How to repaint a bag a different color. Painting leather at home

03/22/2019 1 2 632 views

Want to change your bag, but not ready to buy a new one? Then you should think about painting an existing product. How to dye a leather bag at home?

Fortunately, some paints will help transform an accessory, and the technology for applying them is understandable even to inexperienced needlewomen. We will understand the intricacies of applying a new color to the skin.

Preparing material for painting

Leather products lend themselves well to painting. But we cannot exclude the risk of problems due to the color of the original accessory: painting a black leather bag is more difficult than processing a lighter product. However, in order for even the highest quality coating to last for a sufficient amount of time, you need to treat the surface of the bag in a special way.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface from dust, dirt and stains (cotton pads slightly moistened with ethyl alcohol are suitable for this, because it allows you to quickly and efficiently get rid of defects and disinfect the surface). Particular attention should be paid to cleaning seams, handle fastenings, all kinds of joints and other hard-to-reach places. Any defect remaining after processing can cause uneven painting. What to do if something doesn’t come off? Use a weak solution of baby soap, water and ammonia. After this, be sure to dry the surface.

What kind of paint is needed?

To change or update the original color of a bag if it has become worn, you need to purchase special paint. Savings are inappropriate here: traditional methods using brilliant green and iodine are associated with risks. The fact is that the effects of substances on natural skin cannot be predicted. Most often, the color from natural products does not apply evenly; in this case, it will definitely not be possible to paint the scuffs correctly. For the same reason, you should not use shoe paint.

Choosing high-quality paint is quite difficult, because the leather coating market is represented by a huge number of brands and brands. Most lines offer 100 different shades. If you don't find the one you want, you can mix paints and get a new tone (but in this case you need to use coatings from the same brand). Uniform and correct coloring can be guaranteed by oil-based or water-based paint.

Typically colors are sold in the form:

  1. Aerosol. Such paints are most suitable for painting in light colors.
  2. Powder for dilution. Includes the entire palette of colors and is easy to apply with a narrow brush.
  3. Tubes with gel. This product is suitable not only for bags, but also for jackets, shoes and other leather products.
  4. Bottles with liquid mixture. It is enough to immerse the bag in a container with color.

You can also purchase a set (usually prices range between 2200 and 1990 rubles, the figure depends on the demand for the color, for example, painting black will cost more), which includes not only paint, but also all the necessary fixatives, brushes and primers.

Using aerosol paint does not require unnecessary comments (in addition, detailed instructions are always included with the packaging). The process of painting a different color with powder or gel paint is a little more complicated. But this algorithm will help prevent mistakes that are fatal for your leather product.

  1. Treat a sponge, wool or cloth napkin with acrylic paint. Apply it in a circular motion onto the surface of the bag. We advise you to treat joints and seams twice: a less saturated shade may remain on them.
  2. Watch your own movements. You don’t just need to rub in the dye, but carefully apply it to the skin. It will take at least half an hour for complete absorption.
  3. Once the color is set on the bag, polish the painted surface. This will help eliminate excess paint and even out the tone. It is especially important not to skip this step if you decide to dye a white leather bag.
  4. Next, you should secure the result with a fixative. It not only protects the surface from cracks, but also gives the leather product a pleasant shine. Do not overdo it, because too much fixative will spoil the color.

So, painting an average-sized leather bag will take no more than 60 minutes. During this time, you can not only restore the original color of the accessory, but give it a completely new shade. And if you decide to use special paints (remember that these must be specialized products for leather, you cannot color the product with hair dye, iodine and other dyes), you can even give the skin a metallic shine.

Video: how to dye a leather bag at home?

