Interview with children - a real story of childhood from the first person! Interview in kindergarten Interview with children in kindergarten.

Many have noticed what tricks our memory plays over time: one thing is forgotten, another appears in a completely different light, something is completely turned upside down. The majority cannot even tell much about their childhood, because... Only fragments of memories remain. What about children? They generally grow at an incomprehensible speed; in our hectic lives, we practically skip the process of their growing up, as well as the evolution of their personality.

Of course, it’s difficult to change the rhythm of life, but making slices of reality, which can then be stitched together and return a little to the chronology of the past, is welcome. The tools for this are diaries, photographs, as well as video recording. True, in the digital age, only a few people write, there are so many photos on the computer that there is no time to view and sort them, and the video is recorded for months of viewing.

How can you help yourself and your children remember their childhood?

Here video is still the best tool, but it needs to be structured. A good option- This annual interview for about 10-15 minutes. For those who are not familiar with this format, I advise you to look at the project Born in the USSR, in which a cross-section was carried out starting from school and then approximately every five years.

In fact, an annual interview with a child is a series of questions that allow us to record his vision of the world at the time of recording. By watching such short videos in chronological order, you can understand how the child grew and matured.

For teenagers over 12 years old, in an interview you can discuss his views on complex topics, select questions that concern the child, the dialogue is similar to what we see on TV in programs where guests are invited. But with my kids, 6 and 4 years old, this trick doesn’t work, the interview only holds their attention for no more than 3 minutes, and such things are not done by force, good will is needed.

How can you get preschoolers to sit for 10-15 minutes and answer questions?

I have seen many so-called “interviews with a child” and they all had one thing in common: it was just a list of questions. This didn’t happen to me, the children lost interest very quickly, and it’s quite difficult to fantasize on the go, because... on the one hand, you need to revive the process, and on the other hand, you need to strictly monitor the time so as not to get out of these 10-15 minutes, otherwise the cutting will be too long over the years.

For myself, I decided that it was best to do interviews, INTERVIEW,INTERVIEW! Just like on TV, exactly a live interview, like in invited public people. And I began not to film the interview, but to play it.

How does the interview go?

  1. I prepare in advance: I check that the camera is charged, there is free space for recording, I choose a location, I clean up so that the background is acceptable, I type questions (which you will see below), I look for something like a microphone.
  2. I set up the camera (I have the simplest tripod for this, but you can just put it somewhere, the main thing is that the frame does not move.
  3. I invite you to game form child, you can even agree with him in advance. “Dear ______, we would like to invite you for an interview, because... our viewers really want to watch you and get to know you more.”
  4. We sit the child in the prepared place and check that everything is in the frame.
  5. We give the child a “microphone” and ask him to speak there, this is important so that the child is occupied with something and is more focused and calm.
  6. Next comes the interview itself, which I prepared so that you can use it too.

Presenter's text for an interview with a child.

Designed for ages from 3 to 12 years, then it needs to be adjusted, because These won't be children anymore.

Welcome to the channel “___SURNAME____ TV”, and today DD.MM.YY, you are with us on the “Back to the Future” program.

And we will discuss pressing issues, as well as questions sent by our viewers.

Good afternoon,

Let's get acquainted, I'm __HOST__, and our guest is __NAME____, _AGE_ years.

  • 1) The weather is great now, outside is ____TIME OF YEAR_____, and what is your favorite time of year? Why?
  • 2) What weather do you like to walk in? And what do you like to do outside when you're walking?

We have a few questions here from the fan club ___NAME___, club members are very interested,

  • 3) What do you like to play? With whom?
  • 4) What's your favorite toy or game? Why? How do you like to play with her? Will you show me the toy?

Fans are especially interested in the following question:

  • 5) What is your favorite holiday? Why?
  • 6) What gift do you want for your birthday?

Valentina from Krasnodar asks her routine questions, we are already accustomed to them, but we still ask them because... We are also interested in:

  • 7) What's your favorite color? Why? What feeling do you get when you look at him? And when do you put it on yourself?
  • 8) What song do you like? Why?
  • 9) What's your favorite cartoon? Why?
  • 10) What book do you like to read most? Why? What do you like about this book?

