Christmas tree made of paper using origami technique. Christmas tree made of triangular modules master class

Decorating rooms using origami technique - affordable and beautiful way Decorate any home or office. And it will help create a festive atmosphere Christmas tree origami and other colorful paper crafts.

Simple and colorful origami tree diagram its implementation.

A fluffy and elegant Christmas tree on your desk in the office or at every seating area for guests. New Year's table- it's easy and simple. All it takes is a little effort and origami tree will become your pride and an unusual surprise for others.

You can also make such a Christmas tree with your children. Working with paper has a good effect on the development of motor skills and attention in preschoolers. If you know, how to make an origami Christmas tree, then you will always have something to surprise your friends at the holiday table or simply please the children around you. Well, if you just love origami and create wonderful crafts for the soul, then with the help of this scheme you can easily expand your collection of crafts.

Let's consider in detail, how to make an origami Christmas tree.

To create a Christmas tree we need square sheet paper (it’s better to take double-sided paper, then the craft will turn out more colorful).

We make a double one from a regular square, having previously drawn lines vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

We create the base for the Christmas tree by bending all the edges of the square to the center one by one, as shown in the diagram.

To add volume, we will make six sides out of four. It is necessary to bend all 4 sides back and, carefully pressing the fold, bend it into the middle.

We hide the two remaining corners of the bottom of our tree in the middle.

Turn over and straighten all sides. We should have a finished Christmas tree trunk made of six branches.

We take scissors and make parallel cuts at different heights, without cutting the center of our origami Christmas tree.

Having made folds on each side of the coniferous legs, we bend them in the opposite direction and carefully press them inward, forming a twig. This operation should be done with each of the 6 branches.

Our beauty is ready! Now, if desired, it can be decorated with beads or sparkles - to your taste and discretion.

Decoration of our life - origami tree.

Our life consists of little things and such pleasant joys. After all, making such a simple and small Christmas tree will take you a little time. And if you make more than one of them, the process will go much faster. In anticipation New Year's holidays, it’s so easy to create the right atmosphere with such little things - from several Christmas trees you can make a colorful garland to decorate your home, classroom at school or office... Origami Christmas tree will be a wonderful common activity with children, will help you spend time usefully and will give good mood. Origami is a wonderful world of creating beautiful things from simple paper, and our origami tree diagram will be a great addition to your collection. If you have been doing this kind of creativity for several years, then you know very well that in skillful hands paper comes to life, and the author of each craft infuses a soul into it. This craft will be for children a great gift– together with your child, you can make several origami Christmas trees and give them to kindergarten teachers or other children.

We hope that our master class helped you find out how to make an origami Christmas tree to decorate your home, office or other premises. And the combination of several details - a Christmas tree and snowflakes, for example, will provide you with complete victory.

Christmas tree made of paper. Step-by-step instruction with photo. Origami for older preschoolers

Author: Marina Mikhailovna Goncharova, teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution Central District of Children's Education kindergarten No. 1 "Berezka", the city of Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Purpose: I offer a master class on making a Christmas tree out of paper. The work can become an interior decoration for the New Year or a decoration for the Christmas tree. This master class can be used in classes with older preschoolers, younger schoolchildren, club work, as well as in joint activities children and parents.

Goal of the work: creating a Christmas tree with your own hands.
- Introduce children to making a Christmas tree from paper using the origami method.
- Develop the ability to follow oral instructions.
- Strengthen the skills of accurate paper handling.
- Develop attention, thinking, spatial imagination, aesthetic feelings, Creative skills, fine motor skills.
- To foster interest in the art of origami, accuracy, and independence.

