Communication activities in the middle group. "Naughty Kitten"

Ekaterina Sharygina
"Naughty kitten." Lesson on speech development (communication activity) V middle group

Subject:"Naughty kitten."

Educational area: speech development.

Integration of activities: communicative, cognitive and research.

Forms of organization of activities: situational conversation, conversations, problem solving.

Target: strengthening children’s ability to write a descriptive story based on a graphic diagram.


1. To help children master the ability to consistently compose small sentences and connect them with each other using a graphic plan.

2. Contribute to the improvement of dialogic and monologue speech.

3. Improve children's ability to put parts together into a whole (puzzles).

4. Develop creative skills and imagination when composing a story.

5. Develop the ability to observe and highlight the main points in order to avoid missing essential information when describing.

6. Foster a sense of responsibility and care for loved ones.

Material and equipment: a “Cat” toy, a plan for writing a story, illustrations of pets, puzzles with images of kittens, signs indicating options for action in the event of someone going missing.

Preliminary work: a conversation about pets, looking at illustrations and photographs of pets, interaction with parents to write stories about a pet, a photo exhibition “My Pet”.


Children with a teacher play the didactic game “Guess by the description?”.

Stage 1. Motivation for activity

There's a knock on the door. It was the mother cat who came, the cat was crying because she had lost her kitten.

IN. : Hello mom - Cat, what happened, why are you crying?

TO. : I am a son - I lost my kitten. He grew up and became completely naughty. He ran out of the house into the street and got lost, and the baby doesn’t know the way to the house! (crying)

IN. : Oh oh oh! Mama Cat don't cry, please. Guys, how can we help Mother Cat find her kitten? How can we help?

Children offer different variants(call, say “kitty-kitty”, to the police, to friends... among them there is a proposal to “write an advertisement”) (signs are put up - designations)

IN. : All the options you suggested are very good, guys. But it's true! You can write an ad! Such advertisements can often be found here in Omsk. How will the announcement help Mother Cat?

D.: People will read it, see the kitten and call Mama Cat.

TO. : I would love to write an ad, but I don’t know how to write, and I don’t know what to write in it! Will you help me?

Stage 2 Setting goals for children.

IN. : Guys, can we help the cat?

D: We'll help.

IN. : How to write an ad? What is needed for this?

D.: Write a story about a kitten so that you can use it to find the baby.

IN. : What a great fellow you are! Guys, can you write a story about a kitten? Who can? How can we do this, since we haven’t seen him, and we don’t have a photograph of him? Although, wait, we have pictures of three kittens, but that’s not the problem, the pictures are all sorted.

Stage 3 Collaboration to find ways to act.

IN. : Guys, what do we need to do before we start writing a description of the kitten?

D.: We need to collect pictures!

IN. : Certainly! Well done! And when we collect them, how will we know which kitten our cat is?

D.: We need to show the pictures to the cat!

IN. : Well done!

Work in groups.

The teacher suggests dividing into groups and putting together puzzles depicting three different kittens.

IN. : Cat, look, which of these pictures shows your kitten?

Mother cat chooses a similar one and his photo is hung on the board.

IN. : Now that we have a photo of the kitten, what can we do?

D.: Make up a story.

IN. : Indeed, and in order for us to do this easily and quickly, we will use the usual diagram (diagram on the board). When you speak, I will write everything down in the announcement, and we will give it to Mama Cat.

Stage 4 Independent activity.

Compiling a story and repeating it by several children so that the teacher “writes down” everything said, then he “reads” and gives it to the Cat, she goes off to look for the kitten.

Stage 5 Summing up, discussing the results, self-reflection.

IN. : Proud of you guys! Have you guessed why I'm proud of you? You, the helpers, described the kitten so well, clearly and accurately that it will probably be found quickly.

Tell me, did you enjoy being assistants?

What do you remember most during this time?

What upset Mother Cat so much?

If such a situation with someone missing arises again, what will you do?

Do you leave your family without permission?

