Speech therapist workshop for parents, speech games. Workshop for parents of a speech group “how to organize speech therapy classes at home”

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a workshop-seminar “Application of TRIZ technology in the development of speech of preschool children.” T-creativity, R-development, I-inventiveness. TRIZ technologies help develop flexibility and agility of thinking in a child; these are systems of games and activities that are designed to maximize the effectiveness of learning and development of preschoolers. You can use this material to conduct it within your preschool educational institution, as well as as an open city event. The seminar is compiled in the original author's style; educators, speech therapists, children of senior and preparatory groups can be invited to participate in it.

Workshop for speech therapists and educators “Application of TRIZ technology in the development of speech in preschool children”

1. Organizational part “Friendly communication”

Psychology faculty

  • Psychological training “Let’s get to know each other”
  • Organization of creative laboratories

2. Main part “Use of TRIZ technology in the development of speech of preschool children”

Faculty of Development

  • Blitz survey “In the land of literacy”

Faculty of Creativity

  • Sample task “Draw a poem”

Faculty of Ingenuity

  • Author's developments: “Funny Tables”
  • Interactive approach to the development of coherent speech “Portrait”

3. Summing up the work

  • Conclusions of the Academic Council
  • Feedback

Objectives of the workshop:

Teacher speech therapist:

Dear colleagues, on the basis of kindergarten No. 18, the “Research Institute of Innovative Technologies for the Development of Speech Development in Preschool Children” is opening its work.

Like every research institute, the institute has its own Academic Council which represent:


Supervisor methodological unification educators(FULL NAME)

Our research institute today employs experts:
Teacher-methodologist (full name)
Teacher-methodologist (full name)
Speech therapist teacher (full name)

Faculties of our institute:

Psychology faculty
- Faculty of Development
- Faculty of Creativity
- Faculty of Ingenuity

Methodological composition of faculties:

teacher-methodologist (full name)
teacher (full name)

musical director (full name)
teacher-speech therapist of the highest category, teacher-methodologist Vinogradenko I.M.

All workshop participants will conduct their research work in creative laboratories, which will be organized later.

Organizational part.

Teacher speech therapist:
- And now, friends, you will undergo training at the psychology department of our research institute. Let's get to know you. I invite everyone to stand up and form a circle. Colleagues, let's hold hands and give each other smiles, because a good mood today is the key to our success!

1. Psychological training “Let's get to know each other” is aimed at: establishing emotional contact between participants, creating a positive mood, overcoming shyness, freeing oneself from negative emotions, and setting up the group to work together.

Teacher speech therapist: (brings in a magic casket with two locks and two keys)

Let's add a little magic to our wonderful mood: before us is a fabulous box of knowledge with two locks and two keys, let's try to open it. The first lock will open after we get to know each other better, so my name is Irina, your name? (the seminar participants say their names, after which the speech therapist opens the first lock)

The second lock will open when you tell us why you are here? I am here to inspire you to new creative achievements in speech work. And you? (the seminar participants talk about the purpose of their visit, after which the speech therapist opens the second lock)

The magic casket of knowledge is open, and in it is this seven-colored flower, which is the emblem of our seminar and represents our motto!

Develop! Develop!
Get inspired! Inspire!
Create! Be in love! Want to know everything!
To become the best teacher!

Teacher speech therapist:

And in order to become the best, you need to work creatively and efficiently, which is what we will do now, I suggest you organize several creative laboratories and choose names for them, today you are all researchers, I wish you pleasant, high-quality and interesting work (the seminar participants are divided into groups - creative laboratories).

Dear colleagues, we are glad to see you as participants in the workshop, the topic of which is: “Use of TRIZ technology in the development of speech in preschool children”

So, friends, now you will take a course at the Faculty of Development. And our first laboratory work is called “In the Land of Literacy”, this is a quick survey that will help determine the general level of knowledge of our participants.

Main part.

Faculty of Development

Each researcher is given a blitz survey card.

Blitz survey “In the land of literacy”

1. Complete the sentences by choosing the right words:
1.1. Sounds we (what are we doing?)… (hear and pronounce)
1.2. We (what are we doing?) letters... (we see and write)

2. After the correct option put + (plus), after the incorrect one - (minus)

2.1 I put a hat on the doll. (-)
2.2 I dress the Natasha doll. (+)
2.3 I put a hat on the doll. (+)
2.4 I put a hat on the doll. (+)
2.5 I put a hat on the Natasha doll. (-)

3. Determine the last sound in words and write it in accordance with the rules of transcription:

3.1 cat…[t]
3.2 grandfather…[t]
3.3 knight…[n’]
3.4 column...[p]
3.5 mouse…[w]
3.6 skis…[s]
3.7 knife…[w]
3.8 teeth...[p]

4.Answer the questions.

4.1 Which sound never occurs in the position “at the beginning of a word”? ([s])
4.2 How many vowel sounds are there in the Russian language? (6)
4.3 What sounds are not soft? (w, f, c)
4.4 Which letters are not indicated by sounds? (b, b)
4.5 Name the hissing sounds (sh, zh, sh’, h)

Teacher speech therapist:

Dear Academic Council! Your task today is to observe, evaluate, and draw conclusions. Your goal in this task is to identify the general level of knowledge of the audience.

A team of experts evaluates the participants' work.

Expert analysis methodology: assessment based on the total number of questions,
P - correct answers;
H - partially correct answers;
N - incorrect answers;

Expert conclusion: assessment of the general level of knowledge.

Teacher speech therapist:

Dear researchers, I offer you a short speech training “The Magic World of Words”.

Speech training “The Magic World of Words”

1. Game: “Choose the word”

Labs receive cards with words and reference sounds.

Exercise: you need to choose words that are suitable for practicing the correct pronunciation of the specified sound (put +) and explain your choice.

Som +
Mustache +
Kissel - (soft sound)
Bowl +
Goat - (sound [z])
Sasha +
Glass +
Scythe +
Dog +
Nose +
Strength - (soft sound)
Dog +

Zoya +
Winter - (soft sound)
Bunny +
Goat +
Som - (sound [s])
Watermelon - (sound at the end
words are deafened)
Birch - (sound in
the middle of the word is deafened)
Teeth +
Umbrella +
Puzzles +

Hat +
Cat +
Knife + (sound at the end
words are deafened)
Wallet +
Belly - (sound [zh])
Pants +
Shower +
Pate +
Luggage + (sound at the end
words are deafened)

Scissors +
Fire +
Leather +
Knife - (sound at the end
words are deafened)
Belly +
Spoon - (sound in the middle
words are deafened)
Bug +
Zhenya +
Swift - (sound at the end
words are deafened)

Bank +
Bots +
Cube - (soft sound)
Grandma +
Powder - (no sound [b])
Pillar - (sound at the end
words are deafened)
White - (soft sound)
Fisherman +
Cabin - (soft sound)

Can +
Daughter +
Dima - (soft sound)
Smokey +
Pond - (sound at the end
words are deafened)
Radio - (soft sound)
Beard +
Water - (soft sound)
Rod - (sound at the end
words are deafened)

Expert assessment methodology: determining the number of correct answers for each laboratory; for the highest score assigned, the creative laboratory receives a sun, for the average - a flower, for the low - a gray cloud.

