Lesson summary “The Four Seasons”. Preparatory group

Lesson summary “Seasons”

Target: to form and develop children’s ideas and knowledge about the characteristic seasonal manifestations of the seasons.


enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “Seasons”; develop visual-figurative and verbal logical thinking; develop fine motor skills.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations depicting the seasons; reading literary works about the seasons; didactic games: “Define the sequence”; “Say it right”; "What season?"; word games: “Say a word”, “What’s the weather?”; puzzles; observation in nature. Learning the song “Autumn has knocked on us” (I. Smirnova)

Equipment and materials:

projector, computer, board; audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Seasons”, songs “Sunny Drops” (S. Sosnina), “Song of the Snow Maiden” (A. Varlamova), minus the songs “Autumn has knocked on us” (I. Smirnova); slide show with landscapes and scenes of the seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter), illustrations of migratory and wintering birds (according to the number of children); pictures with mushrooms, vegetables and fruits; pencils, counting sticks; disposable plates with semolina according to the number of children.

I. Children enter the group to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

Educator: R fuck, let's stand in a circle holding hands with those you're friends with, with your own best friends. How nice it is to hold each other's hands. Smile at each other. Smile at everyone present. Did you notice when you walked to kindergarten What time of year is it now?

Guys, I know one fairy tale story about the Snow Maiden, which happened in the cold winter. Want to listen?

Telling a fairy tale by a teacher

“It’s quiet at night in the winter forest. The white caps of the trees and snowdrifts in the clearings turn blue under the moon. Not a whisper or rustle is heard. Only Grandfather Frost creaks.

Deep in the forest, in a clearing, there is an icy fairy-tale palace with painted patterns on the windows.

The Snow Maiden sits at the window, watching to see if Frost will come soon. She saw her grandfather, was delighted, took him to the palace, and laid him on a snowy bed.

“I’m tired, Snow Maiden,” Frost sighed. - I did a lot of work over the winter. Rivers and lakes froze. The snow was held together by frost so that fur coats and hats around the trees and bushes would not fall apart. IN New Year He delivered gifts to the children. It's good that winter is ending, now you can sleep until next winter.

The Snow Maiden heard her grandfather’s words and began to cry.

What kind of trouble happened to you? - Frost frowned.

I would like to see spring, summer and autumn. The birds told me how everything turns green and blooms here in the forest, but I have never seen flowers. Every year Winter puts me into such a sound sleep that I fall asleep before the cold weather.

“Ask the titmouse to help you,” suggested Frost. - Let her song keep you awake.

The Snow Maiden was delighted and ran to the titmouse, and the bird said:

Dear Snow Maiden, I would be glad to help, but I’m afraid for you. Spring will come, it will bring warmth, and you will melt.

The Snow Maiden did not answer anything, kissed the titmouse goodbye and went to rest with Grandfather Frost until next winter."

Guys, who wants to help the Snow Maiden look at spring, summer and autumn?

How can we tell the Snow Maiden about the seasons? (Children's answer options.)

II. Educator: You will find out what time of year we will be talking about first by guessing my musical riddle. The 2nd verse of the song “Sunny Drops” (S. Sosnina) sounds. Children guess.

Projection of a slide show of spring landscapes and scenes on the board.

What is spring like in our region? (cold and warm, cloudy and sunny, rainy, green, etc.).

What good do you know about spring? (nature comes to life, snowdrops appear - the first flowers, buds swell on the trees and leaves appear, etc.)

What are the spring months? (March April May)

Who brings spring on his wings? (birds.)

What are these birds called? (migratory)

What are the names of birds that do not fly to warmer climes? (wintering)

The Snow Maiden probably also wants to know which birds are wintering and which are migratory. Shall we help her? Then go to the tables, on a sheet of paper, you see images of birds. Your task: circle migratory birds in blue, wintering birds in red.

Well done! You all did very well. The Snow Maiden will immediately understand which birds are wintering and which are migratory. And the birds carry it on their wings to the next season. You will find out which one by solving the riddle.

