Summary of a lesson on lexical topics “Defender of the Fatherland Day” (senior speech therapy group). Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. Tasks on the lexical topic of Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

Speech therapist teacher, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Klokova.
Description. Abstract of GCD speech therapy session may be of interest to speech therapists, as well as teachers of children's preschool institutions, teachers primary classes and parents.

Summary of GCD subgroup speech therapy classes in preparatory group for children with special needs on the theme “Defender of the Fatherland Day”.

Target: Generalization and systematization of children's knowledge about Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Correctional educational tasks: Update and activate the dictionary on the topic “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” Strengthen ideas about Russian army, military professions, about the honorable duty to defend the Motherland. Develop phonemic awareness. Improve the grammatical structure of speech (formation and use of verbs of motion with prefixes, use of prepositions, agreement of numerals with adjectives and nouns). Improve the skills of sound and syllabic analysis of words and sentence analysis.
Correction and development tasks: Develop coherent speech, thinking, memory, phonemic hearing, fine and gross motor skills, skill in sound and syllabic analysis of words and sentence analysis.
Educational tasks: Cultivate goodwill, mutual understanding, cooperation skills, initiative, and independence.
Equipment: Caps, magnetic board, marker, story pictures on the topic, handouts for sound analysis of words and sentences, white paper and markers (for each). Speech therapist. Guys, tell me
Who flies a helicopter? (helicopter pilot)
Does he go on reconnaissance missions? (scout)
Rides a tank? (tankman)
Serving in the infantry? (infantryman)
Jumping with a parachute (skydiver)
Serving on a submarine? (submariner)

Guys, what holiday is coming up?

Children. Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Speech therapist. What is the Fatherland?
(The Fatherland is our Motherland!)

Speech therapist. Right. The one who first answered the question of what the Fatherland is will be the team commander. And other guys are soldiers, subordinates. (The speech therapist helps the children put caps on their heads.)
The commander builds a team and commands: “To the left!” "Right!" "Right!" “All around!” "Right!"

Speech therapist hands out cards with military professions to children and invites them to play the game “Who I Have and Who I Don’t.”
1 child. I have a sailor.
2 child. I don’t have a sailor, but I do have a border guard.
3 child. I don’t have a border guard, but I do have a paratrooper.
4 child. I don't have a paratrooper, but I do have a tanker.
1 child. I don't have a tank driver, but I do have a sailor.

Speech therapist. Let's imagine that we are cryptographers. Commander, write a code on the board. The rest will try to decipher it.

The commander writes on the board a code like:
… __ . __ __ ..__ __ __ … ___

And asks to decipher it with the sound [Ш] (Children pronounce the sound briefly and for a long time).

Speech therapist. What should soldiers be like? (Strong, brave, dexterous...)

Speech therapist. Take the numbers in your hands (1,2,5,10) and let's count the phrases using these numbers:

Brave Sailor;
Brave pilot;
Brave tankman;
Strong border guard.

(One brave sailor, two brave sailors, five brave sailors, ten brave sailors, etc.)

Physical education break.

Speech therapist. Guys, the scouts need to quietly sneak behind enemy lines, and there is a field around them. How should they get around? (They need to crawl). Let's show how the scouts crawl.

Look, mines! What can you do to avoid exploding? (Step over a mine, jump over a mine, go around a mine). Let's show how we step over the mines (show), how we jump over the mines (show). How we go around the mines (they show, they walk like a “snake” one after another).

Speech therapist. And now, we will be signalmen. If you hear a word that begins with a vowel sound, raise the red circle. If the word begins with a hard consonant, then raise the blue circle. If the word begins with a soft consonant, then raise the green circle.

(Rocket, cap, helmet, machine gun, tank, tunic, flask, binoculars, instructions...)

Speech therapist. What does the tank driver control? (Tank). Insert a diagram of the word TANK and test each other. (Children lay out a diagram and do a syllable and sound analysis of the word).

Speech therapist. Change the word TANK so that it has two syllables (TAN-KI)

Speech therapist. Look at the picture and make a sentence based on it. (A border guard with a dog guards the border.) How many words are there in the sentence? (Five). What we hear a short word in this sentence, is there a preposition word? (WITH). Which word is this? (Second). Write this word on paper and place it in the right place in our diagram.

