Night club. Funny, curious incidents in clubs

Women need to be entertained. Fortunately, this can be done without any horrors like a license to kill and jumping out of a plane. Only minimal preparation is needed.

Why did James Bond embrace more and more Russian agents at the end of each episode? Maybe because he wore an Omega watch and looked like Pierce Brosnan? Wrong answer. It’s just that without Agent 007, the girls would have absolutely nothing to do during these two and a half hours. As a result, the young ladies have unfulfilled personal happiness, the audience has heartburn from popcorn, and the film is a complete failure. Conclusion: women need to be entertained. Fortunately, this can be done without any horror (like a license to kill and jumping out of a plane). Only minimal preparation is needed.

We, of course, know that with a sufficient level of upbringing, you are entertaining for a girl on your own. You open the doors for her, push back the chairs, hand her a coat and bring coffee on command. In addition, your mediocre and dull male topics of conversation (cars, football, the Linux operating system or the internal securities market) for the young lady are still shrouded in a charming aura of novelty. But after about ten minutes you’ll have to look for something more interesting. But it’s still too early to switch to your favorite method of entertainment, and you can’t right here, in front of everyone. During this transition period, our little instructions will be useful to you. With minimal imagination and some simple props, you can entertain a girl literally anywhere.


Any catering establishment should have: napkins, waiters, carbonated drinks with ice, ashtrays and tea bags. Plus money and small rubbish are in your pockets. Well, you yourself, of course, with your sparkling imagination. This is what we will work with.


If you practice in advance, it costs nothing to fold a lily or a candle from a napkin. There is no need to explain the meaning of the action: any trick of yours that does not obey the logic of necessity will cause a surge of romantic emotions in the girl.

If you don’t want to learn new tricks with a napkin, you can limit yourself to a traditional boat. Stick a toothpick in it and move it back and forth across the tablecloth. At the same time, mutter something about a boat that will take her straight from this cafe to a beautiful wherever-she-wanted (at the same time you will find out exactly where).


So that the girl does not forget that you are special, you can polish the wording of at least one of your culinary preferences to shine. For example, when the waiter asks “what do you want?” throw casually: “Juice, any kind, but without pulp” (compare: “Martini with ice, but don’t shake”...). If you put some emphasis on this, then the girl may become interested in why it suddenly has to be without pulp, and it would also be good to think about this in advance - and give a comprehensive answer. Naturally, you shouldn’t shrug your shoulders and mumble: “My mother told me that pulp makes you fat.”


The most obvious (but not the most original) way to entertain a girl with money is to hand her a fat wad and confidently say, “Have fun!” For some reason, girls rarely complain about such treatment, but today we decided to be romantic. Therefore, two bills of different denominations are enough.

1. Fold them at an angle, as shown in the picture, so that the top one does not reach about 1 cm from the edge of the bottom one.

2. Roll into a tube. When the corner of the bill that was lying below pops out of the tube, press it down with your finger and roll the tube back. The girl will notice with amazement that the banknotes have changed places: the top one has become the bottom one. Now let the viewer think whether you meant something or were just joking.


It's her right to smoke stinking menthol crap and drink campari stinking crap, but let her know you don't approve of either. Therefore, pour the abomination into the ashtray, let two matches float on top, and put two more on top of them. Light the top matches and cover everything with a glass. The abomination will be drawn into the glass (the level will rise). While the girl is stunned remembering her school physics course, order her a healthy freshly squeezed juice. At the same time, ask the waiter to remove the ashtray you soiled.


For many girls, their favorite way of entertainment is dancing. If you consider kicking and waving to be primitive atavism, try dancing tango without getting up from the table. For a fiery dance, you only need the middle and index fingers of both hands. Humming in a low voice something like “In the night garden under the shade of a ripening mango,” draw all the dance steps with your fingers (this requires practice, but much less intense than real dancing). Or maybe the girl will want to join you? Then remove one hand and dance with her together, trying not to crush her manicure.

6. ICE

After drinking the soda, there will be a piece of ice left in the glass. If you just pull it out and run it over a girl’s hand, she will think that you haven’t been to the movies since the release of “9 1/2 Weeks.” Therefore, we will be a little more original: show her the main acupuncture points with the help of an ice cube.

