How to treat a cold during pregnancy (3rd trimester)? Treatment at home with folk remedies. How to properly treat a runny nose in a pregnant woman in the third trimester Treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women 3rd trimester

If you have later If you have a runny nose, literally just before giving birth, then doctors will talk about the hormonal cause of its occurrence. This kind of runny nose is safe. But there are other causes of a runny nose that require treatment.

The statistical data turns out to be interesting: at 30 weeks, a runny nose appears in 40% of women, and at 40 weeks - in 42%. The runny nose itself can have a different course and duration. And the reasons for its occurrence are extremely diverse, ranging from physiological changes to infection.

Why is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy?

A runny nose can be regarded as a symptom of a disease, or perhaps as an independent nosological entity. In pregnant women, a runny nose can be regarded as a symptom or the result of certain physiological processes. When inflammation and nasal congestion occur, pregnant women are interested in only one question: what is the danger of a runny nose during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?
It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously; it is necessary to take into account its duration. If a runny nose continues for more than 7 days, this will affect the condition of the fetus, which simply does not receive the required amount of oxygen. As a result, born children may have low weight. It is noteworthy that if a runny nose appears 1 - 2 weeks before the due date, then this condition has no effect on its development.
A runny nose can be dangerous as a symptom of ARVI. The infection can infect a child after birth. And the deterioration of the mother's condition can provoke premature birth.

The greatest danger to pregnancy is posed by self-prescribed drugs, without prior consultation with a specialist. Most vasoconstrictor drugs are able to penetrate the placenta to the fetus. The presence of corticorsteroids and antiallergic components in medications can affect labor and childbirth.

How to treat a runny nose in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be strictly under the supervision of a specialist. Self-prescription of any medications, including folk remedies, can have unpredictable consequences.
Before taking medications, it is necessary to use non-drug procedures, the main purpose of which will be to ease breathing. These include:

  • frequent walks and breathing exercises;
  • oriental nasal rinsing practices;
  • inhalations with mineral water;
  • using humidifiers indoors, especially during the heating season.

Remedies for runny nose during pregnancy

The use of pharmacological medications for the common cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be prescribed only by a leading specialist, taking into account the fact of pregnancy, its course and concomitant pathologies.
Sometimes, during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, hormonal sprays may be prescribed. The main goal is to relieve swelling, followed by the ability to breathe fully. Their use for 3 - 4 days is safe.
Vasomotor rhinitis, which is caused by a violation of the neuro-reflex mechanisms, doctors recommend not to treat at all, since it often goes away on its own after the birth of the baby. This is explained by the normalization of hormonal levels.
Before treating a runny nose in pregnant women, it is IMPORTANT to establish its cause; if it is an infection, it cannot be hidden - putting the newborn baby and others at risk.
Only if nasal congestion prevents the woman in labor from breathing fully, then in the third trimester, literally before the birth, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are allowed.

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system becomes weaker, which leads to more frequent colds. This manifests itself as a runny nose, sore throat, general weakness and malaise. If such symptoms occur in the 3rd trimester, mandatory treatment is required, especially if the disease is caused by a virus. Other reasons for the appearance of a runny nose during pregnancy may be: swelling of the nasal mucosa caused by hormonal changes in the body, an allergic reaction, a displacement of the nasal septum, etc.

General issues

Why is a runny nose dangerous in the later stages?

The danger of a runny nose in the later stages is less than in the first two trimesters of pregnancy. The most severe consequence of such a pathology can be premature birth, however, thanks to modern technologies, such complications can be avoided in the vast majority of cases. In addition, colds can negatively affect the condition of the placenta and change the hormonal balance in the body expectant mother. In the last days of pregnancy, a runny nose is dangerous because the baby can become infected with it during childbirth.

What could be the consequences?

Possible consequences of a runny nose in the third trimmeter include:

  • hypoxia. Insufficient oxygen supply can cause fetal hypoxia, which leads to various deviations in the development of the baby;
  • drying out of the mucous membrane. In the future, this can provoke the development of more severe respiratory diseases: sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis and others;
  • chronic pathologies requiring specialized treatment using antibiotics, which negatively affect the development of the child;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus.

How to prevent a runny nose during pregnancy?

