Panorama of good deeds in kindergarten decoration. Design of the folder “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

“Architecture of kindergartens” - Creation of a large common multifunctional hall that unites all groups. Dalian. Eco-friendly architecture. Irkutsk, 1868, architect G.V. Rosen. Settlement Society House. Kindergarten in Neufeld der Leith, Austria. City universal kindergarten named after O.N. Kelina on Bolshaya Tsaritsynskaya (1910–1911).

“Child’s adaptation in kindergarten” - Important little things. Phases of the adaptation process: Conditions for successful adaptation: Try to come up with and rehearse several different ways goodbyes in the morning. For example, an air kiss, a strong handshake, a pat on the back, etc. Adaptation. According to the severity of the acute phase, adaptation is divided into: What is adaptation?

“Kindergarten of the Future” - Air slides with a special transport device begin from the purple terrace. All animals love children very much. A time machine is used to travel in time and space. Innovative kindergarten of the future (through the eyes of children). Zoo – essential attribute kindergarten of the future. Basically, it is needed to jump and “cool off” on hot days.

“Flower beds” - Flower beds add zest to the area. Simple and original. Bench - flower bed. Round flower beds on the kindergarten site. Ozhegov’s “Explanatory Dictionary” gives the following definition: Flowerbed “Sweet Couple”. We also have such a flower bed. What is a Flower Garden? Municipal preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 12, Serdobsk.

“Kindergarten and family” - Organization of catering in SDS. Basic principles of implementation of the “SEVEN-I” program. Network interaction within the resource center. Then programs are selected and developed, individual plans work. Historical excursion. Tasks project activities: Project development prospects. Program for raising and educating children in SDS.

“Adaptation in preschool educational institution” - Adaptation of a child to kindergarten. The final stage. Tips for parents. Reactions of the child's body. Stages of adaptation development. Way to success. Factors influencing adaptation. Preparatory stage for adaptation. Adaptation is the process of a child’s entry and adaptation. Main stage.

Methodological description of the children's project " Piggy bank of good deeds»

    Project name - " Piggy bank of good deeds»

    Full name – Ilyina Natalya Nikolaevna

    Name of educational institution –

GOU SO "Filatov boarding school"

    Year of project development – ​​2010 - 2011

    Experience of use (extent of distribution) - all groups

    Project problem:

Lately, less and less attention has been paid to moral and spiritual values ​​- kindness, attention, care, mutual assistance, mutual assistance... I would like the students of our school to strive to be kinder, more attentive to each other, to show concern for their neighbors, and to benefit others. Sometimes children do not know how to objectively evaluate their actions and the actions of their loved ones. Therefore, the idea arose of creating the “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds” project, where every child will have the opportunity to actively express themselves and visually see the accumulation of their personal “good deeds.”

Target: motivate children to do good deeds, be able to help loved ones, be kinder.


    Children's organization form

    Group work


    Leading activity



    Form of project activity products –

    Creation and replenishment of corners “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

    Group report of designers

    Method for combining results

Group electronic presentation

    participants are school pupils


    Active participation:

At school events

In exhibitions

In competitions

At fairs

On subbotniks

On holidays

    Giving help:


For kids

Sponsored schools

    Summing up the nominations:

    Child winner

    The group is the winner

Presentation of awards:

For winning the project “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

For the desire to win the game

Hope of the game “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

State educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region for orphans and children left without parental care of the Sverdlovsk region “Filatov special (correctional) boarding school for children with developmental disabilities”

Agreed: Agreed: I approve:

Deputy Director for SD Deputy Director for HR School Director

_________________ __________________ _______________

M.B. Gilyazeva L.V. Tsepeleva G.G. Kotelnikova

"__"__________2010 "__"__________2010 "__"__________2010

Social children's project

"Treasury of good deeds"

Filatovskoe village, 2010

Stages of work on the project:


Isolating problems(group meetings)

Work on the project is divided into six stages

Project goals and objectives:

Goal: to activate children to demonstrate positive character traits.


