Project “Land of Beautiful Speech. Project "speech therapy paths" Explanatory note for the speech therapy project

Project " Difficult sounds»

Project name:Difficult sounds.

Project Manager:Timoshenkova Nadezhda Georgievna

Project type:creative.

Project participants:speech therapist teacher, students primary classes, parents.


Sounds are the main building material of human speech, and only with their clear, accurate transmission can speech be understood correctly, and therefore serve as a means of communication.

Correct pronunciation is necessary for a child for confident communication, successful learning, competent reading and writing, and harmonious development. According to scientific research, approximately 40% of children in our country, whose speech should be formed, pronounce sounds incorrectly native language, and the number of such children is not decreasing.

Impaired sound pronunciation is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious obstacle to a child’s mastery of written language. It negatively affects the child’s emotional state, his self-esteem, the formation of personality traits, and communication with peers.


Violations of sound pronunciation in children lead to the phenomena of dyslexia and dysgraphia when studying at school.


correction of children's sound pronunciation through entertaining visual and didactic material.


    Arouse children's interest in correctional activities.

    To develop the sound culture of speech in the interrelation of different speech tasks: formation grammatical structure speech, vocabulary work and coherent speech.

    To form and improve the sound culture of speech in children (to develop articulatory motor skills, diction, intonation expressiveness, phonemic perception).

    To promote the formation of a sound culture of speech in children with special needs in all types of activities: in classes, in games, in routine moments.

    Develop children's communication skills, develop self-confidence.

    To form emotional contact between parents and children, to enrich child-parent relationships through joint creative activities.

Project stages


    study the experience of famous teachers working on this topic and the experience of colleagues;

    create a developmental environment in the group (speech corner) and classrooms;

    prepare educational and gaming material for individual and group work with kids;

    Conduct diagnostics of children and questionnaires with parents.

Main stage:

    develop sound culture of speech in all classes and lessons

    carry out speech development at school and at home using entertaining material

    involve parents in the process of automating assigned sounds (homework, “For you, parents” corner, consultations, conversations, open classes)

    designing individual folders with tasks for sound automation

The final stage:

    diagnostics of children.

    Parent meeting.

    parent survey.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanisms for achieving the goals (methods, forms, means of implementation).

To implement the project in correctional classes, we use the following methods and techniques:

    verbal: (pure sayings, proverbs, riddles, sayings, poems, stories);

    visual (demonstration material);

    practical: (board games, didactic games and exercises, crosswords, puzzles).

The use of riddles, stories, crosswords, and puzzles makes the lesson more emotional and interesting. The use of learning tools such as a computer will help make the process of implementing assigned tasks more interesting. Every speech therapist has computer games and programs for developing sound pronunciation.

Without the participation of parents, I think it is impossible to achieve this goal. That’s why I hold parent meetings where we tell them what successes we have achieved. We also conduct workshops and consultations, where we teach parents how to study at home. The school has a corner “For you, parents,” where recommendations are given both on the development of speech sound culture and on other sections of the program. Questionnaires are conducted periodically.

Calendar plan project implementation.

Estimated date of the event

Event name




Parent meeting “Diagnostic results and planned correctional and speech therapy work for the year”


Master classes for parents on sound automation. Design of the stand “For you, parents”


Design of individual folders with tasks, crossword puzzles, and pictures to automate sounds


Consultations for parents and teachers


Open classes for parents


Children's participation in festive concert for moms


A week correct speech


Final classes

Expected result:

    children's interest in learning activities will increase;

    the quality of sound pronunciation will improve;

    the level of development of mental processes will increase.

This project can be used by speech therapists in working with children with impaired sound pronunciation not only at speech centers of secondary schools, but also in correctional schools, as well as in kindergartens, as the number of children with sound pronunciation disorders is increasing.

Assessment of the effectiveness of project implementation:

Carrying out diagnostic examination revealed positive dynamics in development:

    sound pronunciations;

    mental processes;

    communicative functions of speech.

Further development of the project:

Intended use of this project:

    in working with newly arriving children in 1st grade;

    implementation innovative technologies to improve the correctional educational process;

    exchange of experience with colleagues.

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Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Firefly" Sovetsky" Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Speech therapy project Topic: “Little literate people” Speech therapy games in the development of phonemic hearing in children 6 - 7 years old

SMALL LITERATURES Practice-oriented project of speech therapist teacher Irina Anatolyevna Karavanova

Relevance of the project The lack of full perception of phonemes leads to the following violations: the phonetic side of speech suffers; the syllabic structure of the word; vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech; the formation of sound analysis and synthesis is impossible. Which in the future will lead to dyslexia and dysgraphia.