Teacher speech therapist:
- And now, friends, let's play some wonderful interactive games. speech games- we activate our speech and thinking.

2. Game: “Similar words.”

Exercise: match nouns to adjectives by association.
There is a sweet word - candy,
There is a quick word - rocket,
There is a word with a window - a carriage,
There is a sour word - lemon!
Now don’t yawn, pick your words word by word!

Quick words - (rocket, plane, tiger, eagle).

Sweet words - (candy, cake, pastry, sugar).

Funny words - (holiday, clown, gift, music).

Exercise: name objects that simultaneously possess two characteristics.

Bright yellow - (light, lemon, sun, cherry, lamp).

Sweet and light- (cotton wool, cherry, life, smell, victory).

Expert assessment methodology: determining the number of correct answers for each laboratory; for the highest score assigned, the creative laboratory receives a sun, for the average - a flower, for the low - a cloud.

3. Game: "Cat"

Exercise: choose as many verbs as possible for the noun.

- What can a cat do?(run, jump, sleep, meow, sit, stand
bite, scratch, eat, drink, hiss, purr, hunt,
shake off, wash, tumble, swim)

Exercise: choose a noun by association.

Researchers make a cat figurine from their fingers.

from the fingers - ... a figurine,
caramel, toffee- ...sweetie,
made of clay, plasticine-...a craft,
made from dough -...cookies,
made of paper -…applique,
made of plush, rubber, plastic-…toy,
from threads -...embroidery,
from a fairy tale -...a hero.

Expert assessment methodology:

4. Game: “Brainstorm”

Exercise: why this happened, suggest versions.

The owner was sitting on the grass during the harvest. Why did it happen?

(Tired, rested, had lunch, hid from the rain under an umbrella, sorted through the harvest, watched the sunrise, sunset, counted boxes, sharpened a shovel, repaired a bucket handle, called the customer on the phone, waited for the car).

5. Game: “Vocabulary Assault”

Exercise: choose nouns, verbs, adverbs.

Children know this fruit
Monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries
In the tropics grows... a banana.

Tell me about me.

How did I get into the house?(bought, gifted, treated).
What am I? (yellow, long, soft, sweet, aromatic, tasty).
What can I do?(grow, ripen, turn yellow, fall, lie, rot).
What can you do with me?(buy, wash, peel, cut, dry, eat, package, weigh, give).
Who loves me most?(children, adults, monkeys, flies, wasps).
What do I love most?(sun, breeze, rain).
What subjects am I good with?(with water, knife, plate, vase, grater, pan, juicer, yogurt, ice cream, cake, pastry, candy, jam, juice, marmalade, drink).
I look like? (delicious, wonderful, wonderful, magical).

Expert assessment methodology: determining the number of correct answers for each laboratory; for the highest score assigned, the creative laboratory receives a sun, for the average - a flower, for the low - a cloud.

6. Game: “Polysemantic words.”

Labs receive cards with words that have multiple meanings.

Exercise: prove the polysemy of words: pipe, star, needles, elastic band, frame, key.

Ambiguous words



Expert assessment methodology: determining the number of correct answers for each laboratory; for the highest score assigned, the creative laboratory receives a sun, for the average - a flower, for the low - a cloud.
Evaluation criteria: speed of reaction, correctness of answers, interesting solutions, original approach.

Teacher speech therapist:
- Our training at the Faculty of Development is completed, and I am transferring you to the Faculty of Creativity.

Faculty of Creativity

Assignment - sample “Draw a poem”

Exist various techniques, allowing to develop the child’s ability to successfully memorize and reproduce texts, both prose and poetic. In all memory development techniques, the main thing is the use of support. Support- this is a visual-spatial model, the ability to encode text by using pictures, words, letters, symbols, pictograms, diagrams. The purpose of such coding, by correlating words from the text with the support, is to reproduce the given text as completely and accurately as possible.

But there is another goal - creating a zone of success in the child, that is, self-confidence, the ability to successfully perform such complex activities as storytelling. The reasons that support allows you to better remember the text are as follows:
- a given model helps to concentrate the child’s attention on the voluntary execution of the task of reproducing the text, and to plan this activity;
- involving several analyzers in the perception of the text allows you to more fully use the child’s abilities in memorization;
- choosing the right type of support helps to find a personally oriented way to solve the problem facing the child.

1. The support can be the actions that are mentioned in the poem, the so-called “tell poems with your hands” technique.

2. Can also serve as a support story picture, which is an illustration of the poem.

3. The support can be a mnemonic table with pictures, symbols, pictograms reflecting the main words in a poem or text. Mnemonic tables are especially effective when learning poems. The point is this: for each word or small phrase a picture (image) is invented, thus the entire poem is sketched out schematically. After this, the child reproduces the entire poem from memory, using a graphic image.

Let's try, colleagues, to put this wonderful memorization method into practice.

Labs receive cards with poems.

Exercise: depict the poem in drawings, diagrams, pictograms, symbols for children to successfully and quickly memorize this poem.

We bought the cat
Boots for the holiday.
They combed her mustache,
We sewed new panties.
Just how to put them on,
There's nowhere to put the tail

Ira asks: - Hedgehog, hedgehog,
Will you sew me a dress?
The hedgehog answered from under the tree:
- There are no threads - only needles!

Hedgehog at the market
I bought some boots.
Boots for your feet,
A little bit less for my wife,
With buckles for my son,
With clasps for my daughter
And he put everything in a bag.

Expert assessment methodology: analysis of the presented drawings, diagrams, tables, for the highest score the creative laboratory receives a sun, for the average - a flower, for the low - a cloud.

Criteria for evaluation: a sufficient number of items, correct location, availability of graphic images.

Scheme of creative approach “Land of Opposites”

Teacher speech therapist:
- Dear colleagues, today we want to introduce you to a diagram of a creative approach to the study of opposites. Before introducing children to contradictions, it is worth working on the very concept of “opposite.” It must be borne in mind that for children with disabilities speech development What matters is the action first, and only then its verbal expression.

1. Draw the opposite:(color) a cheerful clown - a sad clown, a young tree - an old tree, winter - summer, night - day, etc.

2. Show the opposite: write - erase, take - give, greet - say goodbye, speak - remain silent, quarrel - make up, etc.

3. Touch the opposite: soft - hard, smooth - rough, rare - thick, fresh - stale, etc.

4. Decompose the opposites: on two areas of contrasting colors (black - red, black - white), children lay out pairs of pictures, toys, objects that have opposite properties, then explain their choice, games with throwing a ball from the teacher to the child and back.

