On cognitive development. Summary of the educational activity “The Frog Traveler” Speech therapy lesson based on the fairy tale “The Frog Traveler”

Stage design: oak with a hollow - on the right;Christmas tree with mushrooms - in the center; frog swamp - on the left;

there is a screen in the background.


Presenter - Fairy of the Forest (adult)

Children: Chanterelle





Kindergarten children

Act I.

The phonogram “Sounds of the Forest” plays.

Fairy of the Forest (against the sound): There is a round clearing in the forest (shows). There is an oak tree in a clearing, in whose hollow an old Eagle Owl lives (Owl looks out). There is a small swamp, a frog lives there (the Frog looks out). There is a dense Christmas tree in the middle of the clearing, and flowers all around. Guests often come to the clearing: both forest animals and people. All sorts of adventures and stories happen. Would you like me to tell you one of them? Look what happened here today (steps aside).

On stage, Owl is “sleeping” in a hollow. The frog sits and fans himself, he is hot.

Fairy of the Forest: Oh, someone is making their way between the flowers, moving their sharp muzzle, covering their tracks with their fluffy tail? This is a curious Fox.

Chanterelle: I wonder what is there in this clearing? We need to look.

It's a fungus - I know. It's not tasty. Who's sitting on the flower here? (an angry buzzing sound is heard). Oh, bee! (a bee flies out and flies behind the screen.)

Sorry, bee. Don't bite me. I accidentally. (sees the Frog who is sleeping) Who is this? Unfamiliar frog. We need to get acquainted. Hello.

Frog: Yeah. How? A? What? Who?

Chanterelle: I'm Chanterelle. I'm taking a walk here.

Sings the song “Little Fox” (music by Koch)

What a nice weather! Is not it?

Frog: Kva-kva. Is it a good day?

What nonsense! Disgusting dryness!

Very bad weather -

There is no dampness, no puddles!

Chanterelle: What, you! It's so good now!

Frog: Bad! It's disgusting, it's hot - I have no strength!

If only the rain would fall soon! (waves his fan).

Fox: No need for rain. The sun is better!

Frog: Worse!

Chanterelle: Ask whoever you want... (approaches the hollow) And what? Who lives here?

Frog: Owl, neighbor.

Fox: Owl? How interesting. Definitely a must meet! Owl, owl!

An owl appears from the hollow.

Owl: What do you need?

Fox: Come out, please!

Owl: Why?

Chanterelle: I want to ask you.

Owl: About what?

Fox: Isn't it true that the sun is better than the rain? Owl: Uh-huh.

Frog: Is it true that rain is better than sun?

Owl: Uh-huh.

Together: So which do you think is better?

Owl: Hide.

Together: Why?

Owl: Here they come!

Chanterelle: Who, who? Interesting.

Owl: I don’t see. I don't see anything during the day. I hear (hides in a hollow).

Frog (looks to the side): It's a girl. They squeal when they see me. I’ll leave (goes into the swamp).

Chanterelle: I’ll hide too, but I’ll keep a peek (goes behind the Christmas tree).

Girl: Oh, how good.

(He walks, sings the song “The Happiest” (music by Chichkova), collects flowers).

I picked a bouquet of flowers. This is hello to mom.

Fairy of the Forest: But suddenly, do you hear? It's starting to rain. (Phonogram “Rain”). Girl: Oh, rain. I'll run home (runs away)

A joyful Frog with a bucket jumps out.

Frog: What a lovely qua-qua-qua!

Wet grass everywhere!

Sings the song “Frogs” (music by Vilkoreiskaya).

Fairy of the Forest: Well, the rain was just a joke, it just poured a little.

The sun rose again, it became dry and warm.

Frog (angrily): Well, what are these things?

Cloud mischief again.

And I didn’t fill the bucket,

Oh, my affairs are bad!

After all, a frog is without water

Not here and not here!

Frogs, where to take them out?

They can't live without water! (cries).

Fox (comes out from behind the Christmas tree): You, frog, don’t be shy,

There are no tears in vain, don't shed them!

I can dig a hole

I can get water (starts digging a hole).

Chanterelle: Oh, I'm all dirty (shakes off).

I didn't find anything here

I'll go to the Christmas tree now,

Maybe I'll find her there. (digs, finds a bag of garbage, pulls it, turns to the Frog).

There is something, pull, pull!

And help Fox! (both pull the package).

Frog: What is this strange thing?

