A project to create a system of interaction between a speech therapist and preschool specialists when working with children of senior preschool age who have speech pathology. Project for creating a system of interaction between speech therapist and preschool specialists when working with senior preschool children

Maria Artemova
Interaction between a speech therapist and the family of a child with speech disorders

Undoubtedly, every parent dreams of his child growing up healthy and successful, being able to achieve a lot, learning to understand people better and interact with them. But few people think about how important a role a child’s ability to speak correctly and beautifully plays in all this. We can say that a person’s speech is his calling card.

Unfortunately, the number of children with speech pathology number of people who need special correctional and educational services is growing. The success of speech therapy depends not only on the qualified work of the speech therapist, but also on all participants in the correctional process: teachers, parents and other members families.

However, very often we can state the fact that parents do not pay due attention to working with children to overcome speech defects. Obviously, this is due to the following reasons:

ignorance and unconscious perception of problems speech development children;

parents pay little attention to the development and upbringing of their children, shifting all responsibility onto the shoulders of a kindergarten or school;

low level or lack of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

At the same time, it is obvious that it is the help of parents that is obligatory and extremely valuable. Because, firstly, parental opinion is the most authoritative for the child and, secondly, only parents have the opportunity to daily consolidate the skills they are developing in the process of live, direct communication with the child. Therefore, the introduction of variable forms of cooperation with children’s parents acquires special social and pedagogical significance, with speech impairments, in the system of correctional and educational work.

The success of raising and educating children in kindergarten and school largely depends on how it is organized pedagogical education parents. It is important to build communication with parents based on the principle “A parent is a full member of the team,” which solves one common problem - raising a highly moral person.

Relationship speech therapist and parents is carried out comprehensively: using visual, collective, individual forms of work. This interaction is aimed at:

Establishing partnerships with family every student;

Creating an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional mutual support;

Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters child's speech development;

Assisting parents in performing educational and correctional functions;

Training parents in specific speech therapy techniques.

Conscious inclusion of parents in joint activities teacher-speech therapist correction process can significantly increase the efficiency of teamwork. Cooperation families and speech therapists, in accordance with the capabilities of the parents, their interests, is carried out in different forms, using different methods of work. Here are the best ones them:

1. Working methods: survey, individual conversations, individual practical classes, consultations, joint production of games and manuals, workshops.

2. Forms of work: are common (group) parent meetings, Day open doors, joint preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, classes, leisure, visual information and printed publications, pedagogical living room.

Conversation is the most common form and method of communication with parents; it is used by all speech therapists without exception, and it allows you to quickly establish contact and trust. But there are parents who have difficulty making contact. In this case, the method of V.A. Petrovsky is more acceptable, who proposed the following step-by-step interaction teacher with parents:

Stage 1 - called “Broadcasting a positive image to parents child". The teacher never complains about child. Even if he did something. The conversation takes place under motto: "Yours the child is the best".

Stage 2 - "Transmission to parents of knowledge about child that they couldn't get in the family". The speech therapist reports on success and development child, the characteristics of his communication with other children, the results of educational activities.

Stage 3 - "Familiarization of the speech therapist with the problems families in education and training child". At this stage, the active role belongs to the parents, the speech therapist only supports the dialogue. Without making value judgments. The information received from the parents should be used to organize positive interaction.

Stage 4 - “Joint research and personality formation child"Only at this stage can a teacher, who has gained the trust of parents by successfully carrying out the previous stages, begin to carefully give advice to parents.

Questioning parents plays an important role in comprehensive work with family, it allows us to analyze the relationships between adults and children in family and plan work with parents for the school year, as well as study parents' position towards child and his speech defect, their pedagogical awareness. Questionnaires provide an opportunity get a more realistic idea of family, about the participation of parents in the correction process, about the effectiveness correctional work. Considering the individuality of each parent, it is possible to more effectively carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the problem child, help them perceive their child, teach them to act together, to present the same requirements for successful correction speech disorders.

Group parent meetings held at the beginning, middle and end school year help to unite parents, direct them to help, and actively participate in the process of raising children. At the first group parent meeting, it is explained to parents that adult members families lies huge responsibility: both for creating the child’s motivation for classes, and for taking additional measures in the presence of those accompanying the main defect violations. It is extremely important to explain to parents the need for enhanced, daily work with your child on the instructions of the teachers. Only in this case is it possible best results. If parents themselves are not able to assess the situation and understand the importance of their role in the education and upbringing of the child, then we should help them become the most interested, active and effective participants in the correction process. As a rule, at the second and subsequent meetings the results of the work done are summed up and an action plan for further correction is highlighted speech disorders, positive dynamics and successes and achievements of children are noted.

Visual information - this form of work is very important for parents. According to psychologists, we remember most of the information by perceiving it visually. The advantage of this form is that What:

firstly, communicating only verbally takes a lot of time;

secondly, parents are not able to retain in memory all the information that they consistently receive from teachers;

thirdly, in order for parents to be able to comprehend the recommendations received and follow them, they must first be convinced of this, offered a certain algorithm of actions and armed with a reminder that will allow them to carry out these actions consistently and accurately.

Therefore, information stands and corners for parents: "Learning by playing", "Advice from a speech therapist"- they are subordinated to a certain topics: "Finger gymnastics"; “Phonological hearing is the basis of correct speech”; "Readiness child to school» , "Left-handed child» and etc.

Photo exhibitions: "My family» , "Seasons", "On a rest", "In the speech therapist's office"- can be presented with photographs of children in classes, during routine moments, in a family environment, each photograph is accompanied by an explanation. With the help of this exhibition, parents can visually get acquainted with the work that is carried out with children in the classroom. Children like to look at photographs and share their impressions, talk about their family.

Consultation is very important in collaboration teachers- speech therapist and parents. They involve familiarizing parents with theoretical information on a particular issue. It is important to structure consultations in such a way that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems and develop our cooperation, since a modern parent does not want to listen to long reports from a teacher. Consultations must be extremely clear and contain only necessary for parents specific material. To accompany the consultations, you can organize an exhibition of manuals, didactic games. Parents can familiarize themselves with and use the selection of practical material.

Individual practical classes introduce parents to practical techniques of articulatory gymnastics and sound automation, games and exercises for practicing with children at home. In these classes, they receive the necessary knowledge, find answers to questions related directly to the course of speech development of their child.

Workshops also equip parents with practical methods of correctional work. Workshops not only establish partnerships with parents, but also improve the pedagogical competence of parents.

Frontal open classes for parents are an effective form of work. They are held so that parents can see what their children have achieved after joint correctional work. It is advisable to conduct such open classes in the second half of the academic year. Before the lesson, parents are briefly introduced to the goals of the lesson and given instructions on what to pay attention to. After the lesson, it is analyzed and recommendations are given on the use of certain techniques. Parents see the results achieved and strive to do more and, as a result, participate in the correctional work more actively. The special value of these classes is that parents observe their child in a team, this makes it possible to adequately and objectively assess his capabilities and abilities.

Celebrations and entertainment, parents are invited to participate in them. Throughout the year, parents are invited to holidays and events where children demonstrate all their acquired knowledge and skills. Children memorize poems, participate in skits, theatrical activities, thereby showing an increased level speech skills.

Open days. Parents attend individual and group classes, watch how their children are doing, what they need to reinforce at home, what else to work on, what methods and techniques the speech therapist uses when working with children, and adopt them for themselves.

Recommendations for strengthening correct sound pronunciation. Each speech therapist provides parents with the opportunity to participate in the correction process of sound production and automation, working on individual assignments. This way they can trace the system and dynamics of learning.

Interaction between speech therapist and family- a necessary condition for full speech development of children, since the best results are observed where speech therapists and parents act in concert. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents is the basis for full development child. Involving parents in educational educational process, their interested participation in correctional pedagogical activities is extremely important because it is necessary for the development of their own child.


1. Library of the journal "Speech therapist" O. V. Bachina, L. N. Samorodova.

2. Scientific and methodological journal "Speech therapist" No. 1/2006.

3. Scientific and methodological journal "Speech therapist" No. 5/2013.

4. Basics of speech therapy with workshop on sound pronunciation: Textbook. aid for students avg. ped. textbook institutions / ed. T.V. Volosovets. – M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2000.

Tatyana Lakhtina
Forms of interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist

Forms of interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist

Introduction 3

1. Separation of functions speech therapist and teacher 4

2. Functions speech therapist and teacher 7

Conclusion 15

References 16


Recently, in preschool educational institutions the issue relationships and continuity in the work of all specialists is given Special attention, which is relevant for speech therapy groups. Only with close cooperation and unity of teachers’ requirements is it possible to overcome the speech development defects that children have. IN speech therapy It is especially important for the group how closely the teachers and speech therapist and educators.

