Covering nails with cat varnish. Technique for applying cat eye gel polish: tips, video

I am a master nail service and today I will show you one of the most interesting acquisitions, which has no analogues in offline stores and most likely will not exist. Attention, this review is not a master class on the use of gel polishes as such, it was created to demonstrate new products in the field of manicure! By new, I do not mean the principle of magnetic varnish itself (it has already been on sale for several years), but rather the effect of imitation stone, known as “cat’s eye”.

From this seller I have been buying all sorts of little things for work for a very long time - files, buffs, paints, brushes. Parcels always arrive within 2 to 3 weeks, everything is packaged very carefully, for several years there have not been a single defective or downright bad product. I decided to order magnetic gel polishes to try, only one color for now. He didn’t disappoint me - I haven’t seen such beauty for a long time)))

So, the bottle itself: 10 milliliters (very little) of magnetic varnish, the principle of operation of which I will explain a little later

The varnish is very thick, one layer is enough to create the desired effect

The varnish comes with a magnet, which will “tune” our nails. Thanks to the use of a magnet, metal particles will rise from the total pigmented mass of the gel polish and create the coveted effect of chrysoberyl, which is famous for its “glitter running across the surface” (Wikipedia wording, yyyy).

The reverse side of the magnet is instructions. “Bring it as close as possible to the surface of a freshly painted nail, hold for 5-10 seconds and quickly dry the result in a UV lamp” - this is what the manufacturers advise us.

Let's start painting the demo display. We need one coat of varnish.

This is what the coating looks like BEFORE using the magnet.

And now the magic begins! We bring the magnet as close to the nail as possible (it should be 2 times closer, but then the photo would not be so clear) and hold it for several seconds.

And this is what we have:

We send our experimental subject to a UV lamp. I am using a lamp using LED+CCFL technology, I have already

The coating becomes hard when exposed to UV rays. Of course, for a complete manicure using this material, we will also need a buffer, bonder, primer, base for gel polish, fixer for gel polish, alcohol to remove residual stickiness and other components. But this is a completely different story)))
In the meantime, this is what the nails look like after applying the above gel polish:

For those who can't see the effect in the photo, here's an attempt to take a video.

In short, I can say that the clients, and I, are delighted. The effect is very unexpected, nails do not go unnoticed. Separately, I note that this material did not cause me the already familiar allergic contact dermatitis, which blooms after 90% of Chinese gel polishes. This one turned out to be normal and I even paint my nails with it) Now I’m collecting money for the entire palette (which I’ll have to order on Aliexpress, because it’s cheaper and there’s a larger selection of colors - several dozen)

Well, what would a “cat’s eye” review be without cats)

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Today we will talk about the features of applying gel polish with the effect of cat eyes. It would seem that everything is very simple, but as always there are some points and nuances: what kind of substrate is needed, what kind of magnet is needed, how close to bring it, and so on.

Gel polish with a cat's eye effect (also called magnetic), despite all the magic, is an ordinary gel polish with metallic sparkles. Using a magnet and the laws of physics, the sparkles are folded into the desired pattern on the nails, and this is how this amazingly beautiful effect is obtained. This is the answer to one of the most common questions regarding magnetic gel polishes, since it is still the same gel polish and can be used with your usual base coat and top coat.

Before applying colored magnetic gel polish, be sure to shake the contents of the bottle well. In general, the effect you want to get directly depends on the method of applying gel polish:

First way- magnetic gel polish can be painted in two layers, and it doesn’t matter so much whether you magnetize the first layer or not.

Second way- to achieve an even greater depth of effect, we recommend applying this coating on a black base, i.e. Apply the bottom layer with any black gel polish and dry.

Now let's look at the many questions about magnets:

Which magnet is better to use?
Of course, a special magnet is better, but if you don’t have one, you can take the simplest one you find, but it must be strong enough.

At what distance is it better to hold a magnet?
The instructions say that the magnet should be kept at a distance of 2-3 mm from the nail, but in practice the most comfortable distance will be up to 5 mm. And holding the magnet for 5-10 seconds is enough for the pattern to appear.

The design looks most beautiful when the drawing is located in one place. Specifically, we're talking about the vertical stripe of a cat's eye.

What to do if the glare has moved to the side?
You need to use a magnet to pull it in the right direction - and then dry it.

Drying time depends on the quality and brand of gel polish. Some liquid coatings spread quickly, so you need to dry one nail at a time, and if the gel polish is thick, you don’t have to rush.