What helped us describe the kitten? (Diagram, pictures, photograph and our story)

What was interesting in our story about the kitten? (Loves to play with string)

Tell me, did we do a good deed?

The cat returns with the found kitten. They thank the kids and leave.

IN. : Does it feel good to do good deeds?

D.: Yes!

IN. : You are so great! And I am very pleased that you make serious, independent decisions and help those who need help.

Olga Knyazeva

educational area: social-communicative, speech, cognitive.

Program tasks:

1. Improve self-control and strengthen the ability to distinguish between good and bad actions.

2. Teach children to give positive and negative feedback actions.

3. Show children ways to respond to positive and negative actions of yourself and those around you.

4. Encourage children to be positive. actions, create motivation for children to do good deeds in everyday life in group kindergarten and in the family.

Preliminary activities:

Conversation on topic"Good and evil".

Methods and techniques:

1. Descriptive story according to the picture.

2. Surprise moment "Bird of Kindness"

3. Questions, riddle situations

Demo material: Pictures from the series "Lessons in Kindness" L. B. Fesyukova 2010, Toy bird, flower of Good deeds, Kapilka.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a circle with the teacher.

Educator: Guys, hello! Today, on the way to the garden, an extraordinary Bird sat on my arm. And I brought her to us group. This is the Kindness Bird. Those who will have it sitting on their arm did kind things today actions. Let's check.

The bird sits on the fingers of all the children one by one.

Educator: Well, everyone has a bird sitting on their hand and it turns out that all our guys are kind and ready to share their kindness with others. How can you share kindness?

Children's answers (via good actions)

What is it act? (children's answers)

Actions there are good and evil (bad)

Children sit at tables arranged in a circle.

1. I received a letter from the Old Woman Shapoklyak, it contains advice for children, let’s read it.

"Bad advice" G. Ostera

Girls should never be noticed anywhere

And do not give them passage anywhere and never.

They need to put their feet up, scare them from around the corner,

So that they immediately understand: You don’t care about them.

If you come to visit friends, do not say hello to anyone!

Words "Please", "Thank you", do not tell anybody.

Turn away and don’t answer anyone’s questions.

And then no one will say about you that you are a bastard.

I decided to fight - choose the one that is weaker,

But a strong man can give back, Why do you need it?

But if suddenly someone stood up for the baby,

Run, scream and cry loudly and call your mommy!

If your best friend slipped and fell

Point your finger at your friend and grab your stomach.

Let him see, lying in a puddle,

You're not the least bit upset.

A true friend does not like to upset his friends.

(after each piece of advice, discussion and evaluation is given to the children in turn)

2. Game "Good bad"

An adult says a word actions, If act good - they clap their hands, if bad they make a prohibiting gesture. You can play standing in a circle.

Torn, offended, quarreled, took away, pushed, hit, destroyed

Protected, visited, warmed, helped, shared, reassured, amused.

3. Physical minute

(children repeat the movements)

Smile at the neighbor on your right

Smile at the neighbor on your left

I, you, he, she, together good family (children repeat the movements)

Pat the neighbor on the right on the head

Pat the neighbor on the left on the head

I am you, he, she, together a good family (children repeat the movements)

Shake hands with the neighbor on your left

Shake hands with the neighbor on your right.

(performed in a circle or at a table)

4. Conversation based on pictures from the series "Lessons in Kindness" Fixing the material.

What is kindness?

Wash the cat's bowl

Give water to a flower

(he's terribly lonely)

Fix my sister's toy

Let the old lady pass first

Sadness can be treated with words of love,

To help tired mom. From warmth and kindness

Flowers are blooming.

She warms everyone

Like a ray from a window.

5. Creation in group"Bouquet of Good Deeds".

The children are shown a flower made from petals, each petal is a good deed. If a child during the day group Having done a good deed, he takes a petal, signs his name with the teacher, at the end of the day we collect flowers from these petals and put them in a vase. We make the first flower with the children at the end classes.

