Project activities work with parents of preschool children. Consultation “Project activity as one of the forms of working with parents

One of the effective forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is the organization of a family club at a preschool educational institution. A family club is a promising form of working with parents, taking into account the current needs of families and contributing to the formation of an active life position of participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, and transferring experience in raising children.

Childhood years are the most important years in a person’s life; how they pass depends on adults – parents and educators.

Communication between teachers and parents of students has always been and remains a pressing issue. One of the aspects of this issue is the search for rational ways of interaction.



Senior teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 76

Yoshkar-Ola "Sun"

Interaction with parents in the context of project activities.

One of the effective forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is the organization of a family club at a preschool educational institution. A family club is a promising form of working with parents, taking into account the current needs of families and contributing to the formation of an active life position of participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, and transferring experience in raising children.

Children'syears are the most important in a person’s life, how they pass depends on adults - parents and educators.

Communication teachers withparents of pupils has always been and remains a pressing issue. One of the aspects of this issue is the search for rational ways of interaction.

What's happenedinteraction between teacher and parents? To accurately answer this question, we turned to S. Ozhegov’s Russian language dictionary, where the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support.

And family, And preschool institutions convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter Big world. The path to dialogue between these two social institutions is complicated by the fact that there is an imbalance in the processes of education in the family and preschool educational institutions. Today, the potential capabilities of the family are undergoing a serious transformation. Teachers note a decrease in her educational potential and a change in her role in the process of primary socialization of the child. Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time, employment, and lack of competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology. The instability of society, social tension, and economic pressure have moved the educational functions of the family to second and third places, and in Preschool education always comes first. This situation can be leveled out by including the family in the educational space of the preschool educational institution.

Because the parents I are the first teachers, and preschool institutions provide them with assistance in the upbringing and development of the child (Law “On Education”), parentsplay a major role in the teacher-parent-child community. Install " feedback” questionnaires with different types of questions helped us to take into account their wishes and interests:

In May 2013, a survey was conducted of 45 parents of children attending the second junior group of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 76 in Yoshkar-Ola “Solnyshko”. Mothers of children showed greater activity (79% of respondents).

Analysis of the information received showed:

Some parents shift the responsibility for raising their children to preschool teachers;

Most parents are positive and demonstrate a willingness to cooperate, but with reservations (lack of time);

There is no clear understanding of the system collaboration parents and teachers.

The parents' wishes regarding the results of joint activities were as follows:

68% of respondents would like to receive the most complete information about their child;

Get the opportunity to communicate with preschool specialists – 55%;

Get a psychological pedagogical consultation problem solving - 36%;

Learn to determine children’s abilities – 21%;

Get the opportunity to communicate with the parents of other children – 28%.

Questioning of parents indicates that they are ready for cooperation and trust. The authority of the teacher in matters of education is very high. 86% of parents surveyed consider the teacher the most important source of information on raising a child, the one they trust most.

Processing the questionnaires made it possible to obtain information about what parents expect from preschool educational institutions, to outline the range of issues, and to see the difficulties and problems of parents in the upbringing and development of children. And, in addition, it became clear that the forms and methods of working with parents used previously (speeches at parent meetings, visual campaigning, etc.) turned out to be insufficiently effective, preventing parents from taking an active position in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Work with families of pupils should take into account modern approaches to this problem. The main trend is the use of active and interactive forms and methods of interaction.

An analysis of pedagogical literature showed that an independent theory of interactive interaction between teachers and parents does not exist as such, and revealed insufficient methodological support application of interactive forms of developing pedagogical competence among parents.

The above reveals contradictions:

Between the need to improve the system of relationship between the preschool educational institution and the family and the search for new forms of interaction in which parents would gain experience in pedagogical cooperation with their child and with teachers;

Between the need to develop pedagogical competence among parents and the insufficient number of technological solutions for implementing this problem.

We believe that positive results in solving this problem can be achieved with coordinated actions of teachers and families, subject to the development of parents’ interest in issues of education, involving them in planning and organizing joint activities in which parents are not passive observers, but active participants in the process.