(According to the same scheme, the speech therapist and children work with the second sentence:

A parachutist descends by parachute.)

Speech therapist sums up the lesson. He clarifies what we talked about in class today, what we did, what we especially liked, and what was most difficult. Then he praises and thanks the children.

Anyone can view the photo report from this lesson in the “photo reports” section here

Galina Dolzhenkova
Lesson summary on lexical topics “Defender of the Fatherland Day” (senior speech therapy group)


Target: Systematize, generalize and expand children’s ideas about the army, the branches of the military, military equipment, and the Motherland. Activate in speech the names of military professions, military equipment, words: valiant, fearless. Exercise in education noun. plural numbers in genitive case: Many things? whom? (many tanks, tankers, etc.) Develop coherent speech, auditory and visual attention. To cultivate love for the Motherland, the army, and pride for one’s country.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, which is necessary for people to live in peace, work, so that children can go to school in peace kindergarten and school? (Children's answers.) Of course there must be peace. And our peace and quiet is protected by the army.

Our army is dear and brave and strong

Without threatening anyone she protects us.

And this is why we love this holiday in February.

Glory to the Russian army, the most peaceful on earth!

What holiday will we celebrate in February? Who are they defenders of the Fatherland? Yes, defenders of the Fatherland are warriors, which defend their country, your people from enemies. Every nation has its own army. She more than once defended your people from the invaders.

Our country is very big. Therefore, there are many different types of troops in the armed forces.

Guys, what types of troops do you know? (conducted by D.I. “Who Serves Where?”)

Who serves on the border? Who serves on tanks? Who's in the missile forces? Who serves on the ship? In military aviation? On a submarine? What do they call soldiers who do not have military equipment? (infantry, etc. (Play in the form of a ball game.)

Our country is huge. AND protect its borders must be established from the air, at sea, and on land. What are the troops called? protect our country from the air? They are called Military - air force or aviation. And at sea (military navy) .On the land? (Ground troops).

We have named many military professions, but what qualities should our soldiers have? Yes, they must be - bold, strong, courageous, accurate, fearless, valiant.

What should warriors do to possess these qualities? Must train a lot. Let's practice now too.

We got up early, stretched, and reached out to the sun.

Hands to the sides, forward.

Make a left turn, make a right turn.

We squat and stand up, reaching for the floor with our hands.

And on the spot we walk, raising our legs higher.

Stay still, one, two. So the game is over.

Our army has a lot of military equipment. Held:

D/i "One-many". (Ship - many ships, helicopter - many helicopters, tanker - many tankers, pilot, helicopter, sapper, fighter, tank, order, border, border guard, sailor, medal, etc.)

Making riddles (children name the answer and find the corresponding picture):

The iron bird is circling in the sky,

Does it land on the ground at the pilot's signal? (airplane)

Who, guys, is guarding our land at the border,

So that all people can work and study in peace? (border guard).

Two caterpillars are crawling,

Are they bringing a turret with a cannon? (tank.)

There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.

After a few minutes he sank. (parachute).

Who flies faster than a bird?

Who guards the borders?

Who's always ready to fly?

This. (pilot pilots).

Military service is both dangerous and difficult. Military personnel often risk their lives and health, protecting peace and tranquility on Earth. They love their homeland, their people.

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In that day congratulations to all those who defended Homeland in difficult years, who stands guard over the world today. Your relatives served in the army. And our boys, when they become adults, will also serve in the army and will defend our Fatherland!

Publications on the topic:

Defenders of the monastery. Brave fighters. And valiant knights. Dashing brave men! We started this holiday by preparing congratulations for our boys.

Goal: To develop a sense of patriotism, citizenship, physical and moral culture among students. Expand children's knowledge about the holiday.

Long-term planning of lessons on lexical topics (junior group for children with visual impairments) Junior group September 1 week. Vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, turnips, potatoes; natural vegetables, dummies, pictures are used). Week 2.

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" senior group of kindergarten Holiday "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland" (scenario for senior mixed age group). Program content: Expand children's knowledge about Russian.

Holiday for dads on Defender of the Fatherland Day “School of Young Fighters” Senior group No. 5 Instructor physical culture Babintseva N. A. Tasks:.