    Development of students’ communicative abilities, adequate positive self-esteem and the opportunity for each child to express themselves and find “their niche” in the children’s team

    Fostering a culture of communication with peers and cooperation with adults in the context of educational, project, and work activities

    Motivate for active interaction with society

Planned result:

Active participation in the project

Accumulation of good deeds

Decoration of the corner “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

Electronic presentation

Participants : pupils, teachers, class teachers.







    Decoration of corners

“Treasury of good deeds”: general and group (classroom)

    Accumulation of good deeds.

    Analysis of the work performed.

    Presentation of results

(look at the corners)

    Electronic presentation

(combining results)

    Rewarding active project participants.

January February

September - May

March, April





pupils, class leaders


pupils, class leaders



Teachers, students

All project participants


    Working with the media

    Search for design options

    Finding a field of activity for good deeds


    Processing of received information

    Conclusions are formed

    Selecting the form of project presentation


    Presentation and defense of the project

    Problem Analysis

    Determining the prospects for further work


    Defining results, achievements and problems

    Determining the prospects for further research

Dear parents!!!

Children and teachers of group No. 5 “Stars”

thanks you for your help

in preparing the group and site for the new 2016 -2017 academic year.

To the Sakhipov family, mother Regina, she is our print master, print

To the Yarullin family, mother Tatyana, for their help

group help (printout)

Dear and dear mothers and dads!

We, on behalf of the Zvezdochki group, want to thank you for

that you entrusted us with the upbringing of your children.

Thank you very much for your help in organizing a developmental environment in the group,

in expanding the playing area, for cooperation in creating comfort and coziness

for our children in kindergarten.

Thank you for your good deeds,

Let it come back to you in life like an echo,
The deep goodness of all your deeds is the essence,
I wish you health and lots and lots of laughter,
May the path in your life be easy!

We thank the family

Bobkov for adding to our play area

(dolls, cars, books, etc.)

Thanks for the carpet.

Our Children are very grateful to you!

Thank you many times for your help,
Thank you for your good deeds,
We are delighted to tell you
Much gratitude!

Parents Committee We express our deep gratitude to the kindergarten represented by Regina Meshkova for her help in improving the group.

Gratitude to parents

Family of Boyakhmadovs, Ermakovs

As a teacher, I am very pleased that the parents of the children who attend our group are wonderful, sincere people. Our respected parents showed responsiveness and diligence in decorating our site: they brought a house and characters from the fairy tale “Teremok”, a table for drawing, and modeling toys for games.

Corners of mood, solitude, panoramas of good deeds in kindergarten for the development of the emotional sphere of children.


Karimova M. R.

One of the main objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is: protection and strengthening of physical and mental health children (including their emotional well-being).

The behavior and mood of a preschool child very much depends on his emotional state. He has not yet learned to manage his emotions, and therefore his life is highly susceptible to mood swings.

You can track the emotional state of each child during the day thanks to the “My Mood” corner. We present it in the form of a multi-colored flower. Each petal corresponds to a specific emotion: I’m calm, I’m happy, I’m sad, I’m angry, I don’t want to communicate. Children place their photo magnets on the petals to match their mood. Children learn this wayunderstand their mood, their emotions and feelings in a form accessible to them, manage them, as well as the feelings and emotions of their peers. Thanks to this, children from the very younger age understand that any person has the right to the entire emotional spectrum - from joy and happiness to resentment and anger. Such a corner will help teach you how to cope with negativity and not allow it to accumulate inside.

During the day, the child can come up and change the position of his photo on the petals depending on his mood. This helps the teacher to see what the emotional state of each child is and to adjust his own educational work: offer a game to the child, communicate with him, have a conversation, involve him in a story-based game.

Being in kindergarten all day, sometimes a child gets tired of communicating with his peers, from games, from the environment around him, so he needs to be given the opportunity to retire in order to take a break from emotional stress.