Of course, we all cannot ignore the series of questions sent from the Cook 77 club, they are regular viewers of our program, and so:

  • 11) What dish do you like to eat most? And who cooks it deliciously?
  • 12) What dishes would you like to learn how to cook?
  • 13) Do you help mom and dad cook? How do you help?
  • 14) What fruits or vegetables do you like to eat?

There are a few questions here from your friend __NAME OF FAVORITE TOY___, he/she is interested in:

  • 15) You have friends? Who? What do you like to play with them?
  • 16) Who would you like to be like? Why?
  • 17) What are you most afraid of? Why?
  • 18) What is happiness? When was the last time you were happy?
  • 19) What is love? Who do you love?
  • 20) What is most valuable to you in life? Why?
  • 21) What three wishes would you grant if you were a wizard?

Let's add a couple of questions:

  • 22) What don't you like about your life? What would you like to change about her?
  • 23) What are you most afraid of?
  • Pert Petrovich Petrov from the head of the Primorsky club “new time”
  • 24) Tell your fans what you like to do at home? Why?
  • 25) What can you already do? What do you want to learn?
  • 26) What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

Zelenkin Mikhailo Mikhailovich from the Green Corner club asks:

  • 27) What trees or plants do you like?
  • 28) Which animal do you like best? Why? What do you like about it? Would you like to become one yourself? What would you do if you became one?

Thank you for your wonderful answers, we will be glad to see you again in a year, see you again.

The idea of ​​recording such a film came to me last year. My daughter was 1 year old at that time and she was not suitable as a model for the film. The plan was realized this year while on vacation in Anapa. I had a conversation with my niece. Here's what the sketch turned out like.

How to interview a child

The main thing you need is the child’s consent and desire to answer questions. If the child is reluctant to cooperate, it may be these tricks will help(apply depending on the age of the child):

  • ask questions not from yourself, but on behalf of your favorite toy
  • play television. It's like your kid is a show star and you're interviewing him.
  • First show a video interview with other kids. “I want it too” might work
  • catch the right mood for the child. This is easy to do, because almost every mobile phone has a video camera
  • if the child categorically does not want to play your “game” - put off the idea for a couple of months

What equipment is needed

Use a video camera, camera or mobile phone. I I prefer a mobile phone for filming children– he is always with you and you can easily catch the right moment. My video with Evelina was recorded on an iPhone 6.

Video editing of a film can be done both on a computer and on a modern mobile phone.

Where to film the interview

Choose picturesque nature, quiet squares and parks. A quiet, cozy cafe also looks great. Your task is to follow the light and sound. No blinding sun or twilight. Make a test recording first and listen to see if the child’s voice is audible. Ideally, use a microphone if available.

Questions for children to interview

Interesting questions can be thought of at different topics. Look what I offer.

Classic interview questions:

  • Favorite activities at school (kindergarten)
  • Favorite activities outside of school (kindergarten)
  • What do you want to become (this is perhaps the most exciting question)
  • What are you dreaming about
  • Favorite cartoons, books, films, games

Philosophical questions

Questions with reflections on various topics, in addition to creating a story, will help your child develop their speech. You can arrange such interviews more often and you will notice how it becomes easier and easier for your child to express his thoughts.

  • What do you think friendship is?
  • …What is love?
  • ...why do you need to go to school?
  • ...what is the most needed profession in the world?
  • ...why do you need to listen to adults?

Cool idea - Record the interview every year and ask the child the same questions. It is convenient to coincide such a conversation with a birthday. In the future, you will be able to compile the answers over several years into one film. It’s so cool to watch how children’s thoughts change and develop every year.

How to decorate a film

In addition to answering questions film the child’s active activities – running, playing, pampering, creative activities . Your child may want to recite a poem or show off newly learned dance moves. Take pictures of drawings, crafts, and a school diary. Use existing photo and video archives. But don’t get too carried away – the optimal length of the film is 3–5 minutes.

How to edit a film

Upload the footage to your computer. Make captions with questions so that your voice is not distracting. Let the film will focus on your child's world.Choose suitable music.Open the video editor andstart the creative process.

