Children's poems about Santa Claus. Children's poems about Santa Claus He is to my eyebrows

Poems for children - New Year and winter

Christmas tree

If only we were at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the path.

She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock

Would spin around on the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multi-colored lanterns,

Let's spin around the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

We'd laugh at the Christmas tree
Matryoshka dolls
And they would clap for joy
In the palms.

At the gate
New Year!
New, new,
With a golden beard!

K. Chukovsky

Father Frost

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He got into my felt boots.
They say he is Santa Claus
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

He ruined the water tap
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

E. Tarakhovskaya


The snow is falling slowly, slowly.
A man walks quietly through the snow.
In a hat and fur coat
He carries a red sled behind him.

The bird feeder in the sled turns yellow,
For kinglets, bullfinches and tits.

The snow is falling, falling, falling...
Good journey to you, man!

R. Bukharaev

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.

Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.

To her green color to the face,
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

T. Volgina

Where does New Year come from?

Is New Year falling from the sky?
Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming to us?

He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?
Frost in his beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve...
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us!

December webs

Sad picture -
Flowers withered plush.
In the frosty web
Windows of gray puddles.

Furry white paw
Frost-spider threatens...
The rain won't fall -
The snow is already flying in swarms.

Snowflakes are flying
In the arms of a spider...
Following the autumn-old woman
The winds shout: “Bye!”

Openwork puddles again,
The whisper of the waters is not heard...
And instead of leaves it circles
Snowflake round dance.

N. Samonii

Winter landscape

Winter has arrived
With the melody of a blizzard:
Strewn with garlands
Birch, pine, spruce.

I powdered all the paths,
Alleys and paths.
Decorated the windows
Frosty pictures.

Now they are no longer windows,
And wonderful landscapes.
And now there is no glass in them, no,
And the miracle opening days.

And we like all this...
Beautiful winter reigns!

N. Samonii


Covered with white snow,
The mountains became snowy overnight,
Even the windows were covered,
The sidewalk was gone.

The lush fir trees have settled,
The short ones stick out.
What did the snowstorms do?
Birds don't fly into the sky!

Even thin birches
Became thicker and slimmer
Covered with snow so as not to freeze,
The trunk is hidden up to the branches.

The sun will shine early in the morning
And the icicle will sparkle,
It will leave a mark like a wound,
The dog is where he runs.

Kids do tests,
So that on a grand scale into whiteness,
Into the snowy mountains, snowdrifts,
They'll dive screaming in the morning!


Twilight has turned into a fairy tale,
Scattering silver.
What yesterday asked for paint,
The snow hid in a soft sleep.

In the morning the sun sank
In the fluff of cold whiteness...
It ran and sparkled
In the sparkle of a rainbow wave!

Majestic, white, sparkling
Every house and every square!
Children in sleds, in new games!
Christmas is knocking on the door!

Winter is on the doorstep

Winter is on the doorstep. There's a knock on the window,
Trying to find a modest shelter for myself,
Sweeps silver, falls on the boulevards,
And it pleases my soul immensely.

The first snow crunches underfoot early in the morning,
The white distance glitters with emeralds,
The sparrows sit uncomfortably on the benches,
Winter is a beautiful living detail.

The firmament disappeared under the steel curtain,
And in the dance of snowflakes, involuntarily ringing,
The blue twilight of dawn sprinkled over the forest,
Beautiful landscape at dawn.

V. Zadorozhny

winter daisy

I dreamed of a winter fairy tale,
That snowflakes have become daisies,
All the snowdrifts have yellow eyes,
It was as if all the stars had fallen from the sky.

Well, I am the queen of daisies,
And I sit majestically on the throne!
My outfit sparkles with whiteness,
Crown with gold core.

And everywhere they dance,
In a floral round dance, friends...
We have wonderful dreams in winter
To the tune of a fabulous blizzard!

N. Samonii

Mother! look from the window -
You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that there was a cat
Wash your nose:
There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,
It has brightened, it has turned white -
Apparently there is frost.

Not prickly, light blue
Frost is hung along the branches -
Just take a look!
Like someone too shabby
Fresh, white, plump cotton wool
I removed all the bushes.

Now there will be no argument:
For the sled, and up the hill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won’t refuse,
And you yourself will probably say:
“Well, hurry up and go for a walk!”

The night is bright, the frost is shining,
Come out - the snow crunches;
Pristyazhnaya gets cold
And it doesn’t stand still.

Let's sit down, I'll button up the cavity, -
The night is bright and the path is smooth.
You don’t say a word, I’ll shut up,
And - went wherever!

The creaking of footsteps along the white streets,
Lights in the distance;
On the frozen walls
The crystals sparkle.

From the eyelashes hung into the eyes
Silver fluff,
The silence of a cold night
Occupies the spirit.

The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,
Just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself becomes timid
To die in the cold.

Winter stroller

A stroller rides across the sky -
Dark gray color.
And in a stroller on a bed
White snowstorms are dormant.
She lulls them to sleep
Snow-white winter.

How will these little ones wake up?
As they rise to their feet,
Yes, how these children will hang -
Everything in the world will turn white.

Call signs

The night frosts are fierce,
Cold winds whistle.
Aspens, oaks and birches
They sleep under the chilly stars.
But there's change in the air
They woke up the pine tree:
Needles like antennas
Already caught the spring.

Letter to Santa Claus

Outside the window there are snowdrifts, cold,
Thick ice froze on the puddles.
The blizzard is angry, snow is blowing...
The holiday is coming - New Year!

I'll write to Santa Claus
And in the letter I will ask,
To Santa Claus
He brought a surprise to our family:

To be kind and generous
And he gave me a sister.
I'll let her be so
Wash dishes all day long

Wipe dust from the cabinet
And wash clothes in a basin.
I won't leave her alone.
I'll work all day.

There are so many things to do, you can’t count them all:
I have a computer
Five cars, a crane,
My sofa is very soft

Games, books, exercise machine
And another puppy Trezor.
Santa Claus didn't understand me
And he performed everything incorrectly.