For the process to be successful, you need to follow simple rules:

  • The fixative for acrylic paint can be applied with an unusual napkin. For faster absorption and fixation, you can use a foam cosmetic sponge.
  • If the fixer was not included with the color scheme or you were unable to purchase it, table vinegar or a fixer for standard acrylic paints may be a satisfactory alternative.
  • It is permissible to paint a bag with folk remedies, but only as a last resort. For example, you can use grandma’s method and cover a light-colored accessory with diluted lemon juice. For dark or brown models, strong tea or coffee is suitable. But it is worth noting that such painting methods do not guarantee you either the durability of the product or the resistance of the new shade to weather conditions.
  • Dyeing an old genuine leather bag is a little easier. The fact is that it does not need to be treated with degreasing agents.
  • The item will be completely ruined if you try to radically change its color. You can update the product, but designers advise not to deviate more than 4 tones from the original.
  • Store spray-painted bags in dry places. Therefore, make sure that there are no wet things near the accessory and do not carry an umbrella wet from the rain in it.
  • What to do if a painted bag gets dusty? It cannot be washed either by hand or in a machine. To remove dust, wiping with a dry cloth will be enough.
  • Both new and painted leather products should be kept away from direct exposure to sunlight. So the optimal storage location can be considered a chest of drawers or a distant shelf in the wardrobe.
  • Do not speed up the drying of a newly painted product using a hair dryer, electric heater or other heat-emitting devices. The color should dry naturally.
  • A solution of water, glycerin, and a small amount of laundry soap will not give the product a new color. But this mixture adds visual novelty to the bag.

So, it is possible and even necessary to dye a leather bag if you want to give a second chance to a worn-out accessory. To preserve the paint for a long time, be sure to use professional paint for leather products. But some folk remedies are also suitable: lemon juice, strong tea or coffee. Follow the instructions and do not ignore the rules of processing the bag before painting. In this case, your accessory will not only acquire a new appearance, but will also last a long time.

A bag is an indispensable part of every woman's wardrobe. Depending on its size, color and what material it is made of, the bag can perform various functions and tasks. High-quality and durable bags are made from genuine leather, however, over time they can fade and lose color in places of constant contact with the clothes or body of their owner. Let's find out if we can fix this problem ourselves.

What can you use to dye a leather bag?

If you find faded spots on your favorite genuine leather clutch, you shouldn’t throw it away. Perhaps the situation can be saved.

Important! You should not use products such as brilliant green, iodine, felt-tip pens or ink from ballpoint or gel pens to restore leather products. Trying to correct the situation in this way, you can only achieve final damage to the thing.

Most often, for painting bags and other products made of genuine leather, they use:

  • Liquid paint. It is advisable to purchase paints from well-known manufacturers, which are much more expensive than analogues of unknown production. Oil-based and water-based dyes are considered the best.
  • Dry powder. Powder with coloring pigment allows you to update the color of any skin type. Dyeing is carried out by placing the product in a solution prepared from dyeing powder.
  • Aerosols. Spraying paint from an aerosol is considered the easiest and most convenient way to update the color of leather products.
  • Folk methods. In extreme cases, you can try to dye light leather items with lemon juice diluted in water. Dark skin can be stained by a solution of strong tea and natural coffee.

How to paint a leather bag with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

For home dyeing of leather bags, liquid paint is most often used. To work you will need:

  • deep enamel container;
  • dye;
  • gloves to protect the skin on your hands.

Important! Before starting work, you must carefully read the instructions for the paint. Painting is carried out in a well-ventilated area away from sources of open fire and electrical heating devices. The paint should be kept away from children and animals.

The dyeing technology consists of diluting the dye in water and placing it in a prepared bag concentrate. It is important not to forget to turn it over so that all the parts are painted evenly.

Advice! If individual parts need restoration, a piece of woolen fabric is soaked in the concentrate and treated. The paint should be applied with light patting movements, without rubbing or pressing it into the skin. After applying the dye, the product must dry completely. You cannot use heat from a hair dryer or radiator to dry natural leather. After the painted surface has dried, it is recommended to polish it with a dry cloth.

Tips and tricks for painting a genuine leather bag

In order for the dyeing process to give the desired results, the leather product must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt before starting work. To do this, wipe the bag with special napkins or a cloth soaked in soapy water. Ammonia is also used as a cleaner for stubborn stains. Particular attention should be paid to handles and individual decorative elements, where a lot of dust most often accumulates.