An important direction in the modernization of education is to ensure state guarantees of accessibility and equal opportunities obtaining a full education for children with disabilities. As a result, it follows that children with speech development disorders should be provided with special conditions for education and training in preschool educational institutions. Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for school, the key to successful literacy and reading in the future. If violations of sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, phonemic processes, etc. are not corrected in time, then children preschool age difficulties arise in communicating with others, and subsequently certain personality changes along the development path “child - teenager - adult”, when a person’s complexes will prevent him from learning and fully revealing his natural abilities and intellectual capabilities. Search effective techniques and speech correction methods have not lost their relevance.

1. Separation of functions speech therapist and teacher

To the teacher, first of all you have to deal with the natural for the child age characteristics speech, in other words, phonetic (pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations) and musical (rhythm, tempo, intonation, modulation, strength, clarity of voice) originality of children's speech. Overcoming such shortcomings does not present any particular difficulties, since teacher using the right teaching methods only helps the natural process of normal development of children's speech, accelerating language. This makes it easier for the child to master such complex activities as speech and contributes to earlier mental development his.

Classes teacher are built taking into account the next topic, and their tasks are correlated with the tasks speech therapy session. The main vocabulary work is carried out speech therapist, the teacher forms Children have the necessary level of knowledge on a vocabulary topic during walks, in drawing, modeling and design lessons.

Educator teaches children to clearly express their requests, desires, and answer questions in beautiful, complete sentences.

When observing objects of reality teacher introduces children to new words, clarifies their meaning, promotes their repetition in different situations, and activates them in children’s own speech. This work is at the same time the main one for conducting speech exercises on speech therapy classes and helps improve children’s speech skills.

Educator Be sure to encourage the child to take the initiative to speak out. You should not stop children by suppressing their desire to speak out, but on the contrary, support the initiative, expand the content of the conversation with questions, and create interest in the topic of conversation among other children.

Speech therapist in close relationship with teachers works to familiarize children with new words, clarify their meanings and activate them, selects lexical material on this topic.

In subgroup classes speech therapist strengthens technical and visual skills, formed in children by the teacher. Classes on visual arts carried out speech therapist, have a goal in the future form such complex forms of speech , like a planning speech. Thanks to this, children’s speech in class becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.

Educator must conduct classes to clarify the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus daily using a set of articulation exercises provided speech therapist. Educator must provide assistance speech therapist in the introduction speech therapist sounds into a child's speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, prepared speech therapist.

Educator must consolidate skills in coherent speech with the help of poems, etc., prepared speech therapist.

Educator with the entire content of his work, he ensures complete practical acquaintance with objects, using them in everyday life for their intended purpose. Speech therapist in his classes deepens vocabulary work, formation children's vocabulary grammatical categories, and during special exercises ensures their conscious use in verbal communication.

Cooperative activity speech therapist and teacher organized according to the following goals:

– increasing the efficiency of correctional and educational work;

– exclusion of duplication teacher of speech therapy classes;

– optimization of organizational and content aspects of correctional and pedagogical activities speech therapist and educators, both for the entire group of children and for each child.

In preschool educational institutions of compensatory type and speech therapy groups have a number of problems that make it difficult to work together speech therapist and teacher:

– combination of the “Correctional” program education and teaching children with general speech underdevelopment (5–6 years)” T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina with the main general education program of the MDOU;

– no requirements for the organization joint activities speech therapist and educators in regulatory documents and methodological literature available today;

– difficulty in distributing planned correction work within working hours and SanPiN requirements;

– lack of a clear division of functions between teacher and speech therapist;

– impossibility mutual visits to classes between a speech therapist and a teacher in different age groups.

Joint correctional work in a speech group involves solving the following tasks:

speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children - logopathists;

The teacher consolidates the formed speech skills.

Main types of organization of joint activities speech therapist and teacher: joint study of the content of the training program and education in a special preschool institution and compiling joint plan work. To the teacher it is necessary to know the content of not only those sections of the program in which he directly conducts classes, but also those that he conducts speech therapist, since proper lesson planning teacher provides the necessary fixation of the material in different types children's activities; discussion of the results of joint study of children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life; joint preparation for all children's holidays ( speech therapist selects speech material, and the teacher reinforces it); development general recommendations for parents.

Based on these tasks, functions are divided speech therapist and teacher as follows.

2. Functions speech therapist and teacher

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.

Formation correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Work on correcting sound pronunciation.

Improving phonemic perception and skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

Corrective work syllabic structure of the word.

Formation of syllable reading.

Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.

Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.

Prevention of writing and reading disorders.

Development mental functions, closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.

Functions teacher:

Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.

Replenishment, clarification and activation of children's vocabulary on the current lexical topic in the process of all regime moments.

Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and gross motor skills.

Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during all routine moments.

Incorporation of practiced grammatical structures into situations of natural communication in children.

Formation of coherent speech(learning poems, nursery rhymes, texts, getting to know fiction, work on retelling and composing all types of storytelling).

Strengthening reading and writing skills.

Consolidating children's speech skills in individual lessons according to assignment speech therapist.

Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.

Educator conducts classes on speech development, getting to know your surroundings (cognitive development) according to a special system taking into account lexical topics; replenishes, clarifies and activates children’s vocabulary, using regime moments; controls the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children’s speech throughout the entire time of communication with them.

Speech therapist on frontal exercises formulates topics and works with children on pronunciation, sound analysis, teaches elements of literacy, and at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories. The speech therapist supervises the work of the teacher to expand, clarification and activation of vocabulary, mastery of grammatical categories, development of coherent speech. Educator when planning writing lessons and formation graphic skills are also guided methodological instructions speech therapist.

Need to be reminded educators about the rules and conditions for conducting articulation gymnastics

Necessities of daily activities

Individual work with subgroups of children with the same defects

Automation of already delivered sounds (pronunciation syllables, words, phrases, memorizing poems)

Controlling children’s pronunciation of already delivered sounds during routine moments

Job teacher and speech therapist work different when corrected and formation sound pronunciations by organization, techniques, duration. It requires various knowledge, skills and abilities. Basics difference: speech therapist corrects speech disorders, and teacher under the guidance of a speech therapist actively participates in correctional work.

Educator actively participates in the correction process, helping to eliminate speech defects and normalize the psyche of a problem child as a whole. In his work, he is guided by general didactic principles, while some of them are filled with new content. These are the principles of systematicity and consistency, the principle of an individual approach.

The principle of systematicity and consistency presupposes the adaptation of content, methods and techniques of activity teacher to the requirements, presented by the tasks of a particular stage speech therapy intervention. Step-by-step work speech therapist is determined by the idea of ​​speech as a system, the assimilation of elements of which proceeds interconnected and in a certain sequence.

Considering the sequence of mastering these aspects of speech in speech therapy classes, teacher selects for his classes speech material that is accessible to children, which contains sounds they have already mastered and, if possible, excludes those that have not yet been studied.

Due to correctional requirements, work methods and techniques are also changing. teacher. Thus, at the initial stage, visual and practical methods and techniques come to the fore, as the most accessible to children with speech impairments. Verbal methods (story, conversation) are introduced later.

The principle of an individual approach involves taking into account the individual speech characteristics of children. This is explained by the presence of speech disorders of different structure and severity in children and the non-simultaneity of their overcoming speech therapy classes. In this interpretation, the principle of the approach requires teacher: deep awareness of the initial state of speech of each child and the level of his current speech development; use this knowledge in your work.

A distinctive feature of frontal exercises teacher in speech therapy group is that, that, in addition to teaching, developing, educational tasks, stand in front of him and correctional tasks.

Educator must be present at all frontal classes speech therapist, takes notes; individual elements speech therapy He includes classes in his speech development classes and in his evening work.

Speech therapist takes into account the characteristics and abilities of children. If a child does well in certain types of classes, then speech therapist may, in agreement with teacher take it individually speech therapy session.

Similar speech therapist tries to take children from a walk without harming the child’s health for 15–20 minutes for individual work.

After noon the teacher is working, in accordance with your network of classes, to consolidate spoken skills and develop speech. It is advisable to plan frontal classes on speech development and cognitive development in the afternoon.

During routine moments, self-care, on a walk, excursion, in games and entertainment teacher also carries out correctional work, the significance of which is that it provides the opportunity to practice verbal communication in children and consolidate speech skills in their life.

Educators must create conditions for development speech activity and speech communication children:

Organize and support children’s verbal communication in class and outside class, encourage them to listen carefully to other children and listen to the content of statements; create a communication situation; form skills of self-control and critical attitude to speech; organize games to develop the sound culture of speech;

Draw attention to the duration of the sound of a word, the sequence and place of sounds in a word; carry out work on the development of auditory and speech attention, auditory-verbal memory, auditory control, verbal memory; draw attention to the intonation side of speech.

Job teacher speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, creating the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for formation of speech skills. For example, if a topic is planned "Wild animals", That teacher conducts educational activity, modeling or drawing on this topic, didactic, board games, role-playing games, outdoor games, conversations, observations, introduces children to works of fiction on this topic.