Tse-Pi (outer side of the hand between the index and thumb)
Jan-V (in place of the clock)
Qu-Vi (elbow inside)
Ji Quan (on the shoulder)
Xian-Su (neck in the middle)
Yin-San (bridge of the nose)
Quan-Wzhu (end of eyebrow)
Di-Tsang (right corner of mouth)
Ren-V (behind the ear)
I-Ren (behind the ear in the hole towards the back of the head)

Other points in public places are practically inaccessible.


Hurry up to stop her from dipping him into the water. Take possession of a tea bag and tell us about how the Russians bought a rocket from the Americans (showing a Lipton tea bag). During transportation - well, they chose the transport company poorly! - her control room broke off (tear off the piece of paper). Then somewhere a hose got caught on something (you tear off the thread), and such a rocket came to the Russians (only a tea bag should remain). The Russians thought and thought and poured out all the fuel (pour tea leaves into a girl’s cup - she wants tea). You unwrap the tea bag - you get a pipe, take out a match, light the top, and - “the Russians have flown, have a good trip!” - the bag, burning, flies up.


This simple trick with money and paper clips works by itself - you just need to put the paper clips on the banknote correctly. When you unfold the bill, the paper clips will be interlocked and will now go through life together. If from now on the girl starts looking into your eyes with idiotic significance, pretend that you don’t notice anything.


Every girl knows that a car is practically a sexual object for a man. Therefore, if you let her drive, it's even more than just trust. So that the girl does not become too stressed out from responsibility, it is necessary to saturate the space of the car with a variety of entertainment.


Girls strive for perfection, love mirrors and especially mirrors in the car. Cut out a mechanism from a musical postcard and fit it into the fold of a solar panel with a mirror. She will open and hear music: “Happy Day”, “Lambada” or Dvorak’s Second Concerto for piano and violin and orchestra.


While you are driving in the car, write pleasant and pleasant words on the glass with your finger. good words. When she turns off the engine, the glass will fog up and the inscription will become visible.


The correct selection of musical repertoire decides everything. Who's stopping you from recording something else on a disc besides music? For example, add a recording of squealing brakes and a powerful impact. A second before the right moment, you should plausibly glance into the rearview mirror and comment on the impending disaster. True, not every girl will appreciate this cruel joke.


Now that the season of ringing streams and nightingale trills is behind us, only you can spice up your walk with romance.


If this round stone thing is hanging in the sky, we will have to talk about it. So, on the visible side of the Moon there are six seas: Rain, Clouds, Humidity, Clarity, Calm and Crises. Otherwise, girls at school usually do not learn astronomy well. There is also Rainbow Bay and the Ocean of Storms. Its Carpathians, Apennines, Alps, Altai and Caucasus. But getting there is difficult - after all, almost 400,000 km, with a consumption of 10 l/100 km, 30 tons of gasoline flows in. Another way to surprise a girl with the help of the night luminary: grab a handful of change from your pocket and ask which coin can cover the disk of the Moon if you hold the money in your outstretched hand. Or maybe this will require a chocolate medal or a tea saucer? The girl will probably reach for the largest object. And in vain: even a penny coin covers the Moon with a margin. She is small, and in general there is no point in talking so much about her.


Drawing your names or pierced hearts in the sand is an intolerable banality. Better learn from the pilots: they invented a special alphabet in case of an emergency landing.

I - Need a doctor
II - Medicines needed
X - We are unable to move
V - Help needed
N - No
Y - Yes
- Didn't understand
LL - It's okay!
I> - Let's try to take off
- It's safe to land here
NV - Now you can make up your own sign and try to decipher it together. For example, if you feel that landing the helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations right now will only ruin everything, draw a sign “No help required.”


She will probably be interested in your home, since he can tell a lot about you, your well-being, attitude to life and prospects, including in relation to her. Therefore, make sure that your home says the right and slightly flattering things about you.


Something strange is happening to you. In general, you can stop the pulse with an effort of will (let her hold your wrist and check). If you put a tennis ball under your arm, all you have to do is press lightly on it, and your pulse will noticeably weaken, and after a few seconds it will stop altogether. This occurs because the artery is blocked by the ball under the arm. If you release the pressure, the pulse is restored. Usually. If you haven't been squeezing that ball too long.