This is not water at all. Kwa-kwa (crying).

Eagle owl (looks out of the hollow): Why are you crying here?

You're only disturbing your sleep!

Chanterelle: Here we found a bag (show).

Owl: Drag him here, drag him. An eagle owl flies down from the tree, takes the bag, and sniffs it.

Owl: These were the people who came

And they put everything in a bag.

They don't pollute the forest,

They clean up after themselves.

Fox (sad): How can I help the frog?

What to do? Night is coming soon... Owl: You need to go to people

Ask them for help.

Do you hear a bee flying over there?

He takes you to the stream (hides in a hollow).

A bee flies with a bucket, sings the song “Buzzer” (music by Krasova) and collects honey. The fox sings along.

Fox: You are a hard worker, bee,

How much honey did you collect...

Listen, dear friend,

Help the Frog. Bee: What happened here? Trouble? Frog: I really need water

This summer there is only dryness,

There aren't even puddles here! Chanterelle: The owl said about the stream. Owl: Uh-huh.

Bee: Yes, there is a stream behind the forest. Owl: Uh-huh.

Bee: He ran there for many years,

And now the trace is gone.

The forest was felled for a whole year

The stream has completely dried up.

The firewood was taken out later,

There's trash lying around there.

Scattered branches and rubbish

There was drama there.

The Fox strokes the Frog, who cries.

Bee: But I will help you,

I'll take you to kindergarten.

Flying past the windows

I noticed, friends,

How children love nature

Help everyone in the world

Anyone there can enter.

And the terrarium is worth it.

And the water there is clean,

Light silver.

Children change the water

And they help animals. Fox: Hurry there, Frog!

(to the bee) Show her off, girlfriend.

The bee is flying. The frog jumps behind the screen. The fox runs away. An eagle owl climbs into a hollow.

Act II.

The screen moves forward and the children come out. The Fairy of the Forest pulls out a table on which there are flowers and an empty aquarium. Kindergarten children:

1 girl (addresses the second): This is an amaryllis flower.

It has long, wide leaves.

They should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Like this (shows).

2girl(addresses the first): And this flower is an Uzambara violet.

Look how furry its leaves are. It doesn’t like showers, it needs to be watered like this (shows).

1 girl. It's an aquarium, but now it's a terrarium,

And is waiting for guests. Cheerful music is playing.

Suddenly the music fades and you can hear from behind the door: “Kwa-kwa.” Girl: I hear something, friends,

Who's at the door? Frog: Kva-kva-kva.

Girl (opens the door and the Frog jumps in the blades of grass):

Look at you, girlfriend,

The frog itself came to us,

How dirty she is

Something must have happened to her.

1 girl: Shall we help the frog?

Girl 2: Let's help!

1 girl: Shall we treat and wash?

Girl 2: We’ll treat you and wash you!

girl: Shall we take care of her?

girl: Let's take care of her.

1 girl: Bring the aquarium quickly.

The second girl approaches the aquarium.

Fairy of the Forest (addresses the kindergarten children): You guys did well. Thanks for helping the frog! You are true friends of nature!

The children perform the “Song of Friends” (music by Gerchik) and everyone goes behind the screen.

Fairy of the Forest (addresses the audience): This is the story I saw and told you. Don't worry about the frog. The children will take care of her and everything will be fine. Goodbye. See you.


organized educational activities in the older group

"A little about the frog"

Gainullina Gulnara Rasikhovna

Goals of educational activities:


  • introduce children to the frog (habitat, nutrition, features, adaptation to the surrounding world);

  • change children's traditionally hostile attitude towards frogs;

  • explain how useful and necessary these harmless creatures are in nature;

  • Show children the development of a frog from egg to adult.

  • develop thinking, coordination of movements, fine motor skills, intelligence, observation, memory.

  • cultivate a friendly and caring attitude towards living organisms;

  • cultivate curiosity and interest in nature.

  • pictures of a frog, an egg, a tadpole, a fry, a baby frog;

  • a work of art by N. Sladkov “Zhaleikin and the Little Frog”;

  • toy frog;

  • models of aquatic environment and land;

  • frogs (origami);

  • jars of water;

  • tubes;

  • plasticine;

  • boards for modeling;

  • stacks for each child.
Preliminary work:

  • reading fiction- tales about frogs;

  • looking at illustrations.

Progress of educational activities.

