I give my heart to children quotes. Quotes from the book “I Give My Heart to Children”

Sukhomlinsky V.A.

“I give my heart to children”

excerpts from the book

“Man was and will always remain a son of nature, and what makes him in common with nature should be used to introduce him to the riches of spiritual culture. The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of children's intelligence. The process of cognition of the surrounding reality is an irreplaceable emotional stimulus of thought. For preschool and younger children school age this incentive plays an extremely important role.”

“The truth, which summarizes the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, becomes the personal conviction of children, provided that it is inspired by vivid images that have an impact on the feelings. How important it is that the child learns the first scientific truths in the world around him, that the source of thought is the beauty and inexhaustible complexity of natural phenomena, that the child is gradually introduced into the world of social relations of labor.”

« ... rural children have long been accustomed to walking barefoot on hot days, this is excellent physical training, The best way warnings colds. Why do parents try to protect children's feet from the ground, morning dew and hot, sun-heated earth? They do all this out of good intentions. but it turns out badly: every year more and more rural children get sick with the flu, sore throat, and whooping cough in winter. And we need to raise children so that they are not afraid of either heat or cold.”

“The child thinks in images. This means that, listening, for example, to a teacher’s story about the journey of a drop of water, he pictures in his mind the silvery waves of morning fog, a dark cloud, peals of thunder, and spring rain. The brighter these pictures are in his mind, the more deeply he comprehends the laws of nature.”

“The nature of a child’s brain requires that his mind be brought up at the source of thought - among visual images, and above all among nature, so that thought switches from a visual image to “processing” information about this image.

If you isolate children from nature, if from the first days of education the child perceives only the word, then the brain cells quickly get tired and cannot cope with the work that the teacher offers. But these cells need to develop, get stronger, and gain strength. This is the reason for the phenomenon that many teachers often encounter in primary school: the child sits quietly, looks into your eyes, as if listening carefully, but does not understand a word, because the teacher tells and tells, because you have to think about the rules, solving problems, examples - all these are abstractions, generalizations, there are no living images, the brain gets tired... This is where the lag is born.

That is why it is necessary to develop the thinking of children, to strengthen the child’s mental strength in nature - this is a requirement of the natural patterns of development of the child’s body. That’s why every journey into nature is a lesson in thinking, a lesson in developing the mind.”

“Children don’t need to talk a lot, don’t stuff them with stories, words are not fun, and verbal satiety is one of the most harmful satiations. The child needs not only to listen to the teacher’s word, but also to remain silent; in these moments he thinks, comprehends what he heard and saw.

Children should not be turned into passive objects of perception of words. To comprehend every vivid image - visual or verbal, you need a lot of time and nervous energy. The ability to let a child think is one of the most subtle qualities of a teacher. And in the midst of nature, the child must be given the opportunity to listen, look, feel...”

“Be able to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child will want to return again and again to what he has learned.”


Inspired by the feat of Janusz Korczak, Sukhomlinsky devoted himself to children. He wrote down all his thoughts related to the upbringing and education of children. The basis of his educational system was the most important thing - the child’s personality. He programmed all children for success, gave the lagging children easier tasks so that they could cope with them and did not feel inferior to the stronger children. And after that the teacher praised the child. Thus, the teacher did not place the child in the team as an underachiever; all children were equal, although, of course, as in any team, there were stronger children and weaker ones. But Sukhomlinsky fought against this and discovered new talents in children, so that every child would find himself in one activity or another. Sukhomlinsky attached great importance in raising children to work and to learning the beauty of the world around him.

He wrote magnificent books, “Letters to his son”, “I give my heart to children”, “Education of a person”, in which he openly formulated the principles of his pedagogical worldview. Each of these books deserves to be required reading for every teacher before starting school year. And parents should be given his books at the maternity hospital upon discharge.


1. Education ceases to be education when the child feels that he has been treated unfairly. Injustice breeds insult and indignation, meanness and hypocrisy.

2. A child never has malicious intent. He's wrong. And if we helped him correctly understand and survive the mistake, he will wholeheartedly comprehend the moral meaning of his action and will try to avoid a similar mistake, although he will not always succeed.

