Thread paintings are a fascinating DIY activity. Paintings from threads Crafts from threads paintings spring

There is nothing more exciting for a child than creating something with his own hands under the guidance of an adult. Creating panels from threads and nails is not only an exciting activity, but good way development creativity in children. Everything you need for such work can be found in every home, and with a little training and acquiring initial skills, you can come up with something new and give master classes to everyone.

Creating thread paintings is fun and exciting. And for this you don’t need anything super complicated, just a little patience, a little imagination and simple tools.

String art is a new and modern trend in the world of design: almost everyone can “touch” this style

There are several types of nitcography:

  1. Application. Using leftover knitting wool threads, trimming embroidery threads, crocheted chains of air columns (braids) or finely chopped threads.
  2. Embroidery. Embroidered designs or embroidery using the isothread technique.
  3. String art(panel of threads and nails) using the isothin technique.

Work made using any of these techniques can serve as an exclusive interior detail or a unique gift.

Application on cardboard: thread panel “Cats”

All you need for this work is thick cardboard, felt-tip pens, glue and all kinds of leftover thread. The outline of the cat is transferred to the base and then glued with dark thread.

Everything inside this outline is well coated with glue, so that the cut remains of the threads can then be glued on. The main thing is not to go beyond the contours of the drawing.

Application made of threads and glue (video)

Drawing with threads: panels made of threads and glue

In this case, the threads are cut especially finely, no more than a millimeter in length. The finer the thread is cut, the better quality the finished work will be. The process of creating such panels takes a long time and requires a lot of patience. How to make this process interesting for a child? Divide the work, let the child attach the scraps to the panel in accordance with his idea, and the adult will have to prepare the material and cut it. It is very difficult to distinguish finished works using this technique from real paintings, so some consider this not appliqué, but thread painting.

Creating such pictures is not difficult, and the child’s pleasure from a bright and fluffy drawing compensates for all the efforts of adults. Besides, finished works, decorated in mats or frames, will serve as an excellent decoration for a nursery.

String art

Literally “string art” – threads of art. Made with threads and nails, the panel has a long and interesting story. According to one version, its founder was the English researcher M.E. Bull and the purpose of such panels was to help children develop spatial perception and study geometry. Other researchers insist that string art existed back in the 17th century, as a way of creating lace products.

No matter who the discoverer is, the essence is the same - the creation of various drawings, patterns or inscriptions. The technique involves the use of only straight lines, but due to interlacing and repeated overlapping, the picture acquires volume. Any threads for such weaving can be used: sewing, floss, wool, silk, synthetics.

What you need for work:

  • A piece of very thick cardboard, a cork board (a cork pad for a computer mouse will do), foam plastic;
  • Small nails or pins with large heads;
  • Threads, colored or plain;
  • Scissors and hammer;
  • Auxiliary tools (markers, pencil, beads).

How to choose a pattern for a panel

For the first works, it is better to choose large single objects, placing them on the basis of A4 format. For your first job, you don't need to choose something complicated. It is easier and easier to master the technique simple circuits. For beginners, the most suitable would be something very simple, a circle or a polygon. After such training, you can make something more complex, for example, a heart or a Christmas tree.

Using threads of different colors for work, even in simple forms, you can achieve a volume effect. Panels with trees, flowers or plants look exceptionally decorative.

In this case, a tree trunk with skeletal branches is randomly marked, the location of small branches is outlined, and threads of various shades are selected. Work always starts from the bottom up.

Such string art may well become a decorative element in the setting, and periodic replacement of parts on the panel: fabric birds, flowers or fruits, New Year's decorations, will allow the work to correspond to the season.

DIY panels made of threads and nails, where to start

Creating a panel is a multi-stage process and the first thing you need to do is prepare the basis of the work. String art can be made on cardboard, but most often a denser material is used. If a background is needed for the drawing, paint, varnish or wood stain is used. After the background has dried, the outline of the design is applied to the base and nails are driven in along them as a basis for tension.

The main thing at this stage is to achieve the same distance between the nails and drive them to the same depth. Now you can tighten the threads, observing the selected interval.

It is worth adhering to a certain sequence only when complex geometry is reproduced; in any other case, chaos in the weave is only welcome. The more layers of threads overlap each other, the more pronounced the 3D effect will be.