5. Climb the ladder of opposites: For the exercise you need to have a flat ladder cut out of thick paper, 2 figures of men and a small paper flag. Children, naming opposite words, raise their little men up the steps of the stairs, passing each other a flag for each answer, and place a friendship flag in the middle at the top.

6. Travel to fairyland Opposites may be the result of the work. Good and evil heroes, smart and stupid, live in the country, there is a clean stream and a dirty pond, a gloomy forest and a sunny meadow. At this level, children can also solve creative problems, for example: how to make a forest friendly, a pond clean, evil heroes good.

Teacher speech therapist:
- Friends, we are moving to the Faculty of Ingenuity.

Faculty of Ingenuity

Teacher speech therapist:
- I would like to introduce you to the author’s developments, the so-called “Fun Tables”, which help develop phonemic processes in a child. What games do you think can be played with such a table?

1. Author’s development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis skills “Fun Tables”- cardboard flat objects with pictures pasted on the back side for a reference sound, for example: ball - [w], ship - [k], etc.
Suggested games:
"Find a common sound"
“Identify a reference sound with your voice”,
“Name pictures with reference sound”,
“Determine the position of a sound in a word”,
“Find objects in which a given sound is in a given position,”
“Find words of 2, 3 syllables.”

2. Interactive approach to the development of coherent speech “Portrait”

Teacher speech therapist:
- Colleagues, one of the most difficult aspects of speech development is coherent speech. Ensuring that a child communicates not only freely, but also beautifully, is not easy. We use a variety of interactive methods for developing coherent speech, one of them is “Portraits of the Seasons,” which allows you to compose a story more fully, colorfully and expressively.

There are many things in nature and in our lives that always happen in a certain sequence and never happen otherwise. For example, the change of seasons. In our vernissage, each season presents its own portrait.

Here is a snowy crystal winter.

And this is a beautiful blooming spring.

Cheerful colorful summer.

And the golden sorceress autumn.

Teacher speech therapist:
- In our vernissage, each season presents its own portrait. Guess where and whose portrait?

Spring Gallery

Spring has come - it's red! She herself is constantly changing and changing everything around her. Three young beauties awaken nature, warm the earth, and bloom with delicate colors.

Spring in March! - a gentle beauty who fights winter and defeats it. Icicles were hanging on the roofs, they were already dripping, drops were ringing, the sun appeared from behind the clouds.

All the snowstorms have died down,
And the frosts don't crack.
Drops dripped from the roofs,
And the icicles hang in a row.
More fun and warmer
The days of March have begun.
In the park, square on the alleys
The thawed patches are already visible.

Spring is in April! - the sorceress, so timid, comes carefully, as if asking: “Can I?” And only then does it release a snowdrop, a green sprout, young grass, inflate the buds on the trees, and release light clouds into the sky. The sky is getting brighter, bluer, the sun is warming the earth stronger and stronger. And now the strict white and yellow daffodils - the children of the sun - are blooming their petals.

Spring in May! - the most beautiful, brave, strong, joyful!
The sun is getting brighter and hotter, fragrant lilies of the valley are blooming, slender tulips are burning scarlet. Multi-colored moths and cheerful bees circle over the flowers, collecting fragrant nectar. All nature is fragrant, singing, having fun, blooming and rejoicing!

Summing up the work

A schematic “portrait” of the work of each creative laboratory.

Teacher speech therapist:
- Dear colleagues, you have completed a course of study at our research institute, and I suggest you evaluate your course of study using the typed evaluation symbols, make a picture from them and see how you worked today.

Researchers create a “portrait” from collected evaluation pictures - suns, clouds, flowers, and based on the resulting picture they themselves evaluate their work.


All seminar participants receive paper larks, on which they are asked to write how this meeting was useful for them, to express their wishes and suggestions.

Conclusions of the Academic Council.

  • Experts sum up the work of creative laboratories, evaluate knowledge, command of the native language, manifestation of a creative approach, activity, originality, speed of reaction, evaluate bold decisions and unconventional approaches.
  • The Academic Council evaluates the content of the seminar, methods of delivery, and the work of the author.

Criteria for evaluation: usefulness, variety, practicality, initiative, perspective.

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Target: providing practical assistance to parents in the selection of speech material and game techniques when conducting home lessons on sound automation;

Equipment: multimedia installation, screen, PC, Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation “Learning by playing”, flipchart with markers, cards with tasks and speech material (sets of words and sentences for a certain sound, syllabic rows for composing “pure sayings”).

The importance of play in a child’s life is very great! Games stimulate a child’s cognitive activity and allow him to acquire the necessary knowledge in a form that is interesting to him. Today we will look at how to turn the monotonous and monotonous work of strengthening the pronunciation of sounds in children into an entertaining game. Various playing techniques will be presented to your attention using the sounds R and L as an example. These two sounds were not chosen by chance - violation of their pronunciation is more common in older children preschool age(i.e. in 5-7 year old children). When performing exercises in a playful way, simultaneously with the automation of sound, the child’s phonemic hearing will improve, the processes of memory, attention, and development will improve. creative imagination. If you accompany the speaking of homework by drawing pictures, playing with toys from Kinder Surprises, laying out “paths” from counting sticks, mosaics, buttons, pebbles, etc., then the child’s fingers will be used, which in turn is beneficial will affect development fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing.

First, let's look at how to pronounce the sound P correctly (description of the articulation of the sounds P, Pb). Slide 2

The pronunciation of the R sound is sometimes distorted. The following types of violations occur: Slide 3

  • Throat pronunciation (velar and uvular P sound) is the most common;
  • Lateral, buccal pronunciation;
  • One-hit;
  • Iotated (replacement with [j]);
  • Rear lingual
  • Replacement with sounds Рь, Л, В, Д, Ль

Now try to pronounce the sound L and describe the position of your organs of articulation (one of the participants tells the articulation L, then compare it with the description on the slide). Slide 4

How can the pronunciation of the sound L be disrupted? Slide 5

  • Labial pronunciation;
  • Rear lingual;
  • Iotated;
  • Nasal;
  • Replaced by the sounds L, V, R.

The articulation of the soft pair of the sound L is easier, so children begin to speak L quite early, therefore, its violations rarely remain by older preschool age.

Staging (or evoking, forming) sounds is a complex process that is most often carried out by a speech therapist. “As the sound turns out to be placed in one of the syllabic positions, work is underway to incorporate it into speech, or automate it.” Automation is training exercises with specially selected words that are simple in phonetic composition and do not contain broken sounds.

