Summary of the lesson “Making a tumbler frog” in the association “Initial technical modeling. Extracurricular activity, frog Finger gymnastics “Two frogs are jumping”

Lesson objectives:

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about frogs. Vocabulary: amphibian, molt, molting. Introduce riddles, a saying about a frog and the phraseology “loose tongue.” Exercise children in onomatopoeia. Develop small muscles of the hands. To instill in children an interest and humane attitude towards nature.


Pictures and photographs of frogs, cards with images of eggs, tadpole, fry, frog, colored paper, equipment for paper crafting.



Progress of the lesson:

Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the well-known inhabitant of our Crimea. A riddle will tell you who we are talking about.

Riddle about the frog

Not a beast, not a bird,
Afraid of everything.
Catches flies -
And into the water - splash!

(Children's answers). What in the riddle made you think of a frog? What can you tell us about the life of frogs? (Children's answers).

Frogs have settled throughout our peninsula. They live in rivers, lakes, and ponds.
Frogs overwinter in groups at the bottom of reservoirs or somewhere under stones, in rotten stumps, or in rodent burrows. It happens that in winter frogs freeze into ice, but in the spring they still wake up alive and healthy.
Tell me, do you know how we breathe? (Children's answers). We inhale air through our nose, draw it into our lungs and exhale. So frogs breathe the same way, but not in winter. In a state of winter dormancy, they breathe not through their lungs, but through their skin. This is what helps them survive difficult and cold times. Well, if the winter in Crimea turns out to be warm, then the frogs may not go into hibernation at all.

At the beginning of spring, all the sleeping frogs wake up and begin to feed. As soon as they feed themselves and gain weight, they begin to prepare for weddings. Weddings and frog songs most often begin after the first spring thunderstorm and folk saying notes: “The first thunder loosened the tongues of frogs and cuckoos.” How do you understand this saying? What does the expression “unloose your tongue” mean? (Children's answers). “Loose tongue” is when, after silence, they begin to talk a lot, or, like frogs, sing. What do we call frog singing? (Children's answers). Croaking.
Listen to how our frogs sing: “ah-ah-ah”, “bre-ke-ke...warr-warr...cru.” Only males sing and sing conscientiously, loudly and diligently. Let's try to perform frog songs ourselves. Repeat after me. (Onomatopoeia modeled after the teacher).

People have different attitudes towards frog singing. Some people like it and enjoy it. In Japan, for example, they keep frogs in the house and listen to their croaking. And in France, in the old days, rich people forced their servants to beat the water with sticks all night to stop the croaking of frogs. But the frogs don’t give concerts for long; as soon as the females lay eggs, the male frogs will subside. By this time, all the brides and the entire territory have already been divided by males and there is no need to shout: “This is my hummock, not yours!”, “This is my bride, not yours!”
Frog weddings always take place in water, since the female spawns only in water. There are a lot of eggs. First, tadpoles appear from the eggs, then they grow into these fry, and when the fry’s tails fall off, they become real frogs.
There is even a riddle about this:

Growing up -
She grew her tail,
She wore a dark dress.
Has grown up -
Became green
I swapped the tail for oars.

How do you understand the expression “traded the tail for the oars”? (Children's answers). Place the pictures in order, what happened first and what came next. (One child’s work with pictures at the board “egg-tadpole-fry-frog”).

While the frog grows up, it will molt four times. What does “shed”, “molting” mean? (Children's answers). Shedding means changing skin, and the time of skin change is called molting. The skin comes off first from the legs, then from the body, and when the frogs are freed from it, they immediately eat it.

Let's move a little, let's play fun game"Two frogs."

Game "Two Frogs"

We see them jumping along the edge of the forest
(Turns to the sides)

Two green frogs.
(Half squats left and right)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,
(Stepping from toe to heel)

Jump from heel to toe.
There are two girlfriends in the swamp,
Two green frogs
(Hands on the belt, half squats left and right)

In the morning we washed ourselves early,
We rubbed ourselves with a towel.
(Perform movements in accordance with the text)

They stomped their feet,
Hands were clapping.
Leaned to the right
They leaned to the left.
That's the secret of health,
(Walking in place)

Hello to all physical education friends!

Frogs feed on insects, but on occasion they eat tadpoles (both their own and others), fish fry, and snails. But their main food is mosquitoes and all kinds of midges. Listen to another riddle about a frog:

Riddle about the frog

The little animal is jumping, Not a mouth, but a trap. Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.

