Perspective-thematic planning in the senior group of educational activities in visual activities “Drawing and modeling. “Who got wet in the rain Plot modeling who got wet in the rain

Olesya Elmesova

Lesson notes« Rain, rain, more fun...»

Target: teach to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll them into balls with a diameter of 3-5 mm, press the plasticine ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base, place the balls at an equal distance from each other, develop fine motor skills.


Educational: evoke a response, cultivate a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature to the beauty of the surrounding world.

Educational: learn to understand the teacher’s questions and answer them; teach to portray plasticine rain; repeat the idea that plasticine is soft, you can pinch off small lumps from a large lump. Learn to place plasticine only on the board and work carefully. Develop a desire to sculpt. Continue to teach children to express in words what they like or dislike about their work. Develop figurative perception of music.

Developmental: develop imagination, fine motor skills, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world.

Material. Plasticine (blue, boards or oilcloths (for each child, a sheet of paper, a song about rain.

Methodological techniques: verbal, practical, visual

Progress of direct educational activities.

There is a song about rain. The teacher watches with the children rain through the window, behind puddles, clouds.

Educator: That's what it's raining outside! He wet all the trees and bushes. Puddles formed on the ground. Do you hear the knocking on our windows? rain? How does he knock? (drip-drip). You can’t go for a walk in this weather, you’ll immediately get wet and catch a cold. But for trees, grass need rain. To the rain didn't stop, children during the rain is shouting a call.

Rain, rain, more fun

Drip, drip, don't be sorry

Just don't kill us

Don't knock on the window in vain

The splashes in the field are thicker

The grass will become thicker!

Educator. What are the children asking for? They ask rain so that he does not wet them, but waters fields, forests, parks, meadows. The better the rain will wet the ground, the thicker the grass will grow.

Educator. And now, guys, let's prepare our fingers for sculpting.

Finger gymnastics « Rain»

Rain, rain, droplet,

Water Saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, didn't cut,

And he got tired and stopped.

(I. Tokmakova)

(Children rhythmically tap the palm of their other hand with their index finger, gradually slowing down the pace, according to the text of the poem)

Modeling the rain. (methodology)

Educator. Look, in my picture there are flowers and blades of grass waiting rain. A cloud is already hanging over my meadow, and it's still not raining. And here is one drop, the second, (show the children the plasticine, tell them that it is soft, you can squeeze it, you can pinch off small lumps of plasticine, flatten them with your fingers. Invite all the children to roll up their sleeves so as not to stain them, then take a lump of plasticine and crush it in your palms, then knead with your fingers. Explain that plasticine must be used carefully, put the lumps on the board.) Look how strong it is rain!

During the process sculpting control work methods, intensify children’s activities sentencing: “Here is one drop, another... drip-drip-drip. And now it’s strong rain started, and now it’s getting weaker drip-drip-drip.”

Smart girl's teacher. It's over rain. In the meantime, droplets rain your clouds are drying up, come to me and let's play a game.

Dynamic game « Rain»

Rain, rain, lei and lei.

(Children show drops on their palms with their fingers rain)

Don't be sorry for the wet drops.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

The sun came out again and

the children all go for a walk.

(Perform movements according to the text of the poem)

Bottom line classes Game over. And your droplets dried up rain. Please take your works and bring them to my table.

How fabulous and unusual

It's raining for you!

(the teacher and the children look at the drawings and discuss color rain).

Guys, what did you draw?

What did you use to draw the droplets? rain?

Did you like it class?

Publications on the topic:

“Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip.” Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group Topic: “Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip!” Objectives: teach children to depict rain with pencils, strengthen the ability to hold a pencil in their hand, and regulate.

Program content: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge of the 4 primary colors: red, green, blue, yellow game form. Exercise.

Summary of the game-lesson on visual activities in the first junior group “Rain, rain, drip, drip, drip” Drawing with paints “Rain, rain, drip, drip, drip” Goals: To make children want to paint with paints; Objectives: 1. Teach children to draw what they see.

Objectives: Learn to pinch off pieces of plasticine from a large piece, using a pressing movement of the index finger to smear the plasticine on the cardboard.