Bottom line: Which make actions more pleasant, good or evil? Which actions good things you can do in group? (children's answers)

Let us do good deeds every day and collect many wonderful "Flowers of Kindness" and Our good deeds will never frighten away our guest, the bird of Kindness.!

Publications on the topic:

Topic: “Friendly guys” Goal: To develop friendly relationships in a peer group, communication skills, and a sense of sympathy. Learn to manifest.

MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 98”, Cheboksary Abstract of educational activities on social and communicative development in senior group on the topic “Young traffic inspectors”.

Summary of educational activities on social and communicative development in the middle group “Glade of Kindness” The summary of educational activities in the middle group on social and communicative development was prepared and conducted by the teacher of MBDOU No. 23 Elena Aleksandrovna Abduvaleeva.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive and social-communicative development in the middle group “On the way to kindergarten” Topic: “On the way to kindergarten” Purpose: Continue to introduce the concepts of “street”, “road”, “intersection”, introduce traffic lights.

Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the younger group Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 7 “Cheburashka” of the urban district of the city of Oktyabrsky Republic.

Joint social-communicative

And speech activity

"Journey to the land of kindness and politeness"

in the middle group

"Sunny bunnies"

Educator: Askerova A.U.

November 27, 2015

Integrated areas: cognitive, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, physical, speech.

Form of activity: joint activities of the teacher and children.

Activities: gaming, communicative, educational.

Target: intensify the use of polite words in speech (greetings, parting, forgiveness, gratitude, education of politeness and moral qualities preschoolers.


Educational: intensify the use of polite words in speech, apply them in everyday life, clarify the concepts of “polite person”, “ a kind person", "well-mannered person."

Educational: develop communication skills, enrich and activate children's vocabulary through words: thank you, good afternoon, good morning, see you later, be kind, etc.

Educational: cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and the people around you, polite communication with others.

Educational field "Speech development"

Enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech.

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Promote the development of memory, attention, creative imagination, fantasies.

Educational area "Social communication development »

Continue learning to answer questions.

Educational field "Physical development"

To promote the accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience, the ability to perform actions, focusing on verbal accompaniment.

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” Cultivating emotional responsiveness.

Use of modern educational technologies:

Health-saving technologies (physical education);

Music influence technology

Gaming technologies.

Preliminary work:

1. Making a colorful envelope with a letter from the Fairy of Kindness.

2. Formulate words of politeness and place them in the play corners.

4. Learn the game “Sun” with the children.

5. Prepare the scenery for the plot “Country of Good”.

6. Prepare balloon.

7. Learn poems about polite words.

Material: sun with rays, pictograms, “On the road to goodness,” laptop.

Expected Result: children use polite words in speech, polite communication with each other and other people.

Move joint activities:

Educator : Good morning, guys!

Everyone quickly stand in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly,

And let's smile at each other.

Song "Kindness"

music by Igor Luchenok, lyrics by S. Tulupova

Educator : Guys, what is this song about? (children's answers )

Educator: And who can be a friend?

Children: Children, parents, animals.

Educator : What do you think it means to be friends?

( children's reasoning )

Educator: What are good deeds? (this is when you help others in some difficult situation, you help friends and others).

Educator: Guys, let's remember what polite words are?

Children: These are kind, good words that people say to each other.

A balloon with an envelope flies into the group room.

Educator: Guys, would you like to know who this letter is from?

Children: Yes, I wanted to!

The teacher reads the letter. They find out that the Fairy of Good invites the children to her Land of Good.

Educator: Do you want to go on a trip and visit the Land of kindness, polite words and good deeds?

Children: Yes, we want!

Educator: Then get into the trailers and let's go!

(children set off on an improvised train to the music “The Road of Good”)

(A yellow circle appears on the easel - the sun without rays).

Educator: Here we are in the Land of kindness, polite words and good deeds! Guys, look what it is in the sky?

Children: This is the sun.

Educator: What is our sun missing?

Children: The sun doesn't have enough rays.

Educator: And for them to appear, let's remember the poems about polite words and tell them for our sun.


