Painting of planar images in the second junior group on the topic: “Russian folk toy - matryoshka. Lesson notes for the second junior group

from 03/09/16 – to 03/11/2016


Over the course of the week we will develop the ability to sculpt a beautiful duck, Dymkovo toy, give a resemblance to a toy. Cultivate interest in folk toys. Continuing our acquaintance with folk toys, we will learn to see the fabulousness, festiveness of toys, and the brightness of colors. Pay attention to the nature of the drawing. Let's decorate the duck with elements of the Dymkovo pattern. Expand the child’s horizons by listening to literary works on the topic of the week, consider story pictures and conduct conversations based on their content, promote the development of independent cognitive activity.

Breathing exercises:

  1. “Admiring the toys.”

Children alternate short breaths through the nose and long exhales through the mouth. Then inhale slowly through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth with the words “a-a-ah.”

  1. “Blow, blow, blow.”

The child takes some kind of aid (flat toy) in his right hand, inhales on the count of 1-2-3, exhales on 1-2-3, blows on the toy calmly, long and smoothly.

  1. "Duck."

Take a deep breath through your nose - hold your breath. Exhale quickly through your mouth with the word “quack.”

Inhale quickly through your nose - hold your breath. Slowly exhale through the mouth “quack-a-a.”

Place your palms on your lower abdomen and exhale vigorously to the words “quack-quack-quack,” drawing in your stomach.

Invite your child to play:

“Arrange by height.”

Arrange the nesting dolls by height, thereby developing the child’s ability to classify objects by height.

Didactic game “Which hand is the toy in?”

Here we develop interest in folk toys and develop the ability to identify the right and left hand.

Didactic game “Find a toy made of wood.”

Place several toys in front of the child, including, for example, a matryoshka doll. Offer to find a toy made of wood. In this game we develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Didactic game "The third wheel".

Show the child three toys, including a folk toy. The child must determine which toy will be superfluous here. In this game, we develop children’s ability to generalize, identify folk toys from a group, and find an extra toy. We develop memory, attention, thinking.

Didactic game “Whose bird will fly farther?”

Encourage the child to exhale for a long, continuous, directed oral exhalation. Develop speech breathing.

Also this week we will be learning a round dance game. "We nesting dolls". In this game we will develop the ability to stand in a circle, move to the music and perform movements according to the model.

Invite your child to work as craftsmen and color the Dymkovo duck. Find a duck coloring page on the Internet, print it out and color the ducks together with your child. Who has it better, discuss? Let's develop speech and interact with your child!

Fortinskaya Valentina Vladimirovna


Cultivate interest in folk art;

Teach children look at the nesting doll, compose a descriptive story;

Strengthen the skill of drawing with paints;

Develop fine motor skills hands, memory, creative activity, attention;

Enrich children's vocabulary words: rosy, pink, scarlet cheeks, matryoshka, wooden, Russian folk toy.

Preliminary work.

Stories and conversations about matryoshka toy.

Presentation: Matryoshka - the soul of Russia.

Collection of practical and visual material with the involvement of parents topic: « Matryoshka dolls» .

Drawing for teaching children basic coloring of figures.

Exhibition "Girlfriends nesting dolls» .

Materials and equipment:

Toys: nesting dolls different in size - according to the number of children;

Matryoshka toys to play 2 sets;

Stencils nesting dolls;

Brushes, gouache different color, forms with water, napkins.

Audio recording, musical accompaniment of practical classes.

Progress of the lesson:

Children go to group where everything is prepared for occupation.

The teacher turns to children:

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to them (children's answers).

Guys, sit down on the chairs.

Guys, today we will talk about toy. About which one?

I'll tell you a riddle about her

Listen carefully:

Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all live together

And just one toy,

What is this toy?

Children (matryoshka)

B. Correct. This matryoshka.

Guys, look how much we have nesting dolls in a group. They are so different, so bright and elegant.

Guys, come to me and each take one matryoshka and return to your seat. Now take a close look at your matryoshka.

Lisa, what a scarf you have nesting dolls? (children's answers)

Veronica, what a sundress you have nesting dolls(children's answers)

Bogdan, what cheeks do you have? nesting dolls(children's answers)

Marusya, look, what's inside? She understands (children's answers)

Lera, matryoshka paper or wood? (children's answers)

Guys, how much do we know about nesting dolls.

