Scenarios for Easter gatherings for adults. Scenario for events

In the hall there is an exhibition “Easter Joy” (works of children and parents). On the walls there are panels “Kulich-city”, “Temple”, a large Easter egg, a belfry with ceramic bells. Children sit in a semicircle with their parents. The troparion is performed.
Leading: People call Easter a bright holiday. Just as the sun shines and warms us, so the light of the soul and the joy of the heart come from our Savior. From heart to heart, from soul to soul, hurry up the joyful news - Christ is Risen! He rose again once in order to forever illuminate the world with the light of His Resurrection. We celebrate more than just memories today. “The night is long and dark - swallowed up, gloomy death is hidden, Christ appears before everyone brighter than the sun. The Lord creates the unexpected out of the impossible,” says St. John Chrysostom. In bright joy, heaven and earth, angels and people merge into one. And how can one not rejoice on the great and holy day of the Resurrection of Christ!

Children sing the song “A miracle is above all miracles.”

Child reader: After a long shit

Having received communion on Passion Street,

Orthodox Christians with excitement

People march to the service at night.

With eggs and Easter cakes,

Happy Easter and candles.

With a religious procession, with friendly singing

We are celebrating Sunday.

The sun dances and plays,

God blesses all creation,

From earth to heaven

Everyone sings Christ is Risen!

A child sings the song “Song about Angels.” (“Holidays in Sunday school" - M., 2000.)

Children come up to the belfry and read:

Child reader 1:

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is Risen!

Death is gone and fear has disappeared - Christ is Risen!

Choirs of angels from heaven glorify God's cross.

Child reader 2:

The Lord saved us from death - Christ is Risen!

The Kingdom of God is among us - Christ is Risen!

Rejoice and praise - love reigns today!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

Children senior group with bells in their hands they sing and ring.

The bells are ringing, ringing, ding-dong,

The bright time has come, ding-dong,

And music pours from heaven, ding-dong,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Children preparatory group play the bells of the children's belfry.
Christ is Risen! The heart trembles joyfully. Easter is truly a holiday.
And quite recently, people went to church with willows to meet Christ joyfully and solemnly.

Two girls come out with willow branches. Read a poem by R.A. Kudasheva.

Child reader 1:

Willows, little camels, children!

All bunches for a penny.

Caps are visible here and there;

The satin earring is bored:

The dawn is bursting behind bars

Willows, red willows

You won't find it better anywhere.

Child reader 2:

In the evening to the holy church

The children will go with the willow,

They will take a wax candle,

They will light it with quiet prayer;

The branches tremble with happiness,

Willows, little camels, children!

Just a penny bunch...

Handing out willow branches to the girls.

All the girls stand scattered around the hall and sing the song " Palm Sunday" with movement.
Palm Sunday -

The whole earth is awakening.

Hands with primary branches - (Slowly raise hands with branches up).
Reaching for the skies. - (The willow is slowly lowered).

Palm Sunday,

In Jerusalem singing, - (They raise the willow up).

God's blessing to all fields and forests. - (Swinging branches).

We know that on the bright holiday of Easter there is a custom of giving eggs.

What letters can you see on Easter eggs? (children answer).

Christ is Risen! - froze on the varnished egg.

Child reader:
I painted an egg

A branch, and on the branch there is a bird.

The cloud flies into space

Into the blue sky.

In the middle there is a pattern,

And below - Christ is Risen!

Based on the text of the poem, children create a large picture from drawings. (Easter egg, willow branches, bird, letters XB, temple, cloud).

how to decorate the facade of a house with ceramic tiles

Christ is Risen! - what wonderful words, they contain both the victorious message of life over death and the joy of eternal life.

Two children read a poem. One has a white egg in his hand, the other has a red one.

Child reader 1:

Dear egg for Christ's day.

And for a long time I didn’t know: how and why?

Only the words of God He Himself revealed to me,

So that I value a red egg.

I once picked up a fresh egg.

And I looked at him thoughtfully for a long time.

No bones, no beak, no feather, no legs.

I couldn’t see the bird in that egg.

How does this happen, where to find the answer,

The bird suddenly comes out of the egg into the light.