Type of project According to the composition of participants: individual-subgroup (for children), group (for teachers and parents). By implementation period: long-term (1 year) By target, practice-oriented

Project participants: children of the Kalinka preparatory group attending speech therapy center Group teachers Parents Age of children: 6-7 years old with FFND, OHP level III Problem significant for children, which the project aims to solve: underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in children 6-7 years old

The goal of the project is the formation of phonemic hearing in children 6 - 7 years old through didactic games

Objectives For children: For teachers: For parents: Develop auditory perception Develop skills in perceiving and reproducing simple and complex rhythms Learn to differentiate speech sounds by hardness - softness, sonority - deafness. Develop skills in sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Teach syllable division. Introduce letters. Training in special methods and techniques in conducting games and exercises for the development of auditory perception, phonemic hearing, development of rhythmic sense, speech breathing. Involve parents in correctional work with children with speech disorders. Introduce parents to use speech games on the development of phonemic hearing at home.

Novelty of the project Inclusion of games and exercises to develop the rhythmic sense. Children with phonemic disorders find it quite difficult to perform tasks for assessing and perceiving rhythms, due to impaired auditory perception. Even when playing single-rest rhythms, they make mistakes. It is difficult for them to count the number of claps, blows, and then reproduce them. Games for the development of rhythmic sense create the necessary basis for the development of phonemic perception, teach not just to hear, but also to listen, compare and evaluate sounds by the force of impact.

Expected results For children For teachers For parents Perceive complex rhythms according to the verbal instructions of the teacher. Perform sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Divide words into syllables. Differentiate sounds by sonority - deafness, hardness - softness. Determine the position of a sound in a word. Know the letters of the Russian alphabet. Enrich with knowledge and skills to carry out work on the development of sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Enrich and replenish knowledge practical material necessary for the development of phonemic hearing in children

Project product For a speech therapist For children For teachers For parents Long-term planning of didactic games and exercises for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old Didactic games for the development of rhythmic sense, phonemic hearing Collective album “My Favorite Letter”, individual notebook “Literate Notebook” Card index of didactic games for the development of phonemic hearing, master class, consultations. Show on parent meeting techniques for conducting didactic games, photo collage “We are playing,” moving folders, master class, game booklets.

Form of work with children Didactic games and exercises Work in “Literate notebooks” Compilation of a collective album “My favorite letter”

games Games with children Development of phonemic analysis Assessment and perception of rhythms Development of auditory perception Development of sound synthesis Determination of sound position Syllabic analysis and synthesis Differentiation of sound in a word Isolation of sound in a word Introducing letters

Form of work by parents and teachers Speech therapist Speech therapy workshop School speech development Parent meetings Folders Master class Questionnaire Consultations Workshop

Stages of project implementation Diagnostic (speech therapy examination) Main (project implementation) Final

Stage 1 Diagnostic Timing of behavior Type of activity Responsible September (from 1 to 15) Speech therapy examination, collection of anamnestic data about the child, individual conversations with parents, observations of children Speech therapist teacher

Stage 2 Main (within school year, responsible teacher-speech therapist) work with children DATES TYPE OF ACTIVITY RESPONSIBLE September-May Didactic games and exercises Speech therapist teacher, teachers September-May Filling out “Literate notebooks”, designing a collective album “My Favorite Letter” Speech therapist teacher May Final event “ On a visit to ABC" Teacher-speech therapist, teachers

Work with teachers Dates Type of activity Responsible September-October Compiling a card index of didactic games for the formation and development of children’s phonemic hearing Teacher-speech therapist October Consultation “Features of the development of phonemic hearing in children” Teacher-speech therapist November Consultation with showing the presentation “Games for developing a sense of rhythm in children” children of the preparatory group" Speech therapist teacher December Speech therapy workshop "Sound analysis of words" Speech therapist teacher February Workshop "Phonics Lessons" Speech therapist teacher March Master class "Development of sound-letter analysis skills in preschool children" Speech therapist teacher April Teacher's report - speech therapist at the pedagogical council on correctional work with children Speech therapist teacher

Work with parents Dates Type of activity Responsible September Questionnaire Teacher-speech therapist October Open days, speech at the parent meeting “Speech readiness of the child for school”, memo for parents “Calendar of speech development of a preschooler” Teacher-speech therapist November Consultation in the mobile folder “Phonemic” hearing is the basis of correct speech" Teacher-speech therapist December School of speech development "Phonics lessons", memo for parents When working with your child, remember..." Teacher-speech therapist January Speech at a parent meeting "The influence of phonemic hearing on school learning" Teacher-speech therapist February Consultation in sliding folder “Developing phonemic awareness in preschoolers” Teacher-speech therapist March Consultation in sliding folder “Introducing children to letters” Teacher-speech therapist April Speech therapy workshop “How to help a child if he forgets, confuses, or writes letters incorrectly?” Speech therapist teacher May Speech at the final parent meeting with a report on the correctional work carried out: “Our successes”, photo collage “We are playing”, memo for parents “Check at your leisure...” Speech therapist teacher

Stage 3 Final Month For children For teachers For parents April-May Final lesson“On a visit to the ABC”, sections of knowledge according to the method of V. I. Yashina Questioning Final parent meeting with a video showing “Our successes”, photo collage “We are playing”, survey