In order to prevent the development of a runny nose during pregnancy, the following preventive measures should be observed:

  1. Avoid exposure to drafts and hypothermia.
  2. Be sure to dress for the season.
  3. Walk outdoors regularly.
  4. During the cold season, when visiting crowded places, you should lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment.
  5. You need to follow a daily routine, allocating enough time for rest and sleep, and also adhere to a proper diet.
  6. It is advisable to completely avoid contact with people who have the flu or a cold.

How to treat rhinitis in the third trimester?


The most common remedy for the treatment of rhinitis are vasoconstrictor drops, such as Naphazolin, Naphthyzin, Oxymetazoline, Galazolin and others. However, before purchasing them and starting therapy, you should consult your doctor. After all, drops for the common cold, which have a vasoconstrictor effect, despite their high effectiveness, are not recommended for use by pregnant women in the third trimester for the following reasons:

  1. When using such drugs, there is a temporary narrowing of the blood vessels of the placenta, which leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and substances necessary for its growth and development to the fetus.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops can be addictive if used incorrectly. After a short period of time, the effect of taking them becomes less pronounced and the dosage has to be increased.
  3. In pregnant women, blood pressure is often unstable and prone to sudden changes, and drops from rhinitis can lead to its increase.
  4. Such drugs dry out the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa, making it more susceptible to various infections.

In some cases, doctors still prescribe this type of nasal drops to pregnant women, but only for a short time and in a reduced dosage. Also, women expecting a child may be prescribed baby drops with phenylephrine.


The decision to use any medications during pregnancy should be made only with your doctor. In some cases, experts prescribe sprays for expectant mothers for the common cold, the effect of which is to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and make breathing easier. Such funds can be used for no more than five days. Sprays prescribed for pregnant women include:

  1. Pinosol. This drug is available in the form of drops or spray. It contains essential oils (eucalyptus, fir and menthol), thymol and vitamin E. Pinosol can be used to treat a runny nose for no longer than a week. The product has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. When using the drug, burning and redness of the nasal mucosa may occur.
  2. Nazivin Sensitive. This drug can be used to treat rhinitis in an expectant mother, but only with the permission of a doctor and with extreme caution. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect and is prescribed for various rhinitis, colds, otitis media and other diseases.
  3. Nazik. This drug has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect and promotes mucosal regeneration.
  4. Vibrocil. This remedy removes swelling and improves nasal breathing; in addition, due to its antihistamine effect, it can be used for rhinitis of an allergic nature.

Other medicines

In addition to drops and sprays, other medications can be used to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the last trimester:

  1. Ointments. They have a targeted effect on areas of inflammation. Ointments acceptable for use during pregnancy include Evamenol, Fleming's ointment, and others.
  2. Nasal rinses. During this procedure, pathogenic microorganisms, mucus, and dust particles are washed out of the nasal passages and sinuses. The mucous membrane is moistened, its swelling decreases, and normal breathing is restored. For nasal rinsing, you can use special pharmaceutical products, such as Dolphin, Aquamaris, Humer, Salin and others.
  3. Miramistin solution. It can be used during pregnancy, since Miramistin is not absorbed into the circulatory system and does not have a toxic effect. The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect and is used to destroy pathogenic viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, it reduces local symptoms of inflammation, increases tissue immunity and promotes their regeneration.

Home treatment for runny nose during pregnancy 3rd trimester

Folk remedies

Folk remedies used to treat a runny nose in the third trimester of pregnancy include the following:

  1. Chamomile. This plant has a pronounced antiseptic effect and reduces inflammation. To prepare, brew a spoonful of herbs in a glass of boiling water. The resulting infusion is used for instillation into the nasal passages and taken orally.
  2. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice. It must first be mixed with water in equal parts, and then instilled into the nose.
  3. Sage, thyme and plantain. You can make herbal tea from these medicinal plants. A decoction of such herbs is also used for inhalation or rinsing of the nasal passages.
  4. Eucalyptus. Inhalations are made with the leaves of this plant, which help cleanse the nose and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Ginger. Teas and decoctions from it are used for gargling, and ginger can also be added to tea.
  6. Raspberry and black currant jam. It is added to teas and drunk. This remedy helps to cope with colds and their symptoms, and, in addition, helps to increase hemoglobin levels.
  7. Lemon. It contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which helps to quickly get rid of a runny nose, sore throat and other manifestations of flu and colds.

Home methods

Home methods for treating a runny nose include rinsing the nasal passages, gargling and inhalation.