Goal: to learn to apply the brush to the paper with all its bristles. Objectives: - learn to draw rain, conveying its character (heavy rain - solid lines;.

Nefteyugansk district municipal pre-school educational budgetary institution "Combined kindergarten "Kapelka"

Scenarios of organized educational activities

Thematic week: “Autumn”

    O.D. (sculpting) “Who got wet in the rain?”

    O.D. (drawing) “Riddles from the garden”

    O.D. (Applique) “Autumn trees”

Kazeeva Taisiya Alexandrovna

additional education teacher


Subject “Who got wet in the rain?”

Kind of activity: Modeling from plasticine

Target: Learn to create the image of a wet bunny using a combined sculpting method.

Tasks. Arouse interest in creating expressive images (bunnies wet in the rain). Explain the connection between plastic form and sculpting method. Continue to master the combined method of sculpting, offer a choice of techniques for decorating a sculpted image (relief moldings, cutting or scratching with a stack).

Preliminary work . Conversation about rain and rainy weather; examination of illustrations for literary works by A. Barto Zaika, V. Suteev Under the fungus.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Plasticine, stacks, beads, leaves for each child cut out by the teacher, toothpicks, boards or oilcloths for modeling, paper and cloth napkins.

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from a poem by G. Lagzdyn:

Rainy talk

The rain is knocking on the window in the morning: - Don't go for a walk, Antoshka! You won't even reach the gate! I'll get you wet to the skin! I'm out of the clouds! Mighty! Omnipotent! I'm not just rain! Shower!..

The teacher asks the children to remember rainy weather and imagine what animals look and feel like during the rain. Summarizes the children’s statements: animals feel uncomfortable in the rain, it’s cool, they want to hide somewhere (under a bush, in a hole); the fur is wet and stuck, the ears are flattened; birds sit on wet branches, ruffled, i.e. ruffling wet feathers. Children get into character and show how the bunnies sit, huddled and ears flattened, under a wet bush; Like the sparrows, they ruffled their feathers, huddled into a ball, and spread out their feathers.

Now you and I will sculpt a bunny, wet in the rain. We will sculpt from plasticine. Let's try to sculpt the body from a whole piece of clay, and then add small details - ears, paws, tail.

Children cut off the required amount of plasticine and begin to sculpt. The teacher helps the children with individual advice and leading questions (How will you show that the bunny’s fur is wet from the rain? - Smooth it with a damp cloth or wet fingers. Press the bunny’s ears to the back so that raindrops do not get into them.)

Now let’s help the poor thing, the wet little bunny, hide from the rain. Let's make a bush for them.

After class. The teacher invites the children to hide the wet bunnies under autumn leaves and reads to the children a poem by G. Lagzdyn:

Rustle of autumn

Rustle in a heap of fallen leaves! The rustling sounds of tired leaves! Indistinct, barely audible, An alarming noise... More rustling - And the rustling fell silent - Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

Scenario educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development.

Subject “Riddles from the garden?”

Kind of activity: Drawing.

Target: learn to convey the shape and characteristic features of vegetables by their description in riddles.

Tasks: create expressive color images; mix paints yourself to obtain the desired shade; clarify the idea of ​​well-known natural objects.

Preliminary work: making and guessing riddles, looking at vegetables, talking about vegetables as a garden crop. Clarification of ideas about what vegetables are, who likes what vegetables, what can be prepared from them, how are vegetables prepared for the winter?

Materials: gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, palettes for mixing paints, napkins, vegetables (models) to clarify ideas about the appearance.

Progress of educational activities: The teacher invites the children to play an interesting game - listen to riddles, but do not say the answer to the riddles out loud, but draw them. The teacher asks one riddle at a time, giving the children time to think and draw a solution. Children draw each vegetable - the answer sequentially on one part of the sheet folded in half twice. The teacher creates a game situation: “A piece of paper is like the beds on which vegetables will now “grow”, and you can guess what they are called by listening to the riddles.”


Beautiful young lady

Lurking underground

Only the tail sticks out

The tail can also be eaten(Beet)

The teacher advises to draw beets by mixing red and blue colors paints Focusing on the sequence, children draw beets.


In white lace -

Sauerkraut and Varena

Soon it will be in cabbage soup.