Now come to me and put nesting dolls on the table and return to your seats.

Children, look what else is on our table? (children's answers)

Basket. Let's see what's in it?

Toys, nesting dolls. Let's look at one.

The teacher takes one out of the basket matryoshka and looks at it with the children.

Guys, this it's called a matryoshka"Summer"

Look how bright and colorful it is. Look at the sundress she's wearing? Blue.

Katya, what is written on the sundress? (children's answers)

Leva, what have matryoshka dolls in hands(children's answers) Basket with berries.

Sonya, what about matryoshka dolls on the head? (children's answers) Wreath of flowers.

That's right, a wreath of flowers.

Look what kind of hair he has nesting dolls? (children's answers)

Yellow, like the sun, sunny.

Now, let's see what's inside?

The teacher reads a poem by S. Marshak

The first doll is fat,

Is it empty inside?

It splits into two halves...

Another one lives in it

doll in the middle

open this doll -

There will be a third one second.

Unscrew half

Dense, ground-in

And will you be able to find

Fourth pupa

pot-bellied doll.

Here, a family of dolls are standing in a row.

Here's a whole family. Let's consider.

Who is this doll? Dad.

Bogdan, look what he has in his hands (children's answers) Basket.

With what (children's answers) with mushrooms.

Marusya, this doll is probably a mother? What is she holding in her hands? (children's answers) Bouquet of berries.

Lisa, what is the boy holding in his hand? (children's answers) Mushroom.

He probably went to the forest with dad. So, this is a son-assistant.

Here you go, little one matryoshka, daughter, what's in her hand (children's answers)

The whole family. They went to the forest and brought a basket full of mushrooms and berries.

And now, we will put our chairs in their places at the table.

And let's rest a little.

Physical education minute « Matryoshka dolls» .

Clap your hands

Friendly nesting dolls.

Boots on feet

Stomp nesting dolls

Left, leaned right

We bowed to all our friends

The girls are naughty

Painted dolls

Okay, okay,

Merry nesting dolls.

V. We rested a little, and now we sit down in our places at the table.

Guys, look what you have nesting dolls(children's answers)

They are not bright, not elegant. Let's color them, sign them.

Guys, watch carefully how I do this...

I take the brush with three fingers, put it in the water, wash it, and stroke it on the glass. Then I dip it in the paint. I hold the doll by the head with my free hand, and with the other hand I paint the sundress nesting dolls. At the same time, I don’t forget to wash my brush when I start painting with a different paint. So that the colors don't get mixed up. Like this.

Guys, you have a face We don’t paint over nesting dolls.

Look how smart I am matryoshka. Now you can color yours too. nesting dolls. For this you have paints and brushes.

Let's make their sundresses bright, colorful, try not to get them dirty matryoshka face.

The teacher turns on quiet music, walks between the tables and helps the children pick up the brush correctly and complete the task.

Children do the practical part classes.

V. Guys, now for your painted ones nesting dolls Place them on a table by the window to dry.

Guys, come to me, let's take a look. What else do we have in our basket?

Guys, this is matryoshka - festive, called "Easter"

Look carefully, what's in her plate? (children's answers)

Each of you has probably eaten a painted egg? (children's answers)

What else did you eat on holiday? Easter cakes are a delicious pie, a delicious cupcake. (children's answers)

Guys, a symbol of the holiday "Easter" are a colored egg and Easter cake.

Guys, today we told you about different nesting dolls. What are they? (children's answers)

The teacher brings the children to the stand where they stand in a row nesting dolls and nesting dolls"Summer" And "Easter"

We didn't just look at them. But they also painted it.

Well done. And now we can rest.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: Formation of ideas about the culture and life of the Russian people through the history of folk dolls, acquaintance with Russian folk toys.

Summary of the integrated lesson “Russian folk toy-Matryoshka” (multi-age group from 5 to 7 years)“Russian folk toy - Matryoshka” Goals: - To introduce children to national and cultural traditions, through deepening and expanding.

