Summary of a preparatory lesson on the development of coherent speech. Lesson on the development of coherent speech in a preparatory speech therapy group, outline of a lesson on speech development (preparatory group) on the topic

Development of speech abilities and skills, culture of verbal communication, development of ways for preschoolers to master practical communication skills in various life situations, formation of prerequisites for reading and writing.



"Development of coherent speech in the preparatory group."

Coherent speech is a meaningful, detailed statement, a presentation of certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively, ensuring communication and mutual understanding.

The goal of developing coherent speech: development of speech abilities and skills, culture of verbal communication, development of ways for preschoolers to master practical communication skills in various life situations, formation of prerequisites for reading and writing.

Tasks for the development of coherent speech: formation elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end); teaching how to connect sentences different ways communications; developing the ability to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​a statement; training in constructing statements different types- descriptions, narratives, reasoning; leading to an awareness of the content and structural features of the descriptive, including literary text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, histories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and using means of artistic expression; learning to compose arguments with the selection to prove compelling arguments and precise definitions; the use of different types of corresponding models (schemes) for statements that reflect the sequence of presentation of the text.

Children preparatory group must be able to:

Reasonably and kindly evaluate the answer, statement of a peer, participate in the conversation. Compose, based on a model, about a subject, stories based on a plot picture, a set of pictures with a sequentially developing action. Retell short literary works coherently, expressively, consistently, without significant omissions. Use monologue and dialogic forms of speech. Write stories about events from personal experience, come up with your own endings to fairy tales. Compose short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher. Express your point of view, agreement or disagreement with your friend’s answer.

The teacher has a great influence on children's speech. The teacher must educate with his speech.

Requirements for teacher speech:

Accuracy (true depiction of the surrounding reality, selection of words and phrases that are most suitable for the given content);

Logicality (consistent presentation of thoughts);

Clarity (understandability for others);



Methods for developing coherent speech: joint activity, retelling, telling from a picture - from a series story pictures-from personal experience; creative storytelling on a given topic - based on a poem -based on a fairy tale- tongue twister; composition descriptive story, memorizing poems, conversation, role-playing game, speech games, individual work, integration of activities, observations, excursions, dramatization games, dramatization games, riddles.

Techniques for developing coherent speech:

Visual: compiling stories based on a series of paintings, plot and landscape paintings; writing a story about individual objects.

Stories based on a series of paintings:When working on a series of paintings, children develop an idea of ​​the basic principles of constructing a coherent message; a sequential account of the events that took place. Children compose a story collectively. In addition, such activities develop in children the ability to negotiate with each other and give in to their comrades.

To compose a story based on plot picturespaintings are used depicting several groups of characters or several scenes within a general plot well known to children (“We are on duty”, “Games on the playground”, “ Winter fun"). Children are also offered genre painting (“Deuce Again,” “Three Heroes,” “Alyonushka,” “Morning in a Pine Forest”).Landscape paintings(“Golden Autumn” by I. Levitan, “February Blue” by I. Grabar, etc.).

Plan for compiling a story based on the painting: title of the painting, location, time of action, composition of the painting (foreground, central part, background of the painting), characters, actions of the characters in the painting, their clothes, mood and character of the characters, color palette, what feelings the picture evokes in them.

Verbal: Reading and telling a work of fiction, memorizing, composing stories from personal experience; storytelling (with elements of creativity); retelling (in parts and by roles), generalizing conversation. All verbal techniques use visual techniques: showing objects, toys, paintings, looking at illustrations.

Stories from personal experience.This type of storytelling is of great importance in the development of coherent speech. Children become accustomed to extensive verbal communication, develop the ability to use their sensory experience and convey it in a coherent narrative. The ability to clearly, understandably, clearly, and figuratively express one’s thoughts is formed.