Special studies have established that the level of speech development of children is directly dependent on the degree formation subtle differentiated hand movements. Therefore, it is recommended to stimulate speech development by training finger movements, especially in children with speech pathology. Interesting forms work in this direction is carried out by a specialist in folklore. After all folk games with fingers and teaching children manual labor (embroidery, beading, making simple toys etc.) provide good finger training and create a favorable emotional background. Ethnic studies classes help develop the ability to listen and understand the content of nursery rhymes, grasp their rhythm, and increase children’s speech activity. In addition, children's knowledge of folklore (rhymes, Russian folk tales) can be used in individual lessons to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. For example: “Okay, okay”- to reinforce the sound [w], the song Kolobok from the fairy tale of the same name - to reinforce the sound [l].

The teacher thinks ahead, which of the correctional speech tasks can be resolved: during specially organized training of children in form of classes; in joint activities adult with children; in the free independent activities of children.

Aesthetic cycle classes (sculpting, drawing, designing and appliqué) create conditions for skill development communication: when doing some kind of craft, image, etc. together, lively dialogues usually arise, which is especially valuable for children with reduced speech initiative. But sometimes educators They do not realize the pedagogical significance of the current situation and, for disciplinary purposes, prohibit children from communicating. The task of a professional, on the contrary, is to support and encourage in every possible way the speech activity of preschoolers, directing it in the right direction and using it to solve correctional and developmental problems.

There is even greater potential in terms of speech correction if it is not regulated by the scope of classes and predominates in duration. (up to 5/6 of the entire stay in the preschool educational institution) children's activities (under the guidance of a teacher or independently). Individual and subgroup correction-oriented sessions can be organized here. forms of interaction between teacher and students: special didactic and educational games; entertaining exercises; conversations; joint practical actions; observations; excursions; methodically thought-out instructions and work assignments, etc.

Speech therapist works with children daily from 9.00 to 13.00. Frontal speech therapy classes are organized from 9.00 to 9.20, individual and subgroup speech therapy classes- from 9.30 to 12.30, classes teacher - from 9.30 to 9.50. From 10.10 to 12.30 children go for a walk. Afternoon tea teacher Works with children on assignment for 30 minutes speech therapist and conducts evening classes in one of the types of educational activities.

Together with The teacher sets up the parent corner, prepares and conducts pedagogical council and parent meetings. Speech therapist discussing with teacher an approximate daily routine for children and an approximate list of activities for the week. Speech therapist and teacher, each in his own lesson, decide the following correctional tasks: education of perseverance, attention, imitation; learning to follow the rules of games; education of smoothness, duration of exhalation, soft vocal delivery, feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, torso, face; teaching the elements speech therapy rhythms ; - correction of sound pronunciation disorders, development of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech, phonemic processes.

Requirements for work organization teacher: Constant stimulation for verbal communication. All kindergarten workers and parents are obliged to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation; Educators Preschool educational institutions must know the pattern of normal development of a child’s speech (A. Gvozdev) And design memo for parents; Speech therapists groups must have a speech profile of children - logopathists, know them speech therapy conclusion and state of speech development; Teachers of speech therapy groups must conduct speech therapy work in front of the mirror, complete the task. speech therapist for individual notebooks and albums, exercise books.

The speech therapy group teacher should not: rush the child to answer; interrupt speech and rudely pull back, but tactfully give an example of correct speech; force the child to pronounce a phrase rich in sounds he has not yet identified; let memorize texts and poems that the child cannot yet pronounce; put on stage (matinee) a child with abnormal speech.

Job speech therapist in a mass preschool institution, its structure and functional responsibilities differ significantly from work speech therapist at speech kindergarten. This is primarily due to the fact that speech therapist at the speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go with it in parallel, as is customary in speech gardens. Job speech therapist is built taking into account the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The work schedule and schedule of classes are approved by the head of the preschool educational institution. Since there is currently no remedial program for work logopoints, That speech therapist in his work must rely on and master modern technologies. Due to the tendency towards deterioration in the speech of children in preschool age, with a lack of places in speech therapy In kindergartens, children with more complex speech defects began to enter mass preschool institutions, the overcoming of which is difficult in the conditions logopunkt. Educators are deprived of specialized correctional hours for working with "difficult" children, and must find time in their work or include components of correctional assistance in the general educational process of their group.

They plan speech development classes, discuss the goals, objectives and desired results of each speech development class.


Teacher together with speech therapist participates in the correction of speech disorders in children, as well as associated extra-speech mental processes. In addition, he must not only know the nature of these violations, but also master the basic techniques of corrective action to correct some of them.

At the beginning of the school year the speech therapist introduces the teachers with the results of examination of children, draws their attention to the characteristics of behavior, the character of children, determines the training program, explaining educators goals, objectives of the program, methods of its implementation, informing the timing and duration of the stages of correctional work, outlining the results that should be achieved by the end of a particular period of study.

When determining the content of the work a speech therapist can introduce teachers With long-term plan work, and throughout the academic year systematically inform them about changing requirements for the speech development of children at different stages of education.

Educators are obliged to promote the development of all intact analyzers of children, strengthening and expanding the compensatory capabilities of children, carrying out correctional work in various directions depending on the tasks set speech therapist during a certain period of study. This option is also possible interaction, at which educators reinforce educational material speech therapy sessions, developing in children the ability to apply acquired knowledge and formed skills and abilities.


1. Beilinson L. S. Professional speech speech therapist: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 160 p.

2. Speech therapy / edited by. L. S. Volkova, S. N. Shakhovskaya. – M., 2003.

3. Speech therapy: methodological traditions and innovation / Ed. S. N. Shakhovskoy, T. V. Volosovets. – M.: Moskovsky Publishing House psychologically-social institution; Voronezh: NPO Publishing House "MODEK", 2003. – 336 p.

4. Basics speech therapy work with children: Tutorial for speech therapists, educators kindergartens / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor G.V. Chirkina. – M.: ARKTI, 2002. – 240 p.

5. Basics speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation: Textbook. A manual for students. avg. ped. textbook institutions / T.V. Volosovets, N.V. Gorina, N.I. Zvereva, etc.; Edited by T.V. Volosovets. – M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.- 200 p.

6. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children. Educational manual / Ed. T.V. Volosovey. M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, V. Sekachev, 2002.- 256 p.

7. Stepanova O. A. Organization speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution. M.: TC Sfera, 2003. – 112 p.

8. Filicheva T. B. Features formation speech in preschool children. M., 2003.

9. Cheveleva N. A. Overcoming stuttering in children. Benefit for speech therapists and speech group teachers. M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001. -128 p.

Skrynnikova Natalia Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MDOU d/s "Ryabinka"
Locality: Balashov city, Saratov region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Interaction between a speech therapist and family in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children
Publication date: 17.01.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Balashov. MDOU d/s "Ryabinka".
Subject: "
Interaction between a teacher, speech therapist and family in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children." Compiled by teacher-speech therapist: Skrynnikova N.N.

Thematic work plan for the year.


September. Goals, objectives, forms and methods of working with parents. October. Work with parents of children in need of correctional and developmental education November. The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children December. Search for new forms interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children January. Conditions effective interaction speech therapist with parents. February. Classification of forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents. March. Modern forms work of a teacher-speech therapist with parents April. Conclusion. May. Development of questionnaires.
Relevance of the problem.

As modern research shows, the targeted inclusion of parents in a single process of upbringing, development and correction, joint with teachers, significantly increases its effectiveness. Currently, there is an urgent need for teachers to work with families. Growing interest in problems family education associated with new socio-economic conditions. And new conditions require new approaches and methods of working with parents who have children with speech disorders. A teacher, educator, psychologist, speech therapist should assist parents in the development and upbringing of children, especially if children have problems with speech development. Some parents try to influence the formation of their child's speech, starting from an early age. They try to ensure that their child hears correct, expressive and clear speech, read fairy tales, poems, stories to the child, and develop their horizons. But not everyone succeeds. Often the family is unable (due to various reasons) provide effective assistance to the child in speech development and correction of speech defects. Most parents do not understand the real reasons why their child has certain speech disorders. In such cases, the process of education and training becomes more complicated. Many parents are quite well aware of the shortcomings in raising their children and their helplessness in eliminating speech disorders. Parents lack psychological and pedagogical literacy. Creation single space Child development is impossible without the combined efforts of teachers and parents. To work successfully, educators and speech therapists need to maintain close contact with the child’s family. In correctional work, it is important to make parents not only your allies, but also competent assistants.

Goals, objectives, forms and methods of working with parents.

Purpose of collaboration
– to activate parents, to draw their attention to those correctional and pedagogical tasks that are carried out in working with children, making the upbringing of a child in the family and in kindergarten more consistent and effective.

