Recommendations for care. Comfortable shoes using GORE-TEX technology Care for gore-tex shoes

Myth No. 1: “You can’t treat with classical means”

There is an opinion spread by sellers of shoe departments and ordinary people, and even in the past by your humble servant, that membrane shoes with smooth leather uppers cannot be impregnated with classic products such as regular shoe polish, wax, cream, etc. Shoes can allegedly only be treated with products that have the phrase “recommended for use with” on the packaging. Gore-tex shoes®". This is aggravated by the angry atmosphere that reigns on Russian forums, where people often make very categorical statements without supporting them with arguments.

I had doubts about this ban for a long time, and I decided to look into it. The fact is that in foreign sources I could not find any official and clear text from manufacturers of shoes, membrane fabrics and care products on this topic. In the Russian-speaking environment, two arguments are somehow formulated, let's study them in detail. So:

a) “The impregnation will get on the membrane and ruin it”(for example, it will clog pores, form a film, etc.)

The fact is that even on worn shoes made of smooth leather, normal products do not reach the underside of the leather. It would be a stretch to include nubuck with an almost smooth surface (not all varieties). By normal products I mean waxes (usually sold in jars), shoe polish and creams in tubes. I always recommend waxes first - they don't make the boots too soft (the uppers of the boots have a useful stiffness, contrary to the common misconception that shoes should be soft), are least likely to interfere with the upper's ability to breathe, and are least likely to ruin the lining.

The situation is worse with oils and fats, which are, in fact, crude handicrafts. Oils excessively soften shoes and clog pores. Some varieties, e.g. Castor oil, can lead to skin breakdown. Animal fats can generally go rotten. Are you aware that when preparing leather for shoes, these fats are carefully removed from it - obviously for a reason? In “normal” industrial products, oils are often present in small doses as an additional component. They are needed not to make the skin soft, but as a means, when mixed with which the wax penetrates more easily into the thickness of the material. I've heard of people who, while experimenting with homemade impregnation, managed to ruin the lining of their shoes and even leave stains on their socks. This way you can ruin any shoes, regardless of whether they are membrane or regular.

b) “A soaked upper breathes worse, moisture is not removed quickly enough, and this is very important in membrane shoes”

When the skin is soaked, the pores actually become clogged. Do not confuse the process with treatment with water-repellent agents (for example, aerosols), which are applied mainly to the surface and have virtually no effect on the “breathing” of the upper of the boots. I'm talking about impregnation applied deep into the thickness of the skin. The purpose of this is not protection from water (although this is also achieved), but restoration of elasticity. Smooth skin has a drawback - it dries out, becomes deformed, becomes cracked, and therefore requires periodic impregnation. You HAVE to soak your shoes if you want them to last a long time.

Further, impregnation temporarily impairs the removal of moisture from the top of the shoes to the same extent for both classic and membrane shoes. And also equally adds protection from water. So is there really a difference that would eliminate impregnation with a membrane? We also remember that impregnation is a temporary phenomenon. The impregnation is gradually washed out, evaporates, and rubbed off. This is not something that will permanently ruin membrane boots. After hiking in difficult conditions, all traces will disappear. The problem is clearly exaggerated.

Myth #2: “Can’t be worn with wool socks”

The bottom line is this: membrane shoes do not remove moisture from inside the shoe very well, so woolen socks, which dry poorly compared to synthetics, should absolutely not be worn, because... they will greatly aggravate the situation. A couple of times I came across a rare opinion that the smallest fibers of wool (and it is easily destroyed - I confirm this) clog the lining of boots, etc. prevent the removal of moisture.

Wool wool is different. Good hiking socks made from merino wool, which have finer fibers, are superior to regular coarse wool and hand-knitted wool and are closer in properties to synthetics. Naturally, such socks will wick away sweat a little slower than synthetic ones, but nothing bad will happen.

