Inexpensive gifts for children 10 years old. What to give a ten year old child for a holiday? What will please boys and girls

The girls are looking forward to their first anniversary with special impatience. After all, this is a serious holiday, practically the first step, in their opinion, into that unknown, mysterious adult life. Don’t be surprised, 10-year-old girls already feel quite grown up, although, in fact, they still remain children with childhood dreams and a vulnerable psyche.

But since the holiday is so serious, then the gifts should be appropriate: serious, necessary or substantial. It’s hard to predict what a 10-year-old girl means by a substantial gift. Therefore, you will either have to guess what we are talking about, what to give a child for 10 years, or ask the girl directly.

Ten-year-old children often “order” gifts for themselves, but in this case the intrigue, the element of mystery of the holiday disappears. If you still want to choose the best birthday gift for a 10-year-old girl, listen to your intuition, but do not forget about the child’s hobbies, desires, and dreams. Our gift ideas suitable for children of this age will help simplify the complex selection process.

Solid VIP gift for a 10 year old girl

On the anniversary, many parents prefer to give expensive gifts to the birthday girl. But even in this case, do not forget that the child is only 10 years old and the gift for the girl should be cute.


You should not choose solid, expensive earrings with diamonds or a set of tiaras, necklaces and rings.

Definitely, in the future she will appreciate such jewelry, but it is better to buy a thin one as a gift for a 10-year-old girl. gold chain with a zodiac sign or a ring with her name stone. You may be able to select or make custom earrings, a pendant in the shape of a totem animal, or a child’s name.


Children hardly ever wear wrist watch, because they have phones and other gadgets to determine the time.

But a punctual birthday girl will like a beautiful watch, which will be more original decoration.


Almost all ten year olds have phones and computers.

But for your anniversary, you can give a new product or a long-desired tablet, smartphone or laptop.

A good birthday present for a 10-year-old girl would be a camera or video camera. This technique can mark the beginning of a child’s new hobbies.

Modern vehicles

Even a good bike with a lowered frame and the ability to overcome difficult trails costs a decent amount, so it becomes a pipe dream for a teenager.

What can we say about sophisticated electronic vehicles such as unicycles, hoverboards, electric bikes, electric scooters.

The child will be indescribably delighted with such a gift. Just remember that you can give a 10-year-old girl high-quality, expensive equipment that she can use for at least the next 3–5 years.

The best gift for a 10 year old girl – a dream come true

If you can’t decide what gift to give your 10th birthday girl, give her a dream. It's so romantic and unforgettable.

Birthday photo shoot

Book a photo shoot for your girl on her birthday. Let a professional photographer take beautiful pictures that will leave a memory of your first anniversary for life.

Or perhaps the girl dreams of trying herself as a model - why not give her such an opportunity.

Visit to the master class

If your child has long wanted to learn how to work with clay or master the ebru technique, sign him up for a master class or courses.

A girl at this age may be interested in quilling - a technique for creating pictures, figures from strips of paper twisted in a spiral, painting T-shirts or making wax candles, scrapbooking, decorating masks or photo frames.

Cooking courses are held in an interesting format: making and painting gingerbread cookies, baking pizza, making rolls, caramel, etc. And how interesting it is to try to learn how to draw in 3D format.

There are many ideas for 10 year old girls – choose depending on the child’s inclinations.


Vivid emotions and new impressions are the best things you can give a girl for ten years. Even if she doesn’t dream of skydiving or diving into the abyss of the sea, she will definitely enjoy:

  • horseback riding;
  • swimming with dolphins;
  • visiting the show soap bubbles, water park or amusement park;
  • flight in a wind tunnel;
  • rock climbing master class;
  • visiting a children's experiment laboratory;
  • individual mehendi master class;
  • visit to the quest room.

Such original gift a 10-year-old girl will remember it for a long time, especially if she has long dreamed of such entertainment.

New knowledge

No, we do not offer to hire a tutor or pay for courses to attend. foreign language. Ten-year-old girls are trying to find themselves in life, trying to master new areas of creativity.

Why not help your child with this - give a paid course as a gift for their anniversary:

  • acting at drama school;
  • self-care for teenagers;
  • vocals from a professional;
  • playing the guitar;
  • young photographer;
  • ice skating.

But all the gifts listed will be appropriate if the girl really dreamed of them. Do not try to make your desires come true and impose new knowledge and impressions on your child.

What to give to a young fashionista

What will make a young fashionista feel like an adult? Of course, everything that mom has: beautiful clothes, a lot of cosmetics, jewelry and accessories. It’s worth moving in this direction when choosing what to give a girl for her 10th birthday.

fashion clothes

By the age of 10, girls have already formed preferences regarding clothing. Not all ten-year-old young ladies dream of fluffy dress with ruffles and bows.

May be in favor sport style or even business. Some people like romantic outfits, while others are already studying trends in the fashion world. Therefore, you can get into trouble with a gift.

It’s better to go shopping with your girl on the eve of the holiday or give her a certificate for buying clothes in a prestigious boutique.

Accessories and haberdashery

Agree, a fashionista’s look will not be complete without beautiful accessories.

Neck scarves and straps, children's handbags and wallets, hairpins, headbands, elastic bands and bracelets, funny hats or caps, umbrellas and cosmetic bags - the list of gifts in this category can be continued endlessly.