3. Respect the child’s desire to be good, take care of it as the most subtle movement of the human soul, do not abuse your power, do not turn the wisdom of parental authority into despotic tyranny.

4. You cannot allow a child to stop respecting himself, to value his own honor, to stop striving to be better than he is.

5. You cannot turn a child’s heart into a timid bird, huddled in the corner of a cage and waiting for reprisals. A heart that is sensitive to goodness, justice, and benevolence does not require not only shouting, but also raising your voice.

6. No matter how serious a child’s offense may be, if it is not committed malicious intent, it should not be followed by punishment.

7. Let no sword of punishment hang over a child’s head for a careless, rash step. Children with depressed feelings are, as a rule, children with depressed intellect and impoverished thoughts.

8. Physical punishment is violence not only against the body, but also against the spirit of a person; the strap makes not only the back, but also the heart and feelings insensitive.

9. Where everything is based on punishment, there is no self-education, and without self-education, education in general cannot be normal. It cannot, because punishment already frees the pupil from remorse, and conscience is the main engine of self-education; where conscience sleeps, there can be no question of self-education. The one who has received punishment thinks: I have nothing more to think about my action; I got what I was supposed to.

10. The one who is being beaten wants to be beaten; someone who wants to beat as a child will want to kill as an adult - crimes, murders, violence have their roots in childhood.

11. A bully, a conscious violator of discipline, is not born suddenly. It is created by years of callousness, indifference and heartlessness of adults.


1. A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.

2. Wonderful people grow up in those families where the father and mother truly love each other and at the same time love and respect people.

3. If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you.

4. Main meaning and purpose family life- parenting. The main school of raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother.

5. By raising your child, you are raising yourself, asserting your human dignity.

6. Let anxiety for his own mother, father, grandparents live in the heart of a child from a young age; let the child’s heart be sad and hurt if something is unfavorable among relatives, let the child lie awake at night, thinking about his mother and father. Do not protect him from these worries, from this pain: if you protect him, he will grow up to be a man with a heart of stone, and in a heart of stone there is no place either for filial devotion, or for paternal affection, or for the great ideals of the people; whoever is indifferent to his mother and father cannot become a true patriot.

7. Any worker - from a watchman to a minister - can be replaced by the same or even more capable worker. It is impossible to replace a good father with an equally good father.
Never raises a hand to another person who in childhood takes to heart the joys and sorrows of another person, who is ready to give his joy, his well-being in the name of so that father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother do not know grief, suffering.

8. The first and main teacher of the child, the first and main teacher is the mother, this is the father.

9. In a family where the father and mother give a piece of their soul to others, take the joys and sorrows of people to heart, children grow up kind, sensitive, and warm-hearted. The greatest evil is selfishness and individualism of individual parents.

10. Having no time to raise a son means no time to be human.

11. You will have children, you will be concerned that they become real people; So know that the most important thing in human creation is the cultivation of the ability to value human life as the most expensive, priceless wealth.


1. In order to lay the foundation of humanity and citizenship during childhood, it is necessary to give the child a correct vision of good and evil.

2. Children's hearts should be wide open to the joys and sorrows of other people.

3. If good feelings are not cultivated in childhood, you will never cultivate them.

4. Everything around you concerns you to one degree or another.

5. Nobody teaches a little person: be indifferent to people, break trees, trample on beauty, put your personal life above all else. If a person is taught goodness - taught skillfully, intelligently, persistently, demandingly, the result will be goodness. They teach evil (very rarely, but it happens), and the result will be evil. They teach neither good nor evil - there will still be evil, because a person is born a being capable of becoming a person, but not a ready person. He must be made a man.

6. Evil asserts itself; it is enough not to teach a child either good or evil.

7. Self-pity is a state of mind that I, without exaggeration, call an inexhaustible source of selfishness. Do not allow this condition to arise in children, it will give rise to bitterness. Let a person know how to feel sorry for himself only because he knows how to be kind and compassionate towards others.

8. From an early age, learn to live in such a way that you feel good, pleasant when you do good for people, and unpleasant when you do something bad, reprehensible.

