Social situations in the dhow are artificially created. The social situation of child development in preschool age and its features

THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL SITUATION OF DEVELOPMENT L.S. Vygotsky introduced the concept of the social situation of development as the most important characteristic of age, revealing the relationship between the child and his social environment. If the social situation mental development a child of infancy is a situation of inextricable unity of a child and an adult, the social situation “WE”, then in preschool age the child’s interests move from the world of objects to the world of adults. For the first time, the child psychologically goes beyond the family, beyond the circle of close people. The adult begins to act not only as a specific person, but also as an image. The social situation of development in preschool childhood is “child - adult (generalized, social). A generalized adult is a bearer of social functions, i.e. a driver, a policeman, a salesman, a teacher, a mother in general.

CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO CREATE A SOCIAL SITUATION OF DEVELOPMENT (FROM GEF TO) I. Ensuring emotional well-being. II.Support for individuality and initiative. III. Establishing rules of interaction in different situations. IV.Construction of variable developmental education, focused on the level of development manifested in the child in joint activities with adults and more experienced peers, but not updated in his individual activities. V. Interaction with parents ( legal representatives) on issues of child education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives.

ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE Emotional well-being leaves an imprint on the ability to communicate with other people. To achieve a positive result, it is important that partners have two qualities: the ability to clearly, directly and intelligibly express their thoughts and feelings and the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of the opposite party. Speaking and listening skills are important because they determine the quality of relationships.

RULES OF ACTIVE LISTENING 1. Talk facing each other. Eye contact. 2. Give it to the child feedback: Ask clarifying questions, for example: “Have you decided...”. Name the child’s feelings: “Are you angry?” 3. Pause after each child’s response. 4. Repeat what you heard from the child, indicate his feelings. What's good? 1. The child’s negative experience will weaken. 2. The child will talk more about himself. 3. The child is making progress in solving his difficulty independently.

REMEMBER: How did you feel as a child when you came into contact with adults? Were there adults in your childhood with whom you had good informal contact and who paid attention to you (which you needed for good contact with adults) How did your family react to your display of strong emotions? What did they tell you at the time? How has this affected your life? Conclusions: If a child is on a “starvation diet,” he pulls the “blanket of attention” onto himself, even if it is negative attention.

One of the main conditions for maintaining emotional well-being even in difficult situations is emotional stability - the ability to overcome the state of excessive emotional arousal when performing complex activities, the non-susceptibility of emotional states to negative influences (external and internal). This is one of the psychological factors of reliability, efficiency and success of activities.

EMOTIONAL STABILITY OF A TEACHER Reasons for the manifestation of emotional instability (according to the results of a survey of teachers; Semyonova E.M., Minsk): 1st place - material and living conditions; increased responsibility for the life, well-being and health of the child; low prestige of the teaching profession. 2nd place – subjective factors (which indicates that teachers underestimate their own personal characteristics to demonstrate emotional stability): individual typological characteristics (independent of the person); emotional imbalance and excitability; inability to manage manifestations of emotional state. Teachers ranked behavioral flexibility (patterned, rigidity of thinking and behavior) in 12th place in the ranking series, which indicates that teachers are inattentive to these features of professional behavior.

EMOTIONAL STABILITY OF A TEACHER During the research process, it became clear that in fact, the manifestation of emotional stability in the professional activities of a teacher is determined by the psychological characteristics of the individual: Professional self-awareness (motivation for teaching activities, humanistic motives of the individual, positive self-perception, desire for self-improvement) Emotional responsiveness (ability to understand, sincerely accept children's experiences, show warmth and participation to them) Volitional self-regulation Behavioral flexibility (ease of behavior adjustment, prompt response to changing situations, ability to adapt to changes that may occur unexpectedly)

HOW TO INCREASE EMOTIONAL STABILITY Safe emotional release (name, acknowledge and safely release feelings) The meaning of safe emotional release. Prevention (games and exercises for relaxation) Rules. Increasing professional self-esteem. One of the main reasons for low self-esteem is criticism. Inner critic. Support.

ABILITY TO CREATE CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS REFLECT: 1. How do you understand honest, trusting relationships with other people (children)? 2. What prevents you from establishing such relationships with loved ones, with your own children, children of the group? (write down) 3. What is good about establishing such a relationship?

Close relationships are determined by trust, attention, care for each other and allow: - to freely express your innermost thoughts and aspirations and at the same time not be afraid of being misunderstood and not accepted; - feel comfortable and free, relax, relieve internal tension; -increase self-esteem and develop a sense of self-worth. Establishing close relationships goes through a number of conditions: the ability to open up (trust); accept the other as he is, without the desire to change him; provide support and help to each other both in words and in deeds.

A special place in emotional well-being is occupied by the need to be loved and a person’s ability to love others. However, before a person learns to love others, he must learn to respect and love himself. Failure to do this is an indicator of self-disrespect (Distress “I’m not good enough”)

DEVELOPMENT OF A SENSE OF INDIVIDUALITY The development and formation of a sense of individuality occurs to adolescence. However, for many people, the development of individuality continues throughout their lives. The process of experiencing oneself (self-knowledge) changes as one grows and matures. A person’s individuality includes a whole complex of elements: age, gender, ethnicity, religion, profession, abilities, hobbies, relationships with other people, features of self-awareness as an individual.

DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUALITY IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN In a small child it is expressed in action, in the first disobedience, the first stubbornness, and then in the words: “I myself.” The development of individuality is facilitated by: 1) a person’s ability to interact with others - formed by imitation of the so-called “significant others” (in preschool age these are parents); 2) the ability to understand the ambiguity of an action (you can’t swing at your mother, but you can wave away a fly); ambiguity of the properties of things (a stick can be used in the game as a spoon and as a thermometer); 3) the ability to resist a pattern, a stereotype of behavior ( different style behavior in conflict); 4) the ability to take the point of view of another person (in a role-playing game;

PERSONAL ACTIVITY Activity (behavior, activity) is the ability to transform the material and spiritual environment. Personal activity is manifested in creative activity, will, and communication. Active actions can pursue humanistic and anti-humanistic goals, have both a socially useful and antisocial orientation.

THREE TYPES OF BEHAVIOR Passive behavior is expressed in the fact that a person shifts the solution of his problems to others. He goes with the flow, hides his true thoughts, feelings and desires from himself and others. This ends with the fact that a person, as a rule, blames anyone for his failures, but not himself. In addition, relationships with other people do not work out or are destroyed if they existed. Active behavior is expressed in the fact that a person openly declares his needs, desires and his desire to satisfy them by all permitted methods. His attitude towards other people is friendly, respectful, and they pay him the same. Having identified his goal, a person strives to achieve it. Independence and self-esteem are inherent in such people; an active life position creates normal, healthy relationships between people (or healthy competition). Such people, as a rule, achieve great success. At the same time, active behavior can also be aggressive. In this case, achieving the goal occurs through infringement or claims on the rights of other people. Naturally, this causes their response, which ultimately ends in complete isolation of the person and rejection from others. Aggressive behavior insults others, hurts their self-esteem, and forces them to take retaliatory measures.

NEED IS THE REASON FOR PERSONAL ACTIVITY Need (exists objectively) is the reason for the activity of the individual, it is a person’s need (necessity) for something, something for which he strives. It can be unconscious and conscious. Internal awareness of a need (motive - exists subjectively in the mind, is always aware) encourages a person to actively search for ways to satisfy it and become a motivating reason for activity. The fulfillment of necessary, obligatory needs is emotionally recognized as satisfaction, and the fulfillment of optional needs as pleasure. Satisfaction of needs is the source of creation, and pleasure is the source of destruction.

Needs can be roughly divided into biological, personal and social. Biological ones are aimed at ensuring the body’s needs for food, warmth, safety, movement, reproduction, etc. Personal needs stimulate a person to maintain his independence and individuality: these are the needs for self-expression and self-affirmation. Social needs are aimed at activity and contacts with other people: this is the need for communication, inclusion in a group, in an activity.

CONCEPT OF NEEDS BY A. MASLOW 1. Physiological needs. 2. The need for safety, reliability. 3. Social needs. 4. The need for self-esteem and self-esteem. 5. The need for self-realization and personal development, for self-actualization, understanding one’s place in the world.

CREATING CONDITIONS FOR POSITIVE, FRIENDLY RELATIONS BETWEEN CHILDREN Work in small groups. Assignment: List the conditions that, in your opinion, are necessary to create friendly relationships between children 1. Select small group speakers (1 minute). Group members complete the task independently (5 minutes) 2. Take turns speaking, the speaker writes it down (5 minutes) 3. Group speakers read out the answers. 4. The presenter adds if necessary: ​​children may belong to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as have different (including limited) health capabilities.

DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION ABILITIES Brainstorming. Means for developing the communication abilities of preschool children. Select committee members who will process the proposed solutions. Stage 1 – problem statement. Stage 2 – generation of ideas. Rules: no restrictions on the number of ideas; a complete ban on criticism (including positive); any ideas, even the most absurd ones, are welcome; combine and improve any ideas (no authority). Stage 3 – grouping, selection and evaluation of ideas. Evaluation is no longer limited, but your feelings after brainstorming are welcomed.

Construction of variable developmental education, focused on the zone of proximal development of each child, through: Creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity; Organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical, artistic and aesthetic development of children Supporting children’s spontaneous play, enriching it, providing play time and space Assessment individual development children

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P.Astafieva

Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Educational Management

Department of Practical Psychology

Course work

Social situation of child development

Scientific director :

senior lecturer of the department

practical psychology CM. Kolkova

Performed: 2nd year student

evening department

I.L. Vasyukevichute


1. Social situation of infant development

2. Social situation of development at an early age

3. Social situation of development in preschool age

4. Social situation of development in adolescence

4.1 Social situation of development in adolescence in a family environment

4.2 Social situation of development in adolescence at school


Concept social development situation was introduced by L.S. Vygotsky as a unit of analysis of the dynamics of child development, i.e. a set of laws that determine the emergence and changes in the structure of a child’s personality at each age stage. The social situation of development determines the child’s lifestyle, his “social being,” during which he manifests new personality traits and develops new mental formations. Being a product of age-related development, neoplasms appear towards the end of the age period and lead to a restructuring of the entire structure of the child’s consciousness, to changes in the system of his relationships to the world, other people, and himself. The appearance of new formations is a special sign of the collapse of the old social situation of development and the formation of a new social situation of development, which is accompanied by crises of age-related development. The concept of social situation of development was defined by B.G. Ananyev and in his opinion it is aimed at overcoming the idea of ​​the environment as a factor that mechanically determines the development of personality. Subsequently, this concept received a detailed analysis in a macro-social-psychological context and was used to describe, for example, the ontogenetic development of the personality of the child L.I. Bozhovich, D.B. Elkonin, who defined age as characterized by the following main indicators: 1) a certain social situation of development - that specific form of relationship into which a child enters with adults in a given period; 2) main or leading type of activity; 3) the main mental new formations acquired at this stage of development (from individual mental processes to personality traits). And also as a relatively closed period, the value of which is determined primarily by its place on the general curve child development. .