Frogs are wonderful hunters. During the night they eat whole clouds of mosquitoes and midges. These are the kind of helpers they are to people! But some people don't like frogs. They believe that if you pick it up, warts will appear on your hands. Firstly, this is not true, and secondly, why grab frogs with your hands. Their body temperature is colder and our hands seem hot to them, like stoves. And some, completely unreasonable people, believe that if you kill a frog, it will rain. What can you say about this? (Children's answers). Everything in nature was not created by chance, and every creature has the right to life. And to kill someone means not only to do evil, but also to embitter one’s heart, to make it cold and callous. But I am sure that you will never do that, because your hearts are kind and you love nature.

And frogs have plenty of enemies besides humans: Birds of prey, weasels, wild boars, martens, snakes and, of course, water birds. Which ones do you know? (Children's answers). Cranes, herons, storks.

The frog is an amphibian. Let's try to figure out for ourselves what an “amphibian” animal means. What words does this word consist of? How do these words relate to the frog? (Children's answers). Listen to the saying about the frog: “Maybe the frog is an amphibian because it doesn’t understand where it’s better?” That's right, amphibians are those animals that live both in water and on land. Maybe you remember some other amphibians? (Children's answers). Turtles, toads.

Listen to N. Sladkov’s story “Zhaleikin and the Little Frog.”

"Zhaleikin and the Frog"

Under a hummock in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog.
- Poor, unfortunate baby! – exclaimed Zhaleikin.

- How bad it is for you, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, you will feel good and cozy in my home.

At home, Zhaleikin put the little frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, put the box in the warm sun and laughed cheerfully with joy.

Remember, little frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp!

But the frog is not happy. But the frog is not having fun. He feels very bad, he is barely alive. It overheated in the sun, dried out and became entangled in cotton wool.

When Zhaleikin saw him, he roared. He drenched the little frog in tears, and just in time: a little more - and the little frog would have died (died). Zhaleikin rushed with the frog to the swamp. The very same place where it’s damp, dirty and cold, but where the frog feels just as good as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room.

Nowadays, in some countries, frogs have become rare. This is a warning to people: frogs must be protected! And in any case, do not take them from nature to your home, as if out of pity. In fact, by doing this a person destroys a living, harmless creature. Everything that exists in nature must be preserved, regardless of whether we like this plant or animal or not. There are no useful or harmful in nature, each is important, each has its own role and place. Popular wisdom says: “Where you were born, you came in handy.”

Now we will make a frog out of colored paper. And in order for everything to work out great, let’s train our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics

Two funny frogs
(Children clench their hands into fists and place them on the table, fingers down)

They don't sit for a minute
(Sharply straighten the fingers as if jumping over the table)

The girlfriends jump deftly.
(Place palms on table)

Only the splashes fly upward.
(They sharply clench their fists and put them on the table again)

Paper construction "Frog".


1. Where do frogs live?
2. How do frogs winter?
3. Tell us about frog weddings.
4. When do frogs croak? Do all frogs croak?
5. How do people feel about frog singing?
6. How are frog babies born?
7. Do frogs molt? When?
8. What do frogs eat?
9. Why are frogs amphibians?
10. Name the enemies of frogs.

After noon:

The outdoor game “Frogs and Heron” is held, music game"About frogs and mosquitoes."

Learning the poem “Laughing Frogs”

(tell poems with your hands)

Goals: To develop memory, attention, motor skills, rhythm of movements.

Two laughing frogs
(Show index and middle fingers, pick up the rest)

They jumped and galloped.
(Image jumping in the air with fingers)

Paw - clap,
The other one is clap,
(The palm is rhythmically slapped on the leg)

The cheeks were swelling.
(Show roundness with fingers around cheeks)

We saw a mosquito
(Make a pinch of three fingers, depict the flight path of a mosquito, trace it with your eyes)

They shouted: “Kva-kva-kva!”
(The thumb is placed opposite all the others, depicting opening and closing the mouth)

The mosquito flew away like the wind.
(Make a sharp movement of the hand forward, extending the index finger)

It's good to live in the world!
(Stroking your chest with your palm)

At first, children only repeat the movements (slowly), then finish individual words, then whole phrases.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"Station of young technicians"

Lesson notes

"Making a Tumbler Frog"

Compiled by:

teacher additional education

Zakharova Tamara Grigorievna



hactivities in combining initial technical modeling

on the topic: “Making a frog - tumbler”


    change children’s traditionally hostile attitude towards frogs, explain how useful and necessary frogs are in nature;

    emphasize on appearance, structure of a frog;


    Teach how to make a tumbler frog step by step.

