New Year's scenario for younger schoolchildren - a festive fairy tale. Scenario of an extracurricular activity for primary schoolchildren: New Year's fairy tale

Scenario New Year's holiday for primary school students " Winter's Tale»
Goals and objectives:
organize a festive event for primary school students;
set a positive emotional mood for students at the New Year holiday;
Hello, kids!
Boys and girls!
Everybody hurry up and run here,
Gather in this hall
If you want to see the New Year's carnival!
Today you will find fun and jokes,
You won't be bored here for a minute!
Take your dad and mom with you,
Let them watch our program too!
Get into the circle quickly
Hold hands together.
We will sing, dance,
Celebrate the New Year!
The New Year brought us fun ideas!
With a cheerful ringing song
Let's start our round dance!
(Children perform the round dance song “What is New Year?”)
Well done, you are all ready for the New Year. Let's see what amazing events happen in the winter forest on the eve of the New Year holiday.
IN old fairy tale, in a Russian fairy tale
There is a snow tower, and in it
Snow Maiden Princess is sleeping
Uninterrupted sound sleep.
She sleeps, but today,
Waking up from sleep,
Come to us for the “WINTER’S TALE” holiday
She will be a guest.
Elegant favorite
We are all looking forward to the holiday.
Our dear Snow Maiden,
Elegant, beautiful
We'll invite you to visit us.
ALL: Snegurochka………(name is Snegurochka)
The curtain opens. On stage, KIKIMORA AND THE GOBBLE are talking, not noticing the children.
Kikimora: I heard, Leshy, the name is Snegurochka, and where Snegurochka is, there is Father Frost, and where Father Frost is, there is a gift... A bag of gifts... He gives out gifts to everyone. So, he has a lot of these gifts. The candies are soooo sweet. Listen, Leshy, you are our man. Come up with something so that they give us gifts too.
Leshy: What should we think? As always, we'll steal - and it's in the bag!
Kikimora: Uh-uh... (Imitating Leshy.) We'll steal... As always... They always catch us later and even educate us... Ugh! They say they are big, stealing is bad... And how can we steal here? That's how many witnesses there are. They will immediately run to the police to complain, saying that two people came and made an identikit, saying that they stole our gifts (addressing the children.) Will you run to the police?
Kikimora (threatening): Wow, sneaks! Think, Leshy, think, creak your brains!
Leshy: And we will steal without witnesses. We will find helpers for ourselves. Who else is the most cunning, the most insidious and the biggest deceiver in our forest, well, of course, besides us?
Kikimora: Grandma the Hedgehog and Koschey.
Leshy: Well, let’s call them. Let them confuse Santa Claus, and at this time we will steal his gifts with sweets.
Kikimora: Well done! What a man! Head! Well, let's get to work!
Kikimora and Leshy whistle and shout, but no one appears or responds.
Leshy: (addresses Kikimora): Don’t try, Kikimorochka, I completely forgot. Our Baba Yaga is going to a beauty contest again.
Kikimora: And Koschey?!
Leshy: And Koschey is warming his skeleton on the stove, as always. Let’s better go to them and talk about our business, and get advice on what to do.
Presenter: (pointing to Leshy and Kikimora - surprised...)
What is it?
(Leshy and Kikimora run away)
Guys, let's try to call the Snow Maiden again.
Let's dance the Polka Clap dance for now.
Presenter: Well done, well, let's call the Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden:
Just before the new year
From the land of snow and ice
Together with Grandfather Frost
I’m in a hurry to visit you here.
Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday,
Everyone calls her Snegurochka.
Hello guys,
Girls and boys!
With new happiness! Happy New Year!
Happy new joy to everyone!
Let them sound under this vault
Songs, music and laughter!
Various miracles happen on New Year's Day. And today “Winter's Tale” invites us to visit. I want to play with you.
We have a game for you:
I'll start it now.
I'll start, you continue
Answer in unison!
All the people are having fun -
This is a holiday... (NEW YEAR)
He has a rosy nose
He himself is bearded.
Who is this?... (Father Frost)
That's right, guys.
The frost outside is getting stronger,
The nose turns red, the cheeks burn,
We meet you here
Cheerful... (NEW YEAR)
Under the azure sky
On a beautiful winter day
Happy New Year)
And we wish... (HAPPINESS)
And now I will name the objects, and you clap your hands, but only if the thing can hang on the tree.
Soft toy,
A loud cracker,
old pillow
White snowflakes,
colorful pictures,
Torn shoes
Chocolate bars,
Bunnies made from cotton wool,
red lanterns,
Bread crackers,
Bright flags,
Hats and scarves,
Tasty candy,
Fresh newspapers,
Multi-colored balls,
Threads of bright tinsel.
With a roar and screams, two little bunnies roll into the hall on roller skates. The twin brothers stumble and fall.
Oh, brothers - bunnies... where are you from?
First bunny: We... are coming to you for a holiday!
Second bunny: We were in such a hurry to get to you....
First bunny: Santa Claus asked us to hurry to the guys, to tell them not to worry that he was already on his way.
Second Hare: Yes! And he also asked us... he asked... us... (sighs) he forgot!..
First and second hares: Forgot... What do we need to convey...
Second bunny: Please play the game with us: “If you like it, then do it this way...”
The curtain opens and the lights turn on. Koschey lies on the stage near the Christmas tree, Baba Yaga sits in front of the mirror, preening. The Cat comes in, sits at a distance, and washes himself with his paw.
Presenter: Let's see who they are?
Snow Maiden: It turns out that Koschey, Baba Yaga and the Cat live together...
And what do we get...

Cat: Oh, I got the owners too, it’s just a punishment!
Koschey's skeleton lies on the stove all day long,
And Grandma-Yozhka has been spinning in front of the mirror for weeks, you see, she’s getting ready for a beauty contest! The beauty has been found!
Baba Yaga: Slender little leg,
Ribbon in a braid.
Who doesn't know Yozhka?
Everyone knows the hedgehog.
Witches at the holiday
They will gather in a circle.
How does Yozhechka dance?
Love to look!
Cat: Wow! I would like a poker and a broom for you,
Damned idlers!
U good people everything is stored for winter -
And pickles and jams,
And firewood and kind words!
And you will stretch out your paws!
Koschey: We drank tea, ate potatoes,
The last wood in the stove has burned out...
What we are going to do?
Baba Yaga: What to do? What to do? Let's eat the cat!
Cat: Owners, have you gone completely wild! We need to run away from here before we really get eaten out of hunger!
Baba Yaga and Koschey try to catch the cat, but it runs away.
Baba Yaga: There is nothing to do, Koschey. Since we don’t like to work, we have to go to robbery... let’s go get ready (They leave)
Snow Maiden: Guys, while these idlers are gone, let’s continue the holiday...
Dance “Polka-congratulations”
Baba Yaga and Koschey enter with pistols, rope, etc.
Baba Yaga: Looks like we've gathered. And when will we rob? When do we start?
Koschey: Let’s start now! Otherwise, I really want to eat! Forward! Robbery!

Baba Yaga: Forward!
They run away screaming.

The Cat appears, and with him the girl Snowflake.
What wicked people they are, they just want to ruin everything, they’ve been like this all their lives! I met a girl on the porch - a snowflake.
We are funny snowflakes!
We are smart fluffies! We fly, we fly, we fly. And the paths and paths - We'll ruin everything. We will circle above the garden, And on a cold winter day we will sit quietly next to people like us. We dance over the fields, We lead our round dance, Where, we ourselves don’t know, The wind will carry us.
Girls - snowflakes, fly into my circle, we will dance the blizzard dance.
Dance of the Snowflakes
Snow Maiden: Let's now talk about my grandfather. Guys, listen carefully to the questions and answer with “YES” or “NO”
Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? (Yes!)
Do you like jokes and gags? (Yes!)
Knows songs and riddles? (Yes!)
Will he eat all your chocolates? (No!)
Will he light the children's Christmas tree? (Yes!)
Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No!)
Doesn't his soul age? (Yes!)
Will it warm us up outside? (No!)
Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes!)
Is our birch good? (No!)
Is the New Year getting closer? (Yes!)
Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No!)
Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? (Yes!)
Does he drive a foreign car? (No!)
Wears a cane and a hat? (No!)
Sometimes he looks like his dad? (Yes!)
Well done, you answered all the questions.
Presenter: Oh, girls, oh, boys
Our fingers are getting cold,
It stings your cheeks, it stings your nose, You can see it close... (Santa Claus)
And this means the time has come,
Which the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus.
All: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus enters, ... the cat leaves unnoticed.
Santa Claus: Hello guys,
Girls and boys
Cheerful, funny,
The kids are very nice.
Happy holidays!
Low bow to all of you...pranksters!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, what pranksters?
Santa Claus: Do you think that there are no pranksters among the guys?
Snow Maiden: Not a single one!
Santa Claus: Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.
Guys, are there any pranksters among you?
What about the ugly ones?
And the mischievous ones?
What about the naughty girls?
What about the good kids?
You see, Snow Maiden, there are no good kids either!
Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, are you joking again? But the Christmas tree is not lit!
Santa Claus: What is this? What a mess! There are no lights on our Christmas tree!
So that the tree flutters with lights,
You will use the words:
“Surprise us with your beauty,
Christmas tree, turn on the lights!
Come on together, come on together!
Children repeat the words, the tree lights up.
Snow Maiden: Guys, stand in a circle,
The music calls to the Christmas tree,
Hold your hands tighter,
Let's start the round dance!
Song "Little Christmas tree..."
Santa Claus: Is there order in your domain, Snow Maiden?
Snow Maiden: What's the order, grandfather?
There is no snow, no icicles, and I’m generally silent about the blizzard.