9. Say what you think about a person, action, phenomenon, event. Never try to guess what words someone expects from you. This desire can make you a hypocrite, a sycophant and, ultimately, a scoundrel.

10. There are no incapable, difficult, evil children - there are those who are early age raised incorrectly, not given enough love.

11. How important it is for children to have a friend to take care of.

12. If a little person has not left pieces of his heart in a doll, a horse, a teddy bear, a bird, a tender and defenseless flower, a tree, or in a favorite book, a deep feeling of human friendship, fidelity, devotion, affection is inaccessible to him.


1. There should be no people who are invisible, no people who are unknown specks of dust. Each one should sparkle, just as billions of billions of Universes sparkle in the sky. To be a unique personality depends largely on the personality itself. We must strive to avoid being gray and invisible.

2. It is necessary that the child has a character close to him, whom he would like to be like, a hero who has accomplished a feat.

3. Remember the ancient wisdom: if you want to destroy a person, give him everything he wants.

4. Labor is, first of all, the sphere of children’s emotional life. A child strives to work when work gives him joy.

5. Don't be afraid child labor, Dear Parents! Do not be alarmed by the fact that the child carried one small bucket of water, another, a third, a fourth, to water the flowers and grapes, that he was sweating and tired - this work is a true joy for him, incomparable with any other joys in the world.

6. If a person under five years of age is only a child, it will be difficult for him to become a human being.

7. Do not be afraid to darken the sun of golden childhood by the fact that it will be difficult for the child, that, straining his efforts, he will do more than his small strength seems to allow.

8. Childhood should not be a constant holiday - if there is no labor stress that is feasible for children, the happiness of work will remain inaccessible to the child.

9. Man freed himself from the slavery of forced labor not at all in order to become a slave of idleness.

10. One becomes lazy whose desires in early childhood are satisfied by the concerns of elders, while the child can only command and be capricious. A quitter is born where everything is easy and a person does not know what is difficult.

11. Pampered and dissolute individuals are formed when their life is dominated by the only joy - the joy of consumption

12. It is important that a person does not perceive work as a duty, as a given that needs to be done - work should be a joy for him, he should see the main thing in it - the opportunity to benefit people, give something to the world, create something with his own hands. or material values ​​or ideas that will allow something to come into being. Thus, a person realizes himself as a creator, believes in his own strength and power.


1. Teaching is just one of the petals of the flower called education.

2. Only he can become a real teacher who never forgets that he himself was a child.

3. A teacher only becomes an educator when he has in his hands the most subtle instrument of education - the science of morality, ethics.

4. I am firmly convinced that the humanity, warmth, and kindness of any person are measured by how children treat him. The one whom children love is a real person. You will never deceive children; you will never hide your real face in front of them.

5. Children don’t need to talk a lot, don’t stuff them with stories, words are not fun, and verbal satiety is one of the most harmful satiations. The child needs not only to listen to the teacher’s word, but also to remain silent; in these moments he thinks, comprehends what he heard and saw. Children should not be turned into passive objects of perception of words. And, in the midst of nature, the child must be given the opportunity to listen, look, feel.

6. You should never rush to expose the negative, reprehensible actions of a child, or expose him to the group with all his shortcomings. Let the child show inner spiritual strength to overcome his shortcomings, let the team see the good in him first of all.

7. Be the creators of the child’s moral virtues. Just as a gardener carefully cherishes a branch of a cultivated variety of fruit tree grafted onto a wild child, so we, educators, must cherish and protect everything good in a child.

8. Education with words is the most complex and difficult thing in pedagogy.

9. The teacher’s scream stuns and deafens the child. Children who are often shouted at lose the ability to perceive the subtlest shades of other people's feelings and - this is especially alarming - lose sensitivity to truth and justice. Screaming drowns out and dulls the voice of a child's conscience. In a cry, children feel the confusion and powerlessness of the one who screams. They perceive the cry as one of two things - either an attack on them, the students, or protection from them, fear, fear. Both of these provoke a reaction of active protest.

10. By shouting, teachers raise adult screamers, indifferent to people, heartless.

11. How often do we hear from our brother teacher: nothing will come of this student, he is hopeless... I would like to say: do not rush to a conclusion - the person is on your conscience. The doctor pronounces the fateful words - a hopelessly ill person only if he is convinced that everything has been done and the wisdom of the healer is still powerless against the forces of nature.

