Scenario of a leisure event for National Unity Day “I, you, he, she are a friendly family together. Events for the holiday Entertainment for older adults

Sports entertainment for children 6-7 years old preparatory group"November 4 - Day national unity»

Children in sportswear and shoes, the teacher-presenter too.
Inventory: 2 tables for laying out games, rope; aids for games: Coat of arms of the city of Novotroitsk - 2 pieces, cut into four parts for folding - cardboard base; pictures - National dishes (pancakes, porridge, pilaf, dumplings, dumplings, chak-chak, kystyby) - from 5-7 pieces; Cat's cap, pictures depicting folk costumes of the Russian people, Tatar, Uzbek, etc.; illustration of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Goals and objectives of the holiday:
- instill in students an interest in the history of the National Unity Day holiday;
-develop patriotic feelings, a sense of duty and responsibility for the fate of their Motherland; instill interest in the historical past of your country.
- to unite children of different nationalities.
-the theme of love for the small Motherland, one’s land, the city against the backdrop of celebration.
- Teach children to compete in speed, agility, strength, and use familiar folklore material, outdoor games and fun attractions, songs about peace, hometown and dancing. Children enter the hall with the Russian flag from the leading child, walk around the hall, the phonogram of the song “Russia - we are your children” sounds.

Leading: Hello, dear guys.
Don't argue with history
Live with history
She unites
For feat and for work
One state
When the people are united
When great power
He moves forward.
He defeats the enemy
United in battle
And Rus' liberates
And sacrifices himself.
For the glory of those heroes
We live by one destiny
Today is Unity Day
We celebrate with you.
Leading: On November 4, our entire country celebrates a very young holiday - “National Unity Day”.
Ved.: On November 4, 1612, all of Russia thanked Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who gathered people from all over the country to defeat the enemy, and this could only be done by uniting the entire people.
National Unity Day demonstrates the unity, heroism and cohesion of the people.

1 child: On Unity Day we will be close,
We'll be together forever -
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages and cities!
2 child: Live, work, build together,
Sowing bread, raising children
Create, love and argue,
Protect people's peace.
3rd child: To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts,
To fill your life with happiness
To sleep under a peaceful sky!
4th child: Me on National Unity Day
I want to wish all over the country,
So that the sky is peaceful and clean
And so that they say “No” to war!
So that we truly stick together,
To respect your people,
Together we escaped from problems
And they lived like this from year to year!
They perform the song: “Sunny Circle”. Ostrovsky
Leading: Guys, what is “national unity?”
(children's answers)
Host: This is when all the people of all nationalities of our country united into a single whole.
Leading: Today, guys, we would like to talk about the different nationalities living in our Urals.
The main population living in the Urals is the Russian people.
Performing Filippenko's Ural Round Dance
Leading: We live in the Urals, in the city of metallurgists, our city has its own coat of arms. (shows the coat of arms of the city of Novotroitsk and the flag)
We will divide into 2 teams: Metallurgists and Novotroychane and will hold a relay race.
Relay race “Collect the coat of arms of Novotroitsk”
(4 children participate in each team, children lay out a coat of arms from four pictures)
They perform the song “City of Novotroitsk”
Leading: Like every nation, Russians have their own traditions.
Holidays: Christmas, established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.
Christmas time is the main one winter holiday, this is a special holiday time from the Nativity of Christ on January 7 to the day of baptism. During this holy week, mummers went from house to house, sang carols, and accepted treats from the owners, and the girls told fortunes about their betrothed.
Maslenitsa is a folk festival in honor of farewell to winter. In days Maslenitsa week It was customary to organize real celebrations on the main street of a city or village. People are having fun from morning until late evening. Mummers walk along the streets with a straw effigy (a symbol of the passing winter, dressed in women's outfits.
These festivities were celebrated for a whole week, and at the end they baked pancakes.
Easter is a holiday established in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
On this day they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and go to church.
And many other holidays of the Russian people.
A traditional Russian costume is a sundress for a girl, with a ribbon or kokoshnik on her head, for a boy - a shirt or blouse, belted with a sash, i.e., a belt. (showing a picture of the suit)
At all Russian festivities they dance in circles, sing Russian songs, play various folk instruments, and play various games. Would you like to listen to a Russian folk song?
And now you guys and I will play Russian folk game"Wattle"
Presenter: In addition to the Russian people, the Urals are inhabited by other nationalities. And in our groups kindergarten There are children of different nationalities. And now we will get to know them. Let's play an Uzbek folk game.
Uzbek game "Rope walker".

(children, pronouncing the text of the game, go one after another one at a time, arms to the sides along the rope)
“There is a tight rope hanging. go ahead, Farhad, you first.
Then Sharif, then Rashid, then Ilya, then me!”
Leading: Let's play a game of the Ukrainian people. (They put on the cap of the cat for the driver, chosen according to the Russian folk rhyme.)
Game of the Ukrainian people "Matvey the Cat".
(Cat with eyes closed in the center of the circle, children holding hands walk around the circle in a round dance and answer. At the end, the mice scatter around the hall on their toes, the cat stains them with his palm.)
Cat: Are there mice in the haystack?
Do you have children!
Cat: Are you afraid of the cat?
Children: No!
Cat: And I, Kotofey, will drive away all the mice!
After playing twice, children are invited to rest and sit on chairs.