Santa Claus: I would like to listen to the song “A Merry Winter Has Came”
Snow Maiden: Now, it seems, everything is in order!
Santa Claus: let's check everything else! Have you prepared any gifts?
Snow Maiden: Ready!
Santa Claus: Have you built bridges across the river?
Snow Maiden: They set it!
Santa Claus: The Northern Lights have been hung...
Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, we didn’t count the stars! Suddenly one got lost...
Santa Claus: Yes, it's a mess! You count from that edge, and I’ll be from this...
Father Frost and the Snow Maiden go into the background behind the tree, Baba Yaga and Koschey appear.
Koschey: Look, some grandfather...
Baba Yaga: And with him his granddaughter and a bag...
Koschey: What are we going to steal?
Baba Yaga: Give me your granddaughter!
Koschey: No, give me the bag! Why do you need a girl?
Baba Yaga: Do you have a granddaughter?
Koschey: No!
Baba Yaga: Well, I don’t either! If we steal, she will do everything for us, and we will only rob and lie on the stove.
Koschey: I like the bag better!
Baba Yaga: Well, stupid! You need to carry the bag, but the girl will go herself!
Koschey: This is an argument! Let's take the girl!
Baba Yaga: Hey, girl!
Snow Maiden: (turns around) What?
Baba Yaga: Would you like some candy? (shows a huge candy)
Snow Maiden: So big!
Koschey: Big, big!
Baba Yaga and Koschey kidnap the Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus finishes counting.
Santa Claus: 325... Snow Maiden!......Has she fallen into a snowdrift? Granddaughter, we have no time for jokes! The guys are waiting for us!
The cat runs in.
Cat: What is it? What's wrong? What happened, Santa Claus?
Santa Claus: The Snow Maiden has disappeared. She was just standing here, and she’s gone!
Cat: Children, did you see who stole the Snow Maiden?
Santa Claus: Oh, yes, I see. Don't worry, they won't succeed!
My granddaughter is one with character! Well, if things get difficult, we will come to the rescue!
Santa Claus and the Cat fade into the background, Baba Yaga and Koschey appear.
They push the Snow Maiden in front of them.
Koschey: Carry her through the snowdrifts! Punishment! And she said - she’ll go on her own, she’ll go on her own! What's your name?
Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden.
Baba Yaga: Are you hard-working?
Snow Maiden: Me? Very! I love to draw on windows and count stars!
Koschey: We ourselves know how to draw on windows! ...But can you cook cabbage soup, for example?
Snow Maiden: Cabbage soup? With cabbage?
Koschey: With cabbage, with cabbage!
Snow Maiden: No, I can’t. Grandpa and I love ice cream!
Baba Yaga: Well, you have imposed yourself on our neck. You don’t even know how to cook cabbage soup!
Koschey: I told you, Baba Yaga, that you should have taken the bag... And you girl, girl...
Baba Yaga: In general, Snow Maiden, you will now be our granddaughter...
Snow Maiden: Who are you?
Baba Yaga and Koschey: Robbers!
Snow Maiden: Real robbers?
Baba Yaga: Yes, the real ones! We have everything: pistols, a knife, and a rope!
And we gathered helpers for ourselves. Kikimora! Leshy! Where are you there?
Kikimora and Leshy appear.
Snow Maiden: What is this? The New Year is coming, but you don’t have a holiday or a Christmas tree?
Koschey: How is it not? Look, there are so many Christmas trees in the forest!
Snow Maiden: I’m talking about a decorated Christmas tree. Even children know about this. Listen here.
Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
Kikimora: How clever! Do you know the game?
Leshy: Like this “What kind of Christmas trees are there?”
All the robbers play with the children.
Goblin: So I’ll say “high” - raise your hands up.
“Low” - squat and lower your arms.
“Wide” - stand with your arms at your side.
“Thin” stand and press your hands.
Father Frost enters to the accompaniment of menacing music.
Santa Claus: Oh, there you are, all the evil spirits are gathered! Give me my Snow Maiden, otherwise I’ll make fir cones out of you!
Koschey and Baba Yaga: Oh, don’t, oh, we’re afraid!
They back away and quietly drag the bag away.
Santa Claus: It seems that we have gotten rid of hooligans and slackers.
Snow Maiden: Wider the circle, wider the circle,
The music is calling
All friends and all girlfriends
In a noisy round dance!
Dance "Happy New Year..."
Snow Maiden: Everyone knows New Year
Each of us is waiting for gifts!
For someone in the morning Santa Claus
He brought them in a large basket.
But good luck here for you too
Santa Claus has brought gifts for you!
Santa Claus is looking for a bag.
Santa Claus: It can't be!
What's happened? I can't find the bag!
Snow Maiden: Or maybe you left it in the forest?
Santa Claus: No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere, but I can’t remember where!
They are looking for a bag.
Snow Maiden: No bag is visible here.
Grandfather, what a shame!
Really no gifts?
Will the children leave the party?
Santa Claus: How will they leave? I won't allow it!
I'll find the gifts!
Wait, children,
We will come
And we'll bring gifts!
Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving. The robbers appear - Baba Yaga, Koschey, Leshy and Kikimora.
Koschey and Leshy are carrying - dragging a bag.
Baba Yaga: Koschey, come here quickly!
Kikimora: Carry the bag carefully!
Koschey: Wow, they barely got it!
Leshy: And why is it so heavy?
Koschey: There are probably a lot of gifts there!
Baba Yaga: Come on, come on!
Kikimora: Here! Here!
Baba Yaga and Kikimora: How will we divide?
Koschey: Were we carrying a bag?
Leshy: We!
Koschey: So most of the gifts are ours!
Baba Yaga: Look, you guys are so smart!
Kikimora: Who gave you the idea to do such a thing?
The robbers argue and fight a little.
The Snow Maiden comes in.
Snow Maiden: You again? And what do you have? Come on. Come on!...Sack!
All the robbers are blocking the bag.
Baba Yaga: We found a treasure under a bush,

Goblin: And there is so much good in him!
Koschey: Well, the others in our bag
All robbers (together): We advise you not to interfere!
Snow Maiden: Yes, this is Santa Claus's bag!
Koschey: We don’t know anything!
Robbers (together in chorus): We don’t know anything!
Snow Maiden: Well, let's see, Santa Claus will come, then speak differently. Guys, let's call Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: What? What's happened?
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, they found it, they found it! Here's a bag of gifts!
Koschey: We won’t give you the bag!
Kikimora: We’ll eat everything in it ourselves!
Santa Claus (waves his hands and staff): Well, if so, help yourself!
The robbers push each other away, take boots, a hat out of the bag...
Baba Yaga: We don’t want such gifts!
Goblin: Just holes!
Santa Claus: What you deserved is what you got!
Who touches my bag with dishonest hands,
That one gets rags from gifts!
Baba Yaga: Is it really New Year without gifts?
Santa Claus: Miracles happen on New Year's Eve!
I’ll now go around the tree, wave my staff, and there will be real gifts in the bag!
Robbers (in unison): What about us?
Koschey: Eh, we want some treats...
Kikimora: We ask for your forgiveness...
Leshy: Grandfather, Snow Maiden, forgive me...
Baba Yaga: And treat me with a gift...
Kikimora: We will improve, believe me...
Koschey: We will start a new life...
Leshy: We will be kinder, better...
Baba Yaga: Every hour, every day!
Santa Claus: Well, let's forgive them, guys?
Santa Claus: Happy New Year
And we give you an order,
So that everyone is healthy,
Getting better every day!
Snow Maiden: So that there is
And fun and laughter...
Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!!!
Dance ___________________________
New Year's holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren
"Winter's Tale"
Father Frost -
Snow Maiden -
Cat -
Baba Yaga -
Kikimora –
Koschey –
Goblin -
Brother bunnies (2) –
Snowflake -
Presenters (2) -

New Year's scenario for grades 1, 2, 3, 4.

Scenario of the New Year's musical fairy tale The Snow Queen for primary school students

New Year's musical fairy tale for younger students



King Troll

The Snow Queen

Little robber

The robber's mother


Snow Maiden

Father Frost


1. Dance of the Troll King and the Snow Queen;

2. Dance of the Robbers;

3. Dance game “Cat and Mouse”;

4. To the country of the deer;

5. Dance of snowflakes;

6. Carnival.


(The curtain is closed. On the proscenium there is a winter tree on the left, and under it a stump.

The song by G. Gladkov and V. Lugunov “Masha and Vitya’s dispute about fairy tales” sounds.

A boy and a girl come to the forefront and sing this song.)

There are no miracles in the world these days

For those who do not believe in them themselves.

No Koshchei, everyone in the world knows that!

And fairy tales live here and there!

Lukomorye is not on the map,

This means there is no way into a fairy tale!

This is a saying, not a fairy tale, -

The fairy tale will be ahead.

(During the children’s song, the Storyteller comes on stage. He hugs the children by the shoulders and speaks mysteriously.)


That's right, girl.

The fairy tale will be ahead... because...