A panel of knitting threads: a simple way to make a gift with your own hands

For the little ones, you can offer a simple way to make a gift or design a card. In this case, working with nails and a hammer is not necessary. All you need to do is carefully wrap the remaining knitting yarn around some contour or pattern. It could be a sun, a star, a bell, a Christmas tree. More complex may be the design of the outline of a window cut out of thick cardboard. A 7-8 year old child can cope with such work, and decorated with bells, snowflakes and stars, such a panel may well become a great gift At Christmas.

Drawing with threads, string art, string art. Work using this technique can be called whatever you like.

And this is not only an object of decorative art, it is a great way to teach a child new things and develop a craving for creativity:

  1. Working with threads develops abstract thinking and gives an idea of ​​geometric shapes;
  2. By doing appliqué or pulling threads, the child develops fine motor skills, and this in turn has a positive effect on speech development;
  3. All materials are different in texture, color and texture, which means they develop sensory perception;
  4. By doing string art, children get an idea of ​​modeling and mirror placement.

Sometimes needlewomen are faced with a problem when a large number of small balls of thread or yarn remain, from which it is no longer possible to make anything worthwhile.

They often put all these skeins in a basket or bag, leaving them for the period when they finally figure out what to do with these small balls.

We confidently declare: after reading our article, you will no longer have to rack your brains over this issue, because we will provide you with several interesting ideas using threads and yarn to decorate the interior of your own home with crafts made from woolen knitting threads and regular fine yarn.

This hobby was invented a long time ago and quickly spread throughout the world due to its practicality, because it is impossible to calculate a skein of thread in such a way as to use it down to the centimeter. In addition, in ancient times, threads were the only way to make and give a doll to a child.

Now there is no such problem. The modern market offers a bunch of toys that can amaze your baby with their originality and uniqueness, but how can at least one of them compare with the one you made with your own hands, and into which you have invested a piece of your soul and boundless motherly love.

Well, if you make this masterpiece of handicraft together with your baby, then the process of making crafts from threads with your own hands will forever remain in his memory as one of the warmest moments in life.

From threads you can make not only thread crafts for children in the form of various dolls, cute animal figures, but also paintings, vases or decorations for lamps.

Let's look at a few master classes that will make you a real master in this field.

Yarn paintings

If you don’t know how to use many small pieces of thread that are no longer enough for pompoms and kititsa, then make a picture from them. You don't need a large amount of materials for this. All you need is scissors, cardboard and glue, and don’t forget about the threads themselves.

Follow the algorithm of our lesson, and you are guaranteed an excellent result:

  • On the cardboard, trace the contours of the pattern that will be created with threads. If you have printed the finished picture, then stick it on top of the cardboard.
  • Now you have a long job ahead of you. It is necessary to cut all the threads into small, small pieces. Entrust this task to your child or do it with him. This will amuse him and at the same time force him to work a little. All pieces need to be sorted by color.
  • Now start creating the painting. To do this, step by step, lay out threads of the same color on a heavily glued area of ​​the design.
  • This must be continued until there is not a single empty space left in the picture.
  • Let the masterpiece dry and you can safely hang it on the wall!

Yarn flowers

If you have some floss or iris threads left, you can use them to create crafts from a ball or paper and threads in the shape of flowers of incredible beauty.

To do this, you will only need threads, glue, a piece of newspaper, which we will use as a blank, scissors and wire.

If you want to make the flowers something original, grab ribbons and beads. Let's start our master class on crafts made from threads.

Manufacturing instructions

  • Create blanks for flowers. This is quite simple to do: you just need to crumple a large piece of paper or newspaper and make a ball out of it.
  • We will wind a thread soaked in glue around this homemade ball. We decided to create a composition of delicate white bells, so we needed a skein of white threads or floss with blue and white inserts. This combination will look very interesting and gentle.
  • After the ball reaches enough large sizes and there will be no gaps or “bald” areas on it, just let it dry.
  • After a few hours, you can return to working on your craft. Now you need to carefully cut off the excess from the ball, giving it the shape of a flower, in our case, a bell.
  • Carefully thread the wire through these buds and secure each bell to it, decorating the fastening area with beads.
  • To hide our wire stem, we again soak the thread with glue, this time we take a green thread and wind it around the wire.