Please note the following:
In the West, merino underwear and socks are very popular among tourists; no one categorically claims that wool is “outdated”; on the contrary, this area is flourishing. Also, similar socks are popular in the USA, incl. among the military and paramilitary public. They wear with membrane shoes without any problems.
In American military footwear (including membrane ones), the instructions often mention standard government-issued wool socks, and the manuals mainly swear only about cotton (the well-known phrase “Cotton kills!”). Non-flammable clothing sets officially include merino socks, while shoes are made of membrane, and there is not a word about prohibitions on wearing them together with wool.
And finally, if you look at the “accessories” section on the websites of well-known and expensive manufacturers of military, hiking and hunting shoes, which mainly have membrane boots in their assortment, you will see that their own socks often contain wool - this is a common occurrence.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? Despite the widespread stereotype, membrane products are not so difficult to care for and work with, provided that you do not resort to the use of dubious and cheap homemade products.

GunsRu_User_2012 12-08-2013 12:31

Good day everyone! Dear forum members and experts on this problem, help me choose socks for shoes with a membrane, such as Belek 700. The problem is this: with ordinary cotton socks, after using the shoes for a short time, the socks are slightly damp and the lining in the shoe, accordingly, too. Whatever is good and quite uncomfortable. Maybe, of course, this is the case for everyone, but they often write “dry feet.” I understand that cotton socks are not very friendly with shoes with a membrane, I have seen an opinion that socks with a high synthetic content are suitable. Tell us who uses what socks, and if possible, provide a link to the store (or at least the full name of the socks). Many thanks to everyone who responded and gave good advice.

GunsRu_User_2012 12-08-2013 22:41

There are Coolmaxes, but to be honest, I didn’t notice the effect of “dry feet”. Feels like cotton. I don't even know what's wrong...

Vladimir Parkov 13-08-2013 01:35

Rafa16rus 13-08-2013 12:58

quote: Originally posted by Vladimir Parkov:

Take socks with coolmax from normal companies. You took good shoes, not Slavovsk ones)))
And now I’m hustling, otherwise they’ll throw me for rafting)))

No, we won’t throw it. But socks from "Splav" with coolmax, yes, they are a thing!

monitor lizard 13-08-2013 15:23

Alloy socks are normal. I recommend ridge, vertx or slope. I didn't really like the cascades. But the seamless trekking ones from the second message are cotton, so I don’t recommend wearing membrane shoes, although the socks themselves are excellent.
Foggy: Do you have experience using streams? You can do it in PM or by mail.

Foggy 13-08-2013 16:11

quote: Originally posted by monitor lizard:

Foggy: Do you have experience using streams? You can do it in PM or by mail.

my staple socks since October last year. what I walked - everything is in them.
no complaints.

GunsRu_User_2012 22-08-2013 12:02

Thanks everyone for the advice. The vector of movement is clear. Then just try =))

DiEgoXXX 22-08-2013 05:19

If finances allow, then such no complaints, except that the right one is different from the left one, in the dark you can’t put on the first one you come across

doropey 27-08-2013 09:49

These are just socks - take any you like appearance and price. Any socks will keep your feet slightly damp. The main thing is that your feet don’t get too full and calluses don’t appear.
PS: Soon it will come to choosing tactical toilet paper.

Balamooth 27-08-2013 15:00

quote: Originally posted by doropey:
Soon it will come to choosing tactical toilet paper.

That's a long time ago.

MishanovMM 01-09-2013 14:59

x-socks brand socks

uochnik 04-09-2013 18:47

I took one pair at the beginning of last year before another business trip to the mountains. After six months of wearing socks together with ankle boots, there are no complaints. The socks have successfully survived several more trips, and between them I wear them every day. I now constantly wear the Slope model (the same pair) with trekking sneakers (with a membrane) in one republic with a very hot climate (at least by Moscow standards), I’m happy with the socks.

