Production process: How baby food is made. Is it possible to produce baby strollers in Russia? What are the costs of starting a business?

The body of a recreational vehicle. Be sure to check how the body is attached (in a stroller for newborns it is a cradle, and in a stroller version it is a seat) to the chassis of the product.

The fastening must be strong and durable, and also necessarily symmetrical. If the fastening is not symmetrical, the baby will fall to one side. The materials used in production for the manufacture of the body must be natural. To ensure that the body does not get wet, waterproof materials must be used for its exterior finishing. To keep the body clean, it is advisable to have removable upholstery. For ease of carrying, carrying straps are installed on the body. The body of the recreational vehicle should be spacious enough so as not to restrict the baby’s movement, but it should not be huge so that the vehicle can enter the elevator. Manufacturers produce some body models that can be used as a child car seat.

Cradle. The cradle basket in some models can be equipped with a rigid safety frame designed to protect the baby and conserve heat inside the cradle. Such models must have ventilation holes, which winter time You can close it as needed. For the convenience of babies mastering the “sitting” position, some models come with removable seats that can be secured directly in the cradle. If you decide to buy a fashionable stroller or a transforming stroller, then pay attention to the baby seat. It must have seat belts to prevent the baby from falling out of the stroller. Models should also be equipped with an adjustable footrest for the convenience of the baby.

Pleasure carriage chassis. The chassis design includes a frame with wheel mounts and a shock absorber system. A high-quality chassis must be made of light and durable alloy. The presence of shock absorbers in pleasure carriages will ensure a smooth and easy ride and stability of the product.

Shock absorbers come in different types:

  • belt;
  • spring;
  • plastic-hinged, in high-quality products closed with metal shields. In some models, articulated shock absorbers are equipped with additional springs;
  • spring, resembling an elastic metal frame.

Control knob. The control knob in good products is adjustable. It allows parents to adjust it to the desired height, fold it up for a ride in a cramped elevator, or flip it over depending on the direction of travel. Before purchasing, check the quality of the handle itself and the plastic attachment (it is not very pleasant to hold on to bare metal in winter if the quality of the plastic does not withstand frost and will burst).

Feel free to test the model you choose. The mother must independently perform all possible manipulations with the Teutonia 2013 stroller - flip the handle, unfold the seat and backrest into different positions, fold the whole thing and unfold it, check the brake system, shock absorbers, operation of the hoods, seat belts and everything that is in the stroller. Try to lift and carry the unit yourself, because you will have to take it out for a walk every day!

Keywords: Components of a stroller, Body of a stroller, Carrycot, buy a fashionable stroller, Chassis of a stroller, plastic-articulated shock absorbers, Control handle, stroller teutonia 2013,2014

A full-cycle factory for the production of strollers will open in Ryazan. On March 15, the ceremony of laying the first stone in the foundation of the Triumph Baby Stroller Factory took place. This is the first full-cycle factory in the country for the production of strollers. The bricks in the symbolic foundation were laid by the Governor of the Ryazan Region Nikolai Lyubimov, the Chairman of the Association of Manufacturers of Child Car Seat "Priority" Mikhail Stroikov, the Deputy Chairman of the Association Ivan Nikitichev, the Director of the Department of Development of the Industry of Socially Significant Goods of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kolobov. After laying the first stone, the guests of honor left memorable inscriptions on it: “Russia - forward. With God blessing. Good luck in everything. For the benefit of children and good memory." The opening of the new plant is planned in August 2018, the release of the first serial batch of products is planned in September of the same year. 33 types of strollers will be produced, but buyers will be able to order their own product design that suits them (choose wheels, shock absorbers, cradles). All products will be made from 83% Russian raw materials and components. Imported components during production will be represented only by specialized fabric and accessories that are not produced in Russia. The estimated volume is 200 thousand strollers per year. This volume will cover 20% of the Russian market. But the manufacturers noted that they will not stop there and plan to supply baby strollers to Eastern Europe. There are ambitious plans to enter the American market. Manufacturers noted that the prices of the strollers are not yet known, but they will be much less than imported ones. At the same time, the quality of the strollers will be at the European level. The main advantage of the products will be adaptation to Russian conditions. This is an extended cradle so that children dressed in snowsuits can easily fit in it, and wheels designed for driving on snow. The strollers will fold easily. Their weight will be from 10 to 13 kg. A factory for the production of full-cycle strollers was opened in Ryazan, because the city already has a production of children's car seats. After the ceremony, the guests went on a tour of this production. The two factories are planning a common project to create transformable strollers (3 in 1: a regular stroller, a stroller and a car seat). Governor Nikolai Lyubimov noted that the opening of the stroller production plant is a significant event for the region. Firstly, it will bring additional tax revenues and jobs to the Ryazan region (at the beginning it is planned to hire 100 people, and later expand to 400); secondly, it will improve the region’s investment indicators.

When faced with the question of choosing a baby stroller, everyone more families in Russia they prefer to purchase domestically produced goods. This decision is both patriotic and justified from the point of view of saving the family budget. And choose the best from Russian manufacturers Our review will help you.