Thus social development situation is specific to each age period, determined by the system of relations of the subject in social reality, reflected in his experiences and realized by him in joint activities with other people.

Object of study: children from infancy to adolescence.

Analysis of the social situation of development showed that it is typical for any age period, including infancy. At first glance, it may seem that the baby is not a social creature at all. He does not yet master the main means of human communication (speech), his life activity is limited to satisfying the simplest needs of life, he is rather an object of care than a subject of social life. This easily gives the impression that the baby is a purely biological being, devoid of all specific human properties.

In fact, the baby lives in a very specific and deeply a unique social situation of development. This situation is determined by the complete helplessness of the baby and the absence of any means of independent existence and satisfaction of its needs. The only such “means” is another person - an adult, who mediates absolutely all the manifestations of the baby. Whatever happens to the baby, he is always in a situation related to the adult caring for him. Objects appear and disappear from the child’s field of vision always thanks to the participation of other people; the child always moves in space on someone else’s legs and arms; the elimination of irritants that interfere with the baby and the satisfaction of his basic needs is always accomplished through other people. The infant's objective dependence on adults creates a completely unique character in the child's relationship to reality (and to himself). These relationships are always mediated by others, always refracted through the prism of relationships with people. Therefore, the child’s attitude to reality from the very beginning is social attitude. In this sense, L.S. Vygotsky called the baby “a maximally social being.” Every child’s relationship, even the simplest, to things or to the outside world in general is always carried out with the help of or through another person.

An adult is the center of all situations in infancy. therefore, removing it immediately means for the child a sharp change in the situation in which he finds himself. In the absence of an adult, the baby finds himself in a situation of complete helplessness: his activity is as if paralyzed or extremely limited. In the presence of an adult, the most ordinary and natural way to realize his activity - through another person. That is why the meaning of any situation for an infant is determined primarily by the presence of an adult - his proximity, attitude towards the child, attention to him, etc.

The objective social situation of the infant’s development is also related to the uniqueness of its reflection by the child. L.S. Vygotsky suggested that while physically separating from the mother, the child is not separated from her either biologically or psychologically. This fusion with the mother continues until the end of infancy, until the child learns to walk independently, and his psychological emancipation from the mother occurs even later. Therefore, he designates the main neoplasm of infancy with the term “ great - we”, and implies by it the original mental community of mother and child. This initial experience of the fusion of self and other precedes the emergence of consciousness of one’s own personality, i.e. awareness of one’s separate self. This point of view of L.S. Vygotsky argued with two well-known facts.

The first fact concerns the baby’s ideas about his own body: at first the child does not distinguish his body from the surrounding world of things. He perceives and is aware of external objects earlier. At first he views his arms and legs as foreign objects and only then comes to the realization that they are parts of his own body.

The second fact confirming this point of view is the dependence of the child’s reactions on the spatial state of things. The physical distance of an object also means its psychological distance. Having moved away to a certain distance, the previously attractive object loses all interest for the baby. An object at a distance does not seem to exist at all for him. But interest revives with new strength, as soon as an adult appears next to the object - in the same optical field with it. This is an extremely important phenomenon. It would seem that nothing has changed in the object situation: the child perceives the object as distant and unattainable as before. But the affective attractiveness of an object located at a distance depends on the presence of an adult near this object. Moreover, the child does not yet understand that he can turn to an adult to get the desired item. An adult is needed here not to get an inaccessible object, but to make this object attractive to the child.

If the first fact characterizes the baby’s inability to isolate from the surrounding world and realize his own body and his autonomous existence, then the second indicates that the child’s social attitude and his attitude to external objects are inseparable for the child: the objective and social contents are still merged for the child. Both facts may indicate that the child’s own mental life is carried out in no other way than under the condition of mental community, in the conditions of the consciousness of “great-we.”

This view of the social situation of an infant’s development radically changes the idea of ​​its development. In traditional scientific ideas, the baby was viewed as a completely autonomous being, knowing nothing but itself, and completely immersed in the world of its own experiences. According to this view, the undeveloped psyche of a child is maximally isolated, incapable of social relationships and reacts only to primitive stimuli from the outside world. Only later does the baby become a social being, socializing his desires, thoughts and actions. L.S. Vygotsky categorically refutes this idea.

From the first moment of his life, the child’s psyche is included in a common existence with other people. The child initially reacts not to individual sensations, but to the people around him, and it is through them that he perceives and learns the world. The baby lives not so much among lifeless external stimuli as in an internal community with other people. For an infant, an adult is not an external environment, not a perceived and cognizable object of the external world, but the internal content of his mental life. At first, the baby seems to live in another, he is merged with him from the inside. And only later does his psychological separation from the adult gradually occur.