The tasks of parents in correctional work are:
in creating conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children; in carrying out targeted and systematic work on the general speech development of children and the necessary correction of deficiencies in this development. The tasks set by the teaching staff and speech therapist, working with parents during the school year: providing preschoolers with speech impairments with comfortable development conditions in all respects, education and training, creating an environment of psychological, pedagogical and speech support for the child; carrying out the necessary work to prevent and correct speech development deficiencies in children, ensuring their effective general and speech preparation for school; increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture and educational competence of parents, encouraging them to consciously work on the general and speech development of preschool children in the family, identifying the nature of family relationships, the authority of parents; determine their impact on the child’s development and, on this basis, coordinate the educational work of the preschool educational institution and the family; purposefully influence parents, taking into account their preparedness for raising children; take into account the wishes of parents and their suggestions; introduce parents to the range of knowledge for successfully preparing children for school.
Traditional and non-traditional forms and methods are used in working with families:

group meetings;
individual conversations; consultations; survey; visual propaganda; open classes with children; Open Day; inviting parents to a party; joint events; closed boxes and information baskets. One aspect of this issue is the search for effective ways of cooperation, which is equally necessary for both teachers and parents. The level of development of a child primarily depends on the atmosphere that is created consciously, and for the most part, unconsciously, by adults in the family. The degree of influence of parents' homework with their children on the time and quality of speech correction of the child is great. The expectations and hopes of parents are associated, as a rule, only with the work of a speech therapist. Therefore, it is necessary to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process to overcome the child’s speech defect, since this greatly facilitates the work of the specialist and accelerates the child’s success. Parents, to a certain extent, get used to the speech of their children and do not notice any shortcomings in it, and therefore do not help them learn correct speech. The speech therapist should help parents organize this work correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to acquaint parents with the individual characteristics of all aspects of the child’s speech (dictionary, grammatical structure, sound pronunciation) and outline corrective measures. Helping children will then be effective when uniform requirements are imposed on their speech and behavior (both at home and in kindergarten). This is quite achievable if parents attend speech therapy classes and consultations with a speech therapist. The participation of parents in the correction process is very useful both for the child and for the parents themselves. Comprehensive educational work with parents in order to improve their pedagogical culture and establish a unified impact on the child is extremely useful. The result of correctional work depends on the success of cooperation between the teaching staff and parents who have a child with speech disorders. Only in close contact with parents, raising them
pedagogical culture and your teaching experience, you can achieve positive results in correcting speech deficiencies in a child and eliminating the causes of learning difficulties. By participating in the educational process, parents gradually become more active and begin to be more responsible for their children’s homework. Only close contact in the work of a speech therapist and parents can help eliminate speech disorders in preschool age, and therefore further full-fledged schooling.

Working with parents of children in need of correctional and developmental services

One of the most important tasks of organizing correctional and developmental work in a preschool educational institution is to attract parents to active cooperation, because Only in the process of joint activities of the kindergarten and the family is it possible to provide maximum help to a child who is experiencing difficulties in his development.
1.^ Collective forms of communication
In accordance with annual plan: - general parent meetings (once a year); - group parent meetings with the involvement of specialists (at least three times a year); - “Open Day” (in April for parents whose children are entering preschool educational institutions in the next academic year). The following are planned based on parents' requests: - seminars; - trainings;
- “round tables”; - “scheduled consultations”; - “thematic reports” and other collective forms of work with families.
2. ^ Individual forms of family work:
- questionnaires and surveys; - conversations and consultations with a speech therapist (at the request of parents and according to the plan of individual work with parents); - “Parent hour” - held once a week in the afternoon.

“The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children.”
Thousands of families could help their children catch up with their peers in development. Competent assistance from the family to children with developmental delays significantly complements the complex of therapeutic and pedagogical measures in preschool educational institutions. Patience and perseverance, stimulated by love for the child and supported by scientific knowledge, can largely result in the consequences of one or another mistake of nature. Many foreign therapists are convinced that children will not be able to achieve success in therapy until their parents undergo emotional reorientation. They are sure that parental opposition can destroy the most best aspirations children. Parental attitude is defined as a system of various feelings towards the child, behavioral stereotypes practiced in communication with him, features of perception and understanding of the child’s character and personality, and his actions. Child-parent relationships in families of children with developmental disabilities are an extremely important and complex problem. There is no doubt that the social adaptation of a child depends on correct parental (primarily maternal) behavior. Deficiencies in cognitive activity already in early childhood prevent the child from establishing normal relationships with his parents, which complicates the assimilation of social experience, the formation of methods of personal communication, and inhibits the emotional development of children with intellectual disabilities.
Children with developmental disorders need timely, competent diagnosis and corrective education. In addition, such children are often brought up in problem families; the role of the microenvironment, family and type of family upbringing in the formation of the child’s personality is great. The study of families reveals their economic, sociocultural level, characteristics of the family microclimate, conditions for raising a child, and a number of other important strategies and tactics for working with the family and the child. A lack of communication in the family leads to the immaturity of the child’s emotional and volitional sphere and to a lag in the development of intellectual activity. Or, on the contrary, excessive parental control suppresses the child’s activity and independence, develops and consolidates an infantile behavior system in him. Observation and other special studies reveal disharmonious and distorted family upbringing, different emotional reactions of parents to deviations in the development of children, and their difficulties. The family does not always understand the unique personality of the child and inadequately evaluates his mental capabilities. Some parents have a negative attitude towards the recommended health-improving and educational measures, disbelief in the success of working with the child, and doubts about the advisability of changing something. Some parents have neither the desire nor the opportunity to work with the child; this is usually a family with a low socio-economic status, dysfunctional families, with insufficient cultural development. Other parents have an expressed desire to work with the child, but do not have the appropriate material and living conditions. There are parents who want to work with their child, follow all the instructions of specialists, have the appropriate conditions for this, but do not know specifically what they can and should do. Parents, even in favorable families, sometimes lack sufficient knowledge, skills, and the necessary preparation for corrective work with the child. Specialists are faced with the task of finding ways to interact with parents, expanding their knowledge, helping them understand the uniqueness of the child’s personality and correctly determining the ways of educational influence.

Search for new forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in overcoming speech problems

disorders in preschool children
The article reveals the purpose, directions and forms of work with families of pupils with special educational needs. Family is that natural space (speech, educational, developmental) that surrounds the baby from the moment of his birth and which has a decisive influence on his comprehensive development. It is precisely because of the priority role of the family in the process of influencing the child that it is necessary to involve parents as allies in nurturing the development of the child. Multidimensional cooperation with the family is a mandatory, constant element of any developmental program. Teachers in any group must make a lot of effort to create an informal association of all participants in the educational process, in which the leading role, undoubtedly, belongs to the family. One of the authors of the Rainbow program T.N. Doronova, on whose conceptual foundations we build our interaction with parents, assesses the importance of interaction between a preschool institution and the family: “Only through the joint efforts of the family and educational institution You can help a child by treating each other with respect and understanding.” Collaboration with families in speech therapy groups is of particular importance. Timely and complete speech formation in preschool childhood– one of the main conditions for the normal development of a child and his subsequent successful education at school. Any delay and any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech is reflected in his behavior, as well as his activity in its various forms.
Behind last years The percentage of children with speech disorders has increased sharply. Every child with one or another developmental disorder needs effective and rapid rehabilitation, allowing the child to overcome developmental disorders, while he must cope with his difficulties as quickly as possible in order to “catch up” in the development of children who do not have developmental disabilities . This is possible only if a single correctional and developmental space is formed around each such child, which is supported not only by the speech therapist and teachers of the kindergarten that the child attends, but also by the child’s parents. Effective correction of speech and accompanying disorders in a speech therapy group is possible only as a result of integrated approach, that is, with the active, coordinated work of a speech therapist, teachers and parents of a preschooler. Since the best results are observed where teachers and parents act in concert. Such coordinated interaction does not arise immediately. It is preceded by purposeful work. The motto of our work can be expressed in three words: “We accept, we understand, we help.” We build our communication with parents on the principles of trust, dialogue, taking into account the interests of parents and their experience in education. We build partnerships with the families of pupils on the principles laid down in the T.N. program. Doronova: · Mutual respect between teachers and parents; · The uniqueness and individuality of the child’s personality, the inadmissibility of comparing him with other peers; · Involvement of parents in the life of the group; · Dialogue with a specific child and his parents, taking into account the child’s previous experience, his interests, abilities and difficulties; · Respect for the products of children’s activities, support for independence and initiative.” The main goal of cooperation with families of pupils with disabilities is the full development of a child with special educational needs through close interaction of all participants in the correctional and educational process. We cooperate with families of children with speech underdevelopment in several areas. 1. Information and analytical: studying the needs of parents for educational services in order to determine the content and forms of work; establishing continuity and unity of the requirements of the preschool educational institution and the family in the process of raising children; 2. Cognitive: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education and training of preschoolers with special educational needs; involving parents in meaningful activities; 3. Visual and informational: familiarizing parents with the conditions for organizing the educational activities of preschool educational institutions; 4. Leisure activities: involving parents in joint activities. Parents become not outside observers, but active helpers in overcoming speech underdevelopment of children. We use various forms of collaboration between teachers and parents. When choosing forms of work with families, we proceed, first of all, from the characteristics of the team (both teachers and families of students) and taking into account the individualities of its members.
Forms of work with families of pupils