Game “Name the dishes of the people inhabiting the Urals.”
(Children choose a picture and name it)
And now we will introduce you to the traditions of the Tatar and Bashkir people. Of course, like every nation, the Tatars also have their own National Costume. (show picture)
In the clearing where the festivities are held, you can taste shish kebab, pilaf, homemade noodles and national Tatar treats: chak-chak, echpochmak, balish, peremyach.
Sabantuy (Tatar - Bashkir holiday)

Perhaps the most widespread and popular holiday now, it includes folk festivities, various rituals and games. Sabantuy begins in the morning. Women put on their most beautiful jewelry, ribbons are woven into the horses' manes, and bells are hung from the arc. Everyone dresses up and gathers on the Maidan - a large meadow. There is a great variety of entertainment on Sabantuy; traditional Sabantuy competitions:
- Fight with bags of hay while riding on a log. The goal is to knock the enemy out of the saddle.
- Running in sacks.
Relay race “Whose team is most likely to transfer its autumn leaves to the basket? »
(Children transfer one piece of paper into baskets)
Presenter: Well done, you all coped with the task, showed your dexterity and speed!
Presenter: You see, guys, how many wonderful nationalities live here in the Urals. Let's all unite in honor of the holiday and dance our friendly, cheerful polka.
“Ta-rara, ta-rara, it’s time to dance.”
Dance “Pair Dance” Karelian-Finnish adaptation Tumanyan.

Leading: Let the people of Russia
Will always be united
So that troubles do not mow down
So that people rejoice
So that happiness is bright
Like the joy of motherhood
In the heat of a hot embrace
National unity.

Let's all join hands, become even more friendly, even more united, united. And when we are united, we are invincible!
Chichkov’s “Native Song” plays and the children leave the hall to the music.

Scenario of the game educational program "Our strength is in unity!"

Elena Vasilievna Sova, teacher-organizer, State Educational Institution of the Russian Federation Orphanage Ostrovyansky village, Oryol district, Rostov region.
Description of work: This development will be useful for teachers - organizers, counselors, history teachers, orphanage teachers on the topic “National Unity Day”. The material is suitable for children 13-15 years old, grades 7-9. This is a summary of a game educational program aimed at patriotic education and broadening the horizons of children.
Target: the formation of patriotism and a sense of personal responsibility for the Fatherland.
Educational: to form an idea of ​​the heroic pages of the history of our country.
Educational: To foster a sense of patriotism and citizenship;
To develop cognitive abilities and a careful attitude towards the historical heritage of Russia.
Demonstrative material: presentation
Methodical techniques: artistic-historical story, artistic-cognitive task; working with historical paintings; brainstorm;
Progress of the game program:
Leading: In 1612, by the forces of the people's militia, Moscow was liberated from foreign invaders. To commemorate this event in Russia, by order of Russian President V.V. Putin, a new holiday was established - November 4. This is National Unity Day. In all centuries, heroism, the courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state.
In honor of the holiday - National Unity Day, we are conducting a game educational program “Our strength is in unity!” The jury will evaluate you. Those who score the most points will win and be awarded. Each correct answer is worth one point. (Jury Presentation).
Leading: Let us remember the course of events and the participants in the Time of Troubles, listening to the poem by Irina Krymskaya:
Listen to the poem and compare it with the events of history
History of the Troubles in verse:
Russia shook during the years of unrest:
My whole life is scorched by war,
Power struggle and prices are inflated
Fracture, decay, the treasury is meager.
The country was trampled by interventionists.
The Poles took cities
And the Swedes desecrated the lands.
The Kremlin opened its ancient gates -
And impostors on the throne!
Enmity, betrayal of the boyars
People can't stand it anymore:
Let us all unite as of old!
Rus' woke up from a heavy slumber,
Rus' is strong by the will of the people.
The appeals of the church are so powerful:
For Orthodoxy, country!
There is excitement on the banks of the Volga.
Popular anger is sprouting.
Minin's militia is preparing,
Pozharsky will lead the regiments.
From different cities of Russia
The sons went to Nizhny Novgorod,
And under the banners of battle
They stood up in military formation.
Along the Volga - to Yaroslavl; stood
Here we camp, while it’s big
They did not appear as a united army.
To Moscow, where the enemy is, we will win!
Chodkiewicz army of Poles,
Lithuanians and Hungarians led to Moscow
To the aid of the garrison of the gentry,
She settled down in the Kremlin itself.
Pozharsky fought a battle in Moscow
For holy Rus', not in chains.
And the militia won
In those bloody battles.
And soon the garrison that is in the heart
The country sat like a sharp knife,
The militia laid siege.
Rus' has perked up again.
Heroes of those distant times -
Pozharsky, Minin - forever!
About the glorious high feat
A popular line sounds.
(Irina Krymova. Rus'. Troubles. Minin and Pozharsky
Leading: Day of liberation from Polish invaders. First round of the “Militia Heroes” quiz. Dear participants, carefully read the questions on this topic and the proposed answers to them. Choose the correct one:
1.Which city did Kuzma Minin come from:
a/Nizhny Novgorod; b/Moscow; in/Yaroslavl (Nizhny Novgorod)
2.What is the name and patronymic of Prince Pozharsky, the leader of the second noble militia against the Poles: a/Dmitry Mikhailovich b/Mikhail Fedorovich c/Dmitry Ivanovich (Dmitry Mikhailovich)
3.Who was Kuzma Minin: a/prince b/Cossack b/elder (elder)
5.Which of the holidays revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, coincides with the Day of National Unity: a/Nativity of the Virgin Mary b/Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God c/Protection (Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God)
Leading: The next round of the game “Appeal to the People”. Take a close look at the reproduction of A. Kivshenko’s painting “Appeal to the People of Nizhny Novgorod” (1611). Write what historical event it depicts. Time to complete the task is 5 minutes.
Leading: Listen to what Chufarin wrote in 1897 for this painting:
"Kuzma Minin's appeal to the people"
“Orthodox world! - he began -
The Holy Motherland is suffering,
Everywhere there is grief, screams, groans,
Human blood flows in streams.
Foreigners in a crowd
Our homeland is being ruined,
Own the Russian Land
And they enslave us.
Wives and daughters are tyrannized
Enemies before our eyes
And they put horses in temples,
Laughing at faith and at us.
Moscow in captivity, within the walls of the Kremlin
Enemies gather in crowds;
Rus', its land, is suffering
Swarming with hostile troops.
There is no Tsar on the Russian throne,
The enemy commands Moscow,
And all the people in times of trouble
He involuntarily swears allegiance to the enemy.
One fearless Hermogenes
In the holy rank of patriarch
Does not recognize shameful captivity
And a foreign monarch.
Russian cathedrals and churches
He sends orders:
“Do not give Rus' up to enemies,
Lead the militia to Moscow!”
Orthodox world! Or with us
Are we lacking feelings and lethargic in our hearts?
Let us rise, every hour is precious!
Let's rise up, everyone will follow us!
Let's liberate our native country,
Or for the Holy Motherland
Every single one of us will die!”
Great are you, our Russian people!
When you save your homeland -
You are a hero, from all worries
You free yourself for her!
You are weak while your courage sleeps,
But if you wake up in spirit,
Then you'll rush into battle like a storm
No one can defeat you!
(V. Chufarina “Minin and Pozharsky” 1897)
Leading: The program continues with the 3rd round “History in monuments of sculpture and architecture.”
People perpetuate the memory of heroic deeds and significant events in sculpture and architecture, erecting various monuments, building chapels and temples. Look carefully at the illustrations and determine what they show. Match the illustrations with the following names: monument to Minin and Pozharsky; Kazan Cathedral; Monument “Millennium of Russia”.