Even if your invitation for a cup of coffee was only an excuse, the magic should not stop:


Pour boiling water over black and mint tea plus spices. After 6 minutes, strain and add sugar. When cool, mix with lemon juice and add ice.

Need to: 2 tbsp. spoons of black tea, 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1 piece of cinnamon stick, 4 pcs. cloves, 1 teaspoon of mint tea, 0.5 liters of boiling water, sugar, juice of three lemons, ice.


Pour tea and red wine into heated punch glasses. Add sugar.

Need to: 1 liter of strong tea, 0.5 liter of red wine, sugar.


Dissolve sugar in 0.25 liters of water and cook together with spices for 10 minutes in a saucepan with a lid. Brew tea (0.5 liters of water). Add wine, strained syrup, spiral-cut lemon peel and rum to the resulting tea.

Need to: 0.5 tbsp. spoons of ground ginger, 2-3 pcs. cloves, 0.75 liters of water, 6 teaspoons of sugar, 1 bottle of red wine, 1 lemon, a little rum.


Brew regular coffee, strain and cool. Mix with ice cream and melted chocolate.

Need to: 60 g ground coffee, 4 scoops of ice cream, 5 tbsp. spoons of melted chocolate, 400 ml of boiling water.


Mix all ingredients.

Need to: 1/4 liter of melted milk chocolate, 1/4 liter of strong coffee, cream if desired.


Place a few ice cubes in each cup, add cream, chilled coffee and Coca-Cola.

Stir lightly and serve.

Need to: 2 cups of strong coffee, ice cubes, 1.5 cups of Coca-Cola, 4 teaspoons of cream.


The necessary reagents can be borrowed from the kit " Young chemist", order online or even buy in a garden fertilizer store. A fiery inscription will appear on paper during the decomposition reaction of potassium nitrate (otherwise called “potassium nitrate”). You draw a contour drawing on a piece of paper and prepare a concentrated solution of potassium nitrate. To do this, dissolve 20 g of KNO3 in 15 ml of hot water with stirring. Then, using a brush, we saturate the paper with this solution along the contour of the design, leaving no gaps or gaps. When the paper is dry, you need to touch some point on the outline with a burning splinter. A spark will immediately appear, which will slowly move along the contour of the pattern until it completely closes it. It is better not to show the inscription or drawing in advance, but to show the girl an already burning copy.


If a girl wants to leave, but you don’t like it, and you feel that she could stay, but the most important argument is missing, take a deck of cards. Say that you want to play with her for forfeit, it was not - the last game, and you let her go. Let her draw a card, any card, and remember it. If you guess what card she got, she... she... can she stay?.. Remind her that there are 36 cards in the deck, which means your chances are 1/36. If you guess right, it will be a clear sign of fate. Isn't that right? Not really. You'll guess. And do you know why? Because in your deck all the cards will be the same. Any. Guess how? Of course, that's right, you bought 36 decks yesterday. Enough for 36 girls, by the way. And if you only need one, you can give away the remaining 35... decks to your friends, of course.


React if you see:

Tea bag
pieces of ice
deck of cards
two paper clips
two banknotes
mechanism from a musical postcard
tennis ball
set "Young chemist"

    Men go to bars not only to drink, but also to pick up girls. How should a man behave in a bar so that he can leave in the company of a pretty babe?

    Success with women has nothing to do with what you do with them or how you treat them. This success depends on how you treat yourself. Ross Jeffries

    How to meet people in a bar, cafe and other similar establishments?

    Meeting girls in cafes or bars doesn't look very difficult. Girls go there to drink tea/coffee/alcoholic drinks and relax. Many beautiful creatures would not mind keeping company. Some of them will want to get to know each other better.

    You shouldn't come to such establishments too early, for example right after work. The best time It won't be 7 pm, but 10-11. Let the girls come early and unwind a little. Girls will drink a little and become more supportive of men approaching them. You don't have to ply them with drinks and entertain them the whole evening, let other, less savvy comrades do that. By coming a little later, you will skim off the “cream” of female attention. In the middle of the evening, it will be easier to meet people at a bar. You will be a new interesting face in the establishment and sober, unlike other men who have already managed to get drunk.