And here it turned out to be a lucky find project method, whose goal is to unite efforts educational institution and families in matters of child upbringing, education and development.

One of the effective forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families is the organization family club at the preschool educational institution. A family club is a promising form of working with parents, taking into account the current needs of families and contributing to the formation of an active life position of participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, and transferring experience in raising children.

This form is interesting because the topics of club meetings can vary depending on the social needs of parents. “Branches” of the club can be opened in each group. Various people take part in the work of the club DOW specialists (medical worker, educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, speech pathologist teacher, physical education instructor, music director etc.), as well as parents of pupils and children.

Such broad social contacts enrich all participants and create a positive emotional atmosphere, both for children and adults, provide the necessary deep connections between raising adults in the context of the development of the child’s personality, which have a positive impact on his physical, mental and social health.

Establishing trusting relationships with parents smoothly leads to joint research and formation of a harmoniously developed personality of the child, increasing the legal and psychological-pedagogical culture of parents, creating a unified educational space for preschoolers in the family and kindergarten, developing agreed pedagogically appropriate requirements for the child, taking into account his originality, talent, individual pace of advancement, age characteristics.

This is necessary for parents in order to learn to understand the child, and for educators to more effectively help parents with this. We all benefit from the fact that parents realize the importance of their influence on the development of the child’s personality, learn to promote his harmonious development, and actively cooperate with the kindergarten.

The family is a society in miniature,

From whose integrity

The safety of everything depends

Great human society.
Felix Adler

Creative name of the project: family club “Mom’s Ponytail”.

Project type: informational, practice-oriented, open.

Project participants:preschool teachers, students and their parents.

Duration: long-term.

Implementation deadlines: September 2013 – May 2014

Terms of sale:kindergarten is an “open system” of education that ensures the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of childhood in a family and kindergarten.

Implementation environment:developing subject-spatial environment, developing activities.


1. Educational (presentation of information to improve the psychological, pedagogical, legal culture of parents);

2. Practical and effective (increasing parents’ interest in carrying out a common cause, demonstrating creativity, full emotional communication).

Problem: creative interaction between parents and teachers, focused on personal development children.

Objective of the project: Creation effective conditions interaction between preschool educational institutions, society and family, focused on the personal development of children.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- to study the needs of parents for educational services for the prospects in the development of the institution, the content of work and forms of organization;

Organize education of parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture;

Develop content, forms and methods for integrating value-based pedagogical components of working with families;

Develop the creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities.

Project hypothesis:Communication between teachers and parents will be more effective if the following conditions are met:

Participation of parents in planning joint activities;

The transition of parents from the role of passive observers to active participation in cooperation with preschool educational institutions;

Correctly develop the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of raising children;

Creating an optimally comfortable environment for the child’s development through coordinating the positions of the family and the preschool educational institution.

Project implementation principles:





Consistency of feedback;



Forms of work with parents:

pedagogical living room;

Consultations, conversations;

Entertainment, holidays;

Open classes;

Days open doors;

Parent meetings;


Walks, excursions;

Mobile folders, photo exhibitions, exhibitions of children's works;

Generalization of experience family education.

Expected result of the project:

Lack of formalism in organizing work with families;

Dynamics of the level of competence of teachers and parents on issues of interaction and education of children;

Increasing the coverage of parents with various forms of cooperation;

Taking into account the social demands (interests, needs, requirements) of parents in planning the work of the institution;

Identification, generalization, dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience in interaction with families, best practices in family education;

Awareness by the team and parents of the dominant role of family education and the role of the preschool institution as an “assistant” to the family in raising children.

The project is being implemented in three stages:

I. Preparatory stage(1 month – September) includes the following activities:

Mini-pedagogical council “Kindergarten and family”;

Survey-diagnostics of parents on the subject of social order;

Discussion of general issues on parent meeting related to the organization of the work of the family club;

Development of club regulations(Annex 1);

Compilation long-term plan events, preparation for events(Appendix 2).