When the magnetic gel polish is applied and dried, it’s time to apply topcoat, dry it in a UV lamp and remove the sticky layer. Magnetic gel polishes are removed just like regular ones.

In order for a stylish effect to decorate your nails for a long time, you must not only follow all application rules, but also provide the coating with at least minimal protection.

  • Make sure that your manicure is not exposed to aggressive substances: alcohol, acetone, solvents.
  • All homework Perform only with rubber gloves.
  • Try not to put unnecessary stress on your nails.
  • In order not to spoil the manicure done with gel polish, for the first two days after applying it, avoid sudden temperature changes and exposure to hot water on your nails. Trips to the bathhouse and sauna will have to be postponed for a couple of days.
If these conditions are met, the “Cat Eye” style design made with gel polish will last up to 2-3 weeks. Conventional magnetic varnish does not retain the effect and integrity of the coating for so long.

Gel polish has gained rapid popularity among different ages. Its advantage is that it can stay on nails for up to 4 weeks. And this good result. Now you don't need to paint your nails every 2 days regular varnish. The varnish contains a special gel that polymerizes in a UF or LED lamp. Handles remain well-groomed for a long time.

Cat's eye is considered a popular gel polish. The cat eye effect is right on the nail. Isn't this fantastic? This effect is achieved using a shaped magnet, which is applied to metal particles. Special particles in the varnish are attracted to a magnet and a pattern is obtained in the shape of a magnet with a wandering overflow.

Popular cat eye polish brands

There are many popular brands, but there are 3 of the best gel polishes:

  1. Uniform distribution over the entire surface. For a dense coating, one layer of substrate is enough ( base color) and the cat's eye layer. Big choice colors.
  2. Bluesky. Large palette. Has a healing effect for brittle nails. Quality and reasonable price, this is the best combination.
  3. TNL magnet. One layer is enough for rich color. Manicure lasts up to 3 weeks.

Reference! Typically, a cat eye is applied on a dark base, called a base coat. Light options Cat's eyes are less common, as it is more difficult to achieve a noticeable highlight on them.

Step-by-step instructions for painting nails with cat polish

Do beautiful manicure won't be difficult. To do this, you need to apply all the layers correctly and in turn:

  1. Initial preparation. Lead nail plate in order for further application of products. Shape the nails using a nail file. Next comes polishing using a buff.
  2. Cover the nail with base. Dry in a UV or ice lamp.
  3. Shake the bottle of nail polish. Paint the layer. Bring the magnet as close to the nail plate as possible. Distance 4-5 mm. You need to wait about 5 seconds.
  4. It is better to do all layers thinly. Thick layers crack faster. As a result, your manicure will have to be changed much more often.
  5. We send our hand into the lamp.
  6. Apply again and repeat all over again.
  7. You should try to hold the magnet equally clearly on all fingers. Otherwise, the drawing may appear differently.
  8. If the gel is thick, then one application is enough. If it does not apply well, then a second application will not be superfluous.
  9. The last and final stage is the top. The top may come with a sticky layer. Then it should be removed with a special liquid.
  10. Treat the cuticle with oil. It nourishes and moisturizes.
  11. Apply hand cream, as the lamp dries the skin very much.

How to preserve color for a long time

It is quite possible to preserve color for a long time:

  1. Good top and base. They will help consolidate the results for a long time.
  2. Primer. A high-quality primer prolongs the life of your manicure.
  3. Step by step application. Completion of all stages.
  4. On weak nails, the gel will not last long. It is better to treat the nail plate with mineral complexes in advance.
  5. Before starting the procedure, hands must be dry.
  6. In the first 2 days, treat your nails with care.
  7. Do housework with gloves.

Do these simple rules It's not difficult at all. Then the manicure will last longer, and your fingers will remain perfect until the end.

Photos of cat eye manicure

“Cat's eye” has become a trend in manicure that has made a huge number of girls fall in love with it at first sight. This gel polish looks very much like a stone that bears the same name. Its structure contains a special magnetic coating, which is very impressive on the nails. No painting can achieve the same effect as Cat's Eye gel polish. There is no doubt that the highest quality manicure using this varnish can be done in a salon by an experienced nail technician. But you can try to transform your nails at home.