    It’s good if you come to the establishment not alone, but with friends. This will make it easier to lull the attention of the surrounding ladies and easier to meet girls. You came to relax with friends, not to pick up girls, and your image, in the eyes of the young ladies, is impeccable.

    Arriving at the establishment, you should not immediately look for a companion. First, take a closer look and let the women around you evaluate yourself. To reduce the likelihood of refusals, determine who here is not averse to making acquaintances at all, and who came here just to relax. Don't order champagne for her at the next table, like in the movies, it looks like a candid takeover.

    The best way to approach a girl is when she is alone. Choose such a moment and follow her outside for a smoke. You can approach a girl when she approaches the bar. Approach her, but not from behind, but from such a point that she sees you approaching. A man who appears out of nowhere can scare a girl. If she's with a friend, focus on her at the beginning and ignore her friends. Later, she can introduce you to them herself, but you shouldn’t really communicate with her company, that’s not what you came here for.

    Don't go and meet someone in front of a large number of other girls. If you are refused, then all the other girls in the bar will witness your “little defeat.” You won't be able to meet them later. If today is “not your” day and you have been rejected more than 5 times, you should change your location and move to a nearby bar.

    In establishments you can also meet waitresses. The most interesting thing is that they are often more beautiful than other visitors to the cafe. As part of their duty, they are required to communicate with you. If you were good enough, she'll give you her number. Often waitresses get used to constant attempts to get hired. Here you must be different from others and definitely be sober. The waitresses don't really like drunk men. Sometimes you can agree to wait until the end of her shift and gallantly escort her home. Waitresses like gentlemen; they have seen boors and ill-mannered men more than once.

    Alone or a group of girls looking around - this is also your option. Some women's companies are deliberately loud, you should pay attention to them, because this is exactly what they are trying to achieve.

    You can meet people at a bar by inviting girls to slow dance. This way you can assess whether she is here alone or with a man. Approaching a girl when a fast melody is playing is not a very good option. Unless, of course, you are a professional dancer.

    After meeting a girl, you should use the bar-dance-communication method and so on in a circle. When dancing, you can be a little more daring and finally appreciate the firmness of her butt and the softness of her lips. Drinking alcohol when meeting in a bar is more than correct. It will help the two of you feel more at ease. It is alcohol that most often pushes people towards sex on the first date.

    After the evening, you can try to get her into your bed. Offer to move in with you. It's definitely quieter there than here in the bar. Come up with a reason yourself. You can justify it by the closer location of your apartment than her house, or entice her with something interesting. For example, you can offer to watch a movie, a collection of your children's badges or stamps. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. She perfectly understands the whole background and “danger” of the invitation. The more harmless or funnier the reason, the better.

    On the other hand, you can always get her phone number and call back in a couple of days. By calling her later, you may discover that you do not have her phone number, but rather the reference number of your mobile operator. This also happens, but more often it is she who will answer your call.

    Don’t listen to anyone that dating in bars and cafes is not very successful. In a cafe or bar you are much more likely to meet a normal girl than in a nightclub or library.

    The phrase “Girl, can I meet you?” girls are no more enthusiastic than being asked to present documents. These five dating techniques will guarantee you success, fabulous sex, Thai massage, or at least a phone number.

    Text: Alexander Zaits
    Illustrations: Paul Wootton

    Trick #1. Make a joke about her cocktail

    bad habits bring you closer together

    Commenting on the contents of the glass will help you show humor and create sexual tension.

    First step

    So your victim is sitting at the bar drinking something. To begin with, take a leisurely walk around the room, assess the disposition - is she alone or with a gentleman. If there are no competitors, start artillery preparation: wait until she almost (almost - this is important) finishes her cocktail, smile and make eye contact. Make sure the girl returns your gaze without choking in horror. Sit next to her, order yourself something and see what exactly she drinks - this is also important. Be confident, as if you cannot admit that she will not want to communicate with the beautiful you. Now is your exit. Make a casual remark: “Is it true that girls who drink margaritas are especially emotional?” or “Is it already (still) ten in the evening, and you are still (already) drinking martinis?” Don't bother explaining your stupid question. Whatever she answers, feel free to offer: “Hmm, well, will you allow me to treat you to the same thing?”