At the monument to Cosmas Minin
How much he talks
this soulless stone
How much does he talk?
each of us!..
In the chest of Cosmas the saint
the flame of love lit up,
And he, a simple butcher,
saved my homeland!
He called people to the square,
loudly begging:
“Go, everyone who cares about Russia!
Finally ruined
the native country is calling -
Will rise at once
against a daring enemy...
Or do we not have the strength?
Or is there not enough treasury?
Let's pledge our wives, property,
Let's save Holy Rus'!..
The Fatherland will pay us:
And eternal memory
she will honor with hers.”
And as always with us
in difficult times,
The zemshchina rose up
for your homeland, -
All by sacrificing yourself
and following the call,
For the Russian cause -
ready to fall in battle!
Hitherto a fellow countryman-hero
And the memory of Minin
Nizhny Novgorod residents honor...
To his monument
look enthusiastically -
With strong love
they burn towards the fatherland.
(Arfin A.)
Leading: Round 4: Make up the name of the participant in those events from the letters:
GMOGNEER (Hermogenes)
Hint: the second Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (1606-1612, in captivity since May 1, 1611), a famous church public figure of the Time of Troubles. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.
Dare... But letters are imperishable
Patriarch Hermogenes,
What's languishing in the dungeon?
In a dark monastery cell,
Calling people to be honest
Call the invaders to fight.
(Sadovsky B. Hymn in memory of the feat of the Nizhny Novgorod militia of 1611-1612.)
Leading: We have come to the 5th round of “Who is this?” Based on the description, guess who we are talking about:
Russian national hero, organizer and one of the leaders of the Zemsky militia of 1611-1612 during the period of the struggle of the Russian people against the Polish and Lithuanian interventions. (Kuzma Minin)
Leading: Well done. Round 6 “Match names and occupations”:
False Dmitry I impostor
Pozharsky voivode 2 militia
Dmitry Mikhailovich
Minin Kuzma zemstvo elder
Lyapunov voivode 1st militia
Hermogenes, Metropolitan of Moscow
Vasily Shuisky boyar tsar
Leading: Final round “Historical mistakes”. The participants’ task is to listen carefully to the text and write down historical errors. Attention, text!
At the end of 1611, the Kiev (Moscow) state presented a spectacle of complete visible destruction. The Turks (Poles) took Smolensk; a Turkish (Polish) detachment burned Moscow and fortified itself behind the surviving walls of the Kremlin and China - the city; the Romanians (Swedes) occupied Novgorod and nominated one of their princes as a candidate for the Kiev (Moscow) throne; ...The state was transformed into some kind of shapeless, restless federation. But from the end of 1611, when religious and national (political) forces were exhausted, political forces (religious and national) began to awaken, which went to the rescue of the perishing land.
/Summarizing. Jury comments. Awarding./
Leading: Today, you and I once again leafed through the heroic pages of the history of our homeland and became convinced that the strength of Russia lies in the unity of the people...
Alone in the field is not a warrior - we are told from childhood,
And together peoples must resist misfortunes.
After all, life is so joyful and the world is so endless,
When under the huge sun you know that you are not alone.
Let a good deed argue, uniting hearts,
Let friendship unite both countries and cities,
And the children laugh together, and joy runs forward,
And success and love will come to the people of the big planet
Leading:Unity is our strength! Happy holiday to everyone! Goodbye!
Biographies, facts and hypotheses, portraits and documents. In 30 books. Kuzma Minin. Dmitry Pozharsky / auto cell. V. A. Shamshurin. M.
Sadovsky B. Hymn in memory of the feat of the Nizhny Novgorod militia of 1611-1612.
Kartashova M.V. Balakhna - Minin - Nizhny Novgorod militia.
Sorokina L.A. Prince D.M. Pozharsky on Balakhna land // Nizhny Novgorod Museum. No. 7.2006.
Krymova Irina. Rus. Troubles. Minin and Pozharsky.
Collection “The Russian Heart Will Not Forget You”
Nizhny Novgorod antiquity: history. edition. 2001. No. 9.