He gave me a little sister -
A baby doll in little white diapers.
Yes, I still have a sister,
But all day he just sleeps and eats.

T. Lavrova

Winter song

The clearings were covered with swan fluff,
Mysteries in a moment, everything is in magical snow.
White splendor, not a bit of blemish.
I'm running along the silver stitch.

Fairy Winter froze on the threshold.
A time of dreams and sincere tears.
The bitter frost lingered on the road,
The wind is only snow cap brought it.

And purity in the heart flows like music,
The drifting snow whispers to the sound of bells.
The winter sun laughs in half the sky,
Gives a wreath of white dreams as a souvenir.

The combined orchestra thunders in the sky,
I spin in a slow waltz until the morning.
Fairy Winter sings a song to me,
It's time for magic.

T. Lavrova

Snow beauty - WINTER

She spread out white beds,
Decorating the tower with lace!
Putting on patrol the blizzard, blizzards,
Winter has asserted its power!

Scattering snowflakes and feathers around,
She covered everything with her fur coat.
And painted the trees in the forest,
Having planted bullfinches on the branches!

In an ice sleigh he rushes around the world,
Showering silver at home.
Proud mistress, queen -
Snow beauty - WINTER.

T. Lavrova

Artist Winter

There is needle-like frost on the trees,
Houses drowned in silver.
All shop windows have an antique pattern
Painted by the artist winter.

I tinted it here, I tinted it here,
Gave blush to the snowy women,
Frozen with lace on the windows,
The snow blizzard covered the yards.

The hummocks on the river turned blue,
I took the cones off the trees for the squirrels,
And birch trees in white braids
I wove in red-breasted bullfinches.

I painted everything with white paint,
She smiled, shook the snowball,
She sat down on a bench in the park.
Having rested, she took off with the breeze

T. Lavrova

Winter's Tale

Snowdrifts glisten in the sun.
The frosty air rings with silence.
The aspens dressed themselves in delicate shawls,
And the tree stands like a queen!

Scarlet beads were hung on rowan trees,
And in a strict tailcoat the oak went out on patrol.
The pine tree hid all its old cones,
She put on her majestic attire.

The hazel tree arched its long branches.
The rain in them glows like diamonds.
Birches, wearing vintage earrings,
Dress up in a wonderful holiday outfit!

And pearls from sparkling champagne
He hung a crystal forest on the branches.
And lace made of silver snow
Winter beauty scattered from the sky.

T. Lavrova

Winter evening

Winter evening falls from the sky.
He lit the magic moon for us,
And a gentle light poured down from above
And spilled silver in the meadow.

Forest forget-me-nots here and there
The stars lit up on the carpet of heaven.
But, frost, stay away from us
And delay the night a little longer.

So that people can see beauty.
What did this winter evening bring?
Maybe it will make their souls warmer.
Let them remember this moment for the rest of their lives.

Winter outfits

A cloud of pure silver white
The snow lay on the ground like a patterned carpet.
With a soft brush, gracefully, skillfully
The blizzard colored the forest outside the window.

Beads, pendants, necklaces and earrings -
Tree branches in winter finery.
In the crystal dresses of my birch friends,
Oak nobles in sable fur coats.

In a bright kokoshnik there is a miracle rowan:
The stones burn with scarlet ruby.
The cowardly aspen is hiding in the thicket,
Chilly wrapped in a silk cloth.

Spruce trees are embroidered with silver thread,
Slender pines are in burly furs.
In the winter palace all the caskets were empty:
So many outfits on modest bushes.

Winter generously distributes all supplies.
The ringing joy will return doubly.
White blizzard, blizzard dancing
The fairytale forest will sing to her about spring.

T. Lavrova

Winter fantasy

The sky is pouring confetti - snowflakes,
Decorating gloomy courtyards.
Light, needle-shaped pieces of ice -
Joy for cheerful children.

The young frost is having fun,
Masterfully draws a pattern of stars,
He gets angry at the muffled passers-by,
He starts an argument with the north wind.

The old woman whispers a song - the blizzard,
To have sweet dreams.
Like a nanny, a good friend,
Lights the stars - lights.

The city is gradually falling asleep,
Dressed in white clothes,
And the snow keeps falling and fluttering,
Whirling in a quiet, fabulous waltz.

T. Lavrova

Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.
A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
We are all dancing for joy
On New Year's Day under it!

V. Donnikova

In the winter park

The stars are pouring powder from the sky,
Snowflakes sparkle in the moonlight.
Snowfall is an unbearable burden.
It’s quiet in the park, all the “residents” are sleeping.

They sleep under a warm night blanket,
They have strange summer dreams.
Only frost and a tired wind
They sing their songs to them.

Sparrows on snowy branches
Everyone is ruffled, looking gloomily,
Yes, crows, neighbor friends,
They keep order from above.

The earth sleeps in a silver outfit,
There is peace and comfort in the winter kingdom,
And in a solemn, strict parade
Everyone is belatedly waiting for spring

T. Lavrova

The frost is getting stronger, the stars are shining brighter.
And the wind howls, causing fear...
And I sit and think about summer,
About the bright sun, birds and flowers!

A gentle sea before your eyes
And the sound of the surf, the hoarse cry of seagulls...
And outside the window there is a snowstorm and a blizzard howling,
Salute of snowflakes and trees creaking.

The stars sparkle in the dark sky
And the moon shines, bending into a horn...
Dressed in a shawl, in spite of all the bad weather,
I imagine a field, a forest, a meadow,

Bouquet of daisies, cornflowers, violets,
A blazing fire of tulips...
The carpet of flowers is so joyful and bright
Around me there is winter in defiance.

Butterflies, dragonflies, bees fly,
And the squeak of a mosquito disturbs the ears.
In the window opposite - they decorate the Christmas tree,
And I close my eyes and dream out loud.

Gray January is fierce, playing tricks,
All the windows have already been painted.
And even if it's frosty, I think about summer...
Warmth in the heart, joy in the soul.

