Number 4 is the middle group. Pedagogical development

Abstract open class

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Topic: NUMBER 4

Purpose of the lesson:

Introduce the formation of the number 4 and the number 4; learn ordinal counting(up to 4); correlate the numeral with each of the objects; arrange objects with your right hand from left to right.


For the teacher: cards with numbers within four, ten identical cubes. For children: numbers from 1 to 4 (on cards), a number card, five mushrooms and five Christmas trees.

Progress of the lesson

Sitting at the table.

The lesson starts with children 5-6 years old.The teacher invites the children to arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 3. Whoever completes the task first puts the numbers on the board. Children 4-5 years old are invited to the lesson. The teacher invites the children to place one cube on the table.- How many cubes are on the table? Now place two cubes side by side in a column.
- How many cubes are in the second column? Place three cubes in a column nearby.
- How many cubes are in the third column? How many columns are there in total?
- How many cubes are in the first column? Show me the number
- How many cubes are in the second column? Show me the number
- Which number is greater (smaller): 1 or 2?
- How many cubes are in the third column? number.
- Which number is greater (smaller): 2 or 3?
- Show a column of three cubes, stack the same one next to it and place another cube on it.
- How many cubes are in the column? Let's count:

one two three four.
A child called to the board makes a column of four cubes.
- How many cubes are in the third column?
- How many cubes are in the fourth column? How many columns are there in total?
- How much more is 4 than 3?
- Who can put numbers from 1 to 3 on the board?
- 4 is more than 3, and 3 is less than 4 by 1. Where should the number 4 be in the number line?
The child puts the number 4 after 3.
Let's play
"Name the number"
The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. Each person in turn is shown one number (from 1 to 4). The child must name it. If he names incorrectly, redirect the question to the next person.
In this game, each child must be interviewed two or three times.
What happens after 4?”
Children call: a butterfly has four wings, a butterfly has four legstables, four pockets on clothes, four rooms in a house, four legs on a bench, etc.
For each correct answer, the child receives a chip. At the end of the game, it is calculated how many chips each player received and which of them became the winner.

Physical education minute

Let's put our hands to the sides.We'll get the left one with the right one.

And then - on the contrary,There will be a right turn.

One - clap, two - clap, Turn around one more time!One - two - three - four, shoulders higher, arms wider!

We lower our hands down.And squat down!

Stand with your feet apart and your arms at your sides. Turn left, right Use your palm to clap your left palm.Turn to the right, clap your right palm with your left palm.Clap, turn around yourself.

Clap your hands. Raise your shoulders, spread your arms to the sides.

Slowly lower your arms down.To squat.

Working with a card

The teacher asks a riddle:

Winter and summer - One color.(Christmas tree)

The teacher shows the number 3 andtells the children:
- Put it on the card
there are so many Christmas trees. The teacher makes sure that the children lay out the objects with their right hand and hold the card with their left. After completing the task, he asks how many Christmas trees are on the strip and why.
- Now put it down
There are so many mushrooms on the card.
The teacher shows the number 4.
- How many mushrooms did you count and why?
- What is more: mushrooms or Christmas trees?
- How to make them
was it equal, four each?
Children answer the question
and complete the task. - How many Christmas trees and mushrooms?(Four and four. Equally, equally. As much is above, so much is below.)
Children are invited to help the teacher collect counting material from envelopes.

Tatyana Ledyaeva
Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in middle group"Number Four"

Notes on FEMP in the middle group"Number 4"

Prepared by T. A. Ledyaeva, teacher of the joint venture GBOU secondary school No. 1 "OTs" p. Bolshaya Glushitsa nursery No. 3 "Little Red Riding Hood"

Subject: « Number 4» .

Program content:

Introduce education numbers 4 and the corresponding number;

Learn to name numerals from 1 to 4; count and arrange objects with the right hand from left to right;

Practice orientation in space.

Material support:

4 hoops containing cards with numbers from 1 to 4;

numeric cards according to the number of children;

Bunnies and carrots, cut out of paper, 4 pieces for each child;

Numbers from 1 to 4;

The teacher greets the children and tells the topic classes.