The main advantages of “Cat's Eye” gel polish

This gel polish has a very specific structure. It is dense and quite flexible. The variety of rich colors makes it so desirable in the eyes of all fashionistas. Thanks to its positive characteristics, a manicure with Cat's Eye gel polish can last up to three weeks.

It gets its inimitable shine from the presence of metal elements in its composition. To get a design, you need to hold a magnet to your nails and move it in accordance with the desired pattern. If you put your hands with a finished manicure under the sun's rays, you will see a very beautiful shine on your fingers. But as soon as you turn your nails sideways, the color of the varnish becomes darker and more saturated.

Step-by-step application of gel polish "Cat's eye"

To get a beautiful manicure, you must adhere to the following sequential steps:

  1. Apply primer to the nail plate.
  2. Paint your nails with a thin layer of base polish and dry them under an ultraviolet lamp for several minutes. Thanks to this stage, the manicure will last much longer than usual.
  3. After the base has been applied to the nails, you can cover them with the first ball of gel polish. Dry the finished coating for 4 minutes under the lamp. In order for it to harden faster, it should be applied very thinly, several times.
  4. When the last layer of gel polish is applied, you need to bring a magnet to it. Do not place the magnet too close so as not to touch the varnish itself. The manicure will acquire a glossy shine right before your eyes.
  5. The final step is to cover the nails with the last transparent ball of fixative. It will make your nails even shinier. After the varnish dries (3 minutes under the lamp), the top sticky ball is removed and a wonderful result remains - a charming manicure!

To get a spectacular manicure, you should keep some secrets in mind. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Depending on the magnet, the pattern will change.

  • Once you have applied the last coat of varnish, start shaping the pattern. This must be done before the nails dry.
  • When creating a “Cat Eye” manicure, keep the magnet at a distance of no more than 5 mm.
  • You need to hold it for about 10 seconds.
  • Depending on what position the magnet will be in when you apply it, the pattern itself may change.
  • When creating a nail design, you can combine “Cat Eye” with some other interesting designs and details.

What can you do to keep your “Cat's Eye” longer?

  • Do you want to please yourself with such interesting nails for as long as possible? Then study the following recommendations.
  • Immediately after creating this nail art, you should not allow your nails to be subjected to sudden changes in temperature.

  • Do not do cleaning or other household chores without gloves.
  • Never allow any solvents to come into contact with the nail plate.
  • It is not recommended to place any, even light, load on them. If you need to pick or touch something, then use any other objects suitable for this.

By doing everything correctly and without subjecting your “Cat's Eye” to the above procedures, be sure that the result will be able to please you and those around you much longer than usual. But experts still say that it would be better to make corrections more often - every two weeks. Otherwise, the gel polish will begin to adhere to the nail plate and adversely affect it. This will also complicate the correction process.

“Cat's eye” is fashionable, unusual and stylish. With such a manicure, any girl will not go unnoticed. In addition, it does not need to be updated very often. Gel polish is a great find for those who not only follow the latest hits, but also worry about the condition and health of their nails. The composition of this product does not harm them in any way. The only negative is that after removing the gel polish, the nail plate will become soft and thin for some time, but then it will be completely restored and will have its previous well-groomed and healthy appearance.

Every year, the field of nail design surprises fashionistas with interesting new products, one of which is “Cat Eye” gel polish. This is a unique cosmetic product for creating a mesmerizing manicure with an imitation of the jewelry stone of the same name. The rules of application, pros and cons, methods of preserving gel polish on nails will be discussed further.

Features of the “Cat Eye” manicure

This manicure gets its name from chrysoberyl, which is popularly called cat's eye. This mineral has a specific light effect in the form of a narrow vertical strip of light concentrated in the middle. When turning, it moves and flickers, and therefore creates the appearance of a cat's eye, which is carefully watching you. Volumetric 3D drawing - this is it main feature this manicure.

The three-dimensional pattern is obtained thanks to metal particles that are part of the main coating and move under the influence of magnetic fields. The set includes a magnet for gel polish, with which you can create a design. All you need to do is hold the magnetic plate to your painted nail and wait for the metal shavings to display the desired pattern.

The same design can be displayed in different ways; to do this, simply change the placement of the magnet relative to the nail. The narrow vertical stripe is the main and first design of its kind. Now you can decorate your nails with stars, waves, diagonals, and spirals. Additional magnets must be purchased separately.