T. Lavrova

Go away, Winter, go away!
Take the blizzard with you.
Enough, snow will take revenge on our windows,
Yes, scratch the frost under your fur coat.

Go away, make way for Spring!
Let the tulips glow in the steppe.
The bud will turn into a leaf and the light
The blossoming flower will illuminate.

Go away, Winter, quickly,
Don't you dare come back to us again!
Your time is up - go away! -
For hummocks and ice,
Under the light of the polar star.

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest one
The fluffiest one
The most fragrant...
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom will gasp immediately!

A. Usachev

Christmas tree toys
We did it ourselves:
And Santa Claus
With a big mustache

And little Snow Maiden
In a rich fur coat...
And all this is in secret
From my younger brother.

He's in the room next to me
On a soft bed
Lay down comfortably
And he sleeps sweetly.

And we are slowly
Gathered today
Cook for him
New Year's surprise!

What's missing
On our Christmas tree!
Here's a funny clown
Dancing with pigs.

Here comes the golden rain
It flows through the branches.
Here is a fluffy bunny,
And next to it is the firebird...

All that's left is to hang it
On a branch with a peg
Just a red ball
And - the tree is removed.

L. Zelenevskaya

New Year

New Year is knocking on the door!
Open it to him quickly.
Red-cheeked toddler -
Your reliable friend now.

You will truly be friends,
Together you will grow
Gain strength, health,
All your illnesses will forget you.

Invite him into the house
Then the clock struck.
The clock strikes twelve times.
Happiness has come to you! Meet me!

The tree glows with lights,
A fairy tale is nearby... Here comes the sleigh
They creaked at the gate...
Who's there? It's Santa Claus!

I came to the holiday with my granddaughter,
He brings gifts with him.
And the toys that are on the Christmas tree,
Suddenly they came to life. Hares, gnomes,

Dolls, balls, kittens,
Birds, squirrels and foxes,
Bear cubs and hedgehogs...
The naughty girls started dancing.

Laughter, fun and fun...
Only the spruce branches bend.
It seems just right
The Christmas tree will start dancing here.

And Snegurochka, little girl,
Handing out toys to guests
Chocolates, oranges,
Apples and tangerines...

The aroma of pine needles is in the air,
Outside the window the moon is shining,
Wonderful blue light
All the trees are silver.

Snowflakes are circling in the air,
Ice floes sparkle merrily,
Everything around is white and white...
The New Year gives us a fairy tale.

S. Mikhalkov

Father Frost

Flying snow in the field at night
In a dark sky, in a soft cloud
The moon is sleeping.

Quiet in the field, dark, dark
Looks at the forest.
Santa Claus, a huge old man,
I got off the tree.

Higher, higher
Santa Claus grows up.
Here he is out
Because of the fir trees and birches.

So he drowned
Grabbed a pine tree
And clapped
Moon with a snow mitten.

He walked
He shook his head
He whistled
In your icy whistle.

All snowflakes
They lay down in the snowdrifts,
All snowflakes
The lights lit up.

Bird tree

Along the silver path
As soon as the New Year comes,
On a high thin leg
The miracle Christmas tree is rising.

This tree is not simple,
And it's not for guys.
Near the Christmas tree, flying,
Birds whistle merrily.

There is a woodpecker and a titmouse here,
Bullfinches and sparrow -
Everybody wants to have fun
Near your Christmas tree.

The toys don't shine on her,
And the star does not shine,
But there are feeders for birds
We hung it here.

Flocks of birds arrive
To our Christmas tree in the winter garden.
And in the garden, without stopping,
The bells are ringing.

Z. Alexandrova


Who are the snowflakes
Did you make these?
To work
Who's responsible?
- I! - answered Santa Claus
And grabbed me
By the nose!

G. Novitskaya

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is coming alive.
Well, Grandfather Frost!..
What cheeks, what a nose!..
A beard, a beard!..
And there's a star on the hat!
There are specks on the nose!
And those eyes... are daddy's!

A. Shibaev

New Year

It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!

Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!

N. Naydenova

Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress

Decorated the Christmas tree
in a festive dress:
In colorful garlands,
into the bright lights,
And stands, sparkling,
Christmas tree in a lush hall,
Remembering with sadness
about the old days.

The Christmas tree dreams of evening,
monthly and sidereal,
Snow glade,
sad cry of wolves
And the neighbors are pine trees,
in a frosty mantle,
Everything is in diamond shine,
in fluff of snow.

And the neighbors are standing
in gloomy sadness,
They dream and they drop
white snow from the branches...
They dream about the Christmas tree
in a lighted hall,
Laughter and stories
joyful children.

K. Fofanov

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,
And a faint smell of summer.

Yu. Shcherbakov

The Christmas tree grew
In the forest on the mountain.
She has needles
In winter in silver,
She's got bumps
The ice is knocking
Snow coat
Lies on the shoulders.

We brought a Christmas tree
To my home
Decorated the Christmas tree
In a new outfit
On thick needles
The sparkles are burning.

The fun has begun -
Songs and dances.
Is it good, Christmas tree,
Do you want it with us?

Oh, Frost, Red Nose

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
We don't know you.
And you, Santa Claus,
We welcome you with joy.

th, Frost, Red Nose,
Let's sing a song
And you in a round dance
We invite children.

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
Hit your palms harder
And we have more fun
The legs will dance.

E. Boguslavskaya

Christmas ball

The lily of the valley blooms in May,
Aster blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I go to the Christmas tree every year.
It sat on the shelf for a whole year.
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree,
Ringing little by little.
The whole tree to the top
Decorated the toys!
Get up in a round dance!
Happy New Year!

V. Berestov


I ran over the fence
And Frost stands and waits,

He walked next to me -
Not a step behind.

Our shirts are in the yard
They dance on a rope with the wind.

I'm running - Frost is behind me!
Frost attacked the linen,

Sharp icy dust
Got through him.

He grabbed it and made it hard -
And the laundry froze.