1. Organizing time.

Educator. The bunnies went out on the road for a walk. Let's get them let's count: one, two, three - 3 bunnies in total (makes a circular gesture). The teacher asks 2-3 children to count how many bunnies have come running. (Children count, touch each hare, and at the end trace 3 hares with their finger).

Then another hare came running. There are more hares. Let's count how much it has become hares: one two Three, four – total 4. There were 3 hares, another one came running, there were 4 hares.

Number 4 is indicated by the number 4 (the teacher shows the number).

Number 4 surprises everyone:

Arm bent at the elbow

Never lets down.

Numbers 1 are placed on the board; 2; 3.

The number 4 should come after the number 3.

2. Didactic game “What’s missing?”

Now the numbers will play hide and seek with you. Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes any number. Children open their eyes, called "missing" number and put it in a row.

What number is missing? (Answers children: no more numbers)

3. Physical exercise.

One, two - it costs a rocket

Three, four - blown away.

One, two - clap your hands,

And then on every account.

One two Three, four and walked around.

4. Working at tables.

The teacher shows the number "3" and asks the children to put it on top "shelf" cards as many bunnies as the number they see on the card.

How many bunnies did you put in? Why? (Children's answers).

(Three bunnies, since they showed the number 3).

The teacher shows the number "2" and asks the children to put as many carrots on the bottom shelf of the card as the number they see.

What number should be placed next to the hares and carrots? Why this number?

5. Outdoor game "Bunnies".

Rules of the game: You are bunnies, hoops are minks.

Each hole can accommodate as many bunnies as the number written on the card. You will jump on the lawn; When the tambourine rings, all the bunnies hide in their holes.

Praise children for their work.

What number did you come across?

Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, mathematics, Secondary group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MKOU "Ivaninskaya Secondary School"
Location: Ivanino village, Kurchatovsky district, Kursk region

Summary of GCD in mathematics in the middle group on the topic “Number 4. Four-legged animals”

Goals: continue to get acquainted with the number and number 4; strengthen the ability to count within 4; develop memory, ability to think logically; strengthen coloring skills; cultivate a desire to express your opinion.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting the seasons, Dunno doll, figurines of a cow, horse, goat and zebra from the sets “Wild Animals”, “Domestic Animals”, doll from the mathematical theater Princess Four, video presentation “My Favorite Animals”, pictures depicting different numbers of objects, pictures depicting different numbers.

GCD move

Educator : Guys, guess the riddle and tell me what time of year it is now?

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.

- What other seasons do you know?

- Count how many seasons there are in total?

Winter gave you this one beautiful snowflake. Do you want her to flutter around in our group just as she does on the street? Let's inhale through our noses and blow hard on it.( Breathing exercises)

Dunno comes in and greets the children.

Educator : Guys, Dunno came to visit us. Let's say hello to him!

Dunno: I brought my favorite toys, but I can't count them. Will you help me?

Educator : First, tell me what toys Dunno brought? Can they be called in one word - wild or domestic?

Dunno: Certainly! These are pets! They are at my house!

Educator : Not everything is so simple, Dunno! What do you guys think, which of these animals is wild? Who's home? Why?

Which animals are more numerous - wild or domestic?

How to find out how many toys Dunno has?

How many legs do these animals have?

Show the number 4 on your fingers.( individually)

Dunno: Thanks guys for helping me count my toys! I'm not greedy and I want to play with my animals with you.

Educator : Dunno, I suggest playing the game “What has changed?”

Di. "What changed?" The teacher places 4 animal figures and invites the children to remember their places. The teacher asks you to close your eyes and swaps the animals’ places.

- Which animals changed places? Where are they now?( the game is repeated 2-3 times)

Dunno: It's time for me to run! Goodbye, guys! Can I come to you again? ( Leaves)

Educator : Let's rest a little!


Early morning in the clearing

This is how monkeys frolic:
Left foot: stomp, stomp!

Right foot: stomp, stomp!
Hands up, and down, and up!

Who will rise the highest?

Princess Four appears.

Princess Four: Hello! You recognized me? Please name what is shown in the picture.( Number 4)

Let's count the number of objects in these pictures.

— I brought you a small film about animals that I love very much. Would you like to see?

Video presentation “My favorite animals”

Educator : Let's do some finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Herringbone”

There is a Christmas tree in front of us,

Cones, needles,

Balls, lanterns,

Bunnies and candles,

Stars, people.