Results of the work The analysis of the study of the level of speech preparation of children for studying at school in the section of studying the level of practical awareness of the elements of language showed the following results: sound pronunciation Sound-letter analysis Syllabic analysis and synthesis Violation at the beginning of the year 100% At the end of the year noted positive results 85% Violation at the beginning of the year 100% Positive results were noted at the end of the year 78% Violation at the beginning of the year 100% Positive results were noted at the end of the year 95%

Literature Altukhova N. G. Sound mosaic - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2000 Bondarenko V. I. Didactic games in kindergarten, M: Education, 1991 Bugrimenko E. I., Tsukerman G. A. Learning to read and write, M: Knowledge, 1994 Vasilyeva S.A., Sokolova N.V. Speech therapy games for preschoolers-M: School-Press, 1999 Vygodskaya I.G. Berkovskaya N.V., Zvukograd, Bukvograd, Zlatoustiya M: Linka-Press, 1999 Mednikova L.S., On the problem of developing the rhythmic ability of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities // Defectology-2001. No. 6 Special course: “Teaching preschoolers to read and write” / Zhurova L.E., Varentsova N.S., etc. Edited by Durova N.V. -M: A.P.O., 1994 Shvaiko G.S. Games and play exercises for speech development: A book for educators kindergarten: From work experience. Edited by Gerbova V. B-2nd edition revised - M: Prosveshchenie, 1998 Yashina V. I. Study of the level of speech readiness of children for learning at school / Special course: Diagnosis of children's readiness for learning at school. M.: Association “Vocational Education” 1994

Appendix Questionnaires for parents Table of examination of the phonemic aspect of speech Long-term plan didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old Card index of didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old for educators Master class for teachers and parents with a presentation “Development of the skill of sound-letter analysis of words in children of senior preschool age” Consultations “Introducing children to letters”, “The influence of phonemic hearing on school learning” Presentation of games “Games for developing a sense of rhythm in children of the preparatory group” School of speech development “Phonics lessons” Collective album “My favorite letter” “Literate notebook” (individual notebooks for children )

Working with children Distinguishing sounds by their sonority and deafness Game “Fishing Rod”

Games for the formation of sound analysis Fairy tale “Turnip” (determination of ordinal series) Sound analysis

My favorite letter Letters made from pebbles and laces

Children's product of the project Individual notebooks for children Collective album “My Favorite Letter”

Working with teachers Master class “Methodology for developing the skill of sound-letter analysis in children of senior preschool age”

Working with parents

Speech therapy workshop with parents How to properly perform articulation gymnastics

Thank you for your attention!

Section I: Information part

Project passport

Section II: Content of the project

1. Project summary

This project is expected to be implemented in four stages:

Stage II – organizational and design second week of September 2016

A child’s readiness to learn to read and write consists of many components, among which initial importance is given to such speech characteristics as developed speech hearing, clear articulation of the sounds of the native language, knowledge of visual images of letters and the ability to correlate sounds with letters. Also, literacy training is of a general developmental nature, promoting the development of active mental activity, performance, moral-volitional and aesthetic qualities of the individual.

This project is aimed at providing correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance children. The project is designed for children from 6 to 7 years old attending preschool.

Children of the compensatory preparatory group, their parents and teachers were invited to participate in the project preschool. This project is long-term and is designed for one year of study.

Preschoolers are little dreamers and discoverers. They create the world around them. Their findings and discoveries in terms of the nature of their search and manifestation of initiative are quite comparable with the creative achievements of adults. Our project involves unleashing creativity and taking initiative and cognitive activity not only children, but also parents.

The material presented in the project has a general educational orientation, which allows it to be used in teaching children how to speech disorders and with normal speech development.

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem that the project is aimed at solving

IN last years the number of children with various learning difficulties has increased in primary school. The problem of impaired written speech in schoolchildren is one of the most pressing for schooling, since writing and reading from learning goals turns for students into a means of further acquiring knowledge.

Therefore, targeted work to prevent reading and writing disorders should be carried out in older preschool age. Prevention of written speech disorders is one of the current areas correctional work in the system of special preschool education.

Children with General underdevelopment speech are at risk for the likelihood of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Writing and reading disorders are the most common cause of school failure and maladjustment.

Psychophysiological prerequisites for mastering writing and reading in ontogenesis are formed long before the start of literacy learning
The relevance of the prevention of dysgraphia in preschoolers with ODD lies in the earliest, targeted correction of speech and mental development preschoolers, ensuring children's readiness for learning to read and write and school adaptation in general, preventing secondary deviations in the development of an abnormal child. Considering that children with OHP have complexly impaired formation of all components speech system: sound pronunciation, sound-syllable structure of words, phonemic processes, language analysis and synthesis, lack of formation of monologue coherent speech, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, visual gnosis, optical-spatial praxis, memory, attention, motor function, thinking. There is underdevelopment cognitive activity and, accordingly, the speech and non-speech prerequisites for mastering writing have not been formed. In this regard, speech therapy work on the prevention of dysgraphia in conditions speech therapy group kindergarten should be aimed at the formation of both speech and non-speech mental functions and processes that determine the normal process of mastering writing.