Summary of OOD in the second group of early age “Russian folk nursery rhyme “Chicken”” Goal: to introduce children to the Russian folk nursery rhyme “Chicken”; teach to distinguish between birds and their young, imitate their voices. Materials: mask.

Decorative applique “Outfits for Matryoshka” Age group: second youngest (3-4 years) Purpose: to teach children to perform decorative images.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group: “Russian folk tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf” Lesson summary Topic: Russian folk tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.” Objectives: - Learn to convey the characters’ characters intonationally during playback.

Irina Lavrishina
Project “Folk Toy” (second junior group)


« Folk toy»

second junior group


Lavrishina I. G.

Bryansk 2015

Project« Folk toy» .

"We are confident that folk toy is, with careful study, an inexhaustible source of wise and creative pedagogy."

E. Flerina.

Explanatory note:

Toy- it's part of the culture people. It arose a long time ago along with human society. People have always cared about beauty and entertainment toys, intended for child's play. Therefore, masters- toymakers put all their imagination into the image of a toy, invention and ingenuity. Interest in toy in children preschool age stable.

Folk toy is of great importance in raising a comprehensively developed person. The folk toy is original, interesting. Story folk toys begins in ancient times. It is associated with creativity people, With folk art , with folklore. Toy- one of the most ancient forms of creativity, over the centuries it has changed along with everything folk culture, absorbing it national characteristics and originality.

Type project: cognitive and creative.

Implementation deadlines project: short-term (2 weeks).

Participants project: children second junior group, teachers, parents of students.

Problem: not enough Russians folk toys in a group when introducing children to Russian folk art, lack of knowledge about the properties, qualities and functionality toys.

Questions for children about the proposed project:

What is this? (matryoshka)

Do you want to know what kind of toys? (Yes)

What were they made of? How did you play with them? (Yes)

Relevance: project helps to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture , arouse interest old toys(dolls, wooden toys, Dymkovsky and Filimonovsky toys). Project aimed at educating parents, involving them in educational process, increasing the role of the family in modern society.

Target project: introducing children to folk toys and materials, from which they are made; attracting children to play with them; interaction between children, parents, teachers; self-development of all participants in the pedagogical process based on introducing children to Russian folk art.

Tasks project:

Tasks for children:

Introduce children to homemade folk toys;

Promote the development of verbal communication, enrichment and expansion of vocabulary;

Develop gaming, cognitive, sensory abilities, taking into account individual and age characteristics child;

To form in the child an emotional, aesthetic and caring attitude towards toys, interest in history folk art, respect for working people;

Develop the ability to see the beauty in life and convey it in your creative works;

Tasks for parents:

Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process;

Encourage parents to engage in joint creative activities with their children;

Arouse interest in manufacturing DIY toys.

Tasks for the teacher:

Develop social and professional competence and personal potential;

Replenish the subject development environment homemade toys, didactic and board games, a library of books by A. Barto « Toys» and album « Folk toys» .

Predicted result:

In the process of interaction between teacher - children - parents in the implementation project


Show interest in folk toy, popularly-applied arts, crafts;

They put a piece of their soul into making DIY toys;

Master the elements of painting;

Gain knowledge of properties, qualities and functionality toys;

Show kindness, care, and respect for toys;

Speech activity of children increases in different types activities;

Children have developed knowledge of Russian popularly applied creativity, folk toy.


Master manufacturing techniques folk toys;

Involved in cognitive and creative activities together with children, family ties are strengthened;

Enriching parental experience with techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family;

Active participation in the life of the kindergarten and groups;

Development of creative abilities;

Increasing parents' competence when choosing toys(preference folk toys) .

Implementation plan project:

The first stage is preparatory:

The teacher’s definition of the topic, goals and objectives, content project, predicting the result;

Studying methodological literature;

Creation of a subject-developing environment;

Selection fiction;

Selection of illustrations on the topic, albums;

Selection of desktop printed games, didactic games, folk toys;

Preparation of material for artistic creativity;

Discussion with parents project, clarification of the possibilities, means necessary for implementation project.

Stage two - project implementation

Working with parents:

Consultations for parents "Antique toys of our ancestors» , "Story folk toys» ;

Memo for parents “What games can you play with Matryoshka dolls”;

Joint games of parents and children with toys;

Manufacturing toys-homemade products for the exhibition « Folk toy» together with children.