Place it on the snow - it won't fall.
Push it - it will go.

I pushed just barely -
The sheet went first

And the shirt walked
Sleeves spread out.

And little tailor Frost
It stings the cheeks, cuts the nose.

The wind rushed towards
He jumped on my shoulders.

The wind is an icy rider -
He whistles loudly behind his back.

Frozen spruce trees are cracking,
The sleigh creaks in the snow.

I. Usovich

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
One and a half meters.
An event occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! -
So it seemed to her.
She was noticed
Was surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.
Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.
Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?
Forester's son!

S. Mikhalkov

Snow, snow, snow, snow
Shedding branches.
On a birch, on a pine
Snow candies.

And with us, and with us
The snow is not real.
He is the same as in the forest,
White and crispy.

Snowy path

It's still dark. Two little bears
They wander along a snowy path.
Alone, with pigtails, Alenka,
The other one is called Mashenka.

“Let’s go quickly,” said mom.
But then the frost crept up on them.
He painted his cheeks first
And he immediately started working on his nose.

Then he reached under his mitten,
But she hid in the house.
Then on to hats and braids
Frost poured silver,

He took the kids to kindergarten
And I was late to write
On all the windows, like in a notebook,
What will happen in the evening?

It's already dark, two little bears
They wander home from kindergarten
Alone, with pigtails, Alenka,
The other one is called Mashenka.

B. Elshansky

Nobody is offended

Was by the snow
A long way,
Snow needs

He sits down in the meadows,
On high haystacks,
To the edge,
To the hut,
For a hundred year old woman,

On benches and bushes,
On fences and bridges,
On coats and mittens
And on the girls' eyelashes,

On famous football players,
For honored artists,
On hairstyles, on noses,
On the general's mustache,
The police are declining,
And no one is offended.


On pine and birch
White yarn
Winter has entangled them.
And left it to unravel
This yarn on a birch tree
And pine.

Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree -
Yes Yes Yes!

Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes Yes Yes!

And Santa Claus is cheerful,
Gray beard,
Brings us gifts -
Yes Yes Yes!

N. Naydenova

Shaggy branches bend
Down to the children's heads;
Rich beads shine
Overflow of lights;

Ball hides behind ball,
And star after star,
Light threads are rolling,
Like golden rain...

Play, have fun
The children have gathered here
And to you, beautiful spruce,
They sing their song.

R. Kudasheva

This is what Santa Claus is!
Well drawn:
I came out with my bag not empty
Before the New Year!

How good is the old man?
In this picture:
Smiling, standing
At the spruce branches.

And he sings on the Christmas tree
There is a tit in front of him.
May you have a New Year
It will all be a dream.

V. Churnosov

Paper Santa Claus

Paper Santa Claus
And gray-haired and important,
With a beard and a bag,
With a wooden staff...
A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity.
And now he's standing on a chair
He is under the tree, on guard -
New Year awaits.
- Quiet! Do you hear? It's coming!

S. Pshenichnykh

Janitor - Santa Claus

In a fur coat, in a hat, in a shower jacket
The janitor was smoking a pipe,

And, sitting down on a bench,
The janitor said to the snow:

"Are you flying or melting?
You won't understand anything here!

You sweep, you sweep,
You're just sweeping to no avail!

Why am I talking?
I'll sit and smoke."

The janitor smokes a pipe, smokes...
And the snow squints my eyes,

And sighs and yawns,
And suddenly he falls asleep.

Look, Manya...” Vanya shouted.
You see, the scarecrow is sitting

And eyes like embers
He looks at his broom.

It's like a snow granny
Or just Santa Claus,

Well, give him a hat,
Grab him by the nose!"

And how it growls!
How his feet will knock!

How can he jump up from the bench?
Yes, he will shout in Russian:

"You'll be freezing already -
How to grab me by the nose!"

Japanese calendar

There is a Japanese belief
A fairy tale, to put it simply...
One day the animals gathered
Choose your own king.

Gathered for the New Year
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
They rushed at full speed.

They began to howl, meow, bark.
Argument and shouting until dawn:
Everyone wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to become king.

We got into a fight on New Year's Eve
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Wool flies and fluff!

But from heaven it is strictly
The Japanese god looked.
And he said: “It’s time, by God,
Stop the commotion!

Will rule every year
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Each in his own turn!"

And they went to reign in a circle,
Keeping the calendar
Animals, birds - all to each other -
Friend, comrade, brother and king.

We got into a friendly round dance
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Join the general circle!

A. Usachev


Snow, snow is spinning,
The whole street is white!
We gathered in a circle,
They spun like a snowball.

D. Venevitinov


Spinning easily and clumsily,
The snowflake sat on the glass.
It snowed thick and white at night -
The room is bright from the snow.
The flying fluff is a little powdery,
And the winter sun rises.
Like every day - fuller and better,
Fuller and better New Year...

A. Tvardovsky

Winter has come,
It brought us cold.
Snow is falling from the sky.
Let's go for a walk soon, my friend!
Let's run quickly in joy -
Snowdrifts in the yard!
Skis, sleds, sweets -
"Hooray!" - we shout to winter.

A. Gladkaya

Winter night

The roads are frozen,
It became quiet on the ground.
The bear is warming itself in its den,
A squirrel warms itself in a hollow.

Blizzards sleep under the pine tree,
Basking in lunar silver.
Children warm themselves in bed.
The winds heat up in the chimney.

Dreams fly next door
Inconspicuous and quiet.
And quietly, near the heart,
Poems warm up.

First snow

Snow falls on white paws
Quiet, joyful. First.
All the pillars put on their hats
A little to the right are snowy ones.

Snowflakes weave a blanket
And they lay on the ground timidly.
Nowhere now
No road or path.

It's snowing, it's snowing
They forgot to turn it off.
The bluish smell of the morning
I entered the door, they barely opened it,

And he buried himself awkwardly
Into my hot palms.
Somewhere in the back of the closet
The skis trembled like horses.