Educator b.Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about a well-known inhabitant of our region. A riddle will tell you who we are talking about:

At the marsh soft hummock

Under a green leaf

Hidden jumper

Bug-eyed... ( Frog).

Educator. That's right, guys, today we will talk about the frog.

In spring and summer, frogs can be found in nature in many places. They are different in size and color. Some people consider them harmful, unpleasant, and ugly. But, despite this, poems and fairy tales were written about them. Do you know fairy tales about a frog?

^ Children. Yes.

Educator. Which ones?

Children. “Teremok”, “Frog Princess”, “Frog - Traveler”.

Educator. You named the fairy tales correctly. This is “The Frog Traveler” by V. Garshin, and “Teremok” by S. Marshak and Russian folk tale"Princess Frog".( The teacher shows books.)

Everyone talks about frogs, but no one knows how they live.

Let's turn into frogs to find out how they live. It's not difficult to do this. Close your eyes, I'll tell you magic words, I will clap my hands three times, and you will turn into baby frogs, and I will turn into a mother frog. “According to the pike’s command, according to my desire, let these children turn into frogs, and I into a mother frog.”

(^ The teacher puts on a frog hat and takes out a frog toy ).

Educator. Open your eyes. Oh, look, we're not alone. Our relative joined us. Now let's tell you what we are like: what kind of skin do we have?

^ Children. The frog's skin is cold. Wet. Smooth. Naked. Covered in slime.

Educator. Right. Our skin is bare, cold, covered with mucus. And people think that if you pick us up, warts will appear on their hands. It is not true. Guys, let's pay attention to our feet. How long are the back and front legs?

^ Children. The front ones are short, the back ones are long.

Educator. What helps a frog swim?

Children. Legs.

Educator. Why is language interesting?

Children. Red. Long. To eat. To catch flies.

Educator. How do we get around?

Children. Let's jump.

Educator. Children, tell me, where do we live?

Children. In water. On the ground. In the river. In a swamp. On the lakes. On the land.

Educator. That's right, children, we are frogs, we can live both on land and in water.

The frog that lives on land is grassy and brown in color. And the frog that lives in the water is a water frog and it Green colour. (^ Shows pictures ). Children, why are frogs different colors?

Children. From the color of the environment. Because they live in water. Because they live on earth.

Educator. Children, now we are going to play a game. The game is called "Settle the Frogs." Here we have a water environment layout and a land layout. There are brown and green “frogs” in the box. Your task is to “resettle” the frogs into their habitat.

Educator. Did you stock the frogs correctly? ( Analysis of children's work). So where can frogs live?

^ Children. On land and in water.

Educator. Children, animals that can live on both water and land are called amphibians. This word consists of the words water and earth. Let's all repeat this word together.

^ Children. Amphibians.

Educator. My children will frog us, whatever they may call us.

Children. Amphibians.

Educator. My children are little frogs, do you know how we breathe?

^ Children. Nose. We inhale air through our nose, draw it in and exhale. Light. We inhale and exhale.

Educator. We, like people, inhale air through our nose, draw it into our lungs and exhale. Now we will take a deep breath and exhale. What do we breathe?

^ Children. By air.

Educator. The air is around us, but we don’t see it because it’s transparent. But in the water you can “see”. ( The teacher conducts an experiment with air with the children: he places jars of water and offers to blow through a tube. Many air bubbles appear.) Children, what do we see?

^ Children. Bubbles.

Educator. Children, you and I saw the air. This is how we frogs breathe. But not in winter. In a state of winter dormancy, we breathe not through our lungs, but through our skin. This is what helps us get through difficult and cold times.

At the beginning of spring, all frogs wake up and begin to prepare for weddings. Male grooms need to call female brides to them. And they are so capricious that they will never come without wedding songs. So the males begin to sing and they sing conscientiously, loudly and diligently. Now let's have a fun frog choir.( Singing Well done frogs, you croak well! But it doesn’t take long for the frogs to give a concert. Female brides will arrive at the wedding in the evening, and at night they will begin to spawn. Time will pass, and tadpoles are born from the eggs, then they grow into these fry. Well, when the fry's tails break off, they become real frogs. ( Arrange the pictures in order, what happened at the beginning and what came next).

Children, who can tell what adult frogs eat?

^ Children. Flies. Spiders. Butterflies. Caterpillars.

Educator. Yes, children, you are right. We eat insects. Frogs hunt only in the evening and at night. Frogs are thrown only at a moving target. They do not notice prey that sits motionless. Frogs wait for prey, then, taking aim, push their tongue out of their mouth with a precise throw.