Class hour for younger schoolchildren "Let's be friends"

Compiled by teacher primary classes- Petruk Tatiana V.
1. Give children basic information about the new Russian holiday - the Day of Reconciliation and Accord; V game form,
2. Using elements of a theatrical performance, tell the story of mixing “mischievous” colors.
3. To instill patriotism and love in students;
4.Correct and correct children's speech.
Demonstration material: image of the sun and stars, rainbows.
1. Expand students’ knowledge about the state symbols of Russia: anthem, coat of arms, flag;
2. Demonstrating to children the importance of cohesion in the life of a person and an entire nation.

Progress of the lesson:

Two presenters enter.
Presenter: Guys, today our country celebrates a new holiday for all of Russia - the Day of Harmony and Reconciliation. This holiday is connected with history and arose in connection with liberation in the War of 1612. A holiday about the great leaders Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, about the liberation of Moscow and national heroism, the unity and strength of the people of Rus', regardless of nationality, religion and class. (Show pictures)This day occupies a special place among public holidays modern Russia. It is connected with the events of 1612 - the feat of our ancestors, who rallied in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland
If you forget about insignificant grievances,
About the difference in views on faith and life,
Let's all unite together - the enemies will be beaten!
The earth will tremble from the power of unity.
Presenter: Motherland and Unity... There is a deep meaning in this holiday. Russia has been tested many times, has experienced times of hostility more than once. When the country weakened, its neighbors attacked it, trying to conquer lands and enslave our people. We called these times troubled, and also bloody. But the country rose from the ashes again and again. After each tragedy, she only became stronger, the envy of her enemies.
Presenter: Russia did not immediately become a strong state; the country’s power gradually increased. In severe trials and battles, the will was tempered, and the unity of the people was strengthened.
Host: But there have been times in the history of Russia when people lost faith and reason, they could no longer distinguish good from evil, truth from lies: enmity and mutual insults blinded people’s eyes. The enemies of our Motherland took advantage of this. A time of troubles was then approaching for Russia. Our story today is about one of these pages of history.
Presenter: There was a terrible hunger, and first one king, then another, came to the throne.
Gone into the history of the year