Faux leather is widely used for furniture upholstery, clothing and accessories. It is usually made from plastic polymers in such a way that it looks and feels like real leather. Dyeing faux leather is a very interesting and inexpensive way to “revive” an old, worn item. Simply choose the right paint that will stick to the faux leather and have fun painting an old chair or adding your own design to a faux leather handbag or skirt!


Part 1

Choosing the right paint

    Try using acrylic paint. Acrylic paints come in a wide variety of colors, including metallic and pearlescent shades. These paints can be found in craft stores. They can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces and adhere well to faux leather. Acrylic paints do not fade as quickly as other types of paints. They are also flexible enough that they should not begin to crack over time.

    Use leather dye. Acrylic-based leather paints can also be purchased at a craft store. They are available in a wide variety of colors and have a special composition that ensures good color fastness on both natural and artificial leather. Special paints for leather are slightly more expensive than regular acrylic paints. Their price can vary from 100 to 500 rubles for a small jar. Despite their higher price, specialty paints are less likely to peel and fade over time.

    Take chalk paint. Chalk paints can give an accessory or piece of furniture a stylish, worn, aged look. They adhere well to a variety of surfaces and fabrics, making them a good choice for dyeing faux leather. Many manufacturers of chalk paints produce them in various forms for sale through craft stores and hardware stores.

    Prepare your palette. Prepare a palette of paints so that you can easily use the desired colors of paints while working. You can purchase a special palette made of wood or plastic from an art supply store, or simply take a sheet of aluminum foil, newspaper or magazine instead.

    Add a little acetone to acrylic paint. If you are working with acrylic paints, squeeze the desired colors of paint onto the palette and add a few drops of acetone to them. Acetone will make the paints more liquid, making them easier to work with. Gently mix the paint and acetone using a small brush. Add only a few drops of acetone to the paint to prevent it from becoming too thin.

    • Acrylic paints dry quickly, so don't squeeze too much onto your palette.
    • If the paint is still too thick, gradually add a few extra drops of acetone at a time to loosen it.
  1. To paint a large area, apply a base coat of paint. If you are painting a large area of ​​faux leather in one color, you will first need to apply an even base coat of paint over it. Take the paint prepared for the job and paint the item with it. This method is ideal for working with furniture or clothing.

    Apply paint using a sponge. Lightly press the sponge onto the paint on your palette. Then use a sponge to apply the paint to the surface of the faux leather using long vertical strokes. Acrylic paint dries quickly, so you need to be quick when working with it.

    • When painting a large area, concentrate on long strokes to avoid creating drips. If you are working with furniture upholstery, paint the furniture in sections (alternately from different sides).
  2. Let the paint dry. Before painting the item with subsequent layers of paint, you must allow the previous layer to dry completely. Place the item in a safe place where no one will touch, damage or move it. For the paint layer to dry completely, you need to wait 15-20 minutes.

    Improve the vibrancy of the paint by applying additional coats of paint. After the first coat of paint has completely dried, paint the item again to improve the brightness and color saturation. As you apply new layers of paint, be sure to allow the previous layer to dry.

Things made of artificial leather are becoming reliable companions in our lives. But over time, many of them lose their appearance. Objects that are still strong and durable become unattractive: the paint is worn and faded. This is not a reason to give up your usual things! Painting will give them a second life.

We'll tell you how you can dye faux leather items at home.

The result of painting leatherette at home largely depends on the products used for this. The work can be done using different materials.

Bottles with shoe impregnation

If you only need to slightly restore certain places on a bag or jacket, you can use products designed for shoes. Small bottles of shoe impregnation are quite convenient. A sponge attached to the bottle, soaking in its contents, reliably paints problem areas. If there is no such sponge on the bottle, you can use a brush or make a tampon for impregnation yourself.

Important! Painting leatherette with shoe impregnation will be of better quality and durability when applied in 2 layers, with a 30-minute break for absorption.

Special paints for artificial leather

Designed to renew the skin, such paints penetrate deeply into the structure and provide reliable coloring of the material. At the same time, things become protected from moisture and retain the ability to pass air.

They are convenient in aerosol packaging, as well as when using a spray gun, sponge or brush.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paints provide good results not only for restoring individual abrasions, but also for completely repainting leatherette items. They are interesting not only for their varied colors, but also for their qualities.

