Philip Kirkorov luxuriously decorated the house for the New Year. Philip Kirkorov boasted of the New Year's decor in the mansion Men's and women's visiting Philip

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Boris Korchevnikov launched a new television project on "Russia 1". In the new show "The Fate of Man", ex-presenter "Live broadcast" will talk with famous people about very frank topics concerning their difficult life path. New episodes are added to our website every day « Destiny of man», which you can watch online at any time, from any convenient place.

"Live" on the TV channel "Russia" is a program for those who want to keep their finger on the pulse. This beloved program, year after year, tells viewers about problems that are of interest to absolutely everyone. Recently "Live" began a new page in its history - the host of the program became Andrei Malakhov.

"Let them talk"- the most famous show not only in Russia, but also in many countries former USSR. Over its history, the program changed its name several times. In particular, it was called “The Big Wash” and “Five Evenings.” However, in the summer of 2005, the show completely changed its format. Now it widely discusses private life and covers the scandals of stars. Some episodes also contain entertaining moments, and the most popular stories of the program are widely discussed on the Internet in various forums and social networks. After the star of the program left, Andrey Malakhov, on “Russia”, leading "Let them talk" became Dmitry Borisov, a rather ambitious and interesting young journalist.

Program "Male/Female" It got its name for a reason. It features a charismatic actor and director Alexander Gordon and charming Yulia Baranovskaya skillfully collide male and female views on various problems of individuals and families. The program widely discusses the stories of individual people, and chooses stories that will not leave anyone indifferent. Invited experts from various fields openly express their opinions and try in every possible way to help the program’s heroes solve their problems. Yulia Baranovskaya, a former companion of Russian football player Andrei Arshavin, previously worked as a consultant for the program “What Men Want” on TNT, and also hosted “Girls” programs on “Russia 1” and on TNT.

In each episode of the program, three candidates are selected who will compete for the heart of the main character of the episode. Applicants consciously go to the program, since they themselves chose the object of their adoration on the site "Channel One". The courtship process consists of various dances, songs, demonstrations of their skills, which, according to the candidates, should surprise the main character. The already fascinating spectacle is succinctly commented on by the presenter Larisa Guzeeva, who leads the discussion of the candidates and the main character with astrologers Tamara Globa And Vasilisa Volodina, as well as with a professional matchmaker Rosa Syabitova.

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“Male/Female” is a project that will try to help men and women understand their relationships. Here’s what Alexander Gordon’s co-host Yulia Baranovskaya says: “This is a project about relationships, about feelings, about emotions.
It seems to me that I myself am an open enough person to feel each family and each situation separately. I believe that similar situations do not exist. There are two people who create a family, and these two people are individual and unique.
Personally, I will always fight for the fact that we need to work on relationships, save them in difficult moments, and not run away at the first crisis that arises. This point of view is clearly not shared by my co-host Alexander Gordon. We will have something to argue about."

Male Female - Visiting Philip Kirkorov (12/30/2016)

Yulia Baranovskaya and her children went straight to the home of the Russian pop king Philip Kirkorov. He will gladly welcome millions of viewers, telling them about his life, plans for the future and, of course, showing his wonderful Martin and Alla-Victoria.

Male Female Channel One broadcast from 12/30/2016

  • Men's Women's from 12/30/2016 watch online
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  • Men's Women's latest issue
  • Today's issue “Male Feminine” dated 12/30/2016

The pop king of the Russian stage, Philip Kirkorov, and his two children, Martin and Alla-Victoria, are looking forward to the New Year. The famous singer chicly decorated his house for the celebration. In a luxurious mansion, he placed a five-meter living Christmas tree. The artist showed the host of the “Male/Female” program, Yulia Baranovskaya, his festive decorations. She came to visit Philip Kirkorov along with her three children - Arseny, Yana and Artem. The singer gladly gave a tour for the Baranovskaya family. The first thing that caught everyone’s eye was the huge forest beauty.