Kings and peoples changed,
But times are troubled, adversity
Rus' will never forget!
Leading: Kuzma Minin lived in Nizhny Novgorod at that time. On the square, Minin told the people: “...Our Fatherland is perishing, but we can save it. We will not spare lives to deliver Russia.” And Prince Pozharsky led the militia. And the militia went to Moscow - one hundred thousand soldiers from twenty-five cities of Russia.
Presenter: The army carried the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Before the decisive battle, the soldiers prayed for help for three days in front of her miraculous icon.
Leading: On November 4, 1612, the militia of Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky rushed into battle with the Poles for Moscow. No enemy force could stop them. The Mother of God herself blessed the Russian soldiers for the sacred battle.
Presenter: There were battles on the streets of Moscow, the city was burning. The Polish garrison desperately resisted. But the warriors of Minin and Pozharsky fought to win. And we won!
Leading: All of Russia thanked Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who gathered people from all over the country to defeat the Time of Troubles. It was possible to defeat the enemy only by uniting the people of Russia.
Presenter: Villages, towns, cities.
With bow to the Russian people.
Today celebrates freedom.
And Unity Day forever!
In Moscow, on Red Square, in honor of the glorious victory over the Poles, the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was built. The icon, which was in the ranks of the militia, was transferred to this temple.
Presenter: A monument has also been erected on Red Square, on which is written “Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Grateful Russia."
Presenter: We must not forget the lessons of history: Russia is strong only when it is united! That is why in our country there is such important holiday- Day of National Unity.
And now we will play and see how important it is to be together, to be one.
"Create the sun within yourself"
Relaxation session to develop a positive attitude towards people.
(calmly and casually):
Guys, sit where you feel comfortable. Close your eyes.
take a deep breath and with a sigh forget the grievances of yesterday.
exhale the warmth of the sun's rays. Imagine a little star in your heart. We mentally direct the ray that carries love towards her - the star has grown.
We direct the ray that carries the world - the star has grown again.
We send a ray of goodness - the star has become even bigger.
And now we send many rays to the star, which bring health, joy, warmth, light, affection, tenderness. Now the star becomes big, big like the sun. It brings warmth to everyone, everyone, everyone. I wish your heart to bring warmth and affection to all people. Open your eyes, stand up, with such a good and wonderful mood, bring kindness and affection into the world, love and respect each other, help those who are at least a little different from you. Remember this and don't forget!
Host: - Now let’s play an unusual game. And at the end of the game, you will all share your impressions and feelings.
"I'm like that myself"
Psychological game for practicing suppressed oral aggression, learning ways to resolve conflicts.
Children stand in a semicircle, one of the children stands opposite and throws a pillow at each child in turn, calling him some fruit (or vegetable, mode of transport - any theme can be used except animals), in response the children throw a pillow, saying “himself.” like that” or “like that myself.” At the end of this exercise, reflection is carried out. (The teacher asks each child about his feelings at the time of the game, about his experiences and feelings after what happened)
In the end, the conclusion is drawn that good, pleasant words always please and bring a positive charge of energy to a person; giving good means giving happiness and health! Negative, negative wishes and feelings harm both yourself and others!
Presenter: And at the end we will draw a rainbow. Just as all the colors of the rainbow stick together and complement each other, so we should all live in peace, harmony and help each other.
Drawing and coloring a rainbow
Upon completion, an exhibition of works is organized
People into the world
Are born different:
Dissimilar, unique.
To others
You were able to understand
Need patience
Educate yourself.
Needed with goodness
To come to people's houses,
Friendship, love
Keep it in your heart!

Anastasia Sysayeva
Entertainment “National Unity Day” (senior preschool age)

Fun for older people

« National Unity Day»

Goals and objectives of the holiday:

Instill in students an interest in the history of the holiday National Unity Day;

-develop patriotic feelings, a sense of duty and responsibility for the fate of one’s Motherland; instill interest in the historical past of your country.

To unite children of different nationalities.

(slide 1)

Ved: Hello, dear guys.

Don't argue with history

Live with history

She unites

For feat and for work

One state,

When one people,

When great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle

And Rus' liberates

And sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes

We live by one destiny

Today Unity Day

We celebrate with you.

(slide 2)

Ved: Our whole country celebrates a very young holiday - " National Unity Day".

(slide 3)

Ved.: On November 4, 1612, all of Russia thanked Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who gathered people from all over the country to defeat the enemy, and this could only be done uniting all the people.

(slide 4)

National Unity Day shows unity, heroism and unity people.

reb. 1.: B Unity Day we will be there,

We'll be together forever -

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages and cities!

reb. 2: Live, work, build together,

Sowing bread, raising children

Create, love and argue,

Protect people's peace.

reb. 3: To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts,

To fill your life with happiness

To sleep under a peaceful sky!

reb. 4: I'm in National Unity Day

I want to wish all over the country,

So that the sky is peaceful and clean

And so that they say “No” to war!

reb. 5: So that we truly stick together,

To respect your people,

Together we escaped from problems

And they lived like this from year to year!

song: "Song of Peace"

Ved.: Guys, what is " National unity?"

(children's answers)

Ved.: This is when all people all nationalities of our country united into a single whole.

Ved: Today, guys, we would like to talk about different nationalities, living with us in the Urals.

The main population living in the Urals is Russian people.

(slide 5)

Like everyone else people, Russians have their own traditions.

Holidays: Nativity of Christ, established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.

(slide 6)

Christmastide is the main winter holiday, this is a special festive time from the Nativity of Christ on January 7 to the day of baptism. During this holy week, mummers went from house to house, sang carols, and accepted treats from the owners, and the girls told fortunes about their betrothed.

(slide 7)

Maslenitsa - folk festival, in honor of farewell to winter. During Maslenitsa week, it was customary to organize real celebrations on the main street of a city or village. Having fun from morning until late evening people. Mummers walk along the streets with a straw effigy (a symbol of the passing winter, dressed in women's outfits.

These festivities were celebrated for a whole week, and at the end they baked pancakes.

(slide 8)

Easter is a holiday established in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In that day they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and go to church.

And many other Russian holidays people.