Below you can see photos of crafts made from threads. We hope that, inspired by one of them, you will be able to create your own masterpiece.

Photos of crafts made from threads



Handmade wall decorations add a special charm to the interior. Pendants, panels, flowerpots, lampshades - the list goes on for quite a long time. For such crafts, the most suitable different materials. A lot can be made from leftover wool or scraps. Needlewomen are usually reluctant to part with production waste - what if it comes in handy for something? And they will really come in handy. If you are interested in paintings made from threads with your own hands, the master class will not take much time. Our article will talk about in different ways production of such decorative elements.

What can you think of?

Do you always end up with little balls of thread? Great, this is exactly what you need to make paintings. But first, think about which genre you prefer. DIY thread paintings come in different varieties:

  • embroidered on fabric;
  • embroidered on cardboard;
  • knitted;
  • made using appliqué technique;
  • flocked.

Artistic embroidery

This ancient genre is still popular today. The paintings of real masters of their craft sometimes do not differ from paintings. They can please the eye for many years and even centuries - there are threads that almost do not fade. This type of needlework has only two drawbacks - the process is very long and labor-intensive, requiring patience and skill.

For the production of paintings, several types of seams are most often used:

  • cross;
  • half cross;
  • various options of satin stitch.

Important! As a base, it is best to take fabric with plain weave. If you don’t have anything similar at hand, you can use any, but then you’ll need a canvas.

To work you need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • needles with a wide eye;
  • floss threads;
  • hoop;
  • carbon paper (for ironing);
  • sketch;
  • diagram (for cross and tapestry).

Cross and half-cross?

These are counted seams. Of course, a cross or half-cross pattern can be made from a sketch transferred to fabric, but it is better to prepare a diagram. You can find it in books on embroidery, on specialized websites, and you can also do it yourself.

To do this you need one of the computer programs:

  • Stitch Creator;
  • Crosti;
  • “Embroidery Simple.”

Using this fairly simple software, you can turn any picture into a diagram, including a photo you take yourself.

The half-cross is good for embroidering landscapes with wooden architecture - the result is a very interesting texture. The cross stitch is quite often used for embroidering still lifes. But in principle, you can do whatever you want with either seam.

Important! The order of stitching can be any, but it is better to start with a fragment that is filled with threads of the same color. It is more convenient if the initial fragment is in the corner of the picture - then you will definitely not lose count. As with satin stitch embroidery, there should be no knots.

Where can I get a sketch for satin stitch?

Finding a sketch for a satin stitch painting is not a problem - it can be any drawing. This type of seam allows you to make fabrics with subtle color transitions. The main thing is to choose the right threads. There are a lot of designs for satin stitch both in books on needlework and on the Internet. If you wish, you can do it yourself, since modern computer technologies allow this:

  1. Find a suitable picture on the Internet or scan it with a resolution of 300 dpi.
  2. Open it in Adobe Photoshop.
  3. Switch to black and white mode.
  4. Using the “eraser” option, remove all unnecessary lines, leaving only the contour lines.
  5. Print what you got, setting the printer to the required dimensions.

There are two ways to transfer a design onto fabric:

  • through a carbon copy;
  • by spraying method.

Carbon paper method

Copy paper is now most often sold not in office supply stores, but where they sell sewing items. Apply it like this:

  1. Place the fabric face up on the table.
  2. Straighten it carefully so that there are no wrinkles.
  3. Place a sheet of carbon paper with the ink side facing the fabric.
  4. Place the design on top, also with the front side up (you can pin it with tailor’s pins so that it does not slip).
  5. Trace all the lines with a pencil or ballpoint pen.

Spraying method

For this method you need a pin or needle, as well as crushed chalk or tooth powder:

  1. Make punctures along all lines of the pattern at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other - the holes should be large enough.
  2. Prepare chalk (if you don’t have tooth powder, you can grind the chalk in a mortar).
  3. Place the design on the right side of the fabric.
  4. Fill the contours with powder.

Important! Before applying a design, new cotton or linen fabric must be washed or at least wet and ironed.


As a rule, only the space inside the contours of the design is filled with satin stitch. The background is fabric. But there are exceptions when there are practically no unfilled areas left.

Important! For the production of paintings, one-sided satin stitch is most often used - the front side consists of long stitches located parallel or at a slight angle to each other, only dots remain on the back side. You need to embroider so that there are no knots. The knot is not tied at all, and the end of the thread is hidden under the stitches on the front side.

