Fashionable women's haircuts for medium hair: main types, design options (213 photos). Fashionable hair styling for medium hair with bangs, straight curls and beautiful curls

Haircuts that do not require styling for medium hair are a real salvation for fashionistas who are always in a hurry (or a little lazy). And if they still look beautiful and match fashion trends, then in general they are ideal options.

Main Factors

  • For a haircut to be truly successful, the hairdresser must first of all take into account the natural structure of the curls. Tell us everything - thin or hard, porous or dense, fluffy or smooth, your hair. Even one missed nuance can result in additional installation troubles, even though the goal was to do without it altogether.

  • The direction in which the curls fall can be observed on washed and combed hair. For example, for many girls, some of the strands naturally curl outward, and some inward. The hairdresser must create the geometry of the hairstyle taking into account these factors.

  • Even distribution of volume between short and long curls– a difficult task, but incredibly important. The correct ratio of proportions will save the client from the need to additionally straighten or, on the contrary, twist the strands.

  • Smart Cutting will also take into account which area has more hair. An important factor will be the shape of the head, growth characteristics and shape memory.

As you can see, haircuts that do not require styling for medium hair with or without bangs are based on an individual approach. There are no ready-made universal formulas suitable for everyone. A true professional must take into account all the little details and only then decide on the perfect hairstyle and, finally, save the client from tedious styling.


Curly and unruly hair can be tamed with a long bob. The wavy texture in this frame looks simply stunning and creates a fashionable effect of creative chaos. One cannot but rejoice at the fact that styling an elongated bob is limited to simply combing the hair. Of course, it would also be useful to apply mousse in order to emphasize the unique structure of the haircut.

On capricious hair, an elongated bob without bangs looks great. In general, styling bangs on unruly hair is always a risky undertaking. If you decide to do it, you won’t be able to evade your daily styling.

Other stylish idea- This is a triangular bob. The highlight of this haircut lies in the elongated chin and shortened nape. The special silhouette creates a feminine and stylish haircut, which looks great even unpacked.

Another variety popular haircut– straight bob – will be the optimal solution for thin hair that desperately needs additional volume. The main task will be achieved by stylish asymmetry, parting and bangs, which hide age-related changes in women over 40 years old. This hairstyle looks voluminous, trendy and not at all boring even without styling.

But that's not all! Modern tendencies offer to take a closer look at stylish new product– Messi bob haircut. It differs from its counterparts in its straight parting, graduation, lack of bangs and elongated strands. As practice shows, this haircut is wonderful even for women over 50 years old, regardless of body type. The flattering advantage of the messi bob hairstyle will be its visual volume, as well as its ease of styling and care.


The main highlight of the bob is that it looks great without additional manipulation. If desired, a girl can apply a volume product to the roots in a few seconds, but you can do without this procedure. If your hair is naturally straight and smooth, then a bob haircut will automatically take on the desired flawless look.

A fashionable idea would be to add a bob haircut with asymmetry. This technique also does not require additional styling manipulations, hides facial imperfections and rejuvenates the image.

Sometimes, for a change, you can change the parting in the bob to add volume to your hair and make the look more interesting. If necessary, the bob will successfully disguise the asymmetry of the face and narrow the cheekbones. This property will definitely be beneficial for overweight women. This haircut is also great for girls with large features and an oval face shape.

Another undoubted advantage of the bob is that the haircut does not require regular correction in the salon. Clear geometric lines have the pleasant property of lasting for a long time.


Girls' love for cascading haircuts is well deserved and justified. Firstly, a multi-layered hairstyle perfectly increases volume and density without additional efforts on styling - the special silhouette of the hairstyle is responsible for this.

In order for this condition to be fulfilled unquestioningly, the hairdresser must professionally create the necessary shape for the haircut.

The torn cascade has improved versatility. Thinning eliminates not only styling, but also the use of a hair dryer. This haircut looks great on straight and wavy hair.