Hard times are coming again and you have to save on everything everywhere... Although things made from membrane fabrics are far from cheap, you must admit that you want to somehow avoid spending a lot of money to take care of them! Therefore, I decided to create such instructions regarding washing and impregnation of various membranes in clothes and shoes.

There are various membranes: Gore-Tex, Ovtex, Climashield and others. Basic care: cleaning, washing, impregnation. With shoes, everything is a little simpler; clothes require more careful care and are more expensive. There are a lot of different foreign membrane care products, and there are also domestically produced products.

There are a lot of “special” products for washing from Nikwax, TOKO, Grangers, Woly, etc. and they all cost quite a lot, namely from 400 rubles and above for 300 ml... yes, yes for 300 ml) )) this, in turn, is somewhere on average 5-6 washes. You need to wash in water with a temperature of up to 40C, better by hand than in a machine (because it’s better and safer)!

I personally never buy all these “special” products because... this is an ordinary non-aggressive liquid soap, and not something super-duper from the planet Mars... yes yes... ordinary good soap! Therefore, here is the conclusion: buy any non-aggressive liquid detergent in gel form! Here large hypermarkets will help you, there is a lot of goodness there, it is also worth going to children's stores like " Children's world"You can easily find a gel on sale for 1 liter from 300 rubles, shorter than 1-1.5 liters can be purchased for an average of 400-550 rubles! You cannot wash the membrane with powder as they are, firstly, aggressive and secondly, they clog the pores of the fabric. Take only the gel (or liquid), preferably marked ECO, BIO, Organic or something like that. We pour the gel into the drum with the clothes, and the liquid into the powder compartment! It’s generally worth washing when it’s really impossible to spot-wash the dirt. It’s better to spot-wash small stains ( Duru baby white laundry soap is suitable), because the top layer has water-repellent impregnation which is removed along with the stains). And the top layer serves as a protective barrier for the membrane and getting it wet is unacceptable, then the meaning of the membrane itself and its breathable properties is lost!

The composition of normal gels should be approximately this: water, nonionic surfactants (nonionic, expensive, safe and non-aggressive) approximately 15% or less, soap, enzymes of plant origin, anionic surfactants are allowed<5% (АПАВ, лучше конечно чтобы их не было вообще т.к. они дешёвые и агрессивные), лимонная кислота, также могут быть эфирные масла, ну и всё. Вообще самые простые хорошие средства для стирки это марсельское мыло, калийное мыло или мыльные орехи! Полностью безопасны для любой стирки и полностью биоразлагаемы после стирки! Поэтому детские ЭКО средства наиболее подходят для стирки мембранных тканей и они состоят на 85% и выше из натуральных компонентов. В дорогих средствах вообще может и не быть никаких ПАВ, а главным тружеником будет хорошее мыло (калийное), которое будет брать на себя роль основного компонента в стирке! Не допускается наличие в средстве для стирки: фосфатов (которые запрещены подчти везде, кроме России), хлора, отбеливателей любого типа, красителей! Всякие "детские" гели Тайд, Персил, Ушастый нянь и им подобные не пойдут ибо это сплошная химия и они во все не детские...там есть агрессивные ПАВ! Если есть $$$, то лучше брать средства немецкого производства, корейского или японского. К примеру из неособо дорогих можно взять на пробу средство Frosch (1.5-2 л), Babyline, BioMio ну и т.д. Если бюджет побольше, то можно попробывать Sodasan! Вообще вся суть их в неагрессивности, но с точки зрения отстирывания, они похуже, чем ядерные химические порошки, но зато на их стороне безвредность, экологичность, гипоаллергенность и ими можно много чего стирать не боясь! Так что, дело уже за вами! Экономие в 2-5 раз.

Impregnations come in aerosol type ("sprays" for shoes) and in the form of ordinary jars of liquids (for clothes). The first ones are easy to use, you can soak small parts, but they are inconvenient to use in clothes, so they are usually used only for shoes! Liquid impregnations are simply poured into water and the clothes are soaked in it for 10-20 minutes, then they are simply taken out, DO NOT RINS, but simply dried at normal temperature and preferably in a horizontal position!