Children, now we will rest a little and do some physical education.

^ Physical education lesson: "Frog"

Frogs - frogs

They walk along the shore.

Mosquitoes - Sudarikov

And they collect midges.

Educator. Children, if we frogs were gone, what would happen in nature?

^ Children. There would be a lot of mosquitoes. People would get bitten by mosquitoes. There would be no frogs singing. It would be boring near rivers and lakes.

Educator. Yes, my children, frogs are necessary and useful creatures. We bring great benefits to nature. During the night we eat whole heaps of mosquitoes, and we also purify the water.

But now we must turn into children. Let’s get up, I’ll say the magic words: “1,2,3 turn around and turn into people.”

Under a hummock in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog. - Poor, unfortunate baby! – exclaimed Zhaleikin. - How bad it is for you, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, you will feel good and cozy in my home. At home, Zhaleikin put the little frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, put the box in the warm sun and laughed cheerfully with joy. - Remember, little frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp! But the frog is not happy. But the frog is not having fun. He feels very bad, he is barely alive. It overheated in the sun, dried out and became entangled in cotton wool. When Zhaleikin saw him, he roared. He drenched the little frog in tears, and just in time: a little more - and the little frog would have died (died). Zhaleikin rushed with the frog to the swamp. The very same place where it’s damp, dirty and cold, but where the frog feels just as good as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room.

Guys, you can’t take frogs from nature into your home as if out of pity. In fact, by doing this a person destroys a living, harmless creature. Everything that exists in nature must be preserved. There are no useful or harmful in nature, each is important, and each has its own role and place.

Now, guys, we will make a frog from plasticine.

Guys, what color of plasticine did we use for modeling?

^ Children. Green.

Educator. Divide the plasticine into 4 even parts. To prepare the paws, take one of the four pieces. Let's make the hind legs first. Guys, what kind of hind legs does a frog have?

^ Children. Long.

Educator. Yes, right. Roll the two parts into rolls of equal thickness. Flatten the ends of the rollers and mark the membranes on them with a stack. However, remember: you can’t bend your paws now. Now make the front legs of the frog. Guys, what should they be like?

^ Children. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs.

Educator. Therefore, divide the remaining third piece of plasticine in half and with these halves repeat the entire procedure for making the hind legs. You will get the front legs. Roll the remaining three pieces of plasticine into a ball. Make a blank from the ball, shaped like a small cucumber. Make a cut at one end of this “cucumber” and bend the bottom slightly. If you want the frog to smile, fold the corners of its mouth upward. Roll two small identical balls from white plasticine - the eyes of a frog. Attach them to your head. Cover your eyes from above with two thin green eyelids, making sure that they touch the green body from behind. Place the red tongue in the frog's mouth. Guys, why do frogs need a tongue?

^ Children. To catch mosquitoes and flies.

Educator. Everything is correct. Well done.

The peculiarity of assembling the frog is that if the front legs can be attached in the most usual way, then the hind legs should be attached with the membranes facing up. After carefully covering the joints of the legs, you need to bend the back legs forward and down so that they touch the board tightly. Now the frog is ready.

Drawing from fairy tales kindergarten. Senior group

Drawing based on the fairy tale “The Frog - the Traveler.” Drawing with gouache paints. Master class with step by step photos.

Master class with step-by-step photos, intended for teachers, parents, older children preschool age.
Emilia Pastukhova, 5 years old, a student of the Beryozka MBDOU, Surovikino, Volgograd region.
Teacher: Shishova Liliya Alexandrovna. Educator at MBDOU "Berezka" in Surovikino, Volgograd region.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.
Target: making a drawing with gouache paints.
- learn to create a composition of a fairy tale plot;
- improve the ability to draw with gouache;
- develop imagination, thinking,
- develop fine motor skills of the hands,

“Frog - Traveler” by V.M. Garshin.