Mystery: If the sun is blue,
and flowers bloom in the grass,
if everything is warmed with warmth,
it means... (SUMMER) is coming to us

Look at the summer landscapes, what can you tell the Snow Maiden about summer so that she likes it? (Slide show of summer landscapes, children describe the image).

Exercise: “Lay out according to the pattern”

The teacher shows the children a sample diagram and asks: “Who does the drawing look like? But so that the butterfly doesn’t get bored alone, let each of you guys lay out exactly the same butterfly on the table from the counting sticks as the one in my drawing. Well done guys, your butterflies are similar to mine.”

I suggest you turn into a butterfly.


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (torso to the right, to the left.)

I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (torso forward, backward.)

He moved, stretched, (hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew (arms up, right, left.)

The sun is just waking up in the morning, the butterfly is spinning, curling, (spinning)

The butterfly flew across the meadow and fell asleep, preparing for the next season. Guess the riddle:

I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields,

I send the birds south, I strip the trees,

But I don't touch the pine trees

And Christmas trees, I - ... (AUTUMN)

Now there is an opportunity to introduce the Snow Maiden to autumn. How can this be done? (children's answers). That's right, you can use a song. (Children sing the song “Autumn has knocked on us” by I. Smirnov to a minus tune)

What do you like about autumn? (beautiful autumn landscape, rich harvest)

How can autumn upset you? (cloudy, rainy weather)

(During the stories, a slide show of autumn landscapes and scenes is projected onto the board).

RiddleA: If it's cold all around,

if the river is under ice,
everything is covered in snow: the ground, houses,
it means it has come to us... (WINTER)

Guys, the Snow Maiden wants to know, what can you tell us about winter? After all, this is her favorite time of year.

Projection of a slide show of winter landscapes and scenes on the board.

Introduce Snow Maiden, what kind of winter is it like in our region?

(snowy, frosty, long, white, cheerful, etc.).

Tell us what are your favorite winter activities?

(slide rides, sledding, ice skating, snowball fights with friends)

Child: Blue snow sparkles in the sun.

There's a funny snowman standing there,

Children rush to the skating rink in a crowd,

We need skates and skis in winter

A fur coat and a hat keep us warm

And we forget about the frosts!

Frost not only colors the cheeks of children on a walk, but also paints patterns on the windows. Close your eyes and remember what patterns you saw on the windows in winter. I suggest drawing them with semolina.

Creative task “Frosty patterns” (musical accompaniment “Song of the Snow Maiden” by A. Varlamov)

- You need to pour a thin layer of semolina into a plate and distribute it evenly over the surface. With the tip of your index finger, start drawing “frosty” patterns. There is no need to press hard. If you want to create new drawing, spread the grain evenly over the surface and start a new pattern.

Well done! You all did a very beautiful job.

Guys, the Snow Maiden liked your idea about the seasons and she sent you an SMS with tricky questions. Let's play?

Game "Tricky Questions"

The presenter asks questions, if the answer to the question is “yes”, the children clap their hands, if “no”, they stomp their feet

Are September, October, November summer months?

If the leaves start to fall, is it spring?

Do children go to school on the first of September?

In summer, girls and boys wear warm hats, warm boots, fur coats and go sledding?

In winter, do all animals prepare for a long hibernation?

Do the trees have bright green leaves in autumn?

In winter we love to swim and sunbathe, admire flowers and pick berries?

They return in the spring migratory birds?

In summer, can you swim in the river and sunbathe on the beach?

In autumn there are cold rains, leaves turn yellow and fall off?

In winter, do people wear T-shirts, shorts, sundresses?

Is autumn a wonderful time of year?

You know everything about the seasons very well.

III . Summarizing:

What were the difficulties?

How did you deal with them?

Thanks everyone for your work!