Pearlescent varnishes from this series have a dense and plastic texture, bright and varied shades, rich color pigments. This is a long-lasting coating that will stay on your nails for at least 3 weeks. As for color, “Cat Eye” looks best on varnishes of dark, deep shades, since it will be simply invisible on light ones. This design looks great with matte varnish, in addition, it can be combined with designs on one or two fingers.

The magnet should not be stored next to the gel polish, as it may demagnetize and the pattern will no longer work. Place them in separate drawers or cosmetic bags.

Application rules

How to apply gel polish so that your nails look beautiful and the pattern is clear? To do this you need to stock up necessary tools and materials:

This is enough to create a beautiful nail design. As additional accessories use rhinestones, appliques, velvet sand, liquid stones, etc. But this comes later, first you need to perfectly master the art of applying magnetic varnish, to do this, follow these steps:


This is a product from a Chinese manufacturer, which has the following advantages:

Even beginners can perform a manicure, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Products LIANAIL

These are varnishes from a German manufacturer, which are very popular among nail design professionals. Gel polish "Lianeil" has the following properties:

Magnet from Tatneil (TNL MAGNET)

Popular gel polishes from the Korean manufacturer have the following advantages:

  • Product quality is at top level, since the technological process is constantly monitored.
  • The varnish is thick and rich in natural pigments, and therefore one layer will be enough to achieve a bright and deep color.
  • Magnet gel can be combined with base and top coats of other brands.
  • The color palette is small, but you can create great combinations from the existing shades.
  • A beautiful manicure will last for at least 15 days and is difficult to damage or scratch.

Perfect manicure with Kodi

These are products from an American manufacturer that have the following advantages:

  • Rubber-based gel polish “Kodi” is quite elastic and durable.
  • This is an ideal option for those with thin or fragile nails. Strengthens the nail plate, suitable for preventing splitting.
  • The varnish consists of natural components, and therefore does not cause an allergic reaction and does not have the characteristic smell of acetone.
  • Thanks to the ideal consistency and pigmentation, even a thin layer of varnish creates a bright, rich manicure.
  • Wide range of colors, glossy shine.
  • Cody gel polish lasts 20 days.


  • The popular magnetic gel with the “Cat's Eye” effect does not contain aggressive chemicals and contains natural pigments, thanks to which the color is quite bright, deep and rich. This effect lasts for 3 weeks.
  • In addition, the polish has the right consistency, just one coat is enough to make the “Cat Eye” shine. A huge variety of shades, resistance to aggressive influences - these are the best qualities of gel polish.
  • The procedure for applying gel polish does not harm the nails, unlike popular extensions. The product does not burden, injure or thin the nail plate.
  • Most of the varnishes in this series have a liquid texture, which requires leveling with a special brush to obtain a perfectly even coating.

    The advantage is that there is no need to rush, since the varnish does not dry without ultraviolet lamp. You can easily correct the result and fix it under UV rays.

  • The composition dries quickly, after which you can safely carry out normal activities and not be afraid to smear the layer. At correct application There are no gaps, stains, or chips.

The “cat's eye” looks attractive for about 20 days, after which it is better to make adjustments, even if the old manicure is in perfect condition. New manicure It is also necessary because nails grow during this period and “smiles” appear at their bases.

Wash off your old manicure on time, use special products from the line, follow the technology, and your nails will be in perfect condition.

Technology of applying gel polish "Cat's eye" - video


There are some contraindications to the use of Cat's Eye gel polish:

  • Nails that are too weak or thin need to be treated first.
  • Fungal infections of nails.
  • Sensitive skin around the nail plate.
  • Hypersensitivity to components of gel polish or other care products.

The concentration of polymer substances in the gel coating is low, but they are quite strong, as they are responsible for rapid adhesion and hardening.

How to use gel polish at home to make your manicure look beautiful? To avoid failures, follow the recommendations of specialists:

Manicure "Cat's eye" with magnetic varnish - video

How to extend the effect?

Gel polish “Cat's eye” is quite strong and durable, unlike conventional coating. If applied correctly, it will delight you for at least 14 days. To avoid ruining your stunning manicure, follow these simple guidelines:

  • When coming into contact with household chemicals or aggressive substances (medicinal alcohol, acetone, household solvents), protect your hands with rubber gloves.
  • Do not put stress on your nails, do not scratch objects with them, use special tools for this.
  • If you just got a cat eye manicure, avoid temperature extremes and do not keep your nails in hot water for 48 hours after the procedure.

Nail design in the “Cat Eye” style looks mysterious and unique.