The basis for the development of this type of storytelling is the meaningful life of children. Such stories take place in direct communication with others - both adults and peers. Themes for children's stories are suggested by a walk, an excursion, work, a holiday. Frequent observations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, accompanied by the reading of poems, excerpts from works of art, didactic games for description, enrichment of children's speech with figurative words and expressions are necessary conditions and prerequisites for the development in children of the ability to talk about incidents from their lives. In the preparatory group for school, there is also a place for topics of a more general nature that require generalization of experience and moral judgments: “Our favorite toys and games,” “What autumn gives to people,” “Who I like to play with.” A unique generalization of natural history knowledge is the solution of speech logical problems, when children have to look for the answer to some question and continue the mystery story about nature started by the teacher.

Writing a creative story. Exist various options creative storytelling.

  1. Coming up with a story or fairy tale according to the teacher’s plan.
  2. Coming up with a story on a topic proposed by the teacher (without a plan).
  3. Coming up with a story or fairy tale on a independently chosen topic.

Coming up with a continuation and completion of the story.

The teacher tells the beginning of the story, its plot, and the main events and adventures of the heroes are invented by the children. For example, a teacher reads the unfinished story “How Misha Lost his Mitten” by L.A. Penevskaya, after which he asks the children questions: “Do you think Misha found his mitten? How did this happen? Who helped him? Think and talk about it.” Questions give impetus creative imagination children. However, the teacher needs to ensure that plausible, real situations are invented and that children’s stories do not repeat one another. If the stories turn out monotonous, he should invite the children to think and suggest different options.

Themes for children's stories can be either realistic (“An Incident in the Forest”, “What Happened to Katya”, etc.) or fairy-tale (“The Hare’s Birthday”, “How the Baby Elephant Went for a Walk”, etc.).

Coming up with a story or fairy tale according to the teacher’s planrequires greater independence, since the plan outlines only the sequence of storytelling, and children will have to develop the content independently.

Coming up with a story on a topic suggested by the teacher (without a plan),gives an even greater impetus to creative imagination and independence of thought. The child acts as the author and chooses the content and its form. The wording itself should emotionally prepare children to write a story. Some stories may form a series of stories about one character. Children learn to describe objects visually and figuratively, convey the feelings, mood and adventures of the characters, and independently come up with an interesting ending to the story.

Coming up with a story or fairy tale on a self-selected topic– the most difficult type of storytelling. The success of children largely depends on how the teacher is able to interest children, create an emotional mood in them, and give impetus to their creative imagination. This type of creative storytelling can sometimes be carried out under the motto: “Whoever comes up with the most interesting fairy tale.”

It is very important to teach children to evaluate stories and fairy tales invented by other children, to see both the positive and negative sides of the stories. The teacher gives a sample assessment, for example: I liked Olya’s fairy tale. It interestingly describes the adventures of a squirrel and her friends. Olya told her tale expressively. She calls the squirrel very well - “red fur coat”.

The teacher needs to pay attention to both the interesting, entertaining content of the story and the verbal form in which it is conveyed; monitor how children use learned words and expressions in independent creative activities.

Gaming. Surprise moment, game character, speech games, role-playing games.

Games to develop coherent speech

Game exercise “Spread the offer”

The goal is to develop the ability to construct long sentences with words-objects, words-features, words-actions.

Children are invited to continue and complete the sentence they have started, based on leading questions. For example: “The children are going... (Where? Why?).” Or a more complicated version: “Children go to school to... . This option, in addition to enriching grammatical experience, can serve as a kind of test to identify a child’s anxiety in relation to various life situations.

Game “Understand Me”

The goal is to develop the ability to compose a short story based on a picture, using different characteristics of the subject.

The teacher shows the children a beautiful box and says that this box is not simple, but magical. It contains various gifts for children. Only those who know how to keep secrets can receive a gift. What does it mean? (This means don’t tell ahead of time). Then the teacher explains that when he approaches someone, this child must close his eyes and, without looking, pull a picture out of the box, look at it, but not show or tell anyone what is on it. This needs to be kept secret. After all the children have drawn one picture for themselves, the teacher asks the children if they would like to know who got what? The children answer yes. Then the teacher says that you can’t show gifts, but you can talk about them. But the word “gift” cannot be called either. Then the teacher talks about his gift, showing the children how to do it correctly, and the children guess what the teacher got. After this, the children take turns talking about their gifts and, when the gift is guessed, they open their picture. It is better to play this game while sitting on the carpet in a circle.