II. Main stage (October–April).

During the main stage of the project implementation, various events are held at the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents. It should be noted that the topics of club meetings vary depending on the social needs of parents.

III. The final stage(1 month - May)

Preparing for the presentation.

Presentation of the project at the general parent meeting of the preschool educational institution(teachers-parents). Awarding of project participants in various categories.

Awarding of project participants in various categories.

A survey to clarify the level of satisfaction with the interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution.

Summing up the results of the project, determining prospects.

Project presentation:

Presentation of the project at the general parents' meeting of the preschool educational institution (teachers-parents).

Festival of pedagogical ideas at the municipal level.

Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “ Open lesson”at the all-Russian level.

Long-term work plan
with families of pupils for the 2013–2014 school year. G.

Forms of communication



Questioning parents on the subject of social order


Collection of information regarding social order

Drawing up a group social passport


Collection of data for compiling a group’s social passport

Parents, educators

Photo and essay competition “ Summer rest with a family"


Parents, children, teachers

Parent meeting


Introducing parents to the tasks for the new school year, discussing general issues related to organizing the work of the family club

Head of preschool educational institution, teachers, parents, children

Organization of a pedagogical library

During a year

Creation and replenishment of a pedagogical library for parents

Senior teacher, teachers

Introduction of group traditions: “The game has come to visit us”, “The game for rent”

During a year

Children bring educational games to the group for a while or take games home to “rent” to play with the family

Parents, children, teachers

Photo exhibition “My mother is driving”


Creative work of parents and children

Parents, children, teachers

Consultation; “The speech environment of a preschooler. Foul language is a disease of society.”



Consultation: “The ABCs of road safety for parents with children”


Preparation of materials and design of a brochure convenient for parents to read at home


“What do our children play?”


Workshop on organizing gaming activities

Preschool teachers, parents, children

Consultation: “Drawing up a pedigree”


Preparation of materials and design of a brochure convenient for parents to read at home


Open letter to mom


A child writing a letter to his mother under the guidance of teachers

Educators. Children

Group registration

During a year

Joint creation of subject-development space

Parents, children, teachers

Family traditions


Design of the photo album “Our Genealogy. Family traditions"

Parents, children, teachers

Meeting interesting people


Parents' stories about their professions

Teachers and parents

Pedagogical lounge “Children’s rights are relevant”


Business game for parents

Teachers and parents

Exhibition: “Our favorite sport”


Joint creative work of parents and children

Parents, children, teachers

Interview about dad. Gratitude to dad from mom


Recording an interview on a video camera, discussing and writing out thanks to dads from moms

Parents, children, teachers

Meeting “My dad is the best”


Organization of leisure time for parents and children

Parents, children, teachers

Photo collage “My dad is the defender of the Motherland”


Joint creative work of parents, educators and children

Parents, children, teachers

Exhibition of drawings “Flowers for Mom”


Children's creative work

Children and teachers


Joint creative work of preschool teachers and children

“Before it’s too late” campaign about fostering love for nature

March, April

Meeting parent club, organizing a photo exhibition “Our Pets” (animals, plants)

Parents, children, teachers


Joint creative work of preschool teachers, children and parents

Music director, teachers, children

“What is school readiness”


Consultation with a psychologist

Psychologist, parents. Educators


Design of a photo collage “My ancestors during the Second World War”, Organization of a bus tour of the city, laying flowers at the Military Glory Memorial

Parents, children, teachers

Final parent meeting. Project presentation


Outdoor children's activity. Summarizing school year. Presentation of the project, Awarding of participants in various categories

Head of preschool educational institution, teachers, children and parents

Annex 1

Regulations on the family club “Mom’s Ponytail”

1. General Provisions

1.1. The relationship between MbDOU No. 76 “Solnyshko” in Yoshkar-Ola (hereinafter referred to as MBDOU) and the family club “Mom’s Tail” (hereinafter referred to as the Club) is regulated by a parental agreement and the regulations on the family club, which defines the rights and obligations of the parties.