Topic 5: Mental development in preschool age

1. Physical development of the child

2. Social situation of preschooler development

3. Activities in preschool age

4. Mental development

5. Development of the personality of a preschooler

6. Psychological readiness for school

Preschool age lasts from 3 to 6-7 years and ends with the beginning of schooling.

Physical development of the child

In the fifth year of life, the appearance of a small child begins to change greatly. The child begins to experience years of growth in length. Most of it now falls on the legs. While Small child still retains its baby face, its limbs begin to grow and become long and slender. The fat relief disappears, muscles and joints become visible, forming thickenings in the relief of the limbs. In essence, the knees also protrude more. The kneecaps become visible and the wide ends of the hollow bones stand out. The nose is still small, although a little more pronounced. But the upper lip still protrudes above the lower lip.

Angularity and purposefulness appear in their movements, they become very dexterous. His gait takes on a different character. Instead of mincing like a child, the child begins to walk. The big difference is in running. As a result, the torso becomes slimmer. It is divided into two parts: a waist is formed when the chest passes into the abdomen, and it becomes narrower at the bottom, because the ribs are now located differently and, as a result, the rib angle becomes sharper. The sternum forms a depression between the relief of the large pectoral muscles. The abdomen flattens and the semicircle below disappears. The spine acquires an S-shaped curvature and thereby becomes more graceful. The shoulders widen and become more shaped. The collarbones are indicated. Skin depressions appear under them, and the shoulder joints appear through the obliques. The shoulder blades protrude on the back. The neck is now growing, thanks to which the head rises freer and more harmoniously above the body.

Social situation of preschooler development

At preschool age, a child experiences a severe shock - he discovers that he is not the center of the universe and the family. The reasons for this discovery are: 1) visiting a kindergarten; 2) the appearance of a second child; 3) separation of the child from the adult, treating him as “an adult.” Shock manifests itself in jealousy, whims and demands for additional attention, which normally smooth out by the age of 5.

Throughout preschool childhood, the child intensively communicates with adults and peers. The need for communication does not boil down to any other needs and consists in the child’s desire to know himself and other people, to appreciate and self-esteem, etc.

Communication style in family has a significant impact on the formation of the child’s personal qualities.

Authoritarian style characterized by cruelty, suppression of initiative, requirement of strict obedience, reliance on shouts and punishment. This does not mean that the parents do not love the child. Often, on the contrary, great achievements are expected from the child and they strive to “limit his life for his own good.” Love in such a family is poured out expressively, depending on the mood of the parents, and the child can never be sure whether he will be praised or scolded. This style of education creates in the child lack of independence, uncertainty, anxiety, conformism, or, on the contrary, aggressiveness and authoritarianism (in imitation of parents).

The liberal-permissive style is characterized by permissiveness, indulgence in the whims of the child, and the absence of clear requirements, rules and restrictions. This style of education creates in a child selfishness, touchiness, inability to build normal relationships with others, increased demands on others, assertion of oneself through demands and whims.

The overprotective style is a variant of the liberal-permissive style and is sometimes called the “grandparents style.” The family is completely fixed on the child, dissolves in him, devotes his whole life to him. This style initially deprives the child of independence in physical, mental and social terms. This style of upbringing creates in a child infantility, self-doubt, selfishness, lack of independence, and a consumerist attitude towards others.

The friendly style is characterized by joint games, conversations on topics of interest, frequent spending time together, and a clear system of requirements and responsibilities. In such a family, the child develops self-confidence, the ability to communicate with others, independence, initiative, and curiosity.

The alienated style is characterized by deep indifference to the child’s personality, when he is “not seen”, avoided, and a psychological distance is maintained. The child feels lonely and unhappy. Against this background, an alienated attitude towards people, aggressiveness, a consumerist attitude arises, or, on the contrary, an overestimation of relationships, a desire to be included in some group at all costs.

In communication with the teacher children comprehend and master the properties of other people and their own qualities that do not lie directly on the surface, but are inferred based on what is happening (ingenuity, intelligence, etc.). According to experimental data, primary and secondary preschoolers easily understand questions about the relevant qualities of a person, rate an adult very highly on these parameters and notice their own shortcomings in these respects. Their self-esteem, however, remains fragile and unstable, but the presence of statements about themselves, a critical attitude towards their qualities in comparison with the qualities of an adult indicate success in the development of the child’s self-awareness.

This fact determines the child’s need for respect from an adult and determines the special sensitivity of preschoolers to the assessment that adults give them. It manifests itself in the child’s increased sensitivity, disruption and even complete cessation of activities after critical remarks or reprimands, as well as in excitement and delight after praise. In addition, the teacher’s attitude towards the child is often reflected in the attitude of peers towards him.

Although the adult remains the center of the child's world until about 7 years of age, the first contacts with peers are also noted quite early.

According to E.L. Frucht, they are noticeable already at 8-9 months, but information about the interactions of infants is almost completely exhausted by the statement that in the 1st year of life the child “loves to watch other children.” Thus, according to M. Lewis and J. Brooks, infants those who were frightened by an unfamiliar adult gave a positive reaction to an unfamiliar child-peer. If, with the help of a mirror, you create the impression that the child is approaching himself, then the baby shows no less admiration than when the mother appears.

