Open class May2013 weed. Spring theme in children's modeling classes Modeling spring grass

Spring landscape for children. Plasticine

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The work can be done with children 8-10 years old. The material may be useful to educators preschool institutions and additional education teachers, teachers. This work can also be done with children over younger age, but when using a preliminary drawing, the production time will significantly increase from 2 to 4 lessons, depending on the age of the children.
Purpose: The work will serve as an excellent interior decoration and children's creative exhibitions.
Target: creating a spring landscape using plasticineography technique.
- teach children to create a spring landscape from plasticine, complement the work with gouache paints;
-improve skills in working with plasticine, the ability to build a composition, plan stages of work;
-develop fine motor skills hands;
- to cultivate interest in working with plasticine, love for native nature.
Hello, first grass of spring!
How did you bloom? Are you happy about the warmth?
I know you have fun and crowd there,
They work together in every corner.
Put out a leaf or a blue flower
Every young stub is in a hurry
Earlier than the willow from tender buds
The first one will show a green leaf.
(Sergey Gorodetsky)
Hello, dear guests! It's getting warmer every day. The snow has already melted and the ground is covered with fresh green grass. Today everything around is happy. The days are getting longer and the weather is getting nicer. May will bring the first spring thunderstorm and rain, which will saturate the earth with life-giving moisture. Spring is a time of awakening and renewal of nature, full of beauty and joy. Today the master class is dedicated to this beautiful and amazing time, the time of awakening and rejoicing of nature.
We will need tools and materials:
-sheet of thick A4 paper
- modeling board
-stack, brush
-gouache (brown, green, blue colors)
-a glass for water

This drawing can be used as a template for kids, or you can suggest making a pencil sketch yourself.

Progress of the master class:

We begin creating a spring landscape with the background of the work. We will draw with plasticine, like with crayons.

We will decorate the upper part of the sheet with blue plasticine - sky, and the rest with brown - earth. Spring has not yet fully come into its own, so in some places black soil can be seen, and with green plasticine we will apply a second layer of color to the ground - young grass.

Then you need to use your finger to smooth out the formed pellets of plasticine and level the background. Now we need to show the horizon line in the landscape, let's roll a thin long sausage (with our fingertips) of blue color. We place it on the line where sky and earth meet, and smear the sausage towards the sky, we get a forest in the distance.

If necessary, you need to align the horizon line with a stack.

Next we will sculpt the trees in the foreground of the work. It’s like entering a forest, and the tree closest to us will be the largest and tallest, so that even its top is invisible. Roll into brown sausages.

We place them on the landscape and apply them to the surface of the leaf inside the tree, sculpting branches. Then we will need a lot of very thin sausages for the tree bark (we roll them on a board with our fingertips).

The tree is old and there is a hollow in it, we flatten out a black oval shape at the top of the tree.

To make the tree cover more picturesque, we add black sausages to the tree bark. We sculpt the required number of branches and begin to work on the young spring greenery. We collect a small amount of green plasticine on the stack and smear it near the branches.

Now we will sculpt a birch tree. We make blanks - two long black sausages for the trunk, and thin cakes of approximately the same size (tear off a piece of white plasticine and knead it with your fingers).

We lay out the details on the landscape.

First we smooth out the white parts with our finger, then attach the black contours of the birch. Using a stack, we smooth the black edges of the trunk into the birch to get its characteristic features.

We sculpt the branches and leaves in the same way as the first tree.

Now the birch tree, which is located a little further from us, will be smaller. Rolling the sausage white the required length (you can try it on to the drawing), and flatten it on a sheet of paper.

Add contours, twigs and greenery.

Our plasticine landscape lacks young green grass. We smear small shapeless pieces of plasticine on the places we need.

In the foreground the grass is tall, and in the distance it is small. Draw blades of grass in a stack.

Well, what would spring be without snowdrops? Roll up small droplets or carrots and combine them into flowers in threes. Roll out small blades of grass from darker green plasticine.

We place a nest of thin sausages on a birch tree.

And we complement the plasticine spring with light colors of gouache paints. This work If children wish, they can be supplemented with birds and animals; they respond to this proposal with pleasure.

The green blizzard is in charge,
Light grass lay on the ground.
And they rush to us, as if birds from the south,
High words from ancient days.
The deserted alleys are brightening,
The sprouts want to grow quickly.
And ahead is a busy summer,
And behind me is young April.
(Sergey Krivonos)

Plasticineography for primary schoolchildren. Cat Scientist


♦ Develop skills in working with plasticine - in particular, the skills of making a background from plasticine on a plastic or cardboard base.

♦ Develop skills in making compositions from plasticine on a flat surface using waste material.

