Myostimulators for the chest. Esma myostimulator: a quick and safe way to restore firm breasts Contraindications and restrictions for use

Electrodes for EM40/EM80

Beauty and health of your breasts

Beautiful shapes are the dream of every woman. Nature rewards few big breasts and the size can only be corrected surgically, but not everyone decides to lie on the operating table. Myostimulator for breast correction - the latest remedy, which will help you acquire beautiful breast shapes painlessly and quickly.

Benefits of purchasing

The device stimulates skin and muscle tissues with current discharges, thereby restoring their working functions. Breast stimulation electrodes are suitable for those who:

  • wants to raise the level of the neckline, make it fit and increase muscle volume.
  • wants to tighten sagging breasts and restore the skin's former elasticity.
  • I decided to remove the stretch marks.

Typically, pectoral muscle myostimulators operate through electrodes, look like plates, have a frequency of 1 to 400 Hz and perform several work programs.

If you have set yourself the task of correcting the shortcomings of the décolleté area, then you can pay attention to simple models with multiple chest muscle stimulation functions. A device with a high price may have many comprehensive programs for the whole body. On our website you can choose a suitable electrical stimulator, having familiarized yourself in detail with its characteristics and functionality.

How to use and are there any contraindications?

The myostimulation device is easy to use, you can take it with you around the house or on the street. Method of use:

  • A special gel is applied to clean breast skin (may be included with the device).
  • The device is installed and the desired mode is turned on.
  • After 10-15 minutes the device turns off.

For quick results, we recommend:

  • Use a myostimulator for breast correction 2 times a day for a month.
  • Watch your diet. Include equal amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in your diet, since fat is reduced under the influence of electric current and this affects the desired volume.
  • You should alternate training with a myostimulator to achieve quick results; this will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  • The quality of the result obtained after using the device will increase if you make a scrub and apply a nourishing cream.

There are a number of contraindications for use! Unfortunately, not every woman has the opportunity to use a breast myostimulator. Here are some reasons:

  • The device cannot be used to restore the shape of the décolleté during pregnancy. You can do pull-ups after giving birth and stopping breastfeeding.
  • Should not be used if malignant formations, tuberculosis, stroke and other heart-related diseases.
  • Also, you should not use the device if you are intolerant to electrical impulses.

Care methods and what to do if the device breaks down

Your breast contouring equipment will last a long time:

  • If you follow the instructions in the instruction manual.
  • Rinse your chest muscle and skin stimulation device after using it. There may be a small amount of gel left on it. You need to disinfect your device to avoid inflammation or irritation on the skin and contamination of the device.

10 years of experience in the sales of health products and medical equipment.

Myostimulators for the breast: expert opinion.

Svetlana Druzhinina

The warranty period will indicate the quality of the product. A bad manufacturer, in order to avoid incidents, will not provide a long period of time to check its device. It is worth paying attention to this when purchasing, because in the event of a breakdown, thanks to the warranty card, you will be able to repair or replace your device for free. Most often, a market-reputable manufacturer provides a warranty period of one year.

Myostimulation (electrical stimulation) As a therapeutic method, it has been known for a long time and has been used in medicine and cosmetology for 30 years. Who is electrical stimulation indicated for?

Indications for myostimulation

Cellulite and stretch marks

Circulatory and lymphatic disorders

The need for figure correction


Flabbiness of muscles, skin

Muscle atrophy, muscle wasting (weight loss)

Neuromuscular pathologies

Peripheral (flaccid) paresis and paralysis (limitation of active movements) due to injury and diseases of the nerves (neuritis)

Sports medicine

Muscle injuries

Venous lymphatic insufficiency

Sensory impairment skin due to injuries and diseases of the brain and spinal cord

Myostimulation of the muscles of the shoulder and arms

Nothing betrays a woman’s age and physical condition more treacherously than her arms and shoulders. Stooped and sloping shoulders, muscles, especially back surface shoulders quickly become flabby. The problem of flabby arm muscles with a large layer of fat and saggy skin occurs not only in women, but also in men. Myostimulation of arm muscles gives the effect of increasing muscle mass and improving the shape of the arms.

It is very difficult to “pump up” the shoulder muscles and tone them through physical exercises. The triceps brachii muscle, located on the back of the arm, quickly becomes flabby and difficult to respond to. physical activity. Even with the help of exercise equipment, it is difficult to restore her good tone, much less increase her weight. Myostimulation helps to tighten the shoulder muscles and strengthen them, and make the skin elastic.