Game exercise “If…”

The goal is the development of coherent speech, imagination, higher forms of thinking - synthesis, analysis, forecasting, experimentation.

The teacher invites children to fantasize on topics such as:

- “If I were a wizard, then...”

- “If I became invisible...”

- “If spring never comes...”

In addition to its developmental purpose, this game also has diagnostic value.

Game exercise “Finish it yourself”

The goal is to develop imagination and coherent speech.

The teacher tells the children the beginning of a fairy tale or story, and the children are given the task of continuing or coming up with an ending.

Lesson structure:

1. Organizational moment

2. Reading the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes"

3. Conversation on the content of the work

4. PHYSMINUTE"Animal Charge"

5. Game "Which one? Which one?"

6. Repeated reading of a fairy tale

7. Children's retelling of the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes"



Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech on the topic

“Retelling of the Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes”

Target: development of coherent monologue speech.


  1. Teach children to retell the text;
  2. Teach children to explain the meaning of words, practice the formation of nouns with diminutive and augmentative suffixes;
  3. Enrichment of the dictionary through the selection of synonyms and antonyms.

Material for the lesson:subject pictures (images of fairy tale characters).

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time

Teacher: “I welcome you to class! I know how much you like games, and I suggest you play the game “Guess the Fairy Tale.” I will name certain words, and you must guess what work we are talking about!”

Goat, kids, wolf, blacksmith, ate (“The wolf and the seven Young goats»).

Grandfather, woman, egg, chicken, mouse (“ Chicken Ryaba").

Fly, spider, money, market, samovar, mosquito (“ Fly Tsokotukha ").

Fox, hare, ice hut, bast hut, dog, bear, bull, rooster (“ The Fox and the Hare").

Teacher: “Well done! Now prick up your ears and listen carefully!”

  1. Reading the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes”

Teacher: “Guys, today I will introduce you to one work called “Fear has big eyes.” After listening to me, you must determine the genre of this work, that is, say whether it is a fairy tale or a story.”

Reading a fairy tale accompanied by a display of pictures.

  1. Conversation on the content of the work

The teacher asks questions:

  1. Have you guessed what genre of the work: fairy tale or short story? (“This work is a fairy tale”).
  2. Why is this work called a fairy tale? (“This work is called a fairy tale because animals can talk, which does not happen in life, but only happens in fairy tales”).
  3. How did you understand the title of the fairy tale – “Fear Has Big Eyes”? Why is it called that? (children's answers).
  4. What is this tale about?
  5. “Remember what the grandmother, granddaughter, chicken and mouse are called in the fairy tale? (“Old grandmother, laughing granddaughter, clumsy hen and little mouse”).
  6. What kind of buckets did they have? (“The grandmother had large buckets, the granddaughter had smaller ones, the chicken had them the size of a cucumber, the mouse had them the size of thimbles”).
  7. Did you understand all the words from the text of the fairy tale? (children's answers). Can any of you explain the meaning of the word " water carrier", "deck", "bury".


"Animal Charge"

Once - squat,

Two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How can the little foxes wake up?(Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time(stretch)

Be sure to yawn(yawn, covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail(movement of hips to the sides)

And the wolf cubs arch their backs(bend your back forward)

And jump lightly(light jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfooted(arms bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist)

Paws spread wide(feet shoulder width apart)

Either one or both together(stepping one foot on the other)

Marks time for a long time(swinging the body to the sides)

And for whom charging is not enough -

Starts all over again!(spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up)

  1. Game “Which one? Which?"

Teacher: “The fairy tale says that the water-carriers were afraid of the hare. What words that are close in meaning can be said about them. What are they, the heroes of the fairy tale? ("cowardly, frightened, fearful»).

Match these words with words that have opposite meanings (“bold, courageous, courageous, courageous»).

What kind words Can you call it a bear? (" little bear, little bear").

