History of makeup of the first half of the 20th century. A Brief History of Cosmetics and Makeup Nail polish was invented in China

Scientists agree that it is impossible to say exactly who exactly invented makeup, but we can easily find the oldest, but reliable information about it. Recently, archaeologists in one of the Egyptian tombs discovered some evidence that Egyptian women resorted to various means to obtain and apply makeup. Clay containers containing cosmetics were found buried next to the dead. The containers contained color palettes with black eye paint, green eye shadow, and bright pigments that were used as lip color.

It turns out that the eye makeup products found had been stored there for more than 3,000 years. Other finds from the Dead Sea that have been attributed to Cleopatra are skin care products made from potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and bromine.

There is evidence in written sources that the Egyptians were the very first to use different makeup products. Pliny the Elder describes in detail and with great enthusiasm the Egyptian method of mixing substances and how to properly apply all these products to the eyes.

Later civilizations, such as the Greeks and Romans, also resorted to the use of makeup, although these civilizations were more restrained in this regard.

Why did the Egyptians start using cosmetics?

Makeup lovers and historians give many reasons why people began to use cosmetics. There are many options, ranging from spiritual beliefs to improving your appearance. This list represents the most popular opinions on why the Egyptians used cosmetics:

  • Ancient fashion trends.
  • An expression of belonging to a particular class.
  • Protect your eyes from hot sun rays.
  • To protect the owner from the evil eye.
  • Protects facial skin from sunburn.
  • Preventing eye diseases.

What did it look like?

Egyptian makeup styles are well documented in stone reliefs that have been found in tombs, monuments, and surviving public buildings. For centuries, men and women have enjoyed this heavy makeup style, especially during Halloween. To understand what it looks like, you can look at encyclopedias.

National Geographic online magazine has an interesting article and photos on the topic of ancient Egyptian makeup. French researchers have focused on the spiritual significance of this early civilization's makeup traditions.

Other civilizations

Over time, other civilizations began to share the interests of the Egyptians in this matter, but compared to our traditions and rules that exist now, they had a completely different idea of ​​​​makeup. The largest civilizations of the time - the Greeks and Romans - had their own cosmetics that they preferred to use.


Greek women were passionate about having everyone possible ways draw attention to your person young man to maintain youth as long as possible. The love for natural beauty and eternal youth has provoked the emergence of certain traditions regarding the use of makeup. Women who could afford expensive lead makeup applied it to their faces. Others have used olive oil to give your skin a fresh and healthy look. Greek women generally did not wear blush, but they did try to darken their eyebrows in every possible way.


For centuries, Rome has been considered the center of style and fashion. Roman women loved to look pale and used white lead-based paint to achieve this look. Red paint was applied to the lips and cheeks. Smokey eye makeup like ours was a hit, but it was a little darker. The Romans were well aware of how to properly use aromatic essential oils as perfume.

Cosmetic inventions

A lot of different cultures also made their invaluable contribution to the traditions of makeup. Our modern styles less bright than the ancients, cosmetic procedures also differ significantly. However, personal style is everyone's business.

The abundance of advertising and programs about beauty involuntarily suggests the idea that only women of the 21st century are seriously concerned about their appearance. However, the history of cosmetics proves that women have always been fierce in their desire to remain beautiful.

Eyeliner, powder and blush, body tattooing, rubbing and ointments for the skin - all these products have been known since time immemorial. And the only difference between us and the ancients is that today self-care costs much more than in the Neolithic.

Ancient world

Exhibits in archaeological museums indicate that ancient people were not strangers to beauty: warriors and women wore necklaces, bracelets made from shells or dried fruits, and ivory pendants. In the Iron Age (approximately 3,300 BC), tattooing was in particular “fashion”. But what is more surprising, the remains of bodies found by archaeologists indicate that already in those days people were doing their own manicures.

The ancient civilizations of the East are known for their passion for cosmetics of various kinds. For example, in Iraq 2000 BC. Perfume, as well as pigment paint for eyes and lips, were in great demand. First decorative cosmetics They made the necessary colors from various minerals, and the composition was stored in sea shells.