At the 2-3rd year of life, according to B. Spock, children enter into increasingly close practical contacts, and emotional connections arise between them. Two-year-old children, although they still hardly play together, nevertheless love to watch each other play and “just be close” to others. If they play together, then they do “without any ceremony” and only after 3 years they learn to “reckon with each other. According to V.S. Mukhina, by the middle of the 2nd year the child “feels sympathy for other children” and greets them with a timid smile.

After 3 years, children’s interaction with each other intensifies, initiation of communication appears; preschoolers play not only nearby, but also together; children's need for each other is revealed; the child stops unceremoniously offending other children, more often shares toys and sweets with them, enjoying their company.

All this indicates the formation of a need to communicate with other children. This need is selective: for example, in the work of R.A. Smirnova showed that preschoolers aged 3-7 years give the greatest preference to a peer who satisfies their need for friendly attention. Next come the comrades who carry out the program of playful cooperation and empathy.

Several complexes of children's manifestations towards their peers have been identified, allowing them to be considered types (options) of communication with peers.

1. The child is primarily focused on joint activities with a peer and on her organization. He strives for business contacts with peers, gives advice, makes proposals for organizing activities in general or individual actions, evaluates his working together with a partner (“We built a beautiful palace”). In all his actions and statements, the child is serious and businesslike; he carefully watches his peer, watches his movements, comments on them, and helps if necessary; listens to the partner’s business or educational explanations. There are 3 variants of manifestations of this complex:

· child primarily studies peer techniques, content and organization of activities;

· child himself organizes activity, imposes its own patterns, but also accepts the proposals and patterns of the partner (the first option repeats, in interaction with peers, the position that the child takes in relation to the adult - the child remains in the position of “junior” in relation to the partner - “senior”; and in the second option they - equal partners);

The first complex reflects the child’s desire for business contacts, joint activities, cooperation with a peer, i.e. implements business motives.

2. The child starts abruptly separate themselves from their peers, emphasizing their real or perceived skills (“I built...”, “I can...”). He also shows interest in his partner’s skills, but in a biased manner (“Can you do that?”); he compares his partner with himself, as if competing with him. A phenomenon described by R.I. is observed in the child’s behavior. Derevianko as a phenomenon of “competitive imitation” ». Its essence is as follows: the child does his work following the example of his peer, and then declares it the best.

The child seizes the initiative from his peer in remarks and actions, usually does not obey the initiative of his peer, and even more so his orders, if they are made in the tone of an elder. He himself commands, making categorical proposals that do not involve discussion. A peer's actions are constantly criticized; disputes often arise characteristic feature which is the child’s desire to defend his position as knowledgeable and right. At the same time, he does not listen to the arguments of his peer, even if they are reasonable, and at any cost, responding with the most unprecedented arguments (and often doing without them at all), insists that he is right.

The child’s sensitivity to the partner’s attitude is high. He gets offended, protests, stops communicating if his partner does not agree with him or does not obey his intentions. Resentment occurs in this case much more often than with other complexes of manifestations of children in contacts with peers.

This complex fulfills the needs of preschool children V respect from peers.

A means of demonstrating an attitude towards a peer or conveying one’s own impressions and feelings that overwhelm the child is an affectionate or (more often) playfully affectionate touch. The child expresses his impressions (present and past), shares life events, and strives to make sure his partner understands what is being communicated.

In the third complex of personally motivated manifestations of a child towards a peer, the need for empathy on the part of peers is actualized.

4. In it, children's behavior is characterized by a transition from serious interaction to fun and fantasy: they make up tall tales, talk “nonsense” on the phone, pick up and develop the jokes and fantasies of others. The partner's approval (laughter, inclusion in an unusual conversation) causes an even greater surge of imagination in the child: he picks up individual words and phrases of his peer and changes them, often rhyming or playing with the morphology of the word. Every now and then the child deliberately makes his partner laugh by acting out a funny story, making unusual sounds, making grimaces, mimicking his partner’s statements, exaggerating, parodying the actions of his peer. Immediately after this, the children become more attentive to each other.

All this qualifies as a child’s desire to co-create with a peer. Its main features: unusualness (in the pronunciation of words, fantastic plots and characters), high emotionality (frequently accompanied by laughter), novelty of all aspects of actions.

Natalya Tatarskikh
Social development situation

Today we have gathered for the next methodological event, which will be held in the form "Oral Journal" By topic social development situation

Subject: “Accompanying teachers to create conditions social development situation child in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"

Target: To increase the levels of competence of teachers in matters of creating social situation of children's development, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age.

Tasks: 1. Expand the level of theoretical knowledge on the issue of establishing partnerships between an adult and a child.

2. Introduce basic concepts social development situation, sensitive periods of preschool age.

3. Contribute development practical skills in organizing educational activities taking into account the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

4. Create conditions for the exchange and dissemination of experience.

Form of organization: oral journal

Progress of the event: At the entrance, participants are asked to choose a badge in the form of a flower in 3 colors.

Our event is scheduled for approximately 1.5 hours. We hope that you will find it interesting, useful and will further help our development.

And we will begin our work with game exercise "In the circle of professionals" 1 slide

You will be presented with five provisions, if you agree to them, follow the required steps. Be careful!

1. If you think that the most important thing in the work of teachers is love for children, clap your hands.

2. If you believe that practical experience is more useful for raising children than theoretical knowledge, stomp your feet.

3. If you are sure that each child has his own pace development, touch the tip of your nose.

4. If you think that children develop thanks to rich, saturated environment, nod your head.

5. If you think that when child development, no need to take into account age and individual characteristics, close your eyes.