“For the first time in my life I have a real Christmas tree at home; I’ve had artificial ones all my life. At first they said that there was a lot of garbage, then that it was an allergy. Now I have grown up, I no longer have allergies. Not just a meter-long, two-meter, but a five-meter real Christmas tree,” Kirkorov said.

Julia and the children were amazed at the size of the tree. The TV presenter drew attention to the fact that unusual toys hung on the Christmas tree - balls with portraits of the entire star family. Philip Kirkorov admitted that these were gifts from his fans. Baranovskaya asked whether the children of the king of the Russian pop scene wrote letters to Santa Claus. It turned out that Martin and Alla Victoria did not ask the storyteller for anything. Julia suggested that Kirkorov himself fulfills all the wishes of his children. He admitted that he doted on the kids. After the birth of his son and daughter, he gained meaning in life.

Philip admitted that he never makes plans for the New Year in advance.

“Everything is always spontaneous with us, the idea is born literally on December 31st. Grandpa Bedros dresses up as Santa Claus, it's always a surprise for them. This has been a tradition since childhood, his favorite pastime,” Kirkorov said.

// Photo: Shot from the “Male/Female” program

In Kirkorov's mansion, decorated New Year's garlands and spruce wreaths, a festive atmosphere was felt. Everything in the dining room big family Philippa Bedrosovich gathered for a gala dinner. The children found gifts under the tree - the girls received dolls, and the boys were delighted with the cars.

// Photo: Shot from the “Male/Female” program

December 30, 2016

The artist showed the crew of the “Male/Female” program how his family was preparing for the holiday.

Yulia Baranovskaya and her three children came to visit Philip Kirkorov. He, in turn, took great pleasure in showing the TV presenter the festive atmosphere in his home. Most of all, Yulia Baranovskaya and her heirs were struck by a five-meter high tree. In a conversation with a colleague of Alexander Gordon, the king of pop said that he changed his habits only with the advent of children: daughter Alla-Victoria and son Martin.

“For the first time in my life I have a real Christmas tree at home; I’ve had artificial ones all my life. At first they said that there was a lot of garbage, then that it was an allergy. Now I have grown up, I no longer have allergies. Not just a meter-long, two-meter, but a five-meter real Christmas tree,” the singer said with delight.

Yulia Baranovskaya with children visiting Philip Kirkorov/Photo: frame from the program

As Yulia managed to find out, Kirkorov’s heirs did not write letters to Santa Claus. Baranovskaya suggested that this is due to the fact that the famous father most likely fulfills all the wishes of his children on his own. Philip agreed with this statement, admitting that with the birth of his daughter and son, he and his relatives had a meaning in life. The artist also spoke about the upcoming New Year celebrations.

“Everything is always spontaneous with us, the idea is born literally on December 31st. Grandpa Bedros dresses up as Santa Claus, it's always a surprise for them. This has been a tradition since childhood, his favorite pastime,” Kirkorov said in the “Male/Female” program. Let us remind you that the singer is fundamentally in New Year's Eve to spend time with your family.

Visiting Philip Kirkorov, meeting the king's children. Photo, video.
From birth, Philip Kirkorov tried not to show the faces of his children in public. And finally, I decided to show my son Martin and daughter Alla Victoria to my fans. TV presenter Leonid Zakoshansky visited the country mansion of the King of Pop and talked with all members of the Kirkorov star family.

One look at the singer’s children is enough to make sure: they are just a copy of their dad. Martin is very similar to Philip as a child. Alla Victoria has softer facial features and lighter hair.

In Kirkorov's three-story mansion, the presence of children is felt everywhere: in all rooms there are toys, bright musical instruments, cars, books, and markers. Children are very sociable and inquisitive, they happily talk about everything they see, and are not at all embarrassed by the presence of strangers. “Daddy, can I draw?” - Martin tenderly addresses the king of pop, and Philip melts at the words of his heir. The kids spend all the time together, but at the same time, according to Philip, they are not deprived of communication with other children, for example, they walk and play with the neighbor kids.
“They have a lot of friends in kindergarten,” says the artist. It was Kirkorov who insisted that his kids go to kindergarten and learned to communicate with peers.