Adult uncle and child

He listens to fairy tales from the cradle,

And every New Year

The fairy tale comes to us on its own.

I do not believe...


Troubli, crabli, mublei, me,

My fairy tale is in a hurry.

Sit more comfortably in your chair,

To listen to a fairy tale together.

The scene unfolds...

The fairy tale begins!

(A musical theme plays at the beginning of the picture. The storyteller and the children leave.)


(Winter forest. Blizzard. On stage are King Troll and the Snow Queen. Troll has a mirror. The picture begins with an alarming melody (from the classic by S. Bach). The characters speak against its background.)


I am almighty

I am angry, despising,

Don't touch me

Don't touch me!

I'll kill joy...

I'll do some nasty things...

I'm a scary Troll!

I'm a creepy Troll!


I need cold

I love the cold!

Let all people

Well they will forget!

Ha ha ha (laughs quietly, evilly)

I prefer ice

Goodness warms everyone (Brrrr!)

I need cold

I love the cold!

(The background is mixed.)


Majesty, allow me, so to speak,

Show you a living mirror.

Yes... this is my masterpiece! Invention!

There is only evil in him, good in him

in distortion.

Glass turns everything good into ugliness...


What about people?


The good in them kills.


But as? Tell me your secret, Troll,

My most merciless evil King.


(Points to the TV monitor, which is located on the right of the stage. He admires his mirror.)

ABOUT! My wonderful invention!

I'm putting his image on the screen!

(On screen: at the beginning normal faces, and then ugly.)

Now I see the whole world in a real light!

Look! All the freaks!


And even children!..

TOGETHER (laughing):

(The melody of the song “Beware, beware, we won’t joke” from the cartoon sounds, or “Song of Ghosts” to the words of G. Gladkov, music by Y. Entin.

On the monitor there is an image of the “Distorted Mirror”, and King Troll and the Snow Queen are dancing. After the dance they continue the dialogue.)


My Troll, the mirror and I will fly up to the sky!


Cool idea! Yes, I haven't been there yet!


How will you see angels in the mirror?


Freaks! I hate them so much!


My, Troll, you shouldn’t go to the sky like that

we have to hurry,

We need to commit crime on earth!


And what are we going to do that’s so bad?


We will deprive children all over the world of the holiday!

Look...everyone decorates the Christmas tree in the morning...

Children are waiting for Santa Claus.


ABOUT! Good girl!

A mirror beam to Santa Claus

We can freeze it with you!

(They laugh angrily. The melody of N. Bogoslovsky’s song “Baron von der Pshik” sounds. The heroes sing their song. Text by P. Dzyuba.)

Let the kids

Getting ready in the morning

And the New Year's carnival awaits!

And Santa Claus is on his way,

He won't be able to get there

We won't let you in

Him to this ball!

What a poor guy he is

Comes with gifts

And we'll put out everything

Fire of goodness!

Let Santa Claus

Will experience tears

He will forget everything!

Ah, my mirror!

(A curtain.)

(A tired Santa Claus comes to the front of the stage amid the howling of a blizzard. He is dragging a bag of gifts. He saw a tree stump and sat down.)

Purpose of the event:

Decoration and equipment of the holiday: The classroom is decorated with garlands and snowflakes. In the center of the class is the scenery for a fairy tale.
Cassettes with a recording of music for a fairy tale, with recordings of phonograms for songs, music for dances, costumes, children's drawings, an exhibition of crafts, a wall newspaper, paintings depicting winter nature.

Dance numbers:
“Waltz of Snowflakes”, dance of merry old ladies, dance of bears.

Introductory part:

Student 1: Hello, New Year's holiday.
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
All my friends today
We invited you to visit!

Student2: Friends! Gather at the Christmas tree!
Today is our New Year.
Make yourself comfortable!
It's time for everyone to have fun!

Student 3: Congratulations on your holiday,
Happy New Year's Eve,
Which you came to today!
And we'll have some fun here
And we'll give out gifts!
Let's sing, play and dance,
AND a new fairy tale we'll show you!

"Christmas story"

*Old man
*Father Frost
*Old man - forest boy
*Jolly old ladies (3)
*Mikhail Potapych

Presenter: In the distant kingdom, in the distant state, there lived one family: the grandfather was a forester, his new wife with his daughters, sisters Lazy and Capricious. And there was another girl in the forester’s house - the orphan Alyonushka. While still a little girl, the old man took her into the house and left her to live. Alyonushka did all the hardest and dirtiest work in the house. Moreover, she was in the service of her stepmother and her two daughters.

Quiet, calm music sounds. The situation inside the house, Alyonushka appears with a broom in her hands - sweeping the room, singing a song.

Alyonushka (sings): I will sweep the floors, wash the dishes
And I won’t forget to chop the wood.
I can do everything, I can do everything, I can do everything!

The sisters appear.

Lenivitsa: What time do you have? Where can you go?

Capricious: Speak now! Otherwise we'll call mom. Ma-a-a-a-ma!

Alyonushka: Hush, hush, sisters!
Capricious: Ma - a - a - a - ma!

The stepmother appears.

Stepmother: Who touches my babies? A-ah! It's you, you scoundrel, who offend my little ones!

Capricious: She’s going somewhere, but she doesn’t want to tell us!

Stepmother: Oh, you are ungrateful, so you pay for our care of you! (Terribly) Tell me where you are going!

Alyonushka: Yes, I’m not hiding it at all, mother. Today, on New Year's Eve, Father Frost announced a competition among girls to take the place of his granddaughter Snegurochka. So I decided to go take a look.

Mother and daughters laugh.

Stepmother: Ha - ha - ha! It's you, grimy girl, who wants to be the Snow Maiden! My daughters will go to participate in the competition! It’s just a pity that old man Frost doesn’t have two granddaughters!

Host: And the stepmother told her two daughters to dress up and quickly go to the city square, where Santa Claus was waiting for all the girls in the city. And she ordered poor Alyonushka to sort out three bags of flour and re-sow the bag of flour.
Alyonushka: (crying) I will never be the Snow Maiden. There is so much work - it’s impossible to get it done in a week.

A mouse appears.

Mouse: Hello, Alyonushka! There is no need to shed tears in vain. I will help your trouble. If you remember in which fairy tale we already helped one girl sort out her cereal in the same way, and was late for the ball, then you will also be in time for the competition!

Alyonushka: How can I remember if my evil stepmother doesn’t give me picture books, but only forces me to work.

Mouse: Ask the guys, they go to school, they should know!

Alyonushka: Guys, help. What fairy tale is the magic mouse-assistant asking me about?

The children answer.

Alyonushka: Thanks, guys! What great fellows, you know so many fairy tales. You probably really like to read books. Thank you too, mouse!

Mouse: Well, now don’t waste time, hurry to the city square.

Change of scenery: there are houses around the square. There is a fountain in the middle.

Host: Following Alyonushka, let’s go to the city, guys. How many city beauties have gathered here? Where is Santa Claus? Yes, here he is, climbing up the fountain so that he can be seen and heard, and also look at the beauties.

Santa Claus: Listen, girls, listen, beauties. I know that you all want to be my granddaughter on New Year’s Eve, but only one of you can become the Snow Maiden.

Girls (arguing): I, grandpa, am the most beautiful! No, me! ..No, me! I! I!

Santa Claus: Quiet! Quiet! It is not beauty that is important to me, but a sensitive heart that loves and appreciates the beauty of others, the beauty of nature. Therefore, I am announcing a competition among you: in the north, outside our city, there is a winter forest, a coniferous forest. Whoever finds the most beautiful fluffy Christmas tree in that forest, and with pine cones, will be my granddaughter Snow Maiden.

Presenter (and at the same time a change of scenery: again the interior of the house): No sooner said than done! Lenivitsa and Capriciousness returned home, followed by Alyonushka. But Sloth and Capriciousness don’t want to go into the forest in the cold!

Sloth: It’s cold there, the wolves are walking around hungry. I'm too lazy to go into the forest!

Capricious: I don’t want to go to the forest, I don’t want to! I don’t have a fur coat or felt boots. I have nothing!

Presenter: Sloth and Capricious are capricious, and Mother consoles them!

Stepmother: Calm down, my beloved daughters! I’ll now go to the hated old man and ask him. Where in the forest is the most beautiful Christmas tree, how to get to it faster! It’s not for nothing that he works for us as a forester. Hey, grandpa, where have you been? Are you warming your old bones on the stove again?

All three leave.

Host: And at this time Alyonushka was sitting with her grandfather the forester and asking for advice.

Alyonushka: Tell me, grandfather, do we have a Christmas tree in the forest so that there is no more beautiful one in the whole world?

Grandfather: I know, granddaughter, about the Santa Claus competition, I advised him about it, and there is a Christmas tree growing in the forest, and I’ll tell you the way to find it, but without the old man - the forester, you won’t be able to get the Christmas tree. And let your kind heart tell you how to please him!

Old man: Listen, Alyonushka, and remember: you will go into the forest along the main road, go straight, don’t turn anywhere until you reach the big clearing. There at the edge of the forest there is a fox hole, go around it on the right side, there you will see a narrow path, it will lead you to an old stump. An old forest man lives in it. This is the one you need, granddaughter!

The stepmother appears with her daughters.

Stepmother: What kind of hole were you talking about here, old man? Spit it out, otherwise I’ll beat you up! Don't forget about the old stump!