Myostimulation of thighs, breeches

Myostimulation of thigh muscles- a popular procedure with which you can “pump up” the muscles of the thighs and remove excess fat from problem areas that are extremely difficult to work out during physical exercise.

Women with gynoid type of fat distribution (according to female type"pears") is well known - reset excess weight and it is difficult to make your figure proportional with diets alone. Such women usually have narrow shoulders and modest-sized breasts, and when food is restricted, it is the “top” that begins to lose weight first, while the lush “bottom” does not even think about shrinking.

Therefore, simply limiting their food intake or taking weight loss medications is not an option for them. In this case, myostimulation allows you to achieve good results - the thighs and buttocks lose weight, cellulite decreases, and the chest and shoulders remain the same, the figure acquires the desired proportional silhouette.

As a rule, myostimulation is combined or alternated with lymphatic drainage (pressotherapy or LPG). The use of massage and wraps can significantly speed up the process of figure correction.

Myostimulation of the abdomen and waist

Weak abdominal muscles and loose abdominal skin are a fairly common problem, especially among women who have recently given birth, which becomes a real headache for them.

Many women, even having a lot of free time and great desire, cannot cope with this annoying nuisance. Myostimulation can serve as an assistant in this difficult task, especially in combination with other procedures.

As a rule, after the first session abdominal myostimulation, women pay attention to the fact that it is easier to pull the stomach in and the abdominal muscles begin to participate in breathing movements. After three or four procedures, you can judge a decrease in waist size.

If you measure the volumes before and after the first myostimulation procedure, you will notice a decrease of 1-2 cm, especially on the abdomen. The first or just a one-time myostimulation procedure in 90% of cases increases muscle tone. A decrease in volume by 1-2 centimeters indicates that the abdominal muscles are weakened and need exercise, as well as their readiness to restore tone.

But let's be realistic - you shouldn't make tempting calculations: for one procedure 2 centimeters, which means for 10 procedures there will be 20 centimeters. After a single myostimulation procedure, muscle tone does not last long; the therapeutic effect of myostimulation acts gradually; time is needed to train and reorganize the work of the abdominal muscles. An indicator of a decrease in waist size can be the difference in size between the first and last procedures.

How many centimeters will it take?

The results depend on many factors: the power of the myostimulation device, the correctness of the technique, health status, the presence of excess weight and additional measures (diet, physical activity, additional procedures). On average, you can count on a reduction in volume by 4-6 centimeters. To record the results, volume measurements should be carried out once every 5 days, and not daily.

Attention! With such wonderful results abdominal myostimulation It is necessary to carry out supporting procedures, such as gymnastics, massage, body wraps, and follow a diet. Only in this case will it be possible to maintain your waist size. Removing fat deposits in the abdominal area with the help of myostimulation is only half the battle, the second half is more difficult - you need to maintain the result, here everything depends on you.

Breast myostimulation

For women breast myostimulation helps maintain good breast shape or improve it somewhat. For the stronger sex chest muscle myostimulation helps to enlarge and strengthen pectoral muscles, get rid of flabbiness, which is often found with excess weight.

Women spend breast myostimulation This is possible only after consultation with a doctor! Unfortunately, quite often modern women have neoplasms, cysts and mastopathy in the mammary glands, which is usually a contraindication to the use of an electrical stimulator, so you need to be extremely careful and first obtain a doctor’s permission.

The shape of the bust largely depends on the development of the pectoral muscles, which are the “framework” for the bust and resist the “sagging” of the mammary glands, but these muscles are difficult to train with physical exercise. Breast myostimulation can help somewhat improve the shape of the breasts, get rid of sagging, prevent the appearance of stretch marks, and restore the shape of the breasts after pregnancy and lactation. But do not be mistaken that with the help of the device you can achieve an ideal breast shape and increase its volume by several sizes - this, unfortunately, is impossible.

Myostimulation of chest muscles- a popular procedure among men; with proper protein nutrition and patience, you can achieve good results. With the help of a myostimulator, you can strengthen and enlarge the pectoral muscles, get rid of sagging muscles and skin. For athletes who are involved in bodybuilding, training the chest muscles takes up to 25% of the total time, because... the development of these muscles largely determines compliance with modern standards of a beautiful figure.