It’s better to start work like this:

  1. Thread the thread into the needle (if you have floss, cut a piece of the required length from the skein, separate 2 or 3 threads).
  2. Bring the needle from the right side of the fabric to the wrong side, leaving a 1-1.5 cm long tip on the front side.
  3. After passing 1 warp thread, bring the needle to the right side and pull out the embroidery thread completely.
  4. Make a stitch 1-1.5 cm long.
  5. Bring the needle to the wrong side and pull out the thread.
  6. Skip 1 weave thread, bring the needle back to the front side.
  7. In this way, fill the entire fragment of the pattern, which should be made with threads of the same color.

Important! Double-sided satin stitch is called that because the pattern is obtained on both the front and back sides. Accordingly, it takes twice as much thread. This option is more suitable not for paintings whose reverse side faces the wall or is covered with cardboard, but for curtains and other similar things. When making panels, there is no point in wasting extra thread. As for the order, you can start from any fragment.

DIY yarn paintings

Crocheted or knitted panels look interesting in the interior. You can do them in two ways:

  • knit in the form of a single piece;
  • knit individual parts and then sew or glue onto the background.

Option 1

This method is no different from knitting regular straight fabric with a pattern. The main knitting is stocking, that is, alternating knit and purl rows. For knitting you need a pattern, which is done using cross stitch programs.

The production of knitted paintings has its own characteristics - this primarily concerns the transition from color to color:

  1. Start knitting with the main color.
  2. Knit the number of stitches required according to the pattern.
  3. Insert a thread of a different color, hooking it from the wrong side to the previous one.
  4. Knit the calculated number of stitches with a new thread.
  5. Pull the first thread along the wrong side and continue the row - or add a third color.
  6. The purl row is also knitted on the count, only the thread should remain on the same side when moving from color to color.

Important! For patterns that are knitted in one piece, it is better to choose threads of the same thickness and similar quality.

Option 2

The picture can also be crocheted - it’s even a little easier than knitting. You can knit:

  • double crochets;
  • simple columns;
  • half columns.

The only difficulty is the transition from color to color. In principle, when crocheting, the thread can be broken and secured each time. But you don't have to do this:

  1. Start knitting with the main color according to the pattern.
  2. Move to a complementary color and place the warp thread over the stitches air chain or columns of the previous row, then they will be hidden under the new columns.
  3. Having tied the calculated number of columns with an additional color, go to the main shade.

Option 3

If you want to make paintings from threads with your own hands from individual parts sewn onto the background, it is better to crochet, and some openwork elements can be made using a special crochet fork. For the background it is better to take a plain thick fabric:

  • drape;
  • cloth;
  • gabardine;
  • velvet;
  • thick plain silk.

Important! The sketch can be very approximate - it is enough to outline the places in the background where the details will be. But for the parts themselves, you can make cardboard templates, especially if the elements have the same shape.

The simplest version of such a picture is a composition of flowers. There are a lot of ways to crochet flowers, but you can also make them composite, from several circles or ovals. The leaves can be in the form of stripes or triangles. The order will be like this:

  1. Mark the locations of the parts with chalk.
  2. Link all the elements.
  3. Pin them to the background with tailor's pins.
  4. See if you like the composition.
  5. Correct the elements if they are not the way you would like.
  6. Sew the fragments with matching threads - you can use the same ones, but it’s better to take a thinner one.

Pictures made from threads and glue

Making embroidered and crocheted paintings requires some skill with a needle or crochet. Beginning needlewomen have a very difficult time. But what to do if inspiration strikes right now and you want to make something beautiful, but you don’t have enough experience yet?

Nothing is impossible. A beautiful original panel can be made without any skills in needlework, armed only with patience and some tools and materials. There are two ways to make a picture from threads with your own hands:

  • gluing pieces of thread directly onto the fabric;
  • sticking them on first cardboard template, and then onto the fabric.

Option 1

For a flocked picture you need:

  • remnants of threads different colors and different quality;
  • thick fabric for background;
  • PVA glue;
  • thin brush;
  • organizer;
  • sketch;
  • a piece of oilcloth or polyethylene.