Work with children:

Examination of paintings, illustrations depicting folk toys(matryoshka dolls, wooden fun toys, Dymkovsky and Filimonovsky toys);

Conversations about folk toy, examination folk toys from different materials;

Reading fiction by A. Barto « Toys» , "Bear", "Ball", "Horse",

Learning Russian folk nursery rhymes and songs;

Guessing riddles about toys;

Comparison of the two toys or pictures;

Conversation about toys"My lovely toy» , "How do we play with toys» , "My toys» ,

Listening to music from "Children's Album" P. Tchaikovsky, “Oh, yes, we are nesting dolls” sl. Petrova, music Z. Levina;

Situation games "Our dolls", "In the shop toys» , "Town toys» , "IN the group was brought new toy , everyone wants to play it";

Didactic and tabletop games: "Collect a matryoshka doll", “Build a beautiful pyramid”, "Which the toy is gone» , « Wonderful pouch» , "House for Matryoshka", cut pictures "Russian patterns";

Game situations for construction "House for Matryoshka".

Plot-role-playing games: "Shop toys» , "Kindergarten";

Games with toys;

Teaching children to draw simple patterns;

Coloring coloring pages "Matryoshka Girlfriends", "Horse", “Cockerel;

artistic creativity : modeling "Treat for Matryoshka", drawing "Let's decorate the horse", "Filimonovsky toys» , "Apron for matryoshka", applique "A young lady's elegant dress".

The third stage is final:

Exhibition of children's works;

Making a homemade book "Apron for matryoshka";

Final event "Russian folk toy» ;

Exhibition of joint creative works of children and parents « Folk toy» .

Conducting classes on the social and personal development of children is one of the forms of interaction between the teacher and children in the process of becoming familiar with Russian folk culture.



Lesson on social and personal development of children aged 2- younger group

Lesson topic : “People’s toy”

Kolyshkina Nadezhda Mikhailovna, teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution Central District of Russia - kindergarten No. 3, village. Karagay, Perm region

Target: Development of children's emotional and value attitude towards Russian folk toys.


  1. Concretize initial ideas about folk toys (wooden, clay, rag).
  2. To promote the formation of an initial interest in the culture of one’s people, the manifestation of an emotional response in the process of perceiving small forms of Russian folklore.
  3. Contribute to the reflection of received impressions in a special way organized activities: gaming, speech, communicative, theatrical, musical.

Preliminary work.

Cognitive activity –Russian storytelling folk tale“Kolobok”, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, talking about their content, getting acquainted with folk toys in the “Russian Izba” museum;

speech activity –memorizing and acting out nursery rhymes (“I’m going, I’m going to the market,” “The Cockerel,” “Vanya, Vanya’s prostate,” “Because of the forest, because of the mountains”);

fine art activity – drawing “Let’s decorate a sundress for a doll”, modeling “Cockerel”;

musical activity – games – dramatizations based on familiar fairy tales (“Turnip”, “Rock Hill”, “Teremok”);

play activity– board and printed games (“Dress Mashenka”, “Pick a sundress for the nesting doll”, “Assemble the nesting doll”).

Material for the lesson– a recording (“In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, “Peddlers”), toys (3 pcs.): parsley - peddlers, koloboks (rag, wooden, clay), table theater “Kolobok”, three patches with toys.

Progress of the lesson.

*Grandma Arina enters. Hello guys, have you seen that there is no Kolob running around here? Yesterday I sewed a kolobok, I wanted to tell you a fairy tale about him today, but he ran away. What should I do now, how can I tell you a fairy tale without a bun?

*Q: Guys, let’s help grandma find the bun. I know a lot of craftsmen, they make various toys and sell them at the fair, maybe he came to them.

*Children set off on their journey to the Russian folk melody: “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”; along the way they recite a nursery rhyme:

I’m going, I’m going to the market to buy some goods.

On a horse in a red hat

Along a level path, on one leg.

In the old shovel, over the potholes, over the bumps,

Everything is straight and straight, and then suddenly... thump into the hole!

*Peddlers music plays. Three young men come out with patches (children senior group, or toys are placed on three tables, and the teacher plays the role of peddlers, using a toy - parsley.