If your hair is manageable, then the delightful classic sessun haircut will faithfully retain the shape that the hairdresser creates. In the usual version, the side strands are shorter than those on the back of the head, and the front hairstyle is decorated with semicircular bangs.

If the sessun is complemented by graduations, has elongated and asymmetrical bangs, it will take the desired shape after drying with a hairdryer.


The hair honestly takes the desired position even in a ladder cut. She often has to endure comparisons with a cascade, but still the ladder can boast of a softer and more inconspicuous execution of individual layers.

She always creates a feminine look that is also extremely versatile.


It is impossible to miss the stylish rhapsody. This haircut goes great with thick hair, which can be straight or slightly wavy. Rhapsody will delight its owner with a neat and well-groomed appearance every day.


Shag is what the stylist prescribed for thick and heavy hair. With such a frame, the hair will look lighter and more expressive.

Interesting! A fashionable addition to a shaggy haircut would be an ombre or sombre effect.

Torn haircut

Girls who plan to be on trend in the 2019 season decide on a stylish torn haircut. The special silhouette of the hairstyle in this case is responsible for a creative and feminine image.

Haircut at the base middle length can be complemented with side extended or chaotic straight bangs. This combination makes the image especially bold and at the same time romantic.

If you can't do without styling

If, even after a well-chosen haircut, your hair does not want to maintain the desired shape, you can resort to a salon procedure.

  • The result of lamination will be shiny and manageable curls. The excellent effect promises to last up to 3 months.

  • Kerating gives not only visual beauty, but also hair healing. The curls will delight you with smoothness and evenness for 5-6 months.

  • Carving is a miracle procedure that allows you to fix the desired shape of your hairstyle or lift your hair at the roots.

  • Long-term styling can be achieved using bio-curling. Modern formulations no longer have such a detrimental effect on hair.

We hope you liked the haircuts that do not require styling for medium hair from our photo selection. These are unpretentious, stylish and beautiful options, which are often the beginning of wonderful changes in the image. The main thing is to decide!

Carefully examine your appearance for its merits. After that, feel free to create accents in these places. For example, why not highlight your waist with a belt, thin wrists with elegant bracelets, and beautiful ankles with shoes with straps?

Modern girls increasingly complain about a lack of time, as they work a lot. Sometimes in the morning you don’t even have time to style your hair, let alone some super fashionable hairstyle. But everyone wants to look beautiful and stylish at any time of the year. Therefore, many people try to get a haircut that is easy to care for.


Haircuts for medium hair without styling are relevant for those modern women Those who want to change their hairstyle, however, do not dare to make drastic changes. In search of inspiration, you can consider several options for haircuts for medium-length hair. They can be more complex or simpler, then you will need a minimum of time to care for them. In this case You just need to comb your hair in the morning.

In addition, haircuts without styling allow you to avoid braiding your hair or tying it into a ponytail. This is good because you don’t have to be afraid if the braid or ponytail gets disheveled and you have to completely redo your hairstyle. This will also help save money on the purchase of varnishes or mousses.

In addition, your hair will be healthier because you won’t have to constantly style it.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to all this, haircuts for medium hair without styling have many advantages:

  • there is a huge field for experimentation;
  • women's hairstyles do not require special care and a lot of time;
  • this hair length can suit almost all girls or women;
  • depending on the choice of hairstyle, it makes the girl more romantic or, conversely, daring;
  • the hair will always remain healthy, since no curling irons or chemicals are used during styling.

There are practically no downsides. The only drawback is that Some of the hairstyles are very difficult to style and therefore it will be difficult to cope with them on your own.


To choose a haircut that does not require additional care, you must first familiarize yourself with the varieties.


This haircut is more suitable for those girls who have thin and straight hair. In addition, this hairstyle is suitable for all face types and all ages. Young girls choose her because she emphasizes their youth and beauty, and makes older women more elegant. The only problem is that curly hair Quite difficult to install.