There are impregnations of foreign and domestic production. The impregnation should be colorless and universal (which will also work for suede, leather, nubuck and textiles). The top layer is usually impregnated after washing or after frequent exposure to rain and slush; it’s just that the factory impregnation (DWR) of the top layer washes out over time and needs to be renewed! For aerosol types, I recommend Salton, Shtrikh, Twist, Olvist, Salamander. The main thing is that the composition contains fluorocarbon resins (fluoro-resins)! All expensive foreign impregnations have the same essence, so there’s no need to bother and it’s better to save twice as much! But as far as liquid impregnations are concerned, this is a failure, I have not seen any Russian analogues, you have to take concentrated impregnations like STORM, I bought it on sale for 460 rubles for 300 ml, enough for 5-6 full impregnations of clothes.

In the appendix to my article I am posting detailed video instructions (click on the button in the lower right corner to expand to full screen and watch in excellent HD quality).

Your rating of the shoe model (articles): Rating: 4.7 /18

Do you think that staying dry in the rain without getting steamy inside is still just a dream? Well, then your dream has come true...

Gore-Tex is a membrane fabric produced by W. L. Gore & Associates. It is used in the manufacture of special clothing and shoes.

This fabric has 3 layers:

  1. External.
  2. Teflon membrane (fluoroplastic).
  3. Inner fabric lining.

1957– chemist Bill Gore creates a new material, polytetrafluoroethylene, which was later called Teflon. A year later, Gore founded the company W. L. Gore & Associates. Initially, this unique material was used in wires and cables, not only for ordinary purposes, but even in astronautics.

Soon, Bill Gore's son, Bob, graduated from the University of Minnesota (chemistry department). For several years, Bob worked hard to modify the material created by his father, trying to give it elasticity and porosity.

The result was not long in coming, and in 1969 membrane fabric was invented, and already in 1970 the first such fabric of industrial production appeared, which instantly became popular and well-known.

8 years later, version Gore-Tex No. 2 was introduced to the world, and a year later another new Gore-Seam product appeared - a special sealing tape for seams.

Main characteristics

Water resistance

In simple terms, the fabric does not leak. This is its main property. It is the unique membrane that creates this effect, being a thin Teflon film and having a huge number of holes (there are approximately 1.4 million pores per 1 cm square, which are 20 thousand times smaller than a water drop). This allows water not to pass through at a pressure of no more than 30 m of the water column (regular rain has a water column pressure of up to 7 m on average).

Wind protection

It is generally accepted that fleece, a tightly woven fabric, is generally a microfiber fabric that is not blown. But in reality, sometimes even the lightest breeze can be felt, disturbing your microclimate and creating discomfort.

According to technical standards, fabric is considered to be windproof when the volume of air that passes through a square meter of fabric per second is no more than 5.

Gore-Tex fabric is unique in that virtually every product in which it is used not only meets the windproof standard, but often exceeds it. In its structure, the membrane is fine-fiber, so cold wind from the outside forms some kind of turbulence inside the membrane, becoming entangled.

Vapor permeability

The membrane holes are designed in such a way that liquid cannot pass through them, but steam, on the contrary, passes quite easily. The thing is that the pores of the membrane are 700 times larger than the vapor molecule, so the evaporation easily escapes.

All this suggests that sweat evaporating from the surface of the skin will be able to evaporate even under the heaviest loads, which means your skin will be able to “breathe.”

Variety of uses for GoreTex

GORE-TEX Fabrics

Classic GORE-TEX fabric guarantees maximum protection from getting wet and comfort during sports, travel and every day.