Child reader 2:

This is where God created a miracle,

That he turned a raw egg into a bird.

I understood that example, dear to my heart,
This is what the Lord once did with me.
The same power of God will gather my ashes,
And from the dust the body will come to life again.
This is our guarantee, miracle of miracles,
The firstborn from the dead, Christ Himself is Risen.
He died on the cross, that's how He loved us,
That He shed His blood for us, sinners.
And since then the testicle, red as blood,
Reminds me of His love.

Christ is Risen! - people greet each other.
Christ is Risen! - the birds echo them.
Christ is Risen! - bells ring in temples.

Child reader:

"On a Bright Night"
It’s a sin to sleep this night;
Look out the window;
There is light everywhere, people are waiting,
They'll be going to church soon.
At midnight the bell will ring,
It will fly to the skies,
And it will wake you up with a wave
Heaven is with earth.
It's a sin to sleep this night,
It's almost midnight... It's dark...
To those who, awake, wait,
A bright holiday is coming!

Children are invited to listen to a story (read by a teacher or one of the parents.)
"The Joy of the Morning" by Valery Milovatsky.
"Joy of the Morning"
There is a translucent night over the city. At this time in St. Petersburg there are just such sensitive nights. Everybody sleeps. Only one boy is awake - he is waiting. His dad, a forester, left to inspect new plantings and promised to return for Easter. And the boy was waiting for him. And also, his mother, putting him to bed, said that Easter would begin that night - and he was afraid to miss the moment when Christ would rise. He wanted to see: the darkness would suddenly dissipate, and it would become as light as day, and the angels, the birds, the animals, and the whole earth would rejoice...
Lying in bed, he listened to the silence for a long time, peered into the night sky through the window - and waited. Some rustles, sighs, creaks, flickering, when he closed his eyes, made him shudder. Sometimes he heard dull blows - these were apparently ice floes moving along the Neva hitting the embankment. In the corner, opposite the bed, a lamp was burning in front of the image of St. Seraphim of Sarov. This encouraged and calmed the boy. And he remembered, either in reality or in a dream...
In those years when the great Pushkin lived, an unprecedented saint appeared in Russia. Every day he greeted everyone with the words: “Christ is Risen, my joy!” Because he himself firmly believed in this and wanted all people to also believe in the Resurrection, to wake up from their unbelief. In secret, he accomplished the feat of his life - more than once he was in the clutches of death: he died from illnesses, robbers killed him, but the Mother of God, to whom he constantly prayed, miraculously saved him. He voluntarily subjected himself to the most difficult tests. For a thousand days and nights, praying, he knelt on a stone under open air. And how many unknown feats he accomplished! And God gave him a lot. Joy embraced everyone who came to him; others saw the radiance that emitted from his face. He was ready to console, caress, and say a friendly and cheerful word to everyone, so that before the face of the Lord everyone’s spirit would always be cheerful and not sad. For the sake of this joy, he bore a heavy cross, because “true joy is the fruit and companion of the cross.” The Holy Elder of the Resurrection, the Elder of joy, love and victory, how he loved children!
And the boy saw this radiant old man, saw the golden domes of the temples. And from this radiance everything around came to life: apples bloomed, bees buzzed; even the old half-dried ash tree blossomed its translucent leaves, like angel feathers. The boy looked at it with all his eyes - he wanted to run, hug every apple tree...
And he would like to stay there, in this wonderful dream, but something extraordinary, jubilant with the ringing of a bell, picked him up, reached the depths of his soul and filled him with joy and love. It was impossible not to wake up in order to feel and see this. It sounded, called, shone, it was full of such ringing power that you wanted to rush into his arms. To him who loves and is the only one - the risen and resurrecting Jesus Christ. He was beyond sleep - then the boy realized that he was sleeping, and was afraid that he had slept through the most important thing, which could not be missed. And through his sleep, through his closed eyelids, he felt that some special day had come - and he had to quickly jump out of his sleep towards it unusual day. When he opened his eyes, the day rang and sparkled, the air itself sang: “Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen!"
"Christ is Risen!" - said the father, and they kissed. The father took his son in his arms, brought him to the window, opened it and said: “Look how everything blooms! Here it is, Resurrection! Yesterday until late evening I walked around a distant section of the forest. At night I returned through the forest. It was dark and creepy. Only the stars were shining. And I thought: “But on this night Christ rose again.” And he shouted loudly to the whole forest: “Glory to you, Lord! Glory to Your Resurrection!” And suddenly the dark forest sky lit up with many multi-colored flashes. Rainbows shone in waves in the sky, illuminating the dark forest, as if angels from heaven answered: “Truly He is Risen!” and you were probably fast asleep at that time, my joy!”