5 effects of myostimulation

Using a device for electrical stimulation, you can realize 3 most important physiological parameters: the period of contraction, the period of relaxation (relaxation) and the frequency of stimulation. By changing these parameters, it is possible to contract all muscle groups; the muscles of the legs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, lower back, etc. actively respond to the control impulses of the myostimulator.

1. Fat breakdown

Using a myostimulator, you can simulate, for example, fast walking. If you adjust the electrical stimulation parameters so that the period of contraction is equal to the period of relaxation, the result will be an increase in the level of energy consumption, and, consequently, the utilization of excess calories. This will lead to the breakdown of fat and a decrease in the volume of fat cells.

2. Strengthening muscles

High-quality myostimulars have fairly wide customization options and a large number of built-in programs, which allows you to reproduce an effect similar to physical exercise for any muscle group.

3. Improved blood circulation

The impulses created by the myostimulator cause muscle contractions, like the hands of a massage therapist. Myostimulation has an effect on the walls of blood vessels, leading to improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and metabolic processes are activated.

All this helps to more quickly remove toxins, accumulated toxic substances, excess intracellular fluid and broken down fat. As you know, with cellulite, blood circulation is difficult due to accumulated fat, so its activation is especially important.

4. Treatment of cellulite

Many cosmetologists classify cellulite as a “secondary female sexual characteristic.” In this fatty tissue with uneven compactions, a woman accumulates a supply of energy “for a rainy day.” They are trying to fight the unaesthetic manifestations of cellulite, the so-called “orange peel” different ways- from surgical (liposuction) and quasi-surgical (electrolipolysis) to chemical and biochemical anti-cellulite creams and patches.

To date, there is no reliable evidence of the effectiveness of medicinal methods to combat cellulite. Liposuction and electrolipolysis are very expensive and not always safe operations. Electromyostimulation (EMS) allows you to perform quasi-electrolipolysis without surgery, without the slightest risk to health and with an efficiency of at least 60% - 70% of electrolipolysis.

4. Lymphatic drainage

Excess fat deposits primarily disrupt lymph circulation - lymphatic drainage in the body. But it is the lymphatic system that ensures the delivery of nutrients to the body’s tissues and the removal of waste products.

By ensuring good lymph circulation, metabolism and the general condition of the body, skin and muscle tissue improve. The activity of lymph circulation is determined, first of all, by the activity of the muscles, since it is their contraction that ensures the movement of lymph. Myostimulation can very effectively increase lymphatic drainage.

5. Muscle enlargement

Myostimulation allows you to solve both the problem of strengthening muscles and losing excess weight, which especially attracts women, and the problem of increasing muscle volume and mass, which often worries men. The device is a very effective assistant in bodybuilding, complementing, and in many cases replacing, intensive training with hardware. In this case, it is advisable to use a balanced protein diet.


To obtain the most complete picture about the electrical stimulation procedure, it is necessary to know not only about the advantages of this method, but also about its disadvantages, which, unfortunately, also exist. Myostimulation, like any other medical procedure, It has contraindications.

  • The myostimulation device is contraindicated for use by people who have a biocontrolled pacemaker implanted. It is also not recommended to use the device for those who suffer from heart disease, especially in the stage of decompensation.
  • The myostimulation device is not recommended for use during colds, flu or other viral diseases.
  • It is highly not recommended to use muscle stimulators during pregnancy, because The effect of myostimulation on pregnant women has not been fully studied.
  • It is not recommended to use the myostimulator apparatus for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Particularly during periods of exacerbation.
  • The device should not be used by patients with severe mental disorders and persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. The device should not be used by persons suffering from cancer.
  • It is prohibited to install electrodes on areas of the body opposite broken bones. The pressure of the muscle during its contraction can have a negative effect on the process of bone fusion.
  • It is prohibited to place electrodes on inflamed skin, areas with cuts, fresh wounds, scratches, skin lesions or skin burns, skin rashes, or areas that have recently undergone surgery. surgery, less than 9 months have passed since.
  • Electrodes should not be placed on areas of the body affected by phlebitis. If you have thrombophlebitis, you should avoid the myostimulation procedure.
  • Exercises with a myostimulator are contraindicated for people: with circulatory disorders more serious than the second stage, with renal and liver failure, with active tuberculosis of the lungs and kidneys, with hypersensitivity to pulsed current.
  • Do not perform electrical stimulation of the abdominal muscles within 1.5 hours after eating.
  • The device for myostimulation is contraindicated for use in cases of dermatoses, bleeding, tendency to bleeding, high arterial hypertension, malignant neoplasms, acute purulent inflammatory processes, sepsis, febrile conditions, epilepsy, hernia.
  • You cannot use a myostimulator in intimate places, in the groin.
  • After a stroke, myostimulation of the limbs can only be indicated as prescribed by the attending physician. Very often, myostimulation may be the only way to maintain muscle tone until the functioning of the nervous system is restored.
  • Attention! If you have serious illnesses or injuries not mentioned in this list of contraindications, you doubt the use of myostimulation in your case, you want to use a myostimulator as part of a rehabilitation program, you have recently had surgery, or you take insulin for diabetics, be sure to consult your doctor.