  1. Pavlova N.N.; Rudenko L.G. Smart pictures. Materials for correctional and developmental work in kindergarten. - M.: “Genesis”, 2011.
  2. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. 1000 exercises to prepare for school. - M.: Planet of Childhood, 2002.
  3. Koval I.G. Learning to think. Educational games for children from 4 to 9 years old. - Kharkov: Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, 2010
  4. Postoeva L.D., Lukina G.A. integrated correctional and developmental classes for children 4-6 years old. - M.: Knigolyub, 2006 - 64 p.
  5. Karpova S.I., Mamaeva V.V. Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschoolers 6-7 years old. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007. - 144 p.
  6. Tales of Mother Earth. Environmental education through fairy tales, poems and creative tasks / A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Amrita-Rus, 2008.

Lesson notes for children

Senior preschool age

By cognitive development on the topic


Art. Kushchevskaya

MBDOU d/s OV No. 4

Educator: Arsenyeva E.E.


Educational area: educational

Kind of activity:directly - educational

Age group: older

Topic: “Seasons”

Target : to form primary presentation about objects around peace.

Program content

Educational objectives: introduce children to the seasons, months.

Developmental tasks: develop in children the ability to identify signs of each season, develop logical thinking, imagination, the ability to restore logical relationships through riddles.

Educational tasks: to educate children to love nature and see its beauty.

Preliminary work:reading S. Marshak’s fairy tale “The Twelve Months”, riddles about the seasons, looking at the albums “Seasons”, “Wintering and Migratory Birds”, reproductions of paintings, didactic game « Healthy foods", " Vegetables and fruits".

Vocabulary work: wintering birds: tit, bullfinch, crossbill, woodpecker; migratory birds: wagtail, oriole, starling, chaffinch, thrush, lark, swallow, nightingale, cuckoo, rook; healthy foods; September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August.

Materials and equipment:multimedia installation, presentation

“Seasons”, dummies: fruits, vegetables; Balloons, ball, pictures of migratory and wintering birds, model of a tree, two baskets, trays, achievement badges, soundtrack “Seasons”,

Progress of activities.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to each other - smile at each other.

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, Mother Earth!

Hello my friends!

Educator: Guys, look what’s on our screen?

Children: Castle

Educator: Who do you think lives in it?

Children's answers.

Educator: Far, far away, high, high, in an amazing airy palace, they live and live all year round and his four daughters (slide 1). And you will learn what their names are from my riddles (slide 2). If you answer correctly, they will appear on the screen.

Educator: I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me!

Children: Autumn

Educator: Why do you think it’s autumn?

Children: Because in the fall the leaves turn yellow and it rains.

Educator: That's right, guys - it's autumn (slide 5).

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

Children: In winter

Children: It’s cold in winter, the water turned to ice, the bear hibernated, the hare turned white.

Educator: Well done. And a picture of winter appeared on the screen (slide 5)

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.

The day is coming. When does this happen?

Children: Spring

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: In spring the snow melts, the first flowers appear, the days get longer.

Educator: That's right, on the screen you see a picture of spring (slide 5)

The sun's bright rays,

So pleasant, hot,

Flowers are blooming in the fields,

Unusual beauty.

The berries burn like ruby,

It's vacation time for the guys.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

Children: In the summer.

Educator: Well done - this is summer (slide 5). Guys, what are these riddles about?

Children: About the seasons.

Educator: Would you like to go to a fairy tale for All the Year and his daughters?

Children: Yes

Educator: Guys, look what I have?

Children: Balloons.

Educator: How many are there?

Children: 4 balls.

Educator: What color are they?

Children: Orange, white, green, red.

Educator: What do these balls remind you of?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's go on a balloon trip. In order to go to a fairy tale we need to say magic words and then we will go and then we will go on a journey!

Music is playing. The eyelashes droop and the eyes close,

Eyelashes open - the fairy tale begins.

Educator: Where did we end up? Probably to the palace for All the Year and his daughters.

Children's answers.

Educator: What time of year does the color of this ball suit?

Children: By autumn.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because the leaves on the trees are yellow, orange, red.

Educator: That's right, we are visiting in the fall (slide 6).

Do you know that every season has three sons. Who do you think these sons are?

Children: months.