Grandfather: What are you, what are you, grandma, you’ve eaten too much henbane, I’ll say, I’ll say, there’s nothing to do. Since you already know everything! You need to go into the forest along the big road, in the clearing there is a fox hole, you need to go around that hole on the left, there you will see a path that will lead to an old stump. And then the heart should tell you where the Christmas tree grows. And even if you kill me, I won’t say anything more!

Stepmother: I need you, I want to get my hands dirty on you. Daughters! Follow me into the forest!

Change of scenery: forest covered with snow. Alyonushka is coming. Sings a song about a Christmas tree. He approaches the clearing, there is a huge hole there, next to the Fox’s hole.

Sly Fox: Red Tail, do you smell the human spirit? Someone must have come into the forest, maybe hunters?

Red Tail: I smell it. But these are not forest rangers or hunters; my red tail will forever remember their smell. Or rather, a former red tail!

Alyonushka goes out into the clearing. Foxes hide in a hole.

Alyonushka: here is the hole, and here is the fox. Hello, Sly, Happy New Year to you! Please show me the way to the old forest man!

Sly: If you guess the riddle, I'll show you.

Alyonushka: Not only can I solve riddles, but so can the guys. Can you guys help me?

Foxes ask riddles.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It can hurt when he bites.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street...

The man is not easy:
Appears in winter
And in the spring it disappears,
Because it melts quickly.

Don't suck, you brats,
Ice lollipops!
I swallow the pills myself,
Because he ate...

Stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
And he will come to us
On New Year's Eve -
The guys will be happy.
The troubles of the merry
Mouth full:
They are preparing her outfits.
(Christmas tree)

Two sisters, two braids
Made from fine sheep wool.
How to walk - so to wear,
So that five and five do not freeze.

There was a blanket lying
Soft, white,
The earth was warm.
The wind blew
The blanket was bent.
The sun is hot
The blanket began to leak.

Alyonushka: We guessed your riddles! And now, as promised, show me the trail, please!

Red Tail: Yes, here, here, here (he leads around the hole. Leads to the left path) So you’ll get straight to the old stump!

Alyonushka: Thank you, foxes, happy holiday!

Alyonushka leaves.

Sly fox: Oh, and you are a rogue, Red Tail, you deceived the girl!

Red Tail: These people will know how cunning these people call us foxes!

Sly fox: Someone is coming here again, let's hide!

Sloth and Capriciousness appear in the clearing and whine.

Sloth: I'm tired, I want to eat!

Capricious: Where is the hole? Where is the fox?

The foxes come out.

Red Tail: Hello, beautiful girls, why did you come to the forest?

Capricious: You redheads, show us the path to the old stump, and collect food for the road, a duck or a chicken.

Sly fox: Oh, a duck for you, a chicken! Come on, get out of the clearing before we eat you!

Capriciousness and Sloth run away along the right path into the forest.

Change of scenery: there is an old stump in the forest, Alyonushka is walking. "Scary" music sounds.

Alyonushka: I’m scared of something, this is an unfamiliar place. Didn't the redheads deceive me, guys? Oh, here’s a stump from an old spruce tree. The one my grandfather told me about. Not a stump, but just a rotten stump! (Sits on a tree stump)

Suddenly three merry old ladies appear on the stage, jumping out as if from under a stump.

1st old woman: Who sat on the roof of our house?

2nd old woman: Who came to us in the dense thicket?

3rd old lady: Who came to visit the merry old ladies?

Alyonushka: It’s me, Alyonushka, I just went to visit the old forest man.

1st old woman: Eka, dear, you apparently took the wrong path. It was necessary to go to him in a completely different direction!

Alyonushka: The foxes deceived me, but what to do now!

2nd old lady: Even though they call us merry old ladies, it’s oh, how difficult it is to cheer us up. You can make all three of us laugh at once, and in an instant you’ll find yourself in front of the stump of the old forest man, and if you can’t, don’t be offended, you’ll stay with us forever. Decide yourself!

Alyonushka (thinks): guys. What to do? Agree to the old women's terms? Will you help me cheer up the forest grannies? Come forward, guys!

A group of children read poetry.

1. It’s snowing outside the window,
So, New Year is coming soon.
Santa Claus is on his way,
It will take him a long time to get to us
Through the snowy fields,
Through snowdrifts, through forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.
Happy New Year to us
And he will leave us gifts.

In a forest clearing
The Christmas tree is standing.
It's cold for the dark-skinned woman,
Trembling in the wind.

"I'll cover you,"
Santa Claus thought,
I'll cover it with a fur coat
And I’ll warm my nose.”

Sweeps the earth
Little white snow,
Covers the branches
Soft fluff.

To the beauty's liking
Silk headdress;
I like the necklace
Snowy braids parted.

All glowing with outfits,
The Christmas tree will come,
Making the kids happy,
On the night of New Year.

Ice sparkles on the river,
The snow swirls gently.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We'll sing loudly.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table,
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's sweet!

Round dance around the Christmas tree,
Lights on the branches...
Glorious New Year holiday!
It's a pity, it happens rarely.

Alyonushka: Hey, forest animals and little animals! Come out to the clearing to see the old ladies, we’ll amuse them!

Bears come out into the clearing.

Bears: Now we'll have some fun, we'll dance! (Cheerful music sounds.)

3rd old lady: Bravo! Bravo! Oh, how fun, let's clap the bears!

Alyonushka: Well, are you having fun, you merry old ladies?

1st and 2nd old ladies: Fun! Funny! You made us laugh Alyonushka, thank you! And we want to dance for you!

The soundtrack of the New Year's song sounds.
Merry old ladies perform a dance.

3rd old woman: Alyonushka, hold the ring, put it on your finger and you will immediately find yourself at the other end of the forest.

Alyonushka: Thank you. Merry old ladies. Happy New Year to you!

Everyone leaves the stage.

Dance number. Girls come out dressed as snowflakes. Before the dance the following poems are sung:

1) There's a breeze,
It smelled cold
Like a winter grandmother
She waved her sleeve.

2) We flew from a height
White fluffs,
On trees and bushes
Snowflakes are falling.

3) We are white snowflakes,
We fly, we fly, we fly.
Paths and paths
We'll screw it all up.

4) Let's circle over the garden
On a cold winter day
And we'll sit quietly next to you
With people like us.

5) We dance over the fields,
We lead our own round dance.
Where, we don’t know ourselves,
The wind will carry us.

A dance is performed to “Waltz of Snowflakes” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Change of scenery: another stump, an old forest man sitting on it. Sloth and Capricious are standing in front of him. The Christmas tree is drawn.

Sloth: don’t be stubborn, old grandfather, show me where the fluffiest Christmas tree grows in the forest.

Old man-forest: Ay-ya-ya, don’t say polite words, but give me the Christmas tree. You don’t know yourself, at least you could ask the guys. Guys, tell ill-mannered girls how to ask.

Children speak.
Alyonushka appears in the clearing.

Alyonushka: Hello, old forest man, hello, sisters. Happy holiday to you, grandfather.

Old forest man: Hello, kind girl, thanks for the compliments. It seems that I’m wondering how I can thank you for your polite word. I see that you are a brave, kind girl, and an expert at making people laugh.

Alyonushka: How, grandpa, do you know everything?

Old forest man: That’s why I’m a magic old man, so that I can know everything that’s going on in my forest. Christmas tree, you say, you need the most beautiful, fluffiest one. Yes, behind you, Alyonushka, this Christmas tree is growing right with the toys. Come with a forester and pick it up for the New Year's holiday.
Alyonushka, Lenivitsa and Capricious walk around the Christmas tree, looking at it.

Alyonushka: What a beauty!

Capricious woman: Run after your grandfather, after the saw, chop it, what are you standing for?

Sloth: Chop her!

Alyonushka: I probably won’t, the old forest man, be the Snow Maiden, I don’t want to chop down such a beauty!

Lenivitsa: how come you want to leave all the children without the Snow Maiden and without a Christmas tree for the New Year!?

Capricious: I’ll be the Snow Maiden, I’ll cut it down myself. Guys, you need a Christmas tree, who can help me?

Old Forest Man: Wait, Capricious, I didn’t give you the Christmas tree, it’s not you who should answer. I see, Alyonushka, your heart is kind, go to the city, to Santa Claus, say hello to him from me, (quietly) and ask him to clap your hands three times, and don’t worry about the Christmas tree.

Alyonushka: Thank you, grandfather, Happy New Year! Goodbye!

Everyone leaves.

Change of scenery: again the city square.

Santa Claus: Well, beautiful girls, some found a Christmas tree, some found the Snow Maiden New Year's Eve will?

Sloth and Capriciousness (vying with each other): Me, me, Santa Claus, we saw a fluffy Christmas tree in the forest, with toys on the branches, take an ax and hurry to the forest.

Alyonushka: Grandfather Frost, I brought you greetings from the old forest man, and he also asks you to clap your hands three times.

Santa Claus: Thank you, granddaughter, for your greetings, and clapping your hands is a simple task, but I’m afraid the old man won’t hear me, his tree stump is far from the city. Come on, guys, at my command, let’s clap our hands loudly three times.
Three four! (children clap)

The screen is removed, behind the screen stands a decorated Christmas tree, with all the artists on both sides.

