I can't join the company. How to join an unfamiliar company

New comrades and acquaintances usually mean new emotions, new impressions and adventures. There are a great many advantages here. But it can be difficult to become “an insider among strangers”; in a new company this is not so easy, because this is a long-established team with its own established rules and small traditions. But the adaptation period can be significantly softened by using our advice.

  • Always be friendly and natural. Don't try to seem like someone you're not. Do not attribute qualities and skills that are not characteristic of you to yourself. Even a small lie always becomes obvious and will only set you up new company against you.
  • Be prepared to make contact and demonstrate it. Ask questions about your potential friends' habits and hobbies. But find a “golden mean”, because too personal and intrusive questions will only irritate people.
  • Be friendly, but don't forget about personal boundaries. The desire to help new acquaintances is good. But try not to turn from a voluntary assistant into an ordinary “six”, in other words, an “errand” person. The friendship will end there. Therefore, learn and be able to refuse if the request goes against your personal interests. Your authority will increase your ability to behave with dignity, rather than serve everyone.
  • After meeting everyone from your new company, immediately try to strengthen the relationship, but only if you are truly interested in them. Don’t give up on friendly get-togethers or visiting public places. Show your initiative and organize a joint trip to some unusual, interesting place.
  • Don't be embarrassed. You are among the same people who also have their own complexes and problems. The only way they differ from you is that they have known each other for a long time. Try to try to fix this and get to know them better.
  • Of course you have some talents. Feel free to reveal them, just without imposing it or feeling superior to others. Talented individuals have always aroused and aroused respect and interest.

And finally, one more important point. If you are constantly trying to meet new people and join their company, but fail every time, think about what personal qualities you have that may interfere with this. Ask your friends, because from the outside you can see all the mistakes and shortcomings much more clearly. After clarifying the problem, start working on yourself using special literature on social psychology. You can find it on the Internet or at your local library. And then the question of how to join a new group of friends will disappear by itself. Everyone has a chance to acquire some new qualities through self-improvement and become a truly interesting person. Then many others will think about how to arouse your interest.

Corporate party at new job, where you still know practically no one from the team, or an invitation to a party with a new friend, where you don’t know anyone at all. It’s impossible to refuse, but going is scary. How to successfully integrate into an unfamiliar company and leave a pleasant impression of yourself? How to have fun with everyone, and not sit alone in the corner with salads and drinks? Read more carefully and wrap your head around it.

1. How to please them? Very simple. You just need to forget about the desire to be liked. The more we want to please someone, the more often we get the opposite effect. People see our affectation and desire to please. This annoys some people, but those who are smarter begin to take advantage of it. Let's approach this issue from the other side. Make sure you like THEM. Feel your own sincere sympathy for all these strangers. After all, there is something good in each of them, you can believe me. You just need to see it. Even the system administrator Pete, who sputters when talking. And in the secretary Lyudochka, a terrible gossip and talker. Look what a cute pink headband Lyudochka is wearing today. Why not a reason for a compliment? Sincere compliment!!! And now Lyudochka has something to talk about - where did she buy this headband, what headbands are in fashion now, which stores currently have summer discounts on headbands?

2. Should you smile? Dale Carnegie, an internationally recognized expert in the psychology of communication, considered a smile to be the most in a simple way make a good impression of yourself. Smile at the world and the world will smile back. Yes, this is true, unless it's a good face bad game. Smile because you are truly happy. Generate this joy and good mood, enjoy everything that happens. Your radiant smile will become truly attractive and irresistible.

3. What should you talk to them about? You can talk to strangers about almost anything. About the weather, about politics, about music, about culinary recipes, about fashion, about men, about gophers…. The main thing is that the conversation is interesting to both parties and it is desirable that in the process both parties understand how much they have in common with the interlocutor. Just like conjoined twins Zitas and Gitas. And further. Business etiquette suggests that at corporate events it is usually considered bad manners to communicate about work. So take note. But it’s even worse to turn communication into washing the bones of your colleagues and superiors. So that later there would be no excruciating pain and shame for the words spoken in a drunken mind.

5. How to achieve ease and ease in communication? This is only possible if you allow yourself to be yourself. But while you are afraid of someone else’s negative assessment, it is almost impossible to do this. Remember how directly and easily small children who do not have this fear communicate. Imagine that all these strangers are one big company of people who love you. They are all very happy to see you. And everything you do and say will be received with a bang! Even if you fart loudly, they will applaud you enthusiastically. They all gathered to please you and cheer you up, so that you would enjoy communicating with them. You can relax and behave naturally with them, as with friends. Each of them is pleasant and interesting to you. Go to the party with this inner attitude!


Get into an unfamiliar company - a common thing for a student: expanding the circle of acquaintances and finding new friends in this circle becomes one of the primary tasks of the student era. Subsequently , when full-time work and a narrow social circle begins, there may no longer be such a wonderful opportunity to diversify your social circle...

However Once in the company of a large number of strangers, not everyone realizes their passion for communication. Many simply get lost, retreat into the shadows and longingly wait for the moment when the event will end. Others simply “remember” at the most appropriate (in their opinion) moment that it is time for them to leave, and leaving society.

After such a “retirement,” coming to this company a second time will by no means make you a regular and may even make you an outcast. Remember the good old wisdom that You can't step into the same river twice .