    Continue exploring the art of paper design;

    Create a work culture and improve work skills. Promote the creation of play situations, expand children's communication abilities.

    Enrich your child’s vocabulary with special terms.

    Instill artistic taste.

    Develop spatial thinking, creative and logical abilities.

    Expand students' horizons.


Demo material- presentation.


    Landscape paper;

  • Copy paper;

  • PVA glue or Moment glue (transparent);

Tools for work:

  • stationery knife;

  • simple pencil.

    Colored pencils or markers

Dictionary: amphibian, molt, molting

Preliminary work:

looking at illustrations in albums and encyclopedias.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2.Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

3. Learning new things using presentations.

5. Practical work.

6. Summary of the lesson.

7. Reflection.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys, I’m glad to see you at the next lesson of “Initial Technical Modeling”. Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the well-known amphibian inhabitant...

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: You will learn the topic of our lesson by guessing the riddle:


He sits with his eyes bulging,

He doesn't speak Russian.

Jumps like a flea,

Swims like a human.

Born in water

And he lives on earth...

Children: Frog.

Riddle about the frog

Not a beast, not a bird,
Afraid of everything.
Catches flies -
And into the water - splash!

Children's answers. What in the riddle made you think of a frog? What can you tell us about the life of frogs? (Children's answers).

Teacher: Right. What color is the frog? Children: Green.

Teacher: Right. Listen to a poem about a frog.

Smile from ear to ear!
Cheerful girlfriend. And fish and mice.
Jumps on land -
Swims in the water
Cheerful frog. It won't disappear anywhere!
And here and there she belongs,
She's an amphibian
I love her for this
She's cold though.

Teacher: And today I want to tell you a little about frogs.

3. Learning new things using presentations.

Teacher: Guys, there are more than 3,500 species of frogs in nature, let's look at a frog and describe it.

Children: The frog's body shape is oval, the skin is green, slippery, wet, smooth. Head: nostrils, mouth - a long, sticky and wide tongue in the mouth. The eyes are large, the front legs are short, the back legs are long.

Teacher: Children, tell me, where do frogs live?

Children: On the land. In water. In a swamp.

Teacher: Guys, do you know what these frogs are called? The frog that lives on land is a grass frog and is brown in color. A frog that lives in water - water, pond, lake - Green colour. Did you know that a frog changes skin color four times a year?

Teacher: Please tell me what is the name of a baby frog?

Children: little frog

Teacher: Absolutely right. (Demonstration of presentation). Look how many frogs there are. Now let's see what kind of frogs there are: (the teacher points to slides in the presentation): frog frog, pond frog, glass frog, leopard frog, orange, blue.

Frogs live in rivers, lakes, and ponds. Frogs overwinter in groups at the bottom of reservoirs or somewhere under stones, in rotten stumps, or in rodent burrows. It happens that in winter frogs freeze into ice, but in the spring they still wake up alive and healthy.

Teacher: What do you think frogs eat (children's answers)

Children: Mosquitoes.

Teacher: That's right, and more.

They also feed on flies and insects, but on occasion they eat tadpoles (both their own and others), fish fry, and snails. But their main food is mosquitoes and all kinds of midges.

Listen to another riddle about a frog:

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.

Frogs are wonderful hunters. During the night they eat whole clouds of mosquitoes and midges. These are the kind of helpers they are to people! But some people don't like frogs. They believe that if you pick it up, warts will appear on your hands. Firstly, this is not true, and secondly, why grab frogs with your hands. Their body temperature is colder and our hands seem hot to them, like stoves. And some, completely unreasonable people, believe that if you kill a frog, it will rain. What can you say about this? (Children's answers). Everything in nature was not created by chance, and every creature has the right to life. And to kill someone means not only to do evil, but also to embitter one’s heart, to make it cold and callous. But I am sure that you will never do that, because your hearts are kind and you love nature.

And frogs have plenty of enemies besides humans: Birds of prey, weasels, wild boars, martens, snakes and, of course, water birds. Which ones do you know? (Children's answers). Cranes, herons, storks.

The frog is an amphibian. Let's try to figure out for ourselves what an “amphibian” animal means. What words does this word consist of? How do these words relate to the frog? (Children's answers). Listen to the saying about the frog: “Maybe the frog is an amphibian because it doesn’t understand where it’s better?” That's right, amphibians are those animals that live both in water and on land. Maybe you remember some other amphibians? (Children's answers). Turtles, toads.