· survey to identify real parental requests;
· viewing of classes and routine moments with subsequent discussion of game correction techniques; · individual and group counseling; · invitation pre-school specialists on questions of interest; · updating thematic materials in parent's corner“To caring and intelligent parents”; · group parent meetings; · round tables “Family through the eyes of a child”, “On the threshold of school”; · open days to get acquainted with the correctional and recreational environment of the “Let's Get Acquainted” group; · informal conversations about children to correct individual development; · practical trainings “Learn dads, learn moms”; · exchange of experience in family education " Family traditions"; · exhibition of pedagogical literature.
· “If you ask, we answer” mailbox; · joint excursions to museums and city centers; · family games like “I give you a word”, “Moneybox of words”; · evening joint creativity"We make toys for finger games"; · publishing activities: production of self-written books, a magazine about the life of the group, booklets, chronicles of the life of the group; · exhibitions of family creativity and collections; photo exhibitions “World of Hobbies”; · joint celebrations and entertainment; · fairs, competitions, conferences; · tea gatherings “Mom’s sweets”. The use of various forms of cooperation with the families of pupils creates a favorable psychological climate for the development of individual characteristics children, increases the cultural and pedagogical level of parents, helps strengthen trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers of the group. In our opinion, the parents of our students: · respect the opinions of the group’s teachers, listen to our recommendations; · show interest in the life and activities of the child in kindergarten; · provide assistance in organizing the lives of children in preschool educational institutions; · actively participate in the preparation and holding of holidays and children's leisure activities; · more often and more engage in joint activities with children at home, play with them. The result of the interaction between teachers and parents is to overcome the child’s speech development disorders, improve the quality of correctional work, and correct deficiencies in the sensory, emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres, which are caused by the characteristics of the speech defect of preschool children.
Conditions for effective interaction between a speech therapist and parents.
Interaction between kindergarten and family is a necessary condition for the full speech development of preschool children, since the best results are observed where speech therapists and parents act in concert. The concept of “interaction with the family” should not be confused with the concept of “working with parents”; although the second is an integral part of the first. Interaction implies not only the distribution of tasks between process participants to achieve a common goal. Interaction necessarily implies control, or feedback; At the same time, control should be unobtrusive and indirect. The success of correctional education is largely determined by how clearly the continuity of work between the speech therapist and parents is organized. They should become employees, colleagues, assistants to each other, solving common problems. Tasks of the speech therapist’s work in interaction with parents:  Establish partnerships with the family of each student;  Join efforts for the development and education of children;  Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support;  To activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. The tasks of parents in correctional work with their children:  Creating conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children;  Conducting targeted and systematic work on the general, speech development of children and the need to correct deficiencies in this development according to the recommendations of specialists. To effectively solve these problems, the speech therapist teacher needs to know each family better, taking into account: - the role of all family members in raising the child; -type of family upbringing; -the position taken by parents in relation to the child. Parents have different demands on their children; some children experience a lack of communication with their parents, because most of the time children are in the care of their grandmothers or older brothers and sisters. If parents try to independently develop and correct their children’s speech, without the help of specialists, they often encounter the following mistakes: - adaptation to the child’s incorrect speech; repeated repetitions of the same exercises; -ignorance of special techniques for monitoring and correcting sounds; - insufficient use of comparison and juxtaposition techniques; - monotony of classes, conducting them without clarity, game techniques, didactic materials, creating appropriate situations; -frequent reprimand and correction of speech without taking into account the place, time and emotional state of the child, inability to emphasize his successes, which causes psychological discomfort; -ignorance of the individual characteristics of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem, help them perceive their child correctly, teach them
act together, present the same requirements for successful correction of speech disorders. An important role in the joint, complex work of the speech therapist and the family is played by questioning parents, which allows you to analyze the relationship between adults and children in the family and plan work with parents for the school year. The entire correctional pedagogical process of interaction with the family includes three blocks: educational, advisory and correctional work itself. The task of the educational block of correctional work with families is to familiarize themselves with the basic patterns of child development, with individual mental characteristics, with the facts and reasons that determined the violation of ontogenesis. The advisory block is represented by an individual form of work with the family. The organization of individual consultations should help parents find answers to existing questions and receive a system of recommendations for building favorable relationships in the family. Individual consultations can be conducted by psychologists, speech therapists, doctors, and teachers. It is possible to consult parents at joint consultations with all specialists at once. Actually, correctional work is aimed at creating optimal conditions in the family for the development and correction of the child’s speech. This block uses various traditional and non-traditional forms
Classification of forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents.
Currently, the methodological literature describes many different forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents. According to the source of information presented to parents, all forms of work can be divided into 3 groups:
verbal, visual and practical.
(Appendix 1) Verbal forms include:  Conversations. Their goal is to provide parents with timely assistance on issues of speech development and correction. During such conversations, instructions are given for the conscious inclusion of parents in the correction process.  Individual consultations – each parent should know as much as possible about their child’s speech disorder and receive the necessary recommendations on how to deal with him at home. By involving parents in discussing various problems, the speech therapist tries to make them want to cooperate.  Round table dialogues with the invitation of specialists (psychologist, health worker, etc.).  Questioning on various types of activities, on issues of moral and physical education, to identify the attitude of parents towards their child’s speech defects. Analysis of the answers makes it possible to properly plan work with parents and outline topics for individual conversations.  Parent meetings– here the foundations of cooperation and interaction are laid, friendships and partnerships are formed, opinions are exchanged, problems that arise in the process of raising and developing a child are solved. These meetings can be held in the form of a classic meeting (providing information to parents, questions from parents, answers from the teacher), but they can also be in the form of trainings, conferences, and role-playing games. Visual forms of work include:  Speech corner - it reflects the preparation of the tongue for articulatory gymnastics.  Information stands - are material that is changed 3 times a year with practical tips and recommendations.  Exhibitions of joint creative works of children and their parents. Practical forms of work include:  Open integrated classes.  Workshops where adults learn practical techniques for working with children.  The speech therapist’s main form of interaction with parents is a homework notebook. It serves as a “helpline” for us - an adult can write in it any question or doubt regarding the quality of the child’s assignments.  Group and mass holidays. Based on the number of interaction participants, we can distinguish
collective and individual
forms of work with parents (Appendix 2). Collective work can be presented in several forms:  Speech at group parent meetings - at the request of group teachers.  Consultations, seminars - it is important for the speech therapist to structure them so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents to solve problems. Individual forms of work include: -Questioning; -Conversations; -Individual workshops; -Notes for homework.
Along with traditional forms of interaction with parents: surveys, meetings, conversations, consultations, etc., nowadays, practicing speech therapists are increasingly using non-traditional forms, such as: a video library, a library of games and exercises. Many classes, as well as some consultations and individual workshops, are filmed. Parents have the opportunity to take a video cassette with classes, consultations, workshops on a topic of interest and watch it at home in order to almost exactly carry out the speech therapist’s tasks with their child. In any form of work with parents, you can find and highlight the “zest” on which parents’ training in practical techniques for correcting and developing children’s speech is based.
7. Modern forms of work between teachers and speech therapists with parents