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
To her green color to the face,
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed! (Korney Chukovsky)

A fairy tale about a Christmas tree. (
Once upon a time there lived a small Christmas tree. She, like all Christmas trees, lived in the forest. Our Christmas tree was green and fluffy. She grew up in a clearing and was very pleased with the beauty of various forest animals.
Winter has come. White snow covered the Christmas tree, and it became even fluffier, even more elegant, as if dressed in a warm fur coat. The forest kids had fun all day long: little hares, squirrels, moose calves, titmice and bullfinches in the clearing, near the Christmas tree. One day, someone’s footsteps were heard in the forest, the animals, in fright, rushed in all directions and hid. Soon a father and three children came out into the clearing: two girls and a boy.
- Dad, dad, look at the Christmas tree! Just what we need! – the older children shouted joyfully and pulled daddy’s sleeve.
“And, really,” dad answered, “let’s remember this clearing and come tomorrow with an ax to cut down the Christmas tree.” Let's dress her up better, and she will decorate our house for the holiday.
The older children were delighted, but the younger girl suddenly began to cry:
“Dad, dad, there’s no need to chop down the Christmas tree,” she sobbed, “It’s so beautiful, so fluffy, I feel sorry for cutting it down.”
- Well, what about us without a Christmas tree? New Year? - Dad asked.
- Daddy, let's buy an artificial one. I saw it in the store. And we’ll leave this one for bunnies and squirrels. They also need a Christmas tree for the holiday.
Dad looked at her carefully, and then smiled and said:
- You're right, it's a pity for the Christmas tree. She will disappear in our home, in the warmth. And here the Christmas tree can continue to grow for many, many years and bring joy to everyone.
They decided on that, and then went home. Only the next day there were footsteps in the forest again. The forest animals were scared. Have people really changed their minds and are going to cut down the Christmas tree? They see the same dad and children coming out into the clearing again. But in their hands they do not have an ax, but a huge box. And there’s just so much in the box! And balls, and golden cones, and Stuffed Toys, and beads! They began to decorate the Christmas tree. A large and shiny red star was placed on the top of the head. And under the Christmas tree they put gifts for the forest animals: carrots, apples, nuts, grains and hay.
- We have a beautiful Christmas tree! – Dad said, “We came up with a good idea.” Well, now let’s go home, we have to hurry, otherwise we won’t have time to go to the store to buy a Christmas tree.
They left, and the little hares, squirrels, moose calves and other forest animals ran out into the clearing. They began to feast on gifts and then dance around the Christmas tree. And the Christmas tree is so beautiful, so elegant! Stands, rejoices, smiles at his friends. Finally, they, the forest animals, have a real New Year's holiday!

To make crafts you need to prepare: green double-sided paper, pencil, scissors.

Sequence of work:
Prepare a green square.

Fold the square in half towards you, matching the top and bottom sides and corners. Gently smooth the fold line with your finger. Unfold the square, align the sides (fold it in half again).

Unfold the square, bend it along one and the other diagonal, you get a triangle.

Turn the square at an angle towards you.

Fold the side corners inward along the fold lines to form a basic double square shape.

Fold the right and left corners of the upper square alternately towards the middle and iron.

Unfold the fold of the right corner, lift it up, combine left side fold the side panel with the left corner and press. Bend to the right.

Repeat the same action with the left corner.

Turn the square over and repeat the same steps with the other corners.

The result is a quadrangle.

Draw a line along the bottom of the workpiece and cut it off. (you can cut it at the level of the corners, then the Christmas tree will be lower)

Make markings along the side fold line in increments of 1.5 cm.

Using scissors we make cuts towards the midline.

We bend each cut at a corner.

The result is such a voluminous green pre-holiday Christmas tree.

Very beautiful, lush and elegant. I really liked the master class from the Land of Masters user Olchik, I decided to share it with you.
This tree took 2028 green modules. Origami modules size 1/32 A4 sheet. The height of the paper Christmas tree is 22 cm.

We begin to assemble one branch of the Christmas tree of the bottom row from the modules.

1st circle. row - you will need 33 modules.

Make 10 of these branches in total. We glue all of them with PVA on the short side of the branch modules.

We connect (glue) the branches together with 1 module.