3. Goals and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project- creation and organization of correctional directly organized activities(hereinafter referred to as KNOD) based on a compensatory group, providing an individual approach to a child with speech pathology and subsequent equal starting opportunities when studying at school.

Project objectives:

  • to develop an organizational basis for the creation and functioning of a compensatory group of non-commercial educational activities, to test the organizational, substantive and methodological conditions of individual non-commercial educational activities in the presence of parents.
  • ensure continuity between preschool and primary school education;
  • introduce the rules of school life;
  • develop the skills and abilities necessary for school work;
  • introduce terms (sound, letter, syllable, sentence, stress);
  • enrich vocabulary and develop speech;
  • formation of the grammatical structure of the child’s speech;
  • take the first steps towards reflection.

Project value:

  • creating conditions for the provision of timely correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance in the conditions of a compensatory group of preschool educational institutions and changes in the material, technical and didactic equipment of the correctional and educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  • providing assistance to parents of children with disabilities.
  • The implementation of innovative activities under the project will allow us to summarize the many years of pedagogical experience of a speech therapist teacher, which in turn will contribute to changing the social and pedagogical image of the preschool educational institution.

Preparatory (research) part of the project.

The success of building a mechanism for project implementation based on the formulated relevance requires defining the object and subject of the work.

Object of the project are children with disabilities attending preparatory group compensating.

Subject of the project- a set of organizational and developmental activities aimed at increasing the speech capabilities of preschool children and preventing reading and writing disorders.

Research methods– analysis of the environmental space, questioning, monitoring the needs and capabilities of society, studying the conceptual approaches of the policy of the Moscow Department of Education in the field of preschool education.

A survey of parents of junior and middle groups showed that 100% of parents consider the problem of developing the child’s speech functions to be important. Of these they noted that:

  • speech disorders make it difficult to communicate with peers in preschool educational institutions - 21%;
  • are the cause of future problems when studying at school - 35% of families;
  • will prevent full communication with people in the future - 44% of respondents.

To overcome difficulties: 72% - consider consultation and training with preschool specialist; 47% - see problems in the development of their child; at the same time, 40% do not attach importance to speech development deficiencies at this age.

4. Possible risks and ways to overcome them.

During our research, we calculated possible risks and provided ways to overcome them.

Factors presenting opportunities
(favorable factors) of the external environment:
  • families and children will receive timely assistance from a specialist speech therapist teacher.
  • the possibility (if necessary) of early intervention, counseling the child with specialized specialists (neurologist, psychiatrist, ENT specialist, etc.)
  • opportunities to study the experience of innovative activities of other schools;

Factors posing threats to the OS:

Low competence of parents in matters of development and upbringing of a child of early and preschool age leads to a shift in priorities in raising a child towards early learning rather than child development.

Op-amp strengths:

  • The speech therapist teacher has extensive experience working with children of early preschool age
  • The kindergarten's operating hours make it possible to organize classes in the morning and evening time.
  • The potential of the teaching staff is quite high, i.e. teachers working with children are capable of introducing innovations and working in project activities
  • system of incentives for preschool educational institutions employees for innovative activities, development and implementation of speech therapy programs and replenishment of the material base and development environment.
  • in the practice of preschool educational institutions, partial programs are used, and there are also various programs, which facilitates the development of speech therapy programs and their individualization for a particular child.
  • the school’s website is operational and there is an e-mail, which will ensure the openness of the institution’s activities in providing speech therapy assistance to children
  • There is a psychological service at the school

Weaknesses of the op-amp:

  • Insufficient level of qualifications of some educators to perform certain types of work and introduce innovations.

Determining a possible project implementation strategy:

Leveraging Strengths to Take Advantage of New Opportunities:

  • Organize and conduct a parent meeting with the provision of examination data of children, identify problems and priority areas for overcoming them.
  • Introduce parents and teachers of the institution to the project and invite them to cooperate.
  • Conduct a survey of parents of junior and middle groups of preschool educational institutions through a questionnaire in order to identify the demand for services within the project.

Compensating for weaknesses with good capabilities:

  • KNOD in the presence of parents is provided in the evening from 15.00 to 19.00.
  • Conduct consultations for teachers on the implementation of a speech therapy program in preschool educational institutions
  • Use the Internet in the development and selection of methodological support for KNOD in the presence of parents.

Using Strengths to Mitigate Threats:

  • Study experience on this issue.
  • Organize a consultation center for parents on the basis of the institution for the purpose of their pedagogical education

5. Planning work to implement the project.

Step-by-step project implementation schedule

The project is expected to be implemented in four stages:

Stage I – preparatory: first week of September 2016.

Stage II – organizational and design: second week of September 2016.

(Stages I and II are carried out in an accelerated manner due to the prepared methodological and practical base).

Stage III – practical: 09/15/2016 – 05/30/2017

Stage IV – analytical: September 2017.