A traditional Russian costume is a sundress for a girl, with a ribbon or kokoshnik on her head, for a boy - a shirt or blouse, belted with a sash, i.e., a belt. (children dressed up walk through and show off their costumes)

(slide 10)

At all Russian festivities they dance in circles, sing Russian songs, play different folk instruments, and various games. Would you like to listen to Russian folk song. (St. An. sings a song)

And now you guys and I will play the game "Golden Gate"

a game: "Golden Gate"

Ved: Except Russian people The Urals are inhabited by others nationalities. And in our kindergarten groups there are children of different nationalities. And now we will get to know them.

My nationality Your teacher Victoria Viktorovna will introduce us. Mari.

(slide 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)

Holidays of the Mari are the same as those of the Russians people. But they are called differently.

"Kugeche" (Easter)

Shorykyol (Christmas)

And of course, at every celebration they sing songs, have fun and play games.

a game: "Bilyasha" (Mari folk game)

(there are two lines on the court, on both sides there are two teams facing each other. The players of the first team, shouting “Bilyasha”, go to the other team, each participant gives each other their right hand and tries to pull each other to their side. Whose team will win more, she wins)

The Kachkarov and Kirgizbayev families belong to the Kyrgyz nationalities, let's get acquainted with their traditions.

(slide 16)

Tebetey is a common winter headdress, an indispensable part of a man’s costume.

Chapan - men's and women's long robe-type clothing. It was considered indecent to leave the house without a chapan.

(slide 17)

Traditional holiday Naoruz

IN day During the holiday, each family laid out dastorkon - a white tablecloth with various dishes. Traditional stew was prepared to treat neighbors. On the eve of the holiday, people put their homes in order, paid off their debts, and made peace with everyone with whom they were in a quarrel.

The Nooruz holiday was not complete without sports wrestling, in which both young horsemen and girls could participate. Day ended with a performance, poems and songs. Let's listen to the music of this people.

Kyrgyz song

After the general meal, the games began.

a game: "Hit the Pumpkin" by Chaka Chapmai

(stick a stick, a pumpkin on the stick, the participant in the game is blindfolded, given a stick, spun, then he must hit the pumpkin from top to bottom, i.e. knock it off the stick)

(slide 18)

And now we will introduce you to the traditions of Tatar and Bashkir people.

Family. Gataulin and Ovsyannikov Tatar families.

Of course, like everyone else people, the Tatars also have their own national costume. The Gataulin family will present us with a headdress.

Family. - Bashkir family. Adelina's mother prepared a poem for us in her native language.

(slide 19)

Sabantuy (Tataro - Bashkir holiday)

Perhaps the most widespread and popular holiday now includes festivities, various rituals and games. Sabantuy begins in the morning. Women put on their most beautiful jewelry, weave ribbons into the horses' manes, and hang bells from the bow. Everyone dresses up and gathers on the Maidan - a large meadow. Entertainment there are a great many on Sabantuy

Traditional competitions Sabantuy:

Fight with bags of hay while riding on a log. The goal is to knock out the enemy "from the saddle".

Running in sacks.

- Pair competition: one leg is tied to a partner’s leg and so they run to the finish line.

Hike for a prize on a swinging log.

Climbing a tall pole with prizes tied to the top.

Running with a spoon in your mouth. There is a raw egg on the spoon. Whoever comes running first without breaking the valuable cargo is the winner.

a game: "Pillow fight"

a game: "Pairs competition"

"Sack Run"

In the clearing where the festivities are held, you can taste barbecue, pilaf, homemade noodles and national Tatar treats: chak-chak, echpochmak, balish, peremyach.

The Ovsyannikov family prepared their national dish “Kystybai” for everyone, but the Gataulin family prepared delicious chak-chak sweets. We will certainly treat ourselves to them in groups.


Ved.: You see, guys, how many wonderful nationalities lives with us in the Urals.

Let's all celebrate the holiday let's unite and let's dance our friendly, cheerful polka.

Dance: "Polka"

Ved: Let it go people of Russia

Always will be united

So that troubles do not mow down

So that people rejoice

So that happiness is bright

Like the joy of motherhood

In the heat of a hot embrace

National Unity.

Let's all join hands, become even more friendly, even more united, united. And when we united - we are invincible!

Preliminary work.

Back in 1612, the fate of the country was decided people without government participation when people voluntarily united in the fight for their land. The Age of Troubles that preceded those terrible days divided everyone. The impostors in power were replaced, and every now and then they flared up popular riots, confrontation between Catholics and Orthodox Christians, famine, disease, pestilence... Naturally, external enemies and border neighbors took advantage of this situation of internal turmoil, trying to expand their territories. The troops of the Polish and Swedish kings invaded Russian lands and entered Moscow. They caused complete chaos, looting and destroying houses, killing innocent people.

But Russian people are patient, and when mortal danger loomed over the country, he gave every last penny to arm and feed the militia. Those who had no money took off the copper cross, the most expensive thing they had.

Folk the army was led by Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Pozharsky, a respected man, honest and fair, a perspicacious military leader, and headman Kozma Minin, throwing a cry into the crowd.