Automation of any sounds is carried out in a certain sequence: Slide 6

  • in syllables;
  • in words without a cluster of consonants, taking into account the location of the sound (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word), in words with a cluster of consonants;
  • in sentences;
  • in pure tongue twisters, tongue twisters and poetry;
  • in stories and in coherent spoken language.

When establishing the correct pronunciation of a particular sound, you must follow several basic rules: Slide 7

At first, you need to repeatedly speak with the child the speech material provided by the speech therapist - it is important to clearly pronounce rows of words with sound in a certain position, and a little later - sentences rich in reinforced sound, memorize poems.

A gradual increase in the tempo of speech exercises is provided: from the leisurely pronunciation of words and sentences with a drawn-out, exaggerated emphasis on the sound being practiced, the child should gradually move to the usual tempo of speech. At a certain stage, it will be possible to begin pronouncing tongue twisters more quickly.

If a child does not pronounce several sounds, it is advisable to automate one sound first. Speech and picture material should be selected in such a way that other disturbed sounds occur as rarely as possible. It is not recommended to simultaneously automate two sounds that are similar in acoustic characteristics (for example, [С] and [Ш], [Р] and [Л], [Ц] and [Ч], etc.). Otherwise, the child may experience confusion of sounds in pronunciation: for example, instead of “hat” he will say “sapka”, instead of “boat” - “rodka”, etc.

It is necessary to move from simple types of speech activity to more complex ones: first, the child simply repeats words after an adult, and then he himself names objects, actions based on pictures, and performs grammatical exercises in a playful way. You can practice clear pronunciation and diction in poems, tongue twisters and stories based on pictures.

Before class, it is necessary to create positive motivation: it is important to explain to the child the importance of correct pronunciation. Be sure to praise your child for completed tasks, for his achievements, and celebrate your child’s successes. Don't focus on failures, but purposefully overcome them. Try not to work with your child if he is tired or overexcited; most likely, such activities will not produce results.

In order to make the sound automation process more fun and effective, you need to play more with your child. You can include games in your daily activities: play with your baby while walking, on the way home from kindergarten, on the bus or at the clinic, during joint creativity or cooking dinner! Pictures and toys, a play situation, as well as emotional presentation of speech material create a relaxed atmosphere and turn the reinforcement of sounds into an interesting activity.

A preschooler spends a couple of hours a week with a speech therapist, while speech development is a continuous process. Only parental participation, interest and constant attention to the child’s pronunciation will help overcome speech disorders. Slide 8

Today there is a very large selection of speech therapy notebooks for homework on sounds. I tried to choose the most interesting and useful exercises that they offer. We perform these tasks in speech therapy classes, but they must be reinforced at home. Try to find a little time to prepare and show your imagination.

So let's learn to play! First, you need to collect speech material to automate a particular sound:

  • make cards with words and sentences (you can use the printouts and cards that the speech therapist selected for you);
  • find and cut out pictures with automated sound from old magazines or select pictures from “Loto” (you may have Lotto “Children’s”, “Pick and Name”, “ Seasons”, “Animals”, etc.);
  • you can use presentations or electronic manuals that were provided during correctional classes with a speech therapist teacher;
  • you can buy ready-made speech therapy notebooks for homework (I'll talk about some of them later).

At the first stage, the sound is automated in syllables, but, as a rule, we do not stay long at this work. Still, semantic exercises should prevail over purely mechanical repetition and pronunciation. Therefore, let's look at examples didactic games to consolidate sounds in words:

  • "Lotto";
  • “Labyrinths” (create your own “labyrinths” from the pictures you have selected or use the manual by L.A. Komarova “Automation of the sound R (L) in game exercises”).

You can play with pictures from “Loto” or “Labyrinths” in “Walkers”: follow the arrows and name the pictures. And also complete other tasks: “Riddles”, “Echo”, “Photographer”, etc. Slides 10, 11

With parents, we play techniques for automating the sounds R and L: “Guess what?”(guessing objects by their signs or actions: for example: “Male, striped...What? (shirt), “Flowing, murmuring... What? (stream), “Halves”(guessing a word by its beginning: rubash-.., rouge-.., ruba-...), “Flappers” or "Telegraph"(pronunciation of words is accompanied by clapping, tapping them on syllables: lap-py, la-do-ni).

  • “Collect identical objects” is an exercise for developing attention similar to a “proof test”: you can schematically depict any objects with the sound R or L in the name and ask the child: “You have many different objects, but you must collect only pens in a box. Name all the objects in a row, but cross out only the pens,” “If you need to pick all the pears, circle them with a pencil,” “Give Roma only rockets,” etc. Slide 12

The games that we will consider further can be played both with and without pictures.

  • “Guess the word”, “Come up with a word” - recognizing or inventing words by a given initial syllable or by the first letter (sound) Slides 13, 14

Game options “ Magic wand” - these are lexical and grammatical exercises: “One - many” - the formation of plural nouns; “Hide and seek”, “A lot of things” - the correct use of the endings of singular and plural nouns in the genitive case; “Call it affectionately”, “Big-small” - formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes; Slide 15

  • “Count” the agreement of nouns with numerals. Slide 16

Counting objects up to five, up to seven or up to ten helps children master the skills of ordinal counting, helps to lengthen speech exhalation, and also teaches them to correctly coordinate nouns with the numerals “one”, “two”, “five”. When automating P, we count, for example, watermelons in this way: one watermelon, two watermelons, three watermelons... five watermelons, etc. You can use counting sticks or magnetic numbers.

As you can see, such exercises allow you to learn how to use some complex grammatical forms correctly, without errors.

The following gaming techniques develop the child’s speech hearing, activate his vocabulary, and develop memory.

  • “Echo” - “Repeat three (four) words after me, as if you are my echo in the forest”;
  • “Rhymes” - a selection of words that sound similar. Slide 17

Parents are invited to play “Poets”: they need to choose from the proposed words or independently select words that rhyme with a given word (the presenter writes down the rhyming words on a flipchart):

Fly agaric – slope, mountain, tomato; Carpet – ...(driver, fire); Kefir - ... (marshmallow, fakir). Kolobok - ... (hammer, ball), soap - ... (awl, was), etc.

“The fourth extra” - in this task you need to select and name the extra object. Three objects can be combined according to some characteristic, for example, shape, purpose, or they can be called one general word (“vegetables”, “animals”, “tools”, “school supplies”, etc.). But one item does not have this feature and is superfluous.

Slides 18, 19

On slide 18 participants need to name all the objects in the house, correctly pronouncing the sound R (or L), and then say what is superfluous and explain why this object does not fit with all the others. On slide 19 the extra object is selected from a number of words without visual reinforcement.