1.2. The club is an additional component of the educational process, where parents and kindergarten teachers can gain knowledge and develop their skills in order to further combine their efforts and provide the child with protection, emotional comfort, an interesting and meaningful life in kindergarten and at home.

1.3. The basis of legal relations for organizing the activities of the Club are

Regulatory provisions in the field of education in Russian Federation, laws to ensure the protection of the rights and development of children;

Charter of MBDOU;

Parental agreement.

1.4. The Club includes members of health and educational process, parents ( legal representatives pupils) and other persons interested in improving the activities and development of the educational institution.

1.5. The main principles of the Club’s work are:


Significance (selected topics are relevant and accepted);

Variability of forms and methods;


Continuity and integrity;



Consistency of feedback;



2. Objectives of the Club

2.1. To create a unified health and educational space “educational institution - society - family”.

2.2. Improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

2.3. To involve parents in participating in the life of MBDOU through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work.

2.4. Create conditions for implementation own ideas, promoting the manifestation of creative abilities, full communication (exchange of opinions, experiences of family education).

2.5. Convince parents that their interaction with teachers is the most important condition comprehensive development children.

2.6. To promote awareness among the team and parents of the dominant role of family education and the role of the preschool institution as an “assistant” to the family in raising children.

3. Main activities of the Club:

3.1. Promoting positive family education.

3.2. Development of new forms of social-family interaction.

3.3. Increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents of children preschool age.

3.4. Providing assistance to the family in performing the educational function.

4.1. Active participation of parents in the life of the child not only at home, but also in kindergarten.

4.2. Providing assistance to parents from teachers in order to:

To form in parents a positive attitude towards motherhood and fatherhood;

Achieve positive dynamics in changing the family microclimate;

Accept and implement a person-oriented position in raising children;

Form optimal parent-child relationships.

5. Organization of the Club’s work

5.1. The activities of the Club are carried out in accordance with annual plan MBDOU work.

5.2. The work of the Club is organized taking into account the age of the children.

5.3. Club meetings are held at least once a quarter and as needed.

5.4. The Club’s decisions for employees and parents are advisory in nature.

6. Rights and obligations of the parties

6.1. The activities of the Club are carried out on a voluntary basis.

6.2. MBDOU provides premises for Club meetings.

6.3. Club members have the right to give recommendations and make proposals.

Appendix 2


  • Do you think that raising a child is more the job of parents than of educators?
  • In your opinion, who should take the initiative in communication - the teacher or the parent? ______________________________________________________________
  • What would you like (or like) as a parent involved in the work of a preschool educational institution? ______________________________________________________________


  • What do you think about the quality preschool work with your parents today? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
  • What is needed for effective interaction families and preschool educational institutions?



  • What is your priority in raising your child?




Sociological family questionnaire

  1. Last name, first name of the child ______________________________________________________________

His age is ______________________________________________________________

2. Age of mother ___________, father ______________________________

H. Education of mother ______________________, father ________________

4. Place of work and position of mother




5. Who is in your family? _______________________________________________________________



b. How many children are there in the family? _________________________________________

  1. What age? ___________________________________________________________
  2. Does the family have separate housing? Yes, no (we live with my husband’s and wife’s parents, in a shared apartment, underline and write in what else is necessary).


9. Does the child have his own room? Yes, no, something else.


10. Does your child study anywhere other than kindergarten? Where and with what?


11. What else do you consider necessary to tell about your family and child?



for parents

1. How useful and interesting were the meetings that took place within the project for you and your children?

2. Which meeting do you remember most?

3.What didn’t you like? _________________________________________________________________

4. Is this form of work necessary?


5. Which specialists would you like to meet again, what pressing issues for you and your family would you like to discuss?


6.Your wishes: ___________________________________________________________________


Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Teremok" AGO

Subject: " Project activities as one of the forms of interaction with parents"

Compiled by: Paivina T.V.


Asbestovsky urban district

Paivina T.V.


MADO kindergarten "Teremok"

Asbestovsky urban district

Organization of interaction with parents on issues of raising children.