The bunnies woke up this morning,

Brushing teeth on the lawn

We saw two kittens:

"Good morning" - they say(the first ray appears)

The bear quietly asks the bee:

"Put away your needle,

Please give me some honey.

But just a little bit, not the whole deck!”(a second ray appears)

"Excuse me, please,-

The kitten asks, -

I got dirty today

Like a pig.(a third ray appears)

The bear came to visit us,

He wiped his paws and went into the house,

Said "hello" loudly

I wished everyone good health.(the fourth ray appears)

A quiet evening is coming.

I need to go to bed and sleep

Smart bunny didn't forget

Say "Good night" to everyone (the fifth ray appears)

Educator: Words these are the most wonderful,

Everyone is very happy to hear.

Adults and children grow kinder,

And they rush to smile at you.

Educator: Guys, look how our sun shone from kind, polite words! Well done for knowing a lot of polite words! And now we will playgame "Guess the mood."

(Children use facial expressions to show the appropriate mood)


What mood are you in...

Are you meeting your mom?

Are you petting a cat?

Fell into a puddle?

Are you going to the dentist?

Are you looking at your stained dress?

Are you dancing at the party?

Are you looking at your broken knee?

Educator: Do you love to dance? Yes.

Educator: When people dance, what mood are they in?

Children: Joyful, cheerful, playful.

Educator: Let's dance with you, stand in a circle.

Physical education lesson “Good afternoon!”

The sun rose early, good afternoon, good afternoon!

The ocean waves are dancing, good afternoon, good afternoon!

The wheat is rising, good afternoon, good afternoon!

And the birds sing cheerfully, good afternoon, good afternoon!

The lakes are smiling, good afternoon, good afternoon!

From the heights the mountains nod, good afternoon, good afternoon!

Wake up, get up, good afternoon, good afternoon!

Smile to the whole world, good afternoon, good afternoon!

Educator: Guys, do you like this wonderful country?

Children: Yes, I like it!

Educator: Look, there are two clearings in front of us: one with flowers, the other with a cloud. Now I will give everyone a picture, you look and think whether this is a good deed or a bad one. We will place good deeds in a clearing with a flower, and bad deeds in a clearing with a cloud. Agreed?

Didactic game"Good or bad deed"

(Children receive pictures with images of good and bad deeds and place them in the clearings).

Educator : Our actions can spoil or, on the contrary, improve the mood of the people around us.And let all our actions be only good.

Educator : What qualities and character traits should a kind person have?

Children: He must be polite, honest, kind; so that he could come to the rescue at any moment.

Educator: Do you like to play with your friends?

Children: Yes, we do.

Educator: So we're going to play now.We said that a kind person is a polite person.

These words are short

They can be heard everywhere in the morning.

They live in this wide world

It's high time to remember them.

Warm-up game "A word is lost"

1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (“Thank you”)

2. The old tree stump will turn green when it hears... (“good afternoon”)

3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (“Thank you”)

4. We accidentally pushed Vitya and everyone said... (“Sorry”)

5. When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (“Excuse me, please”)

6. The boy is polite and developed, he says when meeting... (“Hello”)

7. In all countries, when they say goodbye to everyone... (“Goodbye”).

Educator: Let us never forget kind, polite words. Let's say them to each other more often. Speak kindly, gently, quietly.

Every person should have a kind heart, a kind soul, be able to speak good words, help everyone, feel sorry for and save those who are in trouble. And, of course, the most important thing is to love.

game "Friends" - 2 times .

Eat good game,

It's called "Friends".

Look at me

Repeat the movements after me.

I’m not afraid of anything with a friend (spread your arms from your chest to the sides)

Neither the darkness, (cover your eyes with your palms)

Not a wolf, (show the wolf's mouth with your hands)

Not a blizzard, (simultaneous circular movements hands)

Not a spider, (use your fingers to depict running spiders)

And not a dog, (show the dog with your palms)

Not a bully boy, (put fingers to nose - “Pinocchio”)

We will try to depict goodness using symbols. A symbol is a banner, a sign.