Collection title: I give my heart to children quotes. Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach their children. Catherine II the Great

The most cowardly people, incapable of resistance, become implacable where they can demonstrate absolute parental authority. Karl Marx

When a person can call his mother dear in spirit, this is a rare happiness. M. Gorky

The world exists not for us to understand it, but for us to educate ourselves in it. G. Lichtenberg

In general, children love their parents less than the parents of children, because they move towards independence and grow stronger, therefore leaving their parents behind them, while the parents have in them the objective objectivity of their own connection. G. Hegel

Habit is the second nature of a person, and education, which consists of acquiring skills, is what gives us this second nature. V. M. Bekhterev

They look like two peas in a pod, but mom can easily tell them apart.

He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. Menander

Religion is like a penis. It's normal when you have it. It's nice if you're proud of him. But please don't take it out or wave it around in public. And please don't try to push it on my children. George Carlin

The subjects that children are taught must be appropriate to their age, otherwise there is a danger that they will develop cleverness, fashionability, and vanity. I. Kant

The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness. Bismarck

A family that knows only family ties easily turns into a ball of snakes. Emmanuel Mounier

Children truly love their parents when they try to imitate them, copy their habits and behavior.

In a heartless world, your loved ones are hearts that beat only for you.

The most best mother one that can replace a father for children when he is gone. I. Goethe

The student who is not superior to his teacher is pitiful. Leonardo da Vinci

The education of a collectivist must be combined with the education of a comprehensively developed, internally disciplined person, capable of feeling deeply, thinking clearly, and acting in an organized manner. N. K. Krupskaya

He who bridles the tongue will live peacefully, and he who hates talkativeness will reduce evil. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

Good upbringing most reliably protects a person from those who are poorly brought up. F. Chesterfield

The sage turned to his son: Be sinless so as not to experience fear. Be grateful to be worthy. Be smart to be rich. Be content and humble to have many friends. Beware of envious people. Think about organizing your home!

Family spirituality depends on good example.

The ultimate goal of any education is to foster independence through self-activity. A. Diesterweg

Family life is an interference in personal life. Karl Kraus

We will never be able to feel and respect our real calling and purpose if we do not learn to consider everything as a mirage in comparison with the education of the heart. Walter Scott

No child can dishonor his parents as much as a parent can dishonor a child.

We never let's understand love our parents to us until we become parents ourselves.

It is easiest to achieve those dreams that you have no doubt about. Alexandre Dumas the father

Initial education should see in a child not an official, not a poet, not a craftsman, but a person who could later be one or the other without ceasing to be a person. V. G. Belinsky

Every mother hopes that her daughter will receive best husband than she, and is convinced that her son will never receive the same good wife like his father. Martin Andersen-Nexe

Oh this mom! He’ll always put the toys on the shelves - and then I’ll go and scatter them in their places...

What I wouldn't give to rid the world of isms! We fiddle with our isms like blind moles, doing so many base things to each other that a thousand years ago it would have been necessary to throw some kind of comet at our heads. Charles Dickens

Please explain to me why it is necessary to artificially fabricate Spinoza, when any woman can give birth to him at any time. After all, Madame Lomonosova gave birth to this famous one in Kholmogory. Humanity itself takes care of this and, in an evolutionary manner, every year persistently, singling out all kinds of scum from the masses, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses who adorn the globe. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

A woman is a man's great educator. Anatole France

Children begin with love for their parents. As they grow up, they begin to judge them. Sometimes they forgive them.

Children want the impossible: for nothing to ever change.