The army that advanced from Nizhny Novgorod became more powerful on the way to Moscow. From the cities and sat down to him peasants joined who are tired of the outrages of the Poles. Two month people besieged Moscow.

When did they come peaceful times, the tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. Their name is preserved in memory folk. In their honor, a bronze monument was erected on Red Square, the inscription on which reads: “Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky”.

Municipal educational institution additional education children

Center for children's technical creativity.

Game - quiz

Topic: National Unity Day.

Prepared by:

Additional education teacher

II qualification category

Sidorina Anna Mikhailovna



Target: Promote civil patriotic education children.


  1. Cultivate love for your native land.
  2. Connect to the historical past.
  3. Develop attention, thinking, and ability to work in a team.

Materials and tools

To conduct a lesson on this topic you need: a map drawn on the board, two magnets, a cube with numbers.

Timing of the quiz game:

Introductory part -15 min.

Main part - 40 min.

Final part -5 min.

Lesson plan

  1. Introductory part: greeting, theme of the game, Organizing time, preface.
  2. Main part: game.
  3. Final part: summing up the game.

Lesson notes

1. Introductory part.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! Guys, do you know what holiday all of Russia celebrates on November 4th?

Students: National Unity Day. (If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps)

Teacher: Guys, do you know what historical events this holiday is associated with?

Students: This is the day when all of Russia united. (If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps).

Teacher: This day occupies a special place among the public holidays of modern Russia. It is connected with the events of 1612 - the feat of our ancestors, who rallied in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland. Today we will conduct a quiz game dedicated to national holiday National Unity Day.

Now I will tell you a preface from the story, listen carefully. Here are the correct answers to the questions.

Students: They listen carefully.

Teacher: In the 17th century, 4 centuries ago, a time of troubles began in Russia. Tsar Ivan the Terrible died. The eldest son was unable to reign, and the youngest, Dmitry, died under mysterious circumstances while playing with a knife. Without the king, as without the owner of the house, chaos immediately began. And as the people say: when trouble comes, open the gate. Immediately 2 years in a row there were lean years, and famine began. Many wanted to take the Russian throne in these difficult years for everyone. And even foreigners, Poles and Swedes, fraudulently wanted to place false kings on the throne. That’s what their names were: False Dmitry-I and False Dmitry-II. Robberies and robbery began in Russia, but there was no one to restore order. So our country went bankrupt, and the Poles captured it. The impostor False Dmitry I reigned for a whole year, but he failed to deceive the Russian people; he was exposed and killed. But order was never established in the country, which is why there was no unity in the country. Soon another impostor, False Dmitry II, appeared. And people did not know what to do and who to believe. The enemies continued to seize Russian lands, ruin the country, and humiliate the people.

But always, when the Motherland is in danger, heroic people are there to save it.

The merchant Kuzma Minin went to Nizhny Novgorod to the governor Dmitry Pozharsky, they gathered the people's militia. The Venerable Irinarch the Recluse of Borisoglebsky blessed Minin and Pozharsky with the icon for the holy cause of expelling the invaders or interventionists. The people's militia had to go a long way to Moscow; for a whole year they liberated the Russian lands captured by the Poles and Swedes. Everyone helped as best they could and also joined the ranks of the militia.

Moscow was liberated from invaders in 1612. We defeated the enemy because we were together, because we defended our homeland and did not want to lose it.

We won thanks to the intercession of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (Theotokos).

The Russian people believed that the Mother of God, the Intercessor of Rus', would not leave them in an unequal battle with the enemy.

Russia elected a new Tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. And peace and tranquility came to the country. And a monument was erected to the heroes - liberators Minin and Pozharsky, using money raised by the people.

The history of Russia teaches us: separately, alone, we cannot do what can be done together.

This happens in life: one person plants a tree, and all together plant a garden; one person will only have time to lay a brick, but for those who got down to business together, the house is ready!

Friendship unites people and nations. Together they live happily.

We must not forget the lessons of history: Russia is strong only when it is united!

That is why our country has such an important holiday - National Unity Day.

Main part.

Let us divide into two teams and choose a commander.

Students: Divide into two teams and choose a commander.

Teacher: A map is drawn on the board, along which you and I will move from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow (by throwing a die on which the numbers are marked).

I have two magnets: a red magnet is the first command, a green magnet is the second command. I put them at the beginning of our map, i.e. the road along which you and I will move and conquer Russian lands.

Students: Listen carefully to assignments.

Teacher: Each team will take turns rolling the number dice and answering questions; if a team does not answer a question, then the other team can answer that question and move forward.

The first team throws is red.


Teacher: And so the first question, listen carefully to both teams.

What is Minina's name?


Teacher: I listen to the response of the red team commander.

Students: The red team commander answers. If the red team does not respond, then the green team responds. The team moves to the number that appears on the die. If one of the team answers correctly, then it moves around the map. Minin was also called Kosma.

Teacher: Now the friend's team rolls the dice

Students: The commander of the green team comes out and throws the dice.

Teacher: The second question for the team is the green ones.

What is Pozharsky's name?


Teacher: I listen to the green team commander's response.