A bell rings (audio cassette), a curtain opens, behind which a “Temple” is decorated on the wall.
All children approach the “temple”.

Child reader:
I quietly enter the temple with my mother,
I'm not being naughty at all.
Let God see for Himself
How I love Him
The royal gates are shining,
I'll light a candle
And before the image of Christ
I'll whisper forgiveness.

Children sing the song "Temple".
According to tradition, children and parents go to the temple located next to the kindergarten and ring the bells.
The holiday ends with the Easter meal and Easter games.

The competition is quite simple and does not require special effort from guests. The presenter asks questions, and whoever is the first from the audience to raise their hand answers. If the answer is correct, the participant earns his point. At the end, you can select 3 prizes, for example, with certain awards. Questions can be of the following nature: bread kvass is distributed in the Orthodox Church, and they say that if you drink it on an empty stomach, you can get rid of all diseases (artos); name a product or object that is made before Easter in Bulgaria, it is thrown out of the window during the holiday, and the one who picks up a fragment of this object will find happiness (pot); the word "Easter" comes from the Hebrew word meaning "passes by", from the Egyptian expression "bestows light" or from the Romans "unearthly joy" (from Hebrew); this is the name for the solemn ringing of bells at Easter (blagovest); and Easter cookies in Poland, and the name of the dance (mazurka) and so on.

Painting eggs is an art

This is a simple competition as a warm-up for the brain. Whoever remembers and gives the answer the fastest wins a prize. The questions are: eggs with their own designs? (paintings); eggs in the same color? (colors); eggs painted using a special technology? (pysanky); eggs with a plain background and spots or stripes? (speckles); painted eggs with a scratched pattern? (rags); decorative eggs made of wood, for example, or beads? (eggs).

Fight, don't be afraid

Guests are divided into pairs. The host asks riddles to each pair, and whoever guesses first gets the right to be the first to beat the egg. Riddles can be very different, depending on the age and circle of guests, for example: the sun is shining brightly and birds are singing around, everyone has red... (testicles) on the table today; painstaking work before the holiday in the oven to bake delicious and rich miracles - ... (Easter cakes); Everything in the house is clean, but my soul is joyful, like in a fairy tale, because everyone is prepared for... (Easter) and so on. Then, in pairs, the participant who first guessed the riddle beats his partner’s egg. Whoever's egg remains intact has the right to make a wish, which the guest grants, with a broken egg.

Fun rides

In this competition, children will simply have fun, and adults can resort to knowledge of physics and mathematics, calculating the trajectory and speed. The participants' task is to roll their egg down a slide, which can be used as a board, or to make a special slide out of plastic. Whose egg stops the farthest wins. For general interest, multiple winners may be selected.


Every private owner must show imagination and ingenuity. At the “start” command, each guest participant must go in search of objects whose names will begin with the letters of the holiday, that is, “p”, “a”, “s”, “x”, and “a”, for example, a stick or saw, pen or orange, sugar or rolling pin, bread or brushwood, album or antenna. The first round ends when everyone has collected items for all letters. And whoever copes first in this matter will be the winner. And the second round will consist of each participant being able to beautifully present the items they brought, for example, a stick to drive away all sorrows, a fountain pen so that you can write your happy life stories, sugar so that every day of your life is sweet, bread so that you never go hungry on your table, an album so that you can leave only bright and cheerful pictures in it. Whichever participant has the most beautiful and creative explanation also receives a prize.