using ICT:
a) newspaper of the preschool institution “Teremok”, b) individual notebooks for homework, 14 c) awareness-raising work at stands. Advantages of using ICT in interaction with parents: · individual approach to parents of children with speech disorders; · the ability to display and use assignments, photographic materials, pictures and necessary information to parents of children with speech impairments. In recent years, the enrollment of children in kindergarten with delayed mental and speech development. Therefore, in November 2007 it became necessary to create
PMP consultation
, the purpose of which is to: provide diagnostic and correctional, psychological, medical and pedagogical support for pupils with developmental disabilities and close cooperation with parents. The members of the PMPk are: a teacher-speech therapist, an educational psychologist, a teacher of the child being examined and a nurse.
In individual consultations
Parents of graduates are given reminders that reflect the criteria for their children’s level of readiness for school. At the end of the school year, for graduates who studied with a speech therapist and other teachers, and their parents, a
“Prom”, at which children dance, sing songs, read poetry and participate in dramatization of fairy tales, which is the result of work on correction and general speech development during the school year. (Appendix 8) Such holidays are useful for the development of communication skills, increasing self-esteem, awareness of the need for correct speech, and consolidation of the material covered. My work is aimed at providing assistance and support not only to parents of children enrolled in speech therapy classes, but also to everyone. Any parent can contact me for professional advice, consultation on the development of children’s speech, correction and prevention of speech disorders. For the convenience of my parents, I work in the afternoon 3 times a week. The work schedule allocates special time for consultations and conversations with parents.
Visual form of work
very important for parents whose children attend preschool. Most of the information, according to psychologists, we remember by perceiving it visually. The visibility of the campaign is ensured by the use of a variety of accompanying illustrations, demonstrations of practical work, and exhibition material; it serves to stimulate the activity of parents. By introducing various forms of visualization into practice, I activate parents in matters of correcting their child’s speech. For all parents, the “Speech therapist recommends” stand provides information:  about the norms of speech development;  o possible reasons speech disorders;  about the prevention of speech disorders;  about the types and manifestations of speech disorders. I also draw up reminders for parents (Appendix 9), which are offered to parents at the beginning of the school year and posted in the “Speech Pathologist’s Corner.” Parents should pay attention to the fact that children have different speech disorders and exercises for performing articulation and breathing exercises are offered by speech therapists depending on the disorders. In older and preparatory groups informational “Speech therapist corners” have been created, where material on the following topics periodically changes:  “Recommendations for parents on conducting articulation gymnastics”;  “Training fingers - developing speech”;  “Games and exercises for the development of phonemic awareness”;  “The value of formation oral speech in preparation for school";  “Speech games and exercises in the kitchen”;  “How to teach sound-letter analysis”, etc. Of all the listed forms of work, I consider verbal and practical to be the most effective, since they provide an opportunity to directly interact with parents, arouse in them greater interest, an emotional response, and a desire to seek help from a speech therapist .
At the end of my speech therapy work with the child, I ask parents to fill out a feedback book and a questionnaire that allows me to clarify the level of their observation. (Appendix 10) Some parents very quickly forget what kind of speech their child came to the speech therapist with; it begins to seem to them that the child always spoke this way. There are very few grateful parents, and this is a way to remind them of the changes in their children's speech. After all speech sounds have already been established and automated, I give recommendations to parents on how to control their child’s speech after stopping speech therapy classes. To avoid relapses, parents should monitor the child’s speech at home for some time and correct the child in case of incorrect pronunciation. Even with violations of sound pronunciation, a return to the old articulation may occur, which is more strengthened than the newly developed articulation. Here it is important to make parents understand that the newly acquired skill of correct speech is still very fragile and therefore, for its full automation, a certain amount of time and continuous work to consolidate it is necessary. Experience shows that working with parents of children with pronunciation problems should be considered an important part of correctional work. CONCLUSION The problem of the collaboration between kindergarten and family is not new. But today it is creative in nature through a differentiated approach to family and children. You have to learn this. Each of the above-described forms of interaction with parents brings “fruit” in its own way in the work of a speech therapist teacher. And the most important “fruit” is the achievements and successes of children, mutual understanding with parents and the joy of communicating with them. Of course, not all parents immediately contact us, but we try to work so that they understand: teachers want to help their children overcome difficulties, so it is necessary to strive for mutual understanding and cooperation. This is the only way we can achieve positive results.
To achieve optimal results of correctional pedagogical work, the following requirements must be met: 1. Classes must be conducted systematically, both in preschool educational institutions and at home. 2. In preschool educational institutions and in the family, it is necessary to take an individual approach to the child. 3. Parents must strictly comply with the requirements of the speech therapist and teachers. 4. The speech material that the baby learns at home must be compiled and systematized; clearly explain to him and his parents how and how much to do the exercises (tasks) at home. 5. Constantly ensure joint fruitful activities of the speech therapist, teacher, parents and other specialists. 6. Maintain mutual understanding between parents and children. 7. A speech therapist teacher should use in his work various shapes interaction with parents, taking into account their level of education and interests. Over the years of work, this practice of interaction with parents has proven to be quite effective:  children began to better assimilate the material covered;  most children study with interest with a speech therapist and at home with their parents;  the level of speech and emotional development children;  the activity and competence of parents in the correctional pedagogical process has increased. The involvement of parents in the educational process, their interested participation in correctional pedagogical activities is important not because the speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. Today we can say that I have developed a certain system in arranging, systematizing; clearly explain to him and his parents how and how much to do the exercises (tasks) at home. 5. Constantly ensure joint fruitful activities of the speech therapist, teacher, parents and other specialists. 6. Maintain mutual understanding between parents and children. 7. A speech therapist teacher must use various forms of interaction with parents in his work, taking into account their level of education and interests. Over the years of work, this practice of interaction with parents has proven to be quite effective:  children began to better assimilate the material covered;  most children study with interest with a speech therapist and at home with their parents;  the level of speech and emotional development of children has increased;  the activity and competence of parents in the correctional pedagogical process has increased. The involvement of parents in the educational process, their interested participation in correctional pedagogical activities is important not because the speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. Today we can say that I have developed a certain system in working with parents, a system of mutual respect has been created. The use of various forms of work yielded certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistants to the speech therapist teacher.

Often in preschool educational institutions the problem of interaction between specialists and educators arises. A group of speech therapists from a preschool educational institution in the city of Perm, as part of their work problem group At the MBOU "Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support" in the city of Perm, an attempt was made to collect positive experience on this issue from different institutions. I want to analyze and present the generalized experience of this group.

Target: building a unified system of interaction between a speech therapist and preschool educators

  1. Develop unified (variable) approaches to the interaction between a speech therapist and a preschool teacher.
  2. Select new effective and exchange existing forms of interaction in the conditions of a specialized group or preschool educational institution and in the conditions of a logo center (interaction technology).
  3. To delineate the areas of responsibility of the speech therapist and preschool educators
    in correctional and developmental work.
  4. Select software for interaction between a speech therapist and teacher using ICT.

Work plan:

  1. Interaction between a speech therapist and educators during diagnosis, determination of volumes and spheres of influence, forms of cooperation.
  2. Interaction between a speech therapist and educators during correctional and developmental activities, forms of cooperation.
  3. Functionality of a speech therapist and educators.
  4. Building interaction using information and computer technologies.

Planned result: selection and development of unified (variable) approaches to the interaction between a speech therapist and preschool teachers.

Speech therapy center of a general education preschool educational institution: interaction between a speech therapist and teachers

The theoretical basis and practical material are presented in the manual by I. A. Mikheeva and co-authors “Interaction in the work of a teacher and a speech therapist.” The manual is aimed at attracting teachers and parents to actively participate in correctional speech therapy work to overcome a speech defect in a child. The author-compilers divided them into lexical topics and included in the manual: descriptions of finger games and exercises for coordinating speech with movement; tasks aimed at developing general speech skills based on texts; a large number of games for the development of auditory and visual attention, phonemic awareness, to enrich the vocabulary and improve the grammatical structure of speech; as well as poems, riddles and texts for retelling. The exercises and texts proposed in the manual are aimed at working with children aged 5-7 years.

We have made an attempt to differentiate the work of a teacher and a speech therapist in the main areas, to determine the points of contact of interaction: diagnosis, correction, prevention.

Diagnostic work

Educator Teacher speech therapist
Conducts diagnostics of general development.

Reports to the speech therapist the results of his observations of the child in various types activities; the history of his early speech development and the conditions of family education.

Based on the diagnostic data of the speech therapist, he plans classes with children based on the main correctional tasks.

Conducts an annual comprehensive speech therapy examination of all children of middle and senior preschool age, the results of which are reflected for each group of children:
  • in the "Sound Pronunciation Screens", which clearly indicate sounds that are disturbed
  • in the pronunciation of each child, as well as the stages of work on them,
  • - “interaction tables”, which reflect the level of development of the structural components of speech;
  • - in the “Sheets for recording the results of examination of children”, in which each child is classified into one of the following groups: with normal speech development, sound pronunciation defects (simple dyslalia, complex dyslalia, erased dysarthria), lexical and grammatical disorders, underdevelopment of phonemic perception, syllabic disorders structures experiencing difficulties in mastering language analysis and synthesis.

Corrective work

Educator Speech therapist
Monitors children's speech in classes and during routine moments.

Engaged in the development of fine and articulatory motor skills.

Provides assistance in automating delivered sounds.

Helps improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop phonemic perception and syllable structure.

Conducts the necessary work with parents to optimize the correction process.

Provides assistance to the teacher in organizing individual and group work on speech development.

Preventative work

Forms of work on interaction with educators used in practice

1. Individual work for one month in the following sections: work on sound automation and control over them; work on fine motor skills; overcoming lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech on a certain lexical topic; development of coherent speech. Based on this table - a diagram of individual work, the teacher can build his classes taking into account the speech problems of each child. During a lesson on the sound culture of speech, each child can be asked to parse words with the sounds that they are corrected by a speech therapist.

2. Observations on the dynamics of sound production in children. Observing the dynamics allows the teacher to visually track the dynamics of the sound pronunciation of all speech children in a group or a specific child. Based on conventions, the teacher offers the child only the speech material that he can handle. It becomes easier for the teacher to choose poems for the holiday (in case of difficulties, a speech therapist helps). Fewer problems arise in classes: the teacher knows what answers he can expect from the child and does not strive to demand impossible efforts from the latter. Thus, the child has no fear of answering in class, and there is no reinforcement of incorrect pronunciation of those sounds that he cannot yet master. Sometimes teachers persistently ask to repeat a word with a sound that the child does not have, and begin to get angry if the child does something wrong.