What do we call a big, strong wolf? (" wolf").

What do you call a wolf that is not very big and not too strong? (" little wolf").

What is an affectionate name for a fox? ("little fox, little fox, little fox, little fox-sister»).

In the fairy tale, the mouse said: “What a mustachioed cat!” What is an affectionate name for a cat? (“kitty, kitten, cat”).

  1. Re-reading a fairy tale
  2. Retelling a fairy tale

The teacher calls several children to retell the story.

Teacher: “Guys, today we will retell the fairy tale by role, but remember that in your retelling you must use sentences from the text of the fairy tale and tell it in such a way that everyone understands and sees your feelings and emotions, that is, they see how scared your grandmother, granddaughter, chicken and mouse."

Ilona Osipova
Speech development of children in a pre-school group (from work experience)

« Speech development of children in the preparatory school group»

Speech, as the leading means of communication, accompanies all types of child activity. From quality speeches, the ability to use it in the game, during joint activities teacher and child, when planning and discussing a drawing, when observing a walk, when discussing a performance, etc., the success of the child’s activities, his acceptance by peers, authority and status position in the children’s community depend.

According to the Federal State Educational Standards, the content of the educational field "Speech development» aimed at achieving the goals of developing oral speeches and skills of verbal communication with others based on proficiency in the literary language of their people.

The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the timely formation children's speech, about its purity and correctness.

Speech development in the preparatory group plays an important role in the general education program for children preschool institutions , because thanks to him, the basis for successful learning is prepared children at school.

Speech development of children in the preparatory group kindergarten pursues the following goals:

development of coherent speech in children;

development of the speech environment;

Formation of an active and rich vocabulary;

development of the foundations of cultural speech in children;

Improving the ability to correctly pronounce sounds;

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write;

Listening comprehension of texts from various genres of children's literature.

Achieving these goals is impossible without creating a modern subject- development environment. That is why in group a speech corner was organized, which expanded the speech environment, created children emotional responsiveness and desire to participate in verbal communication with adults and independently, during the game, easily and naturally develop and improve your speaking skills.

I have accumulated and systematized a variety of practical material for organizing speech games: materials for storytelling, a variety of didactic, board and printed games, games for development fine motor skills hands, manuals for articulation exercises, development of speech breathing.

For development speech breathing and fine motor skills of the fingers in the corner there are various exercises ry:



Juice tubes with glasses;


Sets of various seeds for laying out paintings;

Small mirrors for individual children's work;

Various small mosaics;


Finger Theater;

Counting sticks;

Matryoshka dolls;

Spiked massage ball.

Methodological literature occupies a special place in the corner.

Card index by speech development contains various groups of didactic games, aimed at children's speech development: games on development of coherent speech, games on vocabulary development, games on development correct sound pronunciation, speech breathing, auditory attention, speech hearing, voice strength, voice pitch.

This card index helps to conduct systematic working with children on speech development.

Speech development in a group has an individual approach to each child, because all children are different and most of them have various and strictly individual disabilities speeches, which I pay attention to. Most often this or that violation speech in children can be easily corrected if correction is organized correctly work.

Central, leading task speech development in the preparatory group, in my opinion, is development of coherent speech.

This is explained by a number of circumstances.

Firstly, in connection speeches the main function of the language is implemented and speech - communicative(communication). Communication with others is carried out precisely with the help of a connected speeches.

Secondly, in connection speeches the most pronounced relationship between mental and speech development.

Thirdly, in connection speeches all other speech tasks are reflected development: formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure, phonetic side. It shows all the child’s achievements in mastering his native language.

It must be recalled that coherent speech is semantic extended statement, the presentation of certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figurative, ensuring communication and mutual understanding.

In his work I use the following techniques development of coherent speech.

Visual: compiling stories based on a series of pictures, plot and landscape paintings; writing a story about individual objects. For example, describe edible and inedible mushrooms, describe garden berries and forest berries, compare deciduous and coniferous trees, trees and shrubs.