Feel free to give your little girl everything that every woman adds to her accessory collections, just choose more childish models in delicate colors and appropriate sizes.


Interest young fashionista Maybe everything that mom has in her makeup bag: lipsticks and glitter, nail polish and eye shadow. Moreover, interests extend to both decorative cosmetics, still for care.

In order not to rack your brains about which cosmetics are suitable for a 10-year-old child, it is better to buy a ready-made cosmetic set with high-quality natural ingredients.


A fashionista cannot do without good fragrances. Give for a birthday eau de toilette or perfume with a light floral scent.

Gifts for little “clever girls”

Don't miss out on smart gifts. Girls at this age enjoy learning and are interested in new, unknown things. Smart gifts will help you develop intellectually.


A win-win gift option that has stood the test of time. But what book is best to buy as a gift for a 10-year-old girl? Don't think that girls' books are only about horses, flowers and dreams of princes.

Ten-year-old girls enjoy reading adventure and humorous literature and love stories about true friendship and exploits. Give a smart girl:

  • the book “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” by L. Carroll - both adults and children love this story;
  • “The Little Princess” by Frances Burnett is a reverse Cinderella story;
  • “Pippi Longstocking” by Astrid Lindgren – about a charming prankster with a heart of gold;
  • "Pollyanna" by Elinor Porter - about an indestructible optimist;
  • "Little Women" by Louisa Alcott - about 4 sisters growing up;
  • Diana Wynne Jones's bestseller Howl's Moving Castle;
  • “Academy of Home Wizards” by Saida Sakharova;
  • “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green.

Educational literature

The choice of various encyclopedias and books with advice for girls is huge. And the most important thing is that girls read them with pleasure.

Experiment kits

Girls are no less interested in the secrets of nature than boys. Therefore, feel free to give birthday kits for a young physicist, chemist, biologist, etc. The girl will like the kit for experiments in the kitchen, as well as the “Young Perfume”.

An excellent alternative to such a set would be an ant farm or aqua farm.

Here the girl will be directly involved in supporting the lives of her charges.

Puzzles, puzzles

The development of logic and intellectual thinking is facilitated by solving various puzzles. Today you can choose very interesting options various levels of difficulty.

Puzzles such as Labyrinths, 150 obstacles, Suitcase puzzles, puzzles in a ball sometimes puzzle even adults.

Personal diary

Give the birthday girl an original diary, decorated in a girlish style.

Gifts for a creative girl 10 years old

Ten-year-old girls enjoy doing handicrafts and creative activities.

Moreover, it is at this age that most inclinations and habits are formed.

Therefore, you can give birthday kits related to the girl’s creative preferences.


Many girls like embroidery and sewing. Master the skill of cross-stitch or bead embroidery, sewing soft toys Quite possibly a 10 year old child.

For others, it is more interesting to create jewelry, weave bracelets, decorate handbags and cosmetic bags.

You can buy separately consumables or ready-made materials for a girl’s hobby.


Consider painting and painting options. You can paint not only on canvas, but also on ceramics, glass, and wood.

For this purpose, special painting kits with brushes, paints and stencils are produced. Fans of coloring books will love the ready-made paintings for coloring by numbers.


A passion for drawing in childhood can develop into a real hobby.

Even if a girl does not plan to connect her future with art, but she likes to draw, give her a large set of pencils or high-quality paints, a watercolor album or an easel.

Such a child will also like modern tools for interactive or three-dimensional drawing. 3D brushes for drawing on the tablet screen and 3D pens for creating three-dimensional figures – great gift for the modern child.

Gifts for an active 10 year old girl

If a girl is seriously interested in sports, choosing a gift for her will not be a problem.

Convenient sportswear, cool sneakers, smart bracelets, a comfortable cap, a hair band - there are many options, depending on the type of sport the child is involved in.

But even for not quite athletic girls You can choose a good gift for an active holiday.

Skates or roller skates

Roller skating is one of the main street entertainments. Cool skates complete with bright knee pads, elbow and head protection are a wonderful gift for a girl.

Indoor basketball

If a girl loves to jump and has athletic ability and accuracy, give her an indoor basketball.

A stationary shield with a ring can be mounted directly in the children's room on the door or wall. This set does not include a heavy basketball, but a lightweight version of it with reduced weight and diameter.


The most suitable sport for girls. Few people did not run with a racket as a child. Let the young athlete have her own set of high-quality rackets and shuttlecocks.

Complete the gift with a real tennis uniform - let the girl feel all the charm of this sport.


We are not talking about an inflatable children's pool, but about its older brother - an inflatable or frame pool for a country house or dacha.

Believe me, such a gift will cause a storm of emotions, and a stationary pond will become a child’s favorite place for games and sports.

Sports section

If a girl doesn’t yet have her own sports corner with a wall bars, rings, ladders, it’s time to give her such a gift.

Unlike children's sports complexes, teenagers have more complex elements. And if you add the first personal trainer to the corner, the girl will simply be delighted.

For a cozy home

For a 10-year-old girl, her own room is her little world, where she is a full-fledged mistress.

She has the right to arrange her own corner.

Perhaps it's time to update the children's interior in accordance with the preferences of the little housewife.

Perhaps the girl will want to change not only the furniture, but also the design of the room.

Help her with this, and maybe do some repairs for the baby’s birthday.

As a gift for an updated interior, a girl can be presented with furniture, knitwear, watches, and interior items.