Friends, if you don’t have time to edit the video - you can order the film from me personally. Making interesting films is my passion. All details on this page -

Interview with children's parents.,

attending MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 29 “Daryonka”

Interview with Svetlana Sergeevna Konysheva, child Dima Konyshev, senior group No. 11 "Fireflies"

Why did we choose Daryonka?

Two years ago we moved to the city of Lesnoy and we were faced with the question of choosing a kindergarten. We chose kindergarten“Daryonka” and we didn’t regret it.

I liked the people who work here - smart, knowledgeable, tactful, kind, attentive. I trust them. Children are drawn to them!

I liked the design of the territory of the kindergarten, children's walking areas, sports ground, flower beds in bright colors in summer, and snow-built areas in winter.

The kindergarten has a sports and music room - spacious and beautiful.

The presence of a swimming pool was also a big plus when choosing, since our child loves to swim.

I liked the holidays that they prepare for with their children and with all their heart.

Interesting, informative open views parent meetings, where you learn a lot of new and interesting things about the development of children. The parents of the group actively participate in the life of the group and kindergarten.

Our child happily goes to kindergarten - this is the main indicator that he is happy there!

Our dear teachers!

We would like to wish you

To make all your dreams come true,

There was enough time for everything,

Good health to you,

So that the soul does not get tired.

Never be discouraged

Interesting guys,

And, of course, wish

You get a decent salary!

Konyshev family.

Interview with Durnitsina Tatyana Vadimovna,

child Polina Durnitsina, senior group No. 12 “Berry”

We ended up in the Daryonka kindergarten by referral... We really like it here. Our teachers are great at finding an approach to each child in our group, we really like it.

The matinees are wonderful, this is a great merit of our music director, Kuznetsova Irina Vladimirovna. Organizing children at this age is not at all easy, and teaching them to take part in the holiday is a huge job.

Thanks to the efforts of our teachers Nina Ilyinichna Khudyakova and Svetlana Igorevna Tupitsina, the group is well equipped; the group has a lot of modern, educational toys and educational aids for children. Interesting exhibitions of children's creativity are organized and held in the kindergarten. Our Polina is happy to go to kindergarten. When the weekend comes, she misses kindergarten and asks: “When are we going to kindergarten?” I think it's best comment and proof that the child is doing well in kindergarten.

Thank you for your patience, for your sensitive and gentle attitude towards our children.

Sincerely, the Durnitsin family.

Interview with Vera Nikolaevna Minakova.

Children: Saveliy Minakov, senior group No. 11 “Fireflies”,

Minakova Katya, group early age No. 3 “Suns”

I have known the Daryonka kindergarten since childhood; my sister and nephew attended it. Currently, my five-year-old son and daughter Katya visit it. There were never any negative moments. First of all, the choice of this kindergarten was influenced by the fact that most of the employees have extensive experience and do their work with great diligence. From here - high level intellectual, physical and personal development.

Thanks to the kindergarten workers, a wonderful design of the territory was created. It is impossible to pass by such beauty indifferently. Everything that is inside the building begins to please the eye from the moment you enter the kindergarten. Cleanliness, comfort, rationality and thoughtfulness are present absolutely everywhere and in everything. It's very nice to have a swimming pool.

Caregivers and teachers constantly introduce children to the world of beauty: matinees, competitions, holidays, visits to various events that bring a lot of delight and pleasure to both children and their parents.

Every morning, children are greeted by sensitive and smiling teachers who will find an approach to every child.

Interview with the Putimtsev family Olga Vladimirovna and Dmitry Valentinovich.

Children: Putimtseva Vika, middle group No. 10 “Stars”,

Putimtsev Slava, first ml. gr. No. 1 “Ladushki”

WE CHOOSE THIS KINDERGARTEN on the advice of friends and did not regret it at all. We like the Daryonka kindergarten because it is not far from home, it has a swimming pool, good nutrition, and an educational program. appearance The kindergarten is getting better and better. From the very beginning, we were very lucky with the teachers in the nursery, who instilled in us respect and love for kindergarten. It so happened that first the eldest daughter came to them, and now the son comes to them. Children are happy to go to kindergarten, which means they feel good there!!!

