In what year did Defender of the Fatherland Day appear? Defender of the Fatherland Day history of the holiday

February 23, 2019 is celebrated in our country as Defender of the Fatherland Day. Each holiday has its own history. But perhaps with this significant date things are especially interesting. Previously, even before the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. This fact, regarding the topic of the history of the occurrence of February 23 as memorable date, is known to most of our compatriots. Meanwhile, as for the detailed biography of the celebration, historians still cannot come to a clear opinion.

It all started in 1918 during the post-revolutionary disbandment of military units. In January, to be precise, on the 15th, a decree was signed on the creation of the Red Army. On January 29, the Council approved the decree on the formation of the fleet. The creation of a new fighting force served as a reason for the development of propaganda measures. The main event of this series was planned to be the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. They wanted to hold the action one-time on February 23 and then safely forget about it. However, the celebration began to be celebrated annually thereafter.

The day for the celebration was not chosen by chance. Compilers of the history of the holiday consider February 23 to be a gallant day when the Red Army won a landmark victory over the Germans near Pskov and Narva. But no documentary evidence of this fact was found. Meanwhile, the government did not want to question it and already in 1922 signed a Decree on celebrating February 23 as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

The celebrations begin on February 23

In 1923, February 23 was already celebrated on a grand scale, since it coincided with the 5th anniversary of the Red Army. After honoring the heroes of the occasion throughout the country, this date becomes a national holiday. Over its long history, February 23 has undergone wording corrections several times. In 1995, the federal law “On the Days of military glory Russia." As a result of work on the document, it was decided to designate this February date as “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany in 1918.” It’s good that 2002 changed again and, by the way, noticeably simplified the naming of the celebration. Thanks to the resolution of the State Duma, the holiday becomes so familiar to us as Defender of the Fatherland Day. What’s even more pleasant for all working people is that it is recognized as a non-working day, officially a day off!

When celebrating the occasion, both then and today, there is a clear military overtones. Having gotten rid of the political background, Defender of the Fatherland Day becomes a date when one can congratulate and thank for the valiant work of all those who have ever stood in defense of our Motherland. Interesting fact. Recently, there has been a shift in the meaning of this holiday towards civilian professions. So, even flight attendants consider it their duty to celebrate the occasion on this day.

Controversial moments in the history of the holiday on February 23

It is possible that if it were not for the paperwork with documents, we would have celebrated the celebration on the very day of the creation of the Red Army. Most likely it would be January 28 or 29. Bureaucratic delays are not the only thing that could prevent the holiday from coming into its own on February 23, according to historical facts. According to another version, the then significant holiday of March 8, which concerned all internationalists, before the transition to a new calendar style, coincided with the February anniversary of the Russian victory over the Germans in 1918. This coincidence strengthened the military character of this sacred number several times over.

To get a complete picture of the world, historians have unearthed several more interesting facts from past. Anyone who remembers the scope of the November 7 celebration will not understand why they canceled its existence and came up with another one in its place. November 4 is close to 7, but their histories of occurrence differ significantly. However, it is possible that our descendants will also argue and be puzzled, and sometimes inadvertently combine these dates. The principle of time leakage works today as it did then. Many historians argue that due to the lack of some archival documents, it is still impossible to clearly determine the origins of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Falsifications and substitutions related to February 23

You and I were not the only ones wondering about the origin of the day off on February 23rd. This topic worried the minds of our compatriots long before our appearance. In this regard, representatives of the country's administration took controversial methods in order to convey the truth to the working people. On February 5, 1923, the Revolutionary Military Council issued a document stating that February 23, 1918 is the date when a special force was created, the purpose of which was to protect the people from the German invaders. The newspaper “Military Thought and Revolution”, which picked up this information, relished in detail the drill that accompanied the creation of the main unit.

The federal archives contain a photographed copy of the document from another publication. The periodical "Military Herald" succinctly informed citizens that the convening of the Red Army was approved on February 23. However, this date has been changed. Initially, according to historical sources, this event took place on January 15.