Host: Here is the Christmas tree with lights, which means we will have a New Year, gifts and fairy tales!

All artists in chorus: Happy New Year!

"Artists" present gifts to children.

At the end of the holiday, students wish everyone a Happy New Year:

1 Let your aspirations, dreams
They come true more often!
Happy New Year will be
And life will be sweeter in it!

2 Happy new happiness to you and Happy New Year!
Let the snow fall like a carpet under your feet!
May prosperity and good weather
They will live in your house forever!

3.Have a New Year
He will come into your house,
It will bring snowdrifts of laughter.
Fun, music, poetry,
Sweets and delicious pies.
Hopes, successes and victories
And kindness for many years.

Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!
To get you through this year
Without sadness and worries.

We wish you bright and joyful days,
Health, success, reliable friends.
May the New Year bring you
More success and less adversity.

We wish you happiness and goodness,
The house is cozy and warm.
So that the circle of friends does not become scarce,
And so that the character does not age.
May it last for the whole coming year
A blizzard of happiness will sweep in.
Let him put it at the head
Santa Claus bag of health.

A New Year's song is being sung.

Possible performance New Year's costumes, in which children came to the holiday, a competition of poems, songs, and riddles about winter.

At the end of the holiday the following games are played:

1. Game "Yes/No"
The presenter says a phrase, and the children answer in chorus “Yes!” or not!"
Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
He wears a hat and galoshes, right?
Santa Claus will come soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?
What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
Our Christmas tree looks beautiful, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

2. Round dances.
Traditional New Year's round dance You can complicate it, make it more interesting. The leader sets the tone for the round dance, changes the pace of movement and direction. After one or two circles, the round dance can be led like a snake, maneuvering between guests and furniture. The steeper the loops of the snake, the merrier. The presenter can come up with ideas as he goes along. various options: include those not participating in the round dance in the chain, sharply slow down, etc.

3. Toy in a circle.
Santa Claus invites the participants to stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and a toy, for example a doll with the image of the Snow Maiden, passes from hand to hand and moves in a circle. The music stops, the transfer of the toy stops. The one who has the doll left is out of the game. The game continues until one person remains. If there are a lot of players, you can throw several dolls in a circle.

4. Snowballs.
You need to throw 6" into a hanging (or standing on the floor) basket from a distance of 6-7 steps snowballs- white tennis balls. The one who copes with this task most accurately will win.

5. Magic words.
The game is led by the Snow Maiden, she invites two teams of 10 people each, hands them a set of large letters that make up the word “Snow Maiden”,
Each participant receives one letter. The task is as follows: in the story read by the Snow Maiden, there will be words made up of these letters. As soon as such a word is pronounced, the owners of the letters that make it up must step forward and, rearranging themselves, form this word. The team that is ahead of its opponents gets a point.
Sample story.
A fast river rose. Snow fell on the fields. The mountain behind the village turned white. And the bark on the birch trees sparkled with frost. Somewhere the runners of a sleigh are creaking. Where are they headed?

Santa Claus says:
— There is a wonderful Christmas tree in our hall. And what toys she has on her! What kind of Christmas tree decorations do you know? The person with the last answer will win this amazing prize.
The players take turns calling out the words. During pauses, the presenter begins to count slowly: “Clapperboard - one, firecracker - two...” The auction continues.

7. Two are better than one.
Some three toys are placed on the floor: a ball, a cube, and a skittle. Two players come out and start dancing around them (the game can be played to music). As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command “Stop!”, each player must try to grab two toys. Whoever gets one loses. The game can be complicated: increase the number of participants and, accordingly, the number of toys or objects. The one who grabs the most toys wins.

8. Herringbone
The driver asks any questions, and the rest must answer only with the word “herringbone”. If someone confused the words or laughed, he becomes the host or a forfeit is taken from him, which will later be useful for playing forfeits.

To play, you need two flannelgraphs (a board or frame with a flannel stretched over them measuring 100x70 cm) and parts of a Snowman figure cut out of paper and glued onto the flannel, a carrot nose, a broom, a hat (2 sets).
Two people compete. Everyone tries to collect their Snowman as soon as possible.

2 stands are placed in front of the tree, large sheets with images of snowmen are attached to them. Two or more children participate. They are blindfolded. At the signal, children must reach the snowmen and put their nose to it (this could be a carrot). Other children help with words: left, right, lower, higher...

Full text of the material New Year's performance for primary schoolchildren "New Year's Tale"; For grade 2, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

Natalya Plakhteeva
New Year's holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren

New Year's serpentine

(New Year's party script)

(Snowflakes come out)

1st: Oh, so many kids:

Both girls and boys!


2nd: We are funny snowflakes,

We fly, fly, fly.

All paths and paths

We'll screw it up.

1st: Suddenly hit the ground

A white whirlwind of white flies.

The snow is spreading like a snowdrift, -

Metelitsa is coming towards us.

(Metelitsa enters)


I was in a hurry to see you guys

Because of the mountains, because of the seas.

I haven't forgotten your request:

Come back again soon.

With blizzard, wind and frost

Winter the holiday is coming to us.

And, of course, Santa Claus to us

He will bring gifts to everyone!

Tell me guys

What the a holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly,

We are meeting…

All: New Year!


My snowball, I know you are waiting,

You sing songs about him.

Hey snowflakes, fly!

There will be a lot of snow!

Dance of snowflakes

(The Snow Maiden enters with the snowflakes)

Snow Maiden:

Winter is not a threat,

I'm not afraid of blizzards

Granddaughter of Santa Claus -

I'm called Snegurochka.

Our Christmas tree is dressed up,

Like a beautiful girl.

In multi-colored toys.

What miracles!

I'll ask you guys.

And you give me the answer.

But think first

"Yes" answer or "No".

Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?

And what about the painted balls and stars?

Maybe oranges?

Snowflakes and pink pigs?

Are the pillows down?

And honey gingerbread?

Are the galoshes shiny?

Are the candies real?


Well, guys, you said it!

All the riddles have been solved!

Snow Maiden:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

So elegant!

Green needles

Snowflakes sparkle!

Let's sing a song about our beautiful Christmas tree!

Blizzard: Where is your Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden:

I'm upset to the point of tears.

That's the problem - I was in a hurry here,

Well, I forgot my grandfather

I'll wake you guys up.

What should I do, what should I do?

There in my north

Santa Claus built a house.

Now he is fast asleep in it,

He’s not in a hurry to visit our Christmas tree.


What to do? What should we do?

We need to wake up grandfather.

The tree will be lit soon,

Yes, give out gifts.

It's time to hit the road

We don't say goodbye yet.

(Snow Maiden and Metelitsa leave)

(Kuzya the brownie comes running into the clearing with D.M.’s magic staff)

Kuzya: Oh, hey, hey! Oh, trouble, trouble, grief. Where did I fall? Or rather got it? (Children) Oh, who are you? And I'm Kuzma! We are brownies! I am the master of the house, so to speak. I ran past D.M.’s house. I saw the door wide open.

I see Santa Claus is lying.

Stretched out. Sound asleep.

Here comes Santa Claus,

Even my nose was red.

He threw away his staff and snores,

So that the whole forest is shaking!

Whoever you want, come

Take the magic staff! (listens)

We've waited! Someone is coming

He's having a scary conversation.

I’d rather hide behind a spruce tree,

Let me see what kind of animal...

(The little brownie hides behind the tree, Baba Yaga and Leshy enter)

B. Yaga:

How tired of you, Leshy!

You've eaten all my baldness.

What do you need a comb for?

Like getting your hair done!

Hair in three rows

And they are not always combed.


Soon it will be New Year,

People will dress up.

Look, I'm dressing up,

I'll be your groomsman.

Baba Yaga:

Oh! I'm dying of laughter now!

Crows, look, this is fun!

A groom has been found for me.

Have you even washed your face this morning?

I am beautiful, young,

I am Yagusya, no matter where!

This morning I went to the bathhouse,

I just twirled the curlers.


Stop laughing at me!

Come on, stop laughing!

Or you’ll grab him in the forehead with a stick,

There will be a lesson for you!

(Grabs a magic staff and swings at B. Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

Why did you wave? Better look at what he grabbed by the stick. This is the magic staff of Santa Claus.


Well, the staff. And what? What difference does it make to me what I use to heat you up?

Baba Yaga:

What are you, your head is stupid! Yes, with this staff we can do such things! And them!


Wow! Your truth, Yagusya. Now I’ll conjure myself something. You still won’t get any gifts from Grandfather. I'll do something nasty to him now. (waves staff)

Goblin: Shurshara-mushara-scat!

(The phonogram of the song “And I’m a Little Byaka” plays. Dirtyness enters.)

Baba Yaga: Well, I’m at home, Copperfield is unhappy. Focused!


Stop swearing, Yaga. Let's find out what kind of miracle came to us.

Hey you, Miracle Yudo! Who are you? Why did you come to our forest?


Hello! We've arrived. He cast a spell himself, and now he’s still asking. I am disgusting, personally.

Baba Yaga (laughs):

Here's a gift for you New Year! The bride is a match for you, as unwashed and unkempt as you are.


But, be careful, Yaga, bone leg!

Baba Yaga:


Baba Yaga:

There's something wrong with your eyes. Well, what kind of bone leg do I have? I’m just a smart, beautiful, young Yaguska.