This bottom row took 340 triangular modules.

Let's make a base for the Christmas tree, glue a stick onto a piece of wood (I glued it with a hot-melt gun).

Glue the bottom row of the Christmas tree onto this base.

2nd circle. row: do the same as the first, but the branch took 30 modules, i.e. reduce by 1 row. We also glue and glue with 1 module. Glue it to the base. It took 310 modules.

3rd circle. row: We reduce in the same way - 27 modules were needed per branch. As a result, 280 modules were needed per row.

4th circle. row - 24 modules per branch. 10 branches, connect. It took 250 modules to complete the circle.
5th circle. row - 1 branch - 21 mods / 220 modules
6th circle. row - 1 branch - 18 mods / 190 modules
7th circle. row - 1 branch - 15 mods / 160 modules
8th circle. row - 1 branch - 12 mods / 130 modules
9th circle. row: Here we make 9 branches of 9 modules each. We glue and connect. It took 90 modules.

10th circle. row: 1st row - 16 modules, 2nd row - 16 modules, 3rd row, as in the picture on the left, we put the module on one corner - 16 modules, 4th row - 8 modules. (56 modules)

11th circle. row: According to the principle of the 10th circle, 8 modules, 8 modules, 16 modules, 8 modules. (40 modules)

12th circle. row - 8 modules, 8 modules. (16 modules)

Glue all the circles onto the base using a hot-melt gun.

It is difficult to imagine that once in Rus' a green fluffy Christmas tree was just a tree. After the decree of Peter the Great, everyone, young and old, associates her with the most happy holiday New Year. If we make stars and snowflakes out of paper, then making a Christmas tree using the origami technique for the holiday is a must.

Christmas tree on Christmas tree

This little green Christmas tree can be made by your child to his and your great pleasure. And then tie a thread to the top of the head and hang it on the New Year's green real beauty.

  • Take a square sheet of green paper and mark all the axes and diagonals on it, folding and unfolding the workpiece.

  • Fold it as shown in the photo.

  • Mark the fold line by bending and straightening each of the four wings.

  • Make pockets out of them, aligning the center with the center.

  • Fold the corners right side first.

  • And then tuck them inside. We have already created a small smooth Christmas tree with 8 edges.

  • Let's make her spruce paws. To do this, cut each of the 8 edges by 0.5-1 cm in 2-4 places. To make the Christmas tree symmetrical, you can cut it by folding two or three edges together.

  • The most difficult operation. Bend the cuts as shown in the photo, marking the lines for the next operation.

  • Tuck in the segments that you just folded back.

  • Make a leg out of a smaller square of brown paper. The assembly diagram is the same. Then sew the crown with thread. Christmas tree decoration ready.

Each modular origami, including the Christmas tree, begins with the production of many identical small modules from paper. Following the scheme, you need to collect 5 snowflakes of different sizes.

The smallest consists of 16 modules and has 8 beams (position 2). The second five-pointed star starts with 10 modules in a circle (position 3). The third snowflake consists of six rays (position 4) and starts with 12 modules. The fourth snowflake (positions 5-8) has 14 modules and 7 rays. And the largest modular snowflake has 8 rays (position 9-12) and additional inserts (position 10).

When all tiers are made, the moment of assembly begins. Place all the green snowflakes on one axle and secure the star to the top of your head.

A modest origami Christmas tree is made from a one-sided sheet of colored paper. Since this Christmas tree does not shine with anything special, give it grace and shine with beautiful material.

  1. Take a square sheet of the most elegant paper and fold it diagonally, outlining the lines.
  2. Select the main corner of the square, which will later become the top of the holiday tree, and mark two more lines from it, folding the corners adjacent to it towards the middle.
  3. We fold the accordion, bending the workpiece twice. The first step starts from the horizontal axis that you outlined in the first point.
  4. Turn the workpiece over.
  5. We outline the fold lines. The first two folds are made uphill.
  6. The second two folds are on the contrary inward, “valley”.
  7. Now move the sides of the workpiece so that the paper itself wants to fold. Fold the sagging corners up.
  8. Fold in the lowest corner, aligning the tree horizontally.
  9. Turn the Christmas tree over to face you.
  10. Give it volume by slightly bending it along the vertical axis.
  11. This Christmas tree can be placed on festive table, stick it on a card or just give it to your mom.