L. Fadeeva

We are snowy

The cloud turned into snow
And she attacked everyone!
Especially for the guys!
What a snowdrift!

It turned out - look -
Absolutely snowy Vitya!
Snowy me!
And snowy Roma!
How do they recognize us at home?

L. Fadeeva

Happy New Year!

Well, the Christmas tree is simply marvelous!
How elegant, how beautiful!
Here the lights are lit on it -
Hundreds of tiny lights.

And decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five-winged star.

The doors are wide open, like in a fairy tale,
The round dance rushes along,
And over this round dance
Talk, songs, ringing laughter.

Happy New Year,
Happy New Happiness to everyone!

E. Blaginina

Snow woman

We are the snow woman
We sculpted with Alyosha.
Was fluffy snow
The whole yard is covered in dust.

We are the snow woman
We sculpted with Alyosha.
Laughed like a lump of snow
They rolled through the snow.

We are the snow woman
We sculpted with Alyosha,
But Vova appeared
Good car.

And immediately we
They stopped sculpting.
Behind Vovin's jeep
We suddenly ran.

And long the crow
I looked with a question:
I probably regretted it
Baba without a nose.

Minus thirty

Minus thirty, minus thirty,
There is a network of patterns on the window.
To freeze, as they say,
Much worse than sweating.

A passerby crunches outside the window
Keeps warm on the way.
It's sad to stay at home
But don't go to school either.

And the cold is not scary at all,
It will be warmer during the day.
Hey neighbor, let's get ready
We'll go outside.

Minus thirty, minus thirty,
At the skating rink the skates are clinking.
They forbade us to study
But walking will not be prohibited.

New Year's

It happens, it happens -
The winter wind howls
And pushes me in the back
Like a penguin penguin on ice.

The wind is blowing, the wind is angry,
With a claw clinging to faces,
To press your cheek to yours and cry:
- I'm a coward and a creep.

Can I climb between
A mitten and clothes?
Can I stay with you while I'm at it?
It's cold, will I stay warm?

We'll get home faster
And then the battery
Without bothering anyone
I will shrink into a thin ring.

I will become affectionate, I will become sultry,
I will smell like fresh pine needles,
And having gained new strength,
I'll fly away. I give you my word -

It happens, it happens,
The snowflake melts on your face.
The winter wind presses from the side,
Waiting for someone to answer him.



At dawn, in the icy twilight,
The chorus of birches was higher and foggy.
And the grove stood like Louis, -
In gray curls of early frost.

But again, beyond the empty distances,
Red, as if after a storm,
The sun rose with the thought of the desert
In a hot-dreaming squint.

Climbed along the bark, strengthened himself
On its branches the fire is slanted,
And the curly frost straightened,
Made by water simple-haired.

The frost melted without even trying
Stay in the light net of the thicket,
Shrinking like a white ostrich,
Turning away and leaving.

N. Matveeva


Why do the walkers walk so decorously?

Night. Silence. Only the door is outside
It strains the frame and cracks,
Sheet steel of fierce cold
Lined like a shield.

The well sleeps in its shell, like a knight,
With a crane that looks like a spear...
On a rope, barely visible in the darkness,
Frozen laundry clangs.

Sheets in insensibility pearl
They float like ghosts of banners,
From the shirts comes the chain mail,
It's like a bell ringing.

Well, tell me, who won’t be sad?
Is winter frozen right into your soul?
Only winter doesn’t get boring in winter,
Only she herself is having fun:

Rolling over gray fields,
Networks of branches are glued together with ice,
Pile up snowdrifts in stacks,
So that no one - neither from the house nor into the house.

Then he dives into an inclined hollow,
Like a pearl fisher at the bottom,
It points a sharp snowflake
With curiosity through a dark window...

The cold snaps your fingers,
We don’t wash it, we take it for a ride
And it seems to be pulling tighter
Belts of melted birches.

Why do the walkers walk so decorously?
Why are they walking so sleepily and slowly?
Are the arrows sticking to the numbers?
Are the numbers sticking to the arrows?

N. Matveeva


On New Year's Eve under a bright Christmas tree
I found my gift.
In an old shoe box
The golden kitten was sleeping.

Nose with a button, tail with a brush,
Paws in white shoes,
And mustache, mustache!
And stripes on the sides.

I'll take him to bed.
I'll sing a song quietly,
So that he sleeps sweetly,
I'll tell you a bedtime story!

S. Suvorova

The New Year is rushing at a trot

The New Year is rushing at a trot,
He hurries into the house and knocks;
There is white ice on the lakes
The eye is blinding and sparkling.

The maple, hugging the alder, stands -
It's warmer together;
He says something quietly
To her, her bride.

The sun will fall soon
Fun over the hill;
He'll go wild and sing
The forest is ringing with a blizzard.

The snow will dance in a round dance,
Will spin like a whirlwind;
Soon, soon New Year!
Trotting to visit.

K. Avdeenko

It's cold outside

It's cold outside
Frost on the grass
The sun frowned
Not to be seen anywhere.

The ducks are quackin' in the sky
They fly in a school,
Toads croak quietly
Only the laughter of the guys

It spreads here and there,
They are running
Dogs are barking,
No matter how many times

They won't come home
I like to walk
With a crowd of kids,
What a blessing!

Even though there is no sun
And winter came
And not a grain of heat,
Autumn has taken away.

Everyone's having fun anyway
It's winter outside the window,
I hung up the lace,
I brought a Christmas tree.


Merry songs rang out
On a green spacious meadow.
Through the snowdrifts, lying like mold,
A blizzard began to swirl.

Oh, winter! You're coming down to the ground
Unyielding, violent and light...
Above ground, wild

Poems for children about the New Year

Children dance in circles
They clap their hands.
Hello, hello New Year,
You are so good.

Without Santa Claus
Snowflakes don't fly
Without Santa Claus
The patterns don't shine...
Without Santa Claus
And the trees don't burn,
And there is no frost
Fun for the guys.