Explain to the children that the large circle is light green and, without waiting for the paint to dry, you need to draw wavy lines of dark green and blue-green on it, as if these were cabbage leaves rolled into forks.

Sweater covered in freckles

And a green tuft -

Cleverly hides his nose in the garden bed

Bright red


The teacher asks the children how to get the color orange. He clarifies that for this you need to add a little red paint to the yellow paint: the more red the color, the brighter the carrot. Children finish drawing the green “tail”.

It's round like a ball

Red like a fireman

Fat is important as a lord,

What is this? ....(tomato)

Focusing on the sequence, children draw a tomato. To clarify that the tomato has a thin, smooth skin and is shiny, for this it needs to paint a highlight with white paint - a reflection of the light.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to look at the “beds” with vegetables and show them to their friends. Marks those drawings in which children managed to draw vegetables as if they were real.

Scenario of educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development.

Subject"Autumn Birch"

Kind of activity: Application with drawing elements.

Target: Teach children to create an expressive image of an autumn birch tree,

Tasks : Creatively using different appliqué techniques. Expand the range of techniques for cutting appliqué (tearing, creasing) and show it pictorially; expressive capabilities. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena.

Preliminary work: Observation of seasonal changes in nature. Admiring the birch tree and leaf fall. Games with autumn leaves.

D/i "When it happens"

d/i "Which tree is the leaf from" Conversation on the content of reproductions of paintings by famous landscape artists

Materials: Sheets of blue paper, strips or scraps of yellow, orange and green colored paper, sheets of white paper, glue, cloth napkins, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, watercolor paints and brushes.

Progress of educational activities:

Surprise moment.

Educator: - Children, today a letter arrived in our group (I show it)

Look how unusually the envelope is decorated.

What is it decorated with? (leaves)

Did any of you guess who this letter was from? (No)

Shall we read it? (Yes)

Where? to a kindergarten

To whom? For older children

From whom? From Autumn.

Teacher: - Children, autumn sent us this letter!

Do you want to know what is written in this letter? (Yes)

"Dear guys! Trouble happened in the autumn forest, birch trees disappeared. Help bring them back. Autumn."

Teacher: - Children, let's help autumn! (Yes, great!

Listen to V. Trutneva’s poem about the birch tree.

Suddenly it became twice as bright

The yard is like in the sun's rays

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

Children, tell me, what color are the leaves of a birch tree in autumn? (Yellow, gold, orange, brown)

What can you say about the birch tree’s outfit, what is it like? (Gold)

What can you say about its trunk? What birch tree? (Belostvolnaya)

Teacher: - Birch is the main tree of Russia, a symbol of our country. Therefore, the tree can be immediately recognized as a Russian forest. Guys, do you want to turn into autumn birch trees? (yes) Come out, stand in a circle. Physical education moment

Leaves are falling

Turn into leaves

The wind catches them

And slowly circles in the air

The leaves quietly fall to the ground. (movements are performed according to the text)

Teacher: - And now we will help autumn and create beautiful pictures with Russian beauties - golden birches. Show children how to create an expressive image of an autumn birch tree and techniques for cutting appliqué.

To create a tree crown, you can use different methods:

We will paint picturesque spots with watercolor paint, mixing different colors– yellow, orange, a little green and red-brown.

While our leaves are drying, we will tear the multi-colored paper into small pieces, from which we will make leaves.

We will cut the trunk out of white paper and draw black stripes on it.

At the end of the lesson, an express exhibition "Autumn Trees" is created.

Used Books:

    I.A. Lykova Visual activity in kindergarten. Senior group. “Color World” – M., 2014, pp. 54.46, 70.

Topic: “Who got wet in the rain”

Software tasks: Teach children to independently choose a plot for modeling in accordance with a given topic. Arouse interest in creating expressive images (animals wet in the rain). Explain the connection between plastic form and sculpting method. Continue mastering the sculptural method (sculpting from a whole piece) by drawing out and modeling parts; offer a choice of methods for decorating a stucco image (relief moldings, cutting or scratching with a stack).

Preliminary work: Conversation about rain and rainy weather; examination of illustrations for the literary works of A. Barto “Bunny”, V. Suteev “Under the Fungus”.