Acrylic is a flexible material that can stretch. Thanks to this, paints protect things from cracking. To work you will need a brush or sponge.

Important! When the paint thickens, you can return it to the required consistency using acetone. You need to add 2-3 drops to it and mix thoroughly.

Choosing paint for leatherette

Buying a product for coloring artificial leather is easy. This can be done at different retail outlets.

Hardware stores

In hardware stores you can purchase professional paints intended for artificial leather, as well as acrylic dyes.

Handicraft stores

Products in small packages can be found in craft stores. They offer a variety of colors of acrylic paints, small containers with special dyes for natural and artificial leather. Handicraft salons also offer chalk paints. They will be of interest to those who want not only to paint the upholstery of leatherette furniture, but also to make it stylish, specially giving it an aged look.

Shoe stores

In stores or departments that sell shoes, you can choose an impregnation for shoes, which is also suitable for updating other leatherette items.

All these products will ensure high-quality painting of artificial leather.

Preparing things for painting

The material must be cleaned before painting. If there is a layer (even invisible to the eye) of dust and dirt between the surface of the item and the dye, the layers of paint will move away from the material and cracks will appear.

The procedure for preparing leatherette for painting:

  • Cleaning. To clean artificial leather, you need to treat it with a soapy solution and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Perform the work with a cotton napkin or sponge.
  • Degreasing. Using a swab or sponge soaked in an alcohol solution, wipe the item again, removing any remaining dirt.

Important! After cleaning, work with artificial leather only with gloves, so as not to leave traces of stains on the cleaned surface; they may appear during dyeing.

  • Drying. Before painting, make sure that the leatherette is completely dry.

Important! Allow items to dry naturally, without using heating devices or heaters, which may cause deformation of the material.

Paint a bag or suitcase

Have you been wanting to update your bag or suitcase? Don't delay, but start making your desires come true!

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • Paint (we recommend using acrylic).
  • Acetone for dilution.
  • Items for applying dye (brush, sponge).
  • Items for working with paint (palette).
  • Gloves for work.

Advice! If you don't have a special palette (or a palette from a children's painting kit), you can replace it with regular aluminum baking foil.

Carefully read the instructions for painting leatherette items. Doing the job according to these tips will help you get a good result.

  • Prepare the bag for painting by thoroughly cleaning and drying its surface.
  • Prepare the paint. Apply some paint to the palette or foil. It shouldn't be thick. To dilute, use acetone.

Important! Please note that acrylic dries quickly. Do not squeeze a large amount of paint onto the palette at once; it is better to add it as needed.

  • Mix the squeezed out paint with a brush or sponge.
  • Start painting. Try to apply the dye evenly, in long strokes.
  • Once completely dyed, leave the bag to dry. This will take 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Apply 2nd coat. If you are not completely satisfied with the result, after the 2nd layer has dried, you can paint it again.
  • Let the bag dry on its own; do not place it near heating appliances.

How to care for dyed items

To ensure that the appearance of a painted item brings pleasure for a long time, you need to follow simple rules for caring for painted leatherette.

Timely cleaning

All contaminants should be removed from the painted material, not leaving even minimal ones unattended. For cleaning, use a damp cloth or sponge. You can use a soap solution, which is then thoroughly washed off with clean water.


Wet faux leather items need to be dried thoroughly. For this purpose, items of clothing are hung on hangers and given shape. Shoes can be stuffed with old newspapers. The bag is emptied of things, hung and shaped, for which you can also use paper.

Leather has remained one of the most popular materials for many decades; it is widely used for the manufacture of shoes, outerwear, leather goods, and bags. Leather products are comfortable to wear, easy to care for, they are wear-resistant, flexible and durable, beautiful, comfortable and practical. Despite numerous positive properties, the surface of the material wears off over time, and the color loses intensity and attractiveness. A logical question arises - how to dye leather, extending its service life, returning the product to its original appearance and color tone? Can this be done at home, or is it impossible to do without the help of professionals?