It is also worth knowing that this hairstyle has several varieties. For example, layered bob Suitable for those with very thick hair. Smooth transitions make the hairstyle more elegant, even Thin hair look great in this case.

But an asymmetrical bob, thanks to its flowing strands, will help hide all the “flaws”, for example, protruding ears or a too high forehead. Therefore, those who are not very happy with their appearance can choose just such a hairstyle.


This haircut option is clear geometric lines and a length that emphasizes the elegance of the neck. This hairstyle always looks very beautiful and stylish – both with bangs and without them. For styling always just comb your hair to make them smooth. This haircut is best suited for women who fit into generally accepted beauty standards.

But if there are even small flaws in your appearance, then this will only emphasize them. The most popular is the asymmetrical bob.


The classic haircut is a bit rounded bangs. On the back and on the top of the head the strands are much longer than around the face. It is more suitable for girls with not very bright facial features. This hairstyle is right away allows you to visually lose several years. However, such a haircut requires very frequent correction. Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of time with the stylist.


This hairstyle is very popular among Hollywood stars. You can style your hair using a regular comb. The cascade will even do rare hair thick and beautiful. It is more suitable for girls who have rectangular or oval face shape.

You can make many variations of this haircut: with regular bangs, asymmetrical or torn. However, before you decide on such a hairstyle, you definitely need to take care of your hair. They must be healthy, otherwise all the flaws will be visible.


This haircut is suitable for those representatives of the fair half who have a long and graceful neck, as well as a regular cheekbone line. You can do it on hair of any length. To do this, the hair is simply cut along its entire length, and quite short. Only the strands on the back of the head remain a little longer.


This haircut model was introduced to the world by Christian Dior. This is very stylish and at the same time elegant hairstyle. The clarity of the lines, as well as the thick bangs, make the face shape very soft. However, it will be very difficult to achieve crisp lines on curly hair.

It is best suited for those with thin hair. In this hairstyle, the outer curls are slightly longer than those on the inside. This gives the haircut volume. Well profiled cuts make the girl’s image more modern.

How to choose?

To look beautiful and unique, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and features that are used to select haircuts. You can choose a hairstyle according to hair or face type, as well as age. Then the hairstyle is suitable both for going to a restaurant and in everyday life.

By hair type

To those girls who Thin hair, it is best to choose a haircut that will add volume to your locks. It can be both asymmetrical and layered hairstyles. And, conversely, for those with too thick hair, you need to choose haircuts that will not weigh down your hairstyle. For unruly curly strands, do not do too much short hairstyle, since the hair will appear visually much shorter after drying. Also worth refuse thinning, because this will only add fluffiness.

By face type

For owners oval face shape you can choose any haircut. In addition, experts, on the contrary, recommend opening your face rather than hiding it under your hair. For those who have round form faces, haircuts with several layers of strands are suitable. In addition, they should be voluminous at the top of the head.

For girls with a wide jaw It is best to choose asymmetrical haircuts. But for owners with face shape, slightly reminiscent of a heart, you can do multi-layered hairstyles. In this case, there is no need for volume on top.

According to the age

Age also has great importance in choosing a hairstyle. For example, for young girls best to choose natural and not so strict hairstyles. In addition, if the haircut is very short, it can also add age. And here for slightly older women It is better not to choose too frivolous or very extravagant haircuts. For ladies after 50 years haircuts are perfect short or medium length.

How to care?

After any haircut you will definitely need hair care.

  • Wash hair warm water is best. Be sure to apply conditioner of the same line.
  • To dry hair you need a regular towel. You should not use a hair dryer, as it dries out your curls. It is better to style your hair while your hair is still wet.
  • In addition, you can use different masks or oils, which are rubbed directly into the scalp.
  • For those who are not limited on a budget, such an option as various restorative serums.

Beautiful examples

Medium length hair is the most the best choice For modern girl. This is what the hairstyle looks like fresh and feminine, and does not require special care. If you choose a haircut that doesn't require daily styling, your life will become easier. Fortunately, there is a very wide variety of such hairstyles. Therefore, every young lady can find the ideal option for herself, suitable for her shape, face type and even mood.