Equipment: Clay, stacks, planks or oilcloths for modeling, paper and cloth napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from a poem by G. Lagzdyn:Rainy talk

The rain is knocking on the window in the morning:

Don't go for a walk, Antoshka!

You won't even reach the gate!

I'll get you wet to the skin!

I'm out of the clouds! Mighty! Omnipotent!

I'm not just rain! Shower!..

The teacher invites the children to remember rainy weather and imagine what animals look and feel like during the rain. Summarizes the children’s statements: animals feel uncomfortable in the rain, it’s cool, they want to hide somewhere (under a bush, in a hole); the fur is wet and stuck, the ears are flattened; birds sit on wet branches, ruffled, i.e. ruffling wet feathers. Children get into character and show how the bunnies sit, huddled and ears flattened, under a wet bush; Like the sparrows, they ruffled their feathers, huddled into a ball, and spread out their feathers.

Now we will sculpt animals that got wet in the rain. We will sculpt from clay - it is as wet as the fur or feathers of wet animals. Let's try to sculpt a body from a whole piece of clay, without dividing it into parts, and then add small details - ears, tails.

Imagine an animal that you want to sculpt. Tell me quietly, in my ear. (The teacher approaches the children and helps them decide on a plan.) The children select the required amount of clay and begin to sculpt. The teacher helps the children with individual advice and leading questions (“How will you show that the bunny’s fur is wet from the rain? - Smooth it with a damp cloth or wet fingers. Press the bunny’s ears to the back so that raindrops don’t get into them.”)

Now let’s help the poor wet animals hide from the rain. Let's make a bush, a hole or a nest for them.

After class. The teacher invites the children to hide the wet and chilled forest animals under the autumn leaves and reads to the children a poem by G. Lagzdyn:Rustle of autumn

Rustle in the heap

Fallen leaves!

Rusting sounds

Tired leaves!

Indistinct, barely audible,

An alarming noise...

More chaos -

And the rustling fell silent -


Autumn in rubber boots

In light rubber boots,

Under a rustling umbrella

Autumn walks through the puddles.

Autumn sneezes with a cold.

She needs to drink tea -

Tea with lemon and honey...

Autumn will look for a ford

In the deepest puddle

And he'll come over for dinner.

Drink hot tea

He'll get a little bored with us

And again he will put up an umbrella

Under the rustling rain.

(V. Shipunova)

Organized educational activities

on artistic and aesthetic development with older children preschool age(modeling)

Subject: "Who got wet in the rain"

Target: formation of artistic and creative abilities in children in productive activities.


  • Teach children to independently choose images for modeling in accordance with a given topic;
  • Arouse interest in creating expressive images (animals wet in the rain);
  • Explain the connection between plastic form and sculpting method;
  • Continue mastering the sculptural method (sculpting from a whole piece) by drawing out and modeling parts; techniques for decorating a stucco image (relief moldings, cutting or scratching with a stack).

Materials and equipment:plasticine, stacks, oilcloths, napkins, a laptop with a projector, an electronic presentation “Tuchka”, a tape recorder, an audio recording with the sound of rain.


Need-motivational-target stage:

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and listen(audio recording with the sound of rain):

Educator: What do you hear? (children answer presumably:It's raining, the rain is noisy).

The teacher reads an excerpt from G. Lagzdyn’s poem “Rainy Conversation”:

The rain is knocking on the window in the morning:

Don't go for a walk, Antoshka!

You won't even reach the gate!

I'll get you wet to the skin!

I'm out of the clouds! Mighty! Universe!

I'm not just rain!


Practical stage:

Talk about rainy weather:(children sit comfortably on the carpet)the teacher offersremember rainy weather, what is happening on the street at this time, how people dress, how they protect themselves from the rain.

Educator: How do animals look and feel during the rain?

(animals in the rain are uncomfortable, cool, want to hide somewhere, their fur is wet and sticky, their ears are flattened; the birds sit ruffled, ruffling their wet feathers)

Screening of the electronic presentation “Tuchka”

Physical exercise: children take on the role of animals and birds getting wet in the rain(show how the bunnies sit, huddled and their ears flattened, how the sparrows get ruffled, huddled into a ball, etc.)