4. Speech therapy memos and booklets, issued once every 2 months,
to help teachers and parents overcome speech problems. Production of thematic speech therapy booklets “Speech Therapy Path” and memos that would help educators and parents without special education master the skills of speech therapy correctional assistance for their children. Colorfully designed booklets attract the attention of not only adults, but also children who want to take part in playing with them.

5. Selection of speech material: pure sayings, rhymes, poems, tasks and exercises for correcting various components of speech activity. When selecting speech material, the teacher must remember the speech problems of each child. Therefore, we help select speech material that corresponds to the normal sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders. We recommend that educators work with ready-made printed publications; we advise them to use literature and speech material that is correct from a speech therapy perspective.

Distinguishing the functions of a speech therapist and a teacher in a speech group and a speech kindergarten

  • Problems that complicate the joint activities of a speech therapist and a teacher: combining the program " Correctional education and teaching children with general speech underdevelopment (5-6 years old)" by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina with the basic general education program of the MDOU;
  • the absence of requirements for the organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educators in the regulatory documents and methodological literature available today;
  • difficulty in distributing planned correctional work within working hours and SaNPiN requirements;
  • lack of a clear division of functions between the teacher and the speech therapist;
  • the impossibility of mutual attendance at classes between a speech therapist and a teacher in different age groups.

The combination of programs is discussed in the manual: L.R. Lizunova “Organization of a unified educational space for children with speech disorders in conditions of the preschool educational institution"The manual examines the issues of creating optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming and preventing speech disorders in pupils of preschool educational institutions. Structural, organizational and programmatic and methodological aspects of the upbringing and training of children with speech disorders are the result of research and correctional educational activities of preschool educational institutions The presented program and methodological materials include a description of the structural components of the system of correctional, developmental and preventive work, directions for organizing a unified speech regime, program content and planning of complex educational activities of teachers of a preschool educational institution in order to organize a unified educational space for children with speech disorders development.

Practicing teachers-speech therapists organize joint activities in accordance with the following goals:

  • increasing the efficiency of correctional and educational work
  • eliminating duplication of speech therapist classes by the teacher
  • optimization of organizational and content aspects of the correctional and pedagogical activities of speech therapists and educators, both for the entire group of children and for each child.

Joint correctional work in a speech group involves solving the following tasks:

  • speech therapist forms primary speech skills in speech-language pathologist children
  • teacher consolidates formed speech skills

Main types of organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and teacher

1. Joint study of the content of the training and education program in a special preschool institution and drawing up a joint work plan.

2. Joint planning of the teacher’s classes, ensuring the necessary consolidation of the material in various types of children’s activities.

3. Discussion of the results of joint study of children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life.

4. Joint preparation for all children's holidays (the speech therapist selects speech material, and the teacher reinforces it).

Educator Speech therapist
Plans and organizes classes taking into account the next topic, and their tasks are related to tasks of speech therapy classes. Plans and organizes classes taking into account the age and individual speech development disorders of children.
Forms in children the necessary level of knowledge on a vocabulary topic during walks, during drawing, modeling and design lessons. Conducts the main vocabulary work
The teacher teaches children to clearly express their requests and desires, and to answer questions in beautiful, complete sentences.

When observing objects of reality, the teacher introduces children with new words, clarifies their meaning, promotes their repetition in different situations, their activation in children’s own speech.

Based on the knowledge gained during observations, he conducts correctional and developmental speech exercises and improves children's speech skills.
Necessarily encourages the child to take the initiative to speak out.

It does not stop children, suppressing their desire to speak out, but, on the contrary, supports initiative, expands the content of the conversation with questions, and creates interest in the topic of conversation among other children.

Working on familiarization children with new words, clarification of their meanings and activation, selects lexical material on the topic.
Forms technical and visual skills In subgroup classes consolidates technical skills and visual skills, with the goal of further forming such complex forms of speech as planning speech. Thanks to this, children’s speech in class becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.
Conduct classes on clarification movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus daily using a set of articulation exercises. Unlearning a set of necessary articulation exercises, provides them to the teacher for fastening.
Provides assistance speech therapist in introducing the sounds assigned by the speech therapist into the child’s speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes and tongue twisters. Places and enters sounds in speech prepares speech material for automation of sounds by the teacher.
Strengthens skills in coherent speech through poems, etc. Conducts development classes coherent speech, prepares material for reinforcement by the teacher.
Provides complete practical familiarity with objects and their intended use in everyday life. Deepens vocabulary work, forms lexical and grammatical categories in children, and during special exercises ensures their conscious use in verbal communication.
Conducts classes on speech development, familiarization with the environment (cognitive development) according to a special system, taking into account lexical topics;
  • replenishes, clarifies and activates children’s vocabulary, using routine moments for this;
  • controls the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children’s speech throughout the entire time of communication with them;
  • When planning classes on writing and developing graphic skills, he is guided by the methodological instructions of the speech therapist.
In frontal classes, he formulates topics;
  • works with children on pronunciation, sound analysis,
  • teaches elements of literacy,
  • at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories.

Supervises the teacher’s work in expanding, clarifying and activating vocabulary, mastering grammatical categories, and developing coherent speech.

Functionality of a speech therapist:

  • Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.
  • Formation of correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.
  • Work on correcting sound pronunciation.
  • Improving phonemic perception and sound analysis and synthesis skills.
  • Work on correcting the syllabic structure of a word.
  • Formation of syllable reading.
  • Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.
  • Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.
  • Prevention of writing and reading disorders.
  • Development of mental functions closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.

Functionality of the teacher:

  • Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.
  • Replenishment, clarification and activation of children's vocabulary on the current lexical topic in the process of all regime moments.
  • Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and gross motor skills.
  • Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during all routine moments.
  • Incorporation of practiced grammatical structures into situations of natural communication in children.
  • Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, familiarization with fiction, work on retelling and composing all types of storytelling).
  • Strengthening reading and writing skills.
  • Strengthening children's speech skills in individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist.
  • Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.

Forms of interaction

Integrated classes - as a form of joint activity of specialists, educators and parents. Increase professional competence. They solve preventive problems in a comprehensive manner.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher using ICT

  • Conducting a speech therapy group by the teacher at special times and during speech therapy hour in the afternoon, on the recommendation of a speech therapist, finger games with children, breathing exercises using a computer
  • use of a certain video sequence (for example, picture material on lexical topics) for demonstration on comprehensive classes carried out jointly by the teacher and the speech therapist of the speech therapy group, as well as for reinforcement by the teacher educational material in his classes and during special moments in the afternoon
  • the use of various speech therapy games and exercises in individual lessons of the teacher on the instructions of the speech therapist.

Speech therapy classes using computer programs and technologies are conducted in compliance with SanPiNov standards:

  • using new computer models
  • working with a computer in one lesson for a short time (5-10 minutes) and no more than twice a week (individually, depending on the age of the child, his nervous system)
  • Carrying out hygienic exercises for the eyes; while working, we periodically move the child’s gaze from the monitor every 1.5 - 2 minutes for a few seconds
  • inclusion in speech therapy games activities aimed at preventing visual impairment and developing visual-spatial relationships


  1. L.R. Lizunova. Organization of a unified educational space for children with speech impairments in preschool educational institutions: Software and methodological manual. - Perm: Publishing house "From and to", 2010. - 114 p.
  2. Mikheeva I. A., Chesheva S. V., Chesheva S. V.
  3. Interaction in the work of a teacher and a speech therapist: A file of tasks for children 5-7 years old with general speech underdevelopment. (Popular Speech Therapy) Series:

Working on the problem of organizing the work of a speech therapist with a family, you come to the conclusion that interaction with a child’s family is one of the difficult aspects of a speech therapist’s work. Often teachers experience difficulties in establishing contact with parents of students. In modern educational conditions, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents are direct full participants in the educational process. And the task of teachers is to create such conditions, use such methods and forms of work so that the inclusion of the family becomes the most effective, productive and beneficial in achieving common goals.

Traditional forms of working with parents (conversations, consultations, parent-teacher meetings) did not allow them to become full participants in the learning process. As a rule, they acted as passive observers or listeners. Such forms of interaction did not allow taking into account the characteristics of the child and family. Parents could not influence the correction process. In turn, the specialist could not attract parents to his side as direct assistants.

Performed analysis traditional forms The work of a speech therapist with a family in kindergarten showed that:
- work with parents was not carried out in a differentiated manner, the characteristics of the child and family were not taken into account;
- parents could not influence the pedagogical process. They were involved only in the implementation of organizational issues.

Traditional forms, when executed well, undoubtedly achieve their goal. Many of them are useful, interesting and necessary, as they were aimed at interacting with a wide range of parents, with the entire parent group of the group.

In modern conditions, more relevant are forms of work that provide solutions to the problem of each child and family individually.