The myostimulation procedure is compatible and effective when included in the course of treatment: LPG, cupping hardware massage, manual massage, SPA capsules, wraps.

Reading time: 5 min

In the desire to gain beautiful body women are able to dare to do many things and use even the most safe methods achieving the goal.

However, it is necessary to correlate the possibility of obtaining results and the harmlessness of the chosen method for one’s own health.

Best options are safe and non-surgical options, especially when it comes to functional structures of the body, which, if disturbed, can cause disturbances in the functioning of the entire body.

For this reason, if you want to improve appearance bust, before making an appointment with a surgeon, you need to try other options to achieve the desired aesthetic result, one of which is the use of pulsed current, otherwise - electrical stimulation of the breast due to the action of a myostimulator.

What is a myostimulator?

Any myostimulator works on the basis of the principle of electrical stimulation, otherwise - myostimulation, which is expressed by the use of pulsed currents to restore the functioning of tissues and organs. Which have changed or lost their own function.

This technique is quite old and is used by modern medicine for many pathologies at the stage of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Myostimulation is used to have a positive effect on the following injured structures of the body:

  • muscle fibers;
  • nerve endings;
  • internal organs with a smooth muscle wall structure.

The myostimulation method is quite common in cardiac surgery and resuscitation.

Physiostimulation shows high effectiveness and it has begun to be used within the framework of medical cosmetology - for tightening weakened, flabby skin by activating and strengthening muscle fibers.

Myostimulation provides an opportunity to make facial contours clearer by influencing weakened facial muscles.

The use of myostimulators in the waist, hips, buttocks and abdomen provides an opportunity to reduce their volume by reducing the volume of fatty tissue by influencing the muscles of these areas.

The use of such a device in the bust area helps to visually increase the volume of the mammary glands.

A similar effect is achieved by influencing the muscle fibers of the chest, which strengthen and increase in their own volume.

Possibility of using a myostimulator - what are the contraindications?

In case of sagging skin or weakened muscle structures, myostimulation may be a valid solution.

However, it must be taken into account that the impact of the device is quite strong, even if it is a household version, which makes it necessary to first consult with a medical specialist.

Absolute contraindications to the independent use of the myostimulation method are the following conditions in women:

  • increased likelihood of bleeding – tendency to bleed;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • , in particular – pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the active phase, especially of a purulent nature;
  • high susceptibility of current pulses.

It is necessary to start using a myostimulator only after eliminating all possible contraindications.

If any of the above conditions are present, use the device outside the walls medical institution and without the supervision of a specialist in the field of electrical stimulation is not recommended.

What should you pay attention to when using the device?

When purchasing a home variation of a myostimulator, you must strictly follow all points of the rules specified in the operating instructions, which must be included with the device.

  1. When fixing electrodes on the skin, you must fully follow the instructions or a special diagram.
  2. It is necessary to ensure that the electrodes adhere well to the skin. If necessary, it is necessary to use a specialized conductive gel. But, only if there is such a recommendation from the manufacturer.
  3. Smoothly, after the muscle fibers adapt to the initial mode of the myostimulator, it is possible to change the program with an increase in the intensity of the impact of the current pulses. Such manipulations provide an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of myostimulating procedures.
  4. It is impossible to increase the duration of 1 session; the maximum permissible duration of a procedure with a household myostimulator is 30 minutes, provided that no other information is indicated in the instructions for the device. Increasing the duration of exposure to current pulses does not increase the speed of achieving the desired result. Such actions can only lead to muscle reloading and difficulties in their recovery.
  5. To increase bust volume after a myostimulation session, you need to consume food that is rich in proteins.