Dressing table

This is a vital item for a girl. After all, she now has her own cosmetics, jewelry - all this wealth needs to be put somewhere. And doing your hair and fixing your “makeup” is much more convenient in front of a mirror.

Bedspread, pillows, bed linen

For a baby's crib, it is inappropriate to use a baby bedspread with fairy-tale prints. It's time to replace it with a more modern, delicate color.

And it’s better to give bed linen with an abstract pattern or prints of her favorite characters.

Wall decor

If there is no way to make repairs, but you want to update the room, choose cool stickers for the walls. It is better to do this together with your child.

There are many more options for gifts for girls aged 10 years. We avoided the topic of toys, computer games, dolls, and school supplies.

But this is a separate topic. And you can watch a review of the coolest techno toys for girls in our video review:

All this can be donated to children's anniversary, but the choice will depend on the specific preferences of the birthday girl and the status of the one giving the gift.

Read in detail about what relatives and friends can give for her birthday in the material: What to give a 10-year-old girl from her mother, grandmother, godmother, friend, sister.

Video: amazing gifts

We present a review of smart robotic toys that can be safely given as birthday gifts to both girls and:

Ten years is the first anniversary in life. What to give a boy for 10 years? For many children, this age symbolizes the beginning of the transition from childhood to adolescence. Boys are still interested in construction toys and radio-controlled cars, but they already want to have “smart” gadgets and more serious items at their disposal. What should be the best gift for a 10 year old boy? It is worth choosing a functional item that he can actively use or show off to friends. It could just be an unusual toy, useful thing, a creativity kit or even fashion clothes.

Developmental gift

A birthday gift for a 10-year-old boy can intensify his interest in learning about the world. Very soon the child will begin to be interested in something else besides schoolwork and toys, so it is better to focus his attention on something useful and educational than on cruel computer games or spending time in bad company.

A book for a boy (10 years old) as a gift - it can be an encyclopedia dedicated to a topic that interests the child, for example, about medieval knightly tournaments, model airplanes, survival in the wild, cars or weapons. An encyclopedia for boys, which describes the rules of behavior of a real gentleman, explains some points from psychology, and talks about growing up, is also suitable.

Fiction at this age - probably not the best choice, although it all depends on how much the child likes to read. An active boy will most likely have such a book collecting dust on his shelf. But a child may be interested in the works of N. Nosov (“Vitya Maleev”, “Dreamers”), G. Oster (“Bad Advice”) or V. Korostylev (“Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom”). Although some children, already at the age of nine, become engrossed in J. Verne, R. Stevenson or W. Scott.

You can present an interesting game. In addition to the well-known “Monopoly”, chess and checkers, “Scrabble”, “Collect the word” and the like, there are now many very interesting and exciting ones. What game should I give to a boy (10 years old)? Card cards “Uno” or “Munchkin”, “Wild Jungle”, “Crazy Maze”, “Settlers”, “Forest” are suitable. The Legend of Manticore", "Dominion" and others.

Educational gift

What to give a boy for 10 years? An educational gift gives the child some new knowledge and skills. So, you can present the hero of the occasion with an interesting construction set, a set for conducting chemical or physical experiments, a set for magic tricks, an ant farm, a microscope for your own research, a telescope or a large physical map of the world (on the entire wall). A good gift is a home planetarium that projects a star map or an image of the cosmos onto the walls and ceiling. The images turn out to be three-dimensional, very beautiful, and such a device can also replace a regular night light.

An interesting toy with which you can learn to perform original tricks is Fluffy Bayla. The worm appears to move on its own. The toy is so realistic that it seems that the animal is really alive. The worm can be made to slide between your fingers, climb into a glass, hide in your fist, run from one palm to another, make faces, crawl along a pencil in a spiral, and so on.

Electronic gadgets

A birthday gift for a 10 year old boy can be electronic. Such a gift would be suitable for absolutely any child, because in the age of information technology, both boys and girls can handle a smartphone or tablet from a very early age. You can present a licensed game or application, or a camera. There is plenty to choose from, especially since today gadgets are not limited to just the computer sphere.

What to give a boy for 10 years? Models with controls, for example, are liked not only by children, but also by adults. You can present a ship, a helicopter or a car. In addition, there are more serious models on sale that are equipped with a video camera and are distinguished by high speed of movement, durability, and size. There are even small gas-powered radio-controlled cars. There are even competitions with this technique. Another one interesting thing- 3D pen.

A gift that will delight not only a child, but also an adult is a hoverboard. Children, however, use it, as a rule, only for entertainment, but not for movement. The speed of the device is comparable to the speed of running, the hoverboard is able to overcome small barriers, and “swallows” holes and minor road irregularities well. The advantage of this technique is that it develops the vestibular apparatus, a sense of concentration and balance.

A present in the spirit of innovation - a robot. A humanoid machine can perform a variety of commands, answer questions, and communicate. There are models for fighting, pets and house helpers. Other “smart” gifts are GPS watches, high-quality headphones, and an amateur DSLR.

To a young athlete

Useful gift a 10-year-old boy who plays sports amateur or professionally may be related to his hobby. From this same area, you can choose a gift for a hyperactive child who is not at all fond of sports and does not attend any sections or clubs. If the child is doing something specific, you can give him new set equipment and other attributes.