Owners of long hair are very lucky, because their curls are not just a source of pride, but an “unplowed field” for creating all kinds of hairstyles. They can be braided, made into a ponytail, or put in a bun. The imagination here is limitless. But the most romantic has always been, and still is, loose hair. However, even here you can create almost without stopping: smooth, even, ironed strands, soft, romantic curls, a trendy braided bun with a high top or plaits, exquisite vintage - all this can easily be brought to life with your own hands.

If your hair isn't long enough for beautiful waves or curls, consider using natural hair on hairpins. In this case, the stylist can do almost any styling you have in mind. As a result, the correct result is almost guaranteed - the style you have in mind.

If you plan to regularly decorate yourself with hairstyles with your hair down, you will have to be patient and necessary tools: combs with different frequencies of teeth, ironing, tongs, hairpins, styling products, headbands.

We offer 100 photos beautiful hairstyles with her hair down for inspiration.

Hair down to the side

The option with loose curls on the side makes the image elegant and sophisticated; stars often use it. To perform the hairstyle, you will need tongs (curlers) and varnish with flexible fixation for hair styling. After curling the curls, they are rolled into rings and secured to the head with clips. When the curls have cooled (about 15 minutes), the clips are removed and the hair is carefully combed with a brush. This hairstyle looks especially beautiful with a side parting, when most of the waves are on one side. As a result, the hairstyle needs to be fixed with hairspray.

Hair half-tied to the side

One of the most popular wedding hairstyles, there are just a lot of variations of it. Basically, these are beautifully styled and pinned cascading curls.

Malvinka with high top

Malvinka is a trendy hairstyle for every day, as well as for an evening out or a wedding. To create it, the hair in the upper part of the head is first combed layer by layer, the top layer is smoothed. Then the upper part of the hair is gathered together at the back of the head and decorated with a beautiful hairpin or comb.

Half down curly and straight hair

The same little one, but the upper part is smoother. Bottom - curls or smooth hair. Depending on the situation, the hairstyle is decorated with rhinestones, flowers, a hairpin, or a bow.

Malvinka with weaving

Style your hair with curls or straight hair with a beautiful weave, and a bright look is guaranteed.

Romantic curls

The next simplest and quickest implementation is a hairstyle with classic curls, which can be done with curling irons of various diameters, an iron or using curlers. To prevent the curls from falling apart and straightening during the day, they need to be fixed twice: the first time with mousse while curling, the second time with varnish at the end of the work.

Doll curls

Beach waves

Super simple summer hairstyle. Creates with salt spray and ironing in just a few minutes and lasts for days!

Loose hair with plaits

This setup is very easy to do. After straightening your hair or curling it, you need to select small strands from the face on both sides, twist them with a flagellum and secure them either at the temples or at the back of the head with bobby pins or hairpins.

Hairstyles with headband

Don't forget about hair accessories, such as headbands or elastic bands. So it's easy to change appearance in a few seconds.

Loose hair with an elastic band or headband

Vintage Hollywood Glamor

Vintage hairstyles with loose hair are a great option for going out. To create them you will need tongs or curlers, strong hold varnish, mousse or gel. You can wrap your hair in large curlers, loosen them, and style your bangs in the form of waves. You can comb your hair at the roots, give it volume, and curl the ends into large curls. Or you can straighten your hair, comb it at the roots and decorate it with a retro-style headband.

Retro with fleece

Bangs pulled back

A very simple way to change the overall style of your hair is to pull your bangs back by pinning them with regular or decorative bobby pins, or by wrapping a lock of hair around your head.

Straight hair

The simplest styling option is straightening your hair with a straightening iron. For this, in addition to the straightening itself, you will also need a heat-healing product - this way you can achieve perfect smoothness without much harm to the health of your hair.

And this is only a small part of the options for styling with loose hair; in fact, there are many more.