    Consolidating success

    The five minutes it takes to place an order buys time for an important short conversation. The main thing now is to let her feel that you are interested in knowing everything about her, and not just whether her bed creaks or not. This is the threshold over which most men, inspired by their first success, stumble. The conversation will go easier if you ask the so-called open questions- those that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. Tip: start questions with what, how, where and when. “What will happen if you overdo it with this wonderful drink? Have you already had this experience? And how did you feel? If there is a painful pause, don’t get lost. Take this advice from Susan Roane, author of What to Say Next?: “You can intrigue a girl by telling her that you're usually much more talkative, but when you look at her, you forget half the words. It sounds sincere, and besides, it’s a compliment - the girl will definitely respond to it.”

    Finish the attack by ordering another cocktail. Agreeing, she signals: the path is open, boldly forward. Now you can pick up your phone with your bare hands.

    If you change your mind

    As the conversation progressed, did you realize that your relationship was a mistake? It’s time to round them off gracefully: “Now you won’t die of thirst, my conscience is clear. Sorry, they're waiting for me."

    Trick #2. Try some magic

    since it worked on Claudia Schiffer...

    Being in the spotlight gives your image an unbearable charisma. Women love men who know how to entertain and have fun. That is why tricks and tricks act like a magnet on girls. But don't listen to us. “If I see a guy really having fun, I usually want to share in the fun,” says Oksana, 25.

    First step

    “I once watched a guy who was sitting at the bar and showing a girl tricks - a flying olive, an exploding straw and other nonsense,” says bartender Misha. - The bar was full, and within five minutes a whole group of girls had gathered around this guy, excitedly commenting on what was happening. It was one of the most effective techniques dating, or, as they say, pickup technician. He gathered several people who wanted to meet at once, without even getting up from his chair.” (See the description of these tricks below.) When you start your show, make sure that your friends act as the first grateful spectators. Then turn to a suitable spectator and say: “Did you see everything? If you guess how this trick works, I’ll give you a treat.” If she can't explain anything, it means she's forgotten the basics of Newtonian mechanics out of admiration, or she's simply been distracted throughout sixth grade by the early discovery of her own sexuality. Both suit us - show the trick again and treat her.

    Consolidating success

    After explaining the trick, turn the conversation to the girl itself. It’s very easy to do this: “Okay, that’s enough tricks for today. Tell us better about yourself." Conduct the conversation in line with the information that she will give out about herself - this will give her the impression that you are an attentive interlocutor. When your drinks are finished, leave. Not forgetting, however, to invite her to the next performance. “My friends and I often meet here. If you want, leave me your phone number and I’ll let you know what’s fun next time.” This thoughtfully casual proposal will provide you with the worthy assistant that every magician relies on.

    If you change your mind

    If it was much more fun when you practiced tricks in front of the mirror, then this means that the audience in front of you is not yours. We retreat to the toilet. “And now another trick - magical disappearance. Will you excuse me? Wizards do this too."

    Bar tricks: classics

    1. Cover the olive with an empty glass.

    2. Spin the olive in the glass without lifting it.

    3. Continuing the rotation, lift the glass.

    4. Drop the olive over her glass with a martini glass.

    1. Pinch the straw at both ends.

    2. Twist the ends, forcing air into the center.

    3. Show the girl the bubble that has formed.

    4. She flicks her finger on it... explosion!

    Trick #3. Fight another guy

    every girl needs a protector

    So, the girl of your dreams found herself pinned in the corner by an unattractive individual with a lustful glint in her eyes. Help her find freedom, and you'll get a head start in the dating game. “I will always be grateful to a man who will rid me of an annoying admirer,” explains Lena, 23 years old.

    First step

    First, figure out the situation - does the girl really need saving? Pay attention to non-verbal signs: if the victim and the invader are facing each other and do not take their eyes off each other, it is better not to interfere - the bride herself dreams of being kidnapped. If she turns away with her whole body and casts pitiful glances around, it means she wants to be free - go ahead! First you need to get between them. Spill liquid on yourself and ask for a napkin, pretend that the girl seems familiar to you. Even if she sees you for the first time in her life, she will support the game and will be grateful to you for saving her.

