the yard, chases birds, amuses grandma. Granny told him: “Don’t go for a walk in the forest, little goat, there’s a scary wolf there. Don’t go into the forest, little goat!” But the goat did not listen and ran away, all you could hear was the clatter of its hooves along the road (children alternately clap their right and left hands on their knees). He jumped over the fence (the children raise their hands up, clap their hands, then hit their knees) and ran along the pavement (the children alternately pound their chests with their fists), runs, shouting: “I’m not afraid of anything, I’d rather run further...”

Teacher: Oh, what is this?
Children: Oh, what is this?
Teacher: Swamp! Can't you get around it?
Children: You can't get around it!
Teacher: The road is straight ahead! (“chap-chap-chap” - children rhythmically pull back their right and left cheeks at the same time).
Goat: I’m not afraid of anything, I’d rather rush on... (children alternately clap their right and left hands on their knees).
Teacher: Oh, what is this?
Children: Oh, what is this?
Teacher: River! Can't you get around it?
Children: Can't get around!
Teacher: The road is straight ahead!
Children(in tongue): Glug-glug-glug!
Goat: I’m not afraid of anything, I’d rather rush on...
Teacher: Oh, what is this?
Children: Oh, what is this?
Teacher: Forest! Scary forest.
Children: Uh-uh.
Teacher: Dense forest. Children: Shhh.
The goat got scared and started running. Runs across the river (children: “glug-glug-glug”), through the swamp (children: “chap-chap-chap” pull back their right and left cheeks), along the pavement (they alternately hit their chests with their fists), through the fence (children raise their hands up and hit on the knees), around the yard (alternating claps of the right and left hands on the knees).
Teacher: He came running to us, “oh,” he said.
Goat: Oh!
Children and goat: I will obey grandma. I won't run into the forest anymore.


Exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials) Logo fairy tale "Merry Journey"

Lyudmila Galitskaya
Speech therapy tales. A series of fairy tales on articulatory motor skills

Speech therapy fairy tale "The Adventures of Snowflake"

(to a set of exercises for practicing whistling sounds [s], [s"], [z], [z"], [ts]). Lexical subject: "Seasons. Winter".

Today I will tell you about the adventures of Snowflake.

Winter came. The snowflake and her sisters - other snowflakes - lived in a large snow cloud. ( "Coil") The cloud swayed gently, cradling the snowflakes. ( "Watch") Suddenly a strong wind came and rolled a cloud across the sky. ( "Swing1") Waking up, snowflakes jumped from the clouds and flew to the ground. ( "Swing2") The blizzard picked up snowflakes and swirled them around quickly - quickly. ( "Blow away a snowflake") The wind got crazy, then lifted them up, then lowered them down. ( "Swing3")And so the cold north wind carried Snowflake to the city. In the city they rejoice in winter and sculpt various figures out of snow. Whirling, Snowflake flew to the window and looked out of it. And there the boys helped their mother with housework. She smiled ( "Smile", made herself comfortable on the window ( "Pancake") and watched as mother and children baked pancakes and pies. First, they poured flour and patted it with their children's hands. ( “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”) Then they rolled out the dough, ( "Comb") baked pancakes and made pies. ( "Pancake", "Pie") While the pies were baking in the oven, the children went outside to get some fresh air and go sledding down the hill. ( "Slide")When the pancakes and pies were ready, the mother called the children. They came from the street, counted them, ( "Count your bottom teeth", divided and began to eat with delicious jam ( "Delicious jam") and sour cream. After that mom said that it’s already late and it’s time to sleep. The children went to brush their teeth ( “Brushing the lower teeth”) and sleep. And Snowflake remained to decorate the window of the house in which hardworking and obedient children lived.

Speech therapy fairy tale"The Adventure of Brook"

(to a set of exercises for practicing sonorous sounds [l], [l "]). Lexical subject: "Seasons. Spring".

Today I will tell you about the adventure of Brook.