Educator: How many are there?

Educator: Name the three sons of autumn.

Children: September, October, November.

Educator: Correct (slide 7). And here are the sons of autumn. And what does autumn greet us with?

Children: Autumn leaves.

Educator: Guys, what is this in the autumn meadow?

Children: Tangle.

Educator: He says that he wants to play the game “Continue the sentence” with you.

Educator: In autumn, birds fly away... (to warmer climes),

Leaves in autumn...(turn yellow and fall off),

The animals are preparing...(stocks for the winter),

People collect...(harvest),

Educator: What does autumn give us?

Children: Autumn gives us a harvest of vegetables and fruits.

Educator: How are vegetables and fruits good for us?

Children: They contain many vitamins.

Educator: Why do you need to eat vegetables and fruits?

Children: To avoid getting sick in winter.

Educator: Tangle suggests going to the autumn meadow and playing the game “Healthy Products”. Let's split into 2 teams. The first team will choose fruits and vegetables from which they can prepare healthy, vitamin-rich juice. The second team will choose products from which they can prepare a tasty, healthy salad.

Educator: What kind of juice will come out of these fruits?

Children: Apple, pear, pineapple, grape, orange.

Educator: What kind of salad will you get from these vegetables?

Children: Carrot, cabbage, cucumber, beetroot.

Educator: Well done, both teams completed the task.

Educator: And now we continue our journey on the white ball. What season is this color associated with?

Children: Happy winter.

Educator: Correct. And on the screen we see...?

Children: Winter (slide 8).

Educator: How does winter greet us?

Children: Snow, snowflakes.

Educator: Guys, winter invites us to visit its snowy meadow. Oh, there’s a ball in the clearing! What color is it?

Children: White.

Educator: Why?

Educator: He wants to ask you questions about his time of year.

In winter it can be severe...(frost),

The river is covered with transparent...(ice),

In winter, children play ... (snowballs),

There are...(icicles) hanging on the roofs.

Educator: Oh, how many cold words you said, I even froze a little! And you?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I suggest you warm up a little and play.

“We play snowballs in winter, we play, we play,

We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk, we walk,

And on skis we run, we run, we run,

We fly on ice skates, we fly, we fly,

And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt,

Guest – we love winter, we love, we love.”

Educator: Well, are you warmed up? Now we can call the sons of winter.

Children: December, January, February (slide 9).

Educator: Meet, here they are!

Educator: Well, well, who has already guessed what color the next ball will be?

Children: Green.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because after winter comes spring.

Educator: Look, a picture of spring appeared on the screen (slide 10). What color is there more in the picture?

Children: White.

Educator: Why then did we take a green ball and not a white ball?

Children: Because the picture shows white flowering trees.

Educator: When do the trees bloom?

Children: In the spring.

Educator: Name me the sons of spring?

Children: March, April, May (slide 11).

Educator: Guys, look, we have a magic ball again! What time of year is it from?

Children: From spring.

Educator: Let's teach him to play our familiar game “Continue the sentence”

In spring, trees appear...(buds),

In spring the first...(flowers) appear

Green...(grass) begins to grow,

Birds begin to build...(nests),

Educator: What are the names of the birds that fly from warm regions?

Children: Migratory.

Educator: Name the migratory birds?

Children: Oriole, swallow, lark, chaffinch, cuckoo, starling, wagtail, nightingale.

Educator: Besides migratory birds, are there also...?

Children: Wintering.

Educator: Name the wintering birds?

Children: Tit, bullfinch, crossbill, woodpecker.

Educator: What birds can be placed in our spring garden?

Children: Migratory.

Educator: I suggest approaching spring meadow, choose one of the birds and plant it on a tree.

Educator: What can you call these birds in one word?
Children: Migratory.
Educator: Listen to how beautifully the birds sing.

Educator: Please note, I have the last one left balloon. What colour is he?

Children: Red.

Educator: Correct, and what time of year is it best suited?

Children: By summer.