The obvious fact of discrepancy was recognized by some officers who commanded military units. In particular, in one of the issues of the newspaper “Pravda” K.E. Voroshilov complained about the incorrect choice of the date for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day. The newspaper informed the reader that the military leader considered the recognition of the date of convocation of the Red Army to be unconfirmed by historical data. Even a book published in 1938 with a short course on the history of the CPSU (b), written by Joseph Vissarionovich himself, indicates falsification. Stalin writes that it was on February 23, 1918 that the Soviet Army near Narva and Pskov repulsed the enemy aggressor. The leader of the Soviet State proclaims the creation of a great military force exactly on this day. Archival sources contradict the facts that allegedly took place according to a short history course from Stalin.

A happy ending for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

One way or another, throughout the entire difficult history, Defender of the Fatherland Day has been great love was noted in the territory of the former Soviet Union, Russia during the perestroika, post-perestroika period, and in the 2000s. Its existence is still relevant today. February 23 is now positioned for the younger generation as a day of honoring the heroic people of the Motherland to instill respect for their people. This date is a non-working day so that everyone can honor the memory of Russian soldiers who died defending the Fatherland, as well as all those who are showing courage, valor, nobility, bravery and self-sacrifice now.

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February 23 is a favorite holiday of men and the day to which loving women begin to prepare almost immediately after New Year's holidays. However, when receiving gifts, few of the stronger sex think about where this gift came from. important holiday and why it is celebrated in cold February.

Red Army Day

The birth of the holiday is usually associated with the Decree on the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. However, historians claim that this document was adopted on January 15, 1918. 20 million rubles were allocated for the creation of the army, which at that time was considered a huge amount.

There was complete confusion at the front - no one could really understand for whom they now needed to fight and whether it was even worth risking their lives. The government of the new Soviet state tried with great effort to form an army, but this process was very tense. The first volunteer recruitment point was opened on February 21 in Petrograd. The leader of the Soviet state made a call to join the new army defending the Socialist Fatherland. The Red Army was able to be assembled, but historians are still arguing about the significance of the first victories.

It was planned to celebrate the anniversary of the Red Army on the day the decree was signed, then they wanted to set the date for the celebration on February 17, but in the end they set the holiday on Sunday, which fell on February 23 that year. For unknown reasons, the military holiday was somehow forgotten for several years. And the solemn resurrection of the holiday occurred in 1922. At the end of January of that year, a resolution was issued by the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the celebration of the fourth anniversary of the birth of the Red Army, and a year later the holiday was widely celebrated throughout the country under a new name - Red Army Day, approved by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic.

The meaning of February 23 in the USSR

In 1938, “A Short Course in the History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)”, written by Joseph Stalin, was published. The stern leader never mentioned Lenin’s Decree. The authorities surrounded this date with myths about the first significant successes, claiming that on February 23, 1918, the Red Army soldiers won decisive victories near Narva and Pskov. In all likelihood, this was how they tried to destroy the facts of the defeats and the signing of the German ultimatum.

Since 1946, the holiday, beloved by the inhabitants of a huge country, began to be called Soviet Army Day and Navy. Traditionally, on this day, all military personnel were honored, to which, after the war, almost every citizen could classify themselves. Gradually, all men began to be congratulated on the holiday, even those who had never served in the army.

History of Defender of the Fatherland Day in modern Russia

In 1995, the State Duma adopted the Law on Days of Military Glory in Russia. With this decree, February 23 acquired a new name - the Day of the Red Army's victory over the Kaiser's troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. However, this long name, which hardly corresponds to the actual facts, lasted only a few years.

In 2002, the State Duma adopted a resolution to rename February 23 as Defender of the Fatherland Day and declared it a non-working day. This decree erased from the description of the holiday the connection with the victories of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops, as a fact that did not correspond to reality.