Who produces Russian-made strollers?

During the Soviet era, the market for foreign companies was largely closed, and almost all goods for children in the country were produced by many factories of the Soviet light industry. The collapse of the Union, the fall of the Iron Curtain and the subsequent economic crisis dramatically changed the situation, and today in Russia there are only a few large manufacturers of strollers for children, namely:

  • "Votkinsk Industrial Company" from Votkinsk, part of the Topol group of companies;
  • JSC PKP Apex, whose facilities are located in Dubna;
  • Yekaterinburg factory "Stack Ural";
  • the Little Treck company from the town of Mytishchi near Moscow.

Products of the Votkinsk Industrial Company

Once upon a time, almost every Soviet family had Votkinsk strollers. Now the situation for the Udmurt company has changed dramatically, and it has to be content with a very modest market share. At the same time, the company has long frozen the development and production of its own models and is now only engaged in “screwdriver” assembly of products from China and Poland.

The company produces products under the brands “Fairy” and “Selby”, and the total range offered on the official website includes 11 types of strollers. All of them are of the walking type, so if you need a transforming model, a cradle or transport for twins, then you should turn your attention to other manufacturers.

If you are looking for a lightweight and safe stroller for your child, then pay attention to the Selby NS-112 model. And for those who are not afraid of 13 kg of weight, we can recommend the real jeep in the world children's transport– Selby SS-202 with solid 30 cm pneumatic wheels.

Apex products

Dubna strollers have been produced since the mid-50s of the 20th century, but in Soviet times they failed to even come close to the popularity of strollers from Udmurtia. But now Apex is the sole leader among Russian manufacturers, accounting for 60% of all sales of Russian strollers. Such a solid result is also surprising because the company produces only three main models - two classics (“Classics” and “Lyra”) and one transforming model “Hummingbird”.

Despite the name, the “Classic” is very unorthodox, because it combines familiar design and innovative technologies such as two interchangeable eco-leather bodies (winter and summer) and powder-coated chassis. In fact, this model is a basic one, which can be transformed at will, for example, changing inflatable wheels to plastic ones and installing a raincoat or mosquito net. “Lyra” is also made according to the “in 1” principle; the cradle in it, if necessary, is replaced by a walking body. Finally, the “Hummingbird” will pass on any ground at any time of the year, while maintaining its smooth ride.

Products from the Stack Ural factory

Of all the Russian manufacturers of children's goods, it was the Stack company that suffered the most from the crisis events recent years. By focusing on the quality of their goods at the expense of assortment and budget, the Urals eventually lost a large segment of the market. It seems that the company's management has not drawn any conclusions from this. To this day, the basis of the model range of the Yekaterinburg factory are transformable strollers costing from 7 to 8 thousand rubles with purely cosmetic differences.

Reliability for the Stack factory remains a top priority, so the frames of all models are made exclusively from steel, and not from lighter materials. The company's products are assembled from both domestic and imported parts.

The company's official website provides certificates of conformity and quality for all baby strollers offered, so strollers from Stack can be recommended to anyone who wants to be 100% sure of the safety of their baby.

Baby strollers from Little Treck

The Mytishchi company is the youngest among all those presented in this review. Perhaps it was her youth and fresh ideas that helped her squeeze out competitors and win as much as 20% of the market. The main difference between the Little Treck philosophy is the desire for the optimal combination of price and quality. As part of this concept, the Moscow region company has completely abandoned the production of transformers and offers only two basic models - a stroller for newborns with a solid basket and a “2 in 1” with an aluminum frame and inflatable wheels. All products of the company are finished with cotton fabric with synthetic padding.

Another secret of Little Treck’s success is that, in addition to selling vehicles for children, the company actively promotes sales of all kinds of spare parts, accessories and replacement parts for its products.

As a result, from just two models offered by the company, each family can assemble its own optimal design, ideally suited specifically to its needs.

For a review of the Little trek stroller, watch the following video.

The stroller production sector is a profitable niche that can bring good profits. After all, parents are ready to buy the best for their children. Many young parents would rather save on themselves than on their child. Therefore, children always get the best. Business ideas that are in one way or another connected with the production of baby food and essential goods bring owners multi-million dollar income.

Take the stroller production industry as an example. To stand out among competing companies you need to provide something new and original. This is what the company that produces the smartest strollers in the world called “Smartbe” did.

Driverless wheelchairs.

The strollers use unmanned technologies that are now being actively tested for cars. It was not by chance that such strollers appeared. Young mothers need to spend a considerable amount of energy and effort to transport a stroller. You don't need to do this with a smart stroller. It uses special sensors to track movements. This allows her to move right behind you. It doesn’t matter which way you go, the smart stroller will adjust its movement and strictly follow you. For convenience, it is equipped with wireless speakers, a temperature control system, three removable visors and a special device for heating bottles. You can control the stroller in two ways: using the panel on the handle or through a mobile application. It runs on batteries. One charge is enough for 6 hours of continuous operation. The company is now raising money to produce this product.

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