Once upon a time there lived a frog-croak. She sat in the swamp, caught mosquitoes and midges, and in the spring croaked loudly with her friends. And she would have lived the whole century happily - of course, if the stork had not eaten her. But one incident happened. ……
- Quack quack! - said the other duck, - it’s getting cold already! Hurry to the south! Hurry to the south!
And all the ducks began to quack loudly as a sign of approval.
- Lady ducks! - the frog dared to say, - what is the south to which you are flying? I apologize for the concern.
And the ducks surrounded the frog. At first they had a desire to eat it, but each of them thought that the frog was too big and would not fit into the throat. Then they all started shouting, flapping their wings:
- It's good in the south! Now it's warm there! There are such nice warm swamps there! What worms there are! Good in the south!
They screamed so much that they almost deafened the frog. She barely convinced them to shut up and asked one of them, who seemed to her to be fatter and smarter than everyone else, to explain to her what the south was. And when she told her about the south, the frog was delighted, but in the end she still asked, because she was careful:
-Are there a lot of midges and mosquitoes there?
- ABOUT! whole clouds! - answered the duck.
- Kwa! - said the frog and immediately turned around to see if there were any friends here who could hear her and condemn her for croaking in the fall. She really couldn’t resist croaking at least once.
- Take me with you!
- This is amazing to me! - exclaimed the duck. - How will we take you? You don't have wings.
- When are you flying? - asked the frog.
- Soon soon! - all the ducks shouted. - Quack quack! quack! quack! It is cold here! South! South!
“Let me think for just five minutes,” said the frog, “I’ll be right back, I’ll probably come up with something good.”
And she plopped down from the branch she was about to climb onto again, into the water, dived into the mud and completely buried herself in it so that foreign objects would not interfere with her thinking. Five minutes passed, the ducks were just about to fly, when suddenly, from the water, near the branch on which she was sitting, her muzzle appeared, and the expression of this muzzle was the most radiant that only a frog is capable of.
- I came up with an idea! I found! - she said. - Let two of you take a twig in your beaks, and I will cling to it in the middle. You will fly, and I will drive. It is only necessary that you do not quack, and I do not croak, and everything will be excellent.
Although being silent and dragging even a light frog for three thousand miles is not God knows what pleasure, her intelligence delighted the ducks so much that they unanimously agreed to carry her. They decided to change every two hours, and since there were, as the riddle says, so many ducks, and even so many, and half as many, and a quarter as many, and there was only one frog, they didn’t have to carry it very often. They found a good, strong twig, two ducks took it in their beaks, the frog clung its mouth to the middle, and the whole flock rose into the air. The frog was breathless from the terrible height to which he was raised; in addition, the ducks flew unevenly and tugged at the twig; the poor wah dangled in the air like a paper clown, and clenched her jaws with all her might so as not to break away and plop down on the ground. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around. Fields, meadows, rivers and mountains quickly flashed under her, which, however, was very difficult for her to see, because, hanging on a twig, she looked back and a little up, but she still saw something and was happy and proud.
“This is what I came up with perfectly,” she thought to herself.
And the ducks flew after the front pair carrying her, shouting and praising her.
“Our frog is an amazingly smart head,” they said, “even among ducks there are few like him…….
To work you need:
a simple pencil;
brushes of different sizes;
water container;

Step-by-step execution work.

We divide a white sheet of A3 paper into parts - these will be forests, fields, and a river.

We tint the drawing. We paint the lower part with green gouache, the upper part with blue. We paint the middle two parts with yellow gouache. During the tinting process, we decided to separate the yellow parts with a blue stripe - this will be the river.

We paint the forest with green paint.

While the paint is not dry, paint yellow and light brown spots. They will look like trees in an autumn forest.

We draw houses in the village with a simple pencil.

In the distance in the meadow we draw a herd of cows, and next to the houses there is a horse with a cart of hay.

Coloring the cows.

We paint houses with brown paint.

Using a simple pencil we draw silhouettes of ducks.

We finish drawing the twig on which the frog hangs.

We paint the heads, torsos and part of the wings with brown paint.

We paint the wings and tail with dark brown gouache.

Draw a frog and a twig.

We finish painting the houses with light brown gouache, and paint the horse and cart.

Summary of GCD in speech therapy

"Automation of the sound "Ш" in syllables and speech

(based on M. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog Traveler.”)