Useful tips

Sometimes there is absolutely not enough time to get yourself in order.

Hair styling at home

1. Updo hairstyle in 20 seconds.

Section your hair, tie it in a knot, twist the knot and secure with bobby pins.

2. To quickly curl your hair, first gather your hair into a ponytail at the very top, and then divide it into 2-3 parts.

Use a curling iron to curl your curls away from your face. After the curls have cooled, remove the elastic and loosen the hair, and then secure the hairstyle with hairspray.

3. Apply dry shampoo at night.

If you know you won't have time to shower and wash your hair in the morning, apply dry shampoo at night. It will penetrate the strands and in the morning your hair will gain volume.

4. Lift ponytail with bobby pins.

5. If you don't want to mess around with bobby pins, you can do it using two hair ties. Here is a video instruction.

6. Wrap your hair in an elastic headband.

This is a great way to get beach waves if you have long hair.

7. You can tuck hair behind headband and partially close it.

8. If you visit the sauna, use this time to restore hair using conditioner or hair masks.

Just apply conditioner and put on a shower cap. The heat will help the conditioner penetrate deeper into the hair.

How to style your hair

9. Do a bun without hairpins, clips or bobby pins.

To do this, you need to twist your hair into a bun, lift part of the hair from above and tuck the bun under it.

Here is a video instruction.

10. If you have very thick hair that takes a long time to dry, try partially wash them in the sink.

Most of the sebum is found near the scalp, so you can wash the oil out of your hair in half the time. This method can also be used if you have thick bangs.

11. Like this messy bun can be done in 10 seconds.

It works best on unwashed hair.

    Tie your hair into a ponytail. There is no need to use a comb or worry about keeping all the strands smooth. This is a casual hairstyle.

    Divide the hair in the ponytail into 2-3 parts and comb them.

    Divide the hair you have combed into two sections and twist in opposite directions.

    Secure the curls with bobby pins about an inch from the ends of the curls, leaving the ends loose for a messy look.

    If the bun is too tight, loosen it slightly and let a few strands loose around your face.

12. Such this hairstyle is perfect if you decide to grow bangs.

    Grab the bangs or section of hair at the front near the parting and twist away from the face, catching and adding more hair.

    Secure your bangs with bobby pins in a vertical zigzag pattern. Fix with hairspray.

Styling for medium length hair

13. Make yours a more voluminous ponytail with a butterfly clip.

14. This hairstyle can be done in less than a minute.

15. This one is half done the braid will hold better on unwashed hair.

You can fix your hair with hairspray.

16. Sticking strands can be quickly tamed with toothbrush and hairspray.

17. Dry your hair and style it at the same time using hot air brushes.

Styling for long hair

18. This hairstyle takes very little time and looks quite professional for work.

Take a section of hair from the top of your head, tease a strand and use hairspray.

Tie your hair into a high ponytail.

Take the end of the ponytail and pull it through the hole in the middle of the ponytail.

Beautiful medium-length hair requires daily styling, which can give it volume or, conversely, make the hair smoother and straighter. In the modern world, there are many stylish and simple styling that you can make at home without much effort.

Styling with curlers

Boomerang curlers

Thanks to this method you can create beautiful curls or light waves. First you need to decide on the type of curler. In particular, experts recommend using boomerang curlers. These curlers are flexible, usually covered with soft foam on top.

With the help of these curlers it is easy to fix the strands in the desired position and even leave them overnight. They have different lengths, as well as diameter, which in the future affects the size of curls or ringlets. Large ones are for voluminous curls, thinner ones are for small curls.

Method of creating a styling

  • To do a high-quality styling, first you need to wash your hair and lightly dry it with a hairdryer.
  • Then apply styling gel to the damp strands and roll each strand in turn with curlers.
  • If you want a more casual hairstyle, you can use curlers in a chaotic manner.
  • For a more symmetrical arrangement, place the curlers in a mirror version.
  • To create volume in the area of ​​the bangs and the back of the head, you can twist two strands of hair with curlers, as in the photo.