Project duration– 8 months.


Actions to implement tasks

Expected results

Implementation participants

Stage I – preparatory: first week of September 2016

Study of the regulatory framework at the regional and federal levels

Ranging legislative framework on carrying out activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Design of the folder “Regulatory and legal support for preschool children with disabilities

Teacher speech therapist

Stage II – organizational and design: second week of September 2016

Regulatory support

  • Development of changes to implement the project.
  • Long-term plans.
  • Package “Regulatory documents regulating the activities of a compensating group

Teacher speech therapist,

educational psychologist and

teachers working with children

Designing a model of a complex of correctional classes in a compensatory group for teaching literacy to children with disabilities

  • determination of directions,
  • forms of activity

Complex of correctional classes

Software and methodological support

Package of documents for each direction:

Individual educational route.

Long-term scheduling

Methodological support

Diagnostic materials

Creating conditions for project implementation

Equipment of material and technical base; purchase of materials and equipment in accordance with SanPiN requirements

Comfortable subject-development environment in all areas.

Stage III – practical: 09/15/2016 – 05/30/2017

Play activity

Role-playing games: “Library”, Letter’s birthday”
Didactic games: “Voiced - Deaf”, “Game Library”, “Pick and Name”, “Sound Lotto”, “Find the Common Sound”, “Sound Reader”, “Stubborn Sound Learners”, “Live Model”, “Correct the Letter”, “ Sound chain”, “Sound and syllabic cubes”, system of exercises by E.N. Ryzhankova, V.A. Rakitina “Finger alphabet”.

Teacher speech therapist,
educational psychologist teachers
children of senior preschool age with disabilities

Speech and speech development

Compiling stories on the topic: “My favorite letter”, “Journey to Zvukograd, Bukvograd”, “How we made the letter”.
Writing poems and riddles about letters.
Co-creation of children and parents on the topic of the project.


Reading: E. Charushin “How the boy Zhenya learned to say the letter “r”; V. Krupin “The First Primer”; V. Dragunsky “The Enchanted Letter”.
Memorizing poems: S. Mikhalkov “Forest Academy”; V. Berestov “Reader”, “Vowels are drawn to the ringing song...”; S. Marshak “You memorize these letters...”; B. Zakhoder “ABC Song”.
Riddles on the topic: “Reading, writing”

Visual activities

Drawing on the theme: “Trip to the Library”,
Exhibition design: “Come on, letters, stand in a row!”, “Such different ABCs”
Modeling from salt dough on the theme: “Letters of your name.”
Application on the theme: “The letter put on a festive outfit.”
Co-creation between children and parents on the topic of the project.

Educational activities

Cognitive activities.
Preparing for literacy.

  • A series of lessons on computer programs: “ABC Lessons”, “Baba Yaga Learns to Read”.
  • Conversation: “On the history of alphabets and primers.”
  • Excursions: “Journey to the Kingdom of Books”
    “We’ll go to school soon!”
  • Creation of albums “From Sound to Word”
  • A series of educational and entertaining video programs for children “Lessons from Aunt Owl”, “Baby ABC”.

Learning songs: “ABC”, “Lesson” (game - comic).
Carrying out the holiday “On the Road to ABC”

Interaction with parents

Questionnaire “Is your child ready for school”
Co-creation of children and parents in the design of the mini-museum “My Favorite Letter”
Participation in the design competition “Hello, letter!”
Seminars and workshops on the topics: “Everything about the city of sounds”, “We play - we develop phonemic hearing”, “Preparing a child for school”, “Preparing a child’s hand for writing”, “What our children play.”
Consultations on the topics: “Teach by playing”, “What and how to read to a child”
Presentation of the mini-museum “My Favorite Letter”
Participation in speech therapy leisure “On the way to ABC”.

Stage IV – analytical: September 2017

Interim monitoring

  • Analysis of project results:
  • Questionnaire;
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of speech therapy KNOD.

Teacher speech therapist

Forms of work:

  • classes: preparation for literacy
  • excursions(library, school)
  • games: verbal, role-playing, didactic.
  • competitions: family design competition “Hello, letter!”, “Clever and smart girls”, competition of mini-museums in preschool educational institutions.
  • speech holidays.
  • mini-museum presentation"My favorite letter"
  • working with parents: workshops, consultations, surveys, KVN

6. Image of the final result, criteria for its evaluation.

Project result– a model for organizing correctional and developmental work with children in a compensatory group at a preschool educational institution.

Expected results of the project:


  • Reducing the number of children with written language problems;
  • Creation of a bank of methodological materials (evaluation criterion is the presence of a description of the experience of the teaching staff).
  • Enriched spatial and subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions groups.
  • Availability of a speech therapy program for psychological and pedagogical support of families of pupils (evaluation criterion is the presence of a description of the experience of the teaching staff).
  • Satisfaction of parents and teachers (evaluation criterion – results of consumer surveys).
  • Planning the work of a consultation center for parents (trainings, seminars, consultations).


  • Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard to improve the quality of education and provision equal opportunities children with disabilities when entering school.
  • Involving parents in the preschool education system as equal partners in carrying out correctional and developmental work with children.
  • High and regular attendance of the child in the group, reduction in morbidity
  • Increasing the proportion of children with normal speech development at the start of school
  • Active participation of parents in the educational process

Project result:

  • The level of parental competence in matters of speech development has increased, contact has been established with family members, and educational and corrective influences on the child have been agreed upon.
  • A system of correctional classes for children aged 6-7 years with severe speech impairments has been developed and tested.
  • Prevention of dysgraphia was carried out, the result of which is the absence of the optical form of dysgraphia in children
  • A collection of methodological, practical and electronic manuals and card files has been created.
  • Uniform requirements for parents and children in matters of approach to education have been developed and adopted.

Opportunities for further development of the project:

  • Based on the experience gained in implementing the “On the Road to the ABC” project: conduct speech therapy GCD for 5 to 6 years.
  • Publications of work experience.
  • Speeches at seminars and conferences at various levels.

Speech therapy project“When we play, we study, speak and understand”

Completed by teacher - speech therapist

MDOU d\s No. 5 "Topolyok"

village Kokuy

Zlobina A. A.

Section I Information part

1. Passport project

1. Abstract project

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem that it is aimed at solving project.

3. Goals and objectives project

4. Novelty project and practical significance

5. Anticipated risks

6. Expected result

7. Effectiveness of these results

8. Participants project

9. Duration project

10. Stages of work

11. Layout project

12. References

Passport project

Name project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand" "Development and use gaming facilities, methods to increase the motivation of children in the system logocorrection work»

Type project Short term, practice-oriented

annotation project

The project aimed at providing correctional developmental speech therapy helping children through the use of play methods. Project designed for children 6-7 years old attending speech therapy group in a preschool institution.

Project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand» wears open character: having studied traditional and non-traditional forms speech therapy work, relying on material and technical equipment speech therapy room, at the beginning of 2016 I have planned work on the use and development of gaming methods in speech therapy working with children of senior preschool age who have speech impairments.


“The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. We must not only give him time play, but he must imbue his entire life with this game. His whole life is a game».

A. S. Makarenko

Every year, especially recently, in the process of work we have to face the fact that the level of speech development of children is decreasing.

As a result, children encounter difficulties in the learning process and poorly assimilate program material. In this regard, it became necessary to use effective methods training and correctional work that ensures children successfully master the knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the program and comes to the rescue a game, and becomes an important area of ​​correctional work.

Make the activity with children interesting, but not entertaining, effective, but not spectacular, teach, playing, not just play- these are the main problems that need to be solved speech therapist in working with children in kindergarten.

On mine it's still short speech therapy In practice, I have met many children who feel disadvantaged by the awareness of their defect. The child has a different attitude towards himself, the team, and the assessments of others.

Working with the use of game techniques, we can draw some conclusions about their significance in the development of children with speech disorders.

1. Games distract the child’s attention from the speech defect and encourage him to communicate.

2. They free children from tiring, unnatural immobility for their age in the classroom.

3. Help diversify children’s activities during correctional lesson across all sections of the program, including various levels of regulation.

4. Develop gross and fine motor skills, the ability to navigate in space.

5. Help to work on the development of prosodic (melodic-intonation) components of speech.

6. Games develop and normalize the emotional-volitional sphere, which is especially important for hyperexcitable children.

All this contributes to better functioning of the speech organs and has a positive effect on the development of correct speech skills in children. Task speech therapist together with the parents, convince the child that speech can be corrected, you can help the child become like everyone else. It is important to interest the child so that he himself wants to participate in the process of speech correction. And for this purpose, classes should not be boring, like a lesson, but should become an interesting game.

“For preschool children, games have an exceptional meaning: the game is learning for them, game is work for them, a game for them it is a serious form of education.”

Krupskaya N.K.

Work out on speech therapy classes, playing, fun and interesting. As a result of emerging interest in games, the given sounds are quickly consolidated, speech becomes grammatically correct, and boring and uninteresting exercises in word inflection and sound analysis become exciting tasks for the child.

Using games on the system speech therapy work allows you to reduce fatigue and increase the emotional interest of the child.

Application of gaming methods to speech therapy classes, interesting, educational and exciting for children. They attract attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children.

All these facts contributed to the development of this project. We need to develop new gaming approaches, means to speech therapy work, captivating children, their parents and teachers.

Creation and organization of conditions for the use of gaming methods in speech therapy classes to improve teacher efficiency - speech therapist, as well as the effectiveness of gaming technologies as a means of developing motivation and increasing the cognitive interest of pupils in speech therapy classes.

1. Get acquainted with traditional and non-traditional gaming methods.

2. Use modern gaming technology in the process of studying speech therapy classes.

3. Improve the subject-development environment.

4. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes.

5. Systematize teachers’ knowledge of using game methods in the classroom.

6. Share your work experience through active forms work: Internet resources, media.

Novelty the project is that it presents new approaches to game methods of correctional work.