4. Experience.

Teacher: Children, what do you need for a frog to live in water?

Children: Air.

Teacher: Right. Now let's take a deep breath. What do we breathe?

Children: By air.

Teacher: Absolutely right, air, and what kind of air (children's answers)

Children: Transparent, invisible, it surrounds us.

Teacher: But in water we can see air, what do you think?

Children: Yes.

(The teacher conducts an experiment with air with the children: Places jars of water and offers to blow through a straw. Many air bubbles appear).

Teacher: Well, you and I saw the air!

Children: Yes, we saw it.

Teacher: So frogs breathe the same way, but not in winter. In a state of winter dormancy, they breathe not through their lungs, but through their skin. This is what helps them survive difficult and cold times. Well, if the winter is warm, then the frogs may not hibernate at all.

At the beginning of spring, all the sleeping frogs wake up and begin to feed. As soon as they feed themselves and gain weight, they begin to prepare for weddings. Weddings and frog songs most often begin after the first spring thunderstorm, and a popular saying notes: “The first thunder loosened the tongues of frogs and cuckoos.” How do you understand this saying? What does the expression “unloose your tongue” mean? (Children's answers). “Loose tongue” is when, after silence, they begin to talk a lot, or, like frogs, sing. What do we call frog singing? (Children's answers). Croaking.

Only males sing and sing conscientiously, loudly and diligently.

People have different attitudes towards frog singing. Some people like it and enjoy it. In Japan, for example, they keep frogs in the house and listen to their croaking. And in France, in the old days, rich people forced their servants to beat the water with sticks all night to stop the croaking of frogs. But the frogs don’t give concerts for long; as soon as the females lay eggs, the male frogs will subside. By this time, all the brides and the entire territory have already been divided by males and there is no need to shout: “This is my hummock, not yours!”, “This is my bride, not yours!”

Frog weddings always take place in water, since the female spawns only in water. There are a lot of eggs. First, tadpoles appear from the eggs, then they grow into fry, and when the fry’s tails fall off, they become real frogs.

There is even a riddle about this:

Growing up -

She grew her tail,

She wore a dark dress.

Has grown up -

Became green

I swapped the tail for oars.

How do you understand the expression “traded the tail for the oars”? (Children's answers). Place the pictures in order, what happened first and what came next. (One child’s work with pictures at the board “egg-tadpole-fry-frog”).

While the frog grows up, it will molt four times. What does “shed”, “molting” mean? (Children's answers). Shedding means changing skin, and the time of skin change is called molting. The skin comes off first from the legs, then from the body, and when the frogs are freed from it, they immediately eat it.

Teacher: Now, children, let's rest a little.

Physical exercise: “There are 2 frogs in the swamp.”

There are 2 frogs in the swamp

In the morning we washed ourselves early,

Rubbed with a towel,

They clapped their hands, stomped their feet,

Leaned left and right

And they returned back.

That's the secret of health!

Hello to all physical education friends!

Nowadays, in some countries, frogs have become rare. This is a warning to people: frogs must be protected! And in any case, do not take them from nature to your home, as if out of pity. In fact, by doing this a person destroys a living, harmless creature. Everything that exists in nature must be preserved, regardless of whether we like this plant or animal or not. There are no useful or harmful in nature, each is important, each has its own role and place. Popular wisdom says: “Where you were born, you came in handy.”

5. Show slide presentation.

Teacher: Today we will make a tumbler frog.

Choose a paper color. (The choice is predictable - everyone chooses solid green).

6. Practical work.

(The teacher reminds you of the work rules and safety precautions and draws attention to them throughout the work).

Safety precautions when working with scissors:

    When cutting, open the scissors wide and keep the ends away from you.

    Be careful not to hurt the fingers of your left hand.

    Turn the paper when cutting out the part.

    Pass the scissors only closed, rings first.

    When working, do not hold the scissors with the ends up.

    Don't leave them open.

    Do not use loose scissors.

    Use scissors only in your own workplace.

Rules for handling an awl:

    Do not leave the awl unattended, always put it in the tool box;

    Pass the awl with the handle forward;

When working with an awl, be careful not to injure your hand when piercing thick paper or cardboard; if possible, place a piece of foam plastic or PVC tile underneath.

Practical work on making a tumbler frog toy from paper.

Individually, along the way, the teacher provides individual assistance to students, helps them cope with individual operations.

Creative practical activity.