Surely the boy will be delighted with the sporting weapons. This category of gifts includes a bow and arrows, a crossbow, slingshots, and a children's pistol that shoots plastic bullets. You can also give nunchucks, but special ones, with soft attachments. It’s still too early for air guns, of course, but the ones they play airsoft with are quite suitable. Of course, a child must be able to handle such “toys”; everything can only happen under the supervision of adults.

What to give a boy for 10 years? A skateboard, cruiser, roller skates, longboard, pear (suspended or floor-mounted), and home sports equipment are suitable. For those who are not very fond of sports, you can give them a set for “street” games, for example, rackets and balls for badminton, tennis or table tennis, a ball for basketball, football or volleyball. Perhaps this will help instill in your child a love of sports.

From the “Do It Yourself” series

Boys often like to take things apart and make things with their own hands. Such a child can be given various models for assembly, construction sets (there are also construction sets for adults, so the gift will definitely not go unnoticed by the child entering adolescence). Such activities help develop perseverance and concentration, calm the psyche, and distract from some internal contradictions. Suitable gifts include cutting kits, a special burning device, models for assembling aircraft, and the like.

"Male" gift

A father (or other male relative) can give a growing guy a truly “masculine” gift. This would include, for example, a car for traveling along a special track - a go-kart, a real bow and arrow or a winter snow weapon, board games for a male group (for example, football or barbell hockey). It would be exclusively “male” to order a paintball game. The boys will definitely have a fun and interesting time: for 1.5-2 hours they can shoot paint balls.

Original gift

How to prepare an original gift for a 10 year old boy? An unusual gift would be something unexpected and special, unconventional. For a child entering adolescence, who is characterized by egocentrism, items with his photograph are suitable: a mug, a T-shirt, an unusual calendar, where for each month a photograph of the child is printed in a new image (knight, superhero, horse rider, airplane pilot, banker). Suitable as unusual gift for a boy (10 years old) luminous laces or nipples for a bicycle tube, a running alarm clock or a bomb alarm clock, funny shoes and clothes (for example, a hat with a beard, tank slippers, Koschey socks, etc.), a pillow for sleeping "Ostrich", which looks like a bag with holes.


Impression gifts are a new word in the entertainment industry. Such gifts are remembered for a long time, they are unusual and very exciting. What is interesting to a 10-year-old boy? Suitable gifts include a horse ride outside the city, a yacht ride, river rafting, a visit to a water park, a flight or training to control an airplane, helicopter, hang glider, or a parachute jump with an instructor. Such impressions will provide a real holiday.

Necessary little things

A nice addition to the gift are interesting little things that will definitely be useful to the boy. This could be a flashlight with a battery, a funny piggy bank or hat, an unusual lamp, a finger bike or skateboard, a stand for a phone or tablet, decorative elements for the wall, polymer clay from which you can make various objects. You can give your child those fashionable jeans that he has long dreamed of, or original sneakers, a neon-colored tracksuit or a cool T-shirt.

A gift chosen taking into account the interests and age of the child will definitely please the birthday boy. Such a gift will leave many pleasant impressions and bright emotions for both parents and the child himself. Close people can easily select a gift.

MillionPodarkov actively researched as many as 232 online gift stores, scoured the entire web space and took into account the opinions of the famous magazines Seventeen, She / She, SamaYa, or rather their ten best answers in order to find out what gift for 10 years the young lady will become the most desirable. Moreover, the question was asked to the young creatures of this age themselves - information from the original source. Of course, many do not openly admit their desires, so an anonymous survey was also conducted on the Internet.
The result is a kind of “scale”, on one side of which the giver’s most favorite product is located, and on the other - its less fortunate brother.
10 years is the first serious anniversary in life, so you can’t get away with souvenirs in a hurry. Here you need to approach the choice thoroughly, taking into account the character and tastes of the birthday girl. In addition, the desire to surprise takes its roots here.
11 years is the time of personality formation, when it is very important to take into account the hobbies of a young lady. It is necessary to remember that romance is relevant in any situation, and especially at this age.
12 is the height of teenage worries about “how I look” and “what others think of me.” Take this into account when choosing a gift. It is desirable that he impresses the birthday girl’s friends.
And there is such a gift that fits perfectly into the required range of ten to twelve years. 6% of buyers prefer the original and unusual “Party Fountain”. Girlfriends will be delighted when they can take a cocktail, fruit drink or other drink directly from it - just like in films about famous beauties. After the birthday, stories about this star-studded party will continue to circulate for a long time.
On the other side of the scale is “Grassman Piglet Piggy”. Despite the fact that he is so cute, the toy looks like a gift for 6-7 year old children, while our heroine is already a fully grown, accomplished person. Therefore, before buying it, when the girl is already 10, 11 or 12 years old, we advise you to weigh the pros and cons.
There is also a third category of gifts, which is called “the most expensive”. This, by the way, is the answer to the question “what can you give a 12-year-old girl?” And this is a home planetarium that will delight all girls, from ten years old to twelve years old. The electronic menu can be easily and simply adjusted to the desired time and date. The bewitched beauties will surprise themselves and delight their friends and fans.
The choice - what to give to a girl for 10 years (also 11 or 12) - has been made. All that remains is to hand over the present. Alternatively, you can use the following donation methods.
1.Romance is always relevant. Therefore, take an ordinary large box (from under a TV, for example). Place a gift in it and fill it with small chocolates (or balls, candies) so that it seems as if there is nothing there besides them. Imagine the joyful surprise of the one who receives such “packaging”.
2. You can arrange a “game of hide and seek.” Hide the gift securely, and draw a diagram of how to find it on several separate pieces of paper. Hang them in the most visible places and maintain the intrigue until the last moment.