I see that you have open eyes, and we all understand that taking into account age characteristics and sensitive periods is important in creating social situation of child development. So you are ready to work, you are in a good mood. I invite you today to remember and systematize the knowledge on creating social development situations preschool children. Now pay attention to the color of your badge and sit down at a table marked with the same color.

Slide 2 We understand that modern society requires proactive young people who are able to find "myself" and their place in life, to restore Russian spiritual culture, morally steadfast, socially adapted capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement.

We remember that the basic structures of personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that we adults: families and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for nurturing such qualities in the younger generation and creating favorable conditions.

In this regard, the problem development child becomes especially relevant at this modern stage.

1. Provide pedagogical support to children, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

2. Contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the group; be able to manage children's behavior;

3. Develop social competence of preschoolers, establishing rules of interaction in different situations.

4. Study families and provide advisory assistance to parents, improve their pedagogical competence in matters of education, and directly involve them in educational activities.

We begin to leaf through the pages of our magazine and the first page "Information"

The specificity of preschool age is that social development child is carried out under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. The child cooperates with competent adults; as a member of society, he is included in the system of human relations, where a dialogue of personalities and value systems takes place. The development of patterns and norms of behavior and the search for correct life attitudes occurs in preschoolers in interaction with peers, teachers, and parents.

Adults open up the future for children, act as mediators and accomplices in relation to children’s activities in order to help children gain their own experience.

Creation social situation of development is necessary for the development of intellectual, creative, physical abilities.

Our task is to educate an active creative personality, through the creation of a person capable of self-realization, able to establish harmonious relationships with other people, with himself

Slide 6 We bring to your attention a video revealing the concept Social development situation.

Page 2 of our magazine "Practical", on which

we will try to define the concept ourselves Social development situation. (We listen to the participants’ options.)

Slide 8 Let's see what definitions and terms modern pedagogy offers us.

Term Social development situation– The concept was introduced by the Soviet psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, the founder of the cultural-historical approach in psychology, and is associated with a new understanding of the role of the environment for child development. Social development situation determines the child’s lifestyle and, along with psychological new formations of consciousness and personality development is a structural component psychological age. During periods of age crises social development situation is being rebuilt and thereby setting a new direction child development. Specifics social development situation consists of the content of tasks and contradictions that need to be resolved by the child to overcome the crisis period and further development. Social development situation of this age represents the starting point for all dynamic changes occurring in development during this period.

L. S. Vygotsky

Social situation of development – ​​system of social conditions, defining psychological people development.

Social development situation- a system of subject relations specific to each age period social reality, reflected in his experiences and realized by him in joint activities with other people. Social development situation determines the child's lifestyle, his social being, in the process of which he acquires new personality traits and mental new formations.

Slide 9 Next page of our oral magazine: "Document in Action"

Today it is very important to understand the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to know the concepts that a teacher should use. There are cards with terms on the tables in front of you; you need to establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions, because they are confused.

Slide 10 We suggest you find the correct answers in the Federal State Educational Standards document, clause 3.2.5. – please check yourself!

Conclusion: Thus social development situation determines entirely those forms and the path along which the child acquires new properties of his personality.

The educational standard is based on the design of a kindergarten, which involves setting the task of transforming the way of life in kindergarten into social situation of child’s personality development. And when we pose the question this way, then in the design process social situation we must take into account the motives and individual characteristics of the child in order to help him choose the activity that corresponds to these motives.

Slide 11 And now, having outlined all these concepts, let me turn to the next page of the magazine - page "Problematic".

No idea « social development situation» , introduced by Vygotsky - Leontiev - Bozhovich, there is no idea of ​​leading activity. Social development situation literally acts as a source child's personality development.

Vygotsky says the following: social situation of development as a source of development includes from the very beginning social the child’s position in relation to the world and parents. This social position being deployed from a static to a dynamic plan, and acts as a leading activity. Just as the arrow changes the movement of the train, so does social the position changes the system of motives in which the child is included.

At each age stage, there are tendencies to choose certain forms of leading activity, which allows one to be most fully realized. social situation of child's personality development. And we are faced with the problem of understanding this issue and determining the conditions for creating social development situation at each age stage of the preschooler and fill out the table. 1 team of participants fills infancy (0-1, the second team - early childhood (1-3) and 3 team - preschool child (3-7)

age Leading activity. What is the neoplasm crisis? Social development situation

0-1 0-6. situationally-personal communication with adults.

From 6 months situationally- a business form of communication between a child and an adult. The end of infancy is characterized by a crisis of 1 year. L. S. Vygotsky identifies three points that characterize the crisis of the first year life: formation of walking, presence of latent (hidden) period in the development of the child’s speech and the peculiarities of the manifestation of affects and will.

The crisis of the first year of life symbolizes the child’s transition to a new age stage his development - early childhood. Walking is the first of the main neoplasms of infancy, marking the break of the old development situation. The second main new development of this age is the appearance of the first word.

Attachment to mother, isolation of self,

From 6 months – specific objective actions.

Direct emotional communication with adults.

1-3 Subject activity of the child.

Mastery of weapon actions.

Development of objective actions. The crisis of three years - the border between early and preschool childhood - is one of the most difficult moments in a child's life. This is destruction, a revision of the old system social relations, crisis of allocation of one's own "I", according to D. B. Elkonin. The child, separating from adults, tries to establish new, deeper relationships with them.