  • To achieve a greater effect, the strand should first be twisted into a thin rope and then wound on curlers. The ends of the curlers themselves are secured with the free ends around the twisted strand at the roots of the hair.

But for vertical turns you need to position the curlers as shown in the photo. Move from the crown to the back of the head, alternately winding the strands on vertical curlers. Then dry your hair with a hairdryer and untwist the strands. Comb your hair and spray your hair with hairspray.

In any case, the effect is amazing.

Large curlers

  • Large curlers, if they are thermal rollers, can be curled quite quickly. You need to wrap each strand of thickness, depending on the future curls, on curlers and leave for 1-2 hours.
  • If the curlers are ordinary, then 5-6 hours. When all the strands are wrapped in curlers, spray your hair with hairspray, and after the required time has passed, remove the curlers and comb your hair.

Styling with a hairdryer

Using a hairdryer you can give your hair beautiful volume.

  • To create root volume, you need to wash your hair and comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb.
  • Afterwards, you need to tilt your head down and dry your hair at the roots with a hairdryer.
  • Spray them with varnish, and then return to the reverse position.
  • Dry the remaining hair and the volume is ready.

  • But to give volume to all your hair, you need to comb your hair with a comb, and then use brushing to lift each strand of hair and dry it with a hairdryer.
  • Dry the roots first, and then the entire main length.
  • Afterwards, the hair needs to be divided into zones where the loose strands are twisted and secured with a hairpin. Dry everything well with a brush and a hairdryer, and then remove the hairpins.
  • Spray your hair with hairspray.

Styling with an iron

To make styling as successful as possible, you should always start from your hair type. If you have thick and curly hair, then you need to choose wider ironing plates.

  • First, wash your hair, then tease it out.
  • Then comb them well with a massage brush, and select a thin strand in the forehead area and twist it onto the iron.
  • To get light waves, hold the iron vertically.
  • Use this method along the entire length of your hair, and then comb it a little with a comb.

In another option, you can curl only the ends of your hair.

Any technique will allow you to create a beautiful, wavy hairstyle.

Styling medium length hair for different haircuts

Bob haircut

Or an asymmetrical bob for medium hair needs to be styled every day, but with our instructions this will be done very easily and quickly.

  • To begin with, you should wash your hair and dry it with a towel.
  • Afterwards we apply foam to the strands to give volume to the hair and dry the hair with a hairdryer. To make the volume larger, you can lower your head down; if not, then stay in your normal position.
  • Then we shape the hairstyle using our fingers and comb the strands a little as necessary.

To create a more even styling, instead of foam we apply wax, which will give the hair an even and smooth look. Comb your hair with a fine-tooth comb.

But for the holiday, you can wrap your damp hair, divided into two parts, into large curlers and heat it with a hairdryer until it dries completely. Then remove the curlers and straighten the curls with your hands. We fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish.

Bob haircut

  • To style, you need to apply mousse to your hair and ruffle the strands a little with your hands.
  • To fix, use hairspray, preferably strong hold.
  • Also, do not forget about giving your hair volume at the roots. Take a round brush and lift the hair at the roots and blow dry it.
  • To make the strands look more wavy, you can use a straightening iron.

But for an asymmetrical bob, you should use wax for styling. You need to apply it to your hair and then comb it with a comb.

Haircut cascade

- an excellent choice for medium-length hair, and to make such hair look beautiful and well-groomed, it is worth doing the right styling.

  • Wash your hair and apply mousse to it. Then, using a round brush and a hairdryer, as in the option described above, we create root volume, and pass the ends themselves a little through the iron. We fix the hairstyle.

Ladder haircut

For medium hair - the most current and popular haircut.

  • Hair must be washed and dried well. Then straighten the main length with an iron, but curl the strands near the face in one direction or the other.
  • If you have a small face, it is better to perm it to open up your face.
  • If the face is larger, then it is better to apply a perm to it to hide overly massive features.

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