(Sings Baba Yaga’s song from the film “ New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya”:)

I like birds and fish

The cheerful trill of a stream.

And I can't live without a smile

Watch the flight of a moth. Ah-ah-ah...

Baba Yaga coughed, took an egg out of her pocket, and drank.


Yes, it’s high time for you, young Yaguska, to retire and warm your bones on the stove. (laughs)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you disgusting! Yes, I am the most enviable bride in our forest.

Goblin: Girls, don't quarrel. Look, what a beauty! With a magic staff we will arrange for ourselves holiday, what is needed. The real Zlydnin New Year!


What kind of Zlydnin New Year is this? I haven't heard of this.

Baba Yaga:

Eh, young and green. This means that we will collect all the evil spirits, yes let's celebrate New Year's Eve with close friends. It’s not a sin to dress up for this occasion!


People will have fun

It will be Zlydnin's New Year!

(They leave. Kuzya appears from behind the tree.)


Oh, trouble, trouble, grief! He missed the people's property. The forest evil spirits have seized the magical staff!

Left the magic staff unattended. A-ya-yay! Well, well, I wanted to help, but I caused trouble myself.

(Snow Maiden and Snowstorm enter)

Snow Maiden:

Here on our Christmas tree

Festive outfit

And they shine with joy

The guys have eyes.

(saw Kuzya)

And you, Kuzya, why are you sad, what happened?


Oh, trouble, trouble, grief. You will have pity on the homeless orphan. From an early age I lived among people. I didn’t eat enough, slept without waking up... that is... I didn’t get enough sleep!

Blizzard: What happened anyway?


It was my fault, I didn’t keep track, I wanted to hide D.M.’s staff, and I missed it.


Don’t worry, Kuzya, we will help your troubles, but for now the holiday continues.

Snow Maiden:

We are on New Year's holiday

Here we gathered at the Christmas tree,

So with a perky smile

Sing, play and have fun!


Let your faces bloom with a smile,

The songs sound cheerful.

Who knows how to have fun

He knows how not to get bored!


It seems your grandfather is calling you...

Snow Maiden:

I'm coming, I'm coming, grandpa!

(Metelitsa and Snegurochka leave, Kuzya, hesitating, is about to run away too, but runs into B. Yaga)

B. Yaga:

Hello, Kuzenka, son!

Kuzya: (angrily):

What kind of son am I to you, grandma? You didn't see me, I didn't see you. We're not supposed to show ourselves.

B. Yaga:

Don't be angry, Kuzenka! I can’t be in the hut without a brownie. Let's go, Kuz, huh? I'll bake some pies!


And what about the pies?

B. Yaga:

With cabbage, cottage cheese, apples.


I don’t eat with cabbage, I’m not a goat. But you can do it with sweet apples, my grandson will love it.

B. Yaga:

That's okay, that's nice! (creeps up. Tries to catch Kuzya)


Brownies are not for sale, ah, ah (runs away screaming)

(B. Yaga whistles angrily. Dirtyness and Leshy run in and sit on the stumps)

B. Yaga:

Well, what are we going to do? let's call a holiday?


Who is evil and nasty

It will suit us wonderful holiday?

Nasty: Give me the staff here. My turn to do magic has come.

Let my old friend come

It will frighten everyone.

You appear - kA, Barmaley,

My dear villain!

(Barmaley and two robbers run in. They saw evil spirits.)

1st robber:


We won't survive this!

Well, make faces...


Listen to the order: catch up with the evil spirits, take away the staff!


And then our dream will come true!

All: Hooray! Hooray!


The most cherished!

All: (enthusiastically)



The most insidious!

All: Insidious!


The most terrible!

All: Scary...


We will intimidate everyone!

All: Everyone!

1st time:


Children first.

Oh, how great you are!

Oh, how wise you are!

Oh, what a nightmare you are!


So where are they?

All (by inertia): Where are they?

Barmaley (Not understanding):

Who are they? I ask, where are these Mischief, Leshy and Baba Yaga?

(At this time, Dirtyness and Leshy hide in a snowdrift - a sheet under the Christmas tree, and B. Yagan covers himself with a skirt or canopy with the inscription "Stump")


Eh, assistants! They ran away... (sits on B. Yaga (stump) (to the audience) Guys, tell me, in which direction did the evil spirits run away? And I’ll treat you to candy for this! (rummages in pockets)



I'll treat you too! (Swings the baton, the fighters fall to their knees)

Unraveling: We won't do it anymore!


That's it! (to the audience) Let's do this, guys, if you guess the riddles, tell me where the evil spirits are, well, no, we'll leave.


1st riddle: Tail with patterns,

Boots with spurs.

At night he sings -

Time is counting.

1st district: Alarm clock with a tail!

Guys: Rooster.

Barmaley: Two bellies,

Four ears.

2nd district: Two little pigs.

Guys: Pillow.

Barmaley: Small, remote

Passed through the earth

I found Little Red Riding Hood.

1st district: Miner!

Guys: Mushroom.


Well, which of the robbers will come up with a riddle so that no one can guess it?

2nd district: Gun, candy, sausage, rocket.

The riddle is ready. Not a bull, not a cow!


No one knows! We give up, what is it?

2nd district:

How do I know! You said so that no one would guess!


Eh, we lost in disgrace, well, at least we’ll dance goodbye...

(Dance to a medley of different songs.)

(They leave to the sound of whistles)

Having waited for the robbers to leave, Leshy and Dirty come out, and B. Yaga barely gets up, holding his lower back.

B. Yaga: Goblin, dear friend,

Knead me with your foot!

Threatens dirty tricks with his fist: Look at her,

There is no one to call,

And do some magic there!


Don't quarrel, girls!


Why is there no way to call? I'm a dirty trick!

B. Yaga:

It can be seen. Give me the staff here and get out of here! Here, pensioners, learn how to do magic! Shushara, mushara, shoot!

(Cosmic music sounds, the alien Gosha appears)


What kind of miracle is this?


I'm not a miracle, I'm space pirate- Gosha the alien!

I'm on this clunker

Arrived on your planet.

I’m not afraid of vases either,

But be a little surprised:

What is this white speck?

Is it very cold?

Incomprehensible your summer -

There are no leaves on the trees,

The needles just grew

Here on this panicle. (nods at the tree)

B. Yaga (offended):

This is not a broom. And the Christmas tree.

Gosha: Elka?

Nasty: This is not a white grain, but snow.

Gosha: Zne-g?

Goblin: And this is not summer at all, but winter.

Gosha: Winter? Winter is bad, cold! (shakes)

B. Yaga: No! Winter is good!


But on our planet it’s always hot, we have no snow, no snow!

Nasty: Really, you and N. don’t have a year?

Gosha: What is New Year?


Holiday when delicious food is prepared, gifts are given...

Gosha: Ahh... My mom and dad also gave me gifts.

Nasty: Who are your dad and mom?


My dad and mom

Aliens too.

I played a little

Got lost, got lost!

Oh, it's cold (shakes)


So we'll warm you up now!

A game “It’s freezing outside”

And it's frosty outside,

Well, everyone put their hands to their noses!

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Well, everyone put their hands to their ears!

Spun around, turned around,

So your ears are warmed up!

There was a tap on the knees.

They shook their heads,

Patted on the shoulders

And they sank a little!

Goblin: So we’ve warmed up!


Warm up...

How much joy there is in winter

If you don't sit still!

Your wonderful planet

Everything is full of love and light!

I’m flying to my planet and will tell you about your winter...

(flies away)

B. Yaga:

Who is the most evil and nasty

It will suit us wonderful holiday?

(Takes up the staff)


Spread your ears wider

Get ready to listen to the song!

B. Yaga:

Alla Pugacheva for me too, get the hell out of here! (raises his staff)

Goblin: Girls, don't quarrel!

Nasty and B. Yaga are trying to fight.

(Metelitsa and Kuzya walk in hand in hand)

Kuzya: Here they are, my dears! Someone else's goods will not be shared.

We're all caught, gentlemen.

Santa Claus is coming here.

He got angry with you.

It will turn into ice now!

B. Yaga:

Well, go away, shaggy, before I make a grilled chicken out of you!

Kuzya: Nightmare! Who do you have to deal with?


Guys, it seems to me. It's time to call D. Moroz, let him come quickly and put things in order here!

I need to call grandpa

Celebrate the New Year with us!

Let's call together

Three four…

Children: Santa Claus!

D. Moroz: Wow! I'm coming, I'm coming, guys!

(Evil spirits rushed around the tree)

Goblin: Why are we so excited, girls? Have you forgotten that we have a magic staff? Whatever we want to be afraid of, we ourselves will turn into ice!

B. Yaga: Exactly!

(They laugh at D. Moroz. D. M. and Snow Maiden enter)

D. Moroz:

Hello, kids! Both girls and boys!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all guests!

I visited you a year ago,

I'm glad to see everyone again.

They grew up and became big,

Did you recognize me?

The children answer. D. Frost turns around and sees evil spirits

Father Frost:

Well done, you made D. Moroz happy.

Something bad happened to me, guys. The brownie told me that the forest evil spirits stole my magic staff. Have you seen them by any chance?

The children answer. Santa Claus turns around and sees forest evil spirits.

Father Frost: Oh, there you are! So we decided, the guys and I ruin the holiday? Will not work. Come on, stop fooling around. Give me the magic staff!