The modern Day of Defender of the Fatherland is not without military overtones, but now its scope is not limited only to the military. Today this holiday is considered by everyone who has any connection to the defense of the country or their family. This is a holiday of valor, courage, honor and love in the Motherland. On this day, it is customary to congratulate men of all professions and ages, including the youngest, who will one day stand on the defensive lines.

We must not forget that among the fair half there are also many women who, risking their lives, protect their compatriots from various dangers and disasters. On February 23, not only men, but also women are honored.

On this day, traditional congratulations from the country's leadership are heard by members of the Russian Armed Forces, veterans of the Second World War and other military operations. Wreaths and bouquets of flowers are laid at the monuments of heroic warriors. Broadcast on television and radio holiday concerts And congratulatory speeches. In the evening, in hero cities, as well as in settlements where the headquarters of military districts, fleets and combined arms armies are located, the sky is illuminated by festive fireworks.

The history of the holiday dates back to January 28 (January 15, old style) 1918. On this day, against the backdrop of the First World War ongoing in Europe, the Council of People's Commissars (the de facto government of Soviet Russia), led by its chairman Vladimir Lenin, adopted a Decree on the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA).

In the first days of January 1919, the Soviet authorities remembered the approaching anniversary of the Council of People's Commissars decree on the organization of the Red Army. On January 10, the Chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, Nikolai Podvoisky, sent to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee a proposal to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, timing the celebration to the nearest Sunday before or after January 28. However, due to the late submission of the application, no decision was made.

Then the Moscow Soviet took the initiative to celebrate the first anniversary of the Red Army. On January 24, 1919, its presidium, which at that time was headed by Lev Kamenev, decided to coincide these celebrations with Red Gift Day. This day was organized by the relevant commission under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee with the aim of providing assistance to the fighting Red Army soldiers. Red Gift Day was scheduled for February 16, but the commission did not have time to hold it on time. Therefore, Red Gift Day and Red Army Day dedicated to it were decided to be celebrated on the Sunday following February 16, i.e. February 23.

In 1920-1921 Red Army Day was not celebrated.

On January 27, 1922, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee published a resolution on the 4th anniversary of the Red Army, which stated: “In accordance with the resolution of the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets on the Red Army, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee draws the attention of the executive committees to the upcoming anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (February 23).”

In 1923, the resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, adopted on January 18, stated: “On February 23, 1923, the Red Army will celebrate the 5th anniversary of its existence. On this day, five years ago, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of January 28 was published the same year, which marked the beginning of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, the stronghold of the proletarian dictatorship." However, this statement was not true, because the mentioned decree was published in central newspapers almost immediately after its adoption.

The 10th anniversary of the Red Army in 1928, like all previous ones, was celebrated as the anniversary of the Council of People's Commissars decree on the organization of the Red Army of January 28 (15 old style) January 1918, but the very date of publication, contrary to the truth, was directly linked to February 23.

In 1938, in the “Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)” a fundamentally new version of the origin of the date of the holiday was presented, which was not related to the decree of the Council of People’s Commissars. The book stated that in 1918, near Narva and Pskov, “the German occupiers were given a decisive rebuff. Their advance to Petrograd was suspended. The day of repulse to the troops of German imperialism, February 23, became the birthday of the young Red Army.”

Later, in the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated February 23, 1942, the wording was changed: “The young detachments of the Red Army, which entered the war for the first time, completely defeated the German invaders near Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. That is why February 23 was declared a day birth of the Red Army."

In 1951, the latest interpretation of the holiday appeared. The “History of the Civil War in the USSR” stated that in 1919 the first anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated “on the memorable day of the mobilization of workers for the defense of the socialist Fatherland, the mass entry of workers into the Red Army, the widespread formation of the first detachments and units of the new army.”

In the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 N32-FZ "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia", February 23 bears the official name "The Day of the Red Army's Victory over the Kaiser's troops of Germany in 1918 - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland."