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: In summer the red sun is shining, it’s hot, they’re blooming bright flowers, tanned faces of children.
Educator: That's right, we came to visit in the summer! (slide 12).What summer months do you know?

Children: June, July, August (slide 1)

Educator: Guys, here comes the summer meadow! Oh, there’s a magic ball hidden among the flowers. Let's play with him?

Children: Yes

Educator: Name the hottest time of the year?

What is the summer month?

What other summer months do you know?

At what time of year can you swim in the river?

What natural phenomenon do you think summer expresses joy?

What natural phenomenon do you think summer expresses sadness?

Is it possible to play snowballs in the summer?

Is it possible to walk without a hat in summer? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: A castle in the air appears on the screen, the journey has come to an end and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. To do this we need to say the magic words

The eyelashes droop and the eyes close,

The eyelashes open and the garden appears.

Educator: Our journey has ended. All year round and his daughters are very glad that such experts visited them. They say goodbye to us and wait for us to visit each in their own time.

Educator: Guys, please tell me:

What did you learn today?

What new did you learn?

What did you succeed the most?

What was the hardest (fun, interesting)?

Who can you praise?

What did you not want to do and why?

Educator: Guys, look at the table there are pictures of achievements.

Sunny - I tried, everything worked out.

The sun and the clouds - I tried, but not everything worked out.

Each of you will choose the picture that suits him. Lift it up.

Educator: You all tried very hard today, and I give you these suns.

So that the sun shines on everyone,

So that there is no grief,

We'll all join hands

And we will smile at our friends.

Theme: Seasons
Goal: Systematization of knowledge about the seasons and their distinctive features. To acquaint students with the characteristics of the seasons and changes in nature throughout the year.
1. Expand and clarify children’s ideas about the seasons, develop observation skills, and establish cause-and-effect relationships in nature.
2. Develop thinking, speech, the ability to compare, analyze what you see and draw conclusions.
3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world, consciousness in assimilation educational material.
Equipment: textbook, illustrations of the seasons, subject pictures, music by Tchaikovsky, During the classes.

    Org. moment

Hello, everyone who came to us today!

Hello, everyone who believes in kindness!

Hello, everyone who spares no effort,

Shares his happiness

    D/Z check
In the last lesson we worked on the topic “Weather”- What is the weather?Symbols are laid out on the table, students come up, take a card and explain it.- What is a horizon? Tell a quatrain.He is both summer and winterBetween heaven and earth At least go to him all your life - He will always be ahead.
    Discovery of new knowledge.
Today Lesovichok came to our lesson. He offers to solve a riddle so that you find out what we will talk about today, listen carefully.In the royal garden stands the tree of paradise
Flowers are blooming on one side,
On the other side - the fruits are ripening,
On the third - the leaves fall,
And on the fourth - there is snow and a blizzard!State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
So today we take a journey through the seasons. We will learn a lot of interesting things and repeat everything we know.
Assimilation of new knowledge.
Let's go on a trip together with Lesovichok. Our path lies through the magical forest “Forest of Seasons”. With the arrival of each month, we will make puzzles and determine the time of year.
    So we entered the forest... and suddenly a strong wind blew and it began to get colder. Birds are flying away to warmer climes, the trees around are colorful, and some of the leaves have already fallen. And the mistress of this forest meets us... -Who did we visit, at what time of year? (autumn)

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

This time of year is called autumn!

-What are the autumn months?
-What kind of precipitation occurs in autumn?
-What happens to the plants?
-How does autumn affect trees and shrubs?
-What happens to the air temperature? How does it change?
-What are people doing?
-What do animals do?
    We visited autumn, we continue our journey...
    The sun comes out, hides behind the clouds, then again, extreme cold, the forest all around is white and white and blizzards and blizzards are everywhere. And the mistress of the forest meets us.
-Where did we end up? What time of year were you in? (Winter)

Well, it’s winter!.. It’s snowdrifting, it’s freezing,
Sweeps, twists, winds,
Burns with frost, suffocates with ice,
Drives you into a hot house.
A flashy Christmas tree
It will almost fly into the house like a dragonfly.
Will fluff up, laugh,
Snowy moisture will flow.