Has arrived early spring. The weather was wonderful. The sun warmed up and everything around melted. The spring drops have begun. In the ravine behind the small house in which the girl Lena lived, a blue stream flowed. It was sometimes wide, sometimes narrow. ( "Spatula" - "Needle") One day Lena made a boat with a sail and launched it into a stream. ( "Sail") She was very worried whether her boat would float to the real river.

Lena asked Brook:

Will you carry my boat to the river?

The brook gurgled:

I’ll carry it, other streams will help me, and I carried the boat up and down the stream. ( "Swing")

Suddenly the stream came across a barrier of ice and could not carry the boat any further. ( "Slide") But the sun warmed up more and the ice melted. Little by little other streams began to flow into this stream. There was more water in the stream and Brook carried the boat with even greater force. ( "Turkey") The boat was pressed first to one bank, then to the other. ( "Painter")

And finally, Brook carried the boat into the river, where a huge steamer was sailing. ( "Steamboat")When Lena was walking along the river bank, she saw a majestic steamship and her small boat with a pink sail. ( "Steamboat" - "Sail") The girl was very glad that Brook carried her little boat to a real big river. ( "Smile")

Speech therapy fairy tale"The Adventures of Sunny"(to a set of exercises for practicing sonorous sounds [р], [р"]. Lexical subject: "Seasons.".

Today I will tell you about the adventures of Sunny.

Summer has come. The sun slept on a soft, fluffy cloud. ( "Spatula") A gloomy cloud swam up to the sun and said that it was time to wake up, but he didn’t want to get up. The sun reached out ( "Proboscis", smiled, ( "Smile") and woke up. The rays of the Sun illuminated the earth. Birds chirped merrily in the summer forest. The animals woke up from their night sleep. Nature has come to life. Looking up at the blue sky and down at forest clearing, ("Swing")he really wanted to warm everyone with his warmth and affection. The sun released its sunbeams onto the forest dwellers. ( "Focus")

The horse, feeling the warmth, playfully clicked its hooves ( "Horse") and snorted. ( "Snort")

Right next to the path, under a birch tree, a mushroom grew on a thick stem. ( "Fungus")

The woodpecker knocked loudly on the tree trunk. ( "Woodpecker")

The mosquitoes squealed subtly and hovered around the tree. ( "Komarik")

The sun illuminated the owner's yard.

The owner was painting the fence. ( "Painter")

The owner played the harmonica. ( "Harmonic")

The turkey chattered merrily. ( "Turkey")

The warmth and affection of the Sun made everyone feel pleasant and joyful in their souls!

Speech therapy fairy tale"The Adventure of Kapitoshka"

(to a set of exercises for practicing hissing sounds [w], [zh], [sch], [h]). Lexical subject: "Seasons. Autumn".

Today I will tell you about the adventures of Kapitoshka.

Gloomy autumn has arrived. The weather is inclement and it rains often. The cloud descended lower, closer to the ground. Bang! And droplets of water - raindrops - jumped from the cloud. Kapitoshka turned out to be one of these raindrops. He jumped onto a beautiful maple leaf and spread out like a pancake on a plate. ( "Pancake") Then he smiled, ( "Smile", stretched ( "Bagel", jumped from one leaf to another ( "Swing", from one flower to another ( "Painter"). Suddenly in the clearing he saw beautiful bells. Various midges and insects were hiding from the rain in the cups of the bells. ( "Cup") When Kapitoshka wanted to look into the cup of the bell, Flower said: “Just don’t scare away the insects that are hiding from the rain.”. It was warm and dry under the bell. Kapitoshka wanted to have a little fun. He called his little sisters, Dozhdinok, who were jumping on the colorful autumn leaves. ("Horse") And Kapitoshka turned into a small fountain. ( "Focus") All the midges and insects got scared and flew out of the cups of the bells and hid under a large fungus - boletus. ( "Fungus", which grew even more from such rain.

When Kapitoshka and his little sisters, the Rains, had had enough of playing, the cloud swam closer and called them back. ( "Speaker") they all went on another exciting journey together.