Topic: “Project activity as one of the forms of interaction with parents of students”

(From work experience)

“For a small child, the family is almost the only social institution that shapes his personality. A preschooler is distinguished by such psychophysiological characteristics, due to which the immediate environment has a continuous formative influence on him” T.A. Markova

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of educational work in preschool educational institutions. A preschool educational institution is focused on ensuring that the family’s focus should be on the child’s personality and the three main areas in which his life activities are realized: the family itself, the preschool educational institution and leisure, including the associated microsocial environment.

At the present stage, it is relevant to include the family in the life of a child in kindergarten. One of the tasks that we have set for ourselves is to involve parents in joint activities, with the aim of creating a unified educational space, through the project method.

The project method can be represented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of the teacher, student and his parents, step-by-step practical activities to achieve the goal.

Project activities develop cognitive activity, independence, creativity, ability to plan in the information space, work in a team, which should result in a real result.

The use of the “project method” in our group has become a way of organizing the pedagogical process based on the interaction of the teacher, parents and students with each other and the environment.

Joint work with families of pupils on project activities in our group is based on:

The single set goal of the project, which is achieved when parents are familiarized with the main content of the project;

Sequences of work at each stage of the project;

An individual approach to each family, based on its interests;

Maintaining confidence in your own teaching capabilities.

For ourselves, we have identified the following conditions that contributed to the achievement of optimal results in project activities:

– Preparation of information – pedagogical material on the topic of the project

Familiarization of parents with the content of the project, with the stages of project implementation

Participation of parents: as organizers of entertainment, presentations, jury composition

The parent must remember that the main role in any project is given to the child.

The peculiarity of project activities is that children, parents, and teachers take part in the project. All work on the project is divided into 3 stages:

1.Preparatory stage

2.Practical stage

3.Final stage

At each stage, a certain activity of the project participant is formed.

First, we identified the activities of parents as participants in the project, which will meet the needs of the child and his motivation for development social experience in the process of becoming familiar with the outside world.

At the first stage, we motivate parents to participate in the project: we create an information corner on this topic and reminders. We conduct a survey, a survey about what the parents themselves can offer and what kind of help they can provide.

At the second stage we carry out individual conversations in order to create interest and attract them to the production:

Crafts, layouts, collections, newspapers, panoramas, leaflets, baby books,

Presentations, mini-messages, selection of materials for a mini-museum.

We encourage them, together with the children, to obtain information from various sources (Internet resources, educational television programs, reading fiction, conversations, visiting museums, exhibitions) for their creative works.

After studying this information from various sources, the family opens a “Home Workshop”, where together they begin to produce creative works.

At the third stage, in our group we organize an “Open Day” and a concert for parents; We are celebrating the opening of an exhibition, a mini-museum, where each family can present their film, their creative work.

After this, a pleasant and significant “Minute of Fame” for all participants in the project with incentives, a photo session for the chronicle of the group.

During the year, we carried out the following projects:

- “Autumn is a wonderful time” - increasing the competence of parents in cognitive activity children;

- “The whole family is together and the soul is in place” - the formation of common family values;

- “The land in which we live” - the development of the social experience of preschoolers in the process of getting acquainted with their hometown, with their native land of the Urals,

- “Journey into the unknown” - fostering a careful, economical attitude towards energy resources and the environment.

We believe that the project method is most effective in working with families, since it allows parents, children, and teachers not only to take part in joint activities, but also to see the result of joint work, which contributes to the emotional rapprochement of children, teachers, and parents in the process of joint activities , the formation of a holistic sensory experience. Thus, parents, participating in the implementation of the project, are not only sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, and experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction in this.


L. S. Kiseleva " Project method in the activities of a preschool institution."

NOT. Veraksa “Project activities in kindergarten”

Paivina T.V. From work experience Page 4

Project on interaction with parents

“Kindergarten and family are true friends.”

Nikiforova S.S.