Each of the guests takes turns writing on a common sheet 3 words that he associates with today, for example, holiday, joy, eggs, and so on. Then the presenter announces that it is the turn to write a story or sing a song, that is, each of the guests, only in reverse order from the beginning of the sheet (from the first words), must make up sentences from which the Easter story will be built. At the request of the guests, you can make up not a story, but sing a song, whoever is good at what, in general.

A breath of sunshine

Easter is a bright holiday on which you need to forget everything bad and enjoy the sunshine, life, and surrounding beauty. Each participant receives the same orange, knife and deep plate. At the command “start,” participants cut their orange in half and squeeze orange juice into their plate, symbolizing sunlight. Once all the guests have squeezed out the juice, the winner of the first round is determined who has the most juice. Then the second round begins - each participant must drink his juice without the help of his hands or any other objects (like a cat at her bowl). Whoever drinks the “sunshine” first will win the second prize.

The fastest eggnog

Each participant receives the following set: spoon, bowl, egg, sugar. At the “start” command, participants must break the egg and separate the white, add sugar to it and beat until you get eggnog - the filling for the top of the Easter cake. Whoever manages it first and provides ready-made eggnog will be the winner.

Fun coloring pages

For this competition you will need eggs (wooden, chicken, paper, etc.), paints and brushes. For a certain time, each of the guests must decorate their egg in their own way, while trying to do it very beautifully and better than the others. The best decorated Easter egg (maybe several) is chosen by voting, for which guests receive their prizes.

Characters: three presenters.

The hall is decorated with willow branches and candles. Music is playing. (“Christ is Risen” by A. Chernov)

First presenter.

Holy night... the temple is filled with lights,

The sinners' prayer ascends to heaven,

Like burning incense in an altar -

Second presenter.

Nature is full of tender trepidation,

The stars twinkle in the depths of the sky,

Silence reigns over the sinful world...

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Third presenter.

Like the grass froze before the storm,

The slumbering forest fell silent before the mystery,

Only the wind whispers tender words:

"Christ is risen! Truly risen!

First presenter. Hello, dear guests!

Second presenter. Welcome to the holiday of Holy Easter!

Third presenter. On this day Christ was resurrected, which was a sign of victory over death and the triumph of life.

First presenter. On this day, bells in churches ring especially solemnly. And this ringing can be heard far, far away.

The phonogram of the “Easter Annunciation” sounds.

Second presenter. Orthodox Easter rich in rituals and customs.

Third presenter. This is how it is customary to celebrate Christ on Easter - exchange colored eggs, saying: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen!”

First presenter. The eggs were painted with red paint, which symbolizes rebirth by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Second presenter. And the egg itself symbolizes the emergence of life.

Third presenter. Painted eggs were blessed in the church. It was believed that such an egg protected the house from fire and the harvest from hail.

First presenter. The egg also served as the main character of Easter entertainment.

Second presenter. And we now invite you to take part in Easter fun. There are games with Easter eggs.

Game "Easter Egg Relay"

The start/finish and turning points are marked on the playground using a flag or pins. The game involves two teams. Each team receives a spoon and an egg. The players' task is to run a distance while holding a spoon with an egg at arm's length. The winner is the team that covers the distance faster without breaking the egg.

Game "Egg Fights"

Each team player receives an egg. Players from opposing teams take seats opposite. Then, on command, the players roll the eggs towards each other. The team with the most eggs left wins.

As a variant of the game, you can not roll the eggs, but “clink” them.

Game "Egg Shooting Range"

The game requires prize targets, which are located at some distance from the line from which the “shooting” will take place. Each player receives an egg, which must be rolled towards the target. If the egg hits the target accurately, the player takes the prize.

Third presenter. Jesus Christ suffered to redeem us from our sins, died and rose again, defeating death by His resurrection and giving us eternal life.

First presenter. The grateful people composed many poems and songs in memory of these events.

Second presenter. We invite you to listen to some of them now.

The song “You have redeemed the world from sin” is playing (Collection of worship songs)

You have redeemed the world from sin,

You gave him love and light

Lighted up extinguished hearts and gave hope.

We stand before you,

And everyone is dear to you,

We thank you and praise you for everything!

Glory and greatness to you,

Glory to centuries and nations!

Your power is limitless

Your mercy throughout all generations!