1. Making a tumbler frog according to the drawing.

2. Sequence of working with the drawing:

The work is done on a sheet of thick paper

    Place carbon paper on a thick sheet of paper;

    Place the drawing on carbon paper;

    We put tracing paper on the drawing;

    We fasten everything with paper clips on one side of the sheet, then the drawing will turn out neat.

    Translating the drawing using a pencil and ruler

    We check whether all the lines are translated, remove the paper clips;

    We work out the fold lines with an awl;

Attention! Use an awl only on the backing board, so as not to damage the table and avoid injury.


    Cut, glue or assemble

Teacher: The frog likes words that have 3 letters - K V A.

Guys, let’s say “Kwa-kwa-kwa!” in unison 3 times.

7. Game break - competition “Whose frog will be the first to arrive at the finish line.”

Rewarding the winners and all participants.

8. Lesson summary:

Teacher: We didn't waste our time,
All tasks were completed
How did you do it?
What did you have to do? (Children's answers.)

Teacher: What new did you learn today? (Children's answers.) Who did you learn how to do?

Children: A frog.

Review questions:

1. Where do frogs live?

2. How do frogs winter?

3. Tell us about frog weddings.

4. When do frogs croak? Do all frogs croak?

5. How do people feel about frog singing?

6. How are frog babies born?

7. Do frogs molt? When?

8. What do frogs eat?

9. Why are frogs amphibians?

10. Name the enemies of frogs.

Teacher: That's right, now you can make a funny frog yourself and teach it to your friends and family.

9. Reflection.

Reflection using the “Emotional Letter” method. To do this, you need to choose a picture that matches your mood from the proposed emotions, write your names on the back side.

Happy smiley Indifferent smiley Sad smiley

Teacher: This concludes our lesson, thank you everyone for your work!!!


    Leontyev D.P. Do it yourself. Children's literature. 1978

    Markusha A.M. And I myself... Children's literature. 1984

    Tarasov B.V. Schoolchild's homemade products. Enlightenment. 1977

    Fedotov G.Ya. Give people beauty. Education. 1985

    Shpakovsky V.O. For those who love to craft. Enlightenment. 1990

    Fun crafts. Visual aid for children preschool age. – M.: Grant-Press, AST-PRESS. 1995. – 32 S.

Internet resources used

Marina Baturina
Abstract open class"Frogs are amazing creatures"

Project «»

Progress of the lesson


Today we have something unusual class: There are guests present. Let's give each other a good mood. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other and our guests.

(children sit on chairs)

The topic of our classes you will find out by solving the riddle.

Green, but not grass.

Cold, but not ice

Sings, but not a bird -

This is such a tall tale. (frog)

(Children's answers) 1 slide « Frogs are amazing creatures»


Which of you saw frogs(children's answers)

Educator: Frog refers to amphibians. Let's try to figure out what it means "amphibian" animal. What words does this word consist of? (children's answers) Earth, water. How do these words relate to frog? (children's answers) Lives on land and in water. That's right, amphibians are those animals that live both in water and on land.

Where can I meet frogs? (children's answers)

Educator: Now Julia will tell us,

2 slide "Varieties frogs»

(Child's story)

frogs can be found in many places in the summer, because they are different. They can live in a swamp, in a lake, in the grass. This is where their names come from. A swamp lives in a swamp frog, in the lake - lake, in the grass - grass, in

river - river. The color depends on the color of the environment frogs. If frog lives in the grass, on the ground its color is brown - the color of the earth, but in the water frogs - green, to match the color of algae, water lily leaves and other plants.

Educator: Thank you Julia


What does it look like frog? (children's answers)

3 slide "What does it look like frog» Sasha will tell us

(Child's story)

U frogs have no scales, like fish, fur like animals, feathers like birds. U frogs smooth, bare skin not covered with anything. And when she comes out of the water to catch insects on a hot sunny day, her skin dries out very quickly, which can lead to death frogs. That's why she loves dampness, moisture and often bathes in water to moisten her skin. Body Shape frogs - oval, the front legs are short and the hind legs are long, the toes are webbed. Protruding eyes, sticky long tongue. A moves frog with big jumps.

Educator: Thank you, Sasha

Educator: - But in nature, how they meet frog, few people want to stroke her, as Sasha told us, frogs naked, slippery and cold skin, and is often considered a nasty, unpleasant, ugly creature. But this opinion is wrong. In fact, this is the most harmless, useful and necessary creature in nature.

What benefits does it bring to us? frog? (children's answers)

frogs help people cope with garden pests.

They protect us from mosquitoes and midges.