-By what signs did you recognize this time of year?
-Name winter months?
-What changes are taking place in inanimate nature?
-What happens to plants and trees?
- What happens to the air temperature? How does it change?
-What are people doing? -What about animals?
    Before we had time to visit the winter woman, the sun began to warm up again.
    Blue clear sky and streams,
    A flock of sparrows splash in blue puddles,
    There are transparent pieces of ice-lace on the snow,
    The first thawed patches. First grass.
    And the mistress of this forest, a beauty, meets us... (Spring)

If the snow is melting everywhere,The day is getting longerIf everything turns greenAnd a stream rings in the fields,If the sun shines brighter,If the birds can't sleep,If the wind gets warmer,So spring has come to us...

-How does it change?
-What happens in nature: with plants, trees, animals.
-What kind of precipitation falls in spring?
-How does the temperature change?
That is, it means that nature has begun to come to life, streams are running everywhere, the sound of drops is heard, and grass appears.
    Well, it’s time for us to move on...
    We walked and walked... and suddenly the forest began to change again... all around was lush green grass, tall slender trees. Rusting leaves, beautiful flowers everywhere and birdsong.
    -What time of year are we in? (Summer)

If there are thunderstorms in the sky,If the grass has bloomed,If there is dew early in the morningBlades of grass are bent to the ground,If in the groves above the viburnumUntil the night the hum of bees,If warmed by the sunAll the water in the river to the bottom -So it's already summer!So, spring is over!...

-Prove, name the signs of summer in inanimate nature:
-What kind of precipitation falls?
- What natural phenomena can we observe in the summer?
- What's the wind like?
-How does the air temperature change in summer?
-What are the summer months?
-Name the signs related to living nature.
-Trees. Plants. What's happening to them?
-What do people do?
Colorize Summer asks us to stay with him and take a break from the road.
    Physical exercise. Consolidation of the studied material.
Lesovichok brought a backpack with pictures “When does this happen?”, Help him arrange them according to the seasons.Game: Finish the phrases. Leaf fall - autumnSnowfall - winterSnowdrop blooms - springThunderstorm - springFrost - winterIce drift - springThe appearance of buds - springArrival of birds - springAnimal hibernation - winter
    Lesson summary.Our journey has come to an end! Lesovichok offers you difficult riddle, let's try to guess it
    The one-year old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own special name. The old one-year-old waved for the first time - and the first three birds flew away. Cold and frost blew in.The old man waved a second time - and the second troika flew off. The snow began to melt, grass and flowers appeared in the fields.The old man waved a third time - and the third troika flew off. It became hot, stuffy, sultry...The old one-year-old waved for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and fog settled in.
    D/Z riddle about the time of year of your birth, drawing the answer in a notebook.
    Extra work. Determine the time of year based on the description.

Lesson topic: Seasons. Change of seasons.


  • To form in students an idea of ​​the changing seasons;
  • Show students that the movement of the Earth around the Sun is the reason for the change of seasons on the planet;
  • Develop observation, attentiveness and research skills in students;
  • Continue to develop your ability to work with a textbook;
  • Instill a caring attitude and love for nature.


  • Tellurium(Sun-Earth-Moon model) - a moving model of the relative position of the Sun, Earth and Moon in various phases of their rotation. Allows you to clearly demonstrate: the change of seasons, day and night, phases of the moon, solar and lunar eclipses;
  • Illustrations nature at different times of the year
  • Globe;
  • Textbook.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

Checking homework:

  • Why does day and night change on the planet?
  • What natural phenomena repeat every day?
  • How many times does the Earth rotate per day?
  • Does the length of night and day change in winter?

III. Announcing the topic and main objectives of the lesson.

Choose the only correct conclusion from the following three:

  1. Night comes because the Moon appears in the sky.
  2. The sun revolves around the planets.
  3. Day and night occur because the Earth rotates on its axis and is illuminated differently by the Sun. (The last output is correct.)