  • “Halves” - you can schematically depict halves of objects with the sound R (L) in the name and ask the child to guess what kind of object they are. Slide 20

The next step is to automate the sound in sentences. Just making up suggestions is boring! Therefore, you will have to be creative to keep your child interested. You can play out such tasks as follows: an adult pronounces sentences rich in the sound R (L), distorting the pronunciation of the sound - omitting the sound, replacing it with another, or imitating the incorrect pronunciation of the child himself.

  • “Fix Baby” Slide 22
  • “Fix an adult” Slide 23

This technique is played out with several parents who are given cards with suggestions.

Rearrange the words in a sentence so that its meaning becomes incorrect or unusual. It's a lot of fun and kids love these techniques.

  • “Enchanted sentences”, “Tall tales”, “Confusion”, “Help Dunno”, “The buffoon decided to make you laugh” Slides 24, 25
  • “Twins”, “Repetitions”, “Teases” - in these games we will better practice the pronunciation of L at the end of words (verbs EL, SEL, SEEN, etc.) Slide 26

For the same purpose, we use the following technique in speech therapy classes, and you can continue this at home: we list the objects that “Mila” and “Vladik” found. This game can be arranged in the form of a competition - whoever comes up with the most words with the sound L and pronounces it correctly is considered the winner.

For example, Mila walked, walked, walked and found nail polish,
Vladik walked, walked, walked and found a shovel.
Mila walked, walked, walked and found a scarf,
Vladik walked, walked, walked and found a Christmas tree, etc.

A little later, when the child can already control his speech and pronounces sounds without much effort, poetic speech can be included in the automation process.

First, as a rule, we take a simple type of poetic speech - pure talk. Pure phrases are syllables and sentences that rhyme with each other. They can be spoken together, negotiated, or invented independently. For example, listen to several pure sayings on the automation of the sound L, then R. Slide 28, 29

And now independent work awaits you - someone will try to compose a pure proverb, and someone will come up with its ending.

Groups of 3-4 parents are given cards with the beginning of pure sayings, given 2-4 minutes for creative work, then they can listen to several examples.

After the previous stages of work, some children will already be able to use the correct pronunciation in normal speech without adult supervision. But others will need to work on sounds in tongue twisters, short poems and coherent stories. Some tongue twisters have been known to you since school: for example, “The Greek was driving across the river...”, “The tongue twisters jump on the tongue like crucian carp in a frying pan,” “Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila didn’t like soap.” You can see other examples on the slides. Slide 30, 31

Tongue twisters, poems, riddles, rich in fixed sound, can be found in any speech therapy manuals, on websites for speech development, and also a selection of tongue twisters is in the file cabinet of our speech therapy office.

To better memorize poems, I advise you to use mnemonics - i.e. draw objects from each line of a rhyme or riddle, and then remember the text by looking at the sketches. Slide 32

And yet, the main goal of all speech therapy work is the formation of communication skills in the child. It is important that by the end of classes with a speech therapist, the preschooler can correctly pronounce all sounds in any communication situations. Therefore, the final stage is the automation of sound in coherent speech: composing and retelling stories (based on a plot picture, a series of pictures), retelling fairy tales, inventing stories and fantasizing. “Stories are a type of coherent speech that is closest to conversational speech (as opposed to poetry). By reproducing stories, the child finally consolidates the sound called by the speech therapist, and then transfers it into independent statements.” This work not only helps to consolidate the pronunciation of sounds, but also contributes to the development of the child’s monologue speech and has a positive effect on his speech readiness for school.

There are special manuals for the development of coherent speech - sets and series of plot pictures, specially created author's texts, maximally saturated with automated sound. For example, “Phonetic stories with pictures” by T.A. Tkachenko? These are albums with plot-based paintings with small stories attached to them. You can use ordinary children's books with pictures, which each of you probably has in your home library. For retelling, the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, known to children, are suitable for retelling; the works of V.G. Suteev with author’s illustrations are very good. Slide 33

If you know how to draw a little, you can create a mnemonic table: while reading a fairy tale, diagrammatically depict the sequence of objects, characters or their actions. And then retell it based on this diagram. Slide 34

Another way of a “non-boring” retelling is to draw subject pictures with arrows - “a story in a chain.” Slide 35

Collaborative creative work will be very interesting for a child - come up with a fairy tale together, remember a story or adventure from your life. Or offer to compose a funny ending for the fairy tale that you begin to tell.

Today there is big choice a variety of printed board games, home speech therapy notebooks. Some of them can be played, drawn, colored and at the same time reinforced the correct pronunciation of sounds. Very interesting, in my opinion, are the manuals by L.A. Komarova “Automation of sound in game exercises”, notebooks with entertaining tasks “R’s Birthday”, “L’s Adventures”, etc. I.V. Baskakina and M.I. Lynskoy, “Talking Pencil” N.V. Galskaya and others. Slide 36

The process of developing correct, beautiful speech is very complex and requires a lot of patience and interest! I am sure that if you work with your child throughout the entire period of speech therapy work and monitor his pronunciation, the result of this painstaking work will not be long in coming. Clear speech will please everyone: parents, teachers, and, first of all, the child himself.


  1. Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. M.: Publishing school, St. Petersburg: Bibliopolis, 1996.
  2. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. Series “Popular speech therapy”, Speech therapy games. “R’s Birthday”, “L’s Adventures”, etc. M.: Iris-Press, 2013.
  3. Komarova L.A. Series “Preschooler's Album”, Automation of sound R (L, etc.) in game exercises. M.: Gnome, 2013.
  4. Lazarenko O.I. Series “Library of a speech therapist-practitioner”, Speech therapy album for automating the pronunciation of the sound R (L).M.: Iris-press, 2006
  5. Speech therapy: Textbook for pedagogical students. Institute for specialties “Defectology” / ed. L.S. Volkova - M.: Education, 1989.
  6. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy. Playing with sounds: Speech didactic material: a manual for speech therapists, speech pathologists and educators, M.: Mozaika-sintez, 2004.
  7. Tkachenko T.A. Series “Learning to Pronounce Correctly”, Phonetic stories with pictures, M.: ARKTI, 2004.

Prepared by Natalia Vladimirovna Ivanova, teacher-speech therapist, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, Syzran

Goal: assisting parents in mastering play techniques for developing their child’s articulatory motor skills at home


  • tell parents about the importance of developing articulatory motor skills
  • to form an idea of ​​the correct performance of articulation exercises
  • teach game techniques for developing mobility and coordination of articulation organs
  • introduce the rules for organizing articulatory gymnastics at home
  • to develop the skills of conscious, adequate and effective assistance to children.

Equipment: homemade toy Kwak the Tease, mirrors, laptop, screen, projector, electronic presentation with versions of poems and fairy tales for articulation gymnastics, booklets for parents, questionnaires.

Preliminary work:

2-3 weeks before the workshop in parent's corner Materials are posted for review:

  • norms of speech development for preschool children;
  • articulation gymnastics complexes;
  • list of references on the topic

Theoretical part

All the key points that parents should pay special attention to are highlighted on the slides.