Baba Yaga: Why on earth should we give it away? Use it, give it to others. You are not the only one to create miracles.

Father Frost:

Yes, you have created miracles here, as I can see... You have collected evil spirits from all fairy tales! Give me the staff in a good way!


I wouldn't make so much noise if I were you, grandpa. But, after all, we can get angry. We need to be on good terms. Now, if you play with us, you will win against us... (winks at Nasty and Baba Yaga) Then we'll see.


Rules of the game: a chair is placed near the Christmas tree; two people compete, on command they run around the tree in a “counter-movement” (one runs around the tree clockwise, the other counterclockwise, the one who runs around the tree faster and sits on a chair is the winner.

Play twice:

Baba Yaga and Santa Claus are running around the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga is cunning - she runs along with the chair.

Mischief and Santa Claus compete. The dirty trick comes back halfway and takes the chair.

Father Frost: It's not interesting to play with you. You are cheating.

Snow Maiden, help me out!

Snow Maiden: Let’s do this, I’ll tell you three riddles. If you guess them, the staff is yours, and if not, then you give the staff to your grandfather. Agreed?

Baba Yaga: Agreed. But it’s a piece of cake for us to guess the riddles.

Goblin: Be careful not to be left without a staff forever!

Nasty: Make your own riddles. We'll crack them like nuts now!

Snow Maiden: Riddle first. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

Baba Yaga:

Well, I made a wish! Who doesn't know this? This is over there Nasty: She has put a bunch of rags on herself, but there are no buttons on any of them, because she is a slob and dirty.

Snow Maiden: But that’s wrong. This is cabbage.

The second riddle.

Eat-ate oak, oak.

Broke a tooth, tooth.


Well, it's simple. This is Baba Yaga. Yesterday she missed a good fellow, so she began to gnaw the oak tree out of hunger. Now she walks around toothless.

Baba Yaga slaps Leshem on the head. Mischief laughs at Baba Yaga.

Father Frost: And you didn’t guess this riddle. It's a saw.

Nasty: Give me the third riddle.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

Nasty: So this is Leshy!

Goblin: Why me?

Nasty: Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you a grandfather?

Goblin: Well, grandfather.

Nasty: Is he dressed in a fur coat in winter and summer?

Goblin: Well, dressed.

Nasty: Looking at you in a fur coat is just passion, but if you take it off you’ll definitely cry - skin and bones, guess what?

Father Frost: No, gentlemen, evil spirits, that’s not right. You haven't solved a single riddle. The answer to this riddle is onions. Any child knows about this. So hand over the staff as agreed.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, it's hilarious! And where did you, old man, see that evil spirits was it possible to agree?

They laugh at Santa Claus and tease him.

Father Frost: So you don’t want to be honest. OK. Look, Baba Yaga, who is that flying in your mortar? Is it really Koschey the Immortal returning from Egypt?

Baba Yaga: Where? Oh, he is evil, he climbed into my mortar!

Baba Yaga turns to where Santa Claus is pointing. Santa Claus takes her staff away from her.

Father Frost:

The winds are violent, fly,

Catch the forest evil spirits,

Spin it, spin it,

Take it away from here.

(The evil spirits spin around and run away.)

Father Frost:

In multicolored New Year's

Sveta holiday lights

We congratulate you today

All the gathered friends.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, you've forgotten the most The main thing: light the Christmas tree!

D. Moroz: Ah. That's the problem!

Well, now let's help the trouble.

Children, all you need is

Tell everyone very friendly:

"Light up with bright lights

Green beauty.

Green beauty

Burn, burn, burn! (the tree lights up)

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

WITH new joy for everyone!

Let them ring under this tree

Songs, music and laughter!

And now about the New Year

We'll dance a round dance! (Round dance)

D. Moroz:

Oh my legs are tired

Well, I’ll sit down, sit down,

I'll look at the kids.

In the meantime, they will tell poems.

Reading poetry

Kuzya: No no no! It's not time to sleep.

Time to play with us.



Children stand in a circle.

Father Frost:

Come on, kids, make friends, show your hands.

Children stretch their hands forward.

Father Frost:

Since they didn’t let me sleep, I’ll freeze all the guys!

He runs in a circle and tries to grab the children’s hands. Children hide their hands behind their backs.



Let me see, Santa Claus, your mitten.

Santa Claus gives.


Now - catch up!

Children pass the mitten around (or pass it on to each other). Santa Claus is catching up with her.


Father Frost:

Well, that's it, we've played to our heart's content, it's time to get ready for the journey.


And we, grandpa, won’t let you out.

Children join hands. Santa Claus is trying to get out of the circle, but the children won’t let him out. At the end of the game, Santa Claus crawls under your arms.

Presenter: What a mischief you are, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

The time has come for us to part,

But in New Year

I'm coming to see you at the Christmas tree

I'll definitely come.

Shine, our Christmas tree, for everyone to see.

I wish you happiness in New Year!

Father Frost:

We want with all our hearts

Congratulate you today

With the beautiful, bright, young.

Happy New Year!

(New Year included)

N. Year:

I am New Year

I came to you

With a cheerful song...

Let it be your life. Friends,

Even more wonderful.

You hearts of kindness and friendship

Open wide.

Happiness awaits you and there is no end,

Friends, you are happy!

D. Moroz:

I see you are all happy about N. God,

It's time to give him my staff. (transmits)

And goodbye wishes

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

(All participants leave holiday)

Snow Maiden:

Good for you guys

But it's time for us to leave.

Blizzard: This New Year's holiday

We will never forget!

Kuzya: Learn, grow!

Gosha: And let the New Year

All: It will bring you success and joy!


1. Shabalova L. A. Mysterious casket / L. A. Shabalova // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 34-39.

New Year's holiday scenario for children 6-7 years old.

2. Nameless O.M. We need sorcerers! / O. M. Bezymyannaya // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 6-10.

Musical New Year's fairy tale for children 6-8 years old.

3. Berdnikova N. V. New Year's circus show/ N.V. Berdnikova // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 9. - P. 2-5.

Merry New Year's performance for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

4. Bobrova S.I. Messages from the heart / S. I. Bobrova // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 52-53.

Theatrical performance for children 8-10 years old, dedicated to New Year's greeting cards.

5. Karnizova N.V. Waiting for miracles / N.V. Karnizova // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 29-30.

New Year's scenario carnival for children 7-8 years old.

6. Yudina V.N. Snowflakes are hurrying to us / V.N. Yudina // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 3-6.

New Year's scenario musical for children 7-10 years old.

7. Kulichenko N.V. Goodbye, old year! / N.V. Kulichenko // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 21-25.

New Year's game program for children 8-10 years old.

8. Popova O. V. New Year's performance-competition “Who will replace the Snow Maiden?”/ O. V. Popova // Last call. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 8-9.

New Year's game program for preschoolers and primary school students.

9. Kryntsalova I. Visiting snowman: New Year's Eve entertainment with poetry and games / I. Kryntsalova // Preschool education : Supplement to the newspaper "First of September". - 2008. - No. 24. - P. 22-23.

Scenario for a New Year's party for preschoolers with the participation of Baba Yaga.

10. Roslavtseva V.I. When the arrows converge at twelve. / V. I. Roslavtseva // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 25-28.

New Year's scenario performances based on I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood” and the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” using games, sketches and exercises for children 9-10 years old.

11. Chernetskaya N.N. Leapfrog for the New Year / N.N. Chernetskaya // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 33-36.

Theatrical performance for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, dedicated celebration of the New year old style (January 14).

12. // Primary School : Supplement to the newspaper "First of September". - 2009. - No. 22. - P. 32-45.

13. [Scenarios for New Year and Christmas holidays and competitions for younger schoolchildren] // Elementary school: Supplement to the newspaper "First of September". - 2008. - No. 24. - P. 30-36.

14. Bobrova A.V. In some kingdom: New Year's performance / A. V. Bobrova // Last call. - 2009. - No. 9. - P. 12-14.

New Year's fabulous performance for students.

15. Zvorykina M. L. New Year's quiz / M. L. Zvorykina // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 12.

Cheerful New Year's quiz for students primary school age.

16. Kovalenko V. A. Game "Field of Dreams" on this topic " New Year's words " / V. A. Kovalenko // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 14.

New Year's game program for students primary school age.

17. Kodyeva L. V. New Year's meeting of fabulous friends: theatrical performance / L. V. Kodyeva // Teachers’ Council. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 2-6.

New Year's performance with the participation of fairy-tale characters for students primary school age.

18. Kodyeva L. V. Christmas story"Miracles for the New Year"/ L. V. Kodyeva // Last call. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 2-6.

New Year's story based on everything famous fairy tale "Morozko" for students primary and secondary school age.

19. Shamne L.G. Christmas tree : matinee based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin / L. G. Shamne // Education schoolchildren. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 70-75.

New Year matinee with the participation of heroes of fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin for elementary students schools.

Author. It happened not so long ago in an ordinary apartment with ordinary boys. These guys loved the holiday only because of the gifts. Just a few minutes before the New Year, the boys rushed to unpack gifts. And suddenly the most incredible thing happened...

Two boys are sitting on the stage under a Christmas tree: one dressed as a pirate, the other as a knight. There is a clock hanging on the steppe that says one minute to twelve. The boys are sorting out the gifts. Suddenly the Pirate finds an old dusty bottle.