The book contains fairy tales written and selected that carry a certain lexical or grammatical load. Using various ways to enrich your vocabulary, observing the laws of word formation and inflection will help make developing communication with your child joyful and interesting. Speech therapists and educators preschool institutions can use the material from the book to conduct correctional classes.


This book was compiled by speech therapists of preschool educational institution 126 of the combined type of the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg G. A. Bystrova, E. A. Sizova, T. A. Shuiskaya.
Addressed to parents of preschool children, teachers and speech therapists of preschool institutions.
The book contains fairy tales written and selected that carry a certain lexical or grammatical load. Using various ways to enrich your vocabulary, observing the laws of word formation and inflection will help make developing communication with your child joyful and interesting. Speech therapists and preschool teachers can use the book’s material to conduct correctional classes.

Shustrik at grandma's


Little Shustrik is five years old. One day Mom said to Shustrik: “Tomorrow we will go to grandma.”
Shustrik did not sleep all night, wondering who his grandmother had.
We arrived early in the morning. We approached grandma’s house and saw that the gates were open. And out of the gate comes “a haystack, a pitchfork in front, a broom in the back” and bellows: “MUUU, milk for anyone?”
Shustrik guessed it and shouted: “Mom, it’s a cow!”
Shustrik entered the yard, and in the yard “with a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull, with fluff, not a bird,” and with him “a beard and horns are running along the path.” Who do you think it could be?
Yes, a goat with kids. Shustrik got scared of the formidable goat and hid behind his mother. And the goat bleated: “BE-E-E, don’t be afraid of me.”
Shustrik sees a barn standing in the yard, and there is someone slurping and grunting.
“The stigma is like a cake, there are horns with hooves, a thick belly, a tail like shavings,” and nestled next to it are “dirty little guys in a bristly shirt, a tail like pretzels, a nose like a snout.”
“This is a pig with piglets,” Shustrik’s mother explains.
Shustrik walked around the barn and saw a perch, and on the perch “a tail with patterns, boots with spurs” and shouted: “KU-KA-RE-KU, I’m not an alarm clock, but I wake you up.” I’m not an artist, but a vocalist, I sing at night, count the time, collect chickens.” “Mom, mom, here’s a cockerel, a golden comb,” Shustrik was delighted and did not notice how someone was pinching his heels and cackling, and he was wearing “white clothes, and red boots on his feet” and with him “without a command” They get up in formation and go to the pond. Who walks in a long chain, who loves discipline so much?”
"Oh, I'm scared"! - Shustrik shouted.
“Don’t be afraid,” said mom. This is a goose with a goose and goslings.”
“Let's get out of here!” - Shustrik exclaimed.
And here is the grandmother standing on the porch, and next to her “he arched his back and meowed. Who it?" This is the cat Vaska purring, saying: “MURR-MURR-MURR, go into the house.” Only Shustrik wanted to run up to his grandmother, and on the porch “a living castle grumbled, lay down across the door” and growls: “I won’t let a stranger into the house, I I’m friends with the owner and look after the house.”
“Sharik, Sharik,” Shustrik called.
And Grandma says to Sharik: “Meet Shustrik, make friends with him.”
Shustrik really liked it at his grandmother's.

E. Sizova.

About dishes

Word formation

The sugar bowl once reasoned:
- Here I am - created for sugar. That’s why I’m called the SUGAR BOWL. A SALTS shaker is for salt, a SALAD BOWL is for salad, a BREAD BOWL is for bread, a TURNE BOWL is, of course, for soups, and a SAUCE BOWL is for various sauces.
“Yes, yes,” the OIL CAN picked up, “I am needed for the butter, and my friend the HERRING woman is needed for the herring.” But tell me, how to explain the words DISHES and COOK? There are such words, but I don’t know such food!
“At least you call me TEAPOT,” responded TEAPOT, “not only do I know everything about tea and I sing tea to you all.” The word DISHES seems to ask: “PUT SUUDA!” DISHES!" And with a COOK it’s even easier. She is the main assistant to the cook: together with the cook, she can try any dish and persuades the cook: COOK, EAT!