Students: The green team commander responds. If a team does not respond, then another team responds. The team moves along the map to the number that appears on the die.

Teacher: Now the team rolls the friend's dice.

Students: The Red commander comes out and throws the dice.

Teacher: Next Question for the teams.

In what city did Kuzma Minin come to Dmitry Pozharsky and where did they begin their path of liberation?

Students: The teams listen carefully to the question. Discuss the answer.

Teacher: I listen to the team commander's response.

Students: Nizhny Novgorod


Students: The commander comes out and the green team rolls the dice.

Teacher: Next question four.

What is another name for Russia?

Students: Fatherland or MotherlandThe team leader answers. If a team does not respond, then another team responds. The team moves along the map to the number that appears on the die.

Teacher Now the other team rolls the dice.

Students: The Red commander comes out and throws the dice.

Teacher: Fifth Question for the teams.

What was the name of the postman in Rus'?

Students: Messenger The team leader answers. If a team does not respond, then another team responds. The team moves along the map to the number that appears on the die.

Teacher : Well done, you are doing well!Now the other team rolls the dice.


Teacher: Sixth Question for the teams.

What were the people in Rus' called who lived in the city?

Students: Both teams listen carefully to the question. Discuss the answer.


Students: Citizens The commander of the green team answers. And moves around the map.

Teacher : Well done, you are doing well!Now the other team rolls the dice.

Students: The commander of the other team comes out and rolls the dice.

Teacher: Seventh Question for the teams.

What icon was used to bless Russian soldiers for the sacred battle?

Students: Both teams listen carefully to the question. They discuss the issue.

Teacher: Listens to the team commander's response.

Students: The commander of the red team answers. If the commander does not respond, then the other team responds, and they move around the map.

Students: The commander of the other team comes out and rolls the dice.

Teacher: Eighth Question for the teams.

Students: Both teams listen carefully to the question. They are discussing. They answer the question and move around the map.

Students: The commander of the other team comes out and rolls the dice.

Teacher: Ninth Question for the teams.

Who did the Russian soldiers fight with?

Students: The teams listen carefully to the question. They are discussing. They answer the question and move around the map.

Teacher : Well done, you are doing well!Now the other team rolls the dice.

Students: The commander of the other team comes out and rolls the dice.

Teacher: Tenth Question for the teams.

What time was it in Rus' 400 years ago after the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible?


The green team commander answers. If a team does not respond, then another team responds. The team moves along the map to the number that appears on the die.

Teacher : Well done, you are doing well!Now the other team rolls the dice.


Teacher : Eleventh question for the teams. Listen carefully. It's in the form of a riddle.

Yesterday, it was, today is and tomorrow will be?

Students: The teams listen carefully to the question. They are discussing.


Students: They move around the map one after another using red and green magnets.

Teacher : The other team now rolls the dice.

Students: The leader of the green team comes out and rolls the dice.

Teacher : Twelfth question. Listen carefully.

What was the name of the king's letter to the people, written with a pen?

Students: The teams listen carefully to the question. They are discussing.

Teacher: The green team responds.

Students: The green team commander answers.

Teacher : Well done, and your team moves on. You are doing well!Now the other team rolls the dice.

Students: The commander of the red team comes out and rolls the dice.

Teacher : Thirteenth question.

What weapons did Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin fight with?

Students: The teams are discussing. The commander of the red team answers.

Teacher : Well done! So you and I have approached Moscow. Last question for the green team.

What was another name for the Swedish and Polish invaders?

Students: The teams listen carefully to the question. They are discussing.

Teacher : If both teams do not answer the question, then the teacher, if possible, prompts them.

So you and I reached Moscow, the people united and drove out all the invaders of Russian land.

Final part.

Teacher : Did you guys like it?

Students: Yes.

Teacher : What did you like most?

Students: A competition to see who can reach the end of the road the fastest.

Students: National Unity Day.

Teacher : Now you know why it is called that. And you and I understood from this: When we are united, we are invincible!

Our game is over here, thank you everyone and goodbye!

Students: Goodbye!


  1. What is Minina's name? Answer (Kuzma).
  2. What is Pozharsky's name? Answer (Dmitry).
  3. Where did Dmitry Pozharsky live? Answer (Nizhny Novgorod).
  4. What is another name for Russia? Answer (Motherland, Fatherland).
  5. What was the name of the postman in Rus'? Answer (Messenger).
  6. What did people living in the city call in Rus'? Answer (Citizens).
  7. What icon was used to bless Russian soldiers for the sacred battle? Answer (Mother of God).
  8. What are the dates of the old holiday? Answer (October 22).
  9. Who did the Russian soldiers fight with? Answer (Poles, Swedes).
  10. What time was it 400 years ago after the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible? Answer (Troubles, Time of Troubles).
  11. Yesterday, it was, today is and tomorrow will be? Answer (Time).
  12. What was the name of the king's letter to the people, written with a pen? Answer (Certificate).
  13. What weapons did Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin fight with? Answer (Sabre).
  14. What was another name for the Swedish and Polish invaders? Answer (Interventionists).