In accordance with the amendments made to the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia” by the Federal Law of April 15, 2006, the words “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918)” were excluded from the official description of the holiday, and also stated in the only including the concept of "defender".

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

How to tell children what kind of holiday this is and why it is celebrated? I want to say right away that the answer to this question is ambiguous.

No matter how the history of this holiday develops, for our country today it is considered a holiday of present and future men - defenders of the Fatherland. We congratulate our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and boys on this valiant holiday. Nevertheless, this holiday is rightfully celebrated by women who serve in military units, in hospitals, and in the reserves. After all, defending the Fatherland is everyone’s business!

February 23- a holiday of courage, bravery, boldness and bravery! Even a little boy can be a protector. It may not be the Fatherland yet, but protecting the weak and defenseless is a very important matter. Helping mom and dad with household chores, carrying an elderly person across the road, protecting the weak is not a task for a weakling, but for a real man.

So what is the history of this holiday?

The emergence of this holiday is associated with the formation in Soviet times of the Red Army, which was assembled to fight the Kaiser's Germany (German Empire). In the winter of 1918, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA, January 28) and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF, February 13) were created. The Red Army and Red Navy accepted workers who voluntarily expressed a desire to serve in the ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland. The creation decree was signed by V.I. Lenin. The purpose of its creation was rather of a propaganda nature.

The holiday was first celebrated a year later in 1919. In 1918-1919. the Soviet army was in poverty and needed food and clothing, so the people collected parcels with necessary things. This collection of things served as a reason to officially celebrate a new revolutionary holiday - RED GIFT DAY.

In 1919, they remembered the creation of the Red Army and the RKKF in 1818 and decided to celebrate the anniversary together with the Red Gift Holiday. The date fell on a working day in February, so they decided to move the celebration to the first nearest day off. This day was February 23, as reported by the newspaper Pravda.

In 1920 and 1921 the holiday was not celebrated. They remembered him only in 1922. The Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council, Trotsky, organized a military parade on Red Square on this day, thereby establishing the tradition of an annual national celebration.

For a long time it was believed that on February 23, 1918, Soviet troops defeated the German invaders near Pskov and Narva. But the chronicles say the opposite. In 1918 there were no serious wars, much less victorious ones. On the contrary, in February 1918, our troops lost the cities of Pskov and Narva to a few German detachments without a fight, as evidenced by the newspapers. However, there could be no negative examples in the minds of the Soviet people, and with light hand I.V. Stalin, our flight turned into victory, and the glory of the Russian army became indestructible.

Since 1923, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, February 23 began to be celebrated annually as Red Army Day.

Since 1946, the holiday began to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

In February 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted the federal law “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia,” in which this day is named as follows: “ February 23 - Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser's troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender of the Fatherland Day».

In 2002, the holiday officially became a non-working day.

On March 24, 2006, the State Duma decided to exclude the words “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918)” from the official description of the holiday in the law. And it’s clear why.

You have the right to tell your child about the holiday in your own way.

It would probably be more justified Defender of the Fatherland Day to celebrate on a more memorable day for our country, when the Russian people showed in practice how we know how to defend our Motherland. You never know there were many victories in Rus'! Nevertheless, we still need such a holiday. And today we celebrate it on February 23, we celebrate it not as the birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of real men, ready and able to defend us and our Motherland.

In Russia, before the Bolshevik coup of 1917, traditionally the Day of the Russian Army was considered holidaySaint George Patron of the Russian Army, Russian warriors.

Other men's holidays:

  • International men's day- first Saturday in November (adopted by M.S. Gorbachev)
  • Day of Heroes of the Fatherland- December 9, celebrated since January 25, 2007
  • fathers day - annual holiday in honor of fathers, celebrated in many countries (Sunday June 3). In Russia they want to make this holiday on the 2nd Sunday of June.