Special nasal rinses can be used pharmaceutical drugs, such as Aquamaris, Salin and others. You can also prepare your own saline solution by dissolving it in a glass. clean water a small spoon of salt. The nasal passages are washed in turn with the resulting saline solution. This procedure should be repeated at least three times a day. The duration of treatment can be 3-5 days. It is worth considering that it is not advisable to use iodized salt for nasal rinsing in pregnant women, since iodine can cause an allergic reaction.

If inhalations are used to treat a runny nose in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, then it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water - it should be warm, not hot. In addition, the duration of the procedure should not be more than 7-10 minutes. Before starting any treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.

A runny nose during pregnancy may appear for natural reasons due to a slight decrease in immunity. It usually goes away on its own by the second trimester and no longer bothers the woman unless she suffers from a cold or an allergic reaction to some substance. In the third trimester, it is much easier to treat such problems, since the female body is already a little stronger, and the child is actually formed. How to do this can be found in the information provided.

Otrivin Baby

Not to be confused with medicinal vasoconstrictor drops. The saline solution comes in the form of a spray. Before using Otrivin, the nasal cavity is completely cleared of accumulated mucus by simply blowing your nose. After this, in a lying position or directly standing over the sink, two injections are made, first into one nasal passage, then into the other. After each instillation, you need to intensively blow your nose; you can do two similar manipulations at a time. The number of possible daily procedures in the third trimester is four.

Aqualor Soft

It is used in a similar way to Otrivin. To begin with, the nose is completely cleared of mucus. After this, three injections are made into each nostril, and the patient immediately intensively cleanses the nasal cavity of mucus. If necessary, you can make another injection if the resulting liquid was not immediately enough. You can repeat such sessions up to five times a day. Aqualor Soft can be combined with prescribed vasoconstrictors. With this treatment regimen, saline solution is used during the day, and potassium before going to bed. The duration of therapy is completely individual.

Attention! These drugs are among the safest for the baby and mother. They never show allergic reactions and can be used for quite a long time.

Antibiotics for a runny nose in the third trimester


During pregnancy, can only be used three times a day. Before each injection, the nasal cavity is cleaned with Aqualor or Aquamaris, after which one or two injections are made into each nasal passage. The duration of treatment with Isofra cannot exceed one week. If within two days of use there are no obvious changes in better side, you should immediately consult a doctor to cancel the spray and select a more effective medicine.


It is also available in a convenient spray form, which allows you to accurately dose the incoming active substance. Before use, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly and one or two injections should be made into the nasal passages cleared of mucus. Such manipulations can be repeated up to three times a day, the duration of treatment is no more than seven days.

Since these drugs belong to the group of particularly dangerous drugs, they should be used during pregnancy only in the following cases:

  • when yellow and green discharge appears in the nose;
  • persistent severe runny nose for one week;
  • transition of an ordinary runny nose to the stage of sinusitis or a greater possibility of its development;
  • inflammation in the pharynx is additionally recorded;
  • if there is no result from using a more gentle treatment within 3-5 days;
  • infection of the entire respiratory system;
  • absence of allergies or predisposition to broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Attention! At good result from using drugs of this group for three days, the doctor may recommend changing the drug to a more gentle one.

Vasoconstrictor drops for runny nose in pregnant women

Nazol Baby

It comes in the form of drops, which it is advisable to use in the third trimester only before going to bed to relieve nasal congestion and allow the woman to get a normal night's sleep. If the runny nose is severe, you can use the medicine two drops every four to six hours. It is advisable that before instillation, the woman completely clears the sinuses of phlegm using a saline solution or simply by blowing her nose. The permissible dose of the drug cannot exceed five days.

Nozakar Baby

Also refers to vasoconstrictor substances, but is available in the form of a spray. Shows really noticeable results already on the first day of treatment. It is also advisable to use Nozakar Baby only before going to bed. If more thorough use is necessary, two sprays of the spray are required into each nasal passage after thoroughly cleansing it. You can repeat such procedures up to three times a day. Treatment with Nazokar Baby can last no more than five days.

Attention! The use of vasoconstrictors during pregnancy is absolutely undesirable. Their use is advisable only for a runny nose that lasts more than three days, cannot be treated with saline solutions and shows the onset of complications.

Inhalations for a runny nose in the third trimester

Sodium chloride

Inhalations, which are familiar to everyone, not only provide excellent relief from coughing, but also help remove mucus from the nasal cavity and disinfect it. For the procedure, you need to take 4-5 ml of sodium chloride and place it in the nebulizer container for solutions. After this, in a sitting position, breathe in the substance for five to seven minutes, until the solution has completely evaporated. Such procedures can be repeated up to three times a day throughout the course of therapy. Inhalations are recommended to be included as part of combined treatment. The duration of the course is completely individual until the patient is completely cured.