Practical significance

Practical significance the project is that the conclusions contained in it will provide a qualitatively new approach to working with children both in the correction of speech disorders and in various areas of the educational process in general.

Estimated risks

1. The administration will not support the idea of ​​implementation project, since this event involves material support.

2. Some teachers will not understand the relevance project.

3. Parents will not be interested in the topic project, are not sufficiently competent in the formation of children’s speech.

Expected Result

1. The use of game methods in correctional work will help increase motivation and the successful development of children’s communicative and creative abilities.

2. Promotion psychologically- pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of the impact of play on the speech development of children.

3. Creation of a rich collection of game materials for correctional work.

4. Presentation project in the form of entertainment.

Effectiveness of these results

Positive dynamics of speech development (decrease in the number of children in need of speech therapy assistance);

Development of sustainable motivation of children for speech self-realization;

Positive review activities of preschool educational institutions V "eyes" parents;

Acquisition and use of knowledge on issues of gaming methods in the speech development of children;

Teachers' interest in creativity and innovation.

Participants project

Participants project: preparatory children speech therapy group, parents, teacher- speech therapist, teacher, music director.


Duration: 4 weeks

Stages of work

1. Definition of the topic. Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic project.

2. Drawing up a diagram project

3. Discussion project at a parent-teacher meeting with parents

4. Discussion project with a teacher, music director

5. Collection of information, literature, additional material

6. Development of gaming complexes for different directions speech therapy assistance.

Plan diagram

working with children, parents and teachers to implement project

1. Preparatory –

January 18, 2016 – Conversation with parents "Getting to know project» (Parent meeting)- teacher- speech therapist

January 18, 2016 – Studying methodological literature, selection of games and gaming methods - teacher- speech therapist

January 19 - Parent survey "My child's favorite games"- teacher- speech therapist, teacher

January 20 Consultation for teachers “The role of games in the educational process”- teacher- speech therapist

2. Practical -

January 21 Writing rhymes together with children about "hedgehog" for using massage balls in development fine motor skills- teacher- speech therapist

January 18-January 22 – Adjustment and conduct of individual and subgroup speech therapy classes to introduce a playful character into each direction speech therapy assistance – speech therapist teacher

January 25 – January 29 – Creation of didactic educational materials together with children and parents toys: frogs, gloves, tongue (articulation gymnastics and the use of bioenergoplasty)- teacher- speech therapist, teacher, parents.

February 1 – Fun activity "Our Games"- teacher- speech therapist, musical director

February 3 – Together with children, inventing and making game materials for breathing, articulation, and sound production classes – teacher- speech therapist

February 4 - Organization of special games and exercises to develop the ability to use prepositions in speech (didactic a game"Dog in the House"- teacher- speech therapist

February 5 - Creation of a memo for parents "Teach playing» - teacher- speech therapist

February 8 - Master class for teachers “Game techniques in teaching and raising children”- teacher- speech therapist

3. Final

February 9 - Design of a photo exhibition for teachers and parents "This is how we do things, let's play, we are developing"- teacher- speech therapist

February 10 - Presentation-entertainment “We playing, we don’t miss you, it’s even better we understand" - Teacher- speech therapist, music hands

February 11 - Summing up the implementation results project at the teachers' meeting - Teacher- speech therapist

February 12 - Implementation report project at a general parent meeting - teacher- speech therapist

January 18 – February 12 - Update of the subject-development environment in speech therapy room - Speech therapist teacher


1. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Program speech therapy work on overcoming speech impairment in children.

2. Tsvintarny V.V. « Let's play, we listen, we imitate - we get sounds" M., 2004

3. Borisova E. A. Individual speech therapy classes with preschoolers: met. allowance. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

4. Gening M. G., German N. A. Teaching preschoolers the correct speeches: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - Cheboksary: Chuvash book publishing house, 1980.

5. Krupenchuk O.I. Finger games. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2008.

6. Ivchatova L. A. Su-Jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work with children// Speech therapist. – 2010. №1.

7. Novikovskaya O. A. Mind at your fingertips. Academy finger games. M.; St. Petersburg, 2007.

8. Tsvintarny V.V. Let's play fingers and develop speech. M.: Center Polygraph, 2005.

Tamarazova Yulia Nikolaevna,

teacher - defectologist

MADO DS KV "Rucheyok"

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Novy Urengoy

Underestimating timely corrections

speech defects in children leads to

resulting in difficulties in mastering

writing and reading. Such a child will

constantly falling behind in school will suffer

because his efforts do not lead to

positive result.

It's not his fault.

Only the parents are to blame for believing

that the baby will grow up and “speak out”



Teacher-speech therapist project

Without the help of parents, the work of a speech therapist can be very long and even useless.
Everything that we learn in class with a speech therapist is reinforced at home with mom and dad!!!