Look at the figures in front of you, they are bright and cheerful. They will help us portray a symbol of goodness.

We use the heart symbol to represent a variety of feelings. They say that kindness and love live in the heart!

The dove bird is a symbol of peace and goodness on Earth.

Educator: It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Get into the carriages. Go!

The music “The Road of Good” sounds.

Result: What did we talk about today?

(About politeness, kindness, good deeds.)

Educator: It's not easy for the good ones,

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy

You just need be kind,

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

The success of the development of communicative activity in preschoolers depends on the degree of productivity of the process of consolidating speech skills and abilities acquired in classes throughout the day.

I am currently working in speech therapy group with children with special needs, where all the activities of the teacher and other specialists are mainly aimed at developing the children’s speech.

The leading form of training organization pupils of preschool educational institutions is directly educational activities, which is implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities: gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive-research, etc. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, educational activities themselves, consisting of five educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, must be integrated, that is, it must include all educational areas.

ECD is aimed at children mastering one or more educational areas, or their integration using a variety of forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by us independently.

To work with children, we often use subgroup and individual forms of training.

It is very important for children with SEN to have communication skills for positive socialization. Therefore, we pay great attention to improving grammatical structure speech, automation of sounds in syllables and words; formation of movements of the articulatory apparatus; activating and expanding children's vocabulary, developing coherent speech, teaching how to politely address peers and adults, listen to each other, respect the opinions of elders and their peers, etc.

Children's educational activities should be interesting and entertaining. Lexical topics varied and rich in information. For example, to solve a problem, development communication skills children of the middle group in educational activities we develop our own methodological developments, based on individual speech features children in the group. With the help of educational activities, the following tasks were solved: to develop children’s communication skills, to form knowledge, to develop cognitive activity, interest in the objects around us; develop Creative skills; develop the ability to perform teamwork; develop speech, expand vocabulary.

In this way, an integrated educational activity with different forms of work is obtained, during which all children are happy to join the process, communicate, play, design, dance, engage in creativity, and get acquainted with new terms.

The development of communication skills is a priority basis for ensuring continuity between preschool and primary general education, a necessary condition for success educational activities and the most important direction of social and personal development.

Through communication, the development of consciousness and higher mental functions. A child’s ability to communicate positively allows him to live comfortably in the company of people; Thanks to communication, a child not only gets to know another person, but also himself. Regardless of his personality type, a child needs help to communicate with the outside world. The environment is rewarding and exciting, but without communication skills its benefits are difficult to appreciate.

Teachers in preschool educational institutions should create all conditions that promote a positive attitude in children, which leads to the need for children to be able to communicate with each other. Sociability, the ability to communicate with other people is a necessary component of a person’s self-realization, his success in various types activities.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

In modern society, its spiritual and material sphere, the problem of communication is relevant. Having been born, a person enters into various relationships with the surrounding world of things and people. Without communication, the human psyche cannot be formed. A child does not become a person on his own; he owes this to communication with people with whom he lives, plays, and educates. According to the views of domestic psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, S.L. Rubinstein, A.G. Ruzskaya, E.O Smirnova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) communication acts as one of the main conditions for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, and finally, the leading type of human activity aimed at knowing and evaluating oneself through other people. In line with the latest concepts of preschool education, the development of children's communication skills as a guarantee of their successful development and easy adaptation in society is of particular importance.

In our kindergarten compensatory type with priority implementation of activities for qualified correction of speech development disorders, children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) and stuttering aged from 3 to 7 years are raised.

Numerous publications by B.M. Grinshpun, G.V. Gurovets, R.E. Levina, L.F. Spirova, L.B. Khalilova, G.V. Chirkina, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others indicate the existence of in children with general underdevelopment of speech, persistent violations of the communicative act, accompanied by immaturity of certain mental functions, emotional instability, stiffness of cognitive processes and, as a result, a decrease in the need for communication, immaturity of communication methods (dialogue and monologue speech), disinterest in contacts, inability to navigate the situation communication and negativism.