T. Shuiskaya

Baba Yaga


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, they had a daughter. My grandfather was widowed and married another wife. My daughter had a GOOD mother, but she became an EVIL stepmother. Once the father left somewhere, and the stepmother said to the girl:
- Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew you a shirt.
And this aunt was Baba Yaga, a bone leg.
The girl was not STUPID, but SMART, and first went to see her own aunt. My dear aunt lived CLOSE, but Baba Yaga lived FAR AWAY. Her own aunt taught her how to act and avoid trouble.
The girl went. Whether you walked a LONG road or a SHORT one, you came to a hut, and Baba Yaga was sitting in it and weaving.
- Hello, auntie!
- Hello, darling!
“My mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to sew me a shirt.”
- Okay, sit down and weave.
The girl sat down to weave: Baba Yaga weaved THICK fabric, and the girl weaved THIN fabric.
And Baba Yaga punishes the worker:
- Go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece, and give her a good bath: I want to have breakfast with her.
And the girl hears everything! Baba Yaga walked away from the door, and the girl took it and ran away. The cat is sitting at the gate, guarding the girl. The girl gave the cat some ham and he released her. Baba Yaga is missing - no girl! She began to scold the cat, and the cat answered her:
- As long as I’ve served you, you haven’t given me a BAD bone, but the girl has fed me a GOOD ham.
Baba Yaga began to scold and beat her other workers. The dogs tell her:
“We serve you for as long as we can, but you only threw us HARD crusts, but the girl gave us SOFT bread.”
Gate says:
- We serve you for so long, but you spared us butter, gave us LITTLE, but the girl poured a LOT of butter under our heels. Birch says:
- I’ve been serving you for as long as I’ve been serving you, and you’ve doused me with HOT water, while the girl poured COLD spring water on me.
The worker says:
- As long as I serve you, you didn’t give me a SMALL rag, but the girl gave me a BIG handkerchief.
Baba Yaga sat down in the mortar and gave chase.
The girl bowed her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was close, she took and threw the towel: the towel was NARROW - the river flooded WIDE.
Baba Yaga creaked with anger, returned home, took her bulls and drove them to the river. The bulls drank the entire river, and Baba Yaga set off in pursuit again.
The girl bent her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was close, took out the comb and threw it behind her. The comb was RARE - the forest was DENSE: the bushes were LOW and the trees were HIGH. Baba Yaga began to gnaw the forest, broke her teeth, and returned home with nothing.
The girl ran home, told everything as it was, and told her father. He got angry with his wife, drove her away from the yard, and he and his daughter began to live well and make good money.

Based on the fairy tale by A. Afanasyev.

Why don’t all birds fly south, or
why is a crow called a crow

Once upon a time, a long time ago, all the birds were friendly big family lived. Along with spring, they appeared in our area, frolicked and chirped, by summer they hatched chicks, and in the fall, with the approach of cold weather, they gathered into one large flock) and flew south, to warmer regions.
Only one big gray bird was always dissatisfied with everything: this is not right for her, and this is not that way. If she screams, she will caw, make noise, and at the same time she will perform a mischief. Somehow a gray robber started up in the fall:
- I won’t fly anywhere! Should we birds be afraid of some kind of winter?! We are dressed no matter what: the plumage is rich and warm, and underneath there is still soft fluff - we won’t freeze! As for food, let’s feed ourselves: there are so many good people leaving near the houses, and there are plenty of berries on the bushes and trees! Why fly somewhere and torture yourself with flights?!
And how it happened: some birds began to listen to Gray, gathered around her, as if in a theater, opened their beaks in surprise, and did not notice anything around them. Meanwhile, the last flock flew away to warmer climes, winter came. There is nothing to do, we need to adapt, prepare for the first winter. One Gray grumbles:
- Stupid birds, it’s all your fault, because of you I missed the time to fly! Eh, I missed it, but if I hadn’t missed it, I’d be basking in the sun right now!
The birds got angry:
- Look, you're so smart! You have confused us, and you blame us for everything! “Missed it, missed it”... CROW! We won't hang out with you anymore!
And so it has been since those ancient times: CROW received its name, and the birds that listened to it then, although they remain, like a crow, to spend the winter, do not make friends with it.
Who gave the crow a name? Who stayed for the winter? Remember quickly, and if you can, draw it.