Consolidating new information using the question-answer method:

  • What movements of the Earth do you know?
  • (Movement around its axis, movement around the Sun.)
  • What does movement around its axis lead to?
  • (To the change of day and night.)
  • What does the movement of the Earth around the Sun lead to?
  • (We don't know yet.)
  • What do you think the lesson will be devoted to?
  • (We learn what happens on the Earth as it moves around the Sun.)

There are 4 illustrations depicting the seasons on the board. The teacher asks the children riddles.

The water turned into ice
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

I open my buds
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops.

I am made of heat
I carry the warmth with me
I warm the rivers
“Swim!” - I invite you.

I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees.

Guessing riddles is accompanied by showing illustrations. Well done guys, today in class we will talk about the seasons and try to answer the question: For what reason do they change?

IV. Learning new material

People have long been interested in knowing why it is warm in summer and cold in winter, why summer days long and the nights short. After time, it became known that the Earth revolves around the Sun and at the same time rotates around its axis, in a circle from right to left (clockwise). This is why the change of day and night, as well as the change of seasons, occurs on Earth (it is recommended to show it visually, using a globe and a flashlight - very effective!).

If we imagine a line from the North Pole to the South Pole, then we will get the foundation on which the Earth actually rests - this is the earth's axis. It is inclined to the plane of the Earth's orbit at an angle and is always directed towards the North Star. Because the position of the Earth's axis is tilted constantly in the same direction, the Sun illuminates the Earth's surface in different ways. A complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun occurs in 365 days and 6 hours, and around its axis in 24 hours.

In this regard, there are 4 seasons on Earth. Let's call them (spring, summer, autumn, winter). If in summer the Northern Hemisphere is turned towards the Sun, the rays fall straight, we find ourselves on a well-lit surface of the Earth, accordingly long day And on a short night. During this period, active growth and reproduction of the plant world begins. And in winter, the Northern Hemisphere, passing through its orbit, turns away from the Sun, the sun's rays lightly touch the Earth, accordingly the day is short and the night is long. There is a calm, nature is sleeping. When the rays of the Sun illuminate the Northern and Southern Hemispheres evenly, autumn and spring begin there.

Another main point is the presence of days when the Sun occupies its highest (lowest) position above the horizon.

  • June 22 - summer solstice;
  • December 22 - winter solstice;
  • March 22 and September 22 are day equal to night; these are the days of the spring and autumn equinox.

A complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun takes 365 days and 6 hours. We know that there are 4 seasons in a year, each with three months. Name them. Our ancestors had completely different names for the months, try, guess, explaining some of the names (sechen, lute, berezozol, pollen, grass, worm, linen, serpen, veresen, leaf fall, breast, jelly).

Next, it is recommended to carry out practical work using a globe and a flashlight. Children with a teacher look on the globe for the place where they live. Collectively they find out how the model of the earth should be located at different times of the year, while describing the main distinctive features of each season (weather, nature, temperature, life of animals and people).

Questions to consolidate information:

  • What movements does our Earth make?
  • How many days does a year last?
  • Explain why there are seasons. Name them.
  • Remember what you know about the movement of the Earth around its axis.
  • What are the seasons?
  • People have long noticed that when the sun rises high in the sky, it is warm on the earth, and when it sinks low, it is cold.
  • Why do the warm seasons (spring, summer) change into cold seasons (autumn, winter)?
  • Why does the Earth receive unequal amounts of heat and light from the Sun at different times of the year?
  • When the sun's rays hit directly, the sun is hotter. If the rays of the sun fall on the earth's surface at an angle, then they heat the earth's surface less. This is why the seasons on Earth change. How long does it take for the Earth to revolve around the Sun? What is this time called?