The classic example of the use of cosmetics is, of course, Ancient Egypt. Black eyeliner, green eyelid pigment and cheek blush were popular here. The Egyptians loved all kinds of incense and perfume.

Europe also did not lag behind the advanced East. The Greeks and Romans enjoyed using perfume and lipstick. But, unlike the culture of the East, whiteness of skin was valued here. Therefore, Western beauties preferred white powder to give a noble pallor to their appearance, and lipstick and eye shadow for expressiveness. Roman women introduced the practice of using anti-aging face masks. It is curious that the basis for them was crocodile excrement. I wonder which of the modern beauties will decide to take such a step today?

Greek and Roman women were famous for their elaborate and complex hairstyles. They dyed their hair and sometimes used wigs. At the same time, it was the Romans who began to actively fight body hair. To do this, they used a steel blade, a pumice stone, tweezers and depilatory creams.


Finally, we should debunk the myth that medieval people were dirty and smelled bad. Most of those living then took care of their appearance and tried to keep themselves clean. In many cities there were people willing to pay to take a bath. And it was in the Middle Ages that toothpicks and mouthwashes, ear cleaning blades and manicure sets for nails appeared in human everyday life.

In the Middle Ages, blondes were especially popular, and many women went to any lengths to lighten their hair. Chase after fashionable shade ended very badly for the hair, and sometimes even for the housewives themselves. Besides that medieval women They dyed their hair, and they also curled it with hot curling irons. They also actively used vegetable dyes or red ocher to add blush to the cheeks and accentuate the manicure. At that time, eyebrow plucking came into fashion - but not the gentle option when the eyebrow is “raised in surprise,” but the absolute removal of eyebrows.

At the end XVIcenturies a rebirth is being used in the make-up of white lead as the best remedy to give the face a noble pallor. Alas, in those days, a tan was a sign of plebeianism - after all, it appeared on women while working outdoors.

At one time, facial masks were popular: a completely powdered face with eyebrows drawn on it. Some ladies, in pursuit of fashion, wore false eyebrows made from mouse fur, which were glued to their faces.

In the next one, XVIIcentury, fashionistas added to the makeup described above by applying black flies (imitation moles) to the mask, which often had an unusual shape - a heart, an asterisk, a crescent.

Beauty has always gone hand in hand with hygiene and maintaining health. At the end of the century, toothpicks were replaced by toothbrushes. But it took a whole century for people to appreciate the convenience and effectiveness of an oriental invention - toothbrushes arrived in Europe from China. The first mention of them dates back to 1498.

IN XVIIIcentury pale skin was still in fashion, as were dark eyebrows. Women continued to use lipstick and perfume in abundance. At the beginning of the century, a new fragrance appeared in Cologne, which later became known as "Eau de Cologne" (Cologne).

At the end of the century, the first book-guide to applying makeup was published: Flora's Toilet (edition 1784)


Industrial Revolution XIXcenturies made mass production of cosmetics possible. Although some amateurs continued to make it at home. At this time, the ideas of Puritanism became actively widespread, and society began to disapprove of women using cosmetics. This led to the fact that ladies often had to buy it illegally on the black market. It turned out that women of the 19th century had to fight not only for gender equality and universal suffrage, but also the opportunity to be beautiful. Despite all the obstacles, it was in this century that lipstick became a mandatory element of make-up for ladies. Paleness continued to be a priority, but lead white was replaced by zinc oxide.

1875. Hair removal using electrolysis was invented (laser hair removal was developed at the end of the 20th century).

1882. Washington Sheffield invented a collapsible tube (tube) for toothpaste.

1888. The first modern deodorant was invented. He was named "Mom" (Mom).

XX The century was marked by the complete defeat of Puritanism. The increasing standard of living of women demanded more and more not only cosmetics, but also attention to beauty issues.

1901. The first facelift surgery was performed.

1907. The first synthetic dye was invented.

Since the 1910s Women begin to constantly shave their armpits.