There are 2 types:

  1. Two-layer - the membrane is rolled from the inside out onto the outer fabric, inside it is protected by a lining. Universal use, differs:
    • softness and lightness,
    • good vapor permeability less than 90 RET,
    • minimum water resistance of 28 meters,
    • 100% wind protection;
  2. Three-layer – the first revolutionary membrane material. The membrane is placed inside the outer and inner layer of fabric, differs:
    • durability and waterproofness (water resistance 28 m);
    • vapor permeability less than 130;
    • 100% wind protection;


For active sports activities at any time of the year and in any weather conditions, this fabric option is the most comfortable. If we compare Fabrics and XCR, the latter option breathes a quarter better.

In terms of structure, the fabric is created according to the principle of the classic two- and three-layer GORE-TEX, but all materials, including the membrane, are thinner, lighter and more durable:

  • minimum water resistance – 28 meters;
  • vapor permeability less than 45-60 RET;
  • 100% wind protection;


  • in mountaineering;
  • in rock climbing;
  • in cycling, skiing and multisport;


A lightweight version of membrane fabric designed specifically for cycling and trekking.

Clothes made from this material are as light and thin as possible. All this is achieved by replacing the inner fabric with a thin layer of carbon fiber and a grease repellent substance, which prevents the porosity of the membrane from clogging.


  1. The fabric breathes remarkably well (vapor permeability index is less than 40).
  2. Does not allow water to pass through (minimum water resistance 28 meters).
  3. Protects from wind 100%.
  4. Much lighter than previous GORE-TEX fabric options.


  1. Less durable than other GORE-TEX fabric options.


  • in mountaineering;
  • rock climbing;
  • cycling;
  • tourism;
  • multisport;

GORE-TEX Soft Shell

The softest and warmest version of GORE-TEX fabric. The outer layer of fabric is a fairly durable material made from fleece, Polartek or other elastic fabric, and the inner layer is soft and warm in the form of flannel, fleece or Polartek.

This material protects and insulates at the same time, but the vapor permeability function is not lost.

Often used as a middle layer.

Scope of application:

  • alpine and cross-country skiing;
  • mountaineering;
  • snowboarding;
  • ice climbing;

Features of GORE-TEX shoes:

  1. Long lasting water resistance.
  2. Vapor permeability - legs can breathe.
  3. Frost resistance.
  4. Resistance to bending.
  5. Particularly durable.

Main advantage– this, of course, is the ability of such shoes to allow air to pass through. Interesting fact: during the day, in a calm state, our foot is capable of releasing 50 grams. sweat, and in a state of increased activity - up to 100 g. Therefore, to maintain a pleasant microclimate in the foot, you need shoes that provide rapid removal of water vapor.

In shoes made with GORE-TEX, you are not afraid of dampness and moisture; dry feet and a comfortable temperature inside the shoes are guaranteed.

Men's models with GORE-TEX

Asolo Power Matic 200 GV

A universal model of boots for trekking.


  1. Waterproof leather – Perwanger up to 2.8 mm.
  2. The specially designed sole has high longitudinal and torsional rigidity.
  3. Along the entire sole there are layers of high and medium density polyurethane.
  4. Cushioning is provided by a low-density polyurethane unit in the heel.


  • in tracking;
  • hiking on foot or by water;
  • for Sport;
  • mountain tourism;
  • for every day in the city;

Common data:

  1. Italian brand.
  2. Color – black graphite.
  3. Sizes from 39 – 49.6.
  4. Anatomical insole.
  5. The material in the middle of the sole is triple density polyurethane.
  6. The average boot weight is 785 g.

Asics GEL-Fuji Setsu GTX

These are sneakers designed for running on ice, frozen surfaces and snow.

Metal studs located completely throughout the sole provide excellent grip on even very slippery surfaces, and also help to better control the ascent and descent.

The upper of the shoe is made of GORE-TEX, which allows the foot to feel dry and comfortable, even during long runs in wet snow or rain. The material allows the foot to breathe.