These problems in the development of communicative activities of children with disabilities general underdevelopment speeches are not spontaneously overcome. They require the teacher of a preschool educational institution to specifically organized work for their correction based on an integrated and individual approach through the creation of an optimal developmental environment and immersion of the child in joint activities with adults and children, i.e. purposeful formation of communicative activities.

Therefore, the entire system of educational work in a compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of activities for qualified speech correction is aimed at implementing joint correctional and developmental activities of the entire teaching staff, the result of which is consistently - positive result for many years. The most complex speech disorders are eliminated in a relatively short time, and children often have the opportunity to continue their education among children with normal speech development.

According to the Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, the content of the educational field "Communication" is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them through solving the following tasks:

  • development of free communication with adults and children;
  • development of all components oral speech children (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various types of children's activities;
  • practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.

Based on our work experience, we have identified the main directions for organizing the communicative activities of pupils in kindergarten:

  • Creation of psychological - pedagogical conditions for children's speech practice, development of communication skills.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive correctional impact on the speech development of preschool children.
  • Optimizing the work of teachers.
  • Organization of targeted work with parents aimed at correct speech education of the child in the family.
  • Creating a subject-based developmental environment in groups that stimulates speech and personal development: cozy group rooms, careful selection of toys, teaching aids, the presence of special rooms with modular equipment.

For a child to successfully master communicative activities, it is necessary to create special psychological and pedagogical conditions:

  • Development individual route development for each child, which is based on the diagnostic results for this section;
  • Reflection on the activities of the teacher and the activities of the child;
  • Psychological support for the child in difficult moments of learning;
  • Organization of the educational process on the principle of humanism and cooperation;
  • Inadmissibility of standardization of methodological techniques;
  • Selection didactic materials, which are optimal for each child (in terms of content, quantity, rate of learning).

The success of the development of communicative activity in preschoolers with SLD depends on the degree of productivity of the process of consolidating speech skills and abilities acquired in speech therapy classes during the day. Therefore, the teacher-speech therapist, who plays the leading role in correctional work, draws up a long-term plan for working with kindergarten teachers.

Steadily formed motivation for language activity in a child significantly reduces the time of the correctional period. It is no secret that the monotony and pattern of classes causes apathy in children and a reluctance to work with sounds, syllables, and words. native language. As a result, knowledge of the native language is blocked. All this shows the need to find resources to develop effective technologies for teaching children.

According to V.M. Akimenko, any practical material can be divided into two groups: firstly, helping the child’s direct speech development and, secondly, indirect, which includes non-traditional speech therapy technologies. The use of the latest correction methods cannot be considered independent and self-sufficient; their use, most likely, serves to create a favorable emotional background, which ultimately improves the effectiveness of the corrective effect. Let us give an example of the use of non-traditional technologies by kindergarten speech therapists.

Working with plugs helps open the child's mouth and hold him in this position for a certain period of time. This helps strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, develop diction and form muscle kinesthesia.

Use of sand.

Transferring traditional pedagogical classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational effect: firstly, the child’s interest in correctional work increases significantly; secondly, immersing both hands in the sand relieves the child’s muscular and psycho-emotional tension and develops hand motor skills; thirdly, the development of object-based play activities is improved, which further contributes to the development of the child’s communication skills.

Using sand games in speech development classes, the teacher-speech therapist implements the following tasks:

  • indirectly stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;
  • normalize muscle tone, which is usually impaired in dysarthric speech disorders;
  • help relieve anxiety, uncertainty, and fear of speech;
  • develop and correct sensorimotor processes and abilities;
  • coordinate the coordinated work of visual, motor and speech functions;
  • stimulate creative storytelling and imagination skills.

Teaching children musical instruments (metallophone, flute). The music director of the kindergarten, together with a speech therapist, is engaged in restoring speech in children who stutter using music. Children playing the metallophone and flute helps to correct the impaired sense of rhythm in children who stutter, promotes correct diaphragmatic breathing and helps to evenly distribute the stream of air over a musical phrase with subsequent transfer to the child’s speech.

