Forgiveness Sunday congratulations to the godmother. Beautiful SMS congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday

In 2018, Maslenitsa will be held from February 12 to 18,
date of celebration of Forgiveness Sunday is February 18, 2018.

On this day, in churches during the liturgy, the Gospel is read with a part from the Sermon on the Mount, which talks about forgiveness of offenses to neighbors, without which we cannot receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father, about fasting, and about collecting heavenly treasures.

In accordance with this Gospel reading, Christians have the pious custom of asking each other on this day for forgiveness of sins, known and unknown grievances, and to take all measures for reconciliation with those at war.
This is the first step on the path to Lent. Therefore, this Sunday is usually called Forgiveness Sunday.

The last Sunday before the start of Lent is called by the Church Cheese Week, since it is today that the consumption of dairy products ends. The Church reminds us of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise for disobedience and intemperance. On this day, after the evening service, a special rite of forgiveness is performed in churches, when clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Lent with a pure soul, reconciled with all their neighbors. Therefore, this day is known as Forgiveness Sunday.

The expulsion of our forefathers from paradise for disobedience and intemperance, their loss of an innocent, blissful state is worthy of tears and repentance. The disaster into which humanity has been plunged by the passion of selfishness and carnality suggests how important fasting and other acts of self-denial are in the matter of piety and salvation, and how dangerous sensual sinful pleasures are.

Fasting, according to the words of the Gospel spoken by the Church, is the most convenient time for acquiring spiritual treasures, just as there is sometimes a particularly convenient time for collecting and increasing temporary goods - it is a true day for doing good deeds.

In accordance with the words of the Gospel, read on the last day before Great Lent, inspiring to forgive one another’s sins and to be reconciled with everyone, in ancient times the hermits of Egypt gathered on the last day of Cheese Week for corporate prayer and, having asked each other for forgiveness and blessing, dispersed at the end vespers, through the wilds and deserts for solitary exploits in continuation of Lent: the gates of the monastery were closed until the week of Vai, in which the desert ascetics usually returned to the monastery.

And now the godly sons Orthodox Church in the last days of Cheese Week, according to ancient pious custom, as a sign of mutual reconciliation and forgiveness, they pray for the dead and visit each other during Cheese Week. And on the Sunday of this week, after general forgiveness has been performed in the church at the evening service, as a sign of reconciliation and sanctification, the Church has decreed for believers to kiss sacred images of God and the saints.
On Forgiveness Sunday, ask your loved ones for forgiveness in verses. Read how to ask for forgiveness in this section - among the heartfelt, warm poems, you will definitely choose the most touching one!

In cruelty, as if in a cave womb,
There is no way to see the road to dawn.
You should not wander around in the darkness of demons and anger.
Try to forgive each other's offenses.
Farewell in everything: both great and small,
And even when there’s no way to forgive!
Farewell and believe that the scarlet star
The Lord will light the way to dawn! ©

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday

The Lord commanded all people on this day,
Forgive each other's quarrels and griefs!
Think about souls, forgetting about the flesh!
That day is called Forgiveness Sunday!
I will also come to you on this day,
To ask for forgiveness for everything!
I’ll rest my cheek on your palm!
And I will forgive you myself! And God will forgive! ©

Pride, what I call pride,
Doesn't allow me to ask for forgiveness often...
And there is a reason for it, because sometimes I create it myself,
I am something that is dangerous for anyone’s soul.
I ask you (I you) to forgive me now,
Forgiveness on this bright Sunday.
And I forgive myself so that I can love
And cherish every moment in life. ©

The week has just begun
And Sunday is here!
This day is forgiven for us
No wonder everyone calls;
And it's time to tell the world,
What, having loved your neighbors,
I ask everyone to forgive me,
Especially you! ©

Why on the subway in the morning
Are they all asking for forgiveness?
Know that the forgiven has come
Visit Sunday!
Forgive me
And I forgive you everything!
Happy forgiveness day, love
Congratulations! ©

I'm sorry, please, forgive me for everything.
And I forgive you for everything.
Today everything that is mine is yours,
Today we bring souls together.
May Sunday bring
Our hearts are all relieved,
It’s not for nothing that people call us
His Forgiveness Sunday! ©

There is a tradition of forgiveness
Before Lent begins -
My soul is filled with resentment and anger,
Clear dark thoughts
Ask others for forgiveness,
Getting relief
Like a blessing from heaven.
Happy Forgiveness Sunday everyone!

I ask today, bowing my head,
If I'm wrong, don't anger me
And for the insults I ask you to forgive,
Calmly let go of sins from the soul,
I'm not out of malice, out of stupidity sometimes,
I can hurt with a word, with a wit,
But sincerely I understand everything,
Today I beg you to forget everything,
Let grief not torment your feelings,
To be able to forgive is a great art!