Program content:
Develop fine motor skills of the fingers and articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing, visual and phonemic perception, correct speech breathing, attention. Strengthen the skill of automating the sound “sh” in syllables, words, phrases, and the ability to compose words from read syllables. Increase the overall tone of the body through muscle stimulation. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Equipment: book with a fairy tale by M. Garshin " Frog traveler», story pictures based on a fairy tale, manuals for breathing exercises, didactic games: "Define the Weather", "Ducks", "Big and Small"
GCD move
Organizing time.
-Guys! Guess the riddles:
He sits with his eyes bulging,
Looks in all directions
Born in water
Lives on the ground. (frog)
-That's right, well done, it's a frog. Listen to another riddle:
Mouth like a trap
Eyes on top of head.
Do you recognize the wah?
- Well done guys, you guessed this riddle about the frog correctly too.
2. Main part
-Today I will tell you about one frog. Listen to how the word sounds:
“frog-sh-shka.” What sound did I highlight? That's right, the sound "sh". What sound is this? Well done,
always firm, agreeable. We will pronounce it correctly and remember that
When pronouncing the sound “sh”, the lips are slightly rounded and pushed forward, the teeth are “fenced”, and the tongue is “cupped”. The escaping air stream is warm.
Listen! “Once upon a time there was a croaking frog in the world...” (Articulation gymnastics)
Your lips directly to your ears
I'll stretch like a frog ("Smile")
And now I'm a baby elephant
I have a proboscis (“Tube”)
They sat on a water lily leaf,
They looked at each other. (“Spatula”)
Poured tea into cups,
Drink it and don’t get bored. (“Cup”)
And delicious jam
We'll give it to you as a treat. (“Delicious jam”)
We swung on the swings
And they smiled at each other. ("Swing")
Let's roll the ball together
Everyone needs to exercise. ("Ball Rolling")
“The frog was sitting in the swamp, catching mosquitoes and midges....” Guys, let’s listen to how the water gurgles in the swamp (breathing exercise “Storm in a glass”) The frog loved to jump from leaf to leaf. (breathing exercise “Blow the lily off the leaf” ) In the spring, the frog croaked loudly along with its friends.....” (Self-massage)
The little frogs stood up together (extend bent arms forward)
They showed their paws (toes spread wide)
The backs sag (slightly bent backwards)
The frogs are smiling
Paws clapping (hand clapping)
They spanked with their palms.
Slap on the chest, on the arm, (clap your palms on the chest)
On the sides and back. (clap sides, back, arm)
They knocked on the other hand
And not at all tired (pat the second hand)
Knocked on the legs (claps on the legs from bottom to top)
Slap-slap-slap, taram-pump-pum!
And then, then, then we’ll rub it all together with our fists
Let's stroke ourselves with our palms
And let’s straighten our back. (Stroke yourself with soft movements of your palms
Listen to what happened to our frog next. “Frog friends love rain very much and can’t wait for it to start...”
- Guys, tell the frogs whether it will rain or not. Read the syllables on all the clouds. The clouds on which the syllables AS are written will turn into clouds, and from them
it will rain. Color them gray and draw the arrows to the frog. And it won’t rain from the clouds on which the remaining syllables are written. Circle them in blue.
- Well done, you did the task well and now the frogs know how to go
rain or not.
- But one day an incident happened to our frog. “One day she was sitting on a branch of a driftwood sticking out of the water and enjoying the warm summer rain. Suddenly a flock of wild ducks flew into this swamp.” These were not just wild ducks, they brought syllables with them and want to play word games with you.
I will read the syllable on the duck, and you will connect it with the syllable on the water lily leaf. Draw a line from each duck to the leaf and name the word that comes out
when the duck sits on a water lily leaf.
Well done! You did the task very well, and the ducks landed on the leaf, saw the frog and started talking to each other. And we repeat.
Ear-ear-ear-here's a frog
Ear-ear-ear - the frog croaks loudly
Ear-ear-ear - we saw a frog
Ear-ear-ear - a frog lives in a swamp
Ear-ear-ear - say “hello” frogs
Physical education minute
Here is a frog jumping along the path with its legs outstretched
Kwa, kwa, kwa-kwa-kwa! Jumps with his legs stretched out.
Here from a puddle to a hummock, and then jump after a midge.
Kwa, kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa! Yes, jump after the midge.
She doesn’t want to eat anymore, she jumped back into her swamp.
In the field, he knows the flies, he grabs them with his tongue.
Kwa, kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa! It's enough with your tongue.
“The frog wanted to seem very smart to the ducks and tell them a poem, but she got very excited and mixed everything up...”
- Guys! Be careful and help the frog correct his mistakes.
My friend and I played……CUPS,
We drank tea from a white... CHECKERS!
Came out of the hole... BONE,
A MOUSE fell on her!
Roosters, having started... Spurs,
They are raising menacingly... DISPUTES!
My sister and I sewed dishes...
And the outfits for the dolls... SOAP!
The fashionista cheated... FUR COATS,
Not everything suits her... LIPS!
The poor thing is crying bitterly... BALL,
The airborne aircraft flew away... GARIK
- Well done boys! You were very attentive and helped the frog correct his mistakes. But let's find out what happened next.
“The ducks told the frog that they were going south. She really wanted to be with them. “I came up with an idea,” said the frog. “Let two of you take a twig in your beaks, and I will cling to it in the middle.” You will fly, and I will go...." And so they did."
Our traveler frog flew with the ducks, and the other frogs were jealous of her. Listen to what they said to the flying ducks out of envy and repeat:
Our frogs are more beautiful than yours
Your frog is quieter than ours
Our frog's mouth is wider than yours
Our frogs are taller than yours
3.Final part
That time the traveler frog flew to the south. Today, while helping our wah, what sound did you try to pronounce correctly? That's right, the sound "sh". Summarize the lesson and praise the children for their good work in the lesson.