You took away sin and illness,

Washed in your holy blood,

You have given us abundant life for freedom!

How faithful are your children,

We want to know the law of love,

For everything, father, we thank and exalt you!

Third presenter. And now we invite you to the Easter feast. Please come to the table.

The participants of the holiday are seated at the tables.

First presenter. Since ancient times, the main dishes at the Easter feast were Easter cakes and Easter.

Second presenter. They also prepared the Easter lamb, the bones of which were not thrown away, but buried in the field to save the harvest from hail.

Ved. : Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily,

Easter has come to visit us.

Ved. : Hello dear children, today we will talk about such a wonderful and bright holiday - Easter. What kind of holiday is this? (children's answers)

Easter is the most important Christian holiday. On this day, believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Orthodox Church has been celebrating Easter for more than two thousand years.

From the history of the holiday:

The Son of God came into this world to save people. He preached Love and the Kingdom of Heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Do you remember the Christmas story? Many rejoiced at the appearance of Christ. But there were also those who did not believe in his holiness. They tried to stop Jesus from talking about the Kingdom of God. Among the leaders of that time there were many who hated Christ and wanted to get rid of Him. Judas, one of the Lord's disciples, decided to hand over Christ to these evil people. He approached his Teacher and kissed Him. It was a sign. Jesus was immediately taken into custody. And Judas received 30 for this silver coins. Thus he sold his Master.

Jesus was interrogated before the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish court. The elders and judges were looking for evidence to convict Jesus. They bullied him, but he endured.

In the end He was sentenced to death. It was a terrible event. Jesus was crucified on the cross on Mount Golgotha. When he died, the earth shook and rocks began to disintegrate. This happened on Friday. Now we call this day Good Friday. On this sorrowful day we must pray.

Church tradition says that after Jesus was taken down from the cross, his body was buried in a cave in the garden of Joseph, his disciple. But the entrance was blocked with a large stone and a guard was placed so that the body of Christ would not be stolen. On the third night, an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled away the stone from the entrance. The soldiers standing guard were petrified with fear, and then, waking up, they ran to the Jerusalem priests to report what had happened. The women who came in the morning to, according to custom, anoint the body of Christ with fragrant myrrh, did not find it. There was an angel in the cave who told them: “You are looking for Jesus crucified, he is not here. He rose from the dead." Then Jesus himself appeared to Mary Magdalene and his disciples, with whom he spoke for forty days about the Kingdom of God.

Joy overwhelmed the people. Since then we have been celebrating Easter - the holiday of the Renaissance. The Lord defeated death and showed that for those who believe in Him and live according to His commandments, there is neither death nor hell

(In preparation for Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. Maundy Thursday begins their favorite activity - coloring and painting eggs. On simple patterns a lot of meaning has been put into it. Wavy lines are seas-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made krashanki and pysanky were placed on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday. Juicy greens and bright colors easter eggs created a festive mood.

And when mom bakes Easter cakes, the whole house smells of sweet vanilla and raisins - a real holiday!

On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive service takes place (Easter Service of God). Various foods are brought to the church in beautiful baskets - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize prosperity, pysanky and krashanki. Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a singer and a priest blesses the people.

Returning home, people break their fast - eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen! " and then kisses everyone. You should answer like this: “Truly risen! » The sacred egg is cut into as many pieces as there are persons present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the brightness of this day. You should definitely start your Easter breakfast with Easter cake. Even crumbs of this bread that fall on the floor should under no circumstances be thrown away.

The holiday lasts throughout Bright Week. There was a custom in the villages: in the evening violinists walked around the villages and played under the windows in honor of Christ.)

Easter is the greatest Christian holiday, occurring on the Sunday after the seven-week period of Lent.

The Holy Resurrection of Christ is the day on which his transition from death to eternal life took place. The celebration of this event lasts a week. That is why the celebration of Easter is a “feast of holidays”, glorifying the victory of good over evil, life over death, light over darkness. On this day, it is customary to bake Easter cakes, make Easter cottage cheese and paint eggs.

The egg is a symbol of life, its rebirth. The eggs are painted in different colors and presented with the words: “Christ is risen! "In response you should say: "Truly he is risen! - and kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.