1913. Mascara invented.

1915. They started producing lipstick not in jars, but in retractable pencil cases. The new kind packaging took root only in the 20s of the 20th century.

1915. After the end of the First World War, dresses became shorter, forcing women to begin to struggle with leg hair. This year the first reusable razor for women was released. The modern disposable version did not appear until 60 years later.

1916. Director D.V. Griffith invented false eyelashes.

1917. Modern varnish was invented. More than fifty years later (in 1975), French manicure appeared.

IN 20- e year In the 20th century, Coco Chanel introduced tanning into fashion. The first solarium (horizontal) appeared only half a century later, in 1978.

1930. Modern lip gloss was invented. True, it went on sale only 2 years later.

1948. Hairspray is invented.

1962. The first breast augmentation surgery was performed.

1974. The first liposuction operation was performed.

How far will women go in search of new ways to improve their appearance? Who knows... but beauty has always been and remains a priority for us. Because we are women! And that's it.

Makeup is the application of various decorative cosmetics to the skin of the face in order to decorate or disguise significant flaws. This is the interpretation that applies to modern makeup. But if we look back at the history of the first man, we can add a few more makeup functions. For example, it was used to create a fearsome appearance or to indicate differences between classes of society. Modern makeup is all about decoration and disguise.
History of Makeup. It is almost impossible to determine the day makeup appeared or a specific ethnic group that gave us the art of facial decoration, because even primitive people applied various natural elements. When makeup began to be treated as the art of facial skin care, the list of products used was significantly limited. These were fruit juices, various herbal infusions, masks made of clay and mud, and even animal droppings. It’s so good that during the era of the cosmetic revolution, many cosmetics were invented that replace not very flattering natural ingredients.
The makeup of each era of mankind differs significantly in colors and the highlighting of certain facial contours. Like clothes and shoes, makeup also has its own fashion. If we talk about makeup today, it is difficult to identify certain trends that prevail among beauties. The 21st century has combined all the best that came from previous fashion trends.

Let's start with the lips. In the early twenties, every girl tried to look as tender and feminine as possible, which is why lipstick was almost colorless. The modern equivalent is lip gloss. In the late twenties the situation changed radically. And femme fatales with bright makeup and rich scarlet lips come into fashion. The love for red lipsticks is not alien to representatives of the fair half of humanity today. Besides, artfully defined lips are already half the battle.

Eyes . Whatever the era, the girls’ eyes were always highlighted. Of course, we are not talking about rough shooters and bright shadows. An elementary Vaseline sheen should be present on the eyelids. We inherited the fashion of lining our arrows from the fashionistas of the fifties. For the most part, the shadows were always chosen pale or to match the color of the eyes. And bright colors conquered the world of beauty only in the disco era. Read also about.
Brows . Well-groomed and neat eyebrows are one of the main elements of modern makeup. In the mid-forties it became very fashionable thin eyebrows like threads. They were tinted to achieve a rich black color, but the eyebrows that the era of the fifties gave us look more attractive. The eyebrows became a little thicker and acquired a beautiful arched shape.
Powder and blush were always used. But they began to highlight cheekbones and experiment with the shape of the face using a play of colors only in the forties. Today, a skilled makeup artist can give the face almost any shape using several shades of blush. Thanks to the fashionistas of the mid-20th century.
We should not forget about complexion in general. If at the beginning of the 20th century pale skin color was in fashion, then already in the late fifties it was replaced by a light tan.
Due to the fact that the modern art of makeup has absorbed the trends of all previous times, every girl can choose an image to her taste and the fashion of makeup today is limitless. Read also about makeup for

Women's desire to be beautiful has always been developed. What the fair sex did not do to highlight their appearance! Let's see how ideas about the canons have changed over time female beauty, and together we will plunge into the history of makeup.

History of Makeup: The Ancient World

In ancient Egypt, the focus was on the eyes: soot was used to emphasize the eyelash line and create graphic long arrows. The skin of the face was whitened with ointment containing white. To highlight their cheekbones, Egyptians had to use the juice of local plants.