Other characteristics:

  1. It is not advisable to use when walking or running on asphalt.
  2. Weighs only 335 grams.
  3. The foot placement is neutral or hypopronated (to the outer side).
  4. There is a plate in the middle of the sole to protect against stones.
  5. There are elements that reflect light.
  6. The lower part of the sole is made of wear-resistant rubber, which guarantees a long service life of the shoe.
  7. Unique Asics GEL silicone is found under the heel and in the front of the outsole. This gel is designed to distribute pressure and cushion, which in turn reduces stress on the heel, knees and spine.
  8. The midsole has double density.
  9. For convenience, there is a special pocket in which you can hide the ends of the laces.
  10. To prevent unnecessary twisting of the foot, there is a molded Trusstic System element inside the sole.
  11. For maximum grip even on wet surfaces, the outsole consists of Wet grip rubber components.


These are professional boots used in mountaineering at high altitudes, in glaciers, and on combined routes - rocks alternate with ice.


  1. The fit on the leg is as precise as possible.
  2. The top is a piece of full leather of the Hydroblock class up to 3 mm.
  3. Protection against water that can enter through the top of the boot - Zamberlan® RRS.
  4. For a more comfortable fit, the tongue is not single, but double.
  5. The sole has a special installation system for all types of crampons, including automatic ones.
  6. Duratherm GORE-TEX insulated lining.
  7. There is an insole and midsole.
  8. Thermoplastic heel and toe.
  9. Sizes 38 to 48 (European sizes).
  10. Green color.
  11. Produced in Italy.
  12. Weighs 1 kg 30 g.

Female models

Kayland Apex Evo GTX

Specially designed boots for use on long journeys on foot while carrying a heavy backpack.

The sole has many layers, which allows it to absorb shock from steps on a hard surface, reducing the harmful load on the spine and joints. There is an insert in the heel for shock absorption, this is especially important when carrying a heavy load.


  1. Manufactured in the European Union in accordance with all European standards.
  2. Externally – suede with water-repellent treatment, along with abrasion-resistant fabric and a rubber welt. The interior features GORE-TEX® Performance Comfort, which is waterproof and breathable.
  3. Polypropylene pressed insole.
  4. Intermediate insole made of polyurethane, instep support (high-temperature polyurethane).
  5. The outsole provides excellent grip + resistance and durability to temperature changes, so it is ready for use all year round.
  6. Sizes from 3 – 13 (Europe).
  7. The stiffness of the boot is normal level (third), which is ideal for long walks with a heavy load on your shoulders.
  8. Asymmetrical lacing.
  9. Weighs 820 g.

Härkila Blenheim Lady GTX 17


  1. Upper material – high quality nubuck.
  2. There is a Härkila insole that not only cushions, but also increases blood circulation, keeping the feet warm.
  3. Opti Flex outsole.
  4. The GORE-TEX membrane creates special comfort.
  5. The model has fairly slender ankles to match the female ankle and foot shape.

Salomon QUEST 4D 2 GTX


  1. The upper of the boots is made of nylon fabric and thick suede.
  2. The interior features a GORE-TEX lining and an anatomical antibacterial Ortholite footbed that provides basic heel and arch support.
  3. 4D Advanced Chassis outsole technology - Flexible, supportive TPU interior that reduces ankle stress, improves overall stability and eliminates torsion in the sole.
  4. Cushioning is a flexible EVA foam that forms a separate layer in the sole.
  5. The outsole is wear-resistant polyurethane and has a universal tread.

Military shoes with GORE-TEX

Matterhorn 1949


  1. Upper: leather.
  2. Inside there is a waterproof and breathable GORE-TEX membrane.
  3. 200 grams of insulation.
  4. The insole is removable.
  5. Production and constant supply to the army in the USA.
  6. Specially designed for particularly harsh circumstances.
  7. They keep you dry, warm and comfortable in any weather and at any time of the year.