Similar food products that contain high percentages of proteins include the following:

A full course of myostimulation when using the household version of the device consists of 10-20 procedures that must be performed once a day.

In the future, after completing the course, the myostimulator can be used once a week - as a factor supporting the achieved effect.

Also, during the period of use of the myostimulator and after completion of the 1st course, regular active physical activity is required.

Otherwise, the effect of using the device may not last long.

Advantages of using a breast myostimulator

The use of a myostimulator, at home or in a specialized institution, has a significant list of advantages, the main of which are expressed by the following facts:

  1. It is possible to give the bust a beautiful shape without serious physical exertion or the use of invasive methods.
  2. When using the device, it is possible to achieve a slight lift in sagging breasts that have lost their shape due to insufficient physical activity.
  3. After using a myostimulating device, the mammary glands increase their elasticity.
  4. After pregnancy, using the device, it is possible to restore the aesthetic qualities of the breast.
  5. The device is capable of stimulating the process of further growth of the mammary glands - if there is such a possibility inherent in the genes.
  6. Using the device, it is possible to reduce the visibility of stretch marks, but it will not be possible to get rid of them completely.
  7. Myostimulation allows you to influence bioactive points in the bust area.
  8. Regular preventive use of a myostimulator helps prevent the possibility.
We recommend you find out:

The cost of a device for breast myostimulation starts from 560 rubles. But, such models are intended exclusively for home use and are low-power.

In an effort to have beautiful forms, people spend time in gyms, leaning on physical exercise. An alternative to physical activity has been found - this is myostimulation - or, in other words, “muscle training” using low-power electric current (electric stimulation).

The “myostimulation” procedure is carried out in beauty salons and private clinics. The essence of the procedure is the impact of low-power current pulses, which results in stimulation of the outflow of lymph and blood in the muscles. This action on muscle tissue restores damaged fibers, stimulating myocyte division.

Myostimulation can rightfully be called “passive” gymnastics. To achieve results, it is enough to lie down without using strength exercises, while microcurrent impulses affect the body.

The procedure is not suitable for everyone. Most often, it is used by people who, due to their health problems, cannot engage in sports activities (running, squats, abdominal exercises), and for those who need to lose weight (provided that other methods are powerless).

The effects of low-power pulsed current are divided into two types: neuromuscular (restoration of muscle strength) and transcutaneous (anti-pain). Several actions are combined in one myostimulation procedure. This is an excellent remedy for women who have weakened the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall after childbirth.

Myostimulation tightens muscle fibers and improves lymphatic circulation of blood vessels.


Myostimulation has the following effects:

In cosmetology, myostimulation is combined with the application of masks to problem areas of the body, scrubs and oils.


The advantages of the procedure include:

Myostimulation is a comprehensive effect that stimulates muscle contraction.


Despite the positive and effective qualities, there are also disadvantages or disadvantages in the procedure:

  • unpleasant, sometimes painful sensations;
  • myostimulation is not a replacement for physical activity;
  • the effect on reducing excess body weight is not pronounced;
  • weight loss is not associated with the loss of carbohydrates, but with the fact that, under the influence of low-frequency current pulses, the subcutaneous fatty tissue activates;
  • to achieve a noticeable result, it is necessary to carry out many procedures (the number of myostimulation sessions depends on the state of health, lack of figure and physical and psycho-emotional state);
  • a large number of contraindications;
  • The decrease in volume occurs due to the removal of fluid (blood, lymph).

Each person’s pain threshold is individual, so current stimulation of certain areas of the body can cause not just discomfort, but also pain.

Impact zones

The areas affected by myostimulation are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Cosmetic area.
  2. Contour zone of influence.

Myostimulation (what it is, how current pulses act on the skin and muscle tissue is described below) is suitable for improving the appearance of facial skin in the cosmetic area.

The action manifests itself as follows:

  1. Restores the tone of the lower part of the face.
  2. Improves the oval of the face as a whole.
  3. Helps reduce sagging upper eyelid.
  4. Eliminates double chin.
  5. Eliminates dark circles under the eyes.
  6. Smoothes out wrinkles.
  7. Leads to a rejuvenating effect.
  8. Regeneration of the upper layers of the skin;
  9. Reduce puffiness and bags under the eyes.

The following parts of the face are subject to cosmetic electrical stimulation: chin, oval of the face as a whole, frontal part, neck.