Ambrovix solution

This medicine is used if a woman has a runny nose aggravated by a cough or sore throat. The substance also perfectly sanitizes the respiratory tract, causing active secretion of sputum and a subsequent decrease in the manifestation of the disease. During pregnancy, Ambrovix is ​​used only once a day in the morning or afternoon. Place 3 ml of the finished substance in the nebulizer container and breathe it until it is completely dissolved. The duration of the course cannot exceed five days.

Attention! When using Ambrovix before bedtime, the patient may experience severe coughing and mucus discharge, which will prevent her from sleeping properly.

Cost of medicines

A drugImagePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
Nazol Baby 150-300 rubles61-122 hryvnia
Nozakar Baby 150-300 rubles61-122 hryvnia
Otrivin Baby 170-390 rubles69-159 hryvnia
Aqualor Soft 250-500 rubles102-204 hryvnia
Ambrovix 200-220 rubles82-90 hryvnia
Sodium chloride 30-150 rubles12-61 hryvnia
Isofra 390 rubles159 hryvnia
Bioparox 500 rubles204 hryvnia

Attention! All the described medications have a number of analogues, which may be more expensive or cheaper than the medications listed. Usually their effectiveness does not differ from each other, but independently replacing a prescribed drug with a similar one can cause side symptoms and overdose.

Chamomile has a good antiseptic effect

The plant has a good antiseptic effect, which makes it possible not only to reduce inflammation, but also to significantly reduce the number of bacteria in the nasal cavity. To prepare the product, one tablespoon of chamomile is brewed with boiling water in an amount of 100 ml. After two hours, the plant grounds are separated from the liquid and the latter is instilled into the nose, 2-3 ml. The resulting volume of solution is divided per day. Chamomile is also usually included as part of a combination treatment.

Salt rinses

The procedure is similar to the use of Aquamaris and similar preparations for rinsing the cavity in order to avoid further deterioration of the condition and reduce the appearance of a runny nose. For 250 ml of clean boiled cooled water you need to take a level teaspoon of ordinary home salt. After this, each nasal sinus is washed with saline liquid in the classical way: first, one nostril is pinched, the solution is poured into the second, after which the patient carefully blows his nose. Repeat this until the liquid runs out. The number of daily procedures is three to four, and the duration of therapy is no more than six days. Also, you should not use iodized salt for the procedure if the pregnant woman is allergic to iodine.

Attention! All folk remedies also have their contraindications, which should be familiarized with before starting the procedures. Usually these include only individual intolerance and the possible development of an allergic reaction.

When using any medications during the third trimester of pregnancy, you should consult a specialist. Even seemingly safe medications can cause serious side effects, including the early onset of the birth process.

Video - Treating pregnant women

It is in the later stages of pregnancy that women most often experience nasal congestion and runny nose. The statistics are eloquent: at 30 weeks, nasal obstruction is observed in 40% of pregnant women, at 40 weeks - in 42%. A runny nose during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can be due to a variety of reasons. Treatment is selected individually.

Nasal congestion often appears before childbirth, sometimes 10-12 days before. In these cases, symptoms will most likely continue throughout labor and for a week or two after. All this is typical for the so-called hormonal runny nose. It may be associated with laryngopathy (sore throat and hoarseness), which is normal for women in labor, as well as decreased hearing and sense of smell.

On a note

It is wrong to say that a runny nose is a disease. It would be correct to say that this is just a set of symptoms that arise as a consequence of the disease - rhinitis. However, in common parlance they are considered to be synonyms.

Many women give birth safely in the presence of vasomotor rhinitis.

But these are not all the consequences that sneezing and nasal congestion are fraught with during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.

Why is a runny nose dangerous in late pregnancy?

The danger lies in the possible effect on fetal development. If constant nasal congestion lasts more than a week, then the child does not receive enough oxygen and develops in hypoxic conditions. Because of this, there may be a lack of weight and, in severe chronic cases, underdevelopment of individual organs.

The earlier rhinitis appears during gestation and the longer it lasts, the more likely the risk of undesirable consequences for the fetus. A runny nose that appears a week and a half before birth has virtually no effect on the development of the fetus.