Scenario for the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day” (senior group) Father's Day in senior group“Together with dad we are friendly, together with dad we are strong” Presenter: Hod festive event: Presenter: Hello.

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge of lexical topic"Defenders of the Fatherland."


· Consolidation of concepts on a lexical topic;

· Development of phonemic awareness;

· Training of orientation in space;

· Practicing the skill of selecting synonyms;

· Practicing the skill of selecting antonyms;

· Enrichment of vocabulary;

· Training of counting skills;

· Training of writing skills;

· Agreement of nouns with numerals in singular and plural;

· Development of attention, memory, thinking.

· Exercise in the formation of new words.

· Fostering a sense of empathy and mutual assistance.

· Fostering a sense of patriotism.



Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 3 “Fairy Tale” in the Vlasikha urban district

Moscow region

Final lesson in the preparatory group

on a lexical topic:

"Defenders of the Fatherland.

Air Force Russian Federation»

Prepared by:

Speech therapist S.V. Minochkina



"Air Force of the Russian Federation"

Final lesson in the preparatory group

on the lexical topic “Defenders of the Fatherland”

Target: consolidating children's knowledge on the lexical topic “Defenders of the Fatherland.”


  1. Consolidation of concepts on a lexical topic;
  2. Development of phonemic awareness;
  3. Spatial orientation training;
  4. Practicing the skill of selecting synonyms;
  5. Practicing the skill of selecting antonyms;
  6. Enrichment of vocabulary;
  7. Counting skills training;
  8. Writing skills training;
  9. Agreement of nouns with numerals in singular and plural;
  10. Development of attention, memory, thinking.
  11. Exercise in the formation of new words.
  12. Fostering a sense of empathy and mutual assistance.
  13. Fostering a sense of patriotism.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

A song about the Motherland is playing.

Illustrations about nature (forests, mountains, flowers) are exhibited.

Speech therapist: Guys! All that you and I see in these pictures is our Motherland, our Russia (the place where we were born and live).

Speech therapist: Who protects us and the Motherland?

Children: Military personnel.

II. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist. Military personnel are defenders of the Fatherland.

What is another name for the Fatherland?

Children: Motherland, Fatherland, Father's house.

Speech therapist. What do people affectionately call their homeland?

Children: Motherland, Mother Rus'.

III. Learning new material.

Speech therapist: Guys, what qualities do you think a military man should have?

Children: A soldier must be strong, brave, dexterous, courageous, courageous, observant, savvy, hardy, courageous, etc.

Speech therapist: Today a soldier came to visit us.(A toy soldier is displayed).He invites you to live one day of Army service today.

Do you want to become real defenders of the Fatherland?

Children: We want.

Speech therapist: To become a real Defender, our guest invites us to improve our physical fitness.

A set of general developmental exercises.

Let's stand still, without moving,
Let's start the exercises:
Raise your hands up - once!
Above the nose, above the eyes.
Exercise two,
The position of the hands is different.
We'll make turns
Perform with great desire.
And our third exercise is
Hands to shoulders circular movements.
Forward and forward, back and forth.
This is useful for our guys.
Pay attention to your feet.
Do deep squats!
Stand on one leg
It's like you're a steadfast soldier.
Now stand on the right one,
If you are a good soldier.

A story about the branches of the military.

Speech therapist: There are three types of troops in the army: the air force - these are pilots, helicopter pilots; ground forces are tank crews, infantrymen, missilemen; navies are sailors.


Speech therapist: Guys, what qualities should a pilot have?

Children: The pilot must be attentive, vigilant, accurate, and resilient.

A picture of the pilot is displayed.

Speech therapist : What does a military pilot fly?

Children : On military aircraft and helicopters.

Speech therapist: What borders does a military pilot guard?

Children: Airy.

The messenger brings a letter.

Speech therapist: We have received an order to begin protecting the state border from the air. Therefore, before we take off, we will fuel our plane... with knowledge.

– What was the name of the man who, according to legend, was the first to rise into the sky? (Icarus)

– Who took part in the creation of the first aircraft in Russia? (Mozhaisky, Zhukovsky, Sikorsky.)

– What words make up the word “Soldier”? (“Military” and “employee”)

– Where does the plane begin its journey? (From the airfield)

– Why do we need the Air Force of the Russian Federation? (For reconnaissance of defense against air strikes, airborne landings, transportation of troops.)