Children grow up very quickly, and before the parents knew it, the boy was 10 years old. For a birthday, you need to choose what to give to the birthday person. At the same time, the gift should please the child, motivate him to succeed, and show the love and care of the giver.

What toys and games are interesting to children aged 10?

Love and care, of course, are necessary for a child, but at the age of 10, for his birthday he wants to receive something material, valuable to him and long desired.

A ten-year-old boy is still a child, but with matured views, so toys will always be a win-win option as a gift:

  • radio-controlled car, plane, helicopter, ship, construction equipment;
  • a pistol with bullets, a bow or a crossbow;

    When choosing a gift, pay attention to the age restrictions indicated on the packaging. For safety reasons, arrows for bows and crossbows must have suction cups. But in any case, parents need to explain to their son how to handle weapons, even children’s ones.

  • Board games:
    • hockey, football, mini-billiards, checkers, chess, backgammon;
    • economic strategies, for example, Monopoly, Economist;
    • card games (Svintus, Activity, Dobble, Imaginarium, Citadels, Discworld, 7 Wonders, Pest Dwarves);
    • walkers (Jackal, Carcassonne, Train Ticket);
  • designers;

    Children love LEGO very much, because the manufacturer has developed many series with different levels of complexity, making it very easy to choose exactly the option that will please and suit your birthday boy.

  • various puzzles;
  • active games (Twister, Swingball, Try to reach).

Sports gifts, winter and, of course, summer - for the son from dad or mom

Many sports sections accept children from the age of four. By the age of ten, most children already have their own pronounced preferences for a certain sport; some boys have successfully proven themselves on the field or ring. Themed sports equipment will become a good gift to young mischief makers:

  • ball (soccer, volleyball, basketball);
  • skates, skis, snowboard for the winter birthday boy;
  • roller skates, a bicycle with a gear shift system or for tricks, a skateboard for a boy born in the summer;

    In terms of popularity, all these things are now eclipsed by the hoverboard - electric vehicle with two wheels without a steering wheel and pedals. If a child dreams of such a gift, make his wish come true.

  • boxing gloves for boxing;
  • dumbbells of suitable weight, if the hero of the occasion loves strength exercises;
  • stick for a hockey player (selected according to height);
  • darts (real, not on suction cups);
  • uniform, including a helmet and knee pads with elbow pads.

Such things stimulate physical activity, encouraging you to spend more time in the fresh air, which has a beneficial effect on the health of any person. The main thing is to check with the parents of the birthday boy in advance about his height and sports preferences.

A young tourist will be pleased with a backpack, a children's thermos or a tent, and will like a fishing rod and tackle.

A trampoline and an inflatable pool will help diversify your time in the fresh air, but such gifts are only suitable for a summer house, garden or any private plot of land where they can be placed without any problems.

Is the little boy seriously interested in cars? Buy him a kart (a simple racing car). It is only important to worry in advance about where it will be stored and to obtain the consent of the parents to regularly take their son to the children's racing track.

The coolest educational gifts for your beloved grandson

Grandparents usually like to give such gifts. At any age it is useful to gain new knowledge and improve your skills. At ten years old, a child is able to make independent discoveries and research. Good gifts for a boy would be:

  • a set of chemical or physical experiments;
  • microscope;
  • telescope;
  • globe (big and beautiful);
  • large physical map of the world (preferably covering the entire wall).

10 years old - it's time to develop your nephew's creative abilities

Creative kits are usually given by those who can help a child work with them, for example, this would be an excellent gift option from a beloved uncle or aunt. Creativity kits require perseverance and attentiveness, have a beneficial effect on the psyche, and calm hyperactive children. The boy will have a justified reason to be proud - he did something with his own hands. Gift options:

  • prefabricated models (tank, airplane, motorcycle);
  • kits for cutting with a jigsaw;
  • a device for burning;
  • knives for wood carving.

Give your child the gift of attending a master class. He will spend time usefully, meet other people, gain new skills and knowledge. Depending on your interests, you can offer:

  • make a clay pot on a potter's wheel;
  • make a wooden toy;
  • make book bindings;
  • learn to draw with wool;
  • cast decorative candles;
  • make shaped chocolate;
  • dump toys.

Perhaps the birthday boy has already shown his passion for music. Give him a guitar, a drum kit, a synthesizer.

A book is the best friend of an inquisitive mind

A special gift is always a book. Even if a child does not like to read, you can instill in him an interest in this fascinating process. The choice is great - from entertaining literature to serious literature.

By the age of ten, boys already have their favorite cartoon and movie characters, so you can give him a book about the next adventures of his idol. Focus on the interests of the birthday person. Depending on this, choose a publication with the history of Russia or Europe, about the conquest of the West, the Middle Ages, knights, weapons, geographical discoveries, modern wrestling, modeling.

What else can you give: a reminder of universal options

A ten-year-old boy is already paying attention to his appearance. You can also give him clothes and shoes:

  • fashionable denim suit;
  • branded sneakers;
  • stylish jacket;
  • branded baseball cap.