Fluffy beauty (video)

Many people have heard about the origami technique, but not everyone has encountered it in practice. Today, origami-style crafts are again popular and in demand, like other hand-made products. In addition, origami is accessible to everyone: both adults and children.

You should start the process of creating origami with simple crafts. For example, you can make a simple origami Christmas tree for beginners. Such activities, as a rule, bring a lot of positive emotions, develop logic and creativity, aesthetic taste and fine motor skills.

The main goal of origami is the process of learning this technique, creating crafts and using them in game forms, development of logic, attention and perseverance, training of memory and imagination.

Making a craft in the form of a beautiful three-dimensional Christmas tree is quite simple and not at all difficult. To prepare such a gift for your to a loved one, it will take a little diligence and patience. In addition, you can do origami together, and you can also attend a master class and learn in practice how to make an origami Christmas tree.

To create an origami Christmas tree, you will need the following materials: a sheet of green paper on both sides measuring 21x21 cm, a ruler, a simple pencil and scissors.

Master class on creating a Christmas tree

You can create an origami Christmas tree with your own hands using our step-by-step recommendations:

Step 1. Take a sheet of paper (colored on both sides) in the shape of a square with a side length of 21 cm, fold along all existing diagonals, the square should be divided into 8 parts.

Step 2. Fold the square into a triangle, divided by fold lines into 4 parts.

Step 3: Form a diamond shape by tucking the corners of the triangle's base inside it.

Step 4. Place the diamond in front of you with the fold lines (edges) facing up and fold them towards the fold line diagonally across the diamond to form the base of the tree, first on one side, then flip it over and repeat.

Step 5. At this stage you need to create eight sides from four. To do this, return the bent sides to their previous position, carefully press the fold line of the rib and bend it inward. Do this to all four ribs. As a result, there should be eight ribs.

Step 6. In the resulting figure in the form of an accordion, cut off the excess edges on the inside, and bend the corners of the outer elements inside the Christmas tree. On the picture step-by-step creation Origami Christmas trees can be learned and practiced every step of this creative process to make the task easier.

Step 7. Turn the Christmas tree upside down and straighten all the edges, the trunk with eight separate branches is ready.

Step 8. Place the folded structure in the form of a triangle in front of you, and cut the paper on both sides perpendicular to the trunk, not reaching the center of the tree about 5 mm, parallel with an interval of 10 mm.

Step 9. Bend the corners of the cuts diagonally (from the upper inner corner to the lower outer). This operation is performed for each branch of the Christmas tree.

Step 10. Bend the bent corners back and bend them inside the branches. Repeat this for each cut on the branches of the Christmas tree. As a result, the paws of the Christmas tree will be voluminous, as if fluffy.

Step 11. The forest beauty is ready and looks great.

The trunk of the Christmas tree can be glued from the inside, then the craft will become more compact. Well, now you have learned how to make an origami Christmas tree, if you still have any questions, you can use other instructions located on the sites.

In addition, you can make a modular origami Christmas tree, i.e. a Christmas tree consisting of many small parts (modules). As a result of use modular technology In the process of origami, crafts become voluminous.

Origami is a very fun and exciting creative process that every person should try in their life or get their children interested in it. In addition, this does not require huge financial costs at all; all you need is desire and a little free time.

A variety of origami crafts can be found on websites. Perhaps these will be beautiful spring flowers, figurines of animals or birds, and other objects. However, you should start with small and simple schemes.

Try it and you will definitely like it! Please with crafts self made your loved ones!

Photo origami Christmas tree