♦ Develop skills in rolling plasticine into a “sausage” or flagellum.

♦ To develop in children an understanding that an expressive image can be achieved using different means.

Lesson materials

♦ Plasticine.

♦ A plastic lid from some kind of packaging (a round lid from a large mayonnaise jar, a rectangular lid from a box of butter, etc.) or small thick cardboard (no more than 10x15 cm) as the basis for making the composition.

♦ Straws for cocktails or thin plastic tubes from candies (“chupa chups”), cut into pieces of small length - from 0.5 cm to 3 cm.

♦ Planks or oilcloths for modeling.

♦ Illustrations depicting daisies.

♦ If possible, a bouquet of daisies in a small vase.

Progress of the lesson

Part 1 Introduction. Preparing the background


Last weekend I was at the dacha. The daisies have already bloomed there. I brought a bouquet to decorate our group. Look how delicate the flowers are. They consist of many petals that are attached to the middle. The flowers have a round, fluffy head and thin stems.

Today I invite you to depict these flowers using an unusual material. Want to?

First we will create the background for our composition. To do this, we “tint” the base with plasticine. Try to keep the layer of plasticine thick enough, because we will attach other parts of the composition to it.

Part 2 Making flowers


And I suggest you make the flowers themselves from these small tubes. For the middle, I place the shortest tubes vertically on the base. Give it a try. Is it interesting?

But for the petals, I will first take longer tubes, attach them horizontally to plasticine around the middle so that there is a small distance between them. In the remaining gaps I insert the tubes slightly obliquely middle length- the effect of the fluffiness of our flower is obtained.

Try making 2-3 daisies using your base.

What else needs to be added to the composition? That's right, flowers have stems and leaves. I propose to make them from plasticine in the usual way: the stem is a thin “sausage” or flagellum; leaves - roll small balls from green plasticine, flatten them with your fingers, slightly sharpen them at one end.

We attach both stems and leaves to the background using light pressure or smearing.

The composition is ready.

Let the children write the description themselves

Thematic modeling is a great way to develop a child. And the seasons, and in particular spring, contain a lot of ideas for creating crafts with your own hands.

Spring- it’s time for nature to renew and flourish. With the arrival of this wonderful time of year, not only the earth wakes up. Fantasy awakens from hibernation and blues, creative impulses and inspiration blossom. When you hear the word spring, the first flowers peeking out from under the snow, tender green grass, and swollen buds on the trees immediately appear before your eyes. Spring is a wonderful time of year and a time to create crafts with your own hands.

Perfect for making themed items modeling. There are a great variety of materials for this type of creativity. This can be plasticine, clay, dough, plaster and much more. Each of them has positive features that are unique to them. Anyone, both a beginner and a highly skilled master, can choose the material to their liking. There are practically no age limits for modeling as a form of creativity. Both kids and adults enjoy sculpting.

Spring made of plasticine.

Modeling from plasticine is usually done by children. It is easy to knead, it is flexible and has bright colors. By diligently rolling out plasticine with their fingers and palms, children develop fine motor skills, memory, imagination and fantasy. Very often you need a theme for sculpting, and spring is perfect for this. The easiest way for children is to sculpt what they see, what surrounds them. The easiest way to make a plasticine craft on a spring theme is on cardboard. Just knead and smear the plasticine on the white side. Let the little one come up with the picture himself, or create it during the modeling process. This will help develop imagination and unleash the creative potential of the baby. If a child finds it difficult to create a complete image, adults can help him by drawing outlines with a pencil, and the baby will only have to color them. Only instead of paints there will be multi-colored and bright plasticine. There is no need to limit your child's creativity to a rectangular piece of cardboard. You can cut out an oval and depict on it a lake with water lilies that bloomed in the spring, or turn a round piece of cardboard into a stump and “plant” it on it ladybug, also created from plasticine. Making a butterfly “sitting” on a blooming flower is a new level of skill. Creating a three-dimensional figure is more difficult. Several of these products can be combined into a composition. For example, make several spring flowers and put them in a plasticine vase. Or you can combine. On one piece of cardboard, draw a clearing with green grass and snowdrops, and fasten the second piece of cardboard vertically, creating a background.

Spring made from dough.

One of the most popular and environmentally friendly materials for modeling is dough. You can buy it in specialized craft stores or create it yourself at home. Both adults and children enjoy sculpting with dough. The simplest recipe includes only three components. Flour, water and salt are available in every home. This dough can be given to children to work with without fear; even if they taste it, nothing bad will happen. Adults can add wallpaper glue, starch, dyes and much more to the dough to create their own creations. Dough products are dried in the oven or in the fresh air. They can be coated with glossy or matte varnish or decorate with paints.

