Where is the fetus at 10 weeks? Possible physical sensations

Every mother of a 10-week-old baby knows what exhausting sleepless nights are. It is at this age that the baby is especially restless and excitable. He wakes up and cries, does not respond to motion sickness, and even the breast sometimes cannot calm him down.

All you can do is be patient and make life as easy as possible for your baby. That is strictly follow the sleeping/feeding schedule, do not abuse visits from guests, ensure silence during sleep and be closer to your child.

How has your baby changed by the age of 2.5 months?

Physical development of the baby at 10 weeks of life

For your child, 10 weeks is an acceleration period. Acceleration in physical development, psychological, emotional.

  • The baby's first undershirts are already too small, and his height is 59-63 cm.
  • Weight - about 5000-5600 g. Weekly increase is about 200 g.
  • Head circumference gradually approaching the circumference of the chest, although the head is still larger.
  • Stool and urination
    Stool - from 5-8 times/day to 1 time in 2-3 days (all individually).
    Urination is frequent, although sometimes the baby is able to wake up completely dry, to the delight of the mother.
  • How long do we sleep?
    The baby still sleeps 17-18 hours, sometimes 16. Night sleep is about 10-11 hours with short breaks for snacks.
  • Vision
    At 2.5 months, the baby no longer sees at 50 cm, but at 2-3 meters, and happily fixes his gaze on all moving objects, faces, pets and toys. A slight squint is possible, which will go away by 4 months.
  • Movements
    The movement of the arms/legs is still more chaotic, but the baby is already making attempts to subjugate his legs and arms.
  • Feeding
    We still eat about 130-150 g per serving. In total we eat 800-900 g per day.

    Even if breast milk not enough, be sure to put the baby first to the breast and only then - for supplementary feeding, to the bottle!

    The number of feedings is now 6-7 per day, of which 4-5 are daytime and 2 are nighttime. The interval is 3.5 hours (longer at night).
  • Walks
    Up to 6 times a day - mandatory and in any weather. The exception is frost below minus 12-15 degrees and strong wind. It is also advisable to sleep in the fresh air.

New achievements of a 2.5 month old baby

Not a single day passes before the age of 1 year without new achievements and changes.

As soon as you approach the crib, the baby is already smiling at you with all her being, a smile, a look and the flight of arms and legs. Every new day for mom and this week is rich in new joys.

What can a baby at the age of 2.5 months do?


  1. Begins to coordinate his movements. There is progress in the control of muscle activity in the limbs, neck, and head.
  2. Legs and arms gradually lose tone , in a supine position they stretch, unbend. Although the baby has not yet completely gotten rid of the tendency to a bent position.
  3. Lying on the belly, the baby rests on his forearms and elbows , tries to push off with his legs and hold his head (about 15-30 seconds).
  4. Handles no longer squeeze so tightly into your fists - your fingers straighten.
  5. With the support of his mother under his armpits, the little one holds his head and mechanically “steps” , leaning on the tips of his fingers, or resting his feet on the surface.
  6. Rolls over onto its side from the position “on the back” and on the side from the position “on the tummy”, and every second baby - from the back to the tummy.
  7. If you stretch out your hands, the baby grabs your fingers and tries to pull himself up and sit up.
  8. Able to drink water from a spoon.
  9. When applied to the breast, it finds the nipple on its own , adapts, helps with palms.
  10. Purposefully and consciously sucks the finger.
  11. Starts to taste everything.
  12. While in an upright position, the baby holds its head — it no longer “dangles” from side to side.
  13. Turns towards the sound.
  14. Tracks objects , which are located around it within 180 degrees.

Speech, sounds

  • Guttural sounds appear , babble, vowels “e”, “o”, “a”, “u” associated with the letter “x”.
  • Scream - so far only the optimal means for expressing dissatisfaction: an imperative cry - from hunger, restless and incessant - from discomfort (hot, wet, etc.), piercing with a sharp bending of the knees - from colic, monotonous, capricious - from fatigue.
  • Feeling good expressed by babbling, humming, smiling.

Emotions and games

  1. Answers with a smile to the affection, my mother’s voice, the closeness of her face.
  2. Rejoices while swimming.
  3. Trying to grab a bright toy . If it hits your palm, it grabs it tightly, shakes it, and pulls it into your mouth. The grasping reflex is already quite conscious.
  4. Doesn't lie idle - studies, feels, listens, plays with his arms and legs, examines his palms.
  5. Comes to life when familiar people appear.
  6. Flexes and straightens fingers in his hands, studies them, grabs one palm with the other.

And one more change - there are fewer soiled diapers. As the baby grows older, the digestive system matures and most of the milk is absorbed by the body.

Rules for caring for a baby at 10 weeks of age: what should a mother consider?

Problems with infants - a carriage and a small cart. Either rashes, or colic, or diaper rash, or anxiety. It’s impossible to list everything. Let us dwell on the main problems that arise by the 10th week of a toddler’s life.

  • Red spots on the cheeks
    They tend to appear right at the 10th week. They are painful, covered with a thin crust, and itching is noted. They are called milk crusts, this is a manifestation of improper metabolism.
  • Rickets also begins during this period.

    If you notice a receding hairline, sweating, restlessness in your toddler, wet spots on the pillow, or a strong smell of urine, contact your pediatrician immediately!

  • The baby begins to put it in his mouth everything that comes into his hands.
    Mom’s task is to ensure absolute hygiene of all objects that the little one can shove into his mouth. Whether it's a corner of a blanket, a pacifier, fingers or a toy.
  • Sleep/wake mode (and feedings, of course) must be strictly observed by mom and dad. Right now you are laying the foundation for the future.
  • Growing marigolds
    They grow extremely quickly, after which they break or bend.
    To prevent your child from scratching himself, trim his nails in a timely manner.

    It is better to do this while you sleep - carefully, carefully, without leaving sharp ends, rounding (there is no need to round off your toenails).

  • Morning toilet remains the same - wipe the eyes with a cotton swab ( approx.. - pre-wet it in boiled water), from the outer corner to the inner.
    We clean the ears and nose with twisted cotton wool flagella. Wipe your face with a cotton swab.
  • We bathe the baby at least every day (water temperature - 36.5 degrees).
    With baby soap - a couple of times a week.
  • We allocate 30 minutes a day for massage and gymnastics We smooth the baby's body with warm palms, cross and spread the arms in different directions, turn the baby from one side to the other, pull him up by the arms.
  • Nervous system
    As you know, it must be protected. Therefore, we do not overuse gatherings with guests, TV, noisy music, and in general anything that excites the baby’s nervous system.
  • If hypoxia occurred at birth (or in the womb), then at this age its consequences begin to appear.

    Symptoms: crying and irritability, trembling hands and chin when screaming/crying, altered muscle tone - resistance of the child when trying to spread his legs or arms to the sides, leaning only on his toes (not on his feet) when trying to put him on his legs. If these signs occur, contact a neurologist!

  • Acne
    Pediatricians assure that childhood acne is normal (that is, it will go away). It usually appears on the neck and back, on the shoulders.