    Consolidating success

    If she has even a modicum of intelligence, she should invite you to sit next to her and start a leisurely conversation with you about your imaginary mutual acquaintances, and if the impudent attacker is hanging around nearby, then about relatives. Treat her to a cocktail. It will look like part of a plan to save her, not like an attempt to get her drunk. Keep playing the card of protector of widows and orphans: “I always feel like I need to save someone. My ex-girlfriend(yeah, now she knows you’re incredibly lonely) said that she hates being left alone in the company of an unpleasant man.”

    So, you've positioned yourself as a ladies' man, now is the time to make a joke, for example, tell a joke about a wedding. This topic is very close to girls, and the fact that you can easily use the terms “wedding”, “bride”, “flowers”, “registry office” makes you ideal man in her eyes. When all the dangers have passed, say: “I liked saving you so much, maybe I can do it again? Like saving you from starvation at lunch tomorrow?”

    If you change your mind

    It may turn out that the victim is a complete disaster herself, and, if you look into it, you saved not her, but that guy. To escape, use the following phrase: “I was glad to help, I’ll go check on my company, otherwise you never know.” Go find your next victim.

    Trick #4. Seduce her with a cue

    a game - perfect occasion get closer

    If you take an active position in life, billiards, darts, pinball and other slot machines are an alternative to sluggish gatherings at the table and an excellent springboard for meeting people. And besides, evidence of your independence. “I’d rather pay attention to a guy who enjoys himself, and doesn’t just sit in the corner and stare at every skirt,” the girl Alla, 27, told us.

    First step

    First, try to accidentally hit it with a cue. (We are talking only about a touch, at least enough so that the girl remains alive.) This episode guarantees you an easy and constructive start to dating - you will have to apologize. Just say: “Oh, I seem to have offended you. A million apologies! Maybe we’ll play and you’ll have a chance to take revenge on me.”

    Consolidating success

    If she doesn't want to play, you need to insist on treating her to a cocktail at the end of the game. Just as compensation. And if you agree, you will have room for maneuver. Although you will have to talk about something during the game. Try to have an intellectual conversation: “Who do you think plays billiards better, Madonna or Britney Spears?” It sounds like the ramblings of a schizophrenic, but it's much better for developing casual conversation than "Have you been here before?" When you finish the game, say, regardless of the result: “I think we need a rematch. Give me your phone number." Simply and easily.

    If you change your mind

    If the ball-setting triangle seems sexier to you than your new partner, say you don't like playing too many games in a row and immediately retreat to the bar.

    First step

    So, you only have five minutes to offer the girl communication that she would like to continue in a non-restroom environment. Fortunately, women become more forgiving when they are bored and there are few men around. In addition, you have a common secret business, you are, in a sense, comrades in misfortune. Feel free to use toilet humor. Say that at the beginning of the line you saw a girl with a volume of War and Peace. Promise her to call the rescuers if she's gone for too long.

    Consolidating success

    Ask casually if she's leaving, because if you get stuck in that line again, you'll need her company. After exciting conversations about the nuances of physiology, you can move the conversation to other topics. Ask where she spends her time when she's not standing in line for the bathroom. Once you reach your goal, you will be like brother and sister. Therefore, your offer to wait for you to return together will sound quite natural. And it’s completely logical, after what you’ve experienced, to offer her something to drink.

    If you change your mind

    Can't imagine yourself with this girl more than five meters from the bathroom? Say, “Sorry, looks like I’ll be staying longer than I expected. There is a very specific cuisine here.”