What does it eat? frog, Kirill will tell us

4 slide “What does it eat? frog»

(Child's story) frogs- wonderful hunters. They eat whole clouds of mosquitoes and midges. They love to eat worms and snails.

Educator: Thanks Kirill

Guys, what do you think? frogs have enemies? Who is this? (children's answers)

Anya will tell us about enemies frogs

5slide "Enemies frogs»

Many animals eat frogs. Fish include catfish, pike perch, and pike.

Slide 6 Eat frogs fur-bearing animals - mink, otter, badger.

Slide 7 Many birds love to eat them - storks, gulls, crows, owls and especially herons. Thus, at frogs there are many enemies in nature. But animals destroy them only to feed themselves.


Thanks Anya

Educator: For humans frogs - faithful friends , and a person should be a friend to them.

Educator: Guys, tell me what they affectionately call in backgammon frog? (children's answers) Frog - frog

Educator: And often frog made the heroine of fairy tales, where she was assigned a good role, what were these fairy tales called? (children's answers)

"Princess frog» , "Teremok", « Frog traveler»

Slide 8 Many signs have been invented about frog

Together with luck comes into the house like a frog.

*If frogs begin to hide deep in the water in the fall, this may portend the imminent onset of cold weather.

If frogs in a swamp and a river they croak loudly - it means rain.

*If she accidentally jumped into the house frog- this means good luck is entering the house.

Poem about the frog will tell us(Oleg)

The north wind brought

First morning frost

AND frogs dived into the pond,

They climbed into the mud and fell asleep

And when the roof over the pond rises like cold ice, Let the frog there at the bottom

The dream is about spring.

Educator: Guys, how do you think they spend the winter? frogs? (children's answers)

Igor will tell us about this

“Like winter frogs»

A child's story. Overwinter frogs at the bottom of reservoirs or somewhere under stones, in rotten stumps, in rodent burrows. It happens in winter frogs freeze into ice, and in the spring they still wake up alive and healthy.

Educator: Thanks Igor.

Do you know how we breathe? We inhale air through our nose, draw it into our lungs and exhale. That's frogs breathe the same way, but not in winter. In a state of winter dormancy, they breathe not through their lungs, but through their skin. This is what helps them survive difficult and cold times.

Outdoor Game "Who is faster"

Children stand still, facing the middle of the circle, clapping their hands. The leader holds the toy in his hand, jumps inside the circle, and when the music ends, he holds the toy between two children, near whom he stops. Without music, children run around in circles in different directions. The person who runs around the circle is the first to take the toy and become the driver.

10 slide "Colorful Sisters"

Educator: In addition to the usual frogs There are many more colorful ones on earth.

Child Dasha's story

The bright color of these frogs warns other animals to stay away from these frogs aside because they are poisonous. Anyone who bites her may die. These are poisonous frogs live in the jungle, in Colombia, Madagascar.

11 slide "The smallest frog»

Educator: The smallest the frog was found, oddly enough, high in the mountains. In southern Peru, in the Andes mountains. The dimensions are very miniature, only 10 - 13 millimeters in length.

12Slide "The biggest frog»

Educator: Goliath frog is huge, almost 6 kilograms. This is the largest frog lives only in Cameroon. They can only live near waterfalls and rivers with crystal clear water.

Slide 13 "Monuments frogs»

In many places of our land, people erect monuments


Educator: And now guys the most interesting thing, I suggest you watch the film, how it appears frog. "From eggs to frogs»

Educator: This is life frogs.

Guys, we can make our own frogs.

To do this we need to warm up.

(I invite children to a physical education session)

Physical education minute

With origami, with origami

We became wizards.

And a piece of thin paper (draw a square with our hands in the air) We can turn into a wolf (image of a wolf)

And into a fox or a bear (image of a fox, bear)

Even a bunny panty (image of a hare)

We moved our hands (make smooth movements with our hands left - right)

Got a crocodile (image of a crocodile)

We slowly made a baby puppy (image of a puppy)

Kitty with a mustache (image, cat)

Horned goat (image of a goat)

This is how we became wizards with origami.

1. We have a square in our hands.

2. Fold the paper. square along one diagonal, and then along the other. Always fixing all fold lines with your finger.

3. Take two angles closest to each other and add them.

4. The same goes for two opposite corners of the papers. The middle part of the square is simply squeezed and bent.

5. This is the paper. We have a triangle.

6. We bend one corner.

7. Then bend the second corner.

8. In the part that we folded, we also bend its corners (double bend)

9. Turn the craft over.

10. Bend the part that remains rectangular to the outside.

11. Now we bend the corners but step back a little from the middle. We do this on both sides and, accordingly, we get two legs.