Notes of correctional and developmental educational activities for the program "Journey to the World of Emotions"

Preparatory group for school

Subject:"Frog traveler" ( based on the fairy tale by V. M. Garshin).


Continue to develop subtle tactile sensations;

Activate arbitrary auditory attention, the ability to concentrate on auditory images;

Develop auditory memory;

To develop the ability to regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition, the ability to quickly switch from active activity to passive activity;

Develop the ability to communicate freely with each other, listen carefully and patiently to others;

Continue to develop the skill to control the muscles of the body: relax or tense them;

Continue to develop coherent speech when answering questions, the ability to freely and clearly express your thoughts;

Develop the ability to listen to the sounds of music, the ability to distinguish sounds;

Continue to learn how to relieve emotional - mental and physical stress.

Necessary materials: a fabric bag, a toy frog, a gymnastic wooden stick or a piece of durable fabric (1.5 x 1.5)


The psychologist takes a bag containing a toy frog. Children take turns trying to determine what is in the bag by touch. After the children have learned that there is a frog in the bag, the psychologist takes it out and says that this is not an ordinary frog, but a traveler frog, and that today she invites you to her fairy tale.

Entering a fairy tale

A frog choir will take us into a fairy tale. You have to listen very, very carefully. Relax your body, close your eyes and listen......

Open your eyes: we are already in a fairy tale. The frog choir took us to one wonderful swamp overgrown with grass. Can you smell the dampness? The fairy tale begins in this swamp

Fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a frog in the world - a frog. She sat in the swamp, caught mosquitoes and midges, and in the spring croaked loudly with her friends. And she would have lived happily all her century, but one autumn an ​​incident happened. The frog sat on the branch of an old driftwood and enjoyed the warm, gentle rain. “Oh, what beautiful wet weather today! - she thought. What a pleasure it is to live in the world!”

Exercise 1. “Pleasant rain”

Children stand up, lightly shake their shoulders and arms free from tension, slightly throw their heads back, exposing their faces to the “drizzle of warm rain,” and listen to a recording with the sound of rain. The facial muscles relax...the lips smile lightly...the eyes are slightly half-closed...There is no tension...the rain is warm and pleasant...The face expresses pleasure and enjoyment......

While the frog was basking like this, a large flock of ducks descended and sat down in the swamp.

- Quack quack! - said one of them.

- Getting cold! Hurry up to the south! Hurry up to the south!

- Lady ducks! - the frog dared to say. What is the south you are flying to? I apologize for the concern. The ducks began to shout vyingly, flapping their wings: “It’s good in the south! Quack! It 'warm over there! Quack quack! There are such nice warm swamps there! Quack quack! What worms there are! Good in the south! Quack quack!

Exercise 2. “Conversation”

According to the counting rhyme, a child is selected to play the role of a “frog”. He takes the appropriate pose, squats, spreading his knees and resting both hands on the floor in front of him.

Other children are "ducks". Their arms are pressed to the body up to the elbows, their forearms and hands act as wings. You can sway slightly from side to side. The “frog” asks the “ducks” what the south is. The “Ducks” respond, each admiring the south in their own way. After each answer, the “frog” jumps up and says “qua” with satisfaction or surprise.

“Take me with you,” the frog asked.

- This is impossible! - exclaimed the duck.

- How will we take you? You don't have wings.

“Let me think for just five minutes,” said the frog.

- I'll be right back, I'll probably come up with something good.

And she dived into the swamp mud so that foreign objects would not interfere with her thinking. Soon she emerged.