The speech therapist emphasizes the relevance of the problem of the development of articulatory motor skills, aims at its correct understanding and offers solutions.

Speech therapist:

We pronounce various sounds correctly thanks to good mobility of the organs of articulation, which include the tongue, lips, jaws (lower, upper), hard and soft palate, alveoli. Of these, the tongue, lips, soft palate and lower jaw are mobile, the rest are immobile. Thus, producing speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

Work on the development of the basic movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is carried out in the form of articulatory gymnastics. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

  1. Articulation gymnastics must be performed daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to perform the exercises 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 3-4 exercises at a time.
  2. Each exercise is performed 4-5 times.
  3. Static exercises are performed counting up to 5 (holding the articulatory posture in one position).
  4. Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm position.
  5. The child must clearly see the adult’s face, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult can be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics, and the child can also use a small hand mirror (approx. 9x12 cm), but then the adult should be opposite the child, facing him.

Speech therapist (briefly, details on the slide):

Organizing articulation gymnastics at home

  1. Before you start doing articulation exercises, you must find out how your child navigates in space: can he show what is on the right, left, in front, behind, above, below; whether he distinguishes between right and left hands. Without this, performing articulatory gymnastics will be extremely difficult.
  2. Talk about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.
  3. Demonstrate the correct execution of the exercise.
  4. Invite your child to repeat the exercise and monitor its completion.
  5. Monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another.

Practical part

1. Speech therapist:

And now I suggest you do articulation exercises yourself. Place a mirror in front of you.

The speech therapist talks about the procedure for performing the articulation exercise and demonstrates correct execution. (Parents do some exercises ( "Smile-Tube" , "Window" , "Needle" , "Pancake" ("Spatula" ) , "Cup" , "Horse" , "Fungus" ).

Speech therapist: As you may have noticed, we only spent a few minutes doing these exercises. Performing articulatory gymnastics will not take you much time, but will bring great benefits to your child. Regular, daily exercises will significantly speed up the production and introduction of spoken sounds.

2. Kwak-tough:

Agree that it will be more interesting to perform gymnastics to funny poems that you can find in books or that you can come up with yourself.

The speech therapist and Kwaka show several exercises with poetic accompaniment (on the slide there is a picture and a poem)

3. Speech therapist:

A children's fairy tale is a necessary element in raising a child. A fairy tale is the language of children; for them it is the most informative, insipid adult speech. Therefore, if we, adults, want to help, explain, support, reveal something to our child, then we need to re-learn the forgotten children's language - fairy tales. There is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very gentle, kind, rather, it is friendly advice.

It is no coincidence that each articulation exercise has its own name and image. What is more interesting for a child: according to the instructions, lick the upper lip with a wide tongue or imagine that you are licking delicious jam from the upper lip... strawberry, raspberry, apple? So, at the same time, the baby’s vocabulary was expanded. And how much easier and deeper it is to mold a cup from the tongue so that the tea does not spill, than a child tries to press the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper lateral teeth.

Children love to play. And when we combine individual exercises into a plot, into a fairy tale, and they themselves become active participants in this fairy tale, then, as in a fairy tale, miracles happen. The proposed fairy tales were invented to practice sets of exercises that develop the correct articulatory structure of various sounds. The adult tells a fairy tale, and the child does the exercises at the same time.

The speech therapist and Kvaka suggest parents do exercises with "fabulous" accompaniment. (Appendix 2)

4. The speech therapist invites one of the parents to come up with a fairy tale by combining several exercises (the speech therapist provides a description and pictures).

Exchange of impressions from the meeting at the workshop.

Parents are being surveyed (Appendix 3)

The speech therapist introduces parents to literature on the topic (on slides) and hands over the booklet "Charging for the tongue" .

The speech therapist and Kwak-the-trash thank you for participating in the seminar-workshop.

Annex 1

Kwack the Trickster Toy

Appendix 2

Fairy tale “How a mouse and a kitten became friends”

One morning the kitten Timka woke up very early, scratched himself behind his ear with his paw and decided to wash his face and comb his hair. (exercise "Comb" ) . The kitten smiled and stretched (exercise "The Frogs Are Smiling" , "Fence" ) and suddenly became wary (exercise "Bagel" ) . What is this noise? I listened, and the clock was ticking (exercise "Watch" ) . No, it’s not just a watch, something else is making noise.

And then Timka noticed a little mouse, which quickly ran towards the pantry with its paws. The kitten was very surprised, then he was delighted and began to quietly sneak behind the mouse. He seized the moment, jumped and grabbed the mouse in his front paws. The mouse was so scared that he closed his eyes and stopped breathing completely.

"Mrrr meow!" - Timka said and licked his lips (exercise "Delicious jam" ) . The mouse opened one eye and saw sharp cat teeth right in front of him. He wanted to squeak, but from fear he could not utter a sound and only weakly moved his tongue (exercise "Cup" ) .

What, you can't talk? - the kitten was surprised and moved the mouse’s paw.

The mouse opened his second eye, smiled and was even able to click his tongue (exercise "Horse" ) .

What's wrong with you? Let's play! - Timka said and licked the mouse with his tongue.

Oof! - the mouse was finally able to exhale (exercise "Proboscis" ) . - So you want to play?

Well, yes! And what did you think? - Timka was surprised. - Now everyone is still sleeping, but I’m bored. Let's be friends!

Let's! – the mouse agreed.

And now every morning they play together (exercise "Swing" ) , and the mouse Timka is no longer the least bit afraid!

Fairy tale "Resourceful Little Bear"

Once upon a time there lived a bear cub. Every morning, as soon as he woke up, he brushed his teeth (exercise "Brushing our teeth" ) and went for a walk. After all, there are so many interesting things around!

One day he walked like this on a sunny summer day until he felt that he was very hungry. The little bear stroked his tummy with his paw and wondered where he could get tasty, sweet strawberries. (exercise “Let’s stroke the tongue and lips with our teeth” ) . The little bear looked around and decided to look for a clearing with berries. First he had to go down the slide (exercise "Slide" ) . Mishka stopped under a tree to take a short rest and then heard a bird singing above his head. (exercise "The engine whistles" ) .

The little bear threw back his head and politely asked: “Dear bird, you are sitting so high, maybe you can see a clearing with strawberries? Tell me which way I should go!” . But no one answered him. Bear scratched his head with his paw and thought that the bird had not heard him and that he needed to climb higher and shout louder. He jumped, grabbed the trunk with his paws and began to slowly, pushing with all his might, climb up (exercise "The tongue is strong" ) . Then the bear cub pulled himself up a little more, hung on a branch and began to swing (exercise "Swing" ) .