    When going on an evening hunt, make sure you are well camouflaged. After all, before trustingly letting you closer, girls study your appearance. Bad haircut “I’m not saying that a guy must have something trendy on his head,” says Natasha, 31 years old. But you still want to observe traces of a more or less decent haircut. To do this, you just need to go to a good hairdresser. But this “cut my hair well, inexpensively” - something from a difficult childhood.” Unshaven “I love it when a man grows a little stubble in the evening. This is so sexy! - explains Christina, 25 years old. - I have a desire to touch his face, I begin to wonder whether it is pricking or not. And if it pricks, then how exactly. Although I’m in the minority among my girlfriends, they like clean-shaven men.” Watches “Wearing a watch makes a man look more responsible, but for me it’s the same as being more attractive,” says Lisa, 27 years old. - But when a guy wears a business watch that costs thousands at a disco or in the gym, it’s bullshit and cheap show-off. Well, okay, okay - expensive show-offs and that makes them even more disgusting.” Handsfree “This is what teenagers do when they have their first smartphone,” says Tanya, 30 years old. - From my point of view, a man with a hearing aid in his ear... well, this is a man with a hearing aid in his ear. What else can I add here? Driving hands-free is fine, but what idiot would carry it in a bar?” Collar “A buttoned shirt collar in the evening at a bar is not kosher,” says Masha, 26 years old. - Firstly, there is no feeling of relaxation. Secondly, I like it when the body is visible, at least a little: bare throat, rolled up sleeves. (This does not apply to socks that are too short.)"

    It's no secret that many people go to entertainment venues to find a partner. Girls come to a bar to attract a man's attention. And guys are not averse to meeting a pretty female representative. How girls drink at the bar, he told senior bartender of one of the Syktyvkar bars Andrey Mishin.

    First, the girl must decide what she wants from the evening. Before a stormy evening, a girl determines the goal in her head, advises Andrei Mishin. - There are several options here. And what you need to drink depends on your goal.

    What women want in a bar:

    • Find a partner, make a new acquaintance.
    • Spend an evening in company and have fun
    • Drink modestly, alone
    • Drink from the bar

    Behavior of girls at the bar

    • As a rule, girls come to the bar sober. The first thing they do is get acquainted with the menu. Female representatives spend a very long time leafing through the wine list. But for starters, they usually choose the most popular cocktails, such as Strawberry Mojito or Tropical. The first cocktail is a transitional stage between “I don’t understand yet” to the stage “I already know what I want.”
    • After the first cocktail, the experiments continue: the girls want to try something different. At this stage, the search for the “victim” begins. Drinking girls begin to look for a man who will treat them. In terms of cocktails, you don’t have to choose here: you drink whatever you’re offered. As a rule, men order as a treat a cocktail that the girl drank before. But if a man offers a lady a different drink, girls rarely refuse.
    • After a generous meal, an acquaintance is established between a man and a woman. As the bartender Andrei Mishin called this period, “getting to know your drinking buddy.” It all starts with the elementary naming of names, a short story about yourself. The conversation begins with a discussion of the establishment: “This is my first time here,” “How do you like the establishment?” and everything like that. Subsequently, the man offers to dance.
    • When the interlocutors have already learned a little more about each other, they move on to shots. Drinkers try to fill the body with alcohol. Girls at this stage want to “catch up” and get rid of their interlocutor. After a good number of shots, this rarely works.
    • After a sufficient amount of alcoholic drinks, the stage of “pouring out the soul” begins. To interest a girl, men resort to tricks. Standard phrases are used that press for pity: “My girlfriend left me, everything is bad.” Representatives of the fairer sex are susceptible to pity, so they listen to sad stories with pleasure. At the same stage of dating, men say that non-locals are wealthy and can afford anything. This trump card does not go unnoticed by the fair half.
    • When a man has established his status, he begins to persuade the girl to leave the drinking establishment. The man puts moral pressure on his interlocutor. He persistently convinces the lady that they will be better off somewhere else. The catchphrase in this case is: “If we go further, it will be much better.”
    • A separate type are girls who come to a bar to drink for free. These ladies make eyes at the bartenders and wait for a treat from the establishment. As Andrei Mishin said, the treat from the bar depends on the attractiveness of the girl.
    • What stands out from the others are the girls who came to the bar to realize themselves. Such representatives of the fair sex lack attention. They begin to dance on the tables, on the bar counter, in order to attract the gaze of everyone present. This all happens under absolutely any alcohol. As a rule, this is a couple of B-52 shots.

    The most important thing in a bar is to drink in moderation, especially for girls. In order not to lose face, both figuratively and literally, you need to monitor your condition and not drink everything. It is important to determine for yourself the required amount of alcohol that your feet can handle. And also calculate the budget. If you spend a certain amount of money on a night out at a bar, the likelihood of being moderately drunk increases.