Analysis of the situation

Nowadays, it is no secret to anyone that every year the issue of educating children with speech pathology becomes more and more pressing. It is obvious that for full-fledged speech therapy work, close cooperation between the speech therapist, teacher and parents is necessary. First of all, it is worth noting the need to create motivation for classes among parents. Many parents have very vague information about who a speech therapist is and how correctional work is carried out. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

The relevance and demand of the project lies in the fact that the participation of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process is necessary.

Hypothesis: One of the most difficult problems will be solved - the problem of differences in the positions of teachers and parents on overcoming speech disorders in children. Parents will no longer be removed from the work of correcting speech defects in children. They will overcome certain difficulties that have arisen in organizing interaction with their child.

Objective of the project:

To develop the ability to determine the presence (or absence) of a given sound in a word.

Select the first sound from the beginning of the word, the last sound from the end of the word.

Identify differences in picture names.

Determine the place of a given sound in words.

Select words with the given sound.

Formation and stimulation of a motivated attitude of parents towards correctional work with a child.

Project objectives:

To form phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills of children;

Promote adequate inclusion of parents in the correctional process;

To increase the competence of parents in matters of children's speech development;

Involve parents in making books for children based on the sounds they have learned

The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system of step-by-step inclusion of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process can be used by speech therapists, group teachers, and parents.

Project type practice-oriented, individual

Duration: long-term (1 year, during the entire period of sound pronunciation correction)

Project participants: teacher-speech therapist, parents of group children, group teachers, group students.

Project results:

Formation of the action of highlighting a sound against the background of a word (whether this sound is present in the word or absent).

Formation of the action of isolating sound from the beginning and end of a word
(for questions: “What is the first sound in a word? What is the last sound in a word?)

Isolating a stressed vowel in a word.

Determining the place of a sound in a word (After which sound the desired sound is heard
sound in a word? Before what sound?)

The ability to determine the presence (or absence) of a given sound in a word.

The ability to isolate the first sound from the beginning of a word, and the last sound from the end of a word.

Increasing the competence of parents in the development of children;

Inclusion of parents in the correction process

Project stages:

Stage 1 – preparatory (informational and analytical)
Revealing the meaning and content of the upcoming work, developing the necessary pedagogical conditions to implement the project taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children.
1. Study the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, justify the conceptual apparatus of the study.
2. Identifying the problem - diagnosing the current level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children).

Stage 2 – main (practical)

Making homemade little books for each sound passed, observing certain conditions:

First, we select object pictures for a given sound (the sound is at the beginning of the word);

Then we select pictures in which the position of the sound is determined by the middle of the word;

The following pictures have a sound at the end of the word.

Rules for creation (formation of pages)

The pictures on the pages of the book must correspond to the position of the sound in the word (at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end)

Stage 3 – final (compiling a mini library of author’s manuals)

Presentation of each book by all project participants (parents, children, teachers) and design of an exhibition (library) in the kindergarten.

Presentation of experience: ready-made books can be used by preschool teachers, speech therapists, parents, as well as the children themselves while playing various games. For example: “find the sound”, “Where the sound lives”, etc.

The experience can be broadcast at city methodological associations and submitted to competitions at various levels

In modern pedagogy and educational practice, the interaction of teachers and parents is one of the most pressing and pressing problems. Analysis of research by Russian scientists (N.A. Andreeva, E.P. Arnautova, T.I. Babaeva, T.A. Berezina, N.F. Vinogradova, T.A. Danilina, L.V. Zagik, O.L. Zvereva, M.V. Ivanova, V.K. Kotyrlo, T.V. Krotova, T.A. Kulikova, T.A. Markova, O.V. Ogorodnova, M.M. Ramazanova, Z.I. Teplova etc.) allows us to consider the interaction of teachers and parents as important condition effectiveness of children's upbringing and development.

Work with children
- Acquaintance with the organs of articulation through “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”
- Use on individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation, game techniques for articulation analysis, using the “Articulatory Gymnastics” manual when analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied.
- Study of the pronunciation features of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet “Difficult Sounds”

Working with family

Speech on the topic: “Results of correctional and developmental work carried out in a compensatory group”
- Consultation for parents “Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes”;
- Making little books together with the child on the completed sound “My Magic Letter”
- Using books in the process of consolidating the sound learned and in determining the position of a given sound in a word.

Working with teachers
- Consultation “Sound pronunciation disorders. Causes. Kinds"
- Design of the exhibition (Library) with children “My magic letter” (for all sounds covered)
- Using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist.

Practical result of the project
- Presentation of individual little books “The Magic Letter”, their practical use in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds according to the instructions of the speech therapist
- Replenishment of the mini-library from homemade books.

Conclusion: the inclusion of parents in a joint process between a speech therapist and a teacher will significantly increase efficiency collaboration. There is an understanding that the creation of a unified speech space for the child’s development is possible subject to close cooperation between the teacher, speech therapist and parents.

In the future: the search and development of new innovative forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders in interaction with all participants in the educational process.

Pictures from the following sites were used to design the work:

File: Smart owl.png

Photos can be printed at the end or beginning of a publication

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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