A runny nose in the last days of pregnancy does not in any way affect the health of the unborn baby.

“I had a runny nose three times throughout my pregnancy, but all three times it went away very quickly. The first time was at week 12, but there I was just frozen. Then he was 28 weeks pregnant, I don’t even know why. It probably lasted three days, and when I went to the doctor, it had already disappeared. And the last time happened at 40 weeks, five days before giving birth. I read about such nasal congestion. But no, it passed. On the day of the trip to the maternity hospital, I still had nasal congestion in the morning, but in the chaos and getting ready, I didn’t even notice that it had gone away. And already in the maternity hospital, I didn’t even notice that he wasn’t there. The next morning after giving birth I was breathing normally. I never used any products, I just did inhalations with St. John’s wort and smeared Zvezdochka on my nose. In my opinion, this is like a poultice for the dead.”

Yulia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

The presence of ARVI in a pregnant woman is an indication for referral to the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital.

Diseases accompanying a runny nose are also dangerous for the fetus. If nasal congestion occurs due to a cold, the infection can affect the fetus and lead to infection of the baby after birth. A general deterioration in the mother's condition due to a cold or acute respiratory infection can cause premature birth.

But even more dangerous are the medications that many women habitually take to treat rhinitis without consulting a doctor. During pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, most popular vasoconstrictors are strictly contraindicated: if they enter the body, they easily pass through the placental barrier and poison the fetus. The use of strong corticosteroids (most nasal drops contain them) or antihistamines can even lead to fetal poisoning or affect the labor activity of the uterus and the course of labor in general.

Taking medications before childbirth must be strictly coordinated with your doctor.

“I had a runny nose at 32 weeks of pregnancy. He had a cold and a sore throat. Was treated only folk remedies- I steamed my legs, did inhalations, went to the sauna twice. She didn't take any medications. “Everything passed in 8 days, there were no consequences, and then the birth was completely normal.”

Angela, Ekaterinburg

Video: ARVI and colds in pregnant women

Causes of nasal congestion and sneezing in the 3rd trimester

As in other stages of pregnancy, in the 3rd trimester sneezing and nasal congestion can be caused by many reasons. However, according to statistics, the leading one among them is the effect of the release of hormones on the condition of the nasal mucosa. With such a hormonal runny nose (in otolaryngology it is simply called rhinitis of pregnant women), only swelling of the mucous membrane is observed. Sneezing, snot and fever usually do not occur.

A cough in a pregnant woman is much more dangerous than a runny nose.

Allergic rhinitis can also appear in the later stages, but this happens less frequently: usually the expectant mother manages to react to all allergens earlier and by the end of pregnancy they are eliminated. An allergic runny nose is characterized by mucus discharge from the nose, lacrimation, and the appearance of a rash on the body. In the clinic, it is diagnosed by increased levels of antibodies in the blood, as well as by checking the skin's reaction to allergens.

On a note

Vasomotor rhinitis does not occur suddenly in late pregnancy. The woman lives with him constantly, and when planning a pregnancy, she prepares and coordinates with the doctor all measures to alleviate his symptoms.

Nasal congestion and sneezing caused by acute respiratory infections or colds are usually accompanied by sore throat, fever, headaches, and a general deterioration in health.

If a runny nose is accompanied by a deterioration in your general condition, you should consult a doctor.

“I almost lost my footing while running around the hospitals. I got a runny nose at 35 weeks of pregnancy, no snot, no cough, just a stuffy nose. My gynecologist is just coming back from vacation, at the regional clinic there is a line for ENT specialists on two floors, and everyone has the flu, I only made my way to Intosana. I didn’t think about money or anything anymore. I shouldn't have panicked. There are such good doctors there. They reassured me and said that this happens to many pregnant women. They prescribed nasal drops made from sea water; the air at home needed to be humidified. Indeed, after this the runny nose did not go away, but it became easier. There, at the clinic, I met a girl with the same symptoms at 38 weeks, but she had a terrible allergy, because it happened in August, ragweed was blooming everywhere. Of course, she was treated with various medications, but again, very carefully. By the way, I recently met her. She gave birth to a healthy boy, ttt.”

Ksenia, Odessa

An air humidifier is often necessary in the room where a pregnant woman lives.

And in very rare cases, a runny nose may appear as a reaction to very dry indoor air. As a rule, when microclimate conditions are violated, dry nose, the appearance of crusts in the nose, cracks and inflammation of the mucous membrane appear on the nose. early stages and by the end of gestation they are already eliminated. But when moving or sudden weather fluctuations, this can also happen.