Kindergarten and family are two most important educational institutions, which are initially designed to complement each other and interact with each other.In accordance with the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” one of the main tasks facing a preschool institution is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child’s personality.” A new federal state educational standard has been developed preschool education(FSES DO), which meets new social demands and in which much attention is paid to working with parents. The Federal State Educational Standard states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account social status, family microclimate, parental needs and the degree of parental interest activities of preschool educational institutions, improving the culture of family pedagogical literacy. The main condition of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: interaction of the teaching staff with the families of students, and one of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the principle of partnership with the family. The standard opens up broad opportunities for including all “stakeholders” of the adult community in the process of this interaction. It says: “Childhood is ensured - and this is the main thing - by the support of the family as a key institution for the development and socialization of the child.” Also, recently the issue of so-called problem parents and children has become acute; there are more and more of them, and the percentage of families belonging to the “risk group” is increasing. Traditional methods and forms of working with parents are also not justified. All these contradictions and demands of modern reality formed the basis of our project.

Project implementation base : MBDOU No. 72, Kamensk-Uralsky, second junior group No. 1.

Objective of the project : U establishing cooperation and partnerships with parents

Tasks :

1.Increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents

2.Use of new non-traditional forms of work with families of pupils.

3. Development of the social and personal sphere of preschool children through joint creative activity of children and parents.

4.Creating a creative atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support through the preparation, organization and conduct of various events.

5.Identification of the effectiveness of this project.

Project participants : children second junior group, educators, assistant educator, preschool teachers, medical worker.

Project implementation period : long-term, 1 year.

Project type : creative, practice-oriented.

Pedagogical planning form : action plan

Principles of interaction between educator and parent

- parents and teachers are partners in raising children;

- unity in the understanding by teachers and parents of the goals, objectives and means, conditions, results of the development of a preschool child;

Mutual trust and mutual assistance of parents and teachers;

Friendly communication style;

Individual approach to the child and family based on taking into account their individual abilities and interests.

Forms of work with parents: - survey;
- thematic consultations;

Thematic exhibitions;

Consultations of specialists;
- conversations;
- Parent meeting;
- information sheet, reminders, recommendations;
- joint events: holidays, entertainment.
- Mailbox;

Joint excursions;

Creation of wall newspapers.

Expected Result:

1. Positive emotional environment of communication between parents, children and teachers,

2.Development of the creative abilities of children and parents in joint creative activities, the emergence of common interests and hobbies.

3.Increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.

4. Increasing the share of parental participation in joint events.

5.Positive dynamics of use unconventional methods and forms of work with parents.

Stages of work :

I stage. Preparatory.

Target: Organization and preparation for interaction of all project participants.

Pedagogical activity :

    study of psychological and pedagogical literature, methodological and methodological literature on issues of interaction with parents.

    Creating a plan for joint activities.

Interaction with parents:

Conducting a survey

Conducting a survey to identify the social status of parents, their educational level, “problem” parents, as well as the level of their psychological and pedagogical competence.

    A survey of parents on the competence of teachers and their activities in working with children.

Work with children:

    studying the level of development of children based on previously conducted monitoring

    observing and talking to children.

II stage Practical

Target: Organization of interaction with parents in the process of joint activities with teachers and children.

Pedagogical activities:

- carrying out a number of planned events

Organizing meetings with participants of this project;

Ensuring cooperation with preschool teachers.

Interaction with parents:

Thematic consultation of parents with the participation of teachers, psychologists, and medical workers.

Practical joint activities with children.

Work with children:

Carrying out joint events with parents.

Plan of joint activities.


event title



1. Thematic consultation “Let's talk about proper nutrition preschoolers"

2. Visual propaganda “health corner”

3. Consultation “Rights and responsibilities of parents.”

4. Entertainment "Osenina"

5. Thematic consultation “How to properly punish a child.”

6. Exhibition of drawings “My Family”

7.Creation and design of albums “Golden Autumn”

Teachers, parents

Teachers, parents

Teachers, parents

Teachers, children, parents.

Teachers, parents, psychologist.

Teachers, parents.

Teachers, parents, children.