“Hey, is anyone there?!” - the bear cub shouted, but again no one answered him. Then he rose even higher, even stretching out his tongue from the effort (exercise "Spatula" ) , and suddenly from above I saw a clearing in which a lot of strawberries grew.

Hooray! It's good that I came up with the idea of ​​climbing a tree! - the bear cub shouted and rolled out of the tree as quickly as he could (exercise "Coil" ) .

He caught his breath under a tree and quickly ran to the clearing to finally refresh himself.

Appendix 3

Sample questionnaire

  1. Was the topic of the workshop interesting?
  2. What did you learn that was useful for yourself?
  3. What games and exercises interested you most? Why?
  4. Do you have a desire to spend time at home with your child? "fabulous" articulation gymnastics?
  5. What questions would you like to receive answers to at our next meeting?

Some “speech therapy highlights” from the seminar

Olesya Zhukova.

Recorded from the words of the lecturer at the seminar

" Current issues in the diagnosis and correction of speech and communication disorders in children with alalia, ASD and after cochlear implantation"

Lecturer: Olesya Zhukova

(Center for Child Development and Habilitation, Speech therapist pro,

Saint Petersburg)

The seminar was organized and conducted

Center "Krugozor", Novosibirsk, February, 2016.

Motor alalia.

If difficulties arise in making a speech therapy report, keep in mind: if there are no lexical and grammatical violations, then there is no motor alalia.

Speech is the collection of statistics and the derivation of laws of coordination. In a child with a tempo delay, this happens very quickly; in a child with motor alalia very difficult.

Finding a reason is a thankless task, it’s better focus on creating individual plan working with alalik.

An “advanced” motor alik (presence of a pointing gesture, execution of multi-step instructions), subject to systematic complex competent work in the alliance: speech therapist - psychologist - neurologist - parents, has every chance to go to study at a gymnasium, and even more so at a comprehensive school and be there successful.

Test for alalik: say KU-KU-RE-KU. After the 2nd repetition, sound replacements begin.

A good prognostic criterion for alalik is the ability to imitate intonation.

Alalik requires training in phrasal speech. It is necessary to study texts (2-3 per week). This is what we do when learning a foreign language.

All alaliks are characterized by:

- rapid depletion;

- impaired concentration;

- increased fatigue.

WITH A psychologist must work as an alalik, providing communicative and speech training to consolidate speech abilities.

Often parents of preschool children expect playful behavior from the teacher, because play activity is the leading activity of children under 7 years of age, but this is not always justified because how alaliks need to develop school skills early . To achieve success, he will have to work hard.

It is necessary to start giving analytical tasks as early as possible.

The maximum dynamics during correctional work are provided by those children who are INTERESTED. It is very important to “wake up” the brain, especially valuable when emotion goes into “intellectuality”.

All children with speech delay should be referred for a hearing examination!

Today, 28% of children are born with hearing loss.

Ideology correctional classes:


We devote 15 minutes out of a 45-minute lesson to training parents and explaining to them the strategy and tactics of work.

Order in work begins with the child's folder. Do not forgive parents for unlearned lessons, greasy stains in notebooks!

Speech is the handmaiden of activity and the highest level of imitation.

If the lower stages of imitation are not formed,

speech "won't start"!

If there is no eye contact,

speech "will not start"!

Speech imitation for alalik - difficult physical labor, he doesn’t always understand why he needs it.

If you want to get a decent result, work hard!

If the alalik works incorrectly, you will get a child with mental retardation,

if done correctly, a successful high school student.

Dear parents, you must understand that a good speech therapist is a “piece” product.

Not everyone is capable of constantly learning and mastering modern work methods in order to build an individual correctional route for a child that will lead to success.

We, as “priests,” minister to children with speech disorders and their families.

Appreciate our “service”!

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 4 “Ladushki”

Location: Russia, Chuvash Republic, Shumerlya

Location: music room

Participants: parents and children who attend the preparatory group.

Purpose of the workshop: increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents on issues of speech and psychological development of children in preparation for school.

Tasks for adults:

  • show adults game techniques and exercises to develop children’s speech and psychological readiness for school;
  • to formulate the provision of practical experience in play partnerships with children;
  • to focus parents' attention on the role of an empathetic assistant to the child, and not on the role of an expert assessing the level of his intellectual development.

Tasks for children:

Improve children's phonemic hearing and the ability to distribute attention throughout the lesson.

To consolidate and expand children's knowledge on the topic: domestic animals and birds, transforming short-term memory into long-term memory.

To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness, a desire to help those who need it (animals, birds, people).

Form friendly relationships, expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Previous work:

  • Introducing children to pets and children;
  • Training “We are all different, we are all amazing”;
  • Game - quiz “On the road to goodness”.

Necessary materials: musical accompaniment “Smile” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky), ball, multi-colored stripes (Luscher Color Test), sound recording of animal voices, labyrinths for the task “Hungry Animals”, multimedia presentation “Animals and their young”, plastic plates, bowls with a mixture of pasta, beans and peas, a digital camera.

Progress of the workshop:

Teacher speech therapist: Hello, dear parents and teachers. Today we have gathered here to show you how the speech and psychological preparation of children for school takes place. And we would like to bring to your attention game techniques and exercises to develop children’s cognitive and speech abilities.

Ex. "Finish the sentence"

The educational psychologist throws the ball to teachers and parents in turn, pronouncing the beginning of the sentence “For me, the expression “The child is ready for school” means...”. After the statements of parents and teachers, the educational psychologist makes a conclusion.

Teacher-psychologist: Thus, we see that a child is ready for school if he:

  • distinguishes color and shape;
  • knows how to confidently hold a pencil;
  • knows how to answer questions: “Why?”, “What..., if...”, “If..., then...”;
  • knows how to solve simple logical problems;
  • knows how to determine the position of objects on a plane;
  • knows words indicating location and correctly understands their meaning (in front, behind, right, left, above, below, above, under, behind, in front);
  • distinguishes and correctly names the main geometric figures(circle, square, triangle, rectangle);
  • compares and distinguishes objects by size (larger, smaller, more, less, equal)
  • count to 10;
  • knows how to clean the bed, toys, knows how to put himself in order, knows how to tie shoelaces, fasten sandals;
  • knows how to behave “properly” at the table;
  • knows how to work according to instructions.

And here is what the outstanding child psychologist Leonid Abramovich Wenger says about this: “Being ready for school today does not mean being able to read, write, or count. To be ready for school means to be ready to learn it all.” What is the essence of readiness?

Often, readiness to learn only means a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities of a child, but this is not enough for successful learning. It is necessary not to teach the child what he will be taught at school, but to develop the prerequisites for learning.

In intellectual readiness, it is not so much the volume of knowledge that is important, but its quality, degree of awareness, and clarity of ideas.

In volitional readiness – the ability to control one’s emotions and behavior. We are talking not only about the ability to obey, but about the ability to listen, to delve into the content of what an adult is talking about.