Rules for safe treatment of runny nose in the third trimester

It is necessary to treat a runny nose in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy strictly according to the doctor’s instructions. Self-prescription of medications or folk remedies is not acceptable here due to the possible negative impact on the fetus and the mother’s body.

Rinsing the nose with salt water can reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

For the treatment of sneezing and nasal congestion during pregnancy, they are primarily prescribed standard procedures, the goal of which is to alleviate symptoms as much as possible. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, they are no different from those in other stages - they include humidifying the air in the room, frequent walks in the fresh air, rinsing the nose with salt water, raising the head of the bed, maintaining the room temperature at 20-22°C.

In some cases, this set of measures is enough for a woman to be able to breathe through her nose and not need medications.

The effect of such procedures can be enhanced by inhaling mineral water, dropping it into the nose or rinsing it with saline or plain salt water. But with drops based essential oils you need to be more careful: if a simple saline solution can be used without fear in the 3rd trimester, then the same natural drops are dangerous to use for allergic rhinitis, and if it worsens, abandon such a remedy altogether.

Spray for allergic rhinitis Nazaval.

By the way, to treat allergic rhinitis, the drug Nazaval is often used - a finely dispersed solution of cellulose fibers, which, when sprayed in the nose, creates a barrier to allergen particles and protects the mucous membrane from contact with them.

“I had a runny nose that started at 34 weeks of pregnancy and lasted until the birth and for another week after. I held on, didn’t drip a drop, although the ENT told me that if it becomes completely unbearable, I can drip Tizin. Inhalations and potatoes helped me well - after them, my nose breathed almost normally for a couple of hours, then gradually it became numb again. I did inhalations in the morning, after sleep, lasted until lunch, and then usually went for a walk. In the air it immediately became easier. Then, two hours before bed, I made chamomile with eucalyptus and smeared the star on my nose. It was possible to fall asleep with my nose still breathing, but by the middle of the night it was stuffy. But, in general, it’s tolerable.”

Oksana, Ivanovo

In the fresh air, the swelling of the nose noticeably subsides.

Treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester with the help of pharmacological agents is prescribed only by a doctor and only in cases where its causes or complications can lead to more severe consequences than medications. For example, some topical hormonal sprays are prescribed if needed.

In some cases, the doctor decides to prescribe decongestants such as Otrivin, Faryal, Vibrocil in a very short course and in reduced quantities to relieve swelling and ensure patency of the nasal passages. In general, with short-term use - no more than 3 days - they are quite safe, but their long-term use can lead to fetal intoxication.

Naphthyzin is one of the most known means for quick relief of swelling.

Doctors prefer not to treat vasomotor runny nose at 39-40 weeks of pregnancy, since in most situations after childbirth it goes away on its own as the hormonal balance normalizes.

From the practice of lore

“We often have patients with rhinitis in late pregnancy. We explain to everyone that this is the specificity of hormonal surges in the body, we convince them to do without medications, but not everyone listens. Here everything depends on the future mother: if the child’s health is more important to her, she listens to advice, if her well-being is important to her, then she does what she wants. Usually, only in the maternity hospital, immediately before childbirth, you can drip any vasodilating drops into your nose, this will help you breathe normally during childbirth. But you must first determine the cause of the runny nose. If it is associated with an infection, it cannot be hidden so as not to infect the entire maternity hospital. In this case, the woman in labor will be admitted to the infectious diseases department. If it is vasomotor rhinitis, the ENT specialist will give the pregnant woman the appropriate confirmation, with which she will be admitted to the maternity hospital.”

Larisa Grigorievna, Samara

Protect yourself and your unborn baby from infection

A runny nose in late pregnancy is inevitable for many expectant mothers. Other forms of it - colds, infectious - can be prevented and not allowed to develop.

In any case, to reduce the risk of a runny nose as a consequence of other diseases or to reduce the severity of symptoms of hormonal and allergic rhinitis, not much needs to be done:

And most importantly, if a runny nose appears and its symptoms manifest for more than 3 days, you need to see a doctor. It is he who will decide whether it is worth prescribing treatment, and if so, what kind. It is very important to find in advance, through the recommendations of friends, a good specialist who you can completely trust. Then there will be neither problems for the mother nor danger for the unborn baby.

About colds in pregnant women