And the tradition comes from this: on Easter, Mary Magdalene came to the Roman Emperor Tiberius with the good news: “Christ is risen! “- she said and presented the emperor with a chicken egg as a gift.

The Emperor laughed and said that the egg would sooner turn red than he would believe it. And in front of the amazed audience, the white egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned red! When Tiberius saw this, he was amazed and replied: “Truly risen! "

Since then, the tradition has arisen of painting eggs red and greeting each other.

Later, eggs began to be painted for Easter different colors and they called them “krashenki”; ​​the eggs on which various designs are drawn are called “pysanky”. It also happens that the eggs are coated with wax, painted, and then various patterns are scratched out with a needle. Such eggs are called “drapanki”.

With Easter, fun activities for young people began: they sang songs, danced in circles, swung on swings, etc.

Ved. : Spring has come, the sun has brought joy.

1 child : The sun looks more cheerful,

The sun is looking straight.

And sings like a nightingale

The brook is stubborn.

2 reb. : And the murmur of water,

Trills, overflows

Silently listening to the flowers

By the green willow.

3 reb. : And, flying from afar,

The cranes are crowing

This song of a stream

They hear from heaven.

4 children : And the stream rushes to the river,

I'm catching up with the flock

More and more calling and sonorous

Humming something.


Russian folk game"Burners"

All participants in the game stand in pairs, one after another, with the leader in front, at a distance of two steps from the players. Participants in the game chant the words:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Stay at your hem

Look at the field:

Rooks are walking

Yes, they eat rolls.

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

As soon as these words are sung, the driver should look at the sky, and the children of the last pair let go of their hands and quietly run along the column, one on the left, the other on the right. When they catch up with the driver, everyone shouts loudly to him:

One, two, don't be a crow.

Run like fire!

Two children run forward, deftly dodging the driver, trying to take each other’s hands. If they hold hands, then the “burner” is not scary for them, they calmly walk and stand in front of the first pair, and the driver “burns” again.

(or) Burners with a handkerchief

All participants in the game stand in pairs one after another, the driver stands in front of the column and holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head (fig.).

The players say in chorus: “Burn, burn, oil, burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.” Look at the sky, the birds are flying! ”

After the words “Birds are flying! “The players of the last pair quickly run forward, and whichever of them is the first to take a handkerchief stands next to the driver in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns.”

Ved. : The brightest, most joyful holiday has come - Easter. On this day, all Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bells ring joyfully in churches, Easter cakes are baked in houses, and colored eggs are eaten. And now we will watch a fairy tale.

A dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.

Ved. : Once upon a time they lived in a village

An old man with his old lady.

They lived together, did not grieve,

We went to church together on Saturday,

We managed the farm together,

We baked pies together.

Baba: Grandfather, did you light the stove?

Today I will start a feast.

After all, Easter has arrived.

Grandfather: And I’m already exhausted:

I chopped wood, brought water,

I lit the stove for you a long time ago.

Baba: Oh yes, helper! And I didn't doze.

I put out the dough, mashed the cranberries,

I poured sugar. Tasty pie

I put it in the oven, it will arrive on time.

Sweet fruit juice was poured into jugs...

Grandfather: Grandma, we forgot to color the eggs!

Grandma: Well, it’s not a problem!

Chicken Ryaba, come here to us!

(Ryaba Hen appears with a golden egg)

Chicken Ryaba: Hello, grandfather, and hello, woman!

Chicken Ryaba tried.

You didn't listen to me

And it was not in vain that I said:

For Christ's day

I'll bring you an egg.

Yes, the egg is not a simple one

I brought it to you - golden!

Baba: Grandfather, the egg burns like heat.

Grandfather: I thought it was a fire!

Baba: It’s a pity to paint gold,

Let it stand like that.

And to you, my little Ukrainian,

I'll pour the grains into a mug.

Grandfather: Well, I’ll pour some water,

I will also praise Ryaba. (they all leave, a mouse appears).

Ved. : Everything would be fine, but, kids,

There was also a mouse living in that house.

She was running across the floor

And I saw the egg.

Mouse: What is this strange egg?

It's like it's burning!