Becoming "I systems" and self-esteem. A child is an adult in cooperation, the goal of which is the assimilation of socially developed ways of using objects.

3-6 Plot-role-playing game. At seven years of age to replace play activity training comes. The emergence of new activities is associated with the mechanism of the emergence of new motives, with a “shift of motive to goal.” The 7 year crisis is a turning point on the childhood curve development, separating one age from another.

One of the main symptoms of the crisis of seven years is antics, mannerisms, and disobedience. The child becomes uncontrollable, he does not react to the parents’ comments, pretends that he does not hear them or goes into open conflict. Formation of a hierarchy of motives for activity.

The emergence of a need for socially significant activities. It is expressed in the child’s emergence of an internal position and awareness of his behavior.

Preschool childhood covers the period from 3 to 6–7 years. At this time, the child is disconnected from the adult, which leads to a change social situation. For the first time, the child leaves the world of the family and enters the world of adults with certain laws and rules. The circle is expanding communication: a preschooler visits stores, a clinic, begins to communicate with peers, which is also important for him development.

Slide 12 Thus, without age-related crises development is not possible. Vygotsky introduces the idea of ​​two types of ages - critical and stable. During the crisis" Development is taking place rapidly, rapid, sometimes catastrophic in nature." The critical period is determined by disharmony, a contradiction between the environment and the child’s attitude towards it. Development in a stable period leads to the emergence of a new personality structure - a neoplasm. This neoplasm leads to a violation of harmony between the child and the reality around him. The emergence of something new in development there is necessarily at the same time the disintegration of the old.

Using the example of the seven-year crisis in the works of L. I. Bozhovich, it was demonstrated that delaying the transition to new living conditions leads to phenomena that were understood as indicating a crisis development. This was the expression of A. N. Leontiev’s idea of ​​a crisis-free nature development. The critical age in the theory of activity of A. N. Leontiev is the moment of change in leading activity, which is essentially social development situation.

Slide 13 And now I invite you to discussions: page "Discussion". Let's think and answer questions: why is it so important to take into account the individual characteristics of children. Let's try to highlight the options for the individual characteristics of children in a modern kindergarten.

Sample answers from participants.

Conclusion: kindergarten must create conditions for the construction of variable developmental education oriented towards every child, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as having different health capabilities.

Let's imagine that in our kindergarten all children are talented. But even so

different, because each perceives the world around them differently to his: one child listens to sounds with interest, another needs to touch everything with his hands, and the third spends a long time looking at new drawings and unusual objects.

In order to successfully organize the educational process, the teacher must know the characteristics of each child, which are manifested in the perception, memorization, processing and use of information, and, taking this into account, choose one or another method of communication. If it coincides with the leading modality, the child will cope well with the tasks assigned to him, work effectively with the material and remember it well in natural conditions development.

The task is to remake the lyrics of a familiar song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" on behalf of the auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners.

Answers. Audio version: “In the forest we hear a song - the Christmas tree is singing. In winter and summer, the spruce grows loudly and creakingly. The snowstorm sang to her song: “Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye”, frost played on pipe: “Listen, don’t freeze!” Around her we sing a cheerful song. It rings with toys - we live so noisily!”

Visual version: “I see a Christmas tree in the forest. I look - she’s standing. I look and I see: slender, green, shiny. The snowstorm looks at the clearly outlined Christmas tree. Frost saw Christmas tree: “She looks beautiful!” A spruce tree appeared in a wide perspective. The forester's shadow flashed - a gray stump remained. And here she is, dressed up, shining at the ball. And children in bright hats play in the snow.”

Kinesthetic version: “I smell a Christmas tree in the forest. Spruce grows to the touch. In winter and summer, I feel that the Christmas tree has a purpose. The blizzard, stroking the Christmas tree, covered it in snow. The frost hit the tree and sped off head over heels. The forester walked through the forest with a heavy gait. The forester waved his hatchet - and the forest instantly withered. And so she, a fluffy one, came to us for the holiday and brought a lot of warm joy to the children.”

6page of the magazine - "Attention, experience!"

We bring to your attention another video from the Internet. « Social development situation» .

Discussion of the video. A truly financially secure family is not the key to creating development situation, modern parents do not have sufficient knowledge in matters of education and communication with their children. Of course, today every kindergarten has its own experience of interacting with families to create social situation of success. We present to your attention the work experience of MADO No. 131 “Project activities as a way to involve parents in the pedagogical process of kindergarten”

Final page.

Edward de Bono method "Six Thinking Hats"

This method can be used for mental work in a wide variety of areas and at a variety of levels. Each hat sets a certain way of thinking. This is the method role playing game. By putting on a hat of a certain color, a person plays a certain role that corresponds to it, looks at the problem from a certain point of view.

The white hat team identifies facts, figures, and achievements of the teaching staff during their work over the course of the year.

The team with the red hat shares their emotions, feelings, experiences about the events held, about the fulfillment of the tasks of the annual plan, they remember what emotions the children and teachers experienced during classes, holidays, and walks. The team with the black hat expresses doubts, identifies problems and negative aspects in the implementation of the entire annual work plan, and what difficulties they encountered. The team with the green hat looks for ways to solve the problems they encounter, expresses ideas, and invents new solutions.