– Why do the paratroopers’ canopy open? (Air "resists")

Experience "Paratrooper"

Make a small parachute and lower it from a height. Watch how it slowly descends.

Conclusion: the air supports and expands the dome, slows down the fall, “resists.”

Speech therapist: Well done. Now We warm up the engines and begin to fly over the territory entrusted to us.

To warm up the engines of the plane, we need to sing this song.

Exercise "Airplane"

To strengthen the muscles of the pharynx and pharynx. Singing vowel sounds [a], [o], [u].

Speech therapist: While the engines are warming up, tell us what parts the plane consists of.

Children: An airplane has a body, wings, nose, tail, landing gear, engine, etc.

Speech therapist: Now let’s count: 1 building, 2 buildings, 5 buildings

1 wing, 2…, 5…

1 engine, 2…, 5…

1 chassis, 2…, 5…

Speech therapist: Engines are warm. But the navigator has not yet plotted the route. Let's help him.The route goes along circles in which the result is “4”. Color these circles blue.

Speech therapist: Children, you know that modern military aircraft pick up speed very quickly and the pilots experience heavy overloads. Therefore, piloting an aircraft is entrusted to the most resilient and dexterous.

Let's walk along the green path backwards to the tunnel, crawl through the tunnel, and the one who does everything right will end up at a military airfield.

Children complete the task.

Speech therapist: Well done! Everyone got to the airfield.

Game "Find two identical planes."

Speech therapist: The path ahead of us is not close and dangerous, so we will fly in pairs.

Children are divided into pairs, choosing the same planes.

Speech therapist: Please note that our planes are different: large and small. Assignment: each crew must describe their aircraft.

Children: I don’t have a plane, but an airplane. I don’t have a wing, but a wing. I don’t have a nose, but a nose.

Children: I don't have a plane, but an airplane. I don't have a wing, but a little wing. I don't have a nose, but a spout.

Speech therapist: And so that I don’t doubt your preparation, I want to know how attentive and collected you are.

Game “Which word is different from others?”

You must raise the signal flag when you hear an extra word.

1)Astronomer, astronomer, astronomer, gastronomer, astronomer.

Which word is missing?

Who is an astronomer?

What is a grocery store?

2) Satellite, satellite, traveler, satellite, satellite.

Which word is missing?

Who is a traveler?

What is a satellite?

What do these words have in common?

Speech therapist: Well done! Everyone completed the task. Now we can dull for takeoff.

Children move around the group in pairs.

Speech therapist: Attention! On the starboard side there is a foreign object moving in our direction. The object zooms in and I see two opponents.

Game "Double Opponent"

Speech therapist: To defeat them, you need to change both words in the phrase to their opposites:

Cold winter - warm summer.

Steep ascent - gentle descent.

Long day - short night.

Sad boy - cheerful girl.

A brave friend is a cowardly enemy.

Bitter truth - sweet lie.

Poor youth - rich old age.

A small dwarf is a big giant.

A truthful sage is a lying fool.

Boring beginning - interesting ending.

Speech therapist: While we were fighting the Double Enemy, we ran out of fuel. In order to replenish it, you need to call a refueling aircraft, which will refuel our aircraft in the air.

Game "Roll the Hose"

Speech therapist: An encrypted code was received with the name of the landing site. To decipher it, you need to take encryption tablets.

  • Talk with your child about what holiday is celebrated on February 23, who the defenders of the Fatherland are.
  • Review with your child images related to the Army (in newspapers, magazines, books, the Internet, TV, etc.). Discuss what you saw and give the necessary explanations.
  • If possible, visit the museum and military glory park.

2. “Pick a sign” (at least three signs).

Which? Which? Which? Which?

soldier (which one?) -...,

tank, sailor, captain, ship, plane, army, Motherland, gun barrel, military personnel, etc.

3. “Pick up an action” (What does it do?)