Thank you to the teachers for their simple, kind, patient attitude towards children! We wish teachers kind, obedient, responsive children and grateful parents!

The sun disappeared behind the houses,

Leaving kindergarten

I tell my mom

About myself and about the guys.

How we sang songs in chorus,

How they played leapfrog,

What we drank, what we ate,

What did you read in childhood? garden

I tell you honestly

And about everything in detail.

I know mom is interested

Know about how we live

Interview with the Zamiralov family Elena Igorevna and Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Children: Kristina Zamiralova, preparatory school gr. No. 14 “Little Bunnies”,

Zamiralov Ivan, first ml. gr. No. 1 “Ladushki”

WE CHOOSE THIS KINDERGARTEN because this kindergarten has created all the comfortable conditions for children to stay in a developing environment that meets various requirements. Since the kindergarten is located next to the house. Having a pool was very nice.

I really like that children. The garden participates in city events. Attentive teachers. Many thanks to our teachers for providing additional information to parents and organizing the group.

We all hasten to congratulate you on TEACHER’S DAY on this day.

Accept the words from us,

Which will warm the soul.

We wish you in your work

Achieve the desired results

May you always be lucky, everywhere,

To raise your salary.

So that the children are good

They weren’t mischievous, well, they weren’t naughty either,

We wish you with all our hearts

May you always be happy!

Interview with the parents of Artem Shuklin (first junior group No. 2 “Chickens”).

When we were choosing the kindergarten our son would go to, we first of all paid attention to the reviews of other parents. We live next to “Daryonka” and, passing by, we saw how much fun the children had there, how the teachers played and worked with the children on the street. In the mornings we noticed that the children ran to this kindergarten with pleasure. So we decided that we would send Artem to “Daryonka” and did not doubt at all that he would feel good there!

And now we ourselves are happy to offer other parents to enroll their child in this kindergarten!

What do you like about kindergarten? First of all, not by what, but by whom! Our teachers! They are the most wonderful among us! We see how our children are developing quickly! And we, parents, are not allowed to get bored.

We wish all teachers patience, health and good mood every day! More salary!

Today he will share with us his experience of video filming interviews in kindergarten a real wizard - children's photographer and videographer from Krasnodar Igor Khlopunov.“What is its magic?” you ask. Today Igor creates high-quality videos about the life of children in kindergarten. But after many years, these films will become a wonderful door through which you can look into the past - THE UNIQUE WORLD OF CHILDHOOD! With what pleasure the already matured, and maybe even aged, heroes of these films can not only look at their little selves, but also listen to their thoughts on various topics! The value of this story will increase every year, because parents usually do not see what happens in kindergarten, and children will quickly forget. Next, I give the floor to Igor Khlopunov:

Usually the child's interview is filmed Last year his time in kindergarten and is included in the film about graduation group. As a rule, these are 2 discs: “One day in the life of a group” and a graduation party. Showing the life of a child in kindergarten and his graduation is, of course, necessary, but talking with the child is an equally interesting and important moment. This is not about a “slide show” of children’s short answers to a few common questions, but about a full-fledged interview. Moreover, I believe that this is the most important thing in the film.

In my opinion, a REAL child interview is a 15-30 minute conversation with a child, and sometimes more. Why such a spread in time? Because no two children are the same. I try to ensure that every child answers all the questions, but here they are:



Do you like it in kindergarten?

Favorite hobby at kindergarten?

Who are your friends in kindergarten?

What's your favorite toy?

What holiday do you like best?

When you grow up, what do you want to become?

What do you want to wish to the kindergarten, teachers, friends?

What would you wish for if you had Magic wand?

Wishes to parents.

It may seem that such a number of questions is not enough for a 30-minute interview. But that's just the basis, from which I start. For example, after the child answers questions about his favorite activity, favorite toy, or future profession, I will definitely ask: “Why?” And so on almost all points.