Educator : Now let’s show Princess Four how we can work in notebooks.

Work in Solovyova’s notebooks “My Mathematics”

Educator: What interested you most today? In parting, Princess Four invites you to listen song "Merry Count"

Types of children's activities:

Gaming, communicative, educational and research

Planned results:

It has elementary representation about geometric figures, about ordinal counting up to 4; retains in memory when performing mathematical operations necessary condition and acts concentratedly for 15-20 minutes.

Materials and equipment:

Cards with geometric shapes; cards with numbers from 1 to 4 according to the number of children; leaves; pictures of dishes, 3 pieces each; music record player, baskets with dummies of vegetables.

1. Organizational moment. Repetition of geometric shapes.

(the teacher and the children stand on the carpet)

Today we received a letter from Prostokvashino from Matroskin and Sharik. They invite us to visit so that we can help them count and correctly record how much they have harvested today.

Shall we help them guys?

It's time for us to get ready for the trip and for this we need to purchase train tickets.

Didactic game. "Train Ticket"

Cards with 3 colored geometric shapes according to the number of children are laid out on the table. Each child must take a card and find a chair with the same card on it.

(children sit down)

Guys, who checks tickets on the train? That's right, conductor.

Prepare your tickets for inspection, dear passengers!

2. Count to 3. Sequential count to 3.

Guys, look carefully at your tickets, how many geometric shapes are depicted on them? Let's count them. Correct 3.

There are cards with numbers in front of you, put them in order. First the number... 1, then the number... .2, and the number... .3. Well done!

Guys, pay attention to the board, what do you see there? That's right, dishes (pots, teapots and plates). Let's count them in order. 1st teapot,…. etc.

While you and I are walking through the forest to the village, I propose to collect a bouquet of autumn leaves.

Phys. just a minute.

Children stand in a circle round table and they begin to move to the music. As soon as the music stops, children must pick up 1) maple leaves;

2) cards with the number 3; 3) birch leaves; 4) cards with the number 2; 5) ovals; 6) cards with the number 1.

Well done, how clever and smart you all are.

3. Digit and number 4.

Guys, now we have reached our friends in Prostokvashino. Why did we come to them? Of course, to help them count the harvest.

Look how big Matroskin’s basket is, how many vegetables and fruits he collected. Let's count them now. 1, 2, 3. Well done. Now let’s count how many vegetables are in Sharik’s basket – 1, 2, 3, 4.

(I lay out pictures of vegetables in transparent pockets in two rows, so that the children can see what secondly a number of vegetables have 1 unit more)

Who has more vegetables, Matroskin or Sharik? (at Sharik)

How much more? (for 1 vegetable)

How many vegetables should be added to Matroskin’s basket so that they have the same amount? (one)

Let's put it down and count again. 1, 2, 3, 4. Well done.

How can we record for our friends how much they harvested? (in numbers)

(showing number 4)

The number 4 is written using the number 4.

Show cards with number 4.

Well done!

Now we will play with you.

Didactic game: “Show the card with the corresponding number”

Goal: consolidate counting to 4, number 4, develop attentiveness.

(I show fruits in different quantities, children must show the corresponding card with the number).

Well done!

So we helped Matroskin and Sharik count their harvest, it’s time to say goodbye.


Where have we been today?

What interesting things did you do?

What number did you meet today?

Let's all pat ourselves on the head and say: “Well done! »

Natalya Kulikova
Math lesson for middle group children “Number 4, number 4”

Math lesson

Type of activity: Generalization of new knowledge

Subject: Number 4, Number 4

Children's age: 4-5 years (middle group)



1. Learn to relate the number 4 as a symbol denoting 4 objects.


2. Reinforce the concepts of “right”, “left”, knowledge of geometric shapes,

the name and number of seasons and parts of the day, consolidate the ability to identify objects according to their characteristic features and properties and combine them into groups. Develop creative thinking.


3. Cultivate interest and desire to do mathematics, maintain interest in intellectual activity.

Integration educational areas: cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

The lesson is a story-based game, lasting 20-25 minutes. Excess

time is determined by the complex type of occupation and various types of activities.