That is why active interaction between specialists and parents is currently in demand, which would improve the pedagogical culture of parents and develop in them the necessary pedagogical skills.

One of the most important areas of correctional work with preschoolers is the correction of speech disorders, prevention speech disorders, early diagnosis, preparing children with speech impairments for school. Many years of experience show that the success of correctional education is largely determined by how clearly continuity is organized in the work of the speech therapist and parents. No educational system can be fully effective if the family is not involved in it. Parents are often not competent in matters of mental and speech development of children. In order for the cooperation between the speech therapist and the family to be most effective, it is necessary to clearly define the tasks of speech therapy work. It is important for a speech therapist to involve parents in correctional work and familiarize them with the methods of teaching and developing speech. To help parents see the child’s current problem, or, conversely, to convince them of the child’s success in mastering certain knowledge and skills. Convince parents that it is necessary to consolidate the studied material at home.

Organization of work with families in preschool educational institutions is carried out in the following directions:

- acquaintance with the primary, intermediate results of psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy examination;
- acquaintance with age characteristics mental development, stages of development of children's speech;
- acquaintance with methods and techniques of correctional and developmental influence.

- involving parents in active participation in the correctional process to overcome the child’s speech defect;
- training parents in methods of correctional and developmental work with a child;
- formation of parents’ ideas about readiness for school.

Organization of interaction between a speech therapist and parents of students

When building effective interaction with parents, it is necessary to consider some important points:

1 . Creating an objective positive image of the child among parents. A speech therapist teacher should never make complaints to parents about a child. Even if a child cannot cope with something, or experiences certain difficulties in learning, the teacher’s task is to find something positive that the child has, which he can cope well with, and based on this, solve certain problems. In a conversation with a teacher, a parent should not feel that his child is worse than other children. A teacher should never compare one child with another. But at the same time, the speech therapist should not hush up and hide from parents important information about certain problems related to their child. Parents must be fully informed about the child’s development, and the speech therapist’s task is to find such an approach to each parent and convey this information to parents so that it is not perceived negatively.

2. Transferring to parents knowledge about the child, about his life in the preschool educational institution. The speech therapist must systematically provide parents with information about the successes of learning and the difficulties of their child’s development in the speech therapy group, the peculiarities of his communication with other children, and introduce him to the results of correctional activities.

3. Establishing trust. We can talk about establishing positive interaction if parents begin to trust the teacher with their problems and difficulties in raising and educating their child. At this stage, the active role belongs to the parents, the speech therapist only supports the dialogue. Without giving your assessments. It must be remembered that information received from parents is strictly confidential and can only be used to organize positive interactions.

4. Joint work on the formation and development of the child’s personality. Only at this stage can a teacher who has won the trust of parents give advice and recommendations to parents.

Modern forms of interaction between a speech therapist and a family in a preschool educational institution.

Parent meetings. This type of interaction remains relevant today. Parents are offered various topics for meetings: “Results of a survey of children’s speech at the beginning of the school year”, “Introducing parents to the tasks and content of correctional work”, “Joint work of kindergarten and parents to prepare the child for school”, “Development fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing", "Results of correctional work for the year". Parent meetings can be organized, for example, in the form of a "round table" or a "speech therapy lounge". The most important thing is to create a trusting and positive atmosphere so that every parent can feel comfortable .

Maintaining homework notebooks for joint activities. This type of interaction is also very valuable for a specialist because here one can monitor the effectiveness of organizing the interaction of all participants in the educational process. The homework notebook is a connecting link in the “speech therapist-child-parent” system. The speech therapist provides parents with the opportunity to monitor the dynamics of the child’s learning and organize their participation in the implementation of homework. This type of work is the most optimal way to individually interact with parents. The parent becomes a full participant in the correction process. Helps the child in completing certain tasks, knows what stage of learning his child is at, knows what the child can’t do, and what the child can do well. In turn, the speech therapist has the opportunity to assess the degree of participation and desire of parents to participate in the correction process by the quality of homework performed. By giving each child his own individual task, the speech therapist has the opportunity to fully implement an individual approach. Maintaining home notebooks directly affects the performance of the speech therapist.

Organization of parent community in social network"In contact with". This type of interaction has become the most relevant and popular lately. Universal accessibility to Internet resources allows the speech therapist to maintain contact with the parents of students, albeit at a distance, and parents, in turn, can keep up to date with the news, share information with each other about the educational process, even with limited time and the impossibility of direct participation in the life of a child in a preschool educational institution.

Club for parents "Speech therapy lounge" This form of interaction allows us to solve many problems. Parents take an active part in planning and organizing the work of the club. Current issues are put on the agenda, and ways to solve problems are considered. Parents conduct training games and master classes for other parents. In this way, they can fully realize themselves as full participants in the educational process.

Testing and questionnaires. Firstly, it allows you to identify the most pressing problems for parents. Secondly, they allow the speech therapist to organize his work more effectively, in accordance with the needs of parents.

Home game library. This section introduces parents to simple, but very interesting, and most importantly useful games for children, it includes a description of games that promote the development of a child’s speech, which parents could play with their child at any time convenient for them: “In the kitchen”, “On the way to kindergarten”, “In a free moment”.

A collection of methodological recommendations. It has proven itself well in organizing homework by parents in compensatory groups. Every week, new information is added to the collection, recommended tasks for parents, poems, riddles to consolidate those skills that children have mastered over a certain period of time. This allows parents to see what the child has learned this week and continue working at home to consolidate these skills.

Open days. Parents attend individual and subgroup classes, watch how the children are doing, what they need to reinforce at home, what else needs to be worked on. Often the speech therapist himself invites parents to such classes.

Seminars - workshops. At such events, parents have the opportunity to get new, useful information. They also have the opportunity to practice performing certain tasks under the strict guidance of a speech therapist. For example, in performing articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, try out some of the types of aids that the speech therapist uses in classes. As a rule, such workshops have very positive reviews from parents; they bring them closer to teachers and allow them to better understand the specifics of the work.

Master classes. Allow parents to learn new things. He becomes one step closer to a specialist and becomes a bit of a teacher himself in working with his child.

Holidays, entertainment, speech therapy KVNs, quizzes. Parents are invited to participate. At the end of the year or during the year, parents are invited to these holidays, where children demonstrate all their knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the year. What is important is that parents also become active participants in these events.

Joint projects. They allow all participants in the educational process to express themselves in a new way, to discover new opportunities for the implementation of their skills. Projects allow you to diversify and enrich the educational process, making it more interesting. Parents, children and, of course, specialists actively participate in the projects. For example, parents, together with their children, actively participate in creating books of fairy tales about a funny tongue, creating illustrations for folding books, etc.

Speech therapy page on the website of a preschool educational institution or the personal website of a speech therapist. On the website of the preschool educational institution or on his personal website, the specialist posts various information relevant to parents: consultations on topics of interest, video and photo reports on ongoing projects and open events and classes, intermediate and final results of speech therapy examinations, videos of training master classes, etc. d. The availability of this information allows you to interact with parents more effectively. The use of this resource increases the competence, education and awareness of parents.

Mailbox “Ask a question to an expert.” This form of work allows the speech therapist to provide feedback to parents. A parent has the opportunity to anonymously ask a specialist a question and receive an answer without meeting him in person. Such mailboxes are installed on each group. This type of interaction is necessary for very busy parents who do not have the opportunity to personally meet with a speech therapist, as well as for parents who, for various reasons, are afraid or embarrassed to ask this or that question.

Visual aids are widely used when working with parents:
- special speech therapy corners “Speaking correctly” “Advice from a speech therapist”;
- information stands;
- thematic exhibitions of books;
- manuals, memos, samples of completed tasks.

The advantages of new forms and methods of interaction between teachers and parents are undeniable and numerous.

Firstly, this is the positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents towards working together on raising and teaching children. Parents are always confident that teachers will always help in solving pedagogical problems and at the same time will not harm. Since they will take into account the opinion of the family and suggestions for interaction with the child. Teachers, in turn, gain understanding from parents in solving problems. And the biggest winners are the children for whose sake this interaction is carried out.

Secondly, This is taking into account the child's individuality. The teacher constantly maintains contact with the family, knows the characteristics of each child and takes them into account when working, which, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of the teaching process.

Third, this is the strengthening of family ties, which, unfortunately, is also a problematic issue in pedagogy and psychology today.

Fourth, this is an opportunity to implement a unified program for the upbringing and development of a child in a preschool educational institution and in the family.

When implementing new types of interaction with families, it is possible to avoid those disadvantages that are inherent in old forms of working with families. Analyzing the results of your work pleases both children and, of course, their parents. They themselves begin to take an interest in the success of their children, offer help, control and focus on beautiful, correct speech.

These forms of work make it possible to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process, imply the establishment of trusting partnerships between teachers and parents, and awareness by parents of their role in the education and upbringing of the child. As a result, the main goal of this interaction is achieved - to provide the most favorable conditions for full and comprehensive development child.