On Forgiveness Sunday, I want to sincerely ask for forgiveness for everything: for rudeness and misunderstanding, for frivolity and stupid actions, for a bad mood and harsh words. I ask you to leave all grievances in the past and continue your path in life with an open soul and a sincerely loving heart. I wish that loved ones and close people are always nearby, that trust and mutual respect reign in relationships with them.

How often in the daily bustle
We utter streams of rude words,
Relatives and relatives suffer, in general, those
We don’t want to offend anyone at all.

I want to remove a heavy load from my soul
And I apologize to you for everything,
The Lord forgave and commanded us to forgive,
Especially on Holy Sunday!

On Forgiveness Sunday
I ask everyone's forgiveness.
For all the grievances and sorrows,
Forgive me.

I wish that you
We knew how to forgive everyone,
After all, in love and peace
Much easier to live.

I ask you to forgive me
Don't hold any grudges in your heart,
If it's my fault,
Let her redeem herself.

On Holy Sunday
Forgiveness is given to everyone,
And it will come to you,
The load of sorrows will be carried away!

I ask you to forgive me for everything,
For all the minutes of inattention,
For the mistakes made,
Resentment and disappointment.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday everyone!
I ask your forgiveness
For grievances, disagreements -
Let misfortunes be forgotten.

Let joy sparkle in your heart,
Will open the door to kindness,
To make dreams come true,
Live, laugh and love!

On the day of forgiveness - Sunday,
You will accept the apology
For grievances and sorrows,
For the words that were spoken.

I only wish you well
And in return I forgive you.
You don't hold evil in your heart
And please forgive me!

On a wonderful holy Sunday
I really want to remove all the sins from my soul,
And today I ask you for forgiveness,
The great Lord ordered everyone to be forgiven.

May the angels protect you
Without evil, life will become calmer in the soul,
On such a wonderful day I forgive you,
And with all my heart I ask you to forgive me!

If I have offended you in some way,
Forgive me for this,
I didn’t want to, but since it turned out this way,
You don’t keep a grudge in your heart.
Let sorrows become a thing of the past,
Sorrows and misunderstandings will recede.
Let the times of quarrels pass,
And let all suffering disappear.
Peace and forgiveness to everyone,
Have the best mood!

Be sure to ask for forgiveness
We need this light on Sunday!
And with repentance, forgive everyone and everything,
So that we can live together with spiritual harmony.
Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday
And I give my heartfelt forgiveness!

You are on Forgiveness Sunday
Remove the burden of grievances from everyone’s soul.
To those who are asking for forgiveness now,
Do not refuse this request.

Forget all the disagreements and quarrels,
Throw away the heavy stone of doubt,
So that bells ring in your soul
The feeling of joy spread.

So that the planet becomes kinder, so that the eyes of loved ones become brighter, so that the soul finds lightness, I wish you today to sincerely forgive all grievances, and may they also sincerely forgive you.

I wish you on the day of Forgiveness Resurrection
Cleanse your souls and hearts,
Ask your neighbors for forgiveness
And to deserve the mercy of the Creator,
To live in the world with a clear conscience,
And enter Great Lent with faith.

Remorse, despair,
Guilt is an unbearable burden,
Resentment, misunderstanding -
Thorns torment the chest.

Let's ask for forgiveness
And opening your souls, forgive!
On Forgiveness Sunday
Happiness is just around the corner!

WITH Forgiveness resurrection! Everything happens in life, and I sincerely ask you to forgive me all the insults that I caused unintentionally, and I, in turn, forget about my grief. I am sure that all this was not out of malice and we will always be close and dear people.

Let your soul not harden
Under the weight of reproaches and insults,
Forgive those who offended you as soon as possible
And whoever is offended by you, let him forgive.

Today we need to forgive our friends and enemies,
The soul will rejoice without the burden of shackles,
After all, we are all vicious and sinful in this world,
And we all need words of forgiveness in life.

The Lord gives hope for peace and love,
And sends mercy to the earth again and again,
Open your hearts to happiness and goodness -
It's a wonderful time for smiles and forgiveness.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday. Let evil words and thoughts never touch you. I wish you to easily forgive insults and have more than a dozen good friends. Let life be colorful, varied and joyful!

May it be on Forgiveness Sunday
The Lord will send forgiveness for everything.
And don't hold grudges:
“I forgive everything!” - tell everyone!

Find salvation from resentment:
Don't hold her - let her go,
And you yourself ask for forgiveness,
To make it easier to go through life.

May it be a wonderful holiday, Sunday
Left a good mark on my soul,
I wish you to be forgiven
Let God's light live in your heart.