I'll play with him a little

I'll touch the throne with my paw and give it a ride. (drops and breaks the egg.)

Oh! Until the grandpa and grandma see,

The mouse needs to make legs! (runs away.)

(Grandfather and woman enter and notice a broken egg)

Baba: Such grief! What a disaster!

It's a mouse, Grandfather!

Grandfather: What to do? How can we be here?

Baba: Let's shed tears, old man!

(grandfather and woman are crying. Chicken Ryaba enters with a basket full of colored eggs.)

Chicken Ryaba: Don't cry, grandfather! Don't cry, grandma!

Brought to you by Kura Ryaba

Testicles are different -

Not gold, but colored!

Grandfather and Baba (together): Thank you, little crested

Chicken Ryabushka!

Chicken Ryaba: Roll the eggs,

Happy Easter!

(Easter bells sound)

Dance “Friendly Children”

Game "Carousel"

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle saying:

Barely, barely

The carousel spun, and then around,

And then around and around,

Everything is running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run. At the leader’s command “Turn!” "They quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't write it off!

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two,

The game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run around the court.

Ved. : The bright holiday of Easter comes to earth,

More magical than any fairy tale,

More wonderful than any earthly miracles:

Christ is risen!

Children: Truly risen!

Ved. : Easter bell, and eggs with Easter cakes.

The birch trees stood up like white candles.

And the good news spreads over the earth:

Christ is risen!

Children: Truly risen!

Ved. : And willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection

I put on my spring decorations.

And like a temple, the forest is filled with singing:

Christ is risen!

Children: Truly risen!

(children are invited to join their group, where they play with eggs and drink tea with Easter cake.)

Easter - holiday scenarioPreparing the holiday

This holiday in Rus' was called differently: Great Day, Bright Day, Christ's Resurrection. Once upon a time it was perhaps the most joyful and long-awaited children's holiday. It was a day fun games, the first round dances, swinging on swings, walking around courtyards, reminiscent of Christmas caroling. They often called it that: green Christmastide. To make the holiday memorable for children, preliminary work by the teacher, parents, and older friends is necessary: ​​you need to tell the children about the history of the holiday, prepare gifts and souvenirs, equipment for games together with the children, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes.

Hall decoration
The classroom (hall) is festively decorated with balloons, blossoming tree branches, and spring flowers.

Before carrying out, you need to tell the children the history of this Orthodox holiday -Christ's Sunday, you can take a children's Bible, the story there is easy and interesting.
A recording of a bell ringing sounds. Children and guests take their places.

I congratulate you on the brightest and happy holiday- Easter. Let the bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun. (The Russian folk song “It’s like crossing a bridge, bridge.” The children sing along). In Russia, Easter was called Great Day, Bright Day. The peasants believed that the sun shines on Easter. And many tried to watch for this moment. The children even addressed the sun with a song:

Sunshine, bucket,
Look out the window!
Sunshine, go for a ride,
Red, dress up!

Young people climbed onto the roofs to meet the sun. Easter was a very big holiday that lasted a week, and this whole week was filled with various games, entertainment, and visiting. At Easter, it was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ, christen ourselves and exchange colored eggs. On Easter everyone (men, boys, boys) was allowed to ring the bells, so there was a continuous ringing of bells, maintaining a joyful, festive mood. And how many games there were!

Games are held

"Egg Rolling"
There are trays with grooves on the tables. You need to roll the colored eggs along these grooves. As you roll your egg along the groove, try to break other eggs. The winner is the one whose egg remains intact.
"Bowling in Russian"
Prizes are placed along the perimeter of the table: whistles, gingerbread cookies, candies, soldiers, nesting dolls, dolls, and kinder surprises. The task of the players is to use their egg to knock out the thing they like. You have to take turns riding. Each player receives the prize that he knocked off the table with his egg. The game continues until all the prizes are won.


Easter would not happen without swings: in almost every yard they were set up for children, and in a traditional place - on the village square or the nearest pasture - poles were dug in ahead of time, ropes were hung, boards were attached - public swings were erected. Everyone was swaying.
Near the swings, something like a village club was formed: girls with sunflowers, women with children, men and boys with accordions and talyankas crowded here from morning to night. Some just looked and admired the fun of others, others had fun themselves. The leading role was occupied by the girls, who tirelessly rocked with the guys. Swaying, they said sentences.