Artilleryman... (shoots a cannon)

Pilot... (flies on an airplane)

Machine gunner... (fires a machine gun)

Scout... (goes on reconnaissance)

Border guard... (guards the border)

Paratrooper... (jumps with a parachute)

Sailor... (serves on a ship)

4. Game “One-Many” (a lot is... - a lot of whom, what...)

Soldier - soldiers - soldiers

Pilot - pilots - pilots

Helicopter - helicopters - helicopters

Tank - tanks - tanks

Fighter - fighters - fighters

Border - borders - borders

Border guard - border guards - border guards

Star - stars - stars

Order - orders - orders

Sailor - sailors - sailors

Medal - medals - medals

Tanker - tankers - tankers

5. “Learn a poem.”


The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights.
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.
Marshak S.

6. “Make a story.”

Find photographs of military personnel in the family album, look at them and write a story about their service. Write it down in your notebook.

7. “Make a ship out of matches and give it a name.”

(Write the name in your notebook)

8. “Draw.”

Draw military equipment and representatives of military professions.

Compiled by: teachers-speech therapists MBDOU No. 238 Loshkov M.A., Dolbilova T.N.

subgroup speech therapy session
Preparatory group for school (ONR (III))

Topic: “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

Target: Updating the lexical topic: “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” Automation of the sound R in syllables, words, sentences.


Clarification and expansion of ideas about the significance of the holiday, its meaning, the names of military professions, military equipment. Formation of concepts: ground forces, air force, navy. Improvement grammatical structure speech (formation and use of relative adjectives). Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound R in gaming activities.

Continue to develop visual and auditory attention, skills of phonemic analysis, thinking, speech activity, coordination of speech with movement, fine and gross motor skills. Improve the skills of agreeing nouns with verbs, forming adjectives from nouns.

Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, and cooperation skills.

Planned results (targets): the child can use speech to express his thoughts and construct a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy; developed large and fine motor skills; capable of volitional efforts, knows how to obey different rules; shows initiative and independence in communication, has an attitude of positive communication towards other people and himself; actively interacts with peers and adults; participates in joint games; has a developed imagination.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting military professions, projector, computer, presentations, interactive board.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Creation of a motivational field (organizational moment). A speech therapist reads a poem to children.

Our Russian Army!

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!

(There is a conversation about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Speech therapist: Guys, think and tell me what holiday was mentioned in the poem?

Speech therapist: That's right, guys, February 23 is the Defender of the Fatherland Day. You know that we live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Motherland, our Fatherland. We call our country Fatherland because our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers lived in it. And now we live in a peaceful and bright time.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know what our Russian flag looks like?

Guys: Yes.

Speech therapist: What three colors symbolize the Russian flag?

Guys: White, blue, red.

Speech therapist: Well done! Listen to me carefully what each color on the flag symbolizes.

Speech therapist: White color- nobility and purity of thoughts. Blue – loyalty and honesty. Red – courage, boldness and love for the Fatherland.

  1. Updating knowledge.

So guys, who do we call Defenders of the Fatherland? Who guards and defends our Motherland?

Guys: Soldiers, military.
The speech therapist places a corresponding picture on the typesetting canvas.
Speech therapist: Soldiers defend our Motherland, they are strong and brave. A soldier is always a protector, he protects every child, protects his life, his home.

Speech therapist: Guys, what military professions do you know?

Guys: tanker, pilot, sailor, helicopter pilot, paratrooper, border guard.

And now we will play the game “One - Many”.

Tanker - many tankers.

Sailor - many sailors.

Helicopter pilot – a lot of helicopter pilots.

Border guard – many border guards.

Sailor - many sailors.

Defender - many defenders.

Pilot - many pilots.

Game "Tell me which one?"

The speech therapist asks a question, the children answer.

Soldier (which one?) – brave, fearless, courageous.

Border guard (what kind?) – careful, brave, dexterous.

The commander (which one?) is fair, smart, caring.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we’ll start the engine. The speech therapist and the children, using their “hands and tongue,” turn on the “motors” and walk in a circle. Then they stop near the chairs and continue to growl.

Automation of the sound R in words, with syllables (RA, RO, RU, RY, RE).

The speech therapist names words whose names contain the syllables RA, RO, RU, RY. Children pronounce the names of the words in which the syllables are hidden and distribute them among the envelopes. (border guard, guard, hand, march, Russia, parachutist, hero, explosion, steering wheel, sailor, gun, walkie-talkie).

3. Children's discovery of new knowledge.

Speech therapist: You did it, well done! Now look at the interactive board, we will do an interesting task.

Showing a multimedia presentation