Father Frost

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He got into my felt boots.
They say he is Santa Claus
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

He ruined the water tap
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
And he plays pranks like a little boy.
Author E. Tarakhovskaya

New Year

It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear. And I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!
Author Nina Naydenova

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You're probably cold?
The day was spent walking around the city,
I froze my beard!
Put your nose on the battery -
I'll warm you up now!

How the animals waited for Santa Claus

New Year is coming very soon!
Santa Claus will come to visit,
They are still waiting for the Snowman;
The animals are busy for now:
They decorate the Christmas trees together:
On green needles
Hanging toys
Serpentine, firecrackers.
Good Grandfather Frost
Brought gifts to everyone:
Misha - honey and pies,
And for the fox - boots.
Squirrel - nuts,
Mushrooms, russula:
Grandma Yaga - sneakers,
An apple and three carrots.
The wolf was late for the holiday,
But he passed the exam.
He is now a wolf stargazer.
Glory to the gray one, honor!
Happy New Year, kids!
Even though it's time to sleep,
The animals dance and sing,
All friends are invited to visit!
Author Lyudmila Shevchenko

There are funny toys on our Christmas tree:
Funny hedgehogs and funny frogs,
Funny bears, funny deer,
Funny walruses and funny seals.

We are also a little funny in masks,
Santa Claus needs us to be funny,
So that it would be joyful, so that laughter could be heard,
After all, today is a happy holiday for everyone!

New Year is a wonderful holiday.
The boys are waiting for him.
Santa Claus is such a prankster -
Everyone is playing hide and seek.
We're tired of waiting for you
Come quickly.
Look what a tree -
There is no one cuter than her!
And we are also waiting for gifts,
Tasty candy,
Give us riddles -
We will find the answers.

It's snowing outside the window,
So, New Year is coming soon.
Santa Claus is on his way,
It will take him a long time to get to us
Through the snowy fields,
Through snowdrifts, through forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.
Happy New Year to us
And he will leave us gifts.

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is coming alive.
Well, Grandfather Frost!..
What cheeks, what a nose!..
A beard, a beard!..
And there's a star on the hat!
There are specks on the nose!
And those eyes... are daddy's!

We've been waiting for one thing all evening:
When will the Christmas tree come to our house?
Opposite the window flashed -
The tree there has been removed a long time ago!

A light came on in another window -
There the grandfather climbed onto the stool
And he attached a star to the top of his head,
And I gave each of my grandchildren a cracker!

The New Year is already here!
What if the Christmas tree doesn’t come to us?

Hooray! Call! Together with my sister
We're jumping at the door.
First the tree enters the house,
And dad follows her!

Paper Santa Claus,
And gray-haired and important,
With a beard and a bag,
With a wooden staff.
A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity,
And now he's standing on a chair
Near the Christmas tree, on guard.
Watching for the New Year.
Quiet! Do you hear? ...Coming.

Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus!
He brought us a Christmas tree from the forest for the holiday.
The lights sparkle, red, blue -
It’s good for us, Christmas tree, it’s fun with you!

Father Frost.

Old Grandfather Frost
With a white beard
What did you bring to the kids?
For New Year's Eve?
I brought a big bag
It contains toys, books,
Let them meet - good
New Year kids!

In our yard in winter
Baba Snow stood
And a broom in front of you,
She held it like a gun.
But spring came... And then
Baba Snow has settled down.
Streams run around -
They don't care at all
That my head fell
Hands quietly dropped
And sad words
From his white, white lips rolled:
- Goodbye friends!
With you next winter,
I believe I will meet again
To part again in the spring...

What is "New Year"?

Santa Claus for New Year
He will definitely come.
The boys are waiting for him
Birds and animals.
And gifts await him -
After all, they are preparing for him
Jokes, games, fairy tales
And dancing at the Christmas tree.
Laughter flows over the forest,
Santa Claus is laughing!
Animals play with him -
Celebrate the New Year!
Author Olga Korneeva

The bunny washes himself and gets ready for the Christmas tree.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
He put on a bow and became a dandy.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a song, with a dance, with a round dance!
There are games, dancing, laughter everywhere,
Our Christmas tree is the best!

Christmas tree with a thousand lights!
Come quickly, our friend!
Santa Claus for New Year
Invites you to a round dance!

Every home has a lot of light
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring you.
Exactly at midnight they will flash brightly
There are garlands of stars in the sky.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday is Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree
Merry round dance:
Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.

Gifts from Santa Claus

Santa Claus puts all the bunnies under the Christmas tree
By soft toy- fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.

And each fox gets a new comb
For a trendy, shiny and red hairstyle.
So that there is no time for the bunnies to offend -
You have to keep your hair in order.

What did Santa Claus have in store for the bear cub?
A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
An alarm clock that will wake up the bear in the spring.
Author N. Stozhkova

Poems for children about the New Year and Santa Claus

Happy New Year

The wind flutters like a white bird,
Exciting snow-snow.
He knocks on my window:
“Happy New Year, my friend!”
To us in green robes
A guest came from the forest,
Noisy animal meeting
She brought it with her.
Here she is with green bangs,
Christmas tree, there is a Christmas tree in our house,
So it's New Year!
He brings light to every home,
He has loads of gifts!
He gives those gifts
With a joke from Santa Claus.
We sing and play merrily,
We can't be sad now!
Congratulations to all our friends: -
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Good Grandfather Frost
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat,
And his eyes are big
Like dad's blue ones.
It's dad, I'm silent
I secretly want to laugh
Let them have fun
Maybe he will admit it himself.

He has (wow!)
Ice beard,
And when he nods
A quiet ringing is heard!
And they rush to this ringing
Kids from all sides -
Both boys and girls
And hares and squirrels...
Their grandfather, by the way,
Sprinkles with white snow.
It’s immediately obvious that grandfather loves
And children, and white...
From embroidered mittens
Grandfather releases tits.
They scurry around next to him,
Sing winter songs!
Attached to the road
Bag embroidered with gold,
He, under the snow-star flag,
He's coming towards us with great strides!
And leads by the hand
Little granddaughter!