Important! As an organizer, you can use, for example, match boxes or any other small boxes, each of which contains pieces of thread of the same color and quality.

Since you will have to work with glue, it is better to cover the table with oilcloth or plastic film, and then:

  1. Cut the threads into pieces 2-5 cm long.
  2. Place them in boxes.
  3. Apply a design (on thick fabric it is better to use the spraying method).
  4. Decide which parts will be painted in which color.
  5. Lubricate one of the fragments with glue.
  6. Fill the fragment with threads so that one end is glued and the other sticks out.
  7. Fill the remaining areas in the same way - each with its own color.
  8. As a result, you will get something like a terry rug.

Important! You can arrange the threads in rows or circles, the main thing is that they lie tightly and the fabric is not visible.

Option 2

Thick woolen threads are suitable for this type of panel. They can be cut, but if round parts are expected, it is more convenient to take long pieces and lay them in a circle:

  1. Make a sketch.
  2. Cut out the basics from cardboard - circles, leaves, flowers, houses, animal figures and in general everything that is based on the plot you have come up with.
  3. If the thread is long, you can thread it through a thick needle, pierce a bottle of PVA with the needle and pull the thread so that it is saturated with glue. But you can also spread the base, and then lay the thread on it.
  4. Cover all the workpieces with thread.
  5. Glue the blanks to the background with the same PVA glue.

Embroidery on cardboard

Using this technique you can create very original images. You need:

  • colored cardboard – thin, but quite dense;
  • awl;
  • needle with a large eye;
  • cotton threads “iris”, “poppy”, “snowflake”, you can also use floss (it is better to divide the skein into 2 parts of 3 threads each);
  • pencil.

The sketch will be quite simple - outline the position of the elements and their approximate contours (for example, for a flower panel it is enough to draw several circles of different sizes). If the cardboard is thick, use an awl to make punctures along the contours. Then everything will be simple:

  1. Thread a needle with a wide eye, but do not tie a knot.
  2. Bring the needle and thread from the wrong side to the front side.
  3. Pass the needle and thread into any other hole.
  4. Fasten the thread from the wrong side in any convenient way (for example, tie it to the main thread).

Stitches can be placed in different directions.

Important! Elements round shape It is better to embroider from the center, that is, each time bring the needle and thread to the front side in the center, then lay the stitch towards the hole in the circle and again lead to the middle, but along the wrong side. The remaining details can be embroidered with parallel stitches or even in two layers - like darning.

DIY painting made from nails and threads

Does the combination of thread and nails seem something extreme to you? Completely in vain. They go very well together, especially if:

  • Use high-quality plywood as a background.
  • Not just any carnations are suitable either - you need wallpaper ones, small, but with beautiful heads.
  • You will also need a hammer and maybe a pencil.

Important! This method is best for making fantasy or flower arrangements. The plywood must be of very high quality, without any cracks, swelling or peeling. Before making the panel, it can be tinted with stain.

Operating procedure:

  1. Mark the locations of future parts. If it is a flower, then you need to put a mark in the middle and draw a circle (you can use a compass, but not necessarily). If you want to make a house, draw a rectangle with a window and a triangular roof, as children do.
  2. Drive wallpaper nails at small intervals along the contours; for a flower, drive the same nail into the middle.
  3. Tie the end of the thread to any of the nails with any knot, as long as it doesn’t come undone. It is better to start the flower and other round elements from the center, rectangular ones from the corner.
  4. Pass the thread to the nail opposite and wrap it in one turn.
  5. Pass the same thread to the nail on the opposite side, next to the first one, and also wrap it with one turn.
  6. In this way, fill the entire rectangle or square.
  7. You can make a second layer by placing the threads perpendicular to the already stretched one.

Important! If the element is round, fill it by drawing the thread from the center sequentially to each stud on the circumference and back.

Insert into frame

Any picture made from threads or other materials, made with your own hands, must be decorated:

  • For embroidered panels, the most common wooden or metal frames are suitable, which can be bought or ordered from a framing workshop.
  • This option is also suitable for knitted paintings, but such products will also look good in wicker frames - made of regular or synthetic twine.

Important! Glass is not necessary in all these cases.

  • As for flocked fabrics, it all depends on the quality of gluing. If the threads sit securely and do not fall out at the slightest breath, feel free to hang your rug on the wall without any framing. But if the fabric and threads are thin, you will have to use a frame with glass. It is better if it is thin metal, like for photographs.