Stories based on a series of paintings: at work over a series of paintings children an idea of ​​the basic principles of constructing a coherent message is formed; a sequential account of the events that took place. Children create a story both individually and collectively.

To compose a story based on plot paintings, I use paintings depicting several groups of actors, or several scenes within a general plot well known to children ( "Playground Games", "Winter entertainment» ). I also offer landscape paintings to children.

Gaming: game character, speech games, role-playing games.

Verbal: reading and telling a work of fiction; learning by heart; making up personal stories experience; storytelling (with elements of creativity); retelling (by parts and by roles); general conversation. All verbal techniques use visual techniques We: showing objects, toys, paintings, looking at illustrations.

Writing a creative story. There are different options for creative storytelling.

1. Coming up with a story according to plan.

2. Coming up with a story on a topic without a plan.

3. Coming up with a story or fairy tale on a independently chosen topic.

Coming up with a story or fairy tale according to a plan requires greater independence, since the plan outlines only the sequence of storytelling, and development Children will have to carry out maintenance independently.

Coming up with a story on a topic without a plan gives an even greater impetus to creative imagination and independent thought. The child acts as the author and chooses the content and its form.

Coming up with a story or fairy tale on a independently chosen topic is the most difficult type of storytelling. Success children largely depend on how the adult is able to interest children, create an emotional mood in them, give impetus to their creative imagination. An adult needs to pay attention to both the interesting, entertaining content of the story and the verbal form in which it is conveyed; monitor how children use learned words and expressions in independent creative activities.

It can be said that Children's speech development was successful, if the goals set at the beginning of the year were achieved. Yes, at the end preparatory group children should be able to:

Listen carefully to the statements of peers, participate in the conversation;

Compose a story based on a model about an object, stories based on a plot picture, a set of pictures with sequential developing action;

Retell short literary works coherently, expressively, consistently, without significant omissions;

Use monologue and dialogic forms speeches;

Write stories about personal events experience, come up with your own endings to fairy tales;

Compose short creative stories on a topic suggested by an adult.

Great influence on speech children influences the speech of those around him children and adults, and especially for a teacher, in a certain sense, she is a standard.

Teacher-speech therapist Postol Tatyana Viktorovna, highest qualification category; Chelyabinsk region, Snezhinsk, municipal budget preschool

educational institution « Kindergarten compensating type No. 21"


  1. Strengthen the ability to purposefully perceive the visual content of pictures and analyze the depicted situation.
  2. Continue teaching children how to compose a story using a series of plot pictures, the sequence of which serves as a story plan.
  3. Develop the ability to reproduce previous and subsequent events based on the depicted action.
  4. Learn to emotionally convey the experiences of the character.
  5. To develop the skill of planning a coherent, detailed statement.
  6. Teach children logic, coherence, sequence of statements, develop Creative skills preschoolers.
  7. Improve and consolidate lexical and grammatical means of the language.
  8. Teach children to express their own opinions on the plot.
  9. Activate vocabulary on the topic "Fruits" .
  10. Develop visual, holistic perception.
  11. Teach children to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  12. Develop the ability to listen and evaluate a friend’s story.

Equipment: ball, series of paintings by Gerbova "I found a way out" .

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

A game “Guess the fruit by the first syllable” :

Gro... (pear), whether... (lemon), man... (mandarin), per... (peach), I would… (apple), in and… (grape), bah... (banana).

2. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist teacher: Which of you likes what fruits and berries?

(Children list.)

Speech therapist teacher: How much can you eat at one time?

(Answers are listened to.)

Speech therapist teacher: But one charming boy with cheerful freckles once found himself alone with a huge bowl ripe cherries

3. Demonstration of three pictures, laying them out in the required sequence.

Speech therapist teacher: This boy. Let's come up with a name for him. (Children come up with a name for the boy.) Look at the pictures, think about what happened at the beginning, what happened next, how it all ended.

4. Examination of each picture separately, conversation on the content.

1 picture.

Where is Vitya?

How did Vitya end up in the garden? (Answer options are listened to.)

Where did the bowl of cherries come from?