An important condition for developing a child’s ability to manage his emotions is the organization of an appropriate environment. And therefore, in our group we have created a corner of solitude where a child can calm down, relax, play with his favorite toy, look through books, “call” his mother or just dream, and also play his favorite games with close friends.

Our Corner fits harmoniously into the general group space and is located in the “Theater” play center. It is a castle, where you can enter the world of fairy tales.

The presence of such a play area allows you to solve the following problems:

  • organize work to normalize and develop the emotional sphere of children;
  • create a positive emotional climate in the group and ensure a positive attitude of the child towards adults and peers;
  • organize systematic work to correct and develop the emotional sphere of children;
  • prevent excessive excitement of the child, leading to fatigue of his nervous system;
  • make it easier to get used to kindergarten, to new peers and adults, and a new daily routine.

It was not by chance that we chose a light green color scheme in the design of the Corner, since green color has the most beneficial effect on the emotional state of the child.

Children really enjoy spending time in this corner, with its help we find solutions to many psychological problems, and also this a good place for role-playing games.

In order to better understand and reveal the capabilities of each child, we created a “Panorama of Good Deeds” in the group, which celebrates children’s achievements during the week and stimulates the preschooler’s desire to do good deeds and strive for their peers.

Our panorama is a panel with hearts, with a photograph of each child attached. For any good deed, the child receives a magnet of a certain color (green to help in a corner of nature, on the street; red magnet - helping his peers; blue - help with the canteen and preparing for classes), which he attaches to the panorama.

At the end of the week, the 3 children who collected the largest number of magnets of a certain color take pride of place in the central place on the “Stars of the Week” panel. For educators and parents, this “Panorama of Good Deeds” is a method of monitoring the development of a child, his achievements, his good deeds (the child learned to tie his shoelaces, zip his jacket, fed the birds during a walk, helped the kids collect outdoor material in a basket, and then get up up the stairs to the group. At lunch he set the table, and many, many other good deeds). Parents are undoubtedly interested in seeing the activities of children in kindergarten and are proud of their child - an assistant!

At the heart of our pedagogical activity there must be confidence that every child has the right to be who he is, and every child has enough potential strength to develop and be happy...

And our task is to normalize, correct and develop emotional sphere children.

Veronica Parfenova

There are many ways folder design"Piggy bank of good deeds". Usually in folder insert gratitude about the participation of parents in various activities in kindergarten or in a group. I publish this information on my website in the “Thank you” section, so we didn’t want to repeat ourselves. We decided to go a different route.

Since our group is called "Polyanka", we chose green folder and decorated it with flowers.

The same flowers were cut out of white and yellow paper.

The names of our students' families were printed on colored sheets of paper. For each task we paste in a flower. It is important to sign for what business. For example: for ribbons, the "Autumn Basket" competition, etc.

As a result:

Each family accumulates its own clearing good deeds;

Children are very happy when we praise their parents;

Parents are encouraged to be no worse than others;

The activity of each family is very clearly visible.

And two more positive points.

like this folder can be done quickly, spending a minimum of money.

Our " Piggy bank of good deeds" took its rightful place in the locker room and became a wonderful addition to her design in the same style. But I’ll tell you about this sometime next time.

Publications on the topic:

The game was compiled and produced by a group of teachers from the MDOU "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" in Nadym" Authors: Zhilina Tatyana Gennadievna, senior teacher.

The interaction between our kindergarten and family is based on the cooperation of teachers and parents. I am very grateful to my group parents.

How quickly time flies. It was just January, and our friendly team began developing a project for the seventieth anniversary of the victory: “So that.

I have been working as a speech therapist for 8 years and all this time I have been learning something new, but I want to know and, most importantly, be able to do even more! I have a separate one in kindergarten.

Piggy bank of musical and didactic games Dear Colleagues! I present to you my collection of musical and educational games. Didactic game“Track for voice” Purpose: Development of pitch.

Piggy bank of teacher's poems A collection of poems by the teacher “Golden Grain” The sun is shining brightly and the grain is ripe, But the grain is not simple, everything in the ears is golden.