12. Bend in half paper frog.

13. Now we make a second fold on the body, but in the other direction. That is, it turns out like this, bend the legs in one direction (the lower part, it is closer to the head, and bend towards the top frogs, it is closer to the feet.

So jumping we got a frog!

Educator: - Guys, baby frogs are almost ready, what do you think is missing for our the little frogs came to life? (children's answers) Draw the eyes.

Educator: - That's right, they lack eyes. After all, as popular wisdom says, eyes are the mirror of the soul. And that means that by drawing our eyes frogs, we will thereby breathe soul and life into them, that is, we will revive them!

(children drew eyes frogs)

Educator: - Guys, a miracle happened, our the little frogs came to life! Now take yours frog and come to me.

We already know where they can live frogs(answers children: in a swamp, in a river, in a pond, in the grass)

Look, we have such a wonderful swamp, let us have ours let's jump here and settle in I think they will really like it here (attach the crafts to the picture).

Let's look at what happened.

(Children sit on chairs)

Educator: Guys, I hear guests rushing to us!

Dance frog(performed by children from middle group No. h)

Summing it all up classes

Guys, did you like our class? (children's answers)

What new have you learned? (children's answers)

What did you like most? (children's answers)

Is our the lesson has come to an end, let's say goodbye to the guests, it's time for us to return to the group.

Ecology lesson notes

Teacher: Right. Listen to a poem about a frog.

Smile from ear to ear!
Cheerful girlfriend. And fish and mice.
Jumps on land -
Swims in the water
Cheerful frog. It won't disappear anywhere!
And here and there she belongs,
She's an amphibian
I love her for this
She's cold though.

Teacher: And today I want to tell you a little about frogs.

3. Learning new material using a presentation.

Teacher: Guys, there are more than 3,500 species of frogs in nature, let's look at a frog and describe it.

Children: The frog's body shape is oval, the skin is green, slippery, wet, smooth. Head: nostrils, mouth - a long, sticky and wide tongue in the mouth. The eyes are large, the front legs are short, the back legs are long.

Teacher: Children, tell me, where do frogs live?

Children: On the land. In water. In a swamp.

Teacher: Guys, do you know what these frogs are called? The frog that lives on land is a grass frog and is brown in color. The frog that lives in water - water, pond, lake - is green. Did you know that a frog changes skin color four times a year?

Teacher: Please tell me what is the name of a baby frog?

Children: little frog

Teacher: Absolutely right. (Demonstration of presentation). Look how many frogs there are. Now let's see what kind of frogs there are: (the teacher points to slides in the presentation): frog frog, pond frog, glass frog, leopard frog, orange, blue.

Frogs live in rivers, lakes, and ponds. Frogs overwinter in groups at the bottom of reservoirs or somewhere under stones, in rotten stumps, or in rodent burrows. It happens that in winter frogs freeze into ice, but in the spring they still wake up alive and healthy.

Teacher: What do you think frogs eat (children's answers)

Children: Mosquitoes.

Teacher: That's right, and more.

They also feed on flies and insects, but on occasion they eat tadpoles (both their own and others), fish fry, and snails. But their main food is mosquitoes and all kinds of midges.

Listen to another riddle about a frog:

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.

Frogs are wonderful hunters. During the night they eat whole clouds of mosquitoes and midges. These are the kind of helpers they are to people! But some people don't like frogs. They believe that if you pick it up, warts will appear on your hands. Firstly, this is not true, and secondly, why grab frogs with your hands. Their body temperature is colder and our hands seem hot to them, like stoves. And some, completely unreasonable people, believe that if you kill a frog, it will rain. What can you say about this? (Children's answers). Everything in nature was not created by chance, and every creature has the right to life. And to kill someone means not only to do evil, but also to embitter one’s heart, to make it cold and callous. But I am sure that you will never do that, because your hearts are kind and you love nature.

Demo material:

- small toy frog;

- gymnastics shop;

- 5-6 hoops or circles cut from linoleum or carpet of the same size as the hoops;

— a large house-teremok (fabric tent);

- a long gray tail (rope), toy glasses, a bunny hat with long ears, a red tail, a wolf hat with triangular ears, a bear hat;

— a basin with water, towels (2-3 pcs.).


— 3 bowls for each child: 2 empty, 1 with curlers and bottle caps;

— cardboard puzzles with large pieces with fairy-tale scenes;

- plasticine, a bag of Kinder Surprise capsules (preferably green), boards for modeling.