An old item can be restored by surface or deep staining. The first method, which tells you how to paint a leather bag and other natural products, is very simple: apply the product with a brush, swab or spray to the outer surface of the material. After the procedure, the product acquires a fresh shade on the front side, while the back side remains untouched. This technology is used exclusively for finished items.

Deep dyeing of leather products involves immersing them in a special composition. This method is more suitable for preparing clothes, bags, and belts. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of shrinkage of the material if the lining of the finished product is saturated with the coloring solution. It is not recommended to treat shoes in this way.

The choice of paint depending on the type of product

Modern leather paints are:

  • acrylic;
  • creamy;
  • aerosol;
  • powder;
  • liquid.

Acrylic creates a coating that increases the wear resistance of the product. The color palette in this version is very rich. Acrylic paint is used for the restoration of shoes, bags, and jackets. You can choose a composition that will give the skin interesting properties: a “soft touch” effect, matteness, and so on.

The cream is suitable for shoes, clothes, as well as bags with a large number of locks and small parts. It is desirable that it be the same color as the product itself. Often, a tube of cream is equipped with a sponge onto which the coloring agent gets placed. This device makes it easy to apply the product. The treated leather becomes soft and a protective layer appears on it.

The aerosol is easy to use and has a wide spray range. Suitable for large surfaces – jackets, shoes, bags. A significant plus is the speed of use. However, it is not recommended to use the spray can for processing items with a large number of small elements.

The aerosol has a pungent odor, so it is advisable to spray it on the street or in the garage so that it does not spoil nearby objects.

Powder granules are diluted in water, then the product itself is placed in this liquid. Painting leather with such a solution allows you to process the item evenly, including perfect coloring of seams, pockets, and small parts. This restoration method is used primarily for clothing or large leather fabrics.

The liquid dye is water-based. They use it to treat clothes, bags, and shoes. Helps achieve lasting results, dries quickly, and has no specific odor.

Homemade paint for leather is very effective; making it yourself will take a minimum of time . We use improvised means that are available in any home: green diamond solution, stain, iodine, manganese, oil and stamp paints. The selected substance is diluted in water until the color of the liquid matches the desired tone. How to dye a leather bag at home , if it is made of dark colored material? You can look for old nails. Remove rust from them, pour vinegar into it, bring to a boil, turn off the heat. After 14 days you will get black dye. Before use, it should be heated, then strained.

To dye leather bags and clothes using a gentle product, use acorns, walnut peels, onion peels, birch leaves, and oak bark. And strong tea leaves are the answer to the question of how to dye a white leather bag yourself so that it acquires a beige tint.

Quickly dyeing a leather bag at home is only possible if you use ready-made, store-bought dye.

First, the item to be treated should be cleaned, then wiped with a damp cloth or washed with soapy water. It is important not to forget about the handles. Place the jacket or raincoat over the hangers so that no folds form in the collar area. If you lay out clothes on a horizontal plane, you will have to turn them over frequently.

Dyeing a leather bag begins with cleaning the seams, folds, and decor from dirt and stains.

Leather manufacturers coat their products with a water-repellent wax that must be removed. To do this, you need to mix alcohol and acetone in equal proportions and add a little water. Moisten a cloth with the resulting mixture and thoroughly treat the skin with it. Then dissolve 20 ml of gelatin in a glass of water. Stir the solution until the liquid becomes homogeneous. Cover the skin with the mixture. This manipulation will contribute to the uniform distribution of color.

Protecting handles before painting

Applying paint

There are two important points to consider before applying paint:

  1. If you need to paint boots, shoes and other leather shoes, the procedure is carried out on the floor; it will need to be covered with paper first. First, the toe of the product is processed, the middle part, then the heel. The movements are performed in a circle so that there are no missed sections (the jet is directed using the same principle).
  2. Painting leather bags at home is done in different ways; any of them can also be used to treat clothes, belts, gloves and other products. Before starting work, the finished mixture is tested: it is applied to the underside of the material.

Shoes should be painted in a circular motion.

Test the paint on the inside of the bag

The aerosol allows you to spray a small amount of product onto a large surface, all elements of the product are treated evenly. Tips on how to paint a genuine leather bag this way:

  1. Do not bring the container with the solution closer than 25 cm to the surface of the material.
  2. Apply the product in a thin layer, quickly moving the stream from one place to another.
  3. After 5 minutes, re-stain.
  4. Immediately blot any spills with foam rubber.