Basket with flowers made from salt dough.

This craft can be created together by adults and children. To prepare the dough you will need:

  • Flour 2 cups;
  • Salt 1 glass;
  • Water ¾ cup.
  1. Mix all ingredients and knead until the dough becomes elastic.
  2. Make 3 flagella from a small piece of dough.
  3. Weave a braid out of them, trim the edges and straighten them. (basket preparation)
  4. Roll out a thin strip, fold it in half and twist it into a rope. (basket handle)
  5. Roll a few small drops, flatten them and draw veins with a knife. (leaves)
  6. Make several different sized dough balls. (flower petals)
  7. Make a cake from a piece of dough and attach all the parts, moistening the joints with water.
  8. Let the basket dry.
  9. Color the basket and flowers
  10. Dry the basket again.

    Spring made of clay.

    Clay is a natural product formed during the destruction of rocks. It comes in various colors - green, blue, white. The best clay for sculpting is purchased from special store for needlework. Sold in powder form or ready-made. Modeling made from so-called polymer clay is more attractive and simpler, due to the absence of the need to fire the product. Before you start modeling, clay, like plasticine and dough, needs to be kneaded. When working, it is better to use both hands to symmetrically design the right and left sides of the product.

    In the modern world, polymer clay or, in other words, plastic is increasingly used. According to the method of hardening it is divided into:

    • Self-hardening;
    • Baked.

    Self-hardening - hardens in air within 24 hours. Such clay is plastic, stretches easily and rolls out very thinly. Thanks to these properties, it is popular when creating flowers and dolls. This clay should be stored in airtight packaging. The disadvantage of such clay is the fragility of the finished products and deformation from contact with water. Crafts made from this clay require careful care.

    Baked polymer clay hardens when heated to a temperature of 110 - 130 ⁰C. You can use the oven or “cook” a product made from such clay in water. Thermoplastics are temperature sensitive. In a cool room it will take longer to knead. Old hardened thermoplastic can be softened with special products or regular vegetable oil. Thermoplastic products are durable. Thin parts can regain their shape after deformation, they are very flexible.

    It is better for small children to work with natural clay. This material is environmentally friendly and easy to handle. Kids can, for example, make a gift for their mothers for March 8th - clay beads and paint them with bright colors.

    Clay beads.

    To prepare you will need:

    • Clay;
    • Acrylic paints;
    • Bamboo stick;
    • Thread or cord for stringing beads.

    The gift for mom is ready.

    These are just a few examples children's creativity. Let the kids sculpt, imagine and create masterpieces.

GCD summary for modeling in 1 younger group on the topic of:
"Spring grass"
Purpose: to introduce A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Rural Song”, to teach
coordinate words into sentences, develop memory; continue to learn how to pinch off small ones
pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, roll them into sticks, carefully place them on
tablet, distinguish green color, develop the ability to work collectively.
Materials: green plasticine, modeling boards, illustrations for the poem.
Preliminary work: A teacher with children at the window observes changes in
GCD move:
Spring has come. The sun is shining brightly outside. The days have become warmer. The snow has melted and
grass began to grow through the ground.
Listen to how spring is described in Alexey Pleshcheev’s poem “Rural
The grass is turning green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter.
Chirp out of the way
Greetings to us soon!
I'll give you some grains;
And you sing a song
What from distant countries
I brought it with me.
Children, what time of year did I read you a poem about?
What color is the grass?
What color is the sun?
Who flew in the poem?
Educator: Guys, today we will sculpt a meadow. Remember what grows in the meadow?
Children: (grass, flowers)
Q: What color is the grass?
Children: (green).
Q: So what color do we need plasticine?
Children: (green).
Q: What does the weed look like? Let's look at a picture of weed. If
If you carefully examine the blade of grass, you will see that it looks like a thin stick. You
remember how to make a stick?
Children: (Yes).
Q: Show me. (children perform straight movements with their palms). That's right, that's how we will be
sculpt a blade of grass. The teacher shows techniques for rolling out a stick, paying attention
children to get a thin blade of grass.
Physical education lesson “The wind blows over the fields”
The wind blows over the fields,
And the grass sways. (Children smoothly swing their arms above their heads.)
A cloud floats above us
Like a white mountain. (Stretching - arms up.)
The wind carries dust over the field.
The ears are leaning -
Right to left, back to front,
And then vice versa. (Tilts to the right, left, forward, back.)
We climb the hill, (Walking in place.)