Pirate. Hey, look what I found. She's definitely magical. There's something written here that I can't make out. See for yourself.

The pirate gives the bottle to the Knight.

Knight. Apchhi! Exactly, only it’s in an incomprehensible language. Let's rub it. What if gin appears?

The knight rubs a glass bottle.

Suddenly, from behind the tree, a girl appears in a white fly costume with glasses and a folder in her hands.

Fly. Finally. It's good that we at least made it before midnight. As far as I can see, in front of me is Christmas tree No. 12345. It’s you that I need.

Pirate and Knight(together). Who are you?

Fly. I'm a snow fly. There's no time to talk. We need to save the New Year. Look at your watch. They are one minute away from the holiday. If you, stupid boys, had not tried to bring the holiday closer and had not opened gifts ahead of time, everything would have been fine. How many of you found and rubbed the bottle?

Pirate. I found.

Knight. And I rubbed it.

Fly(sighing). Clearly, it means both are to blame. Have you seen the writing on the bottle?

Knight. Yes, it was in an unknown language.

Fly. This is a magical language. We need to translate this phrase so that the holiday can finally come.

Author. That's how it happens sometimes. If the boys had known what their action would lead to, they could have waited one more minute. But curiosity is uncontrollable. Now, for the holiday to come, the children need to solve a magical riddle. To do this, they draw up a clear plan.

The boys are sitting at a desk. The Fly stands in front of them and explains the plan to them. Attaches a diagram showing their path of movement.

Fly. This is our route map. Our path will run through a magical forest. We need to turn to leading specialists. Remember, guys, not everyone will open their doors to us, not everyone is kind, but they are all lovers of the New Year. Therefore, we must agree to help. Any questions? Ask them now.

Pirate. What if we don’t make it in time?

Fly. Then the New Year will not come.

Knight. What difference does it make: it will come or not? Everyone loves New Year only because of the gifts. We already have gifts. Do we really need anything else?

Fly. Certainly. What kind of stupid questions are these? Time has already stopped here. I agree that without gifts, a holiday is not a holiday, especially if it’s New Year. But without a holiday, gifts are no joy. We need to hurry. Now everything is clear?

Pirate and Knight(together). Yes! It's clear!

Fly. I completely forgot! We need one more person! This will be (opens his folder and searches for a long time) ... this will be Christmas tree No. 98765. So, let's fly!

The other half of the curtain opens.

A girl with blue hair is sleeping on the bed. The Pirate, the Knight and the Fly appear.

Fly. Hello! Christmas tree No. 98765, wake up! Malvina, let's go!

The fly wakes up the girl. Malvina wakes up.

Malvina. Who are you?

Fly. Friends. Get up, there’s no time to explain, I’ll tell you on the way!

The fly grabs the girl and all four run away from the stage.

Author. That's how the team came together to save the holiday. On the way, Mukha told Malvina everything that she had told the boys before. Now the team was ready for the feat. Their first destination was the magical forest.

Toska Zelenaya sits on the stage under the Christmas tree and sings a mournful song. A magical team approaches her.

Fly. Are you making everyone around you sad again?

Longing Green. What can I do? I am not invited to any holiday. So you have to sit and be sad. How I would like to have fun with everyone, but they are afraid of me and say that I am ruining everything! Eh!

Pirate. You know what, Tosca! Today we ourselves ruined the most main holiday. Now we need help. Maybe you can help us? Look at the bottle. Do you know how this is translated?

The pirate hands the bottle to Tosca Green. She looks and returns it.

Longing Green. What can I say, it’s just melancholy!

Knight. Thank you. Do not be sad please! We will definitely come back for you.

Toska Zelena. Is it true?

Together. Is it true!

Fly. Let's go to the Magic Owl. She knows everything. She will definitely help us.

The team headed towards the Owl.

Owl(monotonously). I am a wise owl.

They say she's boring.

I know a lot

I teach everyone.

Fly. Yes, Owl, we know that too. Please help us.

The fly shows the bottle to the wise bird.

Owl. Well, I know this vessel.

I'm glad the team is already together.

I could help you.

I know the answer, and I wouldn’t mind saying it.

But you have to figure it out yourself

Change words here and there.

There is a minute left until the holiday,

I don't want to be late! Farewell! Follow the route!

And the Owl froze like a stone. The Knight approaches the Owl, touches it, but it does not move.

Knight. She froze. Muha, what happened?

Fly. We need to hurry. In the magical forest, time also began to stop.

Malvina. Who is next? Who will we go to? After all, the Owl was the wisest, but she refused to help us? What to do? We will not make it on time!

Malvina sat down on the ground and cried. A huge white rabbit appears from behind the bushes.

Rabbit. I see that someone is crying here. What's happened?

Malvina. We have lost the holiday. He won't come to us. And we don’t know how to solve this magical riddle.

Rabbit. Ah, holiday! How so!

Knight. Calm down, Malvina. We will find the answer.

Malvina. We will never solve it. How can you solve a riddle when you don’t even know the language in which it is written? So it is also scratched on some bottle.

Rabbit. On the bottle? Very interesting. What kind of riddle is this? Can I have a look?

The girl gives the bottle to the Rabbit.

Rabbit. Yes, everything is simple here. Here everything is the other way around. This is a New Year's wish. See for yourself. Read...

The rabbit froze.

Fly. So he froze. I told you I had to hurry. Let's run!

Author. Time has stopped everywhere. The magical forest froze. Only our magical team continued to search for the answer. They had already gone so deep into the magical forest that they thought they were lost. But, fortunately, they saw a light in the distance and headed towards it. When they came closer, they saw a fire around which forest robbers were dancing.

The curtain opens. On the stage, three robbers are jumping around a fire.

Fly. Hey! Why are you happy, there is no holiday! Everything is lost!

Robber 1. How come there is no holiday!

Robber 2. What do you mean everything is gone?

Robber 3. Who deprived us of the most joyful holiday?

Robber 1. Yes, who did it?

Pirate and Knight(stepping forward). We did it.

Robber 2. Well, then hang in there!

The robbers attack the Pirate and the Knight. The guys are fighting.

Malvina. Stop it! Stop it now!

Robber 1. Don't interfere, girl! They ruined our whole holiday!

Robber 2. We will take revenge!

Fly. Listen, gentlemen robbers. We know how unpleasant it is to hear that there is no holiday, but you were having fun just a minute ago. If we hadn't told you, you wouldn't have known and would have continued to have fun.

Robber 3. And this Fly is right!

Robber 2. Yes, you're right!

Robber 1. What to do?

Robber 2. Yes, what to do?

Robber 3. How to save the holiday?

Fly. Look at this bottle. Maybe she is familiar to you?

Robber 1 whispers something in Robber 3's ear.

Robber 1. I've seen it before and even know who it belongs to.

Fly. So let's go there quickly.

Robber 3. Where?

Robber 2. Yes, where?

Fly(sighing). To where the owner of this bottle lives.

Robber 1. It's me.

Malvina. This can't be true! Why were you silent before? Didn't you know what consequences lay behind this joke?

Robber 1. I didn't want to do anything bad. I just sent my little friend this little thing. Here only best wishes. But only if someone (Robber 1 points to Pirate) had not rushed for gifts earlier due date, everything would be great.

Pirate(guilty). There was only one minute left.

Robber 1. A minute is not a minute, but you see what happened: there is no holiday, time has stopped, the magical forest has frozen.

Knight. So what does it say on the bottle?

Robber 1. How do I know? I sent so many similar messages that I can’t remember them all.

Malvina. So what, you wrote different things to everyone?

Robber 1. Of course, it's different. Would you be pleased if you received the same gift as your brother? That’s why I wrote a separate wish to everyone.

Malvina. At least now can you read this wish to us?

Robber 1. Can. Where's the bottle?

Everyone began to look around, but there was neither the bottle nor Robber 2. The team and two robbers gave chase. At the nearest Christmas tree they saw Robber 2 crying. He was tightly clutching a bottle in his hands.

Robber 3. Gotcha! Come on, give it back!

Robber 2. Will not give it back!

Robber 3 tries to snatch the bottle, snatches it, but cannot stay on his feet and falls. The bottle breaks on the ground.

Robber 1. Look what you've done! We will never have a holiday now.

All participants sit down on the ground and feel sad.

Malvina. Remember what the Owl told us - stick to the route.

Knight. I remember, but we got lost because you stopped.

Malvina. Exactly. This means that we should not have met the robbers. And since we have already met, it means this is a special sign. You wrote wishes to all your friends, right?

Robber 1. Yes, everyone.

Malvina. And they were not repeated anywhere.

Robber 1. Nowhere.

Malvina. So they were short.

Robber 1. Yes, about two words.

Malvina. The rabbit also said that this was a New Year's wish. There it was necessary to read everything backwards.

Fly. And Toska Green said that it says “melancholy alone.” Means...

Pirate(jumps). Lots of fun! We've solved it!

Fly. How come we didn’t think of it earlier!

Malvina. Hurry up, now we need to wake up the whole forest, otherwise there’s only one minute left. Let's run!

Author. The guys have very little time left before the holiday. They returned to the Rabbit, and to the Owl, and, of course, to Green Tosca. In an instant, everyone was transported from the magical forest to that very ordinary apartment where these miracles began.

All participants in the events sit on the stage under the Christmas tree and exchange gifts.