I wish peace to your home, I want only happiness to dwell in it, which is not overshadowed by past grievances! I apologize if I ever offended you or upset you in some way and I hope that you will forgive me everything, just as I forgive all our disagreements and misunderstandings.

The Lord commanded us all today
Ask for forgiveness for all your sins.
Sorry for what I couldn't do,
Sorry for spoiling the mood.
For anger, resentment, unrest caused:
For everything, for everything, please accept my apologies as soon as possible.

I apologize and forgive you
I sincerely wish you:
Say sorry to everyone today
Walk on a new path.

So that life is happy,
Only do good deeds.
Give your forgiveness to everyone
On the day of Forgiveness Sunday.

I ask for your forgiveness and forgive you everything from the bottom of my heart. Today special holiday, in which there is no place for resentment and misunderstanding, and sincere repentance and forgiveness will help us maintain relationships and live happily without past grief.

Alina Ogonyok

I ask you to forgive me for everything,
Don't hold a grudge or scold.
After all, being offended is a sin,
Then God will forgive us all.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you
I congratulate you today.
I apologize for everything,
Do not be angry at me.

God forgives us, and you forgive me. On Forgiveness Sunday, I wish your soul to be light and your life to be light. And let there be no room in your heart for resentment and grief.

On Forgiveness Sunday
I ask your forgiveness.
Forgive and smile
Let life become kinder!

If something is wrong, sorry
Just don't judge strictly.
We've all made mistakes in life,
After all, no one is perfect.
And on Holy Sunday
The time has come to ask for forgiveness.

On this bright Sunday day
I ask you to forgive me.
And all the grievances that were
I ask you to quickly forget.

Forgive me and I forgive you
May this day bring us happiness.
Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday.
May you and I always be lucky in everything!

I ask you to forgive me
Let go of all grievances
Cleansing your soul
I sincerely forgive you.
Healing for sinful souls
Will give Forgiveness resurrection.

I want to ask for forgiveness
Forget old grievances
Start over from scratch
And always live with kindness!

I ask everyone for forgiveness
Well, the Lord will forgive you.
We wish you patience,
Let an angel guard your home.

Happy forgiven resurrection
I hasten to congratulate you!
From the bottom of my heart I apologize
I ask you for everything!

Ask you for forgiveness
I hurry without delay.
On a bright day and at this hour
In return, I forgive you!

Beloved, dear, close people,
Forgive me, let's dream of a miracle.
May God protect us and bring us health,
And everyone lives and does not judge the other.

On this day it's time for us to go to heaven
Let go of all grievances.
Happy resurrection of the Forgiven!
I ask you to forgive me!

Please forgive me for everything
And completely forget all the insults!
May every moment bring you happiness,
And God blesses the path of life!

Happy Forgiveness Sunday,
Please forgive me for everything that happened.
And I wish you pure thoughts, goodness and love.
So that the family is always warm and cozy!

On Forgiveness Sunday I ask for forgiveness,
I wish you peace, goodness and luck.
You will quickly remove grudges from your heart,
Live well, carefree and long.

Forgiveness Sunday has arrived.
Today we need to forget all the grievances.
I ask everyone I know for forgiveness,
So that you can continue to live with a light heart.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
To the soul - goodness, joy,
Universal forgiveness
And thoughts - purification!

I forgive you and you forgive me,
Whatever was bad in your soul - let it go,
Let's forget about the past, let's not remember,
We will continue to love and respect each other.

Today we need to forgive everyone,
The ancient holiday says so.
We wish everyone only happiness,
Don't hold grudges in your heart!

How many different ways do you have to reconcile with loved ones? So many. But the most effective one can be accomplished precisely on Forgiveness Resurrection. It marks the beginning of Maslenitsa and the beginning of Lent. This is a day recognized as a period of revelation and the elimination of all misunderstandings. You can write texts yourself that will be useful to our visitors who want to fulfill their duty on the eve of Lent.

If you would like to post your own thematic materials, fill out a special form for this. Our moderators will conduct a thorough check for plagiarism. If your congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday are completely unique, then they can be useful to everyone who visits our site in order to find relevant texts.

It is necessary that your congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday reflect the desire to close the pages of former enmity, becoming a significant step towards reconciliation. To be more convincing, it is necessary to turn to the treasury of folk art. There are many ancient texts of appeals that our ancestors used when wanting to fulfill their Christian duty.

When creating congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, you will think not only about the people who surround you, but also about old acquaintances. And the greeting you send on Forgiveness Sunday will be a real surprise for them. Undoubtedly, your congratulations will also be useful to other people who are in search of the necessary texts. Together we can help them cope with such an important task, and this support will be covered in the spirit and atmosphere of that Sunday that forgives and asks for forgiveness. By feeling like an author, you can become useful to others.