Educator: Now you and I will sculpt animals that got wet in the rain(invites children to sit on chairs).Let's try to sculpt a body from a whole piece of plasticine, without dividing it into parts, and then add small details - ears, tail, eyes.

Imagine an animal that you want to sculpt. Tell me in my ear(the teacher approaches the children and helps them decide on the plan).

Productive activities:The teacher invites the children to take from the creativity center everything they need for the activity. Children select the required amount of plasticine and begin to sculpt. The teacher helps the children with individual advice and leading questions (“How will you show that the bunny is wet in the rain? – Smooth it with your fingers, press the bunny’s ears to the back so that raindrops don’t get into them”).

Resulting stage:

Presentation of works - children place their crafts in the creativity center, optionally present the results of their activities, talk about the animals they made.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Abstract of OOD on artistic and aesthetic development “Modeling” in the second group early development"House for Bear"

Description of material: I offer you a summary of organized educational activities for children second junior group(3-4 years) on the topic “House for Bear”. This material will be useful to teachers of the second junior group. This is a summary of an artistic and aesthetic activity aimed at developing artistic and aesthetic abilities.

Summary of organized educational activities in the form of a game situation on artistic and aesthetic development “Modeling” in the second group of early development “House for Bear”

Integration educational areas : “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “ Cognitive development", "Speech development".
Activities: productive, cognitive-research, communicative, motor.
Pedagogical goal: Develop the ability to roll pieces of plasticine with your palms on a board.
Tasks: Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards the game characters and evoke sympathy. Develop the ability to respond to a game situation. Continue learning to work with plasticine. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Means of implementation: "autumn leaves", soft toy Teddy bear, umbrella, plasticine, boards, napkins, music “The Sound of the Forest” Motivational – incentive stage.
The music sounds "The Sound of the Forest"
Educator: Guys, what sounds do you hear in the song? What's making noise?
Children: The birds are singing, the wind is blowing.
Educator: That's right, it's the noise of the forest. Guys, do you want to go into the autumn forest for an interesting walk?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then let's go. (Points to a clearing strewn with autumn leaves)
Organizational and search stage.
Look how beautiful it is here! Trees grow, colorful leaves lie underfoot. Let's walk through them and listen to how they rustle.
We rustle the leaves
We want to take a walk
We step with our feet,
And we rustle a little,
Educator: Look! The weather turned bad and it began to rain. And we have an umbrella! Let's hide under our umbrella so we don't get wet! Come on, listen, is someone crying? Let's find out who it is?
(The children find a wet teddy bear).
Educator: Children, he's all wet! Feel the fur coat. Wet? Why is he so wet?
Children: the rain got wet.
Educator: Yes, we have an umbrella to hide under. We can also hide from the rain at home or in kindergarten. But the bear has nothing, no umbrella, no house. And so when it rains, he has nowhere to hide. Sorry for him! (The bear sneezes). He probably caught a cold. Let's help him and build a house. Do you want to help Little Bear?
Children: Yes. We want!
Educator: Well, then let's go to our workshop.
(Each child has several pieces of plasticine). The teacher warms up pieces of plasticine, shows how to roll logs, encourages children, provides individual assistance, asks: “What are we sculpting? For whom?”). When all the children have made logs, the teacher and the children build a house for Mishka, stacking the logs on top of each other.
Educator: Look, Mishka is cheerful and smiling. This is how beautiful our house turned out to be. All that remains is to make the roof (the teacher makes the roof from cardboard).
Educator: Now let's rest a little.

Physical education lesson “Home”
Knock, knock with a hammer,
We are building, building a new house.
This house is for Masha,
This house is for Sasha,
This house is for Dasha,
This one is for Natasha.
This house is for Ksyusha,
This one is for Andryusha.
All the neighbors
All friends.
They cannot live without friendship.
(Reading poetry is accompanied by facial expressions, actions of fingers and hands).
Reflexive-corrective stage.
Educator: Guys, you and I helped Mishka and built such a beautiful house.

bear: Thank you very much, boys and girls! You helped me a lot. For this I want to treat you with honey. (Gives a barrel of honey)
Children: Thanks for the honey!