2. Physical education minute

V. Systematization of knowledge

Demonstration of the change of seasons on Earth using tellurium:

  • Children! Look at this device.
  • How many of you know what it's called?
  • (Tellurium)
  • Say the word in chorus.
  • Today you will be able to reveal the secret of why I brought this particular device to this lesson.
  • (The teacher turns on tellurium.)
  • I want to hear your opinions.
  • What are your assumptions?
  • (Model of the Earth and the Sun, -tellurium depicts how the Earth rotates relative to the Sun.)
  • What role will the lamp play?
  • (The lamp plays the role of the Sun.)
  • Let's draw a conclusion. Talk about how the rays fall on your hand.
  • (In the first case, the rays fall directly on the hand, and in other cases the rays fall obliquely.)
  • So why was the hand warmer in the first position?
  • (Because the rays were straight, and the hand was closer to the heat source.)
  • Let's perform the same experiment with a globe - a model of the Earth. The globe has an imaginary axis around which the Earth rotates.
  • Let's follow the rotation of the globe.
  • Where does the Earth’s axis “look”: towards the Sun or away from it?
  • (From the sun).
  • What do you think the sun's rays bring: light, heat, or both?
  • (Both light and warmth.)
  • Let's determine where it is warmer in this position of the Earth: in Africa or in Antarctica.
  • (Africa is warmer.)
  • Let's continue observing the rotation of the globe around the Sun.
  • Does the earth's axis point toward the Sun or away from the Sun?
  • (In the sun.)
  • While our hemisphere is turned towards the Sun, our days are long, the rays are straight, and the season is summer. While our hemisphere is facing away from the Sun, our days are short, the rays are oblique, and the season is winter.
  • How long will it take for the Earth to complete its revolution around the Sun?
  • (In a year.)
  • How long is a year?
  • (12 months).
  • So, what happens as the Earth rotates around the Sun?
  • (Change of seasons.)
  • What is the main reason for the change of seasons?
  • (The tilt of the earth's axis and the movement of the earth around the sun.)
  • Why do days last longer in summer?
  • (The sun rises high above the horizon.)
  • Why is it cold in winter?
  • (The sun is low on the horizon.)

VI. Summarizing

  • How does our Earth move?
  • What is the reason for the seasons?
  • What are the seasons?
  • How many days are there in a year?

There are 4 climate zones on Earth:

  • The equatorial zone is the hottest, where drought occurs in spring and autumn, and high humidity in summer and winter.
  • Tropical zone - hot and dry almost all year round. However, once a year there is a rainy season - the coldest season of the year.
  • Temperate zone - this includes Western Europe and the central part of Russia. In spring and summer it is relatively dry with short-term precipitation; in autumn and winter a huge amount of it falls in the form of rain and snow.
  • Arctic and Antarctica - in this part the seasons do not change, only the change of day and night occurs, since weather the same throughout the year, the temperature is always below zero.

VII. Reinforcing the material covered.

The path in which the Earth revolves around the Sun is called an orbit. The change of seasons is an eternal and unchanging phenomenon of nature. Its cause is the movement of the Earth around the Sun, which lasts 365 days, or a year.

  • Why does the change of day and night occur?
  • Why do the seasons change?
  • When it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere, what season will prevail in the Southern Hemisphere? (winter).
  • If it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, then in the Southern Hemisphere? (autumn)
  • Where does the Sun shine the same throughout the year? (near the equator)
  • Explain what would happen if the earth's axis was vertical? (seasons would not exist. Because any point on the globe, on the illuminated side, would be equally distant from the Sun. Accordingly, the air would warm up evenly).
  • What climate zone do we live in?

VIII. Solving Natural Problems

  • You washed the blackboard in the classroom. She's wet. Where did the water go?
  • Let's think about whether there is a water cycle in winter.
  • (Students' answers.)
  • Water can evaporate when low temperatures?
  • (No)
  • Why do housewives hang washed laundry outside in winter?
  • (Dry)
  • Is it drying out?
  • This means the water evaporates.
  • In nature, water can pass into a gaseous state not only from liquid, but also from solid: from snow and ice.
  • In winter, in what form does water return to the earth?
  • (In the form of snow).
  • And snow is water. The water cycle is endless!

X. Lesson summary.

Thank the children for the lesson and give grades.