First make sure, and then convince. K.S. Stanislavsky

We hate it when children make noise. But if they calm down, that's even worse. The fat is in the fire…

Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to refuse anything. J.-J. Rousseau

Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, not his neighbor's house. Voltaire

Children make work joyful, but they make failure seem more distressing. F. Bacon

Children are the living flowers of the earth. M. Gorky

There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; Meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated properly. Y. Kamensky

Education should not only develop a person’s mind and give him a certain amount of information, but should ignite in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life can be neither worthy nor happy. K. D. Ushinsky

Whoever says: I save so that my children can be better often makes it worse for them one day. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Children most often grow up good if their mother does not love them enough

No matter how many correct ideas you create about what needs to be done, if you do not cultivate the habit of overcoming long-term difficulties, I have the right to say that you have not cultivated anything. A. S. Makarenko

Love, of course, is paradise, but jealousy often turns the Garden of Eden into hell. Lope de Vega

He who cannot take with affection will not take with severity. A. P. Chekhov

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Let the child's first lesson be obedience. Then the second one can be what you consider necessary. B. Franklin

Education should primarily sow our hearts with habits that are beneficial to the individual and society. K. Helvetius

When circumstances change or lose friends, family will always be there to provide support.

Be in the assembly of the elders, and whoever is wise, cleave to him; love to listen to every sacred story, and do not let rational parables elude you. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

Education is the highest of goods, but only when it is of the first grade, otherwise it is good for nothing. R. Kipling

It is important to remember that family members have one common enemy - Satan.

The true subject of teaching is the preparation of man to be man. N. I. Pirogov

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be. IN AND. Dahl

A simple, uncouth person can be re-educated, but a person who imagines himself to be refined is incorrigible. W. Gaslitt

The teacher influences the students not only by giving them certain tasks, but also by his behavior, lifestyle, and attitude to everyday phenomena. M. I. Kalinin

Keep calm, anger was never an argument. D. Webster

Man cannot comprehend the works that are done under the sun. No matter how much a person labors in research, he still will not comprehend this; and even if any wise man said that he knows, he cannot comprehend it. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

We may be brothers of the same blood, but this will not make us related.

One lie will give birth to another. Publius Terence Arf - I give my heart to children quotes.

Contrary to popular belief, love does not occupy much space in a woman’s life. Her husband, children, home, pleasures, vanity, social and sexual relationships, and advancement up the social ladder mean much more to her. Simone de Beauvoir

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, and responsiveness Emile Zola

An outstanding Soviet teacher, writer, a person who made a huge contribution to the development of pedagogy, whose statements and lines from books became catchphrases - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky. He created an education system based on the child’s personality. He believed that it was she who had the highest value, and it should become the basis of the process of education and upbringing. Sukhomlinsky attached great importance to the formation of a child’s worldview through work, knowledge of the beauty of the world around him, creative activity, reading books and writing fairy tales with children.

In his famous works “Letters to my son”, “I give my heart to children”, “Education of a person”, he formulated the basic principles of raising a child. And despite the fact that these principles were outlined by him about half a century ago, they still remain relevant today, but rather even the opposite.