Organizing time

Greet the children joyfully, call each one by name, and note what color clothes they are wearing.

Physical education lesson “Frogs”

Follow the steps of the poem with the children.


There are two girlfriends in the swamp,

Two green frogs

In the morning we washed ourselves early,

They wiped themselves with a towel.

They spanked with their paws,

They clapped their paws.

Surprise moment

Hide the frog toy in two palms. Children must guess who is hidden in their hands. Invite the children to try sticking their finger into the fist. If necessary, croak. Children guess. Open your palms and show the children the frog. Children prepare their palms to receive the frog. He jumps into the first child's hand, and he tells him his name. The frog jumps onto the hand of the next baby and learns his name, etc.

Articulation gymnastics

Develops the mobility of articulatory motor skills.

The little frog tells the children that he can catch flies and mosquitoes. To do this, you need to learn to open and close your mouth very well. Children are training. The frog needs to learn to stretch his lips with a tube, then stretch his “mouth to ears” in a smile and stretch out again with a tube. And finally, in order to catch a mosquito flying by, you must be able to quickly stick out your thin tongue and quickly put it back. Children do this exercise.

Sports exercises with a frog

Develop basic movements.

The little frog asks to catch more mosquitoes for him. Children clap their hands in front of the chest, above the head, behind the back, under the right and left knee. During exercise, children can croak like baby frogs.

The little frog teaches children to jump up in place, jump forward, jump from a bench, jump (cross) from hummock to hummock (the hummocks will be hoops laid out on the floor).

Children squat in circles. The teacher calls each child by name. He jumps up and says “kwa”, then sits back down on his mound. Then the next child is called, and so on.

Outdoor game “Heron and little frogs”

Promotes motor activity, relieves impulsiveness, develops gaming skills and arbitrariness of behavior.

But then the heron came (the role of the heron is played by the teacher). The little frogs run away from her. You follow the children, raising your knees high and reciting the words of V. Orlov’s poem “Herons.”

The hunt is on,

The swamp croaked

The frogs are running away

From all the green paws!

They don't feel like it at all

They are terribly reluctant.

So that the herons will grab them

Tsap, tsap, tsap!

As soon as the teacher says the last word, the frogs must hide - jump on a hummock (hoop) and sit down (hide). Two children can hide in one hoop.

Physical education lesson “Heron”

Tell them that it is very difficult for a heron to stand on one leg, and invite the children to try to become a heron.


It's very difficult to stand like that -

Do not put your foot on the floor.

And don't fall, don't sway,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

Didactic game “Flies - mosquitoes”

Develops fine motor skills hands, attention and ability to concentrate.

The little frog tells the children that he caught a lot of mosquitoes and flies (he places a bowl with curlers and bottle caps in front of each child). He asks the children to put mosquitoes (curlers) in one bowl and flies (lids) in another.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Develops emotionality, fosters interest in fairy tales, teaches to understand the content of the work, develops creative and theatrical abilities.

The little frog reminds children of the fairy tale “Teremok”. Then he distributes roles among the children. The mouse is given a long gray tail (string), the frog is given toy glasses, the bunny is given a hat with long ears, the fox is given a beautiful fluffy tail, the wolf is given a wolf's cap with triangular ears, and the bear is given a bear's cap.

When everyone is ready, the teacher begins to tell the story, and the children each play their role (with the help of the teacher, of course) and say their words. As the tale progresses, they hide in the house.

The dramatization can be repeated again, especially if there are children who did not participate in the theatrical game. If, for example, two children are left without a role, they can be made into a squeaking mosquito and a bitter fly.

Puzzles "Fairy tales"

The task teaches you to compose a whole story picture from fragments, develops attention, creative thinking and perseverance.

The little frog hands out cardboard puzzles to the children and asks each one to put together a fairy tale.

Modeling from plasticine “Frog”

The task teaches you how to turn a Kinder Surprise capsule into a frog using plasticine.

Children put their hand into a basin of water in which tadpoles (capsules from Kinder surprises) are floating. The kids catch one “tadpole” at a time and wipe it with a towel. The little frog asks to turn these “tadpoles” into frogs. To do this, children attach eyes to the top of the capsule, a long mouth to the bottom, and paws to the sides and bottom.

While working, you can tell the children A. Barto’s poem “Little Frogs.”


Five green frogs

They are in a hurry to throw themselves into the water -

The herons got scared!

And they make me laugh:

I am this heron

I'm not afraid one bit!