You need to apply a thin layer of paint

After painting, immediately remove drips

Before dyeing a leather bag at home using powder, it should be diluted in water. Then heat to 42-43 °C and apply to the product with a brush or cotton swab. After half an hour, the effect of the paint will already be noticeable.

To dye leather bags with cream or dyeing liquid, you must first add 2 drops of castor oil to 100 g of the finished product - this will make the composition more durable. Progress:

  1. Place the leather item on a hard surface.
  2. Apply the product with a sponge (most tubes are equipped with it) or a brush.
  3. Treat the most worn areas first, then the remaining areas.
  4. Then move from the middle to the edges without pressing on the skin.
  5. Apply the product in several layers. The interval between painting is at least 25 minutes.
  6. While working, straighten folds and creases so that the composition is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin.

If after the paint dries the product becomes very shiny, you should spray it with water, then wipe it with a rag.

Prepare the coating before painting

Paint should be applied from the middle to the edges

Apply the mixture several times

Before painting a leatherette bag with your own hands using the deep restoration method, the material is soaked in warm water. Progress:

  1. Wrinkle the fabric slightly until it is completely wet and releases any bubbles.
  2. Gently wring out the skin and hang the product on hangers to drain off excess water.
  3. Dip the item into the dye mixture. The holding time is 12 hours.

If streaks remain, they can be removed with a solvent. The defect in the work is masked with a matching shoe polish or wax furniture mastic.

The final step for any type of painting is fixing the color. You can fix it with your own prepared composition. Dilute 1 tablespoon of salt and a glass of vinegar in a liter of water. Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool to 40-45 ° C and lubricate the outer surface of the skin with the fixative.

To prevent the material from drying out, you should soak it in castor oil. After polishing: put on woolen gloves and rub the surface of the leather being treated with your hands. You can use a microfiber cloth. Movements should be sliding.

Drying and safety rules

Leather coloring at home is completed by drying. It is not recommended to leave things near the radiator or in the sun, otherwise they will become rough. The clothes need to be wrung out, straightened with your hands, then placed face up on a wooden board. Leave for 12-14 hours. Oil compositions take longer to dry, within three days.

Painting should be done with rubber gloves, trying not to make sudden movements. If the chemical gets on the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, it can cause irritation, allergies, and burns. In this case, you should rinse the affected area under running water.

Features of dyeing suede leather

Before dyeing a bag, suede boots or leather jacket, the material is treated with a product that contains aniline. The dye is diluted in warm water (melt, distilled, rain). The method of painting is surface. Use any container except metal. Ratio: 1 sachet of product per 1.5 liters of water at a temperature of no more than 45 °C.


  1. Aniline paint is rubbed in with a stiff bristled brush.
  2. Gradually add a little vinegar to the solution.
  3. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times with 20-minute breaks.
  4. Afterwards, the suede leather is rinsed in water and fixed with a weak solution of vinegar.
  5. Dry the material at a temperature of 16-20 °C. Then lift the pile with an ink eraser, hard foam rubber, sandpaper or rubber brush.

On light or thin material, uneven coloring may result in spotty stains. Don’t be upset, this surface looks original. It often resembles a marble print.

Before using a store-bought dye, you should carefully read the instructions for its use. Important Recommendations:

  1. There are different ways to apply paint: for the first layer, move vertically, for the second – horizontally, for the third – in a circle. This will help achieve even coverage.
  2. As the leather dries, it becomes lighter, so it is important to pre-paint a control piece. If the result is satisfactory, you can proceed with the full procedure.
  3. Dry the skin at room temperature and moderate humidity.
  4. After 15 hours the product will be ready for use.
  5. Ironing (if necessary) is carried out from the inside out, through natural fabric, always at a low temperature of the household appliance.

Updating old things is a simple but troublesome process. If you prepare for it correctly, the result will meet your expectations. Knowing how to dye leather, you can enjoy using things made from this material for many years.