What is Vitya's mood? Why?

What is the boy thinking about?

Let's come up with the beginning of our story.

(“One Saturday, mom and Vitya went to grandma’s garden. Grandmother was very happy with Vita. She collected a huge bowl of ripe cherries for him, put it on the table in front of Vitya and said: “Help yourself, Vitya.” )

How did Vitya eat cherries?

What kind of cherry was it?

What appeared on the table? What kind of bones appeared?

Let's continue our story.

(“Vitya tried the cherry and was surprised: “O-O-O, what a delicious, sweet, juicy cherry!” The boy really liked the cherry. He began to eat it with pleasure. A pile of cherry pits began to appear on the table.” .)

There were more and more cherries in the bowl... (less), and there were more and more bones on the table... (more).

How does Vitya sit?

Why was he sprawled out on the bench?

What is his face like?

What is he thinking about?

(“Vitya ate and ate berries. There were fewer and fewer cherries in the bowl, and more and more seeds on the table. Vitya didn’t even notice how he ate almost all the cherries. He ate too much, collapsed on the bench and said: “That’s it, I can’t eat cherries anymore!” )

The 4th picture is upside down.

Complete this story. Draw your picture on a blank sheet of paper.

(Options for ending the story are listened to. Children’s imagination is encouraged. After statements, the 4th picture is turned over.)

The artist completed this story in his own way.

(Look at the last picture.)

What did Vitya do?

Why did he tie a scarf over his mouth?

Look at mom.

What is her face like?

Why was mom scared?

What did she tell her son?

(“Vitya couldn’t resist. The hand reached out and reached for the berries. Vitya tied his mouth with a scarf so that he would no longer eat cherries. Then my mother came, saw the empty bowl and screamed: “Vitya, why did you eat all the cherries at once? You will feel bad, your stomach will hurt! There’s no need to be greedy, you need to eat little by little!” )


A game "Harvesting" - to the name of fruits, children rise on their tiptoes, arms up, to the name of vegetables - they squat.

5. Coming up with a title for the story.

This story can be called differently. Who has any suggestions?


Delicious cherry

Found a way out

Incident in the garden

How Vitya ate cherries

6. Children's stories.


One Saturday, mom and Vitya went to grandma’s garden. Grandmother was very happy with Vita. She collected a huge bowl of ripe cherries for him, put it on the table in front of Vitya and said: “Help yourself, Vitenka” . Vitya was very happy and said: “Thank you, grandma! These are my favorite berries!”

Vitya tried the cherry and was surprised: “O-O-O, what a delicious, sweet, juicy cherry! The boy really liked the cherry. He began to eat it with pleasure. A pile of cherry pits began to appear on the table.

Vitya couldn’t resist. The hand reached out and reached for the berries. Vitya tied his mouth with a scarf so that he would no longer eat cherries. Then mom came, saw the empty bowl and screamed: “Vitya, why did you eat all the cherries at once? You will feel bad, your stomach will hurt! There’s no need to be greedy, you need to eat little by little!”

The children's work in class and the quality of their stories are assessed.

Series of paintings "I found a way out"

Ermakova E.V.

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 37

G. Balashi

Abstract on the development of coherent speech inpreparatory group

The design component is presented in full for children in the preparatory group.

A. Educational: consolidate the concepts of “predators”, “herbivores”, “omnivores” animals, develop the ability to conduct a dialogue, learn to compose a complex sentence, learn to convey the character and habits of the portrayed character, learn to use your knowledge in different situations, develop expressive and emotionally charged speech.

B. Educational: to cultivate the ability to cooperate with comrades, to help someone in a difficult situation, to teach introspection and self-control, and to develop self-criticism.

B. Developmental: develop interest in theatrical creativity, develop the ability to convey your emotional mood.

Use of media objects: fairy tales about forest animals, illustrations for fairy tales, films about animals, CD player, games.