Hey honest gentlemen,

Come here quickly.

How is it with us, tara-bars,

All sorts of different products...

Come and have a look.

*Children approach the first peddler. On his tray wooden Toys. Hello master, what are you selling?

*K: Wooden toys.

Q: Guys, look how beautiful it is, the master made toys from wood: horses, whistles, spoons, nesting dolls.

*Children look at toys

*K: Whoever amuses me, I’ll give him a pipe, and if you beat spoons and blow pipes, you’ll get funny music.

*Folk music is playing, children and adults are playing in the orchestra.

*K: For good game I give you a pipe.

*B: thank you master, have you seen a kolobok?

*K: I had a wooden bun, I just turned it yesterday, and he took it and rolled off the tray. Maybe you'll meet me somewhere along the way.

*Children go to the next peddler. Hello master, what are you selling?

*K: toys made of clay, I’ll sell them for fun.

*Children tell nursery rhymes about toys on the Ladka:

Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,

Oil head, silk beard!

Don't you let your children sleep?

Vanya, Vanya the prostate, bought a horse without a tail

I sat down backwards and went to the garden.

Grandfather Egor is coming from behind the forest, from behind the mountains.

Himself on a horse, Zhenya on a cow,

Children on calves, grandchildren on kids.

*The master gives toys to the children.

*B: Thank you master, have you ever met a kolobok?

*K: Yesterday I made a bun out of clay, put it on a tray, and it rolled away. Maybe you'll meet me somewhere along the way.

*Children say goodbye to the master and approach another.

*Hello master, what are you selling?

*K: Patchwork, rag, practical toys. If anyone tells a fairy tale, I’ll give it away for free.

*Children look at toys: animals from the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

*B: I wanted to tell the children the fairy tale “Kolobok”, but he rolled away, do you have such a toy?

*K: Yes, but the koloboks rolled on their own and fit on my tray.

*Children look at koloboks:

This bun is wooden

This one is clay

This grandma's rag.

*B: Sit down, dear children, and listen to a fairy tale.

* Grandmother tells the fairy tale “Kolobok”, using different koloboks in the show, one meets a hare, another meets a bear, the third meets a wolf...

This is where the fairy tale ends, and for those who listened, well done, I leave you koloboks as a souvenir: wooden, clay, rag and toys. Play, have fun.

*D: Thank you grandma.

*Q: Guys, how can you play with toys?

*D: Tell a nursery rhyme, a fairy tale, sing a song...

/Kolyshkina Nadezhda Mikhailovna-teacher in the village of Karagay, Perm region/

Ivanteeva Vera Alexandrovna
MBDOU kindergarten"Sun" Sineborsk

Abstract open class in the second junior group of kindergarten.

"Acquaintance with folk toys"

Target: to form an idea of ​​​​folk toys, introduce them to the traditions of the Russian people, develop attention, speech, expand vocabulary, continue to introduce oral folk art.



  • Introduce children to national and cultural traditions, introduce them to Russian folk toys; develop interest in folk toys;
  • To cultivate the desire to create and create ourselves based on Russian folk art;


  • Introduce children to Russian folk toys; learn to distinguish by shape, color, pattern. Learn to carefully glue applique parts. develop aesthetic taste children.


  • Develop creative perception, imagination, memory, speech, attention, observation, holistic visual perception the surrounding world.

Progress of the event

Presenter. Guys, do you like toys? (Yes) What do you do with them? (We play) And I heard that you know poems about toys. Now I will show you pictures, and you will read poetry.

Display of illustrations for A. Barto’s book “Toys”. Children read poetry:

1. Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won't leave him -

Because he's good!

2. Our Tanya is crying loudly,

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not drown in the river.

3. The owner abandoned the bunny.

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

4. The bull is walking, swaying,

Sighs as he walks:

Oh, the board ends

Now I'm going to fall!

Presenter. Here's what various toys there are. Adults have long made various toys and fun for children. Any material was suitable for this - from a piece of clay a whistle was made, from a piece of wood - entertaining teddy bears, chickens, and little whistles. And from the remnants of the fabric wonderful things were born rag dolls, which are considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it essential attribute ancient rituals. Since time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Rus'. It was believed that dolls made by hand from scrap materials have magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to ward off evil spirits and bring happiness to the house.