Motivational readiness.

There is a huge difference between “I want to go to school” and “I need to learn to work.” When preparing a child for school, it is necessary to teach him to hear, see, observe, remember, and process the information received.

It is important to understand that the best preparation for school for a child is a natural desire to play, and not serious studies on a given topic. Don't dampen his interest. The joy you bring to your child will become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together will help you make life together kinder and more fun.

Teacher speech therapist: Play is the main activity of a child, which allows him to receive with pleasure the knowledge that he needs. Since readiness for learning implies a certain level of speech development, through play we learn to correctly pronounce sounds, hear and distinguish them, determine the place of a sound in a word, correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, coordinate words in gender, number and case, use expanded phrasal speech, independently find errors and eliminate them, master retelling, preserving the meaning and content of the text. If a first-grader has deficiencies in phonemic and lexico-grammatical development, it will be difficult for him to master educational program. Pay attention to how your child speaks. Timely speech therapy work will help prevent communication difficulties in a team and poor performance at school. So let's play.

(To the song “Smile,” students enter the music room with the Fairy of Good, teacher and psychologist Olga Nikolaevna).

Fairy of Good: Children, look how many guests we have today! Say hello! These are educators and parents, give them a smile. Now look what I have prepared for you.

Luscher color test.

Fairy of Good: Guys, there are multi-colored strips on the table, arrange them by color the way you like. Now choose the strip that you like best (Notes what mood each child is in according to the Luscher test).

(Quiet music about a smile plays)

Fairy of Good: Every new day needs to start with good deeds, a good mood, and for the mood to be good and cheerful, let’s stand in a circle, close our eyes and imagine that the sun is shining for us, we’ll feel its warmth, we’ll hold hands and give each other that spark of warmth and love, what lives in our heart. Feel how kindness passes through our hands with a light squeeze, from palm to palm and takes us somewhere... transports... transports. Oh, where have we ended up? (Children open their eyes) Lyubimovka village. Apparently someone here also needs our warmth and care. (Animal voices are heard). On the slides, children watch how people care for animals.

Grandma Tanya - speech therapist: Hello my dears! Glad to see you here in Lyubimovka! What brought you here?

Fairy of Good : A spark of goodness brought us here.

Child: Maybe you need our help?

Grandma Tanya : Wonderful, my, I really need it. I'm sick, and my animals need to be fed. Please help horses, pigs and dogs find their way to their treat.

Fairy of Good : Guys, can we help Grandma Tanya? Then let’s now pick up a pencil and try to go through the labyrinths, through which the animals will not remain hungry.

Now tell me, what does a horse eat? Pig? Dog?

Grandma Tanya: Well done guys! Thank you, everyone was fed.

And in my yard there are also other animals and birds: To uritsa, To Oza, would To, To cow, Indian To, ut To A, To from, To video clip. Have you noticed anything unusual in the names of my animals? (all words contain the sound TO ).

That's right, can you find where the sound is hidden? At the beginning, in the middle or at the end? (Children determine by ear the place of the sound in the word.) Now sit down and lay out a diagram of this word. (Pictures with animals are distributed). Check yourself to see if you did the right thing.

Grandma Tanya: How smart you are, I just tired you with my questions, play with the puppy, warm up.

Fairy of Good: “The puppy was running around the yard.”

A puppy was running around the yard (Slow running in place)

He sees a piece of the pie. (Lean forward, arms to the sides)

He crawled under the porch and ate it, (Sit down, hands to mouth)

He fell apart and began to sniffle. (Arms to the sides, head to the side)

Now the window has opened, (Hands to the sides)

The cat came out onto the ledge. (Imitation of the graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up, (Tilt back your head, look up)

The cat looked down. (Lower your head, look down)

Here I turned to the left, (Turn my head to the left)

She watched the flies. (Turn your head to the right)

She stretched and smiled. (Appropriate movements and facial expressions)

Do you know what the affectionate name is for the baby of a goat, chicken, rabbit, ram, or turkey? View slides with animals (adults - young).

Grandma Tanya: All my animals ran away. Help guys, gather the families.

Game "Gather the Family." (Board game toys).

Game “Say the Word.”

All the animals are well-fed, in their homes. Dogs... in a kennel, cows... in a barn, pigs... in a pigsty, sheep... in a sheepfold, birds... in a poultry house, horses... in a stable.

Thank you, my wizards. Guys, help me sort the groceries, please.

Fairy of Good:

Exercise "Sorting". (The psychologist gives the children plastic plates, bowls with a mixture of pasta, beans and peas and asks the children, with their eyes closed and their heads up, to sort the mixture into three sections of the plate.

At the end, the children open their eyes and check the correctness of their work).

And how clever they are!

Grandma Tanya: Thank you for your concern, my assistants. Come again. (A song about a smile plays, Grandma Tanya leaves).

Fairy of Good: Guys, it's time for us to go home. Goodbye, Grandma Tanya.

Exercise “Kind Animal”

I invite you to stand in a circle andhold hands, close your eyes and imagine, what we -one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! ANow let's breathe together! When you inhale, take a step forward, when you exhale, take a step back. Let's repeat this a few more times.

This is how the animal not only breathes, its big, kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. We all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal for ourselves.

Summary of the lesson.

Fairy of Good: Here we are at home. I invite you to watch our trip and tell us what you liked and remembered about it? ( All parts of the lesson were filmed with a camera. Children look through the photo report from beginning to end, commenting on what they see).

Fairy of Good: What's your mood now? Why? I'm in a good mood too. Our good deeds made both us and Grandma Tanya feel good. What kind words did she call you? (My assistants, my dexterous, smart, wonderful ones.) What did you like most? (Children's answers).Guys, please come back to the table, there are multi-colored stripes on it, choose the strip that suits you this moment likes more than anything. (The colors of the strips chosen at the beginning of the lesson are compared and the mood of each child is assessed using the Luscher test). Let's say goodbye to the guests.

Teacher speech therapist: Thank you, dear parents, for finding the time and taking part in our seminar-workshop. By combining our efforts, we are preparing a competent, self-confident future first-grader. We will be happy to listen to your questions and wishes.


1. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Best games and fun with words. – M.: LLC IKTC “Lada”, 2008.

2. Artsishevskaya I.L. Psychological training for future first-graders. Lesson notes. – M.: Knigolyub, 2017.

3.Volkova I.I. Educational and methodological manual: educational game “Find the picture”, 2008.

4. Danilova S.I. Psychological support for preschool children. Diagnostics and lesson scenario. Federal State Educational Standard DO. – M.: Sfera, 2018.

5. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. – M.: Academic project, 2017.

6.Handbook of teacher-psychologist. Kindergarten. No. 2, February. – M.: LLC “MCFER”, 2015.