The team with the yellow hat reveals the positive aspects of the year's work. The team with the blue hat sums up the results, draws conclusions, and evaluates the activities of all participants.

Why today do we so often talk about the social situation of the development of a child - a preschooler? Why do questions of the social situation of child development so concern the minds of famous theorists and interested practitioners?

The problem of the personal development of a preschool child in the conditions of social developmental situations attracted the attention of outstanding domestic scientists, such as L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.T. Kudryavtsev, D.I. Feldstein, D.B. Elkonin et al.

For the first time, the concept of “social situation of development” was introduced by L. S. Vygotsky; according to the scientist, it combines the main characteristics of the age period of development, including central mental neoplasms and age-related changes in the child’s psyche as a whole, as well as the child’s relationship with the surrounding social environment, which leaves an imprint on his personal development. The scientist believed that each stage of child development is characterized by its own social situation. Over time, this area of ​​research has been enriched with new scientific knowledge.

According to A.N. Veraksa, “the social situation of development can be characterized as a system of demands that the “world of adults” imposes on the child, and the rights that this “world” provides him. It is in such a situation that the child has the opportunity not only to appropriate social experience, but also to take a step in your development..."

According to A.G. Asmolov, without the concept of “social situation of development”, there is no idea of ​​leading activity. According to the scientist, the social situation of development literally acts as a source of development of the child’s personality, various shapes Activities characteristic of a certain childhood age allow the social situation of the development of the child’s personality to be realized, the social role assumed by the child in certain relationships.

Issues of the social situation of the development of a child of preschool age are given attention in one of the most significant modern documents of the preschool education system - the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which indicates the importance of the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age (Clause 3.2.5 .): “ensuring the emotional well-being of children, supporting individuality and initiative, establishing rules of interaction in different situations, building variable developmental education, interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education.”

Let us pay attention to the components of the concept of “social development situation”.

Social - public, associated with the life and relationships of people in society.

A situation is a set of circumstances, conditions that create certain relationships, conditions or situations.

Development is the process of formation of an organism or its individual parts and organs. In contrast to growth, a process associated mainly with quantitative phenomena, development is aimed at qualities that are inherent in an individual from birth and can develop under the influence of training and upbringing.

Thus, the social situation of development is nothing more than a system of social relations associated with the lives of people in society, a set of circumstances, conditions, a process associated mainly with quantitative phenomena (changes) aimed at the formation of qualities that are inherent in an individual from birth and developing under the influence of training and education or the surrounding social environment.

Of course, the conditions of the modern social or, more precisely, sociocultural environment and its features can have a significant impact on the social situation of the development of a preschool child, and through it on his personal development. The state of the modern sociocultural environment can be characterized by the following features:

1. The cultural instability of the surrounding world, the mixing of cultures, coupled with multilingualism, diversity and sometimes inconsistency of the proposed different cultures patterns of behavior and patterns of attitude towards the surrounding world;

2. A large number of aggressive sources of information (television, Internet), characterized by the complexity of perception and interpretation of the information received for the child;

3. The complexity of the environment from a technological point of view, the violation of the established traditional scheme of transferring knowledge and experience from adults to children, the lack of a real transition from authoritarian pedagogy to the construction of various forms of joint activity between adults and children, the inability of adults to recognize children’s “right to make mistakes.”

4. The aggressiveness of the environment and the limited mechanisms of adaptation of the human body to rapidly changing conditions, the presence of numerous harmful factors that negatively affect the health of children, both physical and mental.

What areas and forms of work used in preschool educational institutions can serve to prevent the influence of negative information from the outside and contribute to the creation of a favorable social situation for the child’s development?

1. Implementation educational field"Socially - communication development» in integration with other educational areas.

“Socio-communicative development is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; formation of positive attitudes towards various types labor and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.”

2. Development of social skills: communication skills with peers, the ability to get out of a conflict situation, skills for dealing with feelings (skills for regulating feelings), skills for alternatives to aggression, skills for overcoming stress, positive socialization skills.

3. Development of social competence.

It is known that human social competence is the ability to achieve one’s own goals in the process of interaction with other people, supporting them a good relationship in any situation. To do this, you need to teach children:

select from the information flows that which is relevant for solving a specific educational problem;

teach how to find missing information, including correctly formulating a question and finding the right addressee;

to develop skills in collectively distributed activities with peers;

to foster a culture of preference for moral ways to achieve goals from among possible options.

4. Development and implementation of integrative cognitive routes. In the process of mastering educational routes, practice-oriented activities for children are carried out: excursions to historical places, visiting and organizing exhibitions, meeting artists, works of writers, poets, active participation in projects, regional competitions dedicated to traditions, cultural events of that area, that city or the village where the child lives.

Integrative cognitive routes allow you to solve cognitive problems, provide an opportunity to fulfill social

orientational tasks of education: to cultivate in children a sense of belonging to the nearest social environment, pride in one’s region, the dignity of an emerging citizen, contribute to the creation of a favorable social situation for the development of the child, his positive socialization in society.


1. Asmolov A.G. Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds. M., 1987.

2. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. M., 1968.

3. Korotaeva E.V., Andryunina A.S. Scientific and methodological support of regionally oriented programs for preschool children, West Siberian Pedagogical Bulletin, No. 2 / 2014.

4. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Pedagogical dictionary. M.: Academy, 2003. - 176 p.

5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation(Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”