The process of development of communicative activity in preschoolers with SLD implies joint, interconnected work of all teachers, i.e. correction of speech and communication development of children preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech, not only by the teacher - speech therapist, but also by educators and specialists. If a speech therapist develops and improves children’s speech communication, then the teacher and specialists consolidate their speech skills acquired in speech therapy classes throughout the day.

The use of various tasks and forms of work with preschoolers during the day helps to enhance the communicative activity of preschoolers. These are educational and didactic games (dramatization games, role-playing games, competition games, outdoor games, creative games, dramatization games, etc.), conversation, fairytale therapy, music therapy; psycho-gymnastics, modeling and analysis of situations, free and thematic drawing, reading works of art and discussion of poetry, exercises (imitative-performing and creative), improvisation, children's stories, writing stories, mini-competitions, etc.

During the walk, games are organized to reinforce the rules of behavior with adults, peers, behavior in public places, and the formation of ideas about oneself. These are the games: "Magic Ball", "Let's Collect magic words in a basket”, “Give a gift”, etc. “Puppet conversations” are held, i.e. conversations about each other’s health, help, holidays, relatives.

In the afternoon, games are organized to understand different emotional and physical states (joy, sadness, fatigue, grief, love, anger, irritation), manifested in the features of facial expressions, gestures, actions, voice intonation: “Find the residents of the houses”, “Guess the mood ", "Determine the mood of people from photographs", etc.

All proposed games that recreate relationships between people not only develop dialogical speech, but also teach children to communicate with each other and help them master universal human values.

It is important for every teacher that the group is friendly, that the children feel confident and comfortable, that everyone is active and constructive. Such an idyllic picture consists of the ability to communicate with each other, self-organize and organize others, the ability and opportunity to demonstrate these skills and qualities, because Opportunity creates the space and time for the manifestation and acquisition of desired skills and abilities. To realize such opportunities, teachers must create conditions in the group that will provoke communicative activity. Activity centers are one such condition.

Children are offered a daily choice of activities in the centers of art, science, mathematics, story - role playing game, movement, literature, construction, etc. The types of activity centers may change depending on the interests and needs of children, progress in the educational tasks set by teachers. All centers are integrative in nature. The center of the book can simultaneously be the center of literacy, the center of book publishing, and the center of dramatization. An important function of the educator in organizing children's communicative activities is to create a diverse environment that provides children with a choice of activity center that corresponds to their interests and is developmental in nature, promoting personal interaction - communication.

The principles of forming a developmental environment are physical, psychological safety, age orientation, accessibility, dynamism, multi-level. The developmental environment in the group serves to realize children’s independent and joint plans and changes from topic to topic, gradually filling with the products of children’s activities and joint creativity between adults and children. These are materials for playing, drawing, modeling, designing, books, albums, etc.

Work planning is carried out by children together with teachers in the form of the development and implementation of “Spider Web” - thematic projects. Project topics can be very different: toys, transport, space, my rights, pets, etc.

After selecting a topic, markings are applied on a large sheet of paper - the names of the “Cobweb” activity centers. This form is the educational basis of the plan. So, the teacher announces the chosen topic, for example, “My rights” and invites the children to express their ideas about what can be done in each center (in the art center you can draw pictures “My rights”, in the construction center - build an intersection, in the mathematics center - count , what rights children have and what responsibilities; the center of the book is to read fairy tales, find events in them when someone’s rights are violated, etc.).

The next stage in organizing this work is the presentation of each center. The teacher attracts the attention of the pupils with the new content of the centers. Children decide and agree among themselves who will go to play with whom in which center. (Misha and Vitya: we will go to the construction center, we will build an intersection).

One of the options for organizing work in activity centers is the “Choice Board”. It is a set of pictograms indicating a specific center. Children agree in advance among themselves who will perform this or that task with whom. Your choice is reflected on the appropriate board. Using the “Choice Board” teaches students to plan their activities, correlate their interests with the interests of other children, not conflict, negotiate, and make a common decision.