T. Shuiskaya

Animal dispute

Benefits of pets

A cow, a horse and a dog argued among themselves which of them the owner loved more.
“Of course, me,” says the horse. “I carry him a plow and a harrow, I carry firewood from the forest.” He himself rides me to town: he would be completely lost without me.”
“No, the owner loves me more,” says the cow. “I feed his whole family milk.”
“No, me,” the dog grumbles, “I’m guarding his house.”
The owner listened to this argument and said:
- “Stop arguing in vain. I need all of you, and each of you is good in his place.”

K. D. Ushinsky.

How to find a track

Trees in the forest

The guys went to visit their grandfather the forester and got lost. They look - Squirrel is jumping over them.
From tree to tree. Guys - go to her.
- Belka, Belka, tell me, Belka, Belka, show me, How to find the path
To grandpa's lodge?
“Very simple,” Belka answers. - Jump from this TREE tree over there, from that one to the crooked BEREZKA. From the BEREZKA curve you can see a large OAK tree. The roof is visible from the top of the OAK. This is the gatehouse. Well, what about you? Jump!
“Thank you, Belka,” the guys say. - Only we don’t know how to jump on trees.
Draw how the SQUIRREL jumped to grandpa's lodge.

V. Berestov.

Wonderful stream

Word formation

A small stream originated from forest springs. Clean and cold, cheerful and young, he ran through the forest. He lingered near the birch tree - a boletus grew up under the birch tree, turned towards the aspen tree - the boletus grew red under the aspen tree. A stream ran through the forest - and strong boletus mushrooms appeared in the forest, splashed water on the moss - and the moss was decorated with moss mushrooms. A stream jumped out to the spruce forest - the little waves there began to stir:
- Don’t rush, little stream, give me some more water for the fungus!
But where can he - he can’t hear the stream! He rolled off the hummock, went around a large stone, rolled down the hill and... dissolved in the waters of the forest stream.
T. Shuiskaya
Pets. Onomatopoeia
Managing the Accusative and Dative Cases
A CALF was nibbling the grass near the fence. A COCKER came up to him and began looking for grains in the grass nearby. Suddenly he sees a cabbage leaf.
- KO! - the COCK was surprised and pecked him.
He didn't like the cabbage leaf. He decided to offer the CALF a try and said to him:
- KO!
But the CALF did not understand what was the matter, and asked: - MU-U?
“KO,” says the COCKER and again points with his beak at the cabbage leaf.
- MU-U? - the CALF does not understand. So they stand next to the cabbage leaf
- KO! MOOO! TO WHOM? The GOAT heard this and started bleating:

L. Yakhtsh


Animals of Africa

This is a hippopotamus. Only not he, but she - the hippopotamus. Her name is Beauty. It was brought from Africa.
Hippos live in the river there. They eat grass along the banks and dive in warm water.
The hippopotamus has a huge mouth. It will open like a suitcase. The teeth stick out in the mouth like stakes. For another animal, these teeth could be like horns. The weight of a hippopotamus is one hundred pounds. What a colossus! And a thin old man commands the zoological garden.
The hippopotamus feels bad in winter; it loves heat and warm water. The old man heats water for his pool.
Only at night he doesn’t let the hippopotamus into the pool so that he doesn’t catch a cold.
The hippopotamus, if it wanted, would go through the fence - but it doesn’t dare: the old man doesn’t order it. The hippopotamus looks longingly at the water, puts its head on the fence, and the boards crack. And the old man shouts:
- Go to the corner, go to the corner!
And the hippopotamus backs away, only looking at its owner with an offended eye.