50 Essential Parenting Principles

  1. A child's mind is at his fingertips.
  2. Only he can become a real teacher who never forgets that he himself was a child.
  3. Every step you take ultimately affects your neighbor, because you are going somewhere and for some purpose; Every word you say will resonate in the soul of another, but how it responds depends on you. Already what you look at the world and you see it, it conceals both good and evil: it all depends on what you see and how you see it.
  4. At every step in front of a child, teenager, young man, there is a stone that can be bypassed, but you can also remove it from the road, freeing it for other people and clearing the path to your own conscience.
  5. The mark should reward hard work, and not punish laziness and carelessness. If a teacher sees a two and a one as a stick with which to spur a lazy horse, and a carrot in a four and a five, then soon the children will hate both the carrot and the stick.
  6. Those who go to bed early, sleep enough time, wake up early and engage in intense mental work in the first five to ten hours after waking up (depending on age) feel best. In subsequent waking hours, the intensity of work should weaken. Intense mental work, especially memorization, in the last 5-7 hours before bedtime is completely unacceptable. We have seen from many facts that if a child sits at home for several hours before going to bed, he becomes unsuccessful.
  7. The art and skill of education is to ensure that not a single stone is left unturned, so that a person’s conscience does not give him peace if a soft, at first glance harmless creature, whose name is laziness, stirs in his soul.
  8. The kid does his job poorly not because he doesn’t want to, but because he has no idea what is good and what is bad - why should he be graded?
  9. We come into the world in order to comprehend beauty, to affirm it, to create it.
  10. Some parents (unfortunately, and some teachers) believe that when talking with children one should always adhere to some kind of childish tone; In this tone, the sensitive ear of a child catches a lisp. An inexperienced child’s heart responds with whims to the childish babble of an adult. I was always wary of the danger of straying into this tone and, not for a moment forgetting that in front of me were children, I saw in the little man a future adult citizen.
  11. The worst thing that often accompanies the work of children is the idea that they are doing a great favor to adults and therefore deserve great praise, even a reward...
  12. It is difficult to imagine anything more disfiguring to a child’s soul than the emotional thick skin caused by injustice. Experiencing an indifferent attitude towards himself, the child loses sensitivity to good and evil. He cannot figure out what is good and what is evil in the people around him. Suspicion and disbelief in people settles in his heart, and this is the most important source of bitterness.
  13. Thinking begins with surprise.
  14. He who does not know the limits of his desires will never become a good citizen. Egoists, selfish people, people indifferent to the grief and hardships of others, grow up from those who in childhood know only their own desires and do not pay attention to the interests of the collective.
  15. The ability to control desires - in this seemingly simplest, but in fact very complex human habit - is the source of humanity, sensitivity, cordiality, internal self-discipline, without which there is no conscience, there is no real person.
  16. To cultivate in a child’s heart truly human love, anxiety, worry, concern, and concern for the fate of another person.
  17. If you hear reproach, condemnation from your elders, from your comrades, remember that by reproaching and condemning, they want your good. The range of human attitudes towards evil is extremely wide - from a mother’s frowning eyebrows and a heavy silent sigh to many years of imprisonment - all this is aimed at saving a person. Let your mother’s anxious eyes and unshed tears, dried from resentment, awaken remorse in your soul, then there will be no need for strict sentences from judges and prison. Develop sensitivity of your conscience.
  18. The most important thing is for the little man to be ashamed - then he will be afraid. Shame is, figuratively speaking, the air on which the wings of human responsibility rest. Feeling responsible, a person is afraid - afraid of being bad. This fear does not constrain strength, but stimulates them, giving rise to courage, fearlessness, moral fortitude and inflexibility.
  19. Do not compromise with your conscience, this is the only way to forge character.
  20. The worst thing for a person is to turn into a sleeper with his eyes open: to look and not see, to see and not think about what you see, to listen to good and evil indifferently; pass calmly past evil and untruth. Beware of this, son, more than death, more than any of the most terrible dangers.
  21. A person without convictions is a rag, a nonentity. Since you are convinced that evil is happening before your eyes, let your heart scream about it, fight against evil, achieve the triumph of truth.
  22. A truly kind, humane person knows how to deeply hate - to hate evil, to hate our enemies - the warmongers, the molesters of the souls of the younger generation. We need to teach hatred just as much as kindness.
  23. True love is born only in a heart that has experienced concerns about the fate of another person. How important it is for children to have a friend to take care of.
  24. In family life, while maintaining your dignity, you must be able to give in to each other...
  25. Teaching is not a mechanical transfer of knowledge from teacher to child, but first of all human relationships. A child’s attitude towards knowledge and learning depends to a great extent on how he relates to the teacher.
  26. The most important feature of pedagogical culture should be a feeling for the spiritual world of each child, the ability to give each as much attention and spiritual strength as necessary for the child to feel that he is not forgotten, his grief, his grievances and suffering are shared.