In addition to the basic questions which I indicated above, parents learn from the interview: what the child likes to eat, what toys and games he prefers to play in a group, and which ones on the street. After asking about friends, I always ask: who loves whom, who is whose fiancé and bride and why. For an adult this may seem funny, but children, smiling, nevertheless talk about it seriously. As a rule, their love is if a boy gives a girl toys, treats her with candy, does not fight, etc. Children also tell me about first kisses (on the cheek), but there is also first (“true”) love. Children often call themselves the bride and groom. Next, I find out: how many children they want in the future, whether they have brothers and sisters, and I make sure to add: “those who live with you.” Without this clause, they will definitely name all cousins, second cousins, and so on, plus they will list uncles, aunts, grandparents. Therefore, a reservation is required. Although it doesn’t always save you from your pedigree))

Children also tell me about what they do at home and how they help their parents. Someone wipes the dust, washes the dishes, plays with their little brother, and someone helps dad watch TV. They also tell me about their pets, favorite cartoons, games, sing songs, tell counting rhymes, and share their successes. They meow, bark, squeak, croak, etc., depicting different animals. I always end the interview with a wish for parents.

I think it’s now clear why my interview is taking so long.

From filming experience, the most difficult question for children - No. 8: “What do you want to wish to the kindergarten, teachers, friends?” They often confuse a wish with a gift. In this case, you can simply tell the children what you want to hear from them, ask the teacher to work on this point in the group, or do it yourself before filming. But only this question. Answers to others - there is no need to prepare in advance and it is even harmful!

The ideal age for an interview is 6-7 years.

How does the process of filming an interview work?

About a week before the shoot, I call the teacher and agree on a date. An important point is to take a printed list of children from the teachers. Teachers usually warn parents through an announcement in the group about when the video shooting will take place. 100% attendance on this day is not important because... It’s still not possible to photograph all the children. The day before filming, I make sure to make a follow-up call. In kindergartens there are various inspections, commissions, quarantines, etc., which the teacher cannot know about in advance.

The best place for filming interviews There will be a separate room, for example, a psychologist’s office or an additional office. education. But here it is very important to have a good relationship with the management of the kindergarten. If you can’t find such a room, then a bedroom will do, although you’ll have to choose the most favorable place based on the light and background.

I rent two children at a time - this is the best option. I seat them on chairs at the table, like students at school. It is very important to make sure that the chairs do not creak, otherwise you will hear it on the recording. In front of the table, I put the camera on a tripod and connect two buttonholes: one on the table - for the children, the other on the camera - for me. I don’t put microphones on children, otherwise there will be interference in the recording, because children do not sit still, like TV announcers, and they also love to twirl wires in their hands, and children’s clothes do not always allow for a good placement of the buttonhole.

Because There is usually little space, so I shoot at focal lengths of 20 mm (crop 2). Aperture 2.8-3.5. Focus in manual mode. A high bitrate is not required for such filming. I shoot in HD or FullHD mode with a bitrate of 17Mbit/s.

Very important when shooting remember which questions the children have already answered, because Often the sequence of the previously mentioned questions is broken. As a last resort, you can ask the children whether they answered this or that question, and then cut out this moment during editing. At the end of the interview, I take portraits, which I then use to design custom covers.

I conduct filming from 8-9 o’clock until quiet time, so it takes 2 days for a group of 25-30 children.

Let me note a few important points that I pay attention to when filming interviews with children:

I rarely stop a child, even if he has already answered the question and explained why. Exceptions are when children are very interested in answering one question or both need to be given the opportunity to speak equally.

The interview should be conducted by a person unfamiliar or unfamiliar to your child, but with experience in such filming.

Parents may immediately ask:“How is it that an unfamiliar cameraman will come and immediately start filming the interview. Children can simply withdraw..."

Firstly, it is not necessary to film an interview right away on the first day; you can start with classes, games, walks, i.e. make an extension for children.

Third, to a loved one(mom, dad) will not be able to talk so fully with their child, because they already know almost everything about him. If you don't believe me, you can try it. I have cases during interviews when a child tells something in secret from his parents.