In ancient Greece, cosmetics were initially not welcomed at all, but over time, local women began to lighten their facial skin with whitewash and prepare some kind of mascara. Soot and egg whites were used to make it.

In ancient Rome, they wore makeup in much the same way as in Greece, complementing the makeup with eyebrows generously lined with charcoal.

Europe in the Middle Ages and beyond

At first it was forbidden to use cosmetics. But women still resorted to tricks to be more attractive: they used lead white for their faces and antimony for their eyebrows. Neither one nor the other, of course, brought health benefits. A little later, powder containing arsenic came into fashion.

By the way, before the fashion for French cosmetics appeared, Russian beauties used local materials at hand: flour to make the face pale, beet juice to highlight cheekbones, charcoal for eyebrows.

20th century: a fascinating history of make-up

It all started in the first decade of the new century. At that time, the image of a gentle and sweet girl was in fashion. To create it, powder (for the face) and Vaseline (for the lips) were used.

The next decade in terms of makeup was much more interesting. Makeup in the style of the 20s years was distinguished by sharpness and drama. Pale skin contrasted with deliberately dark eyeliner (it could be black, blue, green, purple) and a similar shade of mascara, as well as with lips that had a clear contour or were painted in the shape of a heart with bright red lipstick. Eyebrows were plucked into a thin line.

In the 30s The fashion for thin, thread-like eyebrows remained, acquiring a round, “surprised” curve, but the brightness of lipstick gave way to more muted tones. The emphasis in the image was on the eyelashes - they had to be heavily painted with mascara.

40s makeup
made new adjustments to the image of beauties. Eyebrows were no longer made too thin; they gave way to wider ones. The lips were covered with rich red lipstick, which, however, did not look too provocative.

In the fifties Makeup fashion has changed from dramatic to doll-like. From now on, the favorites were products to give the skin a pinkish-peach hue, eye shadow became smoky, eyebrows became wide, red lipstick was applied to the lips, and eyelashes were covered with generous layers of mascara to give them a “fluffy” look.

60s makeup
years, for the first time in the entire twentieth century, he taught women to choose what to place more emphasis on - on the eyes or on the lips. The first option was still more popular, so the eyelashes were thickly covered with mascara, eyeliner was used to emphasize top line eyelash growth and turning into graphic arrows. The lips were most often covered with matte lipstick in beige and light pink shades.

70s makeup marked the arrival of hippies in the world of fashion. Thick ones have become popular wide eyebrows and complete naturalness. In contrast to flower children, punks entered the fashion scene. Unlike their more peaceful counterparts, they, representatives of the subculture, used a game of contrasts: the skin was covered very light powder, the eyes were decorated with dark shadows (blue, black, purple, green), and dark red, blue and even black lipstick was applied to the lips.

80s makeup years differed from its predecessors in brightness. Rich colors were in fashion - pink, lilac, plum, purple, red, scarlet, blue, violet and others like them. All of them were welcome guests as shadows that were applied throughout upper eyelid and shaded to blur the boundaries. Lipstick of the same variegated tones was popular, which after application was slightly smeared so that the lips looked as if they had been kissed.

90's Makeup was marked by a mixture of different directions. There was a place for daring grunge style makeup with its deliberate sloppiness, and emphatically feminine makeup, which welcomed the use of a makeup base to create an even tone and lipstick different shades– from caramel brown to red.

What's in the bottom line?

The history of makeup is an extremely exciting and interesting phenomenon in the world of female beauty. Whatever the dominant canons for female appearance, at any time lovely ladies tried to do everything possible to be beautiful and attractive.

Anya Pasechnik (left) is the author of the text and a girl who can do everything: skillfully manage huge PR flows in the largest beauty company, maintain her own micro-blog on Facebook, hone her makeup artistry on her favorite friends and, of course, learn something every day new. Anya, you are our muse. Sending you kisses!