1. Parent meeting on the topic “Relationships between parents and children”

2. Thematic consultation “Games in winter”.

3. Conversation “The hand develops the brain”

4.Excursion “Journey to the winter forest.”

5. Matinee “Hello New Year’s holiday.”

5. Conversation about the rules of behavior at the holiday

Teachers, parents

Teachers, parents.

Parents, psychologist.

Teachers, parents, children.

Teachers, parents, children.

Teachers, children.


1. Thematic conversation“Prevention of influenza among the population”

2. Making a dressing corner

3.Consultation “Vitamin ABC”.

Teachers, parents

Teachers, parents.

Parents, medical worker.


1. Making a wall newspaper “My dad is the best”

2. Individual conversation “How to teach your baby to dress and undress himself.”

3. Conversation “It’s possible, it’s not possible, it’s necessary.”

Parents, children.

Teachers, parents.

Teachers, children


1. Conversation “Rules of Etiquette.”

3. Photo exhibition “We need different mothers”

4. Consultation “Meaning role-playing game in preschool age."

Teachers, children.

Teachers, parents, children.

Teachers, parents.

Teachers, parents.


1. Entertainment "April Fool's Day".

2. Creation of albums “Me and my pet”.

2. Summing up, creating a presentation.

Teachers, parents.

Parents, children


III Final stage.

Target : Identification of the effectiveness of the implementation of this project.

Performance criteria:

Increase in parent attendance at competitive events

Coordination of actions between parents and teachers;

Compliance of the actions of project participants with the goals and objectives of the project.

Positive public opinion of parents about the work of a preschool teacher.

Project activity products:

- Questionnaires;

Family wall newspapers;

Scenery, costumes;

Folders “Consultations with parents”.

Photo materials


Thus, we can safely say that the use of various forms of work with the families of pupils in our group has given positive results: the nature of interaction between teachers and parents has changed, many of them have become active participants in all the affairs of the group and indispensable assistants educators.

Collaboration with parents in project activities

educators of GBOU School No. 000 d/s “Mosaic”, Moscow

Communication between teachers and parents of students has always been and remains a pressing issue for kindergartens. One aspect of this issue is the search for effective ways of cooperation, equally necessary for both teachers and parents. Parents - in order to learn to understand the world of childhood and their own child, teachers, in order to more effectively assist parents in this. Only together can educators and parents get to know the child better, and, having learned, direct common efforts towards his development.

Most parents are educated people who read literature on the issues of child upbringing and development, but even having a fairly extensive stock of theoretical knowledge, they are not always able to apply it competently. This is where the help of teachers is important, who are able to translate the theoretical knowledge of parents into the practice of joyful communication with the child.

Today we are no longer just talking about the exchange of information between parents and kindergarten teachers about the development, successes and difficulties of the child. It is relevant to include the family in the life of a child in kindergarten. And here the method of project activity turned out to be a successful find. Today it is becoming increasingly widespread in preschool institutions.

Working on a project helps develop the child’s independent thinking and helps him develop confidence in his own abilities. Children gain knowledge and master skills in the process of completing a system of planned practical tasks. Learning is carried out through search and cognitive activity aimed at the result that is obtained when solving a problem. The project method allows you to foster independence and responsibility, develops the foundations of creativity and mental capacity. The child develops determination and perseverance, he learns to overcome problems, communicate with peers and adults in joint activities. The themes of the projects are born from the interests of children: each project is based on some problem, children's question. Experience has shown that at first not all parents are willing to participate in joint activities with teachers and children, but then, after completing some tasks, they begin to understand how important their efforts are for their children, and how pleasant it is to spend time with their children. Cooperative activity child and parents strengthens the parent-child relationship. The project method becomes a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of the teacher, parents and students with each other.

In our group, teachers worked on the project together with children and parents "Christmas tree." The New Year holiday is very emotionally bright, very family-friendly, so we wanted parents to take an active part in this project, so that joint activities in preparation for the New Year celebration would revive family traditions, served to strengthen mutual understanding among all family members.

Ø creative.

Project implementation timeline:

The project is short-term, 3 weeks.