Myostimulation of problem contour areas of the body is a type of procedure that is most often used in cosmetology to eliminate fat deposits. It is suitable for both men and women.

The table below shows the impact zones and the peculiarities of their application.

IMPACT ZONE Application Feature
Chest area Breast myostimulation is not used in nursing mothers, and is prescribed only after a consultation and the conclusion of a mammologist. Since breasts are made up of fatty tissue and mammary glands, the positive effect does not last long.
Upper arms The procedure used allows you to improve and restore the tone of the arm muscles, reducing the content of fat deposits.
Gluteal area Large deposits of adipose tissue in the buttock area, as well as a wide layer of subcutaneous fat layer, are a big obstacle to the procedure and will not lead to the desired result.
Breeches zone Breeches are the “ears” of the hips. They can be dealt with both separately from the femoral areas and in combination. By reducing fat deposits under the skin, “golife” is reduced, restoring the structure of the skin.
Hips (inner and outer) Myostimulation is used in women with a ganoid body type. Drainage, massage and wraps will speed up the results. In case of severe obesity, the procedure will not lead to the desired positive result.
Abs, belly A great alternative to exercise. Abdominal area (sagging part after childbirth and caesarean section) in 1 procedure the volume decreases by a couple of centimeters. Muscle elasticity is gradually restored, and men begin to develop a six-pack. Myostimulation of the abdominal muscles is carried out only in a horizontal position, with the exception of “butterfly” myostimulators.

Sagging sides are also eliminated using electrical stimulation. If the procedure does not take place in a salon or clinic, then you should establish correct mode Amperes: about 35 mA current power.

Back area Myostimulation produces a therapeutic effect (for example, for scoliosis). Unaffected back muscle groups contract during myostimulation, even in the absence of intense training. Not only large, but also smallest muscles are activated.
Lower legs - shins Electrical stimulation of the “thick” calf muscles is suitable for both women and men. Microcurrent impulses lead to enhanced lymphatic drainage with loss of excess fluid. Such a defect will be eliminated not only in case of obesity, but also in case of structural features of muscle tissue.

Indications for myostimulation

The following indications exist for myostimulation:


The procedure is impossible due to the following contraindications:

What myostimulators are used for the procedure?

Devices for myostimulation can be battery-powered or run on alternating current. They can come in a variety of forms.

There are two types:

By purpose they are distinguished:

  • “Female” myostimulator.
  • "Male" myostimulator.
  • Universal.

The classification of myostimulators depends on the area of ​​application and general purpose.

Preparatory stage

In order to reduce the risk of developing undesirable consequences, you must follow some tips:

  • it is necessary to identify those places that require adjustment;
  • you need to visit a doctor for advice on contraindications. If you have chronic diseases and take medicines notify the doctor;
  • problem areas that will be subject to myostimulation must be prepared: apply exfoliating cosmetical tools, peeling, scrub;
  • if the area of ​​application is the face, then makeup should be removed and a skin degreasing procedure should be carried out.

The effectiveness of myostimulation depends on the patient’s desire to improve their health and appearance, however, an illiterate approach to using this technique can do more harm than good.

In preparation:

  • Do not use creams, gels and ointments for external use;
  • you need to make sure there are no gynecological, infectious, skin diseases acute form (fungal, bacterial infections, herpetic).

How is the procedure performed?

Myostimulation is a physiotherapeutic procedure and is performed in several stages. Depending on the equipment used, the current power is selected. Modern devices, especially those that run on batteries, are equipped with adhesive tape to secure the electrodes.

Stages of the myostimulation procedure:

Duration of the course and frequency of procedures

Myostimulation (what it is, how many procedures are needed, and how to properly prepare for it, the doctor will tell you) is prescribed depending on the problem. Consultation with a specialist is important, because the procedure for stimulating muscles with small pulse current has many contraindications.

Usually 5-10 procedures are enough. In special cases, the procedure may be performed daily. After the course of treatment, “supporting” sessions are prescribed: no more than 2 procedures in two months. It is recommended to repeat the procedure after the first course after 10 months.

Possible consequences and side effects after myostimulation

Possible consequences:

  • hyperemia of the skin due to improper application of electrodes or insufficient hydration of the areas of the body on which the electrodes are applied;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • increased menstrual flow if the procedure was performed during or in the first days after the end of menstruation.

Side effects:

  • inflammatory phenomena in the area where the electrodes are located;
  • discomfort during or after the procedure.

What does it combine with?