New Year's Day!
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.

The painted ball swayed,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He got into my felt boots.
They say he is Santa Claus
And he plays pranks like a little boy.
He ruined the water tap
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he plays pranks like a little boy.
He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old,
And he plays pranks like a little one!

The New Year is rushing at a trot,
He hurries into the house and knocks;
There is white ice on the lakes
The eye is blinding and sparkling.

The maple, hugging the alder, stands -
It's warmer together;
He says something quietly
To her, her bride.

The sun will fall soon
Fun over the hill;
He'll get rowdy and start singing
The forest is ringing with a blizzard.

The snow will dance in a round dance,
Will spin like a whirlwind;
Soon, soon New Year!
Trotting to visit.
Author Kirill Avdeenko

New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of miracles.
The Christmas tree is hurrying to catch the train,
Leaving the winter forest.
And the stars shine brightly
And they dance in a circle.
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
For the New, New Year!

Little funny guys like snowflakes
They fly and fly all night.
And songs are everywhere
Sounds funny.
The wind whistles
Blizzard sings
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
For the New, New Year!

Poems for children about the New Year and Santa Claus

Christmas tree at school
The school is noisy
The running and noise of children...
Know that they are not for learning
We gathered in it today.
No, Christmas tree
It is lit in her today;
The motley of its elegant
She makes the kids happy.
Toys beckon to a child's eye
Here are horses, there is a top,
Here's the railroad
Here is a hunting horn.
And the lanterns, and the stars,
That diamonds burn!
golden nuts!
Transparent grapes!
May you be blessed
You, whose kind hand
I chose this tree
For the little ones!..
Rarely, rarely illuminates
Joy is bright in their days,
And all year long they will dream
Christmas tree bright lights.


In a fur coat, in a hat, in a shower jacket
The janitor was smoking a pipe,
And, sitting down on a bench,
The janitor said to the snow:

"Are you flying or melting?
You won't understand anything here!
You sweep, you sweep,
You're just sweeping to no avail!
Why am I talking?
I'll sit and smoke."

The janitor smokes a pipe, smokes...
And the snow squints my eyes,
And sighs and yawns,
And suddenly he falls asleep.

Look, Manya... - Vanya shouted.
You see, the scarecrow is sitting
And eyes like embers
He looks at his broom.

It's like a snow granny
Or just Santa Claus,
Well, give him a hat,
Grab him by the nose!"

And how it growls!
How his feet will knock!
How can he jump up from the bench?
Yes, he will shout in Russian:

"You'll be freezing already -
How to grab me by the nose!"
Author Daniil Kharms

The snowman sends a letter to his friend:
"I wish you a blizzard...
So that the blizzard lasts all year...
Ice, snowdrifts, snow slides,
And the frost is minus forty...
And warmth!"
A. Usachev

"Every house has a lot of light..."

Every home has a lot of light
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring you.
Exactly at midnight they will flash brightly
There are garlands of stars in the sky.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday is Santa Claus!

How happy the children will be
They will run up in a crowd,
And the Christmas tree is shining brightly
Multi-colored lights.

Will gather near the Christmas tree
Merry round dance:
Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.
A. Barto

Father Frost

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He got into my felt boots.
They say he is Santa Claus
And he plays pranks like a little boy.
He ruined the water tap
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he plays pranks like a little boy.
He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old,
And he plays pranks like a little boy!
E. Tarakhovskaya

Santa Claus puts all the bunnies under the Christmas tree
For a soft toy - a fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.

And each fox gets a new comb
For a trendy, shiny and red hairstyle.
So that there is no time for the bunnies to offend -
You have to keep your hair in order.

What did Santa Claus have in store for the bear cub?
A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
An alarm clock that will wake up the bear in the spring.
N. Stozhkova

I am Frost, Red Nose,
With a white beard.
I'll pinch you to tears!
Don't joke with me.
For what, why
Should I be angry?
I came to you, friends,
To have fun!
New Year, New Year
I'm meeting you
Happy New Year to all of you
I congratulate you.
E. Boguslavskaya

Paper Santa Claus,
And gray-haired and important,
With a beard and a bag,
With a wooden staff...

A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity.
And now he's standing on a chair
He is under the tree, on guard -
New Year awaits.
- Quiet!
Do you hear?
It's coming!
S. Pshenichnykh

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
We don't know you.
And you, Santa Claus,
We welcome you with joy.

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
Let's sing a song
And you in a round dance
We invite children.

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
Hit your palms harder
And we have more fun
The legs will dance.
E. Boguslavskaya

"What are you doing, Winter?.."
- What are you doing, Winter?
- I’m building a miracle tower!
I'll sprinkle snow silver,
I decorate everything around.

The carousel will spin,
A rollicking blizzard!
I'll try in the morning
The kids weren't bored

For the tree to light up,
Let the three go!
Winter has countless worries:
The holiday is coming - New Year!
R. Farhadi


Little Christmas tree
It's cold in winter
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.
Little white bunny
Christmas tree asked:
"Mint Gingerbread"
Bring it to the bunny!"
The squirrel was jumping
In a blue fur coat:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
I will go with you!"
Little Christmas tree
The rooms are warm,
Hare and squirrel
They breathe on the glass.
Red finches
Hovering by the window
In a warm thawed patch
The Christmas tree is visible.
How many on the Christmas tree
Colored balls,
Pink gingerbread,
Golden cones!
How many under the Christmas tree
Little guys!
They stomp, they clap,
They cheerfully shout:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Bright lights,
Blue beads
Christmas tree, ring,
An elegant branch
Lower it lower
Us chocolate
Treat me to some fish!
Let's stand under the Christmas tree
In a friendly round dance.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!"
3. Alexandrova

If the frost ends,
The snow will melt white,
What about Grandfather Frost?
Will the poor person do it?

Water will run off it
Streams to the floor,
From his beard then
Will it start to drip too?