  27. For a child, the greatest injustice on the part of the teacher is that the teacher, having unfairly given, in his deep conviction, an unsatisfactory grade, also strives to ensure that his parents punish him for this grade. If a child sees that the teacher definitely wants to inform his parents about the bad mark, he becomes bitter against both the teacher and the school. Mental work becomes hateful for him. The coarsening of feelings is transferred to relationships with other people and, above all, with parents.
  28. Parents know: if their son or daughter doesn’t have grades in their diary, it means not all is well. They also know that lack of grades is not the child’s fault, but his misfortune. And in times of trouble we must help.
  29. I convinced parents to never demand the highest grades from their children, and not to consider an unsatisfactory grade as an indicator of laziness, carelessness, or lack of diligence.
  30. What tricks do children resort to to hide their failures at school from their mother and father, and their negligence from their teachers? The more distrust in the student, the bigger baby shows ingenuity in deception, the more favorable the soil for laziness and negligence.
  31. The one I teach is first of all a living person, a child, and then a student. The rating I give him is not only a measure of his knowledge, but, above all, my attitude towards him as a person.
  32. The meaning of life is to serve people.
  33. A teacher only becomes an educator when he has in his hands the most subtle instrument of education - the science of morality, ethics.
  34. A calling is not something that comes to a person from the outside. If in high school, starting, probably, from the second grade, you did not sit on the circuits of radio receivers; if you had not worked, this calling would hardly have appeared. A calling is a small sprout of talent that has turned into a strong, mighty tree on the fertile soil of hard work. Without hard work, without self-education, this little sprout can wither on the vine.
  35. I am very concerned about the consumerist attitude of some of today's youth towards spiritual values, especially music. They don’t want to learn to play the violin or kobza, they don’t want to sing. They are content with music recorded on tape. I pressed a button and there was music, no need to study, no need to think. It's so easy to become completely stupefied.
  36. Where there is cramming, there is a cheat sheet. This is the worst thing, it is death for the creative mind. Anyone who resorts to cheat sheets dooms himself to a limited gliding on the surface of facts and phenomena, turns himself into a lazy, underdeveloped creature. Cheat sheets in universities are a child of laziness of thought. They appear precisely as a result of the fact that a person does not reason, does not reflect; he has nothing incomprehensible, he strives to remember, remember, remember...
  37. You can become an engineer in 5 years, but you need to study to become a person all your life.
  38. You will have children, you will be concerned that they become real people; So know that the most important thing in human creation is the cultivation of the ability to value human life as the most expensive, priceless wealth.
  39. Never raises a hand to another person who in childhood takes to heart the joys and sorrows of another person, who is ready to give his joy, his well-being in the name of so that father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother do not know grief, suffering.
  40. Tuning the thinnest string in the human soul - humanity - means, first of all, teaching a little person to create joy for another person and experience the highest human joy in this regard.
  41. The less culture a person has, the poorer his mental and aesthetic interests, the more often his instincts awaken and make themselves felt by rudeness.
  42. There should be no people who are invisible, no people who are unknown specks of dust. Each one should sparkle, just as billions of billions of Universes sparkle in the sky. To be a unique personality depends largely on the personality itself. We must strive to avoid being gray and invisible.
  43. You need to subtly feel three things: it is possible, it is impossible and it is necessary. He who feels these things has the most important feature citizen - a sense of duty
  44. You have the right to talk about evil in your home only when you have done something good. The right to say one word about something bad is gained by ten good deeds.
  45. The most important and most difficult thing for a person is to always, in all circumstances, remain human.
  46. Remember that children's happiness is selfish in nature: he perceives the good and blessings created for the child by his elders as something self-evident. Until he felt and experienced from his own experience (and experience will never come to him on its own) that the most important source of his personal joy is the work and sweat of his elders, he will be convinced that his mother and father exist only for the purpose of to bring him joy and happiness. At first glance, this seems paradoxical: in honest working family, where parents dote on their children, giving them all the strength of their hearts, children sometimes grow up heartless. But there is no paradox here: a child grows up only as a consumer of joys, and this is the worst thing that can happen in education, because the greatness and beauty of goodness is experienced only by those who know the highest human joy - the joy of creating goodness for people. Only this truly unselfish and therefore truly human joy is the force that ennobles a young heart.
  47. Self-pity is a state of mind that I, without exaggeration, call an inexhaustible source of egoism. Do not allow this condition to arise in children, it will give rise to bitterness. Let a person know how to feel sorry for himself only because he knows how to be kind and compassionate towards others.
  48. I am firmly convinced that the humanity, warmth, and kindness of any person are measured by how children treat him. The one whom children love is a real person.
  49. Labor is, first of all, an area of ​​children's emotional life. A child strives to work when work gives him joy.
  50. Pampered and dissolute individuals are formed when their lives are dominated by the only joy - the joy of consumption.