We'll rest there for a while. (Children sit down.)
Q: Children are starting to sculpt spring grass. And I’ll play you calm, beautiful music,
she will help you reveal your Creative skills and cheer up and lift your
Children begin to sculpt, during the sculpting process the teacher assists the children,
experiencing difficulties.
Q: That's how many blades of grass we made. It turned out to be a whole meadow. I really want it
run through it like barefoot in summer. Well, it’s okay, a little more time will pass and the grass will
will grow up on our site, in the park in the meadow.
Ask the children if they liked making blades of grass? Whose work did they like and why?
Tactfully draw attention to the guys’ mistakes, suggest that they not be allowed to happen at the next modeling session,
We lay out the work on the board.

Plasticine Spring. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Master class on plasticineography "Spring" for junior schoolchildren

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The work can be done with children 8-10 years old. The material may be useful for preschool teachers, additional education teachers, and teachers. Also, this work can be done with younger children, but using a preliminary drawing, and the production time will significantly increase from 2 to 4 lessons, depending on the age of the children.
Purpose: The work will serve as an excellent interior decoration and children's creative exhibitions.
Target: creating a spring landscape using plasticineography technique.
- teach children to create a spring landscape from plasticine, complement the work with gouache paints;
-improve skills in working with plasticine, the ability to build a composition, plan stages of work;
- develop fine motor skills of the hand;
- to cultivate interest in working with plasticine, love for native nature.
Hello, first grass of spring!
How did you bloom? Are you happy about the warmth?
I know you have fun and crowd there,
They work together in every corner.
Put out a leaf or a blue flower
Every young stub is in a hurry
Earlier than the willow from tender buds
The first one will show a green leaf.
(Sergey Gorodetsky)
Hello, dear guests! It's getting warmer every day. The snow has already melted and the ground is covered with fresh green grass. Today everything around is happy. The days are getting longer and the weather is getting nicer. May will bring the first spring thunderstorm and rain, which will saturate the earth with life-giving moisture. Spring is a time of awakening and renewal of nature, full of beauty and joy. Today the master class is dedicated to this beautiful and amazing time, the time of awakening and rejoicing of nature.
We will need tools and materials:
-sheet of thick A4 paper
- modeling board
-stack, brush
-gouache (brown, green, blue colors)
-a glass for water

This drawing can be used as a template for kids, or you can suggest making a pencil sketch yourself.

Progress of the master class:

We begin creating a spring landscape with the background of the work. We will draw with plasticine, like with crayons.

We will decorate the upper part of the sheet with blue plasticine - sky, and the rest with brown - earth. Spring has not yet fully come into its own, so in some places black soil can be seen, and with green plasticine we will apply a second layer of color to the ground - young grass.

Then you need to use your finger to smooth out the formed pellets of plasticine and level the background. Now we need to show the horizon line in the landscape, let's roll a thin long sausage (with our fingertips) in blue. We place it on the line where sky and earth meet, and smear the sausage towards the sky, we get a forest in the distance.

If necessary, you need to align the horizon line with a stack.

Next we will sculpt the trees in the foreground of the work. It’s like entering a forest, and the tree closest to us will be the largest and tallest, so that even its top is invisible. Roll into brown sausages.

We place them on the landscape and apply them to the surface of the leaf inside the tree, sculpting branches. Then we will need a lot of very thin sausages for the tree bark (we roll them on a board with our fingertips).

The tree is old and there is a hollow in it, we flatten out a black oval shape at the top of the tree.

To make the tree cover more picturesque, we add black sausages to the tree bark. We sculpt the required number of branches and begin to work on the young spring greenery. We collect a small amount of green plasticine on the stack and smear it near the branches.

Now we will sculpt a birch tree. We make blanks - two long black sausages for the trunk, and thin cakes of approximately the same size (tear off a piece of white plasticine and knead it with your fingers).

We lay out the details on the landscape.

First we smooth out the white parts with our finger, then attach the black contours of the birch. Using a stack, we smooth the black edges of the trunk into the birch to get its characteristic features.

We sculpt the branches and leaves in the same way as the first tree.

Now the birch tree, which is located a little further from us, will be smaller. Roll up a white sausage to the required length (you can try it on the picture), and flatten it on a sheet of paper.

Add contours, twigs and greenery.

Our plasticine landscape lacks young green grass. We smear small shapeless pieces of plasticine on the places we need.

In the foreground the grass is tall, and in the distance it is small. Draw blades of grass in a stack.

Well, what would spring be without snowdrops? Roll up small droplets or carrots and combine them into flowers in threes. Roll out small blades of grass from darker green plasticine.

We place a nest of thin sausages on a birch tree.

And we complement the plasticine spring with light colors of gouache paints. This work can be supplemented with birds and animals at the request of the children; they are happy to respond to this proposal.