A panel made of nails and threads is usually quite durable, the most important thing is that the cuts are of high quality. You can deal with them in three ways:

In this article we have offered you many interesting ideas for creativity. Now all you have to do is choose the option that suits you and proceed directly to decorating the thread painting with your own hands with accuracy, interest and patience.

Thread paintings - exciting DIY art

Thread paintings - exciting DIY art

If you want to make something bright and unusual with your own hands or spend quality time with your child, then why not try creating paintings from threads - this is a very exciting and fun creativity that requires very little: patience, imagination and a few tools.
In general, drawing with threads is called “threadography” and several have already been invented the most interesting ways creating a panel of such a plan. We will look at the main types, each of which is based on threads, and the rest of the tools differ.
A step-by-step simple master class of each method will help you do original gift to family or friends. Creating paintings from threads is not boring, but on the contrary, it is very exciting, you can’t wait to see the end result, but haste is the main enemy of creativity. And if you are a very impatient person, then this type of needlework is perfect for training endurance.

Types of thread paintings

You can make a thread painting using any of the following methods:

  • applique from threads (yarn scraps different lengths or scraps crocheted into braids);
  • iso-thread using nails and threads (a contour of nails is nailed to the base board, to which threads are attached, hooking them on the opposite nails, and not the ones next to them);
  • applique made of finely chopped threads;
  • panel embroidered with threads;
  • embroidery using isothread technique on cardboard.

Next, using specific examples, we will tell you how to make a picture using each of these methods and you will see that everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first.
This activity perfectly develops the imagination of both children and adults, and hand-made paintings will decorate any interior or serve as unique gifts.

Applique made from threads of different lengths

“Drawing with threads is no more difficult than drawing with felt-tip pens,” say experienced needlewomen. However, this is not quite true. For a yarn painting you will need many varieties:

  • dense base (preferably not cardboard, but a sheet of fiberboard);
  • frame for a future painting;
  • multi-colored yarn;
  • PVA glue (or a bottle of other durable glue);
  • brush or cotton swabs;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors.

First, a future image is drawn on the base with a pencil (for the first time, choose something simpler, for example a kolobok).
We select thread colors for this sketch. Acrylic ones look best, as they are very bright and beautiful, but everything else is good too: leftover yarn, floss, etc. What is important is the uniform thickness of the threads and the non-smooth structure. It will also be difficult for beginners to work with shaggy or curly threads; although they give an interesting effect, they are more difficult to handle.
Then we move the glue and scissors closer and begin to create our first thread painting.

Using glue and a brush (cotton swab), draw a line along the contour of the design and, pressing the thread with your fingers, lay out the thread (or a braid of yarn). After the entire contour is glued with threads, we begin to lay them inside and outside, changing the colors and length of the threads. We begin to glue small details from the inside of the drawn outline.
The threads should be pressed very tightly against each other to avoid voids, otherwise the work will not look beautiful or of good quality.
Having finished pasting over the image, we leave it to dry. And then the finished painting can be steamed with an iron through a wet cloth so that the threads lie more evenly.
At the end we are already thinking about the frame. It’s not difficult to make it yourself; a master class for a simple frame can easily be found on our website.
And the painting, by the way, can be safely vacuumed in the future, without fear that the work will spoil.

How to make a picture from threads and nails

Pictures from threads and nails are created without glue and this is no longer painting with threads; here you will need completely different tools:

  • base (any wooden sheet, wall or cork board);
  • threads of any colors;
  • scissors;
  • carnations;
  • hammer.

Cork boards are lightweight, and you won’t need a hammer, but if you don’t have any, you can nail nails onto any wooden surface that can be pre-painted in some way. It is also better to take care in advance about how the picture will then be attached to the wall.
Now we draw with our own hands any image or word on the base and nail it along the contour of the carnations and pull the threads on them.
At the very beginning, we secure the thread by tying it with a strong knot on the first nail. Next, with a little tension, we attach the thread to the next studs in a chaotic order or according to a pattern invented by ourselves. As you can see, everything is simple, and the process itself is so captivating that you don’t want to stop.
If you want to make the picture multi-colored, you can use threads of different colors. You can first make a long multi-colored thread out of them. Or you can move from color to color, tying knots as in the beginning.
The result is a very beautiful and original panel made of threads.