B. Zhitkov.

Long and short


LIVED two friends. One was called LONG, and the other was SHORT.
LONG had LONG legs, Long arms. He wore LONG pants, a LONG shirt. LONG had a LONG stick in his hands.
And the SHORT one had SHORT legs, SHORT arms. He wore SHORT pants and a SHORT shirt. In the hands of SHORT SOMEONE there was a SHORT stick.
LONG and SHORT were completely different, but they loved each other very much and never quarreled. Draw LONG and SHORT.



They tied a DONKEY in a burdock. Burdock is the most delicious food for a DONKEY. He ate all the burdocks around him, but he couldn’t reach the tastiest ones - the rope was too short. How the DONKEY yells: - A-A! Eeyore! Eeyore!
The voice is nasty, loud. You can hear it five kilometers away. Go quickly, master, bandage the DONKEY to another place. For the uneaten.

E. Charushin.



Dandelion does not look like the sun with golden rays. And next to it is a white fluffy ball.
Tanya blew on the ball. The fluff flew. That's why it's called dandelion.
Tanyusha came home with a golden wreath on her head.
In the evening the girl fell asleep. And the dandelions closed their flowers until the morning.
Draw a dandelion. What is dandelion compared to?

According to Sokolov-Mikitov.


Adjective-noun agreement

I came out of the forest into the meadow and was surprised. How many flowers! They look like a festive round dance.
Daisies are whitening across the green meadow, dandelions are turning yellow, and peas are turning blue.
And above all, and most cheerfully, are the purple bells. They sway and bow in the summer breeze. They are the ones who greet me joyfully. These lovely flowers of our meadows bloom all summer.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

Lilies of the valley


A flower hid in the shade of the trees. There is a tall stalk between two leaves. There are several white bells on it. This is lily of the valley. We love lily of the valley for its beauty and delicate scent.
Lily of the valley fruits ripen in autumn. These are large red berries. They are poisonous. Medicine is made from lilies of the valley.

According to Yu. Dmitriev.

The pranks of the old woman-winter


Winter is angry. I decided to freeze everyone. Winter blew in with cold, scattering the leaves.
The birds had nowhere to go and flew over the mountains. Beyond the seas, where there is no evil winter. Others hid in the cracks. Winter didn't freeze them.
She attacked the animals angrily. She dusted the ground. Orders the frosts to freeze the animals. The animals are huddled in their winter hut.
The evil winter has not forgotten the fish. Frozen rivers and lakes. But I didn’t freeze the fish; they’re not cold under the ice.
Winter has fallen on people. The frosts covered the windows with patterns. And people flooded the stoves. They are preparing firewood. They are transported on carts and praised by the frosts. Children are not afraid of winter either. They are running around in the yard. Winter will viciously grab someone's ear or nose. And he will rub it and his face will heat up.
Winter cried. Winter tears began to fall. This means the end of winter is near.

According to K. Ushinsky.

What to name a hare

Animals and their babies

A Bunny was born. The mother wondered what to call him. I wanted to call it TIGER.
The KITTENS found out the name of the BUNNY and didn’t want to play. The KIDS found out what Bunny's name was and didn't want to play. Bunny cried. He told his mother that the KIDS immediately run away from him. Then his mother called him WOLF. BUNNY went for a walk and saw CALVES. I wanted to play with them.
- "What is your name?" - they ask him a question.
“My name is WOLF,” says ZAINKA.
THE CALVES began to butt Bunny.
- “Gotcha, evil WOLF!” - the CALVES shouted.
BUNNY came home and licked his padded sides. The CALVES beat him up. The mother thought and called the Bunny a HARE.
Bunny went to play. The animals learned that his name was HARE and accepted him into the game. Both the Bunny and the animals really liked this name. So it was assigned to him.