The artist showed the film crew several rooms of his house, including children's rooms and a personal bedroom. There is a portrait of Alla Pugacheva hanging above Philip Bedrosovich’s bed, and another one on the side wall. “She is my muse!” - the artist modestly reports. Zakoshansky, meanwhile, asks indiscreet questions and tries to ask Alla-Victoria on which side of the bed dad usually sleeps. Finds out what's on the right.

Leonid Zakoshansky (left) spent the whole day in Kirkorov’s house. Photo: NTV Channel

By the way, despite the double name, Philip addresses his daughter simply: “Allochka.” Let us remind you that the singer gave the baby a double name in honor of Alla Pugacheva and his late mother Victoria.
According to Philip, he decided to film this program in order to show the audience that they have a normal family and so that “all these discussions would finally stop.” Aunt Philippa Marie takes care of the children, and she is helped by nannies and housekeeper Lucy. His father Bedros Kirkorov also lives in Kirkorov’s mansion, who dotes on his grandchildren.
Kirkorov's children often visit the castle of Galkin and Pugacheva - it is located next door, literally across the road. Alla Victoria and Martin are very friendly with Kristina Orbkaite’s daughter Klava. But Pugacheva’s children Harry and Lisa are still too young, and Philip’s children are not yet able to be friends with them.

But the surprises and sensations did not end there. In a conversation with the children, Leonid Zakoshansky unexpectedly found out one more detail: it turns out that their mother also lives with them in the mansion! According to Martin, their mother's name is Natasha, and she is always there for them.

Children of Kirkorov: “Our mother Natasha lives with us!”
The children of the King of Pop accidentally told the journalist about their mother when they showed him their drawings and crafts.
- Who helps you make such beautiful applications? - asked Leonid.
“Dad and our mother Natasha,” Martin answered seriously.
- Does your mother live with you? - Zakoshansky was dumbfounded.
Philip had no choice but to join the conversation.
“We have a normal family, both mom and dad,” Kirkorov hastened to explain, “It’s just that our mother is not a public person, she doesn’t like all this.” Children live in a full-fledged family.
According to Philip, the children’s mother is always there for them, and she often has to cope with everything on her own because he works a lot.
- The children are, of course, very sad when I leave for work. When I'm not there, the whole family takes care of them. Grandmother grandfather. And mom helps.
- You said it yourself, Philip Bedrosovich, mind you! “Everyone thinks that mom is far away, somewhere in America,” Zakoshansky screwed up.
- It's not a secret. Our mother is simply not a public person. These are normal children, we have a normal family.
- Is mom being hidden by everyone around her so that there are no television cameras in her life?
- We already have enough attention, our dad is a star, our grandfather is a star. And my mother is not a public person. Enough, we've already become star-struck.

The announcement of the program mentions the children's mother - will you really show her too?
- You'll see everything for yourself. Yes, I asked about my mother, and Alla Victoria told me that she lives with them. The girl is sincere, she cannot be fooled - she told it like it is. In general, the energy in this house is amazing. You can make repairs, buy furniture, but you can’t buy comfort. There is a lot of love in Philip's house - of course, thanks to the children.

Video: Visiting Philip Kirkorov, the king's children.

Philip Kirkorov - Angels Descended from Heaven

Oh my Madonna, the night is sleepless again,
The bright moon is shining outside my window again.
I pray, Madonna, with my head bowed,
So that the little angels sleep in a serene sleep.


O Holy Virgin, faith grows stronger in the heart,
Turning all sorrows and worries into smoke.
O my Madonna, bowed before you
I ask one thing: give happiness to my angels.

Angels came down from heaven to console and save me,
Save me from loneliness in my soul!
Angels descended from heaven to be with me on Earth,
And so that my song does not end.

Angels descended from heaven...

Angels descended from heaven to be with me on Earth,
And so that my song does not end.

And that means my song will not end.

Video: Philip Kirkorov “Angels Descended from Heaven”

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