Video: DIY paintings made from threads and nails

Applique made from finely cut threads

For this application, the threads are cut very finely, literally into fractions of millimeters in length. This material produces truly gorgeous paintings that, at a short distance, cannot be distinguished from those painted in oil. However, the preparation and the process of creating such images requires a lot of patience and a lot of time. But this kind of drawing can also be done with children: adults prepare materials for work, and the child selects colors and attaches scraps with glue.

The length of the threads is important here - the smaller they are cut, the better the pattern will be. You can distribute the cut pieces into bags or boxes. To make it convenient to take them and sprinkle them in the desired place.
Next, carefully press the threads with your fingers to the base. Having applied the primary colors in this way (the background of the sky above, for example, and the green field below), let the work dry well, this will take several hours. When the threads are completely dry, you can remove the excess (not stuck) by simply “brushing” them with a brush that you use to clean clothes.
Next, we continue gluing all other areas and again wait until it dries. Afterwards, you can try to apply flowers and trees to the already dead field. Hut, etc. corresponding shades. And let the work dry again.
That's all - the panel is ready.
This technique is considered not just applique - it is real drawing. Some paint with sand, and others with thread.
And here, too, it is not necessary to have the ability of an artist; it is enough to draw a finished picture or print it on a printer, using it later as a basis.

Video: drawing with cut threads

Pictures embroidered with threads

Embroidering pictures is also not difficult, if you don’t take too complex patterns to begin with. The methods here are also different: satin stitch, cross stitch, half cross stitch, etc. Most often, to acquire skills, it is better to use a ready-made kit, where you will find everything you need. But if you don’t have the kit, but want to try it right away, then we’ll prepare the following tools:

  • multi-colored threads;
  • needles depending on the thickness of the thread used;
  • the base on which you will embroider;
  • decorative elements of the finished painting (beads, ribbons, etc.).

Painting embroidered with satin stitch Think about what you want to depict: any plot, landscape, portrait, animal or children's cartoon characters.
You can choose any picture or photo you like. With the help of modern technologies, you can easily find a way to turn a picture into an embroidery pattern. Using specialized programs, you can create a diagram yourself or use graph paper with colored pencils.
And choosing colors will not be entirely easy, because you need to ensure that the shades are without strong contrast for the greatest harmony. If the colors are chosen correctly, the panel will turn out interesting and beautiful.
Then we decide on the background, because usually embroidered on a special fabric, such as canvas, which various sizes cells and colors. Many people try to draw a tree on their own, for example, and embroider it without any diagrams.
For embroidering portraits from photographs the best way Small stitches are suitable, so the work will look neater.

Embroidery on cardboard using isothread technique

Embroidery on cardboard is a special technique when the embroidery is reproduced not on the material, but on cardboard, which is also called thread graphics or thread design. Paintings created using this technique are very popular due to their ease of execution and interesting appearance. People often teach how to make such a panel from threads back in the kindergarten, because it is an accessible and exciting activity for every child.
To embroider with isothread on cardboard you will need:

  • the basis;
  • scissors;
  • an awl and a regular needle;
  • floss threads, regular spool or silk;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • compass.

For paintings decorated with isothread, colored cardboard or thick velvet paper is usually used. Based on this, they draw a diagram or translate the picture they like (it’s useful for beginners to master geometric figures: circles, triangles, diamonds, rectangles, etc. You can try simple compositions from corners and circles - a Christmas tree, a flower or a snowman).
When embroidering with isothread, it is important to follow three rules:

  • fill the circle;
  • fill the corner;
  • fill the arcs.

  • We will show you a master class on how to work with a triangle. Draw a triangle on the back side of the cardboard and mark holes with an awl at an equal distance from each other (preferably on the front side of the base). The points should be numbered (there must be an even number) as follows: from bottom to top from 1 to 10, then from the top again from 1 to 10. That is, at the base of the triangle we get the number 1 on the left, 10 on the right. And we begin to embroider.
    Having tied a knot on the needle, we pass the needle through the right number 10 and lead it to the top 10. We thread the needle and thread that came out in the top 10 into the 9 next to it and lead it to the 9 below, and so we go through all the numbers: from 8 to 8, from 7 to 7, from 6 to 6, etc.
    The image, accordingly, is obtained on cardboard from the front side.
    You should embroider the panel carefully and smoothly - you don’t need to pull the thread too hard, otherwise the cardboard or it will tear.