GB Gore-tex


  1. Genuine Leather.
  2. Thick sole.
  3. Lace-up fastening.
  4. Gore-tex membrane.

Belleville 880 ST


  1. The entire upper is black leather.
  2. Steel toe.
  3. The inner part is a Gore-tex membrane.
  4. A special lining regulates humidity.
  5. 200 grams of insulation.
  6. The insole is polyurethane, removable.
  7. The standard boot height for the army is a little more than 20 cm.

Proper care

The label that is sewn inside always contains instructions for shoe care. You always need to strictly adhere to it, otherwise your unique shoes will lose all their features.

Standard rules:

  1. Wash up to 40 degrees.
  2. Dry at medium temperature.
  3. Dry cleaning possible.

For different materials there are usually different care instructions. Here you will find, for each material, 3 simple steps for prolonged enjoyment of your shoes.

Smooth leather

  1. Removal of surface dirt with a soft brush or damp cloth
  2. Apply special shoe cream in a matching color or neutral tone
  3. After the cream has been absorbed gently buff (with a soft cloth or brush)

Nubuk leather/Suede leather

  1. Remove dust and dirt with a brush and if necessary bring up the nap with a copper wire brush.
  2. It is essential to treat the shoes with a waterproof spray, as these types of leather are most susceptible to moisture.
  3. Use color matched or neutral tone care sprays.

Special suede cleaning rubbers are available for stubborn stains, sweat bands and bare spots. The cleaning effect is based on tiny abrasive particles mixed in with the rubber that remove a small layer of leather together with the dirt sticking to it. Caution should be taken to avoid applying strong pressure and damaging the leather!

Patent Leather

  1. Clean with a damp cloth or sponge
  2. Apply a patent leather care product to preserve the elasticity
  3. Polish gently


  1. Remove light stains with a special fabric brush
  2. Remove heavy stains with a fabric-foam cleaner
  3. Waterproof

Nylon or high-tech materials can be simply wiped clean with a damp cloth or sponge.

GORE-TEX® Footwear

General maintenance advice for footwear with GORE-TEX®membrane. This short routine will enhance the performance of your footwear and it adds to the durability:

  • Clean the upper material with a soft brush or cloth and lukewarm water. Rinse of any sand, gravel or dirt - even the inside of the boot. Remove the inlay sole.
  • Let dry in room temperature. Please avoid direct heat. No tumble dry. If needed convection style boot dryers can be used.
  • Water repellant spray can be applied when footwear is dry - please also apply on shoe laces. This is only necessary when the original finish has been worn off or due to heavy use.

GORE-TEX® Clothes

Before laundering your garment, zip the front closure, pockets and pit zips completely, and fasten all flaps and straps. Be sure to follow the garment manufacturer’s instructions to ensure high performance.


Machine wash on a warm permanent press cycle (105º F/40º C) using a small amount of liquid detergent. Rinse twice, minimize spinning to reduce creasing. Do not use powder detergents or any products that contain fabric softeners, conditioners, stain removers or bleach as they will affect garment performance. Do not wash with heavily soiled clothing.


Do not use chlorine bleach.


Line dry your garment, or tumble dry it on a warm, gentle cycle. Once it is dry, tumble dry your garment for 20 minutes to reactivate the durable water-repellent (DWR) treatment on the outer fabric.


If unable to tumble dry, iron the dry garment on gentle setting (warm, no steam) by placing a towel or cloth between the garment and the iron. This will help reactivate the DWR treatment on your garment’s outer fabric.

Dry Clean

Gore recommends home laundering. If professional dry cleaning is necessary, request that the cleaner use clear distilled hydrocarbon solvent for rinsing and then spray DWR on the garment’s outer fabric before drying. Follow the garment manufacturer's instructions.

Water Repellent Treatment

When the factory applied treatment can no longer be reactivated, apply a new water-repellent treatment (available at local outdoor retailers) to the garment’s outer fabric.