Project participants:

Children middle group, their teachers and parents.

Objective of the project:

Introducing children to the culture of the New Year holiday, New Year's traditions; enrichment of children's impressions, artistic development aesthetic perception, formation of interest in artistic activity.

Project objectives:

Ø Give children knowledge about spruce as a tree.

Ø Introduce children to the traditions of celebrating the New Year and decorating the Christmas tree.

Ø Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Ø To cultivate in children a love for nature and a desire to protect it.

Ø Develop artistic and aesthetic abilities, visual and effective thinking, productive skills.

Ø Involve parents in joint activities with children and teachers on the project.

Stages of work on the project

Preparatory stage

1. Drawing up a plan for joint work with children and parents.

2. Selection of material and equipment for GCD, conversations, games with children.

3. Selection of artistic material, illustrative material on the topic.

4. Conducting an introductory consultation for parents about the project.

At the parent meeting, teachers introduced parents to the group’s project, noted the need for parents to participate in the implementation of the project, introduced them to innovative technology, revealed its advantages and the feasibility of using it with preschool children. Educators noted that by participating in the implementation of the project, parents can not only be sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from your successes and the successes of your child.

5. Selection of reference information for parents on the topics of conversations and activities with children on the topics of the project.

Practical stage

In order for children to gain more knowledge and impressions about the New Year, Christmas tree We actively involved parents in participating in project activities:

1. With the help of parents, an exhibition of calendars and postcards was organized in the group at winter theme and on the theme of New Year celebrations.

2. Parents took an active part in decorating the group for the New Year.

3. Parents, on the instructions of the teachers, had a conversation with the children about the New Year holiday, read books about it, and learned poems.

4. During the walk, children and parents looked at various Christmas trees, both just trees and decorated ones.

In order for children to have more impressions of the New Year holidays, we asked parents to visit with their children during the winter holidays New Year's performances, Christmas meetings, folk festivals, they asked that children take an active part in celebrating the New Year at home. During the walk, they suggested having conversations with children about what they saw, drawing children’s attention to winter weather signs, discussing how Christmas trees are decorated on the street and at home, how our city is decorated in holidays. The teachers advised parents to draw with their children what the child wanted to receive as a gift - this was a great opportunity to learn about the child’s desires and dreams. Parents responded to our request in different ways: some immediately got involved in the work and offered their help, others listened and thought about the information received. However, most parents began to think in advance about how to spend the New Year holidays with their child and plan joint activities.

5. Parents participated in the exhibition for children - parental work"Beautiful Christmas tree." At home with the children we made various crafts and decorations under the motto “Mom and I will never be bored, we will decorate the Christmas tree.”

6. During New Year's holidays Parents and children attended New Year trees and festive events.

After winter holidays children came to kindergarten and began to share their impressions: how they decorated the Christmas tree at home, what gifts Father Frost and Snow Maiden gave, how they prepared for the New Year, what children's performances they attended. Seeing the children’s emotions, we decided, together with the parents, to make a wall newspaper “We are at the Christmas tree.” The teachers and the children drew a Christmas tree, the parents provided New Year's photographs and wrote down their children's impressions of the holiday on colored paper in the shape of New Year's balls. Our “Christmas tree” was decorated with these “balls”.

7. Parents provided photographs on the topic “My child at the Christmas tree” and wrote down their children’s impressions of the holiday.

The final stage

As a result of work on the project, products of joint parent-child activities were created:

1. Newspaper “We are at the Christmas tree”.

2. The works of children and parents took part in the child-parent exhibition “Magic Winter”.

3. The group is decorated for the New Year with decorations that the children made together with their parents.

4. Creating a presentation “Herringbone”.

In the process of working on the project, the children enriched their emotional impressions. We increased our knowledge about the Christmas tree and the traditions of celebrating the New Year. A variety of activities accessible to children intensified speech, awakened in children cognitive interest and a desire to do work on New Year theme, give them to loved ones. The joint activities of children and parents had a positive impact on family relationships and attracted parents to participate in the life of the group and kindergarten.

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