Equipment for the lesson: pictures depicting forest animals, houses with the designation “predators”, “herbivores”, “omnivores”, hats and vests of foxes, wolves, hare, bears, items necessary for dramatizing Suteev’s fairy tale “Uncle Misha”: watering can , bucket, fishing rods, hoop, gymnastic sticks, chicken toy, piece of blue fabric, CD player, E. Zheleznova’s “Merry Chants” disc,

Preliminary work in the integration of educational areas:

"Reading fiction» - reading Russians folk tales about forest animals, listening to recordings of works about animals performed by famous actors, listening to Suteev’s fairy tale “Uncle Misha”, conversation on the fairy tale.

“Cognition” - conversations about forest animals, watching videos on CD, didactic game"Gifts for forest dwellers."

« Artistic creativity» - Examination of Vasnetsov’s illustrations for fairy tales, drawing of animals by children, sculpting figures of forest animals, making appliqués and origami.

“Socialization” - an outdoor game “Wolf in the Moat”.

"Health"- finger gymnastics“Everyone has their own home”, “Long-eared bunny...”, outdoor game “Forest Trouble”.

Organizational component of GCD. Techniques:

Verbal method: conversation, answering questions, retelling a fairy tale through dramatization.

Visual: display of pictures and animal houses, costumes and objects necessary for dramatization.

The hands-on method keeps children interested.

The reflective component reflected an analysis of the children’s work during the lesson. The children were active, everyone wanted to play some role, everyone wanted to make comments. Not all children were able to take part in the dramatization; it will be necessary to leave the task to the teacher so that all children can take part in the dramatization.

Works of a speech therapist teacher. The tasks set during the lesson were completed, the methods used were effective, and the high emotional background of the lesson made it possible to maintain the interest of the children.

Working with parents. Parents were invited to retell with their child short fairy tales or stories that the child liked.

Description of the lesson.

1. I invite the children to make a sentence about forest animals and what they love. For example: The bear loves to eat fish, raspberries and honey. After all the children have answered, I ask them to answer the question: which of the forest animals are predators, herbivores, or omnivores? Children arrange the pictures in three houses depending on the way they eat.

2. We remember the fairy tale read the day before by the teacher. Let's find out with the children what kind of bear it was? (Naive, good-natured, trusting, strong). What was the hare like in the fairy tale? (hardworking, patient, kind). What was the fox like? (cunning, resourceful, dishonest). What was the hedgehog like? (honest, friendly, kind). The child explains why he awarded the animal with this or that quality. For example, the hare was kind because he allowed the bear carrots in his garden. Let's find out what voices the animals speak in the fairy tale. (The bear speaks in a low voice and is often surprised. The fox speaks in a gentle voice, the hare tells the bear in detail what he is doing, and warmly invites him to join). We imagine what animals a bear might encounter in the forest, what they talked about, what they did.

3. Distribution of roles between children, putting on costumes, setting up a hare’s garden - fence off the beds with gymnastic sticks and put a hoop - a pond, place a bucket next to it. There is a roof on the table, and a chicken is sitting (this is a chicken coop where chickens live). Lay out a blue cloth on the floor - a river near which the wolf will catch fish, a model of a tree near which the squirrel will treat the bear with nuts.

4. Performing physical exercises to a song from a CD by E. Zheleznova, I suggest children reproduce the gait of a fox and a bear, the jumping of a hare and a frog.

5. Dramatization based on a fairy tale. The speech therapist speaks the words of the author. Children wearing fairy tale character caps and vests play the roles of fairy tale characters. Children - spectators watch the action.

6. I invite the child spectators to say which of the role players did their task best. Why do they think so? (Sasha played his role very well, because he spoke in a deep voice, did not forget his words, and also helped the wolf - he suggested his words).

7. Which of the fairy tale characters did you particularly like, who would you like to be friends with, who would you like to be like? Why do you think so? (I liked the hare because he is hardworking. He grows vegetables in his garden for winter supplies).

8. Do you think this is a fairy tale or a story, why? (This is a fairy tale because animals do not talk, do not catch fish with a fishing rod, do not grow vegetables, etc.)

9. Why does the bear sleep in winter? Which other forest animals sleep in winter?