The birthday boy will also be pleased with summer beach accessories:

  • large air mattress;
  • Goggles;
  • mask and fins for diving.

Many people consider money to be a universal gift. But you shouldn’t give them to a 10-year-old child. If you are lost in choice, then, as an option, you can buy gift card clothing, sporting goods or toy store and hand it over. The birthday boy will choose the right thing for himself.

Is it worth giving gadgets?

No one modern child Digital devices and accessories for them will not leave you indifferent:

  • telephone;
  • camera;
  • tablet;
  • eBook;

    There is no point in buying expensive electronics for children, because there is a high probability that they will break it or lose it. Therefore, the best solution would be a simple but durable model. Today, many manufacturers offer special children's options with a rubberized shockproof body and protection against moisture penetration.

  • headphones or speakers;
  • optical mouse, wireless or flexible keyboard;
  • computer, laptop;
  • smart watch.

A computer shooter/adventure game will also please the little boy, but may cause dissatisfaction with parents who are trying to control the time their son spends in front of the monitor and pay attention to the semantic meaning of the games. Leave the choice of entertainment of this kind to the birthday boy and his family.

Original and unusual things to remember the hero of the day

At the age of ten, boys become “prickly”; they begin to zealously reject their mother’s tenderness, say unpleasant things, and offend pets. All this is external. A child internally torn by contradictions wants love and care. Therefore, no matter who you are to the birthday boy, give him your friendly company, good mood and self-confidence.

Any photo studio will offer many options for a unique gift for the birthday person. You need to choose a gift in accordance with the interests of a particular child. It is important that such a thing is in sight, it can be demonstrated to friends, to amuse one’s self (this is of great importance at the age of ten).

  1. Add a photo of the boy to:
    • a mug (in the airplane cabin, while driving a cool car);
    • T-shirt (with boxing gloves in the ring);
    • desk calendar (convenient because you can place several images).
  2. Give an engraved trophy for exceptional achievements - best son, best cutlet slayer, most caring dog owner.
  3. Give the hero of the occasion things that can create a festive mood even on a weekday:
    • machine for making popcorn or cotton candy;
    • chocolate fountain.

Grandmothers or aunts who do needlework can knit a warm, beautiful sweater for their grandson or nephew, funny slippers in the shape of a tank, or a scarf in the colors of their favorite football team.

Give bright impressions on your birthday

The holiday should be bright and memorable. Write your own script:

  • V winter period rent a room and stage a theatrical performance within it. For example, by solving riddles, puzzles, charades, help the forest animals find the woodsman. He needs to be woken up so that he can call spring, otherwise it won’t come to the forest. Grateful animals will bring sweet treats. Finally, have a fun disco;
  • in the warm season, organize a hiking trip, encountering various obstacles along the way in search of treasures. The treasure could be a chest with large firecrackers. Once you find it, slam everything down at the same time. It looks impressive. Celebrate the completion of your search with a picnic and, if desired, stay overnight in tents outdoors.

Invite your child to interesting place to have fun:

  • gather a large group (at least ten people, otherwise it won’t be interesting) and go to the equipped area to play laser tag in honor of your birthday. If the weather is bad, the fight is carried out indoors. You can opt for paintball or airsoft, but they are more dangerous;
  • visit the bowling alley. This game is good because, without being distracted from the process, you can fully communicate with each other;
  • Offer the boy a horse ride - communication with horses is beneficial for any person. You will give the birthday boy the opportunity to feel like a hussar or the hero of a cowboy western;
  • pistol shooting ranges are located in every park; children know them since childhood, but crossbow shooting ranges are not familiar to everyone. You will be able to shoot with both a bow and a crossbow. Plan a trip with the whole family, everyone will find it interesting and fun.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

Oscar Wilde

How to make a holiday memorable - photo gallery

A visit to bowling with the whole family will bring pleasure to both adults and children. Laser tag is a laser fight in reality that will be remembered for a long time. Paintball is a team game where father and son can play together. Crossbow shooting is a new and interesting activity for a child

DIY sweet surprises

No birthday is complete without sweets:

  • the birthday cake is baked by a culinary specialist and decorated with various heroes and fairy-tale characters, which are presented in abundance and variety in any specialized store;
  • figured chocolate in the form soccer ball or tanka will surprise the boy. Chocolate cards and coloring books are available for sale. You can collect congratulations from chocolate letters;
  • gift from kinders. It is beautiful, edible, and makes a lasting impression.

No one voluntarily gives up sweets. Even if the boy feels old enough to look at chocolate with disdain, in his heart he is not averse to enjoying it.

Or is it a dog?

You can give a pet only if the boy’s parents agree to have a new family member. A living creature will become for the child and good friend, and a teacher. You will need to clean up after him: clean the tray (cage, aquarium), change the water, comb him - all this disciplines him and develops a sense of responsibility. Pet stores have big choice: kittens, puppies, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, parrots, turtles, fish.

Choosing a gift for a ten-year-old boy - video

When choosing a gift for a ten-year-old boy, you need to consider its benefits and practicality. At the same time, do not forget that the birthday boy is not yet an adult man, and he is not averse to having a lot of fun on his birthday (although sometimes he carefully hides this behind a mask of indifference). Try to make your gift stand out, be bright, and give positive emotions even after the holiday is over.