It is very important to determine the place of the teacher in the process of children’s activities in activity centers. The teacher does not substitute his own activity for the child’s need to independently find a solution, to overcome a difficulty. If work in the centers does not require the obligatory presence of the teacher - children successfully cope with selected tasks, overcome problems and difficulties independently - an adult monitors the children’s activities, including ways to resolve emerging difficulties, conflicts, and the distribution of responsibilities between all members teams; provides help and support where children ask for it.

During the course of work, the teacher receives a huge amount of information material:

  • initiative of each child;
  • ability to formulate an idea;
  • ability to negotiate without conflict;
  • ability to establish contacts with other children;
  • the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of other people, etc.

The work in the centers ends with a final collection. His task is to review the work performed, analyze achievements, success, difficulties.

At the final gathering, children bring their work - drawings, written words, etc. The teacher offers to talk about what interfered and what helped in achieving the result; whether communication and cooperation with each other brought joy; how children overcame this or that conflict situation.

Children with speech disorders have difficulty communicating with peers and often feel vulnerable. The readiness of each teacher to accept and understand the child helps to create a favorable background for communication, an atmosphere of cooperation, and mutual understanding.

Optimization of the work of teachers is carried out using the following forms: questionnaires, selection of psychological and pedagogical literature, training in professional and pedagogical competence, conversations, consultations, lectures on the topics: “Model of interaction between a teacher and children”, “Techniques that adults can use when communicating with children ", "Methods and forms of working with parents", etc.

An integrated approach to overcoming speech disorders involves the participation of parents, who can consolidate and transfer all the knowledge, speech skills and abilities of children acquired in kindergarten daily life. All parents want to see their child happy, able to communicate with the people around him. To teach a child to communicate, you need a lot of patience, love and desire to help him understand the complex world of relationships with peers and adults. Parents are the first and most important teachers and educators of the child. Therefore, one of the priority tasks of the kindergarten is to establish partnerships with the families of pupils in solving the general educational task.

In the kindergarten, various forms of work with the families of pupils are planned, which allow them to be active participants in the educational educational process and constantly receive information about the results of working with children.

We highlight seven areas of work with parents:

  • introductory- collection of information (questionnaire to assess communication in the family on the topic: “Family through the eyes of a child.” Answers to the questionnaire help to determine in general terms what style of communication is inherent in the family; interview);
  • general preventive - visual propaganda (stands, consultations, parent newspapers, booklets, memos, testing without data processing in order to test parents’ own knowledge on the current issue of child development at the moment, etc.);
  • collective and individual- thematic and extended parent meetings with the invitation of narrow specialists, at which all participants in the pedagogical process present diagnostic results and ways comprehensive development child, primarily speech; acquaintance with the experience of family education, traditions, photo exhibitions, etc.;
  • integrative- joint events (leisure, holidays, theme weeks, excursions, Day open doors, joint projects, participation in the design of personal exhibitions, children's works, actions to comply with the rules traffic etc.);
  • interactive - mini-workshops, during which parents are given certain knowledge and practical skills to further consolidate the material at home; trainings for parents, during which a teacher-psychologist creates conditions for parents not only to learn their pedagogical capabilities, but also to be able to use them in specific problem situations that arise in communication with a child; master classes providing transfer parents experience, mastery through direct and commented demonstration of work techniques;
  • reflexive ( Feedback) - identifying changes, monitoring;
  • promising - joint discussion of plans for the future (through questionnaires, in person, through an information basket).

All these types of joint activities with parents create conditions for the development of children’s speech activity and communication.

Thanks to the organization of communicative activities of preschool children on a strictly scientific basis using modern diagnostic techniques, capable of providing control over the development of this process in order to correct it, create a favorable health-preserving microclimate, a system of work on the development of communicative activity of preschoolers with general speech impairment, an increase in the speech activity of children is noted; development of free communication with adults and children, development of all components of children’s oral speech in various activities.