Equipment: Tape recorder, basket with 5 balls, a note from the wizard at the bottom, handouts: cards with numbers, a card with a creative task, an envelope with a letter on a ball, colored pencils, a drawing with vegetables, berries and fruits, a typesetting canvas with 4 elephants, 4 Christmas trees , 4 circles, 4 stars for warming up.

1. Organizational moment

2. Main part.

1. Flies into the group balloon; (filled with helium) an envelope is tied to a string.

Guys, look, what is this? (the envelope is not signed) some kind of strange envelope, there is nothing written on it.

The envelope contained cut up pictures, let's collect them and then maybe we'll find out who it's from:

(children collect a picture, it shows a wizard)

Everything is clear, it means the letter was sent by a wizard. Now we can read it with you.

“Hello, dear guys! I want to tell you about a treasure chest. You can find it if you pass all the tests. The tasks will be difficult, but interesting, and by completing them you will find out where he is. I'll give you a hint:

The balls are in a bag

And the bag is by the window.”

(Children find a basket with balls)

Guys, there is a number on each ball, and the number corresponds to the task that needs to be completed.

Game "Numbers Get Lost"

What is this number? Let's arrange the numbers in numerical order.

Now let's complete the first task. I will ask you questions, and you show numbers in response.

Look at the picture.

How many vegetables? What vegetables are these?

(Children show the number)

How many fruits?

How many berries?

Well done! You have completed the first task; remove the first ball.

Let's move on to the next task.

2. In the next task we need to remember how many seasons we have.

List. Here are pictures of the seasons. Did I place them correctly?

What time of year is it now? (winter)

After winter, what time of year will come? (spring)

After spring? (summer)

After summer? (autumn)

Now remember the names of the parts of the day. "Morning afternoon Evening Night". How many are there?

I'll read you a poem. Try to guess what part of the day we are talking about:

Dawn rises over the river

A rooster is crowing in the yard,

Kittens wash themselves

The guys are waking up. (Morning)

The sun is high in the sky

It's a long way from sunset

A mouse drags grains into a hole

Baby learns the alphabet. (Day)

The red sun has set

Squirrel hides in a hollow

Dryoma is coming to visit us

He takes the story with him. (Evening)

Stars are shining in the sky

The birds are sleeping and the fish are sleeping

Flowers sleep in the garden beds,

Well, we are in our beds. (Night)

Well done, let's remove the second ball.

The third ball invites you to rest.

3. A minute of warm-up.

How many elephants do we have here?

We'll make so many nods.

How many green Christmas trees

Let's do so many bends.

How many stars do we have?

We will sit down that many times.

How many circles are there?

We'll do so many jumps.

Let's pull the little hands up

Now let's sit quietly.

4. And now the next task - mathematical problems from fairy-tale characters

A task from my grandfather.

I pull the net and catch fish

There were quite a few: 1 perch, 2 crucian carp, one pipe cleaner - and that one went into the pot

I’ll cook fish soup and treat everyone

How many fish will I boil?

The task is heroic.

Had breakfast at the rest stop

They gave us testicles with us

Soft-boiled two and two steep

Can you count how many there are?

Baba Yaga's task

I entered a shady forest

And I found a fly agaric there

And honey fungus and morel and oil can - beauty!

Who has the answer ready: how many mushrooms did I find?

Well done, you completed this task and we remove the fourth ball.

5. "Transform geometric shapes"

Move the piece of paper with geometric shapes towards you.

How many figures are there on a piece of paper? (4)

How many triangles? (1)

How many laps? (2)

How many squares? (1)

Now listen to the task. You must finish drawing geometric figure so that it becomes like some object, person, animal, building. (Music turns on)

(Completing the task, briefly about what you drew)

Guys, you are great! I remove the fifth ball and our balls are over, which means we have completed all the tasks. Yes, it’s just not clear. Where is the treasure? Oh, look, at the bottom of the basket there is another note “Difficult task.”

I need one of you who is the smartest (they choose a child)

The task is:

From the board, take one step forward, four steps to the left, two steps forward. Look there!

Children find a treasure (chest with candies)

4. Summing up.

The teacher thanks everyone for their work.

What tasks did you particularly like?

What were the difficult tasks?

Praise everyone.