Ten years - for many children, this age becomes a symbol of the transition to adulthood. Boys still love toy cars and construction sets. But they already want to “own” more serious objects and gadgets. What to give a 10-year-old boy so that he feels important and recognized by adults? It should be a functional item that he can actively use or show off to friends.

When choosing a gift, you need to consider various factors. What the child is interested in, what his character is, how he communicates with other children and adults. At ten years old, a boy already has his own desires, needs, and dreams. He can say exactly what he wants and what he is indifferent to. It happens that for some reason it is not possible to find out what the child expects for his birthday. Here adults need to use their ingenuity.

"Cool" options

In the age of information technology, a child learns early to work with electronic gadgets. The advantage of such a gift is that it will suit absolutely any person. Every boy can find something interesting for himself on his phone or tablet. This could be games, educational applications, a photo and video camera. However, technology is not limited to the computer field.

  • Radio controlled models. Such “toys” are liked not only by children, but also by many adults. There are many options: planes, helicopters, cars, ships. There are also more serious, “adult” models. For example, quadcopters that are equipped with a video camera. They differ from children's ones in greater strength, increased speed of movement, and size. They even hold competitions with similar equipment, although simpler models are also suitable for children’s competitions.
  • Hoverboard. Children use it more for entertainment than for fast movement. However, for many children and teenagers, a hoverboard provides an opportunity to diversify a regular walk. Its speed is comparable to that of light running. This device is able to overcome low barriers, potholes and road imperfections. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows you to develop a sense of balance and concentration.
  • Robots. These can be humanoid machines that can “respond” and carry out various commands. There are also models for fighting, when two robots are put into the ring and, using a control panel, they try to defeat their opponent.
  • Headphones . This is a universal gift for music lovers. Headphones often break and get lost, so parents have to update them periodically. You can choose regular vacuum ones, or you can choose large ones. For a child, the main difference is ease of use.
  • Children's GPS watches. They will be a good gift not only for a boy who often plays and runs into neighboring yards, but also for parents. For a child this is stylish accessory and the ability to always know the time. For parents, it is an opportunity to always be aware of where their child is.
  • Camera . For a 10-year-old boy, you shouldn't buy expensive mirror equipment. If he likes to take photographs, you can buy an amateur DSLR. It’s too early for him to understand all the intricacies of a professional camera. But even with an inexpensive tool, a child will be able to get high-quality images.
  • Video games and software. Little computer geniuses will be delighted with the long-awaited game or missing program. It is better to find out about preferences in this area from the child himself.

Some parents prefer to use gadgets less. Therefore, before buying such a gift, you should consult with them and find out whether such an instrument will be interesting and useful for your child.

For young athletes and restless ones

Sports gifts will come in handy not only for those guys who go to a section or sports club. In this area you can find suitable gift both for the daredevil and for those who are not at all friends with sports. But if a child enjoys playing any sport, then the best gift for him would be new equipment and other sports attributes.

    • "Street" games. This could be a badminton set, rackets and balls for tennis and table tennis. If a boy likes team games, he may like a football, volleyball or basketball ball. You can give a home basketball set that includes a hanging basket and ball.
    • Sports "weapons". This includes bows and arrows and slingshots. Although at the age of ten it is still too early for a boy to engage in such sports on his own, he may well shoot under the supervision of adults or in special institutions. You can buy a children's pistol or machine gun that shoots caps and plastic bullets. For any weapon, it is better to purchase a special target so that the boy learns accuracy and concentration. Nunchucks can cause a storm of joy. You can learn to perform many tricks with them. For children, special ones with soft pads are suitable.
  • Hanging or floor-standing “pear”. This gift will appeal not only to those who go to the martial arts section. The pear develops coordination, strength and endurance. During kicks and punches, all muscles of the body work. Such a gift will help the child feel more self-confident and help cope with negative emotions.
  • Skateboard, longboard, cruiser. These are boards for extreme sports enthusiasts. They differ in shape and set of basic tricks that can be performed with them. But even a child can master any board at a decent level. You can organize “stunt” competitions on them, train with friends, or just ride.
  • Sports complexes for home. They have no age restrictions, because even for adults there are serious sports walls. The set of home “sports grounds” includes rings, horizontal bars, rope and hard ladders, parallel bars, balance boards, fitness balls... Every boy will be able to find equipment to suit his taste.
  • Swimming and diving kit. If a child loves to swim, then he may be delighted with the diving set. It includes a mask or goggles, snorkel, fins or monofin, wetsuit, ear and nose plugs. You can give a special case for a camera for underwater photography. There is also suitable equipment for those who like to swim on the surface, for example, animal-shaped mattresses and inflatable balls.

If a ten-year-old boy is not at all interested in sports, then such a gift is unlikely to be interesting for him. But if you really want to give your child something “active” for the holiday, then you can choose calmer games such as darts, twister or air hockey. They require no less activity from the child, but at the same time the game takes place in an easy and fun way.

What to give a boy for 10 years during the seasonal holidays

Seasonal items are divided into summer and winter. Usually, a child wants to receive as a gift something that he may need, regardless of the time of year. But if a boy is interested in a specific sport, for example, hockey, then he will definitely be delighted with such a gift.

A boy of 10 years old New Year or birthday, you can make the following gifts.