Myostimulation of the skin and facial muscles can be combined with other anti-aging techniques:

  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • non-injection mesotherapy;
  • bioreparation;
  • Botox injections...

From cosmetic procedures:

Where to do myostimulation and its cost

Medical clinics, as well as some beauty salons, offer the procedure of electrical muscle stimulation (if there is a certificate).

In Moscow there is a huge list of beauty salons and clinics providing myostimulation. For example, “MedicCity” is a multidisciplinary clinic at 2 Poltavskaya Street.

Price list in the table for the provision of procedures (indicative):

In St. Petersburg, Reaklinik is a sports medicine center where recovery is carried out according to European standards. The clinic is located at st. Vosstaniya, 36. For 1 myostimulation procedure you will have to pay at least 800 rubles. For 1 field of muscle stimulation – 1500 rubles.

In the periphery, many clinics provide this service. For example: “L`Orange” - beauty salon and SPA, Chelyabinsk Komsomolsky Prospekt, 48a or body myostimulation session BBCU (Italy) 1000 rub. for 1 field.

Appliances for home use

There are enough devices on the modern market that allow you to perform myostimulation of the face and body at home.

According to experts, when choosing equipment you need to consider several things:

  1. Cost of the device.
  2. Availability of a certificate and patent for the device.
  3. Information that the device has passed clinical trials.
  4. Number of channels and programs.
  5. Present current.
  6. Number of electrodes.

Top 3 myostimulators for home procedures:

No specific preparatory procedures are required before muscle stimulation. The only thing is that it would not be superfluous to lubricate the affected areas with anti-cellulite cream.

Beautiful and firm breasts at home!

Myostimulator for breast enlargement Breast Enhancer

On the World Wide Web you can find many positive reviews from women who have been using Breast Enhancer for a long time. How does this miracle device work? Let's try to figure it out.

The principle of operation of a myostimulator for breast enlargement

The device affects breast tissue due to biological electric current. You do not experience any discomfort, and you are not required to perform any physical activity. The internal areas of the breast are stimulated, blood circulation increases, the structure of breast cells improves, and metabolism accelerates. This effect helps to quickly eliminate stretch marks, tighten the breasts and improve their health. It rises and becomes much more beautiful, which is why women prefer to use a myostimulator for breast enlargement after childbirth and breastfeeding. Of course, you won’t have to change your entire wardrobe, since your breasts will not increase by 3-4 sizes, but you can definitely expect an increase of 1-2 sizes.

The device helps maintain women's health, so you can be sure that you will not encounter breast diseases in the future.

Breast Enhancer offers you one of three modes (tapping, kneading, squeezing). You need to carefully cover the area with which the myostimulator will be in contact with the gel (included in the kit). If the tube runs out, you can apply any water-based gel.

And some girls even use a myostimulator to pump up their abdominal and buttock muscles. Judging by their reviews, the device ensures smoothness and elasticity of the skin in these areas!

Is a breast myostimulator suitable for everyone and how to use it?

Although this method is considered very gentle and harmless, there are still some contraindications. Breast Enhancer is not recommended for use by women with hypertension, stroke, malignant or unknown neoplasms in breast tissue without first checking with a doctor. Also, the device cannot be used by pregnant girls, but immediately after giving birth you will be able to regain your beautiful “girlish” shape. Judging by numerous reviews from nursing mothers, the myostimulator even improves milk production!

Using the device is very simple. You will only need 5-10 minutes of free time 2 times a day. A full course of breast enhancement lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month. Thanks to the instructions included in the kit, you will become familiar with the basic exercises that need to be performed every day. You will notice positive changes very soon.

Since Breast Enhancer is compact in size, you can take it with you anywhere. Just started using the device, when did your superiors tell you about your upcoming business trip? No problem! You don't have to give up your exercises and start all over again after a few weeks. The myostimulator will fit even in a small handbag!

Benefits of Breast Enhancer

  • Breast enlargement by 1-2 sizes;
  • Giving beautiful shape, recovery after childbirth, surgical removal of stretch marks;
  • Painless use;
  • Minimum expended effort and energy;
  • Stimulation of lactation during breastfeeding;
  • Easy to operate;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Attractive price in the Meleon online store.


  • Microcomputer;
  • 2 cords with fastening for plates;
  • 2 plates for myostimulation;
  • Water-based gel;
  • 2 batteries;
  • Detailed instructions.