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our refrigerator!
E. Tarakhovskaya


Snowman, carrot nose,
I went out into the cold this morning.
I took a shovel to remove the snow,
I took a broom to sweep
I took the sled to go to the forest
And bring some firewood.
And then bake a gingerbread
Invite a bunny to visit
Teddy bear, squirrel and hedgehog,
Sparrow and bullfinch.
Come, forest people!
The snowman is waiting for you to visit.
T. Marshalova

New Year's drawing

This is what Santa Claus is!
Well drawn:
I came out with my bag not empty
Before the New Year!
How good is the old man?
In this picture:
Smiling, standing
At the spruce branches.
And he sings on the Christmas tree
There is a tit in front of him.
May you have a New Year
It will all be a dream.
V. Churnosov

Christmas tree

Christmas tree, fir tree, prickly needle
Where did you grow up? - In the forest.
- What did you see? - A fox.
- What's in the forest? - Frost.
Bare birches,
Wolves and bears
- That's all the neighbors. –
And on New Year's Eve
Everyone sings a song.

(M. Evensen)

The Christmas tree has arrived for the children
The Christmas tree has come to the children,
She brought snow on the branches.
We need to warm up the Christmas tree
Wear a new dress.
The stars shine brightly,
The lights are burning brightly,
Different beads hang -
Wonderful outfit!

Musicians, hurry up!
Play more fun!
Let's dance together in a round dance,

(A. Barto)

New Year

It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!

Good Grandfather Frost - that’s who we can’t imagine the real ones without. New Year's holidays! He is the one who amuses our kids, plays with them, dances, sings....and does a lot pleasant surprises, such as gifts for obedient children. But before giving a gift, Santa Claus likes to listen to poems about winter and, of course, to himself. Therefore, kids should prepare in advance for the long-awaited meeting. We decided to help your little one and have collected on this page a collection of beautiful poems about Santa Claus. Let your child learn the poem he likes by heart, and he will definitely receive his reward from Good Grandfather Frost.

To our Christmas tree

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is coming alive.
Well, Grandfather Frost!
What cheeks, what a nose!
Beard, beard!
And there's a star on the hat!
There are specks on the nose!
And those eyes... are daddy's!

Beard and red nose

Fur coat, hat, mittens.
Tits are sitting on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
It's Santa Claus!

Santa Claus plays pranks like a little boy

Santa Claus, no matter how old,
But he plays pranks like a little one:
It stings your cheeks, it tickles your nose,
He wants to grab you by the ears.
Santa Claus, don't blow in my face,
Enough, do you hear?
Don't spoil!

My dad is Santa Claus

Good Grandfather Frost
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat,
And his eyes are big
Like dad's blue ones.
It's dad, I'm silent
I secretly want to laugh
Let them have fun
Maybe he will admit it himself.

Father Frost

You've gone hundreds of years
All earth and water,
Santa Claus, all-powerful grandfather,
Grandfather is gray-bearded.

Painting trees and bushes
Silver color,
Build resounding bridges
On fast rapids.

And early at dawn
The windows are all like ice floes -
You draw on glass
Wonderful pictures.

Now it’s a birch tree, now it’s a ski track,
Those are meadows and mountains...
You would teach me too
Draw patterns.

I fix pencils
I have to try...
Take a look and decide for yourself:
Maybe I'm an artist?

(A. Igebaev)

Father Frost

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He got into my felt boots.
They say he is Santa Claus
And he plays pranks like a little boy.
He ruined the water tap
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he plays pranks like a little boy.
He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
And he plays pranks like a little boy!

(E. Tarakhovskaya)

Good Grandfather Frost

Good Grandfather Frost
Full of beard.
He's in a hurry today
Together with my granddaughter to the children.
A snowball is falling from the sky,
And grandpa has a bag.
In it he is for each of us
I've got a gift.

Santa Claus

This grandfather has many grandchildren,
The grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather pesters them,
He grabs your fingers and pulls your ears.
But a happy evening comes every year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
He brings gifts and is kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.

Father Frost

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You're probably cold:
The day walked around the city,
I froze my beard...
Place your nose on the battery.
I'll warm you up now!

(A. Usachev)

Beard and red nose

Fur coat, hat, mittens.
Tits are sitting on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
It's Santa Claus!

Father Frost

Take it guys
And join me in your round dance!
I, ruddy, bearded,
Came to you for the New Year!
Lots of fun today!
Friendly song, ring!
Noisy New Year's holiday,
Light up your lights!
I'm happy today too
And I'm friends with the guys.
I won't freeze anyone
I won't catch anyone!

Who's come?

Who's come?
What did you bring?
We know:
Father Frost,
Gray-haired grandfather,
With beard,
He is our dear guest.
He will light the Christmas tree for us,
He will sing songs with us.

If the frost ends

If the frost ends,
The snow will melt white,
What about Grandfather Frost?
Will the poor person do it?

Water will run off it
Streams to the floor,
From his beard then
Will it start to drip too?

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Grandfather Frost,
In our refrigerator!

Santa Claus' staff

Walking through the forest in winter,
Frost will raise the staff -
And the snow will hang like a fringe
On pine and birch trees.

An old grandfather wanders along the river.
He gently knocks with his staff:
And again a miracle! - on water
It will pass as if on dry ground.

Santa Claus will come to the holiday
And he waves his staff -
And millions of bright stars
Will light up in the New Year!

(A. Usachev)

Father Frost

- Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
– Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

Frost the artist

Who draws so skillfully
What kind of miracle dreamers,
Ice drawing is sad:
Rivers, groves and lakes?
Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all one artist.
These are all his paintings.
frolicking in a wide field
And tired of wandering in the forest,
Santa Claus is bored or something?
I decided to get into a warm house.
But scared people
The door was locked
And Morozko - come what may -
Soon he climbed towards them through the window.
But there was a barrier there too -
There was glass everywhere in the windows,
And Morozko out of frustration
He decided to harm people.
He calculated with his cunning eye,
He took the brushes, whitened, enamels -
And by morning all the window glass
No light was allowed into the house.