  • Skis . They will need to purchase special boots and ski poles.
  • Skates . This is not only a winter gift for a 10-year-old boy, because you can also skate on an indoor skating rink.
  • Snowboard. A winter board should only be taken if the child has already experienced this sport. Snowboarding can be practiced not only at ski resorts, but also at specially equipped resorts in big cities.
  • Snowball. Similar to a water pistol. Only you need to charge it not with water, but with snowballs.

Summer gifts may include such items.

  • Lightweight clothing . Original T-shirts with interesting prints will appeal to many ten-year-old boys.
  • Roller Skates. A good analogue to winter skates. For roller skates, it is also advisable to purchase special protection: knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet.
  • Hiking equipment. If a boy loves hiking, forest walks and traveling, then he will definitely like his own equipment. It can be a flask for water, a thermos for tea, spacious camping backpack, original sleeping bag. A child might especially like a compass, binoculars or GPS navigator.

Indoor games and activities for beginning explorers

It’s better to think in advance about what to give your son or godson for his 10th birthday. Among the most universal and interesting are various educational, useful and simply Interesting games. There's plenty of room to expand here. The most appropriate at this age may be various board games and gifts for the mind.

Various home games include the following.

  • Table football or hockey. These games are sold in stores in a variety of sizes. Including those that can be installed directly on the table.
  • Air hockey. A very fun game for two or more people. Develops concentration and reaction.
  • Twister. Fun game For the company. At the leader's command, players place one foot or hand on the indicated color mark. The team that loses its balance first and falls loses.
  • Constructors. Even at ten years old, designers do not lose their relevance. How older child, the more complex a set you can buy for him. For example, there is an interesting and rather complex construction set made from iron parts, which is assembled using screwdrivers and wrenches.
  • Regular and 3D puzzles. For example, a puzzle with your favorite movie characters.

There is something for every child board game by interest. Among the most popular are the following.

  • Jenga. A game of attentiveness and concentration.
  • Monopoly. This is a business game. You can find many variations in online stores. For example, themed ones, with figures and cards from Harry Potter and other popular books or films.
  • Uno. Card game for attention and reaction.
  • Mafia. A favorite detective and psychological game where you need to determine who got the mafia card.
  • Scrabble or Scrabble. From a limited number of letters you need to make words and lay them out on special markings.

Such gifts are suitable for the curious.

  • Books. Such a gift for a 10-year-old boy is suitable only if you know about the book preferences of the little hero of the day. Although you can buy not only fiction books. Educational “treatises” on the topic of the interests of the birthday boy are suitable. Books that help you easily game form master some school subject. Books that reveal the secrets of various tricks will be a particularly interesting gift.
  • Telescope. For a young stargazer it is not necessary to buy expensive equipment - even with a simple telescope you can observe the movement of celestial bodies.
  • Microscope. Such a gift will delight a young botanist. Children are ready to look at almost everything around them under a microscope.

At ten years old, a child can already do and know a lot, he is drawn to everything grown up, strives to study everything on his own. “Smart” gifts will help him feel the trust of adults and increase his authority among his peers.

Exciting and original surprises

If you think that giving a book is boring, and all the usual games are already boring, then you can try to choose something more unconventional and memorable. Many interesting gifts can be found in specialized online stores. The child will be especially pleased to receive surprises from his godfather. Such things will not let not only children, but also adults get bored.

  • Kits for chemical or physical experiments. Great option for young researcher. The child will be able to independently, according to the instructions, mix various “reagents” and easily learn how to create closed electrical systems. If safety precautions are followed, such kits will be absolutely safe.
  • Beautiful bed linen and interesting interior items. Lingerie can be with prints of your favorite heroes and characters from films and books. You can give an unusual bean bag chair that easily changes its shape. Or you can order a desk in the shape of an elephant or rhinoceros.
  • Home planetarium. It projects images of space onto a wall or ceiling. The images come out very beautiful and voluminous. This gift will delight any child.
  • Decorative elements for the wall. The room can be easily decorated with something that the child will enjoy looking at. These can be themed stickers, 3D paintings.
  • Fluffy Bayla. This funny toy, with which you can learn to perform different tricks. It seems that the worm is running on its own. Rave reviews about this toy can be heard from children of all ages.
  • Funny alarm clock. You can find the most different models. These alarm clocks start running around the room when they ring, some are equipped with flying blades, others are made in the shape of a target that you need to hit to turn off the bell.
  • Polymer clay. You can make different objects from polymer clay. The boy can make it with his own hands beautiful decoration for mom or classmate, make a figurine of your favorite hero or decorate christmas tree homemade toys.
  • 3D pen. With this pen you can create three-dimensional shapes. It’s not difficult to handle and the boy will quickly understand what’s what and will surprise his friends with his creations.

A good gift from parents is themed sets. These can be items created based on books or favorite films. For example, according to the famous “Harry Potter”. On the Internet you can easily find snitches, Quidditch sets, and Bertie Bots, which are famous for the fact that they can have a wide variety of tastes. There are sets of glowing swords from Star Wars and various collectible figurines.

Thus, a gift for a 10-year-old boy should be “tangible.” Children of any age are waiting for their birthday beautiful boxes and item gifts that can be used in the future. It is better not to give them tickets to events, as this may ruin the child's expectations. But you can spend your birthday or other holiday in a dolphinarium, equestrian club, on a boat, in a rope park, or even on a hike. Such a day will be remembered for a long time not only by children, but also by adults.