(The teacher accompanies the story by showing toys or presentation slides)

Presenter. These are some interesting rag dolls. It's worth doing a little magic ( puts a toy - Parsley on his hand), and now the toy came to life.

Parsley. Hello guys! You recognized me? I am a funny toy, and my name is... ( children answer “Parsley”)

Parsley. Look how beautiful my pants are. What color are they? And this is my favorite shirt. Do you know what color it is? And I have a red cap on my head; everyone recognizes me by it immediately. I brought more toys for your holiday - ringing rattles. Do you want to play with them? (Yes). Then stand apart, I'll play with you.

Game with Parsley

My pens are missing.

(Hide behind your back)

Where are you, my little hands?

One two three four five,

Show yourself to me again!

(Show. Same with eyes, ears, nose - cover them with your palms.)

Presenter. Now listen to the riddle:

They stand like candles all day

These miracle people.

The dolls don't want to sleep

You can't put him on the bed.

Let's sway a little

And they get back on their feet again.

Tell me, my friend:

What is the name of the toy?

It’s not at all difficult to guess:

This is a tumbler doll

Presenter: A tumbler bright shirt came to us. What is she like? (bright, beautiful).

Getting to know the nesting doll:

I, the nesting doll, is a souvenir,

In painted boots.

Thundered all over the world

Russian doll!

The master carved me

From a piece of birch,

How rosy is she?

Cheeks like roses!

Guys, what is the name of the toy that I have in my hands? (matryoshka)

Do you know where the matryoshka came from? Then let me tell you how the nesting doll was born.

It was a long time ago. Once Ivanushka, a good fellow, was walking along the free Russian land, across wide fields and through birch groves. Suddenly Ivanushka sees a village. He entered the village, there was a house on the edge, and there was a little man sitting at the window, spinning around. Ivanushka asked him what had happened, and the man told him that his beloved daughter had fallen ill. She fell ill because she was bored and sad without fun toys. "Do not worry, a kind person“We’ll come up with something, we’ll definitely make the girl laugh,” said Ivan. They agreed with her father to go to the fair and buy the sick girl sweets and something funny and joyful. They walked around the fair for a long, long time, looking and choosing. Suddenly they saw one picture of a funny, smiling, elegant doll. They bought the picture and came home happy. When the girl saw the doll, she immediately became cheerful, blushed, and prettier. She wanted to play with it, but she couldn’t - it was a painted doll. The little girl became sad again. Then her father took the wooden one. block of wood and carved out a figurine of a doll from it. He carved it out, painted it with bright colors: dressed it in a smart dress, like in the picture. It turned out to be a cheerful doll, funny. The girl hugged her doll and called her by the Russian name Matryona, and since the doll was small, then Matryoshka is everything her name was And the girl began to recover quickly, and from then on her father sharpened funny wooden toys for all the children, painted them with flowers and bouquets.

- That's how the guys, the nesting doll was born. Matryoshka, ancient traditional, folk toy. It is no coincidence that it is called folk, because it was made by the kind hands of Russian people.

Guys, look how many nesting dolls there are here.

What is she like? (ornate, painted, beautiful)

Why is it painted? (sundress decorated with flowers)

What is the matryoshka made of? (made of wood)

Guys, do you know that they make matryoshka dolls with a secret? The matryoshka opens up. I will show.

Five wooden dolls
Chubby and ruddy,
In multi-colored sundresses
They live on our table,
The first doll is fat,
But inside she is empty.
She's breaking up
In two halves.
Open this doll -
There will be a third in the second.
Unscrew half
Dense, ground in -
And will you be able to find
The fourth pupa.
Take it out and look
Who is hiding inside?
The fifth one is hiding in it
The doll is pot-bellied.
Here they are in a row
The doll sisters are standing.
Let's count you again: one, two, three, four, five.

In the old days they loved to dance in circles. Let us all stand together in the “Matryoshka round dance”:

Let’s build a good home for the doll-matryoshka:

So tall, so wide!

A matryoshka doll entered the house, our little doll.

He dances so happily and waves his handkerchief at you.

Presenter. Here are some interesting toys we met.