The idea of ​​learning the art of makeup is in the heads of almost all girls, I’m convinced of it! It’s been brewing for me for a long time. After graduating from university and receiving an economics education (I studied management), I decided to choose the general direction of beauty for myself and went to study hairdressing. During our studies, we also took a short course in makeup, and you know - I liked it! I didn’t start working in a salon, but I successfully combine all the knowledge I’ve acquired in my work – both management and an understanding of how cosmetic products actually work.

I wouldn’t dare call 2014 good, and at the end of the year, all the accumulated stress seemed to be weighing like a stone on my shoulders. My soul wanted something beautiful, light, joyful, and all the stars coincided: I found the time, strength, opportunities and the school I would like to study at - Make Up Me Academy. This is how the whole puzzle came together.

I didn’t choose a school, I don’t even remember where I found out from Make Up Me Academy, but she knew exactly who Marusya Zadorozhnaya was and had no doubt about the level of the school.

Due to my line of work, I am supposed to understand makeup and various cosmetics, but knowing and being able to do it are not the same thing, like theory and practice. I discovered a lot of new things, although I was sure that I knew more than enough. We were very lucky to have our main teacher, the wonderful Marta Skalska. The classes were also taught by other makeup artists, and this is very cool - after all, everyone has their own technique and secrets, the more you observe different artists, the richer the experience.

All the girls who agreed to become my models helped me a lot, thank you so much for this! Twice my works were included in the “best” thanks to my beauties.

Perhaps, I think nude makeup is the most difficult, I like him more than others. Removing everything unnecessary, emphasizing everything important so that no one would guess that there is makeup on the face - this is skill. The main thing is to find shades and textures of products that would be ideal for this particular person. Over time, choosing the right makeup option becomes very simple. The main thing is daily practice. Trial and error method. My little experience says that there are no universal textures of products or shades - everything is very individual. You need to try everything, and the advice of girlfriends or reviews on the Internet can only partially help; your skin will give its answer.

Model. Blogger Evelina Popova. Blogger Lisa Krasnova, aka totallyblond.
Blogger Elena Filatova aka slooowfood.

As before, I think that well-groomed skin and a minimum of makeup are better than masking problems with a bunch of foundation. Therefore, the main thing for facial beauty is proper care, which begins with proper cleansing and then all the other stages. I consider full makeup to be the most appropriate for filming, but in life it is much better to only emphasize the advantages of one’s appearance and not focus on the shortcomings.
I always really like and am impressed by makeup collections Clarins, they combine a love for nature (natural ingredients and eco-packaging), laboratory innovations in cosmetology and maximum naturalness of images - and all this in beautiful packaging.

Spring makeup collection Garden Escape from Clarins

Beautiful Color Natural Eye Brow Pencil by Elizabeth Arden. Creamy powder eyeshadow Ombre Matte from Clarins. Amazing Effect Mascara from Artdeco.
Blush collection Italian Beauty - Silk Effect Maxi Blusher, shade Giulietta Pink (20) from Collistar. Luminous Goddess Aura BB Cream from Tony Moly. Airbrush for applying makeup from TEMPTU.

Among the new products that I was able to try in 2014, I would like to mention the Elizabeth Arden Beautiful Color Natural Eye Brow Pencil (with a convenient small brush for combing and a thin lead), Clarins Ombre Matte cream-powder shadows (wonderful texture and shades), Artdeco Amazing Effect Mascara (excellent volume and saturated color), a wonderful pink blush from the Collistar Italian Beauty collection - Silk Effect Maxi Blusher #20 Giulietta Pink, which the brand was inspired by the great Italian actress Giulietta Masina (this shade suits almost everyone). I liked the Tony Moly Luminous Goddess Aura BB Cream (it's not new, but it's still great). And the TEMPTU airbrush, great stuff!

Some products that impressed me as a specialist, or that I myself was really looking forward to and they appeared in Ukraine, I cover in my micro-mini-blog on fb.

Of course I'm delighted with the work Pat McGrath, Lisa Eldridge and other world-famous makeup artists, but if I single out one of the very best professionals, I can say that I enjoy reading my favorite blogger and makeup artist Linda Halberg from Sweden.

I promise that all the experience I have gained will serve to create beauty in this world!