This brings up the following important point:

I NEVER specifically ask children about their parents.– Who do they work for? What are they saying? and so on. Sometimes a child, answering the question “What do you want to become?”, says: “I want to work like mom or like dad.” Then I will clarify who exactly, but I won’t ask specifically. Moreover. Even if the child says something unpleasant for the parents, I will definitely cut out this moment in the editing.

Yes, some of you, or even many (at least this is how things are on video forums) will say:“This is too long for an interview”, “Who will watch this?”, “No one is interested in watching other people’s children”, “No one will pay for this”, etc. I answer: “Yes, this is additional time, as I wrote above: 2 days for a group of 25-30 children.” Parents with children will watch, but the most “relish” from this video will be in 20, 30, 40... years, when today’s graduates already have their own children or grandchildren. Regarding other people's children, I absolutely disagree. Firstly, there is a menu on the disk to quickly find your child, even if it is a file - also nothing complicated. Secondly, every year one of the parents calls and asks: “Why aren’t all the children on the disk? We wanted to see everyone." Although I warn parents at the meeting that their child and other children will be on the disk, but not all.

These are purely technical limitations. A DVD can contain up to two hours of interview video. Important!!! Where there is a lot of movement, for example, “One day in the life of a group”, it is better not to record more than 1 hour. Therefore, I divide 5-6 hours of video interviews with children of the entire group into 3 discs.

To the account “they won’t pay” - a counter question? Have you tried it? It is not to offer, but to show the finished result. Since last year (due to the fall of the ruble), parents began to save on graduation video. To reduce the cost, I began to offer separately graduation, “One Day in the Life” and interviews, i.e. The package was divided into three parts. Not a single group refused an interview; there were refusals from “One Day”.

I would also like to add that in children’s video filming, as in children’s photography, the methods of establishing psychological contact with the child, described in Igor’s articles, are very helpful.

For example, here are a couple of ready-made interviews, without abbreviations. For those who feel like they are very long, just imagine yourself in the place of the children and honestly answer the question “Would you like to remember what you thought and dreamed about when you were just as little?”

Dear parents! You have a unique opportunity to capture on video the most interesting moment in an interview with your child – the formation of a child’s thoughts, charming in its spontaneity. You will NEVER have this opportunity again!!!

Childhood is also remarkable because in its sincerity and simplicity it knows no boundaries. More than once I had to watch videos from kindergarten and every time I had to admire the naive and cute creatures. Awkward movements, inept actions, delight at various holidays and celebrations. All this is significant for both children and their parents. For adults, such a video from kindergarten is another reason to admire their child, but for kids it is life itself. Look at the video where children talk about themselves and their friends, where they learn to worry and dream:

Isn’t it true: the small inhabitants of the country are already thinking about a lot, trying to reason and fantasize. And all this happens before leaving kindergarten. Will grown-up children remember their childhood dreams and experiences? Thanks to this video from Dmitry Vizor’s studio, they will definitely not forget what their soul aspired to back in kindergarten. It is then that they will smile sadly when they hear their voice from distant childhood. And perhaps it is this video from kindergarten that will not allow the children to forget about their desires and about their friends. Maybe this film will become for some of the children a reminder that will lead him to his dream all his life. Isn't it great when a person has a childhood dream? And isn’t it great to have such a video about your child in your home video library?

By the way, the video from the kindergarten was made at a high professional level. Great lighting, great sound and, as always, masterful editing. The average person may grin, they say, in our time computer programs They also allow you to make things that are not of the same quality. We can only partially agree with this opinion: programs can do a lot. But not a single program is able to see the child’s eyes from exactly the same perspective as you were able to see in the film. One can only imagine how many times the operator had to reshoot and rewatch the video in order to find exactly the right shots that would make the film bright. But these are not artists who are accustomed to studio lighting and camera work. These are just little kindergarten students. And it was necessary to find an approach to each of them in order to relieve tension and create comfortable conditions for the child. In my opinion, the cameraman and correspondent interviewing in the kindergarten completely succeeded. The children spoke openly and boldly, which means they felt great.

It is possible that many children will be interviewed more than once in the future. But they will remember their first shoot in kindergarten with warmth and thank Dmitry Vizor for its company.

Video filming of kindergarten graduation, price. The cost of shooting a video in kindergarten look at