Exercise 3. “Frog and ducks”

The “frog” stands in the center of the circle. The “ducks” stand around, flapping their “wings” and quack joyfully, loudly, enthusiastically. As soon as the "frog" dives (crouches) The “ducks” immediately scatter and swim silently. Fingering with paws (performing wave-like movements with the brushes).

When the frog emerges (rises), The ducks surround her again. They flap their “wings” and quack loudly and cheerfully. Everyone relaxes while sitting on their heels.

- I came up with an idea! - said the frog. - Let two of you take a twig in your beaks, and I will cling to it in the middle. You will fly, and I will drive. It is only necessary that you do not quack, and I do not croak, and everything will be excellent. Her intelligence delighted the ducks so much that they unanimously agreed to carry her. The frog took the twig into its mouth, and the whole flock rose into the air. The frog was breathless from the terrible height. She dangled in the air from side to side and clenched her jaws with all her might.\

Exercise 4. “In flight”

Psychologist with assistant (adults) hold a gymnastic wooden stick at shoulder level. Each child takes turns grabbing it with his hands, and adults carry the child for some distance.

Fairy tale

Soon the frog got used to its position and even began to look around. They quickly rushed under her...

Exercise 5. “View from above”

The psychologist asks the children to close their eyes, imagine themselves as a frog in the air and “look” down. What do you see? You can start your answer with the words “Below me .....” (fields, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, forests, groves. Cities, villages, villages, road).

While resting on the ground, the ducks tirelessly praised the frog. “Our frog has an amazingly smart head,” they said. Even among ducks there are few of these. The frog's heart sank with delight. The next day the ducks flew so low that the frog heard the voices of people.

- Look, look! - children shouted in one village.

- Ducks are carrying a frog!

“Do they know that I came up with this, and not the ducks?” thought the frog.

- Look, look! - they shouted in another village.

- What a miracle! And who came up with such a clever thing?

Here the frog could no longer stand it and, forgetting all caution, screamed with all her might:

- It's me! I! I! I!

Exercise 6. “Bragging”

What do you think happened to the frog after it screamed?

Why didn't she remain silent? Is it nice to be praised?

Let's play now. I will ask questions, and you will answer loudly and clearly: “I am!”

Which one of you is the smartest? ? (handsome, dexterous, brave, honest, kind, cheerful...) Who is the most boastful?

The frog, kicking all four legs, quickly fell down and finally splashed into a dirty pond on the edge of the village. She immediately emerged from the water and screamed at the top of her lungs:

- It's me! I came up with this!

But there was no one around her. Frightened by the unexpected splash, all the local frogs hid in the water.

Exercise 7. “Frogs”

All children are “frogs”. They jump rhythmically to the music.

Hearing a splash (the psychologist's clap), they freeze in place without changing their posture. They listen to the sensations in the body, note whether there is fatigue in the legs, whether the position is comfortable. The psychologist reduces the volume of the music. After the signal, the “frogs” jump again until the next clap.

And then the traveler frog told the local frogs a wonderful story about how she had been thinking all her life and finally invented an unusual way of traveling on ducks: how she had her own ducks that carried her everywhere; how she visited the beautiful south, where it is so good, where there are such wonderful swamps.

“I stopped by to see how you live,” she said.

- I will stay with you until spring, until my ducks, which I released, return.

Exercise 8. “Whisper”

One child is a “travelling frog”, the rest of the children are “local frogs”. “Frog - Traveler” freezes, and then quietly jumps in place. “Local frogs,” with admiration in their voices, take turns saying in a loud whisper:

What a smart frog.

What a brave frog.

She invented an unusual way of traveling on ducks. - Well done!

The frog wanted to croak something in response, but was so tired from flying with the ducks that he immediately fell asleep in his new pond.

- Spring has come, another one.

- But the ducks never returned for the frog.


So the fairy tale ends. It's time to return from the fairy tale back to the real world. And the frog choir will help us return. You have to listen very, very carefully. Relax your body, close your eyes and listen......

And Magic power took us back. Look around. You see, instead of a swamp under your feet there is a carpet, we are back in kindergarten.

Guys, what did you like most about the fairy tale?

What did you not like about the fairy tale? Why? Would you like the ending of the fairy tale to be different? Which one? Who wants to tell the other end of our tale? Well done. Guys, did you like the new ending to the fairy tale?

Our journey is over. Until next time.