    It is better to choose threads that are not matte, but with a shimmer - they look more interesting, and if there are several threads, then they should be twisted, otherwise the embroidery on cardboard will not look neat.
    Remember, it doesn’t matter that your panel embroidery doesn’t always turn out perfect, what’s important is that this activity brings pleasure to you and your child. And if you do needlework with interest, then the paintings will turn out beautiful and original.
    With your own hands you can create works of art that will add a cozy and warm atmosphere to your home.
    And as a gift to friends or family, thread paintings are a great idea.
    An appliqué made of threads on wood, fabric or embroidery on cardboard always surprises others, because the paintings look very chic. It’s great that everyone can make something elegant with their own hands and there is no need to master drawing here - all you need is your desire!

    Nitography technique

    Knitting enthusiasts often end up with colorful threads. When there are a couple of meters of beautiful thread left, you can’t knit anything anymore, and it’s a pity to throw it away... Is this familiar to you? Probably, many craftswomen are a little “bubbly” and have stocks of all sorts of things for the day when inspiration comes)))

    It turns out that even leftover threads can be used. The art of creating panels from threads is called threadography.

    The technique of thread printing is very simple, so children in handicraft clubs are often offered to perform work using this technique.

    Despite the fact that thread printing is simple to perform, it is also interesting for experienced needlewomen. After all, the works turn out to be truly masterpieces!

    Materials for making panels using nitcography technique:

    The basis for the panel is thick cardboard or fiberboard

    Wool threads (or acrylic, floss)

    PVA glue

    Glue brush



    The working principle of nitcography technique:

    1) Draw a drawing for a future painting in color

    You can draw directly on the base, or you can draw on paper, and then glue the paper to the base. You can also take a ready-made color picture, for example, print it from a computer, and then stick it on the base.

    2) Apply glue to the drawing

    It is believed that it is correct to start work from the outline of any element of the drawing if it is large and from the center for a small element.

    3) Glue the thread to the drawing

    You can glue the thread in straight strips if it is a large element, for example, grass or the sky, but you can also use circles, ovals, and waves. Using different shapes will give the work a more impressive look. The thread is glued without cutting at the turn, but carefully laid out in the desired direction.

    4) Fill the corresponding elements of the pattern with threads of different colors

    When filling the elements, try to lay the threads as closely as possible to each other. It is convenient to use a toothpick for this. Experienced craftswomen They may try to use threads of different textures in one work to give volume to individual elements. It is better for beginning needlewomen to use threads of the same composition and texture.

    5) Leave the work until the glue is completely dry

    6) Iron the finished work and frame it

    It is very important to iron the panel with an iron. This will allow you to get more accurate work and perhaps allow you to “smooth out” some of the shortcomings during the work.

    A panel using the nitcography technique can be a wonderful gift for your loved ones or a decoration for your home.

    (The article uses photographs of paintings by the author YZMA, Yandex Photos)

    Read more:

    To make a painting using the nitcography technique, we will need threads of various colors with a thickness of no more than 2 mm, velvet paper (plain carpet, thick cardboard or fiberboard), the size depends on your drawing, scissors, pencil, knife, glue and toothpicks. Suitable threads include wool, acrylic or floss.

    We transfer the sketch onto the cardboard, in this case, we have a cat. In the sketch we must decide on the color and prepare the threads of the required colors. For your convenience, you can make notes in the picture with a pencil, which color is where. Thanks to such notes, you definitely won’t get confused.
    So let's begin. It is better to lay out the contours first and gradually fill the internal space.
    Apply glue to the area of ​​the color that we will apply. And put the threads on the glue.

    Where the color ends, the threads just O cut with scissors.

    We fill the space carefully. If necessary, move and press the threads with a toothpick.
    Small parts can be cut separately and then glued in their place.

    You can trim unnecessary threads and thread them using a stationery knife.
    And one more nuance: we cut off the protruding ends of the threads at the end of the work.
    In order for the threads to fit more tightly to each other and the cardboard, at the end of the work you need to iron the panel through a layer of material.
    Iron only after the glue has completely dried.