So how can you avoid falling out of unfamiliar company and ruining the mood for yourself and others? There are a few simple rules, nurtured by cunning psychologists and tested in practice: it works. Check them or challenge them.

Firstly, in unfamiliar company you have to laugh at their jokes. If someone joked (usually this is the “life of the party” and a lot depends on his favor), he should see that you can appreciate his humor . Nothing gives a person more pleasure than knowing that company admires him and his wit.

The second rule is short, but most succinct: communicate actively and don’t shy away from communication . But during the conversation, do not ask questions that you would not be comfortable answering yourself. To keep the conversation going , ask your interlocutor only general open questions on an abstract topic and listen without interrupting: let the interlocutor speak as much as he wishes. If you are approached with a question (“How are you?”, for example), you shouldn’t grab the interlocutor’s button and actually lay out everything about yourself, but you shouldn’t answer in monosyllables either. Give the other person something to grab onto and continue the conversation. One of my friends used a peculiar "quotation book" - phrases that helped her deftly avoid the conversation. For example, to any question that began with the words: “Why did you...?” she answered the same thing: “ I see no reason why not to do this... ” and sometimes, depending on the circumstances, she added: “What would you do?” By the way, this also worked on exams. To the examiner’s question: “Why did you apply this rule... (etc. - examiners like to delve into the strength of students’ knowledge),” she answered with her sacramental phrase (or both) and after a short conversation received her positive assessment.

The next rule is Don't speak badly about anyone from the company. . Even if the company unanimously condemns or speaks unflatteringly about one of its acquaintances, it is better to remain silent: the company is uninterested and unpleasant about the opinion of an unfamiliar, almost stranger, about its own “Byak”.Wait to express a negative opinion about anyone in the company until you understand the situation well enough.

And finally: be friendly, sincere and try to address everyone by name : everyone is pleased that he was remembered (his name). If the name of a potential interlocutor has slipped out of memory, you should not go through all the names in a row, it is better to just get to know each other and introduce yourself again.

Have fun and good friends!

How often we are brought into unfamiliar surroundings, where we don’t know anyone, so advice on how to behave in unfamiliar company will be useful to everyone. It’s important to remember that the people around us are a lot like us and they are friendly, so don’t be afraid and, armed with the following tips, feel free to go communicate.

How to Deal with Strangers

The first impression is a big part of success, so try not to spoil the first minutes of communication with awkward situations.

First impression

Be friendly. No one wants to get to know a gloomy silent person, but an open smile and sincere laughter will help you “earn points.” The pace of speech is also important. Take your time! Slurred speech is an indicator that you are nervous and nervous. Speak calmly and in the same rhythm, do not try to shout down your interlocutor and do not speak too quietly. This is especially true for those who are going.

Pay attention to your gestures too. Even if you really want to put more emotions into the story, unnecessary movements will not help you convey all your hidden feelings. Control yourself, smile and don’t be afraid of the person opposite! It is possible that he is experiencing the same thing.

The Art of Conversation

With coming new era people simply began to forget the importance of the art of maintaining a conversation. There are always topics that we talk about willingly and a lot. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Every person in his heart wants to talk about his beloved self, so this quality can be safely used when meeting for the first time. But here it is important not to make a mistake and to listen more than to speak yourself.

And avoid your own monologues. We are sure that you are well versed in the topic of rocket engines, but there is no need to tell you how this unit works.

Notice the little things

Take a closer look at the person opposite and find in him the traits that you sincerely like. Any compliment must be justified, otherwise it will sound false. It is not necessary to tell a woman hackneyed phrases about her attractive appearance; it is better to praise her ability to choose colors in clothes or choice of accessories. If your interlocutor initially does not make contact well, then it is better not to touch him. Perhaps the person has his own problems and just doesn’t want to talk to anyone right now. Communicate with those who answer your questions easily and happily.

It is very important to remember names. Sometimes it may seem like an impossible task, but there is a simple trick that will help you with it. When a new person is introduced to you and his name is called, come up with associations and attach the image to the name and appearance of the new person.

Sharp corners

Avoid personal questions that may be inappropriate. For example, you should not ask a person why he came alone. It is also better not to raise the topic of religion and politics; at this time, these questions can cause a flurry of not very pleasant emotions and take the conversation in a completely different direction. Bored questions that look more like personal data also seem stupid. It is not necessary to extract all the ins and outs from a person at the first meeting. Most of us perceive such an invasion of privacy aggressively.

6 years ago

Getting to know a new company is always very difficult and difficult. And getting to know the company of your other half is doubly difficult. On the one hand, you need to impress your friends, show that your intentions are sincere and you are not going to offend their friend, and on the other hand, not to disappoint your boyfriend.
I think it's best to get to know the whole company at once. Don’t break it up into acquaintances, prolonging your torment, but get to know everyone at once. Therefore, it is better to gather the whole company at once.
I would advise you to gather everyone on your territory. In the apartment where you live, in the country house or in a cafe where you feel comfortable. This will make you feel more relaxed. As they say, houses and walls heal, and in our case they help.
The main advice is to be yourself. Naturalness is the main trump card of all relationships. There is no need to pretend that you are something more than you are. Sincerity, simplicity, openness - these are the main trump cards for you in meeting the friends of your loved one. Communicate actively, take a keen interest in people’s affairs and hobbies, tell them about yourself and everything will work out for you.