1st girl:
I'll swing high
I'll see far away
Where does my brother walk?
Rolls a red egg.
2nd girl:
On holy week
We hung swings.
First you'll sway
Then you'll get married.
3rd girl:
There is a swing on the mountain,
I'll go swing.
I'm going for a walk this summer
I'll get married in winter.


The youth festivities went on outdoors: boys and girls danced, danced in circles, started games on the lawns, outside the outskirts, in forest clearings, at the end of the village street. A young singer came out into the middle of the meadow and, with the help of others, began a song, inviting all the fellows present. Then the girls were called in the same way. After that, holding hands, they formed a circle, which moved in one direction or the other, and sang. (Children form a circle and sing the round dance song “We have already sown flax”).

We have already sowed, sowed flax,
We have already sowed, sowed flax,
We have already sowed, sentenced,

They nailed them with chebots:

- You succeed, succeed, little lenok,
You succeed, my little white lenok,
Len, my flax,

White linen.

We weeded, weeded the flax,
We weeded, sentenced...
(Then the lines of the verse and chorus are repeated, like this in all stanzas).
We tore, we tore flax...
We washed, we washed the lenok...
We ruffled and ruffled the flax...
We've been crushing, we've been crushing flax...
We were spinning, we were spinning flax...
We've been weaving, we've been weaving flax...

The song is performed lively, at a fast pace, they stand in a circle and depict the actions that are sung about - sowing, weeding, tearing... etc. To the words “You succeed, succeed, Lenok...” they straighten up, hold hands, stand in a circle, stamp their feet (right-left, left-right foot in the rhythm of the quarter beats in the song). At the words “Flax, my flax...” they stop and sing slowly, seriously, as if conjuring flax.

On Easter there was a custom of making wishes while standing in church at matins -
morning service. The girls, of course, asked for grooms. They also played hide and seek at Easter. One of the adults would go out into the garden early with a large bag of gifts, and return empty-handed... Where did it all go? This is where the turn of the young treasure hunters comes. On a festive Sunday morning, as soon as they opened their eyes, they were already running into the garden. We quickly divided into teams and off we went! Who will find the most gifts? Who is more dexterous? Our parents also prepared a surprise for you. Gifts are hidden in the classroom. Teams are given 3 minutes to search for them. Who will find the most hidden gifts? Let's start!

As gifts you can use chocolates, sweets and other sweets, pens, markers and other pleasant little things.

One of the oldest and kindest traditions is to release birds into the wild in honor of the Great Day. “Look at the sky as the bird sings as it flies away. Let it go!” — the uncle taught little Pushkin. Already an adult Pushkin writes:
In a foreign land I observe sacredly
Native custom of antiquity:
I'm releasing the bird into the wild
On the bright holiday of spring.
I became available for consolation,
Why should I grumble at God?
When at least one creation
I could give freedom!


For Easter, each family collected and painted 100-200 eggs in onion skins. They were distributed to children who came to receive Christ. On the first day of the holiday, the whole family broke their fast with them. After the festive breakfast a new game... The children have Easter eggs in their hands - it’s a pity to eat them just like that... Come on, who has the stronger one? Knock, knock! — children clink glasses, some with blunt ends, some with sharp ends. A cracked testicle means you lose. Here's to laughter, children's sorrows and joy! Well, let's try it with you! Who will have the strongest eggs?

Kids are playing.

Made us laugh many times
Russian dance "pereplyas"!
How much daring, enthusiasm,
How much joy there is in your eyes!
Come out boldly, friend!
Dancers, join the circle!

Have fun getting down to business
So that everything around sings.
Let no one sit still
At least give a little more detail.
Everyone dances a merry dance to the cheerful fast folk music.

And at Easter they baked delicious, sweet buns called Easter cakes. And now you and I will drink tea with Easter cakes that our young housewives baked with their mothers.

Tea drinking begins, which is accompanied by cheerful music, jokes, ditties, and skits that the children prepared for this part of the holiday.