    Wipe your baby at least once a day with a warm, damp cloth and be sure to pat the body dry before dressing your baby.

Development and games of a 2.5 month old baby

This week isn't too different from last week and the advice remains the same.

To help your baby develop quickly and correctly, help him with game form, don't forget about tactile sensations(close contact is what the baby needs most now), massage, a variety of toys, impressions.

  • Music
    Loud and harsh music is strictly not recommended - only smooth, melodic, calm. And the best music will be dad's gentle voice and mom's lullaby.
  • Muscle activity crumbs help stimulate mental development.
    Therefore, pay maximum attention to all procedures, accompanying them with exercises, stroking, and physical contact.
  • To increase physical activity hang 2-3 bright toys in front of the baby at such a distance that he can reach (rings, rattles, tumblers).
    At a distance of 30-50 cm we hang bright drawings with clear details (we change them as soon as the baby begins to lose interest in them) - we also develop visual activity. For example, faces in a schematic representation.
  • Favorite colors children at this age - red and yellow with orange.
  • Rattles
    Considering that the little one is already putting toys in his mouth, we choose rattles that will not hurt him and will be comfortable.
    No cheap rattles with balls that can fall apart when hit - only strong toys with rounded ends, without burrs, and with comfortable handles.

    The best material is soft and warm to the touch, safe for health.

  • Let's diversify the sensations
    Not only rattles can be placed in the baby’s palm. The more diverse the texture and its sensations, the more active the development.
    Therefore, you can “feel” a wooden spoon, a pompom from a hat, an egg whisk, or a ball of crumpled paper. Of course, everything is done under the control of the mother, so that nothing gets into the mouth.
  • Experimenting with sounds
    It’s good if the little one already knows the sound of a bell and grandma’s voice, the barking of a dog and the laughter of his older brother.
    But there is also the clink of metal, the rustling of paper, the iridescent sounds of a tumbler, the singing of birds, the clink of a coin in a box and much more. Experiment!
  • Don't forget about the "magpie" with porridge
    All kids, without exception, like this game. We pinch our fingers one by one, move them across our palms, and tell a “fairy tale” - this is useful both for the development of speech and for fine motor skills.

    By the way, the more active the development of fine motor skills, the sooner your child will begin to draw, hold a pen correctly, write beautifully and tie shoelaces.

  • From useful toys (in addition to rattles and tumblers) now you can add dolls and Stuffed Toys, pendants and mobiles, various educational mats.
  • Training your eyesight
    We wait until the baby fixes his gaze on (for example) a red ball, and we begin to move the object up/down, then right/left.
  • Parrot game Now the baby begins to actively repeat his mother’s grimaces. Let's use this for good purposes - to train the muscles of the face.
    That is, we stick out our tongue, puff out our cheeks, stretch out our lips, smack and snort. All these “talents” will be useful to the baby for further reproduction of sounds.

In hand movements there is a direct connection with the speech areas of the brain.

Therefore, do not skimp on your free five minutes - develop your child!

Place toys in your palms one at a time - first in the left, then in the right. Let it be either plastic rings, or sticks with a ribbed surface, or soft toys.

Just don’t take it away right away - the baby must not only grab it, but also hold it, study it, feel it.

If a woman kept a menstruation calendar, then she can see that nine weeks have already passed since her last period and the tenth has arrived. The baby developing inside the belly is already 8 weeks old. And this period indicates that the embryonic period is over. In relation to the unborn baby, we can now say that this is a fetus. Very soon, pregnancy will cross its first milestone and the second trimester will begin. In the meantime, the baby weighs about 5 grams. The length from the crown to the tailbone is no more than 42 mm by the end of the week. Visually, the baby can be compared to a large strawberry. Although the expectant mother does not feel it yet, the child is already stretching and pushing with all her might.

During this period, the baby experiences the following changes:

  1. The nervous system is divided into peripheral and central.
  2. The abdominal cavity is separated from the pectoral cavity by a special muscle - the diaphragm.
  3. Already now you can see the rudiments of future hair on the entire body of the fetus.
  4. The tail gradually disappears.
  5. The formation of baby teeth occurs.
  6. The ears have almost completed their development.

In addition to all of the above, the baby’s cartilage tissue becomes more and more compacted. Rapid development of neural connections occurs in the child’s brain. It is they who will later be responsible for reflexes. The baby’s heart beats at an increased rate to pump blood through the already formed vessels. The average frequency is 170 beats per minute. The baby's face is already fully formed, and at this stage the human fetus begins to develop facial muscles.

What does a woman feel at 10 weeks of pregnancy?

At the tenth week, a woman who had toxicosis still feels it. If this problem did not exist before, then you should not relax. Nausea may suddenly occur even at this stage. If toxicosis began very early, then now it may begin to decline. In addition, toxicosis may differ for each woman. Most often, one or more symptoms of this condition appear:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Unusual taste preferences.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Increased appetite.
  6. Unusual reaction to odors.

In addition, the woman's temperature may rise slightly. The norm is considered to be a condition in which the increase in overall temperature does not go beyond 37.4°C. If the temperature rises higher, then most likely it is a cold and the expectant mother needs to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and prescribing the correct treatment. It is important to understand that getting sick at such a time is extremely undesirable. And even if a woman could not protect herself, the treatment should be gentle. Most medications are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Among other things, a woman may experience the following symptoms of pregnancy:

  1. The woman's breasts and nipples are still swollen and very sensitive.
  2. Due to the still raging hormones, the woman’s psycho-emotional state is very unstable. Mood swings can happen very often. A pregnant woman can laugh, and then cry angrily a minute later. At the same time, it is quite difficult to understand why exactly the mood swing occurred.
  3. Insomnia sets in at night. And throughout the day, the woman feels general fatigue and weakness throughout her body.
  4. A specific reaction to odors may occur. One smell can literally turn a woman away, and she can be drawn to another with such force that the desire to smell can become obsessive.

How does a pregnant woman's appearance change in the tenth week?

Most often, a woman in the tenth week of pregnancy is interested in whether the belly is already visible. It is not possible to immediately answer this question at this time. It all depends on the woman herself. If the expectant mother herself is thin and had a flat stomach before pregnancy, now you can see a small tubercle below the level of the navel. A woman with more curvaceous figures will most likely not see any difference now.

But in addition to the abdomen, a woman at 10 weeks of pregnancy may experience the following visual changes:

  1. The nipple areola may darken significantly. This pigment most often disappears after a woman gives birth and breastfeeds her child. In addition, the breast itself increases by approximately one size and swells.
  2. A dark abdominal line may form from the beginning of the pubic hair to the navel. This sign of pregnancy will also disappear a short time after birth.
  3. The skin on your face and body will become much better than before pregnancy.
  4. Quite normal increase in weight for a pregnant woman at this stage can be called from 150 to 300 grams per week. If a woman gains too much, the obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe fasting days or a special diet.

What should you pay attention to at 10 weeks?

In addition to toxicosis, which the doctor leading the pregnancy should know about, a woman should pay attention to any kind of discharge. If transparent leucorrhoea is present, then this is normal. But if suddenly a woman discovers yellow, white, cheesy and foul-smelling discharge, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible to make a diagnosis. If the discharge suddenly turns brown or bright scarlet, then you need to call an ambulance.

Also, a woman should carefully listen to her feelings. Heaviness in the lower back and slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are considered normal. But if suddenly a woman feels pain in the abdominal area, then she must immediately call a doctor. Any delay at this time may threaten the onset of a miscarriage.

We must not forget about the possible appearance of hemorrhoids. In a pregnant woman, even at such a short stage, as a result of changes in intestinal motility and uterine pressure, this delicate problem can easily manifest itself. The main treatment consists of only two points:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Washing with cool water after each bowel movement.

What should you not do at 10 weeks of pregnancy?

There are few contraindications as such and they are quite logical. A woman at this stage, although she may feel quite normal, should not lift heavy objects. Sports also need to be limited to reasonable limits. It is best to exclude jumping, aerobic and strength exercises. If a pregnant woman does not want to stop an active lifestyle, then it is better to limit herself to walking, swimming and training for pregnant women.

In some cases, women at this time have a desire to change something in their apartment. But repairs should be left to the shoulders of your spouse or loved ones. No matter how much you would like to help, it is better for a pregnant woman to manage the repairs from afar. Harmful chemicals that can be inadvertently inhaled can be very harmful to the fetus.

During your entire pregnancy you should not smoke or drink alcohol. A woman should also limit her consumption of trans fats and other unhealthy foods. Instead of soda, it is better to drink water or homemade compotes.

Don't be nervous or overtired. There is no need to provoke fear by watching horror films. You should also limit your viewing of television programs that evoke feelings of grief or horror.

A woman at 10 weeks pregnant should not visit hot saunas or steam baths. It is also better to take a shower instead of a bath.

A pregnant woman needs to monitor her daily routine. Lack of sleep should not be tolerated. You need to try to rest more often.

Besides, it's time to reconsider your wardrobe. High heels and platform shoes should be kept away. By replacing them with comfortable shoes, you can feel how light your feet will be. Clothes that are tight at the waist should also be removed. Pregnant women's underwear should be comfortable. Preference should be given to products from natural materials.

At ten weeks, doctors begin to officially call the baby in the womb a fetus. The most dangerous moments in a baby’s life are behind us, when the terrible diagnosis of “threatened miscarriage” is most often made - implantation and formation of the placenta.

The hormonal storm in the mother’s body gradually subsides, so her well-being and mood improve.

Many women in the tenth week of pregnancy have problems with the excretory system. This is not only frequent urination, associated with pressure on the bladder of the growing uterus, but also constipation. In addition, the uterus puts pressure on the main blood vessels, which can cause varicose veins and provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor the regularity of bowel movements, eat more grains, fruits and vegetables, do exercises, and sleep on your side to reduce tension in the anus. If the situation becomes more complicated, you should not engage in further self-medication, but rather consult with your doctor.

It is still difficult to determine on ultrasound because the genital organs are not differentiated. You can see the differences between and only by the 12-15th week of pregnancy, however, in male babies, testosterone is already produced in the testicles, and follicles are formed from which eggs will appear.

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the fetus's elbow joints, upper lip, ears, diaphragm are formed, the development of the mammary glands begins, and the tail disappears. The baby's eyes are open, but it is difficult to draw accurate conclusions about whether he sees anything around him.

The baby is comfortable inside the amniotic sac filled with amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid in the uterus at the 10th week of pregnancy is approximately 20 ml, it is almost transparent. The weight of the fetus itself is no more than 4 grams, and its length is about 3 cm. When it comes into contact with the wall of the uterus, it can push away from it, but the woman will not be able to feel this yet.

next week

At this stage of pregnancy, a new period of fetal development begins. Somewhere from about 10 to 12 weeks, the fetus weighs about 12 g, and its height is 6-6.5 cm. But still, even though the size of the fetus is still very small, it becomes more and more like a small man. His tail is no longer visible, he already has fingers, arms and legs, which he carefully tries to clench into fists, tries to move his legs and move his head.

The genitals are forming, but gender cannot yet be determined. Also during this period, he develops auricles, sponges, a diaphragm gradually begins to form, the beginnings of baby teeth and the brain develops. If no anomalies were noticed in the fetus before the 10th week, then it can be said that congenital diseases do not threaten it.

At the tenth week, the expectant mother begins a period of mood swings, depression and increased excitability, all this happens due to the appearance of hormones in her body. Also during this period, the following may appear: an enlarged thyroid gland, loose gums, tooth loss and the appearance of nodules in the mammary gland. The tummy at this stage is still completely invisible.

But the woman still begins to gain weight. Some mothers continue to experience nausea and vomiting in the morning, discomfort and abdominal pain, loss of strength and frequent urination. But there is no need to worry about this, since in the next couple of weeks, all these symptoms will pass. But if suddenly the pain is very severe and continues for a long time, you need to consult a doctor.

Video on the topic

By the beginning of the 10th week of pregnancy, almost all expectant mothers have already registered with a gynecologist and passed all the necessary tests. Some people continue to experience toxicosis during this period, while others simply enjoy their situation.

Possible changes

It is important for every woman to know if everything is okay with her baby. After the 20th week, she will already be able to control her baby. Its activity will be indicated by tremors and upheavals. But the 10th week of pregnancy is the period when it is simply physically impossible to feel the baby growing inside. If you are not suffering from severe toxicosis, then you should begin to gain weight little by little. But this increase does not come at the expense of the baby’s growth; at this stage he weighs several grams. During this period, fat depots begin to be created, without which normal pregnancy is impossible.

Also, during this period, even expectant mothers themselves notice sudden mood swings. Their tearfulness can be replaced by apathy or even aggression, after which they can become cheerful again. During this period, you should not engage in introspection and look for the reasons for such changes; in most cases they are caused by hormonal changes that are actively occurring in the body. During the first pregnancy, the stomach, as a rule, continues to remain flat during this period, but in those who have already given birth, it may become slightly rounded.

Future baby

If you are 10 weeks pregnant, this means that the baby growing inside you is only 8 weeks old. During this period, the baby’s height does not exceed 4.3 cm, and his weight ranges from 4 to 6 g. Despite such modest dimensions, his development is very active.

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is no larger than an ordinary ripe apricot, but it is already an almost fully formed human being. During this period he switches to new stage development. Doctors say that the embryonic period ends and the fetal period begins. Starting this week, the baby will grow rapidly. Expectant mothers can breathe easy, because all protective functions are already beginning to actively work. The risk of developing any intrauterine anomalies is reduced significantly.

Functional development

Pregnancy of 9-10 weeks is characterized by the fact that the active development of previously laid tissues and organs continues. The oral cavity is improved. At this stage, taste receptors are already beginning to form and the dental foundations are being laid. The bile ducts are also improved, and the formation of the intestines is completed. The kidneys begin to function. The digestive system is already able to absorb sugar.

The baby’s brain is also developing intensively, although you are only 10 weeks pregnant. A photo of the fetus is not able to display all the changes, but it can already be seen that the future person is developing in the stomach. The process of formation of the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordinating the movements of a growing baby, is especially active. Every minute 250 thousand neurons are formed. The nervous system is already completely divided into central and peripheral.

The genitals are beginning to form, but the doctor is unlikely to be able to tell you the gender of the baby yet. By the way, boys have already developed testicles and are producing testosterone, which in the future is responsible for attraction to the opposite sex. This hormone also promotes hair formation.

The 10th week of pregnancy is also different in that it is during this period that the main endocrine gland, the pituitary gland, is formed. It is responsible for metabolism in the body, for the growth of the child and for the functioning of the reproductive system in the future. The entire endocrine system is improving, it can already regulate the baby’s vital activity. The lymphatic system is also actively developing. Its main task in the future is to cleanse the tissues and cells of the body from infections and other damage. The system responsible for the development of immunity also begins to develop.

If you're 9-10 weeks pregnant, your baby's four-chambered heart is already pumping blood. It makes about 160 strikes every minute. The development of the diaphragm, the respiratory muscle that separates the abdominal cavity and chest, also continues. An actively developing liver gradually replaces the disappearing yolk sac. Red blood cells begin to be produced.

External changes in the baby

It’s hard to imagine how so many changes can occur simultaneously in the body of such a baby. But, in addition to the development of many systems, the baby also changes externally. His limbs are actively growing and developing, and joints are forming. The fingers also begin to separate, the membranes that were between them disappear, all this is visible even on an ultrasound.

10 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the muscular and skeletal systems are actively developing. Every day the fetus becomes more and more like a little man. This is also facilitated by the fact that his tail disappears, his gills disappear, his eyes gradually take on a normal shape, and his ears are already formed.

The baby is actively moving, but he is still too small for his mother to feel his movements. He still has enough space in the uterus to move freely. The baby also begins to develop reflexes. Having touched the obstacle with its handle, the fetus involuntarily presses it towards itself.

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus allows us to see with the help of ultrasound that the body is almost formed. But the head still remains disproportionately large. By the way, her skin is transparent, pale pink. There is no talk of any vegetation on it yet; hair follicles are just beginning to form. The baby's eyes are covered with thin transparent eyelids.

Important diagnostics

If you are 10-11 weeks pregnant, then most likely your doctor will prescribe you to undergo ultrasound diagnostics in the near future. Many are unreasonably afraid of this study, believing that it could somehow harm the baby. But sound waves do not affect its development in any way, but with the help of such an examination at this stage you can find out whether the fetus is developing correctly. 10 weeks of pregnancy is the period at which the diameter of his head is only 1.8 cm.

During this examination, you can clearly see the baby’s legs and arms and see what they look like internal organs. The ultrasound doctor also assesses the risks of developing genetic diseases. For example, the thickness of the nuchal translucency determines the risk of developing Down syndrome at 10 weeks of pregnancy. The photo of the baby at this stage will not differ from the image of healthy children. The specialist will judge the problems based on the measurements taken. But ultrasound data is assessed in conjunction with biochemical screening, which shows the degree of risk of developing pathologies. Even if these two examinations indicate that there is a possibility of having a child with Down syndrome, this is not a verdict. A final diagnosis during pregnancy can be made only after amniocentesis or cordeocentesis. In the first case, amniotic fluid is taken for analysis, in the second - umbilical cord blood. It is worth noting that amniocentesis is considered a safer test, but even with it there is a risk of miscarriage.

Ultrasound examination

Many people are looking forward to the end of the first trimester. This is caused not only by the fact that the risk of fetal death or miscarriage will be practically reduced to zero. By the end of this period, as a rule, it is assigned ultrasonography, where you can see how pregnancy develops at this stage - 10 weeks. An ultrasound photo will allow the parents to examine their baby and show it to all relatives and friends. During the examination, you can not only see, but also hear your baby’s heartbeat, if, of course, the equipment allows it.

The doctor takes measurements to determine whether the unborn child development standards. The thickness of the collar space is also measured. Particular attention is paid to the presence of the nasal bone. These two parameters make it possible to assess the risk of developing Down syndrome. Even if you come across a taciturn specialist, you can see all the necessary data in the ultrasound report, which will indicate the estimated duration of pregnancy, the size of the baby, the presence of a heartbeat and movements, and will also give a conclusion about its development. It is from the period indicated in it that the doctor can base himself on determining the date of birth.

Necessary research

In addition to ultrasound diagnostics, the gynecologist will also prescribe a number of tests at 10 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to the body of the expectant mother and the baby itself will be impossible to determine without additional examinations. If you registered for about 6 weeks, your next visit will be scheduled during this period. During it, you are required to weigh yourself and have your blood pressure measured. Mandatory studies during this period also include general analysis urine and blood. If a woman has had problems carrying a fetus, the doctor may recommend a testosterone test. Most likely, during this appointment the doctor will remember the need for an ultrasound scan and a biochemical screening test. You don’t have to postpone it, but do it while you are 10 weeks pregnant. An ultrasound photo, in which the entire baby will be visible, will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, you will not only be able to see your unborn baby, take one of his first photographs, but also make sure that everything is fine with him.

Also, most women over 25 years of age or those who have problems with excess weight or a genetic predisposition to developing diabetes are prescribed a test to determine their sugar levels. Don't underestimate the importance of this blood test. After all, many women develop gestational diabetes. Periodic monitoring of glucose levels allows you to detect the onset of problems in time. Normally, on an empty stomach it should be no more than 5.2 mmol/l. When repeating the analysis after exercise, if there are no problems, sugar will not exceed 6.7 mmol/l.

Possible problems

For many women, the 10th week of pregnancy is not the most pleasant period. Toxicosis is not yet receding; many suffer from increased sensitivity to various odors, lack of appetite, morning and afternoon nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Frequent trips to the toilet become habitual. Some people also suffer from insomnia amid all these ailments. Loss of strength, increased emotionality, and nervousness become constant companions for many expectant mothers.

Of course, for some, pregnancy 10-11 weeks proceeds without any worries or ailments. The absence of toxicosis is not evidence that there is a problem with the baby, as some believe. Each body adapts to sudden changes in hormonal levels and the resulting changes in different ways.

But thrush can worsen in any expectant mother; it can be caused by a simple weakened immune system or stress. If you begin to be bothered by itching or feel a burning sensation, or see abundant white cheesy discharge, then do not forget to tell your gynecologist about this at your appointment. You will be prescribed medications that can be taken at 10 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to the baby during this period is, of course, important, but you shouldn’t forget about your health.

It is also necessary to monitor vaginal discharge. The appearance of any foreign odor or color change may be a consequence of the development of an infectious disease of the expectant mother. But spotting appears in most cases when there is a threat of miscarriage. There are situations when they arise, for example, due to a burst small vessel and do not in any way affect the pregnancy itself and the baby, but it is better to play it safe and go to the gynecologist.

Also, some people begin to experience pain during this period. Most often they are caused by stretching of the ligaments of the growing uterus, which accompany almost every 10-week pregnancy during this period. A photo of the fetus will make sure that everything is fine with the baby and stop thinking about the possible threat of miscarriage.


If you haven't given up yet bad habits, then it's time to do it. And we are not talking about smoking or drinking alcohol. It was advisable to abandon these habits at the planning stage. An unhealthy lifestyle can include a lack of walks in the fresh air, constant stay in closed, stuffy rooms, abuse of sweet, starchy or fatty foods, and preservatives. Even if you work, try to find time for a leisurely walk, because pregnancy is 10-11 weeks in the absence of the threat of miscarriage. In the last trimester, not everyone will have the strength to walk; a short period is best suited for this. The center of gravity has not yet shifted, so the pregnant woman has a normal gait and is able to maintain her balance without problems. In addition, the belly at 10 weeks of pregnancy does not interfere with movement. Such walks saturate the body with oxygen, they can even reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and slightly improve appetite.

Nutrition during pregnancy

You should not listen to common advice that your diet should be enhanced. You should not start eating more, this will not contribute to the active growth of the baby, but will only add extra pounds to the mother. In this case, even at 10 weeks of pregnancy, the photo will already show a rounded tummy. But it will not be the growing uterus that will be visible, but new fat deposits.

A pregnant woman should be guided only by her wishes. Of course, if she wants smoked meats or other unhealthy foods, then it’s better to try replacing them with something. If this doesn’t work out, then don’t blame yourself; it’s better to eat only a small piece to quell the desire. The emphasis should be on natural foods rich in vitamins and fiber. It is important to monitor bowel function. If possible, it should be emptied daily to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the uterus. But giving enemas or drinking laxatives without a doctor’s recommendation is prohibited.

It is advisable to eat in small portions, and there can be 5 or more meals a day. Don't force yourself to eat exclusively healthy foods. Violence against the body will not lead to good. Just try to look for an adequate replacement. If, for example, you absolutely do not want milk or cottage cheese, then eat good hard cheese. Choose the type of meat that suits you, try which vegetables and fruits you like now. But don't go heavy on citrus fruits unless you want a child with allergies.

The way the fetus develops over the weeks is a real miracle. In just 38-40 calendar weeks an embryo of several cells, similar to a bunch of grapes, becomes a baby with a very complex body structure. Immediately after giving birth, he begins to use a whole arsenal of skills and reflexes, quickly adapting to new living conditions. In our article - short description the development of the child by day from the very moment of conception, photos of the embryo and features of different months of pregnancy.

Human embryo in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most important and difficult stage in the development of a human embryo. It is at this time that the rudiments of its organs are laid, the nervous and other systems are formed. This period is associated with a large number of risks and requires the expectant mother to special attention to your health and lifestyle.

Embryo growth by week in 1st month of pregnancy

It is not without reason that the first month is considered one of the most important and exciting, because it is now that new life. At the beginning, his pregnancy has not yet actually occurred, but the body of the expectant mother is preparing for it, regulating hormonal levels and the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. All this is necessary not only for conception, but also for normal implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the start of its development.

First trimester - beginning of pregnancy

1-2 week

From the 1st to the 14th day of the new menstrual cycle, the follicle matures in the ovaries, from which the egg is released. It travels down the fallopian tube and meets a sperm, one of the nearly 900 million that enter the vagina. After fertilization, the morula embryo “descends” into the uterine cavity and the endometrium is implanted - approximately on days 12-17 of the cycle. At this point the actual pregnancy begins.

3 week

The fertilized egg continues to divide and grow into the wall of the uterus with lining cells. In parallel with this, the formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins - organs vital for the development of the fetus, through which it will receive nutrients. Now the embryo consists of more than 100 cells.

4 week

At this time, the first “breakthrough” occurs in the child’s development: the formation of all systems of the baby’s future body begins. A particularly important stage is the formation of the neural tube, from which the brain and the entire nervous system are subsequently formed. The embryo grows to the size of a poppy seed with a diameter of less than 1.5 mm, from which time it is called an embryo. It is intensively implanted into the endometrium, which affects the level hCG hormone. It is at 4 weeks that a woman may notice a delay in menstruation and early signs of pregnancy.

Development of a human embryo at 4 weeks of gestation

Embryo development at 2 months

In the second month of pregnancy, fetal development continues every week and is accompanied by significant changes in the structure of its body. During these 4 weeks, the umbilical cord, neural tube, rudiments of limbs and fingers will form, the face will become even more proportional, and internal organs will differentiate.

5 week

The fifth week is the transition period between 1 and 2 months of pregnancy. Now the embryo has a conventional coccygeal-parietal size of up to 2.5 mm and a weight of about 0.4 g. The body's systems are rapidly developing: the neural tube is improving, future parts of the brain, lungs, stomach, trachea are being distinguished, blood vessels are growing.

week 6

The embryo grows from 3 to 6 mm, it looks like a fry, because... limbs are not yet developed. The placenta begins to form from the chorionic villi, and hemispheres appear in the brain. The small heart, in which division into chambers occurs, is already contracting, driving through blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients for the construction of the body.

week 7

The embryo at this week of development is 13-15 cm long, more than half of the “growth” occurs in the head. Its body still has an arched shape, with a “tail” remaining on the pelvic part. On the upper limbs, which are ahead of the lower ones in formation, the hand and fingers are drawn.

8 week

The size of the embryo increases to 20 mm - the baby grows almost 2 times in just a couple of weeks. He has a brain with two hemispheres and several sections, lung rudiments, a heart, and a digestive system. The face is becoming more and more like a “human” - the eyes, ears, nose and lips, covered by eyelids, are clearly distinguishable.

Photo: what an embryo looks like at 8 weeks of pregnancy

How the fetus develops week by week at 3 months

At this stage of development of the human embryo, its length doubles, with a third of the growth occurring in the head. Gradually, the proportions will change, and now the baby begins to move his arms and legs, foci of ossification appear in the cartilaginous rudiments of the skeleton, the skin becomes less transparent, and is divided into layers in which the rudiments of hair follicles are formed.

Week 9

The ninth week is the transition from the second to the third month of pregnancy. During this time, the child's development day by day will be accompanied by a rapid increase in height from 22 mm at the beginning to 31 mm at the end. The baby’s heart beats at a speed of 150 beats per minute, and the musculoskeletal system improves. The embryo's head is pressed tightly to the chest and appears disproportionately large relative to the body and limbs.

10 week

By the end of this week, the baby will have grown to 35-40 mm according to the CTE, most of the time he will be in a half-bent state. The way the embryo looks also changes: the “tail” disappears, and buttocks form in its place. The baby floats freely inside the uterus and, touching its walls, pushes off with his feet or hands.

11 week

More than 250 thousand new neurons are formed every minute in the embryonic brain. The baby begins to develop the rudiments of baby teeth and nails. His limbs are bent, but the child regularly makes spontaneous movements with them, clenching and unclenching his fists. The iris forms in the eyes.

12 week

The most important event This week of embryo development marks the beginning of the active functioning of the placenta, which protects and nourishes the fetus. Thanks to it, the baby will receive air and all the necessary substances for the growth and construction of his own body.

Embryo development at the end of the first trimester

Stages of embryo development in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all organs are already laid down, they begin to grow and function. During this period, fetal development is “directed” towards rapid growth and improvement of body systems.

How the embryo changes day by day at 4 months

In the fourth month, the way the fetus looks is constantly changing: every day it looks more and more like a human embryo, the limbs gradually lengthen, the head and torso will be more proportional by the middle of the trimester. The baby’s organs are actively developing, forming different body systems.

Week 13

This week of pregnancy is a transition week between the first and second trimester, when, as a rule, the first scheduled screening is prescribed. It is necessary to assess the development of the embryo day by day and exclude pathologies. By this time, the baby has a height of 6.5 to 8 cm and a weight of up to 14 g. The limbs, body and head become more proportional. The musculoskeletal system is actively being built, and the jaw already has the rudiments of 20 teeth.

Week 14

Now the baby receives all its nutrition through the placenta and umbilical cord. It grows up to 8-9 cm, a chin and cheeks are visible on its face, and the first colorless hairs appear on its head. The kidneys begin to secrete urine into amniotic fluid. In girls, the ovaries move into the pelvis; in boys, the prostate gland begins to form.

Week 15

What does the fetus look like on days 99-105 of development? His proportions are approaching normal, CTE increases to 10 cm, and weight - up to 70-75 g. All parts of the face are formed, eyebrows and eyelids can be distinguished, the ears acquire a characteristic shape and relief.

Week 16

The baby's CTE reaches almost 12 cm, and his weight is 100 g by the end of the week. The development of the embryo day by day at this stage is impressive: all its organs are already formed, the heart and kidneys are actively working. The structure of the facial muscles improves, thanks to which the child begins to grimace.

Baby after 16 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the 5th month: how the embryo develops by day

At the 5th month, the baby is growing rapidly, all his organs are gradually getting involved, different systems of the body are being improved and coordinated. In particular, the baby’s movements become more coordinated, and thanks to the increased weight of the fetus, the expectant mother will be able to feel the first movements.

Week 17

The fetus grows up to 12 cm according to the CTE and already weighs about 140 g. This week, the baby’s own immunity comes into play, which, together with the placenta, will protect him from the negative effects of external factors. Thin skin becomes covered with vernix, and subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate under it.

Week 18

By the beginning of the week, the baby’s CTE is more than 14 cm, and his weight is from 140 to 200 g. How does the fetus develop day by day? First of all, its proportions change: the limbs grow faster than the head. The hearing aid is actively working, the child reacts to sharp and loud sounds. The structure of the brain becomes more complex, the transmission of nerve impulses improves, thanks to which movements become more coordinated.

Week 19

The CTE of the fetus increases from 15.3 to 19-20 cm, the weight is on average 240 g. The baby's skin is covered with lanugo fluff. The bronchial tree grows. The reproductive and thyroid glands begin to produce hormones. The entire body is protected by thick vernix lubricant.

Week 20

The development of the fetus by day of this week is associated with changes in its appearance and the coordinated work of different systems of his body. Due to lanugo and the gradual accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the baby's skin becomes less transparent. More than 25 liters of blood passes through the heart per day.

Fetal development by week at 5 months

6th month: how does the human embryo change?

In the sixth month, the structure of the baby’s brain improves. The length of the body and limbs and the size of the head become proportional, and the overall appearance is the same as that of a newborn. Interestingly, by this time the child already has a unique pattern on the pads of his fingers.

21 weeks

By the end of this week, the baby grows to 26.7 cm and weighs about 300 g. His movements are clearly felt, and the child’s daily routine can be traced by his movements. What changes occur in fetal development? Its digestive and excretory systems are trained, acid appears in the stomach, and taste perception is improved.

Week 22

The child’s CTE increases to 28 cm, the weight is already more than 400 g. The volume of subcutaneous fat increases, due to which the fetus becomes more and more like a newborn every day. Thanks to the rapid development of the brain and nervous system, the baby begins to “explore” the surrounding space - he pulls the umbilical cord, evaluates the taste of amniotic fluid, reacts to changes in lighting and different sounds.

Week 23

The baby's height from heels to crown exceeds 29 cm, weight reaches 500 g. How is the fetus developing this week? From the second month, his brain has increased 40 times, reactions to stimuli and movements become logical and coordinated. According to some studies, the child begins to dream.

Week 24

At this stage, the baby grows to 30-32 cm and weighs about 530 g. A surfactant lubricant appears in the lungs, which is necessary for protection during breathing. The cerebral cortex becomes covered with new grooves and convolutions. Subcutaneous fat accumulates more actively.

What does a fetus look like at 6 full months?

Position and development of the fetus at 7 months

On last month During the second trimester, the baby’s skin smooths out, becomes denser and gradually acquires a lighter shade. Subcutaneous fat, vital for normal thermoregulation, accumulates underneath it more and more quickly. The child opens his eyelids more often, exploring the surrounding space and reacting to bright light.

Week 25

The height from crown to heels is about 34.5 cm, and the weight increases to 700 g. The facial features are fully formed. The bone marrow takes over the function of hematopoiesis. Alveoli develop in the lungs - bubbles that will open after the baby's first breath.

Week 26

At this stage, the size of the fetus changes slightly more slowly by day than in previous months. The baby's height is about 35 cm, and his weight is 760-850 g. All systems of his body are “trained” and prepared for work outside the womb. Thanks to the coordinated work of the brain and adrenal cortex, the synthesis of new hormones begins.

Week 27

By this time, the child has gained another 1 cm in height and already weighs about 900 g. He gradually accumulates subcutaneous fatty tissue. The hair on your head, eyelashes and eyebrows may become slightly darker. The organism becomes more and more viable, i.e. even in case premature birth the chances of saving the life and health of the baby increase.

Week 28

The development of the child by the end of the 7th month allows him to survive even outside the mother’s womb in the absence of pathologies in the structure of the organs. He gains enough subcutaneous fat, although for normal independent thermoregulation its volume must increase significantly. At this time, the hemispheres of the brain work more actively; it is already known whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed.

After 7 months, the baby begins to gain subcutaneous fat

Embryo development by week in the 3rd trimester

The last trimester of pregnancy is a time of active accumulation of subcutaneous fat, improvement and coordination of the functioning of body systems. All this is necessary to prepare the child for childbirth and life outside the womb. How does the fetus develop over the weeks?

Fetus at 8 months gestation

In the eighth month, the baby quickly gains weight and continues to grow. His skeletal and muscular systems become stronger. The lungs are preparing for breathing, the diaphragm is constantly “training”. The brain is already fully formed, but its structure and functioning are constantly being improved.

Week 29

There is less and less space in the uterus, because the child grows up to 38 cm in height and already weighs more than 1 kg. Because of this, its tremors become more noticeable and can cause discomfort for the expectant mother. All systems of his body are actively working, in particular, the kidneys excrete almost 500 ml of urine per day into the amniotic fluid.

Week 30

How does the fetus develop day by day? First of all, he very quickly accumulates subcutaneous fat, which is why his weight increases to 1.3 kg. The skeletal system becomes stronger, the limbs lengthen, the height from crown to heels is more than 39 cm. The skin brightens, folds are gradually smoothed out. The lungs actively produce a protective lubricant called surfactant.

31 weeks

This week the child already weighs more than 1.5 kg and grows up to 40 cm. By his activity, you can track his sleep and wakefulness patterns, as well as reactions to external conditions - noise, bright light, lack of fresh air, uncomfortable position of the mother. The eyes are fully formed, the color of the iris is the same in most babies, it will change after birth within three years.

Week 32

The child's height is 42 cm, weight is about 1.7-1.8 kg. The development of the fetus day by day is aimed at preparing its body for independent functioning. To do this, the recruitment of subcutaneous tissue is accelerated, the respiratory and sucking reflexes are constantly trained, digestion and blood supply are improved. The work of the excretory, nervous and endocrine systems becomes more complicated.

Fetal development at 8 months: the baby already looks like a newborn

9th month: what does the baby look like and develop?

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered by many to be the “finish line.” Indeed, the development of the child by this time makes him viable: the baby will be able to suck milk independently, and the risks of problems with breathing and thermoregulation decrease every day.

Week 33

The child grows to 44 cm and already weighs about 2 kg. He feels cramped, which is why even slight movements are clearly felt. At this time, the baby takes its final position in the uterus - head or feet down. At week 33, the size of the heart increases, the tone of blood vessels increases, and the formation of alveoli in the lungs is almost complete.

34 week

The baby's height increases by another 1 cm, while the weight gain due to the gain of subcutaneous fat can amount to almost 500 g. The baby's musculoskeletal system is strengthened. The bones of the skull are still soft and mobile - this is necessary for passage through the birth canal. Hair on the scalp grows faster and may change color.

Week 35

On average, height from heels to crown is 45 cm, and weight is from 2.2 to 2.7 kg. The child looks well-fed and accumulates more and more subcutaneous fat every day. His fingers are clearly visible nail plates, lanugo vellus hair becomes slightly smaller.

Week 36

The height and weight of babies at this stage can vary widely. The body length is from 46 to 48 cm, and the weight is from 2 to 3 kg. The child's skin becomes smooth and bright, the number of folds decreases. All his organs are ready to work, and the body becomes completely viable.

Baby development by the end of the 9th month: the baby is ready for birth

Child development in the last weeks of pregnancy

The 10th month of pregnancy is an exciting time: labor can begin any day. The development of the child by this time makes him completely viable, and there are no longer any risks to his health during delivery.

Week 37

The baby grows to 49 cm. Every day he gains about 14 g. His appearance will not change before birth. The cartilage in the nose and ears gradually strengthens. The lungs are ripe, the alveoli, protected by surfactant lubricant, are ready for the first breath. The intestines perform periodic contractions to prepare for full peristalsis.

Week 38

The fetus looks exactly like a newborn. His body is fully formed and ready to function. The baby takes its final position in the uterus and rests its head against its base. The bones of the skull are still mobile: thanks to this, the child will be able to pass through the birth canal.

Week 39

The baby gains 20-25 g per knock, his height can vary from 50 to 55 cm. He “sinks” into the pelvis and begins to put pressure on its bones. The limbs, body length and head dimensions are completely proportional. All senses are well developed.

week 40

By this time, the development of the fetus is completed - it is ready for birth, has all the necessary reflexes to maintain health and nutrition. This week the placenta gradually ages, and hormonal changes in a woman’s body, the natural process of childbirth is triggered.

The standard gestational age is 40 weeks. The 10th week means that very soon a quarter of the time until the baby is born will be left behind. Right now the foundation of all organs and systems of the child is being completed. Mom now needs to be very attentive and careful.

On the issue of timing

Methods for determining the exact duration of pregnancy are different, you can use them. Any doctor will use the obstetric term, counting from the first day last menstrual period. If you count from conception, then the tenth week means the twelfth obstetric week.

What happens to mother and baby

On the 10th obstetric week the placenta and umbilical cord as a whole complete their development. Now the woman and her unborn child are especially strongly connected. The arteries and veins of the placenta and umbilical cord carry nutrients and oxygen from mother to baby, and decay products (for example, carbon dioxide) from baby to mother. Alcohol, nicotine, and many medications can pass through the placenta. So the expectant mother still needs to protect herself from all sorts of negative factors.

For a child, 10 weeks of pregnancy means the final formation of all organs and systems. This process is called organogenesis, and it is now close to completion.

Fetal development

Your baby is the size of

Now the unborn child is no longer considered an embryo. According to medical views, this is a fetus. And in appearance - a tiny big-headed man the size of a large strawberry. The length of the small body is approximately 31-42 mm, and the weight is about 5 g.

How is the fetus developing now?

  1. The fetus does not yet have full bones, only cartilage tissue. Its density begins to increase.
  2. The face is already formed, but the muscles of the face, throat and neck are just beginning to develop.
  3. The rudiments of future hairs appear throughout the body.
  4. In the cerebellum, neural connections are developing, which will later “command” reflexes.
  5. The heart works in an enhanced mode and makes 150-170 beats per minute.
  6. The baby is actively moving: bending, straightening his limbs, and may even start sucking his finger. If the legs touch the wall of the amniotic sac, the baby is quite capable of pushing off. But you don’t feel it - the child is still too small.
  7. The small ears have almost completed their formation.
  8. The nervous system begins to divide into central and peripheral.
  9. The diaphragm is formed - a special muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities.
  10. The rudiments of baby teeth gradually develop.
  11. Usually the tail disappears.

This is what the fruit looks like:

Woman's feelings


The main physical sign of pregnancy still remains. It may appear if it was not felt before. Or decline if it started early. Here, the feelings of each woman can differ markedly. The main manifestations of toxicosis:

  • nausea (in the morning or during the day);
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • vomit;
  • loss or increase in appetite;
  • quirks of your own food taste.

Other sensations:

  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • emotional instability, mood swings;
  • insomnia, and after it - lethargy and drowsiness;
  • heightened sense of smell, rejection of individual and simply very strong odors;
  • slight nasal congestion;
  • frequent increase in temperature to 37.0-37.4 ° C (if higher, it may be a cold or some kind of infection);
  • slight visual impairment.

There is very little left until the end of the first trimester. Soon the hormonal storms should subside. Then the toxicosis will pass, and the general condition will become more stable.

External changes

Is the belly noticeable at 10 weeks?

It all depends on the build and initial weight of women. In skinny women, a small bump in which the baby “hides” may appear quite early. Those with round shapes may not see any changes even if they look closely in the mirror. But if all the clothes in the expectant mother’s wardrobe are tight-fitting, the belts no longer fit together or they press. And your breasts probably no longer fit into the old bras.

Photo of bellies at the tenth week (clickable)

Tight clothing should not be allowed. Pressure fasteners and various ties pinch blood vessels and can cause discomfort. Lightheadedness, discomfort and a feeling of numbness are clear signs that it’s time to update your wardrobe a little.

How else does your appearance change during pregnancy?

  • Skin can become incredibly smooth and soft. But pimples may appear on it or dark spots. If this happens, don’t be upset. A woman sometimes has to endure a lot for the sake of her baby.
  • The skin around the nipples may darken noticeably. Tiny bumps may appear there. These are Montgomery's nodes, dilated sweat glands. And on the skin of the abdomen a dark stripe is clearly visible from the navel to the border of pubic hair growth.
  • The body weight of the expectant mother is an important indicator of her well-being or, on the contrary, any violations. If the scale shows a weight gain of 150-300 g per week, everything is fine. Against the background of toxicosis, weight may decrease slightly. If there is no severe weakness, this is also normal.
  • Did you gain a kilogram of weight in a week? This is cause for concern. There are still 30 weeks until the birth, what will happen if the weight continues to increase? Extra pounds are a heavy burden on the female body. This condition requires careful medical supervision.
  • The same can be said about edema. Most often they affect the legs, especially in “standing” professions. Doctors usually recommend two methods: taking diuretics or reducing the amount of fluid consumed. The main thing is not to self-medicate.


It is normal for a small amount of clear or whitish mucus to come out of your vagina from time to time. Unfortunately, pregnant women often develop thrush (candidiasis) spontaneously. This disease is indicated by white, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor. A doctor should treat thrush. This disease is sexually transmitted, so the child's father will also need therapy.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Brown discharge is an alarming symptom. This should be reported to your doctor as quickly as possible. And if bleeding starts, it is best to call an ambulance.

In rare cases, even in the tenth week, small, clear discharge from the nipples may begin. This is colostrum. If the liquid stains your clothes, you will need special bra pads. Colostrum cannot be expressed.

Possible complications

At the 10th week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy decreases slightly. However, this does not mean that the expectant mother can again use an exercise bike or go to the sauna. Caution must always be exercised.

If your stomach feels a little tight or your lower back ache a little, this is normal. After all, the tissues of muscles, ligaments and skin really stretch a little. But when your stomach really hurts, you need a doctor.

Any pain during pregnancy requires attention. After all, you can’t take analgesics. This means that you need to learn alternative methods of dealing with pain. First of all, it is advisable to identify and eliminate the cause. For example, a headache may occur due to anemia. In this case, protein nutrition and/or iron supplements will help.

During pregnancy, a woman may develop hemorrhoids. The uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the intestines. There are only two preventive measures: proper nutrition(then stool will not be difficult) and washing with cold water after each visit to the toilet.

Statistics show that women aged 40 and older have an increased risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. To exclude this disease at the fetal stage, a biopsy of the chorionic villi of the ovum can be performed. The material is taken through a micropuncture of the abdominal wall or through the cervix. It is important to know that in 1-2% such a procedure can cause a miscarriage.

At 10 weeks, a woman still has the right to have an abortion without any indication. Hundreds and thousands of women enjoy this right every day. Artificial termination of pregnancy is a difficult procedure. Therefore, the decision to have an abortion should be made only by the woman herself and only for serious reasons. You should always remember that an interrupted pregnancy may be your last.

Doctor's supervision

If the expectant mother has not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, it is advisable to do so. The gynecologist will prescribe examination of the pregnant patient by several specialists and laboratory tests:

  • blood group, general, biochemical tests, sugar, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • urine for general analysis;
  • vaginal smear for flora and infections.

Who among us doesn't like reading medical forms with research results? True, almost nothing is clear there. But some things can be figured out. Many women are surprised and alarmed when they see a recording of the degree of vaginal cleanliness. Especially if the degree is not the first. It's actually quite simple. There are four degrees of purity in total. The first and second are evidence of the healthy state of the female genital and urological systems. If the third or fourth degree of purity is indicated, these are clear signs of infections - urinary tract or gynecological.

Routine ultrasound is rarely performed at 10 weeks. But if for some reason a study is ordered, this is an opportunity to look at your “belly.” Depending on the equipment and the position of the tiny body, you can see an elongated white spot on a dark background or even the outline of your own little person.

From the moment of registration, you need to visit the antenatal clinic regularly. The doctor will monitor the patient’s weight gain, her general condition and the baby’s development.

There are two absolute prohibitions in the life of a pregnant woman: alcohol and nicotine. Passive smoking is also the baby’s enemy.


Oddly enough, expectant mothers are often concerned not with the issue of nutrition or exercise, but with another, more delicate one. Is it possible to lead a normal intimate life at the tenth week? There are almost no restrictions for this. If the sexual relationship of the future parents is harmonious, and the woman does not have any unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse, everything is in order. And yet there are contraindications to sex:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • increased uterine tone (determined by a doctor);
  • location of the placenta in the lower part of the uterus, placenta previa;
  • pregnancies with twins, triplets (this is called multiple pregnancy);
  • abnormally large amount amniotic fluid(polyhydramnios).

If a woman has previously given birth with assistance caesarean section, the doctor will definitely check the condition of the internal scar. If his inferiority is revealed, sexual activity will have to be stopped.

In all matters related to restrictions intimate life, frankness with the child’s father is especially important. This will prevent misunderstandings and quarrels from arising.


The nutrition of a pregnant woman should ensure the development of the baby, as well as the health and energy of his mother. The main rule is to eat often and in small portions. It is better to cook by steaming; food can be boiled or baked. The composition of the diet remains virtually unchanged throughout pregnancy:

  • lean meat and fatty (high in healthy acids) fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (30% of the diet);
  • porridge;
  • dairy products - from milk to cheese, to choose from.

You also need to drink properly during pregnancy. Even if you are very thirsty, you should not pour a glass of water, juice or any other liquid into yourself at once. This can seriously overload the kidneys. You can drink only in small portions, but often, especially in the heat. Future mom, who always has a bottle of water with her, is very wise.

The following should be excluded from the diet: “empty” sweets (sweets, cakes, chocolate), canned food, smoked and spicy foods. Tea and coffee will have to be limited.

If toxicosis still torments, it is better to have breakfast in bed in the morning, and then lie down for a while. It is useful to carry a “yummy” with you that will help fight nausea throughout the day. This could be mineral water, a banana, a piece of cheese or a carrot. The helper product is identified experimentally.

Now movement is really life. Therefore, you should definitely take a walk, walk (just not along polluted highways), do yoga and swim in the pool. There is one dangerous aspect associated with swimming. Pregnant women sometimes experience leg muscle cramps. In the first trimester this is unlikely, but possible. Therefore, it is better not to swim alone in open, deep bodies of water.


  • Lift and carry heavy objects.
  • Do makeovers.
  • Go to a hot bath or sauna.
  • Be nervous, allow negative experiences.
  • Watch horror films, thrillers, psychologically difficult films.
  • Read similar books. Literary texts can be